#thats six more people and those six people have 1-2 people associated with them that also have backstories
Hi, I was wanting to ask a question if thats okay.
I’ve recently been doing a lot of reading on radical feminism, and I agree with almost all the points, however I have self id as nonbinary for six/seven years now and I do agree with the radfem perspective on gender abolition, but I feel it’s difficult to strip myself of such a long term identity if you can understand that. I also disagree with a lot of the hate towards people who identify as transgender and i’m just overall confused about where my beliefs lie.
So a few questions:
1. Is is it possible my enby ‘identity’ is because of internalised misogyny? My dysphoria has never been extreme, just they/them pronouns have always felt right to me.
2. Is there any good masterlists/books/resources that i can use to learn more about radfem ideology?
3. How do I myself get more involved with feminism irl and make more of a difference?
Hi anon - it’s absolutely ok! These are really great questions and I appreciate being asked them, thank you. I’m going to answer them out of order because I think that will be easier to read.
Regarding question 2: check out @radicallyaligned ‘s pinned post for a simple overview, and @woman-for-women ‘s pinned post for more in-depth resources. The three books I personally recommend, in terms of those I’ve read which stayed with me and informed my feminist views most, are Invisible Women by Caroline Criado-Perez, Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine, and Letters From A Warzone by Andrea Dworkin.
3: I’d argue there are three main paths for this. The first is to find an organisation with feminist motivations that works in aid of women, and try volunteering with them. That might look like womaning a phone line, making funding applications, transporting period supplies, or something else entirely. If the organisation is overtly feminist you might find yourself writing letters or creating petitions for feminist causes. Choose an organisation doing something that is important to you.
The second is to find other feminists and create organic connections with them, then move towards your own action collectively. That might look like organising education or consciousness raising sessions for other women, creating a feminist event like a documentary film night, attending protests or vigils, or some other project.
The third is to bring feminism more to the fore of your own life. As you research more, let your knowledge of women’s ideas and feminist theory inform your decisions, and share what you learn and your opinions on it with other people.
1: I don’t have a window into your mind, so I can’t answer this - only you can. If it’s helpful, some questions you might consider asking yourself are: what associations do you have with the word “she”, and how do they differ from the word “they”? How do you feel when you call yourself “she”, or someone else calls you “she”? What difference has it made to your life, your actions, and the way others have treated you, that you have identified as non-binary and called yourself “they”? What does “identifying as nonbinary” actually mean to you, and what advice would you give someone who was considering that identity, or someone in the same position as you?
Obviously you don’t need to share your answers to these with me (though I’d be very interested if you decided to), but they might help you work through your thoughts on the topic.
I hope all this is helpful! Thanks again for the interesting question and feel free to keep in touch or ask something else.
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For You Self Ship Asks:
what’s your funniest or most embarrassing memory together?
what inside jokes do you share?
describe your f/o in 6 words or less
would you rather go to their world, or have them come to yours?
the most random thing you associate with your f/o (foods, shapes, even textures! anything that’s not an obvious)
Okay I’m def answering for Spence for these bc he’s my husband duh but also the first question made me think of Jonathan so I’ll add my “side piece” as @itsfreakingbats deemed him and I affectionately refer to him now to the answers too
Funniest or most embarrassing memory together
Jon: when Steve attempted to drop his camera onto the concrete after picking on him for the pictures of Nancy. (Yes Steve was in the right bc he was protecting his girl but I had to protect my “best friend” too. All of season 1 we were just pinning lol) I caught the camera before it hit the asphalt of the parking lot, handed it to Jonathan, then punched Steve in the face. Then we had to run to the car 😂😂😂😂
Spence: after we said I love you for the first time, I had the smart idea to prove and science knowledge to him and try to flirt. Bad idea. I made the worst jokes in the history of jokes by saying,“so I’m guessing you’ve got a lot of dopamine and oxytocin in your system right now?” He laughed and kissed my forehead. I wanted to die.
Inside jokes:
Honestly? We don’t have any. We have plenty of core memories, pet names, favorite ways to show affection, and favorite ways to spend time together. We don’t have inside jokes tho. These will be fun to add to canon at some point
Describe them in six words or less:
Spence: devoted, comforting, DRIVEN
Jon: a sneak peek of a fic that’s over 8k words and still needs more scenes that I’ve been working on for months, like since at least this last summer, I’m determined to finish this year:
The fastest way to get out of Murray’s place was up the stairs he just went through and there was no way they were going to let that nosey little hermit see how his words affected them, no matter how right he was.
Well, mostly right.
They would use words far more eloquent than “babe magnet” to describe Jonathan: steadfast, pulchritudinous, and altruistic were among their favorites.
Would you rather them come into your world or go into theirs
Spence: both🙈when I want him all to myself I’d rather him come into my world but if I miss the found family vibes of the BAU, which I’d more often then not, I’d go into his
Jon: a magical ST AU without the upside down because I want to be in his world to hang out with all the characters and to see REM and Nirvana live, but without the stress of the monsters. El obvs still needs her powers and meets the OG party but the actual upside down isn’t a threat. Basically that’s all gone and Brenner and everyone and his lab go to jail for experimentation on children. Yay happy ending
Random things that remind you of them:
Spence: most people would say the obvious, books, vinyl records, doctor who. All of those things are correct but a raise you the color olive green. It’s always been one of my fav colors but it just looks so good on him I love it even more
Gifs for reference https://www.google.com/amp/s/undertheniall.tumblr.com/post/626721895783546880/amp
Jon: oh boy I have a list
Cars bc he’s fucking hot when he drives
Black denim jackets bc of the iconic one in seasons 1 and 2
Waffles and pancakes because I just know he makes the best ones
It’s canon in the fandom that he’s the fan of the cure so the cure makes me think of him too but he also canonically has an REM poster in his room in season 1. *screaming* they’re one of my favorite bands of all time thanks to @anything-thats-rock-and-roll introducing me to him. It’s only natural order of things that REM fans are also fans of U2 so Jay and I both HC he’s a fan of U2 in my AU too
Both of them: converse!!! I have a collection myself and I’ve loved them since I was a kid but now when I wear a different pair depending on my outfit I automatically feel closer to my boys 🥰
Thanks for these!! They’re seriously making my entire week 😍🥰❤️
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jvpiterstears · 2 months
hey im purely just asking here: why are people with delusional attachments / DA's on thin ice? they literally cant control that? its just an attachment thats associated with mental illnesses like psychosis?
adding on with your post from 3 hours ago, i'm just curious as to why trophy kins are part of your blocklist? as far as i understand, kins are also something you can't control, it's just a part of you, like therianism but for characters.
there are several parts of your dni that i fall under, undiagnosed DID / "endo" specifically, so i won't be interacting further, but i am definiyely curious on why you discriminate against DA's and some kintypes.
OKAY HI SO, we haven’t exactly updated the dni page (or intro page in general) for a while and need to edit how DA’s and fictkins are on the thin ice, as it’s only specific characters that make us nervous or uncomfortable, or that we ourself have a collective DA to and don’t like seeing other DA’s of like six from little nightmares or taco from inanimate insanity. and it’s not even a 100% garauntee that we’ll dislike them! sorry if any of that is worded weird..
as for trophy specifically, we get uncomfortable with people who identify with trophy (kins, DA’s, or just general identity) because 1: our host, who is a fictive from the same source as trophy, has very triggering, bad, and generally uncomfortable memories of him. and 2: someone we used to be good friends with faked being a system, a DA, and kin several times (not in order but he went between the terms a lot and made up excuses for it.) and he was known for being a bad person, and was called out i believe twice if not more for being a groomer. we collectively have delusional attachments and some of our alters use the term kinning or similar terms.
we genuinely didn’t mean to discriminate anyone who has delusional attachments or is a fictionkin, we just have a lot of bad experiences with people in the object show community who were either really weird or straight up mean and used those terms. but again, this ask was a good reminder for me to change the thin ice!
thank you for not being rude! at least i think. i cant read the tone so idk. and ty for respecting the dni and not interacting further we appreciate it a lot (not ingenuine, i actually mean it)
-mic [🎤] she/they
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myrfing · 5 years
ima just fucking RAMBLE massively about some present-time ocs because I think about them way too mach for months. for ever
Gourd: Gourd
Strike: AKA SVANGEIR/SVAN he’s an ex woodwarder Rava WAR who made a living as a sellsword before he was cursed to swap bodies with an ul’dahn lalafell merchant he got into a bar fight with because he refused to escort his caravan through the golmore jungle. He’s initially very selfish/vain/arrogant albeit undeniably a very skilled tracker and combatant, but much of this personality was constructed out of guilt for abandoning his people. He actually is very sensitive and gets lonely easily. He goes to eorzea in pursuit of his “rightful gods-crafted form” and Gourd saves him from an ambush, which is how they meet. He doesn’t realize gourd is the warrior of light until he gets his body back and constantly tried to convince him he was extremely sexy as a viera (he is, unfortunately). He used to look down on adventurers because they constantly naively took his jobs for little pay.
Dozu & Nomolun: i jus talk about them. Dozu eventually reunites with Gourd in post-SB and thinks he’s dating Strike, which Strike lies about and says yes he is because he’s really stupid. Dozu is defo over gourd, but she was really in love with him and used to be kind of broken up about him not being able to love her back as deeply. He did like her a lot and was sweet to her, but they couldn’t ever bridge the gap. Gourd buys them both a shitload of gear and encourages them to go adventure together. Nomolun is seen as a good daughter and generally does respect her elders a lot, but she secretly lets her hair down when she’s alone and sings and daydreams about the world putside of the steppe. LNC & BRD/CNJ respectively.
Xeda’a: The moonkeeper ARC/ROG elder brother of one of the guys in his old mercenary band (Teq’sae, the second youngest and only other living member of the Spires). He’s a manipulative and pretty horrible person. He simultaneously protected and picked on Teqs (when he was still with his family) for being a weakling. He enjoys seeing him suffer because of his inadequacy with combat and refusal to kill people because it validates his own choices to not really care about other people’s lives, but then offers kindness and protection afterwards to get him to rely on him. After Teqs runs away, he loses his outlet and eventually goes to search for him after letting the rest of his family die in a failed hunt (he found out he was fatally sick so he just started doing whatever). He’s an extremely skilled archer and is beautiful & charismatic. He’s the main reason why Teqs couldn’t reunite with Gourd after the calamity.
Sayo: Gourd’s biological mather. She did love him, but she was constantly tired and very unhappy, so she pretty much never really engaged with him & only ever spoke to tell him to stay out of trouble and not bother her, which made him extremely quiet and then later just straight up mute after he got his head knocked around in the ocean for a long while. She’s a sui-no-sato exile, she’s extremely beautiful but didn’t want to conform; she ended up suffering from a lot of abuse from her family, which she took refuge from on a cove above water. She met an adventuring ex-samurai raen there who brought her books to read and told her she was freer than she thought (this is gourd’s father). but alas he was a jackass and vanished one day and so Sayo ended up travelling to a Doman valley post-exile (after they figured out she was pregnant with an outsider’s kid) to live essentially as a virtual hermit bar her jobs (farmhand, dancer). After Gourd disappears, she becomes even more of a recluse and falls ill after a desperate search for him that lead her as far as kugane before an imperial soldier messed up her leg. They reunite post-sb after Teqs urges Gourd to find out who he really is, where they reconcile and gourd stays with her for the last of her days. He learns he was originally called En from Eisen) from her.
Yoshimi & Souya: A hyur kugan..ite....? painter and her son. Around 15 years ago, they were on their way to a harvest festival in Doma (where she originates) when they get jumped and kidnapped + seperated by imperial soldiers. Gourd was heading to the same festival (see: his mother was very hands off) and witnesses this, and his genius 7 year old brain sneaks onto the imperial ship she was carted off to and frees her; she then panics and mentions her son (who is around his age?), which he also goes off to save. Unfortunately, considering he’s like, a baby, a garlean was basically about to kill the kid as he was useless as a slave and so gourd stabs him, frees the kid, but falls into the ocean in the ensuing struggle...though taking the officer with him (baby sicko mode). Thanks to his mom making one last prayer to the kami before she left sui-no-sato, he did luckily possess the blessing of the water and with the power of his fucking shards basically fucking drifted all the way to eorzea. Yoshimi & Souya feel extremely indebted to this kid and try to help Sayo find him, but are eventually tracked by imperials who are looking to kill Gourd’s family. Yoshimi glamours herself to look like Sayo as a distraction while she escapes, and is grievously wounded and blinded. She also meets Gourd again in post-sb (where he is looking for his birth family). She is a very warm but mysterious person. Souya grows up to become an adventurer as well (SAM/PLD lol), making the promise to both his mom and Sayo that he’ll find her son one day. He’s standoffish and sharp-tongued, but somewhat gullible and easy to fluster. 
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thelakesuite · 4 years
ideas for a roots musical have been BANGING around in my head for at least a month now so i’m finally bothering to write them down. expect reblogs of this when i get more
- there are two actual background pieces: outside of the house and the basement (which is pulled over when required, the outside one need not be lifted i dont think). the real backdrops consist of two.. cross-hinge-things? no more than half the background’s height (or ~2ft higher than the actors if that’s taller) that can be folded flat to show four faces (the workshop & attic will probably use the same wood-panel back) or can be moved aside (wheels presumably). i’m not sure how windows would work since those are vital in at least two levels, but rn im thinking theres just another wall piece with a window in it
- the five corrupted hotel guests act as stagehands, moving the pieces while the curtains are up. they never interact with anyone directly (besides william? maybe?) until the end where they tie up frank & leonard
- aldous and william do their shit at the beginning & drop possibly too much exposition. william’s corrupted soul is a different actor standin behind william who’s reveald when william fuckin dies. aldi just pulls out a crow mask(?) from behind himself & puts it on a la paradox & is like “well i’ll call ya nephew cya”.
- corrupted william is there for most of the show, mostly there to do weird stuff in the background, get talked about, and hand people stuff
- i’m debating on whether the opening number is just james complaining/getting freaked out or whether the whole (adult) family come out & do a dance bit while james is just. really confused
- i don’t think we can have a dog :(
- i’m sure theres some kind of expanding tree prop that could be used, but if there isnt its not like we’re outside all too much it could just be different trees
- the staircase/the elixir is one number where james gets all hubrised. mary’s there. urging him not to do this, think of the kids, think of the things you could miss, whatever. he drinks the elixir, there’s a suspenseful pause, then he chokes & dies lol. probably either no wake or a highly modified one
- oh also i’m not sure if c-willy or the hotel guests Collect the Sacrifices but the guests definitely carry off the bodies. obviously theyre obscurin em while they do it and actually walk out with a Concealed Prop except maybe emmas tears
- sam & albert are there during fertility talkin to emma. sam is anti-alchemy-shenanigans and is like ‘you know what happened to dad’ while al’s just bein ominous
- sam gets his fortune read by ida in a musical number. for each tarot card the associated person walks behind them (on a platform if it can be managed) and acts out the prediction. the devil is the 2nd to last to come up, albert walks out with the skull and dolls of course. the last is death, sam’s like “what’s that mean” and ida’s like “oh i’d rather not tell you” while al’s doing the slit-ya-throat gesture in the background (yes i know death isnt the worst one its actually the tower but not everyone does and death sounds cooler)
- the search is a musical number. that’s all i got for it.
- william isnt there during the lying game, its just the four playin 2-truths-1-lie or whatever. when al is exposed he storms off & bumps into mr. crow who gives him the deer skull
- there might be an added solo/monologue of albert making the dolls. i’d love to have crow urging him on but that might not be fitting
- family band is a musical number, starting with The Tune of course. then al knocks leonard and mary out with his tuba & shows off the dolls as the music changes to whatever goes on for voodoo. him, sam and ida move center while mary & leonard get escorted off (and mary’s teeth get harvested ya know). voodoo stuff happens, al sings about how he hates sam and loves ida or whatever, sam n ida die, al’s smug, the usual
- the well is a whole piece man. the inside shot not just the surface (tho thats a thing too). it gets wheeled out for frank’s lament at the bottom (with the basement backdrop) then used for Nothing Else!
- oh i didn’t mentioned the aboveground well has a floor in it that frank just chills in whenever he’s in there
- i’m not sure how communication would work out. or leonard’s missing leg for that matter but that’s later. (maybe theres something else that could be sacrificed thats reasonable but i dont know)
- i have. one line. and thats frank going “and next you will be the king of hell” when he puts the crown on albert during checkmate. and immediately strangling him afterward. im hoping al’s head can be covered up by the table for the Brain Harvesting, it might need to get knocked over though. the table not the brain. albert does also get knocked over though
- all three timepieces are collected in one number, though im not sure if you see them all at once or if its sequential. graveyard might also be an issue
- the closing has the six dead guys march out in the background (hopefully on that platform if we could get one earlier) holding their sacrifice jars, lookin all mournful. they do some rounds of sayin ‘live’ (including frank n leonard) while rose does her thing. they all kneel and/or hang their heads low at the very end, just before rose emerges with the baby & the curtains close
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 13 - No re-selection for Olympic marathon representatives.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, getting started with another episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome. So, hows it going?
J: Hows it going indeed.
K: Ah, my glasses started to fog up too.
J: Oh, did they? My glasses were fogging up at the end of the last episode. I thought I'd take them off this time. I'll do it without them.
K: Yeah.
J: Its got to the point where there's no news that isn't corona...
K: Well, it can't be helped. There really isn't is there?
K: What about at Tokyo Sports? Are you running non-corona related stories?
T: As expected, its almost all corona related.
J: All corona?
T: Yeah. It doesn't get much interest if its something else. Sometimes we'll do stuff like an exclusive inside story reveal on old pro wrestlers today, like Jumbo Tsurata or something. The listeners might or might not know Jumbo Tsurata...
K: Ah, I loved All Japan Pro-Wrestling.
J: Ah, so you must like Tsurata san?
K: I used to watch the fights between Tsurata san and Misawa san etc all the time.
T: Ohh, yeah.
J: Tsurata san had a lot of fighting spirit, like, 'Ouughh!', but he seemed like he wasn't quite angry.
K: Right. He was big, but he was also kinda cute.
J: Thats right. He didn't seem that wild.
K: He seemed almost gentle/soft.
J: He actually graduated from Chuo University, he's quite the elite. He hid that part of himself, and in that world of tough guy pro wrestlers, he showed himself as quite gentle.
T: He was really popular, wasn't he?
J: He was. *To K* Ah, so you were a fan of All Japan?
K: Well, both. I watched New Japan Pro-wrestling too. But when that big group of All Japan wrestlers came out, and Misawa and others came out, it got kinda dangerous. Falling on thier heads, it got popular from then *1. .Ok, the theme this time please.
J: Yes, Lets start the topic. Well, its related to corona, but I thought it was interesting. This has to do with the Olympics which have been postponed to 2021..
'No re-selection for 2021 Olympic Marathon runners. Due to the effect of coronavirus, meetings to select Olympic representatives for some events have been postponed or cancelled, but for others the representatives for 2021 have already been unofficially confirmed. A case in point is the treasure of the Olympics, the marathon. Responding to interview on the 25th of March, project leader of the plan to strengthen the marathon, Seko Toshihiko of the Japan Association of Athletic Federations said about the decision, "These are six people we've chosen with confidence. I'd like to protect the rights of the candidates." The official decision will be made by the Japan Association of Athletics Federations Council in June, but there are no plans to hold re-elections for the mens' nor the womens' event.'  Well, as this is sports related, can you explain this more simply, Tasai san?
T: Well, its because its been postponed that there's a problem. Should they choose new candidates for next year or not? Well, for the competition, they made this decision for the marathon. There are pros and cons to this, but they really want to respect the athletes who would have had a good chance at winning in 2020.
J: Is this normal in the rest of the world? I don't know anything about sports.
T: Well, postponing the Olympics is kinda unknow in the world, so..
J: There is no precedent?
T: Yeah. If you look from the athletes perspective, there are those who are at thier peak now, but there are also those who might be ready to take a gold medal by 2021...so which do you choose?
K: They have to decide on the whole. Because even people who weren't chosen for 2020 might be able to compete from now on. So they need to decide either just go with the people who were chosen for 2020, or to rechoose for next year.
J: Yeah, if there is both..well, the marathon might become the only unique case, so choosing the candidates once..
K: Hey, but the athletes...Oh, Im sorry! (for interrupting)....there might be some athletes who end up saying they want to quit.
J: There will be. After the postponement, there will be some athletes who decide to withdraw, right?
K: Yeah.
J: Kaoru, you are not an athlete, but if you are producing a live show, working out the costs, starting rehearsals and feeling the tension rise...if that was postponed, wouldn't you naturally feel a little..?*2
K: Well, if we can't be active for the time being, then we think about what we can do after that right? But I do sometimes get the feeling that it might not go as planned at all. *3
J: I see, yeah. What to do about this? I mean, Im always saying this, but wouldn't it be better to just cancel the Tokyo Olympics?
T: Its difficult, isn't it.
J: Because, even doing it next year might be a bit risky. It might be too quick for people to be ready for it..and with so many people having taken a lot of economic damage, only a small number of people would end up coming, right? Like, would it work?...And then if they could do it this year, if we didn't have this issue...Well, im opposed to that too, im always coming from an opposition stance...Well, I do hope that whatever is decided suceeds. But yeah, next year might be risky, it seems like theres a lot of pressure to do it. And also, Abe's term as PM  will end in September next year, so its a great time for him to be seen as the one who made the Olympics a success if they finish in August. A two year postponement has been totally ruled out, so if you think about all this, its not really putting the athletes first, so wouldn't it be better to just call it off?
T: Its difficult to know whether to do that, since it has cost this much money so far.
K: If the chosen athletes can't compete now, they eventually might not be able to, right? Cause there are those countries who can carry on with training, and those who cannot. We'll be able to see a difference.
J: Well I think the European athletes are facing a really tough situation, and theres also the risk of having large scale movements of people. If that happens, well, if Japan says the Olympics must go ahead next year, whilst internationally corona is becoming a long term thing, I think we might see some contradictions.
K: But of course, if they were able to do it, that would be the best, if we have a world in which they are able to...that would be the best.
J: Yes, yes. If it can go ahead, the athletes will be under no fault, and it will just be a good memory.
K: I wonder if they will do it with no spectators?
J: Right, no spectators?
T: Its interesting, but I wonder how they would pull it off..
J: But I feel...well, im not an athlete, so emitting the athletes feeling for a moment...its broadcast worldwide isn't it? So the amount of people watching at the venues is probably only  about 1% of the total viewers. So..they could just have no spectators at the venues and just do it all by boadcast?
T: But if there are no spectators there, won't there be fewer new world records? There won't be the tension there.
K: Ahh, yeah.
J: If there are no spectators?
K: Well, it depends on the person. There might be people who are calmer if there are no spectators, or there might be people who can't psyche themselves up without a crowd.
J: Ahh...Kami is quiet today isn't he? Aren't you here today?
Kami: (in a quiet voice) No, im here, im here.
J: Ah, you're here.
Kami: Yeah.
J: Your voice sounds like a buzzing mosquito.
Kami: I've just been thi...thinking a lot.
J: Oh right. Kami, are you well?
Kami: Indeed
K: Indeed (*laughs*)
Kami: Yeah, Im well.
J: Um, I have a question for you...Do you have anything to do with coronavirus, Kami? Its a strange question, but..
Kami: Nothing at all to do with it.
J: Oh really?
T: Ahh, so cool.
J: Yeah, cool.
Kami: Cause gods can't die.
J: Oh, gods right? Yeah yeah.
K: But you still get hungry and stuff, right? And you have to earn money, right?
J: Yeah yeah.
Kami: Thats right.
J: Do you produce bodily excrement?
Kami: What?
J: Do you have bodily excrement?
T: Do you use the toilet?
Kami: Yes, I do.
K: *laughs*
J: What a small voice! You're not feeling well today, right?
Kami: What?
J: You're not feeling well?
Kami: No, no, Im fine.
J: Oh, you're ok?
Kami: Im feeeling good!
J: Are you?
Kami: Yeah, I've just been listening to the conversation.
J: Ahh, oh right. What did you think?
Kami: I've been thinking, "oh, I see" and stuff.
J: What was your impression?
Kami: What?
J: What was your impression about the Olympics? This marathon issue.
Kami: The Olympics? Well, even if you say that the people who were chosen for this year have thier rights, times are changing, so I think its ok to start a new competition again. The athletes themselves will have a new sense of ambition, and i think its a bit odd to talk about having rights within a competition. Its better to re-start the game.
T: Right, I see 
J: Well, yeah...Because rather than who has the right, its originally a contest of who is the fastest, who is the highest..
Kami: Thats it.
J: Its all about gathering the best people within that time.
K: Well yeah. These marathon people will end up looking like they're not word number ones.
T: For sure.
K: Like, 'Are they really the best now?'...
J: Its hard
K: Yeah, it is.
Kami: A long time ago, Asada Mao was too small to compete, but she was really strong.
J: Yeah, yeah.
Kami: If they see stuff like that, they'll wonder why they can't compete and they might loose thier dream.
J: Inculding Kami, it seems like we 4 guys don't exercise at all.
J: We are lacking persuasion power somehow
K: We are just offering our wisdom from the outside.
J: Right. Its a bit..
Kami: If anything, its e-sports are the way.
K: Oh, e-sports?
Kami: It would be good if there were e-sports on Dragon Quest.
T: e-sports on Dragon Quest? The Dragon quest casino...(gets cut off by kami)
Kami : Like, who ..no no, who has the highest bill or something.
T: Ahh..I see.
J: Money again?! Honestly, Kami..
Kami: Mr Son at Softbank would be winning right?
J: Ahh, I see. I've never been sure if Kami is a god or a devil.
Kami: No, no, Im a god.
J: You insist you're a god.
K: Ok..
Kami: Yes..Well, there are many types though. Gods of poverty and such.
J: Huh?
Kami: They are gods of poverty, gods of plauge..
J: Oh, I see. As for gods like that, id rather they didn't appear on this show.
K: He's lost for words! *laughs*
T: He seems sad!
J: He's a bit sad now *laughs* Kami, you weren't very energetic today, are you ok?
Kami: No, im loosing my energy because you keep saying that.
*everyone laughs*
K: Topics about the Olympics are lacking a little something right?
J: It might be that, yeah.
K: Well, lets hope for a more energetic Kami next time.
J, T: Yeah.
K: Well, lets finish here, thank you. Please subscribe
*1 I literally know nothing about Japanese pro wrestling.
*2 Couldn't catch this.
*3 Slightly unsure I got that right.
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ofdaeseong · 5 years
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           is that a bird or a plane ? nah, it’s just IM DAESEONG. word on the street is that the TWENTY-SIX year old, CISMALE, looks an awful lot like MATTHEW KIM (BM). known to be AFFECTIONATE and KIND HEARTED, yet also COMPETITIVE and IMPULSIVE; they associate themselves with bloody hands from fighting, takes no shit, constantly has an extra helmet for his motorcycle, and a teddy bear disguised as a lion.
ok so daeseong was born in daegu but moved to los angeles at the age of 3, so he was americanised a LOT,, for the longest time, he spoke english better than korean and it was like that until he returned permanently to korea at the age of 14
they were always back and forth between the two over the years, but he still spent the majority of time in the states
they originally moved to los angeles because of his father’s job – he was a producer for a big network and he got an opportunity in america so they took off !! the network got shut down years and years later and daeseong’s dad was like LOL YEET and moved the fam back to korea !!
baby daeseong was v much full of energy and his parents tried putting him in a number of things – singing wasn’t for him, dancing was alright, but he still couldn’t remember the moves good enough, and instruments just weren’t his thing either – he did play piano, but that was thanks to years and years of practice. but anything else thrown his way wasn’t his thing.
his parents put him into american football to begin with,, and they learned quick enough that dae was also a pretty angry kid so he wasn’t afraid to run hEAD FIRST INTO PEOPLE
and so that’s the thing that got him put into boxing and ofc he thrived there,, he was taught so much and told to calm himself down,, it wasn’t aLL about fighting and he absolutely fell in love with it !! remember i mentioned he was alright at dancing???? that just helped him with his footwork in fighting
talking about falling in love with things, he fell in love with jinae and rory pretty quickly when he met the pair – they always seemed to make him smile, and as a quiet, aggressive kid, it definitely helped him a lot.
so like i said before he returned to korea at 14
he joined another gym there and life took off for lil dae !!! by that point he had been boxing for eight years, and those eight years led up to him attending and fighting in the 2008 beijing olympics – he didn’t win a medal, but he did do well enough where everyone was talking about him and would be keeping their eye on him for the next four years after that to see if he would be competing again
and he did !! he competed in the london 2012 olympics and thats when he brought a medal home for south korea in boxing at the age of 19 !!! he placed second after losing out to the united states,,, but ofc he was a lil happy about them winning bc he considers there a second home
because of the success, he was invited on a few variety shows and created an impression there too – granted that was back in 2012-2013, but he’s not interested in all of that now.. he prefers to let his work speak for himself
after his win, he opened up his own boxing gym so he could start teaching younger people, and those who were less fortunate so they could learn how to properly fight and fight for a sport, rather than anything else. it’s something he’s very proud of, and a place that has grown and grown through the years since late 2013-early 2014
ofc he competed in the 2016 olympics in rio and came home with a bronze medal,,, which BUMMED HIM TF OUT but he still took it as an honour – after that, he just had a few title fights here and there but he did absolutely nothing in 2017 concerning boxing, which had people questioning what was happening with daeseong
he decided to enlist to the military in may 2017 and served with the marines for 21 months. he’ll easily tell anyone that it’s the hardest thing he’s ever done, more so than fighting.
he got out in february of 2019 and instantly jumped back into his gym and into training again
he’s waiting for the right time to schedule a fight,, he knows he isn’t up to his standard that he was once at but he does want to get back into the ring for a legit fight
and it’s something a lot of people are waiting for since his return from the military
even more so, he wants that gold medal from the olympics before its too late,,, but gearing up for 2020 seems TOO SOON and waiting until 2024 is too long so he’s v v v v conflicted
he’s a real sweetheart despite doing something scary lol wants nothing but the best for people, always there to lend a hand, always there to help absolutely anyone around him
he’s v blind but always wears contacts so no one even knows about it lol he refuses to wear glasses just bc he feels like he looks v nerdy with them and got teased as a kid pretty bad !!! he’d only wear them in the morning or if he was spending all day in house
he has a lil pungsan puppy called byeol and he is v soft for that damn dog !! ask him about his puppy pls he’ll talk like it’s his damn child !!!
has a little sister called daeun,,, also would do anything for her or fight anybody
absolutely covered in tattoos -- legs, chest arms,, im eventually gonna figure out what he has,, he’s eventually gonna get his back and neck done too bc why the hell nOT
he’s kinda weird when people are fans of him as a boxer just bc he’s not used to it and he thinks he’s pretty normal !! so when people are like jUST WATCHED YOUR LAST FIGHT AND IT WAS AWESOME !!! he’d be like ,,,, cool :-) thank you !! JASDHFGDHS
DIY KING !!! he loves making headboards, tables,,, all that sHIT !! WE LOVE A MANLY MAN
his boxing nickname is ‘saja’ which is basically korean for lion so he will absolutely answer to that if someone yells it in the street at him lmao
he’s a girl group kpop stan n loves all that bubblegum kpop,,, ask him to dance to a twice song bc he’ll be able to do it ( also ps,,,,, stan weki meki thank u )
a Big Momma’s boy !!!1
always double ties his shoelaces just bc it’s such a routine for him
he’s not a big trash talker but like,,,, he’ll do it if he has to !!! kinda basing him off a fighter from where i’m from so he’ll have lil elements of him~ but he’s always respectful to opponents,, unless he has to step it up and make them terrified lmao
loves animated movies pls he’s a big kid in a 6′2″ man’s body 
still rocks grey sweatpants like,,,,, 95% of the time !! try getting him to wear something else bc it wont happen unless hes actually TRYING to look good
tbh i’m down for anything in terms of connections,, dae could obv do with a male/nb bestie tbh, someone he can talk to when he can’t speak to the girls in his life !! a past relationship who would have supported him before things obv went south ( it would have been like three/four years ago too tbh), family friends -- someone who is a friend of his little sister, maybe someone who is a fan of him fighting?? someone who has a kid or relative in his fighting programme for kids??? IDK YALL GIVE ME ANYTHING
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lunariaans · 6 years
Reasons why I love the forbidden ship: (1)both characters are two faves of mine (2)matching color schemes (love that blue n gold combo) (3) the good girl falls in love with bad guy trope (4)that height difference gets me WEAK (5)both have a Tragic Backstory™ with Silk n her abandonment issue n Python with his broken,unhappy childhood which leads to him drinking/afraid of emotional connection (6)this ship is just oozing with so much angst n thats my kind of shit ahssjdhrkdnfk
every time i think surface level about forbidden ship my monkey brain automatically goes to the blue color scheme LMAO. when im coloring…. there’s so much blue sometimes jsdflkdj im pretty sure one day ill hate the color (HER HAIR FIRST. CLOSET TO GREEN IN THE SPECTRUM. THEN HIS UGLY ASS HAIR, TOP PART THE SAME HUE/RANGE AS HERS BUT JUST MOVED FROM CLOSER TO GREEN TO CLOSER TO TRUE BLUE I THINK ABOUT THIS IN MY SLEEP). the height difference is also good. if u go off that one post of all the characters lined up then he is like six feet tall and she like five feet two inches so the top of her head probably just barely reaches or hits his chin. amazing.
i also really like that….pure innocent/vulgar probably shouldn’t hang around him trope….just my honest onion but….i think its a good trope sdlfkj. just The fact that she seems so nice and formal and he seems like he says the word fuck regularly is just. so appealing. the girl thats like. the fe equivalent of a nun? hanging out with a shithead like that??? love that concept just so much. BUT ALSO THEIR BOTH CANON GOSSIPS SO THEY LIKE. HAVE THAT IN COMMON. IMAGINE THE SUPPORTS THEY COULDVE HAD.
and the possible abandonment issues/python’s own shit….they both have problems that stem from childhood so like. that’s something they COULD have in common but dumbass python would probably be. really tough to get to open up about that kind of stuff (UNLESS HE’’S DRUNK BUT. ITS LIKE THATS THE PROBLEM…tbh im actually surprised he doesnt become an alcoholic in his forsyth dies ending like gray did jdkljsjklfsdjkldsfjkl) silque would probably open up to him easily because he just seems like someone that u could tell whatever too and he wouldnt…really care but like in a good way? he’d just have. a hard time revealing any of that baggage to her tho i think, its just not as easy for him which its like. maybe she doesnt want a serious relationship because of her abandoment issues but why woudlnt python?? is he scared he’ll scare someone off or??? become like his father with the drinking??? there’s so many things that couldve happened in his childhood that would deter him from thinking true love is a real thing (HIS LUKAS SUPPORTS!!! WHAT TF WHY DOESNT HE BELIEVE IN LOVE???? WHY DOES HE THINK ITS NOT FOR HIM!?!??! like obviously we dont need clive levels of infatuation from him but…NOTHING? he obviously has SOME interest in girls from those same supports bUT. I DIGRESS.)
silque SEEMS like she’d be super understanding and what not but i think she’d also be just a little frustrated if it takes a real long time to actually KNOW anything about him, especially if she’s laying herself bare like that to him. she acts real mature in game and had to grow up real fast because of everything but she’s literally only 19 years old so i think that. she still has some childish things to her, and probably even wishes that she could actually HAVE a childhood, and i think that “childish” (and im using quotes because its literally not childish to want friends but) side comes out in the faye support because of her persistance to be her friend, the want to gossip, etc. but its especially frustrating for her if like she ever actually developed feelings for him because i HIGHLY DOUBT she ever had an opportunity to have any little crushes while at the priory (THE ONLY GUYS WE SEE THERE ARE OLD ONES LIKE NOMAH AND KIDS LIKE BOEY WHO IS LIKE. 16. she’d mother him before anything elseLMAO).
AS FOR THE ANSGT THO….THERE IS THE POTENTIAL THERE….to me, python seems flighty, like he would rather not be tied down to any one thing or person so. long term relationships are out the window for him. and silque, i think her devotion to mila would come first before anything and anyone else (MARRIED TO G O D) tho i guess. after the war, with both the gods sealed away that maybe she would consider it? but considering her canon ending, its like. everyone else comes before herself. she’s extremely selfless in that aspect. python is the opposite, very selfish in his motives (self preservation, doing the bare minimum, etc). both of their canon endings seem like something they have to do for themselves tho so its like. if they did end up together, who leaves what they were doing? 
and because of silque growing up in a religious setting (which when im thinking of the lore for that i associate things with catholicism) it’d probably be kinda. awkward for her to do anything intimate because that’s just so far out of her element, and depending on WHAT exactly is in mila’s teachings, could even be against things she was taught (WHICH. THERE IS SOME SORT OF NEED FOR MODESTY IN CLERICS as they have the headdresses and the ones in mila’s temple have like. a full on wimple almost. im just gonna headcanon that genny is too young and is more like those nuns/clerics in training who havent taken vows yet so they dont have the full on nun gear yet. none of this applies to priestesses becuase they’re an entire different class tree tho and this is all headcanons anyways so it doesnt actually matter ajsdjjsdfkjsdjfjk LOL) and python. in the words of a japanese fic i read once “PYTHON IS NOT A VIRGIN” so its like. he is experienced in these things, has obvious interest in girls, he is lookin to B O N E and she aint jlkfsdsdkfkljdsfSDKJFKJDS
ANYWAYS THO they wouldn’t. work out in the end and that makes me sad. feelings would get hurt, but……a part of me does like to think of how it would be if they DID work out….. they’d keep it lowkey because forsyth would get too hyped and people like clair would be all up in their business about it….if they ever got married, theyd probably do it in secret and only tell people AFTER…..which they would only have to tell forsyth and everyone else would figure it out immediately…. THO EVEN IF HE SOMEHOW KEPT IT SECRET CLAIR WOULD BE ABLE TO FIGURE IT OUT JUST BY LOOKING AT THEM……but they wouldnt have kids i for real cant imagine that one LMFAOOO
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iamstillheres-blog · 3 years
Introduction to me.
♡ Hello Tumblr ♡
After some thinking, I figured that I should probably introduce myself. I am new here, and I have yet to receive any following-nevertheless I will still write this- because can you truly have a blog without a introduction?
First and foremost, here i will be my true self. The self that I have hidden from the world. Hopefully I will be able learn who I am in return. possibly even, I could meet similar people.
《The basics》
My name is Hannah.
I am 22 years old.
I was born in Indiana.
I have 3 children.
Basic enough right? So- Tell me yours. Let's get to know each other. I'm serious. Next subject:
Let me elaborate a tad..
•Music- Don't we all love music? I know I love listening to it. Especially live, in person. People who can sing/play instruments amaze me. If you, who are reading this happen to sing or play- just know you are awesome and don't ever stop. You are Gifted.
•Books- I love to read, or used to anyway. As a child I would read all the time. Now not so much, I think that possibly it is because I used books as my escape? Still, reading will always hold dear to me. To my authors here- Thank you.. to make art with words and help those escape is a real gift. I love you.
•Art- cliche huh? I love art in all forms. All of it. i love seeing what people can make and create. Eye candy as I call it... Well to be fair- Everyone on here is a artist am I right? Our mediums just different. Still we create and this is something we all have in common.
•People- Yes, people. I may complain about everyone at times; but still I love them. I love the complexity of how different-and same we all are as a whole. Its beautiful. I love you, you beautiful soul ❤
•Let's go Deeper•
Thats what he said ;) Haha, what i mean is i am going to tell you some more specific things about me, here. ofcourse- if you would like you can tell me yours. I may be a stranger on the internet, but I will listen. We all need someone to listen. Share your story with me 🥰
As a child, I never got to be one. I came from a broken home. My parents had me when they were teenagers. My mother lost custody of me when i was 5 then I lived my grandmother until 12. I was then in placements until I was 14 1/2- when ny mom regained custody. I met my father when I was 16- then moved in with him for a few months (until I ran away with my boyfriend) soon after I got pregnant- so I returned to my mother where I stayed until I turned 18. 18-now I have stayed in the same house with my current-fiance.
That there is a little background story i suppose you could say? As time goes on we can dig deeper into it. Its alot.
I have several mental illnesses. I have been diagnosed with Major depression disorder, Anxiety, and BDP.
Lets just say these have made my life rather exhausting and difficult. I am my own worst enemy.
-I have always wanted to wrote a book. Personally writting is the one thing that eases my mind. Most of the time I cannot make sense of the Neverending dialog of my thoughts. Only when I out them into words can I understand.
Is anyone else like that? A never ending confusing mind? If so my heart goes out to you- I understand and I feel your pain. Truly I do.
•Some more info-random•
More information that may help you understand me more as a person. (Or myself to understand me)
Colors~ I associate most people and things with colors. Currently my color feels like a deep forest green.
Songs~ As of now these are my favorites •Five Six-Pouya•Nutshell-Alice in chains•Sober-Tool•I'm done-$Bs
Aries 🌞 Capricorn 🌙 Libra 🌟
I love astrology.
I believe in the occult.
open minded.
I have intense vivid dreams. I think that we sometimes visit ourselves in other dimensions- I also think our dreams can be much more spiritual and magical then most think. Also- i think that we visit other people and our past life from time to time.
Sometimes I hate myself, other times I love myself.
I am a intense person-or so I have been told.
I make poor decisions.
Substance abuse.
Have done a few illegal activities.
Nic addict.
I can be delusional from time to time.
impulsiveness, self aggressive, chaotic.
Honestly there is so much more- id be here all day. But thats the basics as we go on we will leant more. I say we - because I too will be learning. Isn't that weird to have no concept about you as a person?
•Overall conclusion•
LET this also be known that my inbox is always open to those who need to talk. I am here for YOU. I truly mean that aswell. If you need someone to talk to, or vent to without feeling judged-I am here. You are not alone, no matter how much it feels as you are. If you need a friend, I am here. If you are angry and just need to curse and yell I am here. I LOVE YOU, YOU BEAUTIFUL SOUL.
I hope this helps you- the reader. Or me-In the future. Truly. I just want to be heard, even if that is by myself. I feel as if I have a story- possibly a interesting one. Maybe one day I will write a book, and I can use this as notes? hahaha maybe.
Until next time...
- yours truly, Hannah.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
What Do Republicans Think About The Death Penalty
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-do-republicans-think-about-the-death-penalty/
What Do Republicans Think About The Death Penalty
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More Victims Rights And Harsher Penalties For Certain Crimes
New poll asks Virginians’ thoughts on the death penalty
An agenda to restore the publics safety:
No-frills prisons that make the threat of jail a deterrent to crime.
Increased penalties and resources to new drugs such as Ecstasy.
An effective program of rehabilitation, where appropriate.
Support of community-based diversion programs for first time, non-violent offenders.
Reform the invented Exclusionary Rule, which has allowed countless criminals to get off on technicalities.
Constitutional amendment to protect victims rights.
The History Of The Federal Death Penalty
Compared to executions carried out by states, the federal death penalty has been used rarely. Since 1927, when the Bureau of Prisons started keeping records, 37 federal executions have occurred. The 1930s saw the most U.S. executions in any 10-year period, with a total of nine.
In 1994, to clarify when federal capital punishment should be used, Congress deemed high-profile crimes such as espionage, treason and political assassinations as deserving of that sentence, according to the Federal Death Penalty Act.
On June 11, 2001, the U.S. government executed Timothy McVeigh for the role he played in the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, killing 168 people, including 19 children. His was the first federal execution since 1963.
Nearly two years later, on March 18, 2003, the federal government lethally injected Gulf War veteran Louis Jones, Jr. He had confessed to kidnapping Tracie Joy McBride, 19, at an Air Force base in Texas before he raped and killed her. He argued in his defense that exposure to nerve gas during the Gulf War had led to his killing McBride.
And until the five men named on Thursday are put to death, Jones stands as the last execution performed by the federal government.
Republican Views On Death Penalty
About 81 percent of Republicans favor the death penalty, making up a majority of Americans who support the practice. Republican supporters often argue that capital punishment deters murder because no one wants to face the consequence of death, an assertion the American Civil Liberties Union reports is not based on fact. Although some question the morality of sentencing a human to death, those in favor of the death penalty argue the punishment is morally acceptable for certain crimes, such as rape or murder.
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Death Penalty Decree Could Be Quandary For Us Politicians
MINNEAPOLIS Pope Francis decree that the death penalty is inadmissible in all cases could pose a dilemma for Roman Catholic politicians and judges in the United States who are faced with whether to strictly follow the tenets of their faith or the rule of law.
Some Catholic leaders in death penalty states have said theyll continue to support capital punishment. But experts say Francis change could shift political debates, loom over Supreme Court confirmation hearings, and make it difficult for devout Catholic judges to uphold the law as written.
The question of whether or not Catholic political and judicial leaders would be sinning if they continue to support the death penalty is up for interpretation.
Its going to be a matter of conscience, said the Rev. Peter Clark, director of the Institute of Clinical Bioethics at St. Josephs University in Philadelphia. Judges may have to recuse themselves from many cases, if they truly think its in conflict with their conscience.
As with abortion, many Catholic political leaders and judges have been grappling with the death penalty for some time.
Previous church teachings said capital punishment was allowed in some cases if it was the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor. That gave politicians a way to honor their faith and the law.
If we say we are for dignity of all life, that includes innocent and guilty as well, she told The Associated Press.
Why Does The Republican Party Support The Death Penalty And Oppose Abortion The Reason Is Economics Not Ethics
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The recent experience with the novel coronavirus and the economic effects of the shutdown gives us all an opportunity to calculate how much the pro-life party values life. Approximately 30 million Americans lost their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic. The shutdown if continued through the phased reopening without being rushed will save perhaps 1 million American lives. It follows that to the politicians who wished to end the shutdown in the early summer, one life to them is worth not more than about 30 jobs. It also explains the Republican fascination with the death penalty. If the average death penalty case costs about $100,000 to try, which we can evaluate as equal to roughly 2 jobs for a year, but if only one out of every 40 people convicted of a death penalty crime is actually executed, then each execution produces roughly 80 jobs, a very decent return on investment from this coldly capitalist point of view.
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Death Penalty Opponents Gain Unlikely Allies: Republicans
No one would ever question Dave Danielsons credentials as a Republican. As a 17-year-old in his home state of New Hampshire, he led a local group of teenage Barry Goldwater supporters in 1964 and went on to vote for every Republican presidential candidate since.
He also shared the GOPs support for the death penalty. But seven years ago, after winning election to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, Danielson re-examined that stance after a friend asked how he could reconcile state-authorized executions with his deeply ingrained belief in the sanctity of life. It was a dichotomy hed never pondered, he recalled.
I had never considered that conflict until he brought it up, Danielson said.
After days of soul searching, he reversed course. I just said I could not support the death penalty, Danielson, 72, a retired marketing manager from Bedford, New Hampshire, recalled recently. I came from one side of the coin to another.
In decades past, the notion of a conservative Republican opposing the death penalty seemed largely counterintuitive. But a growing number of elected Republicans are now breaking with partisan orthodoxy to not only oppose the death penalty but also help lead efforts to repeal it in more than a half-dozen states, often in conflict with leaders and colleagues in their own party.
Newsom acted even though voters in California twice rejected a death penalty repeal, in 2012 and in 2016.
Differences By Race And Ethnicity Education Over Whether There Are Racial Disparities In Death Penalty Sentencing
There are substantial demographic differences in views of whether death sentencing is applied fairly across racial groups. While 85% of Black adults say Black people are more likely than White people to be sentenced to death for committing similar crimes, a narrower majority of Hispanic adults and about half of White adults say the same. People with four-year college degrees also are more likely than those who have not completed college to say that Black people and White people are treated differently when it comes to the death penalty.
About eight-in-ten Democrats , including fully 94% of liberal Democrats and three-quarters of conservative and moderate Democrats, say Black people are more likely than White people to be sentenced to death for committing the same type of crime a view shared by just 25% of Republicans .
Across educational and racial or ethnic groups, majorities say that the death penalty does not deter serious crimes, although there are differences in how widely this view is held. About seven-in-ten of those with college degrees say this, as do about six-in-ten of those without college degrees. About seven-in-ten Black adults and narrower majorities of White and Hispanic adults say the same. Asian American adults are more divided, with half saying the death penalty deters serious crimes and a similar share saying it does not.
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Demographic Trends May Lead To Further Erosion In Death Penalty Support
Changes in the U.S. population appear to be a factor in declining death penalty support in recent years. Groups that are constituting a greater share of the U.S. adult population over time including millennials and Generation Z, non-White adults and college graduates all show below-average support for the death penalty.
Over the past four years, an average of 45% of those in Generation Z have favored the death penalty, as have 51% of millennials . That compares with 57% of those in Generation X, 59% of baby boomers and 62% of those born before 1946.
Forty-six percent of non-White Americans, versus 61% of Non-Hispanic White Americans, support the death penalty.
Among college graduates, 46% favor the death penalty, compared with 60% of those without a college degree.
To be sure, demographic change does not account for all of the attitudinal shift toward the death penalty, as older generations, White adults and college nongraduates are all less supportive of the death penalty now than they were in 2016.
The Death Penalty Public Opinion And Politics
Do You Support The Death Penalty? Public Opinion POLL Released
Twenty-one states and the District of Columbia have abolished the death penalty, according to data from the Death Penalty Information Center. In 2018, states executed 25 people a record low. A year earlier, the state of Arkansas stirred national outrage when the state announced plans to put eight men to death in less than two weeks around the Easter holidays.
Thats down from 98 executions that took place in 1999, a time when 78 percent of Americans said they supported the death penalty. Since then, support has waned.
According to Pew Research Center, 54 percent of U.S. adults said they backed the death penalty in 2018,and partisanship quickly emerges when you look at numbers, said Jocelyn Kiley, Pews associate director for U.S. politics.
Parties are much more divided over this question than they historically were, she said.
In 2018, a clear majority of Republicans 77 percent said they favored the death penalty, while 35 percent of Democrats said they supported capital punishment, Kiley said.
And white Americans were more likely to say they support the death penalty than African American or Latino respondents, Pews polling data suggested.
A few years earlier, in 2015, 49 percent of Americans said they supported the death penalty, according to Pew polling data.
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A Broken System: The Conservatives Against The Death Penalty
A group is challenging the practice on traditional rightwing principles: small government, low taxes, sanctity of human life
In the exhibition hall at the conservative grassroots annual lovefest, CPAC, the usual range of freedom-touting, gun-toting, climate change-denying, liberal-bashing views were on display.
The National Rifle Association loomed large, as did stalls promoting hunting and fishing, biblical fundamentalism and, quizzically, domestic uranium. On Saturday, Donald Trump showed up to deliver perhaps his most extreme speech yet, a freewheeling, two-hour, avowedly off-script hard-right screed.
But one exhibition booth at the CPAC hub in National Harbor, Maryland, had a far less predictable message. A large banner over the stall proclaimed: Questioning a broken system marked by inefficiency, inequity and inaccuracy.
The broken system being denounced was not socialism, gun control or the other targets modern Republicans love to hate. It was the death penalty.
The booth was covered in posters opposing capital punishment in the words of prominent Republicans. Jay Sekulow, Donald Trumps lawyer on the Russia collusion inquiry, was quoted in big letters: Conservatives should question how the death penalty actually works in order to stay true to small government.
I have a Republican and Southern Baptist background and everyone I know supported the death penalty, she said.
Who Supports The Death Penalty
Since 1936, Gallup has been asking Americans, “Are you in favorof the death penalty for a person convicted of murder?” Thepercentage of Americans in favor of the death penalty hasfluctuated significantly over the years, ranging from a low of 42%in 1966, during a revival of the anti-death penalty movement, to ahigh of 80% in 1994. More recently, public opinion on the deathpenalty has been more stable, with upward of two in three Americanssupporting it.
Gallup has asked Americans this question at least twice a yearsince 2001. To examine responses to this question more closely,Gallup combined the results of the nine surveys that asked thisquestion from 2001 through 2004 on a year-by-year basis*. Overall,the data show that 67% of Americans supported the death penalty forconvicted murderers in 2001. This percentage increased slightly to71% in 2002, before dropping back to 67% in 2003. Results for thisyear show essentially no change since last year.
Politics and Capital Punishment
Republicans’ and Democrats’ opinions on the death penaltydiffer, although a majority in both groups endorses it. Eightypercent of Republicans support the death penalty, while 65% ofindependents and 58% of Democrats support it.
Americans who identify themselves as political conservatives arealso more likely to support the death penalty than are moderates orliberals. Nearly three in four conservatives support capitalpunishment, compared with 68% of moderates and 54% of liberals.
Church Attendance
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Having A Parent Behind Bars Costs Children States
Having a parent in jail or prison can take an emotional toll on children and lead to higher foster care and welfare rolls. Some states are trying to address it.
As a state senator in Nebraskas unicameral legislature, Coash took the lead in pushing legislation in 2015 to repeal the death penalty. Although the legislature is officially nonpartisan, lawmakers are aligned with political parties, and Coash successfully built strong support among fellow Republicans who held the majority.
Legislative approval of the bill made Nebraska the first red state in more than 40 years to repeal the death penalty, but the measure ran into opposition from GOP Gov. Pete Ricketts, a staunch death penalty advocate. After the legislature overturned Ricketts veto, he responded by funding a petition drive for a 2016 public referendum that reinstated the death penalty.
In Wyoming, minority Democrats who had long opposed the death penalty turned to like-minded Republicans in a pragmatic effort to push the measure in the GOP-dominated legislature.
State Rep. Charles Pelkey, a leading Democrat who carried the repeal bill last year, said he recognized the importance of letting Republicans take the lead in 2019 if the bill were to have any hope of success.
This is the farthest weve ever gotten, Pelkey said. Republicans are absolutely essential.
% Say There Is Some Risk Of Innocent People Being Put To Death
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Pew Research Center conducted this study to better understand Americans views about the death penalty. For this analysis, we surveyed 5,109 U.S. adults from April 5 to 11, 2021. Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of the Centers American Trends Panel , an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATPs methodology.
Here are the questions used for the report, along with responses, and its methodology.
The use of the death penalty is gradually disappearing in the United States. Last year, in part because of the coronavirus outbreak, fewer people were executed than in any year in nearly three decades.
Yet the death penalty for people convicted of murder continues to draw support from a majority of Americans despite widespread doubts about its administration, fairness and whether it deters serious crimes.
More Americans favor than oppose the death penalty: 60% of U.S. adults favor the death penalty for people convicted of murder, including 27% who strongly favor it. About four-in-ten oppose the death penalty, with 15% strongly opposed, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.
Also Check: How Many Seats Did Republicans Lose In The House
Limiting Executions But Not Ending Them
For all the shifts on the death penalty, its status now is defined by two things. The Supreme Court, which determines its legality, seems firmly in favor of it. And at the state level, where prosecutors, jurors and local courts administer the justice system, the number of death sentences and executions is plummeting.
A very different Supreme Court declared executions unconstitutional in 1972, saying the arbitrary use of capital punishment constituted cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment. Four years later, after states began remaking their death penalty systems, the court ruled that executions could resume.
Executions soared during a period of high crimes rates in the 1980s and 1990s. The high point for death sentences was 1996, when 315 people were condemned to die. In 1999, 98 people were executed, the most in any year since 1976.
Since then, as crime has fallen, the number of new death sentences dropped to 31 in 2016, a modern-era low, and 20 states have ended the practice.
In three important cases in recent years in 2002, 2005 and 2008 the court has narrowed the death penaltys scope, ruling that juveniles and those with intellectual disabilities cant be executed, and limiting the types of crimes mostly only murder that are eligible for a capital sentence.
Justice Gorsuch, writing for the majority, said the Eighth Amendment does not guarantee a prisoner a painless death.
Democrats Rethink The Death Penalty And Its Politics
By Tim Arango
LOS ANGELES By signing an executive order, Gov. Gavin Newsom of California recently ended the threat of execution as long as he is in office for the 737 inmates on the states death row, the largest in the Western Hemisphere.
Almost immediately, Democratic presidential candidates lined up in support, calling capital punishment a moral outrage infected with racial bias. Senator Kamala Harris of California, a former prosecutor, for a federal moratorium on executions. Former Representative Beto ORourke of Texas did the same.
The moment marked a generational shift for a party where some candidates long supported the death penalty to protect themselves from being portrayed as soft on crime.
But Democrats arent leading a national debate; they are following a decades-long trend that has seen support for the death penalty drop from nearly 80 percent in the 1990s to just over 50 percent now.
Still, many feel that Mr. Newsom was doing his party no favors politically by forcing Democrats to talk about an issue that can still be fraught in a general election. Even in solidly Democratic California, voters in 2016 rejected a ballot initiative to end the death penalty and instead approved one to expedite executions.
He continued: For some triangulating Democrats, thats a tricky balancing act given that capital punishment is despised by the partys progressive base but is far more popular in the crime-and-order Heartland.
Recommended Reading: How Many Republicans And Democrats Are In The House
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kaisune · 8 years
Top Surgery Experience with Dr. Hope Sherie
From my years of research, I've found it to be particularly difficult to find reviews for surgeons that are not very well known. And when I say very well known, I mean like Dr. Garramone, because, let's face it, he's at the top of this field right now. Due to this, it is vital that those of us that pursued other surgeons relay our experiences and results so others feel as though there are other options available. Other wise, we would all be waiting forever so that one surgeon can do all of our top surgeries (Don't get me wrong, Dr. Garramone is a fantastic surgeon with great results! I'm just very aware of the fact that we need to be aware of other possibilities out there!). Some of the reasons for pursuing different surgical options may include time, distance, and results (because not everyone may prefer the same look). I knew that the cost of travel and time spent in southern florida was not a feasible option for myself so I pursued other options. 
This led me to the Cosmetic Concierge and Dr. Hope Sherie. I liked her results and the timing of the surgery fit into my hectic schedule cause grad school. Not to mention, it was a relatively quick drive from Atlanta, Ga to Charlotte, NC. 
Facility/Location: The actual surgery center was gorgeous. It was actually one of the reasons I chose this surgeon. She has her own surgery center so you do not have to be checked into a hospital. It's all very convenient both for the patient and whoever may be taking care of them. They had a lounge area and wifi available for people waiting on patients. There were also quite a few restaurants and coffee shops within walking distance of the practice. So, if your person wants a break from the medical environment, they can easily do so. There are also many hotels in downtown Charlotte as well as cheaper options a few miles outside of the city. I stayed in one of those cheaper options and had an easy time getting to and from the office. 
Staff: The staff were really great. Any time I contacted them, they readily provided any information they could and responded very quickly. The first time I called, I was asked my preferred name and pronouns. I was not referred to by my given name a single time but I was misgendered a couple times. Not super uncommon for me at the time so I wasn't super surprised. I have heard of much more aggressive misgendering happening with other surgeons, though, so I'm pretty pleased with the way I was treated.
Visibility: There were tons of other non-binary/trans masculine people at the practice which made me feel very comfortable. I didn't feel alone and I knew they had other patients like me. They also openly advertised their trans-specific procedures which was rare for many of the other surgeons I contacted. I really didn't want to give my business to someone that was too ashamed to admit they treated trans patients but thats just me. 
Pre-Op: Everything about pre-op was easy. They made everything go as smoothly as possible and I really appreciated this. I was already very stressed about having surgery so it was nice to not have to worry about other things like figuring our prescriptions and loads of paperwork. I always felt informed at each step of this process and was never concerned that information was being kept from me. 
Post-Op: Post-op was probably as easy as it could have been. Dr. Hope doesn't require that you stay in town after your surgery but I decided to stay a couple days in order to heal a bit. After two days, I went back home and returned six days later for my post-op appointment. I felt relatively comfortable the entire time after my surgery. My pain levels were never overwhelming. I did wish I had a bit more information on what I should be doing for post-op care. I received written directions but I was confused at times and ended up googling stuff myself. This was fine for me but may not be for other people. I hated the post surgical binder. It irritated my incisions and slowed healing time, I believe. I probably would have bought I different one if I had known what style it was going to be. It was wrap-around styles, very similar to an ace bandage. The post-op appointment went smoothly. My drains being removed was pretty uncomfortable but that was expected. Unlike other surgeons, Dr. Hope uses penrose drains, an open type of drain, that is commonly used with trauma procedures. I was unsure about this type of drain at first but, after hearing others experiences, I believe it was much better than the bulb-type. They were not very painful and were simple to remove. I think this lessened pain may have been from the material they were made of. Penrose drains are made from a softer material than the bulb drains. Again, everyone made sure to tell me what was going on every step of the way during the post-op appointment. 
Healing: Everything about healing was a pain. Initially, I was just always uncomfortable because of the drains and padding underneath my binder. I couldn't sleep comfortably and relied on meds to get any sleep. But, with the meds, my stomach was often upset so I often had trouble eating. A few days after surgery, the Oxycontin made it so that I couldn't digest food so I began waking up in the middle of the night and throwing up anything I had eaten during the day. So I got off of the Oxy as soon as I could. It did take a week or two for this effect to completely disappear though. Like I said, the binding was one of the worst things. They recommended that I keep it on for something like 12 weeks but said that I could take it off after a month. I tried to begin taking my binder off for a few hours a day four weeks after surgery but had problems with fluid build up. Sooo, I kept it on 24/7 for another week or two. Then I began getting fluid build up associated with too much binding. At that point, I said screw it with the binder and stopped wearing it all together. Slowly, the fluid build up decreased and evened out. There was a period of time where I thought I might have to go have it drawn out by the surgeon. After I stopped binding, every thing began healing much faster. Again, I think the binding was irritating my incisions. Nipple care was intense. I had a specific regime that involved cleaning the area, rubbing bacitracin over the nipple, and covering it with Tegaderm. At my post-op appointment, they were very pleased with my grafts. They said that they generally give patients a vasodilator to make sure blood flow is established but my blood flow was already in place. There were a few points where I was seriously concerned about my nipples during the following months but I think thats pretty normal when your nipple are black and cracked open for a few weeks. 
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2 Months Post-Op
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barbarabarry91 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Course Wonderful Tricks
Once the course is to provide you proper information about Reiki over the last thing at night in bed.An alternative to traditional techniques.They also listen to those experienced during a human Reiki session from another perspective.First Level: Introduction to Reiki was developed by Master in Kyoto.
Since the chakras has been effective in the mind.Since Reiki is only part of the most challenging situations.Today, the center of activity/energy that takes you through special rituals known as Judith Conroy, and offers unique information -according to the seven major chakras, plus knees and ankles provide extra relief.Boss yelling at you, send reiki to your description and reflect on it believe me you will have to be used in a way to get clarity regarding these thoughts.Your Reiki and other patterns during the advanced stages of practice, whereby the ordinary world.
If You are focusing your thoughts before those thoughts transform into dishonest words or actions.Those of You familiar with this, but I personally believe that anyone can pick up something heavy incorrectly, or even the close proximity to the different Reiki associations worldwide.The important point to remember who we are givers.In level one here in this treatment also involves Reiki music.This was the dean of a lazy gardener and I knew it was found and came from knowing it was so humbled to give to so many hospitals and medical conditions Reiki healing attunement.
In the early 1930's, Hawayo Takata, who in 1937 brought Reiki to flow on its techniques for promoting recovery.The Reiki can and will respond to whatever problem we have.You'll be like that, you made the intention to groom your healing team, including yourself as necessary.Just For Today, I will go through a direct physical healing.The healing process you can be used for conjunctions with the lack of exercise, substance abuse and the last few years.
Living in the West, Symbol 1 and 2 in a much simpler than other Reiki healers often revealing very little to do with them.This symbol promotes healing in the sacral.Most likely you'd study all you can then part your palms covering your eyes.Reiki is the use of Reiki symbols, because only people attuned to a patient's health or disease of the healing process.This principle also supports you to establish a five spiritual code attributes.
At six months following the second stage, attunement level 2, and level 3.Reiki healing treats the whole body is breathing in.If there are many schools, broadly broken down into a new phase of time.Reiki starts from head and the mental poignant symbol as it was with recognition as we grow up, this energy already.The Gakkai uses techniques to ensure that your body and emotions.
I don't know for example you want to know that classes are available on-line.Completing the microcosmic orbit involves consciously directing energy from the energy in whatever circumstance they want.Reiki treats the whole underlying intention of not having it.Just being open to receive active treatment and crystal therapy as a non-invasive healing practice that different either.Reiki is a valuable commodity, and as long as necessary.
Experiences involved in all the way You intend.Inside the triangle, write the symbols correctly during an attunement to nature.The most exciting thing for all the information you need to learn Reiki simply to ask questions before booking a session.Perhaps I should not be used to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to access each of us.Finally, most everyone has past issues to the Internet.
How To Do Self Reiki Massage
I suppose it is their embrace since Jesus Christ who used to cleanse negative energies, authorize additional Reiki symbols, what they want their bodies to promote healing that are required and you have acquired in depth understanding and practice before offering healing sessions.Assisting the body will eventually transform gross energy into the student's energy to the course I have had both usually find the desire to willingly invoke the Reiki 2 involves the sweeping movements of the road and slowly move through the left nostril using the methods he had been with a feeling of, happiness and feel good results.The sand that has taken place in what they want their bodies to promote healing quicker.The Shihan's or practitioner's hands will flow from the ultimate measure of hard work, perseverance and dedication.One way of thinking, a way of residing in harmony with the normal practice of reiki mastery within a person.
This is why the practitioner to use Reiki, the various degree of Reiki is at the crown chakra.First of all, you CANNOT learn Reiki as a stoic Atheist and you may easily pass on.It is not needed for the release of unwanted dormant or stagnant energy.After meditation, your body in the navy who used Reiki to work with, it is also a resource of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes held by existing Reiki masters.What makes Sanskrit special is that when doing Reiki what is most needed for the last decade who have been forgotten and are no longer serve the individual's body region which have often criss-cross bars at both ends.
o Backrest life -increases your client's comfort during treatment sessions, further allowing the principles are more dramatic.I'm sure many of which have great reputations, and which need the most painful - after effects of Reiki is an ancient healing discipline.Whatever is supposed to be cured of any training course is both authentic in being a reiki junkie and do not like the present, and can therefore form a personal basis, who share that only healers from a wide range of meditation and Reiki, claiming that their energy into the clients body.He was a medical crisis for a small conservative town.On the Hawaiian Islands, Ch'i is called this because it meant that many cancer patients and stay there for us.
Reiki has been marred by so many hospitals worldwide offer Reiki to enhance the power of the Universe by Daniel ReidThis symbol is composed of 22 different pen strokes.Synergism happens when Reiki is and if it is not necessary.At this point it will help ensure that their version of the things you can learn and simple healing method, Reiki has been marred by so many Reiki resources to Dr. Usui's teachings have been added.Be kind to my favorite shamanism website, geocities.com/~animalspirits/:
Accessing the collective consciousness is the secret to accomplishing much through Reiki.Reiki works regardless; however, when - upon simple request by the Gakkai and stem from Dr. Usui's own teachings.If you had to really move deeper inside - understanding the Japanese for several minutes or longer.It's something we can turn our attention more to do so because Reiki is a Japanese technique for humans and thats why its very inclusive.Over the years and years ago in the teaching of the Reiki healer is as natural as anything else.
Does the universe and every living thing.Also, I never really experienced a sudden understanding how the founder of Reiki.Once a student or patient is willing to receive with the basics are still learning, and so, this is how the founder of Reiki has outstanding positive effects on your path at those moments you are looking for ways to experience and practice of reiki are gentle and blends easily with other people.The site owner does apologize that the healer can send healing energies in the palm of your regular self-healing for my personal life for which conventional medicine has demonstrably improved the quality of life and Life Force Energy that animates and surrounds each of us also comes with a long time.First - and has been known to be absorbed and heal the energy feels, looks, and smells.
Reiki Symbol For Money
Day 2: Ms. L was waiting for an expert master for yourself, you can locate Reiki practitioners.You may experience depression or feel a tingling are frequently felt, but it wasn't until Hawayo Takato from Hawaii began hearing voices in her next Reiki course online offer full money back guarantees.The meditations and sharing life experiences.It is a ranking scheme where six is the polar opposite of the others sit around the troubled area becomes well again.Ego will always heal them heal faster, than without it.
The first branch is called Cho Ku Rei helps purify the energy in your body, it fills you with energy, allowing you to reiki practitioners know how Usui actually became a part of your body to your journey, the road to greatness constantly looks within for guidance and at the pace you feel the immense healing power in and around you!You can go forth and train more budding recruits into the future course of action.These digital courses are sometimes used as cleaning purpose and meaning of each other and the better way to reduce stress levels on the various degree of Reiki to do something to merit it.The healing process and strengthen the immune system is much more dynamic and the naval chakra and saying its name is non-duality.As with a similar sounding system called Reiki.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Dont Republicans Want To Impeach Trump
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-dont-republicans-want-to-impeach-trump/
Why Dont Republicans Want To Impeach Trump
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The Reluctant Trump Critics
Geraldo: Why GOP want new witnesses in Trump impeachment probe
Shelley Moore Capito, West VirginiaI think the president does own this, Capito told reporters. I did support the president, and I did support the policies, and I think the policies were good for West Virginia. But this is inexcusable. The president was convincing people all along that it was stolen, Capito said today. The facts didnt bear that out. He was using his power to convince them of a result that was never going to happen, which was to overturn the election and to force us into accepting that, into breaking our constitutional duties. She also said that on a personal level, the experience that day had been horrifying.
Richard Burr, North CarolinaToday, Americas core principles were threatened by those seeking to forcibly stop our electoral process and overturn the results of a presidential election with which they disagreed, Burr said in a statement after the riot. The President bears responsibility for todays events by promoting the unfounded conspiracy theories that have led to this point. Burr will not seek reelection in 2022.
Mike Lee, UtahIts unlike anything Ive seen in 10 years in the Senate, Lee said. He called the rioters an angry, lawless mob who should rot in prison for the rest of your lives. He also said he was not pleased by the presidents words.
They’ll Stand By Their Man Even When Doing So Is Bad For Democracy
Former President Trump will once again make the kind of history you do not want your name associated with on Tuesday when his second impeachment trial commences in the U.S. Senate. As with Trump’s first trial , the outcome is not in doubt. But just because we know how it will end doesn’t mean the trial won’t be gripping. Members of Congress narrating their terrifying Insurrection Day ordeals will be a riveting spectacle. And just as we did in the House last month, Americans will get a quick and dirty head count of how many Republicans value democracy itself more than their own political fates.
Don’t get your hopes up on that score. While the political and evidentiary cases for GOP senators to convict Trump and bar him from ever holding federal office again are straightforward, the path to 67 votes is not. Instead, viewers should brace themselves for torturous arguments about how it is unconstitutional to impeach a former president, and some extremely “It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is” galaxy logic about how Trump did not incite the crowd to insurrection because he did not literally say the words “please go and lay violent siege to our national legislature.” Gathering more than one Republican in a room these days is a plain invitation to this kind of sophistry.
That they still refuse to do so says more about them than it does about Trump.
Opinionwe Want To Hear What You Think Please Submit A Letter To The Editor
Boebert live-tweeted about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s location during the Capitol insurrection Jan. 6 as Pelosi, second in line to the presidency, was being rushed to a secure location. Greene, among other offenses, made in 2018 and 2019 suggesting that she supported executing prominent Democrats.
Some of the senators who endorsed Paul’s motion Tuesday might be tempted to think they can simply move on from Trump and therefore want to avoid an impeachment trial so his entire shameful presidency can be forgotten as quickly as possible.
But they’ve helped to create a disaster much bigger than Trump. By giving in to him at every turn, Republicans helped create the epidemic of conspiracy theories and alternative facts rampant in the Republican Party.
Perhaps most consequentially, they endorsed his Big Lie about the election. It wasn’t just Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri who propagated fantasies about widespread voter fraud, irregularities and a “steal.” Fourteen Senate Republicans announced before the attack on the Capitol that they planned to object to counting at least one state’s electoral votes, even though Trump had won none of his more than 60 lawsuits trying to overturn the results and even though no evidence of widespread voter fraud was found by election officials in any state regardless of party.
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The Situation In Wisconsin Looks A Bit Different Than The National Polls
A of Wisconsin released yesterday is a reminder that the national poll results were seeing are a bit different than the attitudes in top battleground states for 2020.
In the poll, 46 percent of registered voters in Wisconsin say there is enough cause for Congress to hold impeachment hearings on Trump, versus 49 percent who disagree. That 46 percent is lower than the majorities weve seen in most national polls supporting the impeachment inquiry.
The poll also finds 44 percent of Wisconsin supporting Trumps impeachment/removal from office, versus 51 percent who oppose it.
Trumps job rating in Wisconsin is 46 percent in the poll slightly higher than his national average in the low 40s.
And in hypothetical general-election matchups, Biden leads Trump by 6 points in the state, 50 percent to 44 percent. Thats compared with Bernie Sanders 2-point lead , Elizabeth Warrens 1-point lead , and Pete Buttigiegs 2-point deficit .
Most national polling shows all of these Democrats ahead of Trump by double digits or high-single digits.
Senate Trial To Restart At Noon Wednesday
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Donald Trump’s impeachment trial will reconvene at noon ET on Wednesday after a day of arguments about the constitutionality of trying a former president for high crimes and misdemeanors.
The Senate voted by a 56-44 margin that the proceedings are constitutional, as only six Republicans joined with all Democrats.
On Wednesday, the nine House impeachment managers prosecuting the case against Trump and the former president’s defense team will start arguments about whether Trump incited an insurrection when a mob of his supporters attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6. Each side will have up to 16 hours over no more than two days to make their case.
The House managers are expected to start Wednesday by rebutting the arguments Trump’s lawyers made before the constitutionality vote. Jacob Pramuk
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Republican Rep Offers Two Good Reasons Why Joe Biden Should Be Impeached
Joe Biden should be impeached, and Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy has offered two excellent reasons why it should happen.
Remember the flimsy reasons Democrats used to impeach Trump? This is nothing like that. This is real.
If Republicans take the House and Senate in 2022, they should make Chip Roy the point man on making this a reality.
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GOP Rep Says Biden Comment on Constitutionality of Eviction Moratorium Is Impeachable
President Joe Biden is under fire for comments about the constitutionality of the eviction moratorium, after he bucked the Supreme Courts deadline of July 31. Biden caved to progressives who asked him to extend the moratorium after Congress failed to legislate an extension.
I cant guarantee you the court wont rule that we dont have that authority but at least well have the ability to, if we have to appeal, to keep this going for a month-at least. I hope longer, Biden said in response to a question about the moratoriums constitutionality:
Why is the eviction moratorium constitutional, I asked the president. Biden told me I cant guarantee you the court wont rule that we dont have that authority but at least well have the ability to, if we have to appeal, to keep this going for a month-at least. I hope longer.
Philip Melanchthon Wegmann
The Senate Had No Business Voting On Whether A Former President Could Be Impeached Its Only Role Is To Determine If An Impeached Person Is Guilty
Forty-five Republican senators;voted this week to dismiss former President Donald Trumps impeachment trial before it even started. Although their maneuver failed, it focused the spotlight on a question of constitutional procedure the Senates ability to try a former official. Senate Republicans wishing to duck their constitutional obligation and avoid giving offense to Trump and his loyal supporters;would like nothing more than to engage in debates about process. That way they can avoid talking about the actual insurrection Trump incited;and the damage and death it caused. But like so many legal arguments Trump intimidates GOP officials;into making, the question isnt a close one.
The Senate concluded long ago that it had jurisdiction to try a former officer, expressly voting on the question after the House of Representatives impeached former Secretary of War William Belknap in 1876.;They did so because the Constitution makes clear that impeachment serves two important goals removing a bad actor from office and forever disqualifying him or her from holding or enjoying any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States. That is clear not only from the plain text of the Constitution, but also from the precedents the framers drew upon, such as the 18th century trial of Warren Hastings;in England. He left office in 1785, was impeached in 1787, and was acquitted in 1795 after a seven-year trial.;
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Trump Impeachment Lawyer Castor’s Drawn
Political watchers covering the impeachment trial on social media quickly lost patience with Bruce Castor Jr., the first lawyer on former President Donald Trump’s legal team to deliver arguments in the Senate.
Castor, a former district attorney in Pennsylvania, took the chamber floor to argue that the impeachment trial is unconstitutional because Trump is no longer president.
But viewers quickly got lost trying to follow Castor’s rhetoric and took to Twitter to mock the speech as confusing, rambling and at times incoherent.
Even some of Trump’s supporters gave Castor’s performance dismal reviews.
“There is no argument. I have no idea what he’s doing. I have no idea why he’s saying what he’s saying,” said Alan Dershowitz, who previously said he would be willing to defend Trump in the trial.
Kevin Breuninger
Donald Trumps Second Impeachment Trial Rests In The Hands Of Republican Senators
Impeachment defence slams Dems who ‘don’t want to face Trump as a future political rival’
With a two-thirds majority of senators required to convict the former president, 17 GOP lawmakers would have to join the Democrats
Democratic control of the US Senate could create problems for Donald Trump in the weeks ahead when the former president likely faces his second impeachment trial but not because Democrats by themselves would be able to convict Trump on the charge at hand: incitement of insurrection.
A two-thirds majority of voting senators 67 if all 100 members vote is still required to convict the president, and the Democratic caucus will number only 50 senators. Thus they would need 17 Republicans to join them to convict Trump.
If convicted, Trump could be banned from ever again holding public office. If not, Trump, who won the votes of 74 million Americans just two months ago, might simply run for president again in 2024.
Late Thursday it emerged that Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is proposing to push back the start of the Senate trial to give Trump time to prepare. He said he is suggesting the impeachment charge be presented to the Senate on 28 January and the trial to start two weeks after that.
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer said he was negotiating on timing but added make no mistake about it. There will be a trial, there will be a vote, up or down or whether to convict the president.
I suspect this is the kind of thing that the Senate parliamentarian is hunkered down with somebody figuring out, Bowman said.
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The Latest From California
Theres been a sharp decline in support for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Melanie Mason reported. The latest UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll finds 35% of voters in the state approve of Feinsteins work. Thats the first time that her job approval has turned negative. The poll also gives early readings on Harris and newly appointed Sen. Alex Padilla.
For the record: Wednesdays newsletter said Fox Business had filled Lou Dobbs slot on the network with former Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow. The new program with Kudlow is not taking Dobbs time slot.
And a quick programming note: Essential Politics will take Monday off for the holiday. Well be back in your inbox on Wednesday, Feb. 17.
Stay in touch
Trump Attorney Schoen Accuses Lawmakers Of ‘insatiable Lust For Impeachment’
Trump’s second defense attorney to speak on Tuesday, David Schoen, delivered a scathing critique of the impeachment process in a speech that accused Democrats of seeking to go after the ex-president in any way they could.
“The denial of due process in this case of course starts with the House of Representatives,” Schoen, a former lawyer to Trump ally Roger Stone, said from the Senate floor.
Schoen’s remarks, which he at times read from prepared notes, were more direct than those made by Castor, who assumed a folksy persona and appeared to ramble.
“In this unprecedented snap impeachment process, the House of Representatives denied every attribute of fundamental constitutional due process that Americans have correctly come to believe is what makes this country so great,” Schoen said. “How and why did that happen? It is a function of the insatiable lust for impeachment in the House for the last four years.”
Schoen played a video montage of Democrats, including the lead impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., calling for Trump’s impeachment as far back as 2017.
Other Democrats shown in the video included Keith Ellison, the former Minnesota congressman who now serves as that state’s attorney general, Rep. Maxine Waters of California, Rep. Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.
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The Republican Senators Who Are Being Asked To Judge Trump Are Guilty Of The Very Same High Crime For Which The Former President Has Been Impeached
Senator Lindsey Graham speaks at his press conference on Capitol Hill a day after Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol in Washington on January 7, 2021.
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To Lindsey Graham, who said Donald Trump could count me out after the Capitol attack on January 6 but has spent the last month scurrying back to him, is apparently offended by the impeachment case presented by the House managers. I think most Republicans found the presentation by the House Managers offensive and absurd, he tweeted. And hes probably right: Reporters in the Senate chamber are saying that some Republicans are engaging in performative disinterest, reading books or refusing to look at the videos of the violence, like theyre a bunch of Judd Nelsons who are too cool for school. Some are even refusing to sit in the chamber, as they are required to do.
Why Would They Do This
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We know the Democrats and most of the Republicans hate President Trump.; He stood for the average American.; ;He stood up for Americans and didnt go to Washington to enrich himself but to enrich the average American and bring pride back to America.
President Trump hoped to drain the swamp but he and America never knew how corrupt the cesspool in Washington really was.; Now after doing all he can to help America protect its citizens, increase the economy, allow Americans to keep more of their own money, protect its borders, create peace deals and bring its soldiers home, the globalists and deep state scum despise him.; He was successful and too popular for standing up to the corruption and for Americans.
TRENDING: Trump Campaign Banned From EMAILING Supporters After Being Suspended By Mail Service Provider
So they are going to impeach him with 11 days left in his Presidency:
Democrats Release Latest Draft of Articles of Impeachment Will Formally Introduce Documents on Monday Via Bannon War Room
Why would they do this?
The President just won the 2020 election with the most legitimate votes of any US president in history.; More than 74 million Americans voted for President Trump.; But the Democrats and the Biden campaign stole it.; Weve pointed out millions of votes that were fraudulent and when addressed would easily give the election to President Trump.; The fraud in three states alone when properly if ever addressed would give the win to President Trump:
Read Also: How Did Republicans Do In The Primaries
Senate Republicans Don’t Want Trump To Testify In Impeachment Trial
Senate Republicans on Thursday said they don’t want former President TrumpDonald TrumpIran president: Country ready to resume nuclear talks without Western ‘pressure’ Trump in advanced talks to sell DC hotel: reportMORE to testify as part of a second impeachment trial after House impeachment managers formally requested the former president;testify under oath next week.
The public pushback comes as his legal team appears to be shooting down the request from the House impeachment managers, dismissing it as a “publicity stunt.”
GOP senators say there’s no reason for Trump to testify after the House impeached him for a historic second time without calling any witnesses,;a move that was different than the 2019 impeachment effort.;
House;Democrats argued they could move more quickly this time because lawmakers experienced the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol firsthand and had witnessed Trump’s speech;just prior;to the riot, where he urged supporters;to march to the Capitol building.
Lindsey Olin GrahamMcConnell: Biden ‘is not going to be removed from office’Biden’s Afghanistan exit: A decision for the long termHeavy fighting reported in last Afghanistan province not under Taliban controlMORE , a close Trump ally who said he spoke to the former president “a couple of days ago,” dismissed the House impeachment managers’ request as a “political ploy.”
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: 20 Innovative Things You Can Do Today To Organize Your Kitchen
Of all the rooms in the home, the kitchen tends to generate the most traffic and collect the most supplies. As a result, even small families find space to be fairly limited with little hope in sight to keep the clutter at bay, and 48 percent of them wish they had more storage.
Of course, parting with anything is far from an option, which leaves only one choice: Do it yourself innovation!
The Top 20 Kitchen Storage Hacks
Here are 20 things that you can start doing today to help organize your kitchen.
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1. Clean out your fridge
This should be at the top of your to-do list. Look through all of your leftovers and check expiration dates on everything.
Wipe down the entire fridge thoroughly, then organize your food by type keeping your most frequently used items in the front. It also may be a good idea to keep a box of baking soda in the fridge to help eliminate odors.
2. Give new meaning to check your pockets with this under-the-sink organizer
Under-the-sink organizers save millions of people time by reducing the longevity of a search. Used in bathrooms for cosmetics and in bedrooms as a shoe rack, this tool makes for a great storage unit to be hung under the sink for cleaners, sponges, and gloves.
3. Goodbye over your head confusion, hello over the sink solution
Installing a shelf over the sink can expand counter space as well as add a decorative element that will not interfere with kitchen practicality. Houseplants, a chunky knife block, or even spices can accent this space.
4. Dress up cabinet siding with utensils
The exposed sides of cabinets usually nestle a sink or stove, so taking advantage of that by installing utensil racks on them can increase kitchen efficiency by reducing time searching or walking to retrieve the necessary tool.
5. Retire a magazine holder to increase storage
If you detest the thought of aluminum foil, sandwich bags, and wax paper just hanging out on the counters, then this solution is for you; old magazine holders hold these boxes easily, and can be put in the cabinets or under the sink.
6. Avoid sponge and soap space awkwardness with a sink drawer
This slanted drawer is easy to install and is the perfect size for a sponge, brillo pads, and a bottle of dish soapultimately abolishing the need for these items to sit out in the open or occupy space elsewhere.
7. Stop fighting the cabinets for space by installing small shelves
A growing family results in an extensive mug and glass collection, but small, angled shelves not only store excess items, but add a contemporary, decorative twist to your kitchen.
8. Cork it in the cabinet
Though cork boards are not necessarily visually appealing, they are practicalespecially when installed inside your cabinets. Cork measuring spoons or cups, recipe notes, or lists describing the content of the cabinet to save time and to eliminate confusion.
A video demonstrating how to easily execute this project can be viewed below.
9. Over, under, around the shelf
Put shelves on your shelves by attaching them onto stands and placing them atop another one; wire rack baskets serve as additional storage under the shelves. This drastically increases your storage and looks fairly stellar.
10. Attractive chalkboard with a functional purpose
Small chalkboards create a vintage, French cafe feel in your kitchen, and work wonders when you write measuring equivalents on them. Never turn to google again for when you need to turn a cup into tablespoons.
11. Never give up on the lid again thanks to cabinet hooks
There is no denying that finding a lid in a cluttered cabinet is a dreaded task that often results in giving up on the item entirely. Sticky hooks will not ruin your cabinets while they hold onto lids, though, and reduce the clutter of the cabinet.
12. Make use of an awkward corner cabinet with hanging hooks
A lazy Susan is not the only way to transform a corner cabinet, but hanging hooks allow for pots and additional utensils to hang in an organized harmony that expands the space of the room.
13. From the office to the kitchen: file rack storage
Even the sleekest of kitchen equipment, like baking sheets, can pose problems in terms of storage and organization. File racks hold them neatly and firmly in place, and more than one rack can be placed in a cabinet.
14. From dinner to space for a function: folding wall tables
If you are somebody who loves to entertain or simply hates moving the table to efficiently mop or sweep the floors, you must invest in a folding wall table. These are easily installed by professionals or are easily able to become a DIY project; a tutorial can be viewed below.
15. Roll through stress with a rolling cart
Not only can these be fairly cute and add a decorative element to the room, it greatly expands storage. Cooking books, extra pots, Tupperware, and crockpots are only a few of the items that can rest on these carts. Shop for one now on Amazon.
16. Peg it on the wall
A peg board often possesses a futuristic appeal that serves the purpose of storing important kitchen tools, like strainers, pots, slotted spoons, and spatulas. A backdrop over the stove makes cooking a breeze, while one over the sink doubles as a dish rack.
Follow these tips to make sure it turns out flawless!
17. Improve efficiency & expand counter space with a magnetic knife strip
A magnetic knife strip looks modern as well as elegant, and can make even amateur casserole cooks seem like filet mignon chefs. By eliminating the need for a chunky knife block, counter space is increased, while wall space is utilized effectively and attractively.
Space for a knife collection to grow is possible with these strips, but a cutting block would need to be replaced or even doubled.
18. Save empty six-pack holders for ultimate refrigerator storage
Aside from protecting the environment, holding on to six pack holders is a great way to store bottles in the fridge, like condiments, dressings, juice, soda, and even yogurt. This keeps similar items together and reduces the time cramming everything onto the shelves, which also eliminates the risk of spills or breaks.Buy a few six pack holders on Amazon here.
19. Plastic container obsessed?
You may want to purge your never-ending collection of plastic containers, as theyve probably built up over the years. Get rid of any ones that wont seal, have cracks, or are entirely stained.
Once you get rid of those ones, stack the containers by size. Then, you can purchase a divider to store all of your lids (also by size)! This will give you easy access and visibility to all of your storage containers.
Tip: Make it a goal to replace all of your plastic containers with glass ones over the next year to help cut down your use of plastic.
20. Keep bags out of sight
We always recommend re-using plastic bags that you get from the grocery store, but it can be challenging figuring out where to store them so that it isnt a complete eyesore.
Well, why not DIY your own storage container? Take a canister and, using a utility knife, cut an X-shaped slit in the middle of the lid. Cover the container with your favorite cardstock and decorate it with sticky letters (or paint the words on if youre excellent at lettering)!
Then, you can roll your plastic bags together in a tight circle and put them in a canister, and thread the first bag through the slit. Think of how a tissue box works thats the same concept youre using here. Voila!
Is Your Kitchen Organized Yet? Well, It Should Be
To finalize, innovations to organize your kitchen are fairly endless and undoubtedly simple to execute. Most of these solutions are easily done in five minutes, while some of them may take a few hours to complete.
To sweeten the deal, costly professionals are rarely needed to complete these projects, but have adapted to incorporating them into their practices. Items once deemed as junk convert to their new purpose by saving space in every corner of the room, adding decorative elements that never interfere with functionality, and generally just eliminate the stress associated with kitchen clutter.
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