#thats how he pulled his first two wives tbh
okay this is random and niche as shit but in ur iconic Journey to the West as Vines video (which i watch daily for my mental health) honestly thank u so much for drawing Immortal zhu bajie as a Big Guy?? bc most of the time when ppl imagine him in his celestial form before becoming a pig demon they just assume he must have been skinny bc their brain just goes "oh he was handsome? so he was skinny" but u drew that man so full bodied and Beautiful ,, i'm probably literally the only person who gives a shit about this but when i saw ur drawing of pre-demon zhu bajie i was like. Someone gets that "Handsome" doesn't mean "thin" *chef's kiss*
YES THANK YOU FOR BEING A FELLOW FAT TIANPENG YUANSHUAI TRUTHER!!!!! It gets on my nerves so much when people default to "handsome = skinny" without even thinking </3 In this household we appreciate Zhu Bajie for the bear icon that he is
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merricatblackwoods · 4 years
 note: spoilers and trigger warning below. mainly it’s just me ranting a bit about how the spanish princess is being advertised and how CoA & margaret tudor got screwed over. (also how much of a douche canoe henryviii is)
(tw for child death & pregnancy) so in general i despise anything philippa gregory but one thing that is REALLY driving me insane is all the promotion for the second season of the spanish princess. like ‘oh CoA is a badass for going out in full armour while pregnant. aw yeah.’ no. just no. they should not be glamourising this event which honestly i don’t think that she shouldnt have been involved in at a precarious time. yes it is true that she did go out on horseback at EIGHT MONTHS PREGNANT but honestly? thats dumb. like really. also she wasn’t anywhere near flooden. and lbh probably a lot of it could have been avoided if medieval england didn’t pm salivate anytime france is at war and try to grab more land as well as if henry viii had kept his mouth shut when talking shit about him being the ‘overlord of scotland’ which led to annoying his brother-in-law james iv and pushing him more to join france’s side. then cause hes a dummy, he leaves his 5-month pregnant wife as regent so he can go landgrabbing in france. she has to deal with the scottish trying to bring him back to england by invasion (which doesn’t work) and this leads to a battle which cost james iv his life. yes england won epically and honestly this probably soured scotland’s relationship with england a hell of a lot more then it already was and pushed them more towards an alliance with france (which tbh the scot/english relationship was pretty bad in the first place and henry vii tried to mend it by marrying his daughter to james iv then his idiot son pulled this sh*te not even two years after becoming king). less then a week after the battle, CoA gave birth prematurely at eight months and her son died a day later. that is what annoys me. i honestly think that so much of this could have been avoided but hviii (and pope julius but i digress) had to prove he had the biggest codpiece and calves. (honestly i truly believe it was his genes that he had no sons [literally] and the stress he put his wives/any women related to him through) the what ifs are honestly baffling to me.
honestly, the moral is: men are idiots and should not be allowed to go to war bc mostly they do it to prove they have the biggest codpieces and in the end its the women who suffer the most and shoulder SO much of the weight. months before england entered the war in 1511, CoA & HVIII’s son (henry) died at 52 days old. before that she had a miscarriage in her second trimester only to become pregnant four months later with said short lived son. by the time the battle of flodden came along, she and henry had only been married/ruling for THREE YEARS and dumbass had literally just turned 20 (plus theres the whole second son thing and prince arthur but i’m getting off track) within the next 5 years, she would have three more pregnancies: a short lived son, mary and a short lived daughter. by 1525, henry had met anne boleyn and well, everyone knows the story.* another woman in this that i feel i should mention is james iv’s wife & hviii’s sister. between 1507 and her husband’s death in sept 1513, margaret tudor had five pregnancies. her first child (james) died a few days after he turned one. five months later in july 1508, her daughter died not long after birth. exactly one day less then two years later, her nine month old son arthur died. in april 1512 she gave birth to james v and in november of that same year, she miscarried a daughter. when her son was a year old, her husband died leaving her regent (her being a woman and hviii’s sister really didn’t help her much). seven months later, she gave birth to a boy (alexander) who like most of his siblings did not live past his first birthday. (honestly that whole period of her life is just painfully tragic and i won’t go into details cause jesus) as i said, it’s the women who suffer while men talk shit and try to have the biggest slice of the pie. then they come home expecting to be coddled and pm saying that ‘you didn’t suffer like i did.’ not to mention god forbid women actually have any power (after all women couldn’t wear codpieces on their dresses, it looks stupid! and woe if they tried to display their calves [i say with GREAT sarcasm]) *continuation because i find it interesting and want to share: two days before the 20th anniversary of the battle of flodden, elizabeth was born and three years later, catherine passed away. on the day of catherine’s funeral, anne boleyn gave birth to a stillborn son. within four months, anne too would be dead. a little more then a year later, jane seymour had passed and within the next 10 years hviii would have 3 more wives.
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