#thats not even vegaspete pwp
adanima · 2 years
ok i've never fully been down for vegaspete and threesomes and it's still not fully up my alley but i think i've kinda stumbled into a version i would like. i think my issue with vegaspete and threesomes is that they are so so codependent and possessive of each other that they would be incapable of sharing one another with a third. like i've long held the belief that they would be 100% into exhibitionism because that's about displaying their ownership of each other and screaming about it to others. basically bragging like "hey i get this person and he's all mine and you're never going to get him like i do". and they would be like 0% into threesomes because that would be allowing someone else, an outsider, to witness and experience and take part in sex with them, where they're stripped down and vulnerable to be seen. and like, both of them would be in agreement that threesomes are a no go. and vegas would be the one who is even more adamant about it, all possessive and everything.
but then i've realized that thinking comes with the assumption that sex is inherently tied with emotions and intimacy and vulnerability. which, i kind of always bundle together for vegaspete. like sex for vegaspete is very much about vulnerability and being perceived because it's about pete letting his desires be known and succumbing to that ("let it out, pete"). and vegas understanding those desires and reflecting them back to pete and having pete reflect them back to him ("i thought i was a freak"). and yes, sex isn't the only way this manifests for them but it's definitely a major one. for vegaspete, they can have intimacy/vulnerability without sex but they cannot have sex without intimacy/vulnerability.
and i think, given their respective histories, vegas understands this better than pete. vegas 100% knows that it's possible to have sex without being vulnerable with your partner because he's done so thousands of times before. the reason sex with pete hits so differently for vegas is because of that vulnerability. vegas absolutely knows sex with pete will never not have at least one of them vulnerable. vegas knows sex with pete will never not have a deeper meaning than the physical and he is loathe to share that with anyone. but he also knows that if either of them were to sleep with someone else now, it would mean absolutely zilch simply because it is someone else.
but pete? emotionally repressed, "we only kiss people we like" pete? pete thinks sex with anyone has to have some level of emotional meaning, some sort of connection between the people engaging in the act. meaningless sex does not register to pete. a lot of people are in agreement that pete didn't have much of a sex life before vegas and i think this a big reason why. pete wouldn't have sex with someone he doesn't have some sort of feelings for.
so, all this to say - give me a situation where a threesome is proposed or something. give me vegas being so blasé about it he just mentions it to pete as something as menial as a new dish he'll try. a "hey this sounds interesting, are you up for it?" and give me pete absolutely flipping out at the prospect of vegas with someone else. vegas directing his attention and his focus and his care to someone else.
bonus if this happens in the middle of the threesome. like pete agrees initially because "sure i'm discovering whole heaps of stuff i didn't know i liked before so why not try this" and in the middle, when vegas is turns away from pete to get the third person involved, pete loses it. pete demanding vegas to come back, to look at him again, to never look at anyone else ever again.
don't really have anything special to end this with. basically, irrationally possessive pete who surprises both of them with how possessive he is. because both of them previously thought vegas was the more possessive of the two.
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