#thats an example of a bad politics song. even if i agree with him making fun of conservatives i find the song fucking stupid
selamat-linting · 1 year
by the way when i say i like political references in music i dont mean vague jabs at current events i mean guys who sang about some us war crime from the 90s that never got news coverage or guys who put annotations of fucking wikipedia articles in their lyrics. i mean people who sing about politics with earnest, not in this semi-ironic detached jabs or a stupid twitter gotcha or worse, treating the subject matter of the song as something that's gone out of hand and they cant do anything about it but laugh or shrug. political music's only good when its passionate and the singer sung as if they could change the world by speaking their truth in art. i'd choose cheesy over smug apathy.
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ANGST KAZUMAJI ANON AND WOOF. FUCK. GOTTA LISTEN TO THOSE SONGS AFTER WORK. EXCITED. Your idea though OW. I haven't seen Y6 yet (I watch playthroughs don't have the console and my computer laughs at me trying to run the games) the streamer thats playing it finally got to Y6 and I am Refusing To Watch It. My heart can't take even starting the VOD.
You’re welcome for the music cc: 
A LOT of people haven’t seen 6 yet, so I did my best to get through that without spoilers ^^; Hope I haven’t ruined anything for you. And I feel that, my laptop and I have constant arguments and I’m not a good gamer anyway ^^; I should try Kiwami 1 someday though... I have it, I'm just Nervous about Being Bad ^^; 
Nice, following one streamer, well done c: I just hopped around to different playthroughs on youtube ^^; My wife and I binged all 7 games in I think 2 months, max. ^^; She crazy tho and a bad influence on me xp She likes to just sit and binge things and I am, understandably, weak for my wife <3 
6 isn’t so bad, I promise. You can do it c: It’s very pretty, you get to stare at Kiryu’s juicy ass the entire game, there’s lots of cute minigames of Kiryu with a baby, uh... *running out of nice things to say about 6* ...did I mention it’s very pretty? Fuck... Listen, I have... Feelings about game 6, but I don’t want to ruin it for anyone ^^; Everyone’s allowed to experience things in their own time and form their own opinions and I don’t want to deprive anyone of that. Please watch it and when you see it, feel free to come tell me about it c: 
And as a reward for all that, another angsty idea: 
The Nishikiyama Opera! 
So I composed the entire thing on a car ride with my wife last week and it’s WILD. Y’all ever see opera? If you’ve never seen an opera you SHOULD, they’re fucking Great. Operas are all about being The Most, comedy or tragedy, they’re all horny as shit and everyone is extra as fuck. If you living for the drama, you HAVE to get your ass to an opera. I’m lucky enough to live somewhere with a relatively robust opera community. And anyway, my point is, The Nishikiyama story? RIPE for an opera adaptation! 
First, you gotta know some of the opera tropes. There are two categories of opera, comedies which are kinda rare and tragedies which is... constantly. And operas are pretty good at telling you almost immediately which one they will be. There’s also a lot of meta about the voice parts themselves: 
Soprano - heroine, ingenue, beautiful. Will win if this is a comedy, will die if this is a tragedy. 
Alto - mothers & witches. Not the heroine. Will probably die regardless of comedy or tragedy. Unless she’s the villain, then she lives in a tragedy. 
Tenor - hero. Given the sexiest parts to sing. Sometimes unbearable. Everything is about Him. 
Baritone/Bass - fathers & villains. Gorgeous voice, never utilized properly. 
Knowing the vocal parts and what they classically represent is key to knowing who will win and who will die in the opera. For example, in Carmen, Carmen is actually an alto, not a soprano, and Don Jose is a tenor. This immediately tells you that shit’s fucked. Tenors are supposed to fall in love with sopranos, never altos. So this story can only end in tragedy because he’s interested in the wrong kind of voice part. There’s even a counterpoint of a soprano who is madly in love with him, and the baritone toreador for Carmen. They’re given their proper voice partners, but Don Jose still pursues Carmen which is a ginormous mistake by operatic tropes. 
So, opera education over, picture this: 
ACT I  Kiryu (soprano) is the loveliest yakuza in all the land! He’s just delightful. The Chorus sings his praises and he demonstrates his impeccable fighting ability. (Forgot to mention, any opera worth its salt has a Chorus and I will die on this hill.) The Audience is assured of his might and grace. 
Kiryu, obviously, does not want for admirers, but has not chosen to court anyone formally. 
Here enters Kiryu’s brother, Nishiki (bass). The Chorus explains that Nishiki is second to his brother in strength, but is formidable in his own right. Nishiki explains to the audience how he longs for Kiryu, how he covets him, his strength, his beauty. How after a lifetime together, affection has turned to love. Nishiki must have him. 
Kiryu hears none of this. Nishiki approaches to make his case when Majima (tenor) sweeps onto the scene. Majima is brazen and glib. The Chorus tells us to beware his charming smile, he is as dangerous as he is flirtatious. Majima has heard of Kiryu’s reputation and calls him into the street to defend his title. Kiryu responds and they do battle. 
In the midst of the battle, Majima finds himself won over by Kiryu’s skill and grace, his kindness and strength. Majima is bursting with love and there and then makes a proposal to Kiryu, offering his whole heart. 
Kiryu is stunned. Majima is not a weak fighter, he is not a braggadocio, despite appearances. He was a real challenge and Kiryu was not expecting the fight to take this turn. He is so surprised he cannot make an answer and politely, but quickly, leaves. 
Nishiki has been watching the entire time and finds his heart gripped by jealousy. He plots to claim Kiryu for himself and hates Majima bitterly, despite the fact that Kiryu has given no answer. Nishiki believes he knows his brother too well not to know that Kiryu returns his affections even if he won’t say. Nishiki leaves, concocting a plan. 
We find Kiryu at his balcony, lamenting his situation. Majima may have been exciting, but Kiryu’s no fool. He has no proof that Majima’s feelings will not waver in time. Majima steals into the garden beneath Kiryu’s balcony and professes his love once more. 
Kiryu is startled and makes to flee, but Majima sings so sweetly, entreats so gently, that Kiryu is compelled to stay. Majima doesn’t even ask again, just sings of his feelings. Kiryu, in his heart, is wooed by this. He may have been ready to answer when Nishiki interrupts. Majima quickly hides in the foliage. 
Nishiki counters with his own confession, his own proposal. Kiryu is shocked and saddened. He begins to sadly tell his brother that he cannot accept. Nishiki flies into a rage, demanding if there is someone else, someone else Kiryu prefers. Kiryu hesitates, but answers honestly that he has always seen Nishiki as a brother, regardless of any other feelings. He cannot accept Nishiki on the grounds of their previous relationship. 
Nishiki was expecting this. He reveals a vial of poison and threatens to drink it unless Kiryu will marry him. Majima gasps. Kiryu pleads with Nishiki not to be rash, but Nishiki only demands his answer, the vial nearly at his lips. 
Kiryu swallows back tears and collapses to his knees. Sorrowfully, he agrees, unable to bear the responsibility of his brother’s death, and the act finishes to the sound of clamoring wedding bells. 
ACT II The lights come up on Kiryu and Nishiki in their home. Nishiki is pacing the floor and making increasingly outlandish suggestions for things to do. Kiryu says yes to all of them, gently and politely. Nishiki’s frustration and annoyance increases with every yes. Eventually he snaps at Kiryu, demanding why he won’t fight him, demanding why he will give no more reaction than a placid yes. Kiryu shrugs helplessly and tries to soothe his brother, but Nishiki won’t be soothed. 
They have been married less than a year and it has been like this the entire time, getting worse by the day. Nishiki can see the pain he’s causing his brother, but can’t stop himself. He loves him too greedily to stop. He departs, hoping to take his mind off things. 
Kiryu is left alone in the house and sings a longer, sadder version of his lament from the balcony. Distantly, we hear strains of Majima’s love song, now broken and echoing. 
The scene changes and we see Kiryu sat down in a busy cafe. At first we assume he’s alone, but people move and we can see he is sitting across from Majima. They do not touch. Their careful, polite space around each other is conspicuous. 
Kiryu is tired, he looks wan, almost sick. Majima sings heartbrokenly, telling Kiryu he needs to take care of himself. He is desperate to take Kiryu away from all this, and asks several times, but Kiryu always sighs and shakes his head no. Majima knows Kiryu will not break his word once given, he is too good and honorable for that. But he cannot help singing for him all the same. He cannot touch, he will not permit himself to touch, but he can sing. 
Kiryu eventually cannot take the heartache anymore and departs sorrowfully. Majima looks after him, just as sad. Nishiki is revealed to have been spying on them the entire time. He confronts Majima, furious and accusatory. He insists that he and Kiryu have been having an affair. Majima simply looks at him and shrugs. Nishiki screams for Majima to admit it, to admit that Kiryu loves him, has always loved him, this whole time. Majima only says that Nishiki knows Kiryu best. He will not confirm or deny anything Nishiki says. Shaken and stymied, Nishiki flees. 
We return to Kiryu’s balcony, where he sits, silent and pale. Nishiki storms in and begins to berate Kiryu with his accusations. He is half-mad now, not seeming to hear Kiryu’s denials. Kiryu professes over and over that only Nishiki is his husband, that he loves only Nishiki. Nishiki cannot accept this as true. Nishiki screams that Kiryu ought to ask him for a divorce. Kiryu cannot claim to want a divorce. He gave his word. Nishiki reveals that he had been watching them in the cafe, that he knows all, the secret contents of Kiryu’s heart. Kiryu manages some resistance at last and asks Nishiki for proof. What proof of his indiscretions? What proof of adultery? What has Kiryu done that has angered his husband-brother so? 
Nishiki has none. Kiryu has not done anything wrong, not in word, not in act. Whatever thoughts he might accuse Kiryu of having are ephemeral and will never be real. Still... Nishiki saw how they looked together and his heart was sore. He knows he has stolen Kiryu from what was rightfully his. Moved to regret, Nishiki withdraws the vial of poison again. 
Kiryu gasps and tries to prevent his brother. 
Nishiki swallows the poison quickly, insisting this will set things right, this will free his brother. He says he did it for love. He falls. 
Kiryu collapses next to him, sobbing. 
The final scene is Nishiki’s funeral. Kiryu kneels next to his brother’s grave, all in black. He sings of his regrets, of his sorrow. Majima stands close by, but still not touching. He does not look at the grave, only at Kiryu. His broken love song is the last thing we hear. 
The End. 
...this opera was a tragedy ^^; 
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theday · 7 years
Oh I think it's good that you're still politely tweeting @ him! And as for my current thoughts, I mean I guess I'm doing okay? Of course I haven't forgotten, but every time I see him in a post I try to quell the feelings of negativity with the fact that I believe in him. That's because even though he did something that I don't agree with since I think it's bad, I strongly believe (because what we see of them is so limited, but you can still kind of tell I guess?) that he doesn't.. have bad
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intentions. It’s like when a friend of yours makes a mistake but because you know them and how they are, you know that they most likely didn’t mean it. That’s how I’m viewing this situation right now. Yeah I don’t know Jae personally but from what we’ve seen so far, I deeply feel like he didn’t have bad intentions with that. That’s how I get through these negative feelings towards him haha. Sorry if that was repetitive I just wanted to make sure that my thoughts were clear for you to understand. (2)
Also, I think it’s nice that you’re still actively reaching out to Jae so he can address the issue for whatever reasons it may be. Like you said, lots of people have stopped doing so for their own reasons. But it’s good to know that you’re still doing that. I don’t know it’s hard to explain lol. And thank you! I tend to have faith in people most of the time because… well there are a lot of reasons. To sum it up: people are usually quick to assume things about others. Hm. For example, in this (3)
situation, some people might just assume that Jae’s bad because the recommendation of a song like that reflects that thought. However, I don’t think it’s fair to assume that, even though they have the right to believe that with what they’ve seen. I don’t like hastily assuming the bad side in people because I think that it could lead to a misunderstanding in doing so, which can take away the truth of it all. That probably didn’t make sense but I don’t want to make this any longer than it already (4)
is lol. Thank you again and I hope you have a nice day or night too! (5)
ahh thank you for coming back to my ask box to talk about this!! something im really glad about is that there arent any articles about the whole thing??? i know as soon as an idol or famous person does (1) problematic thing everyones on that shit immediately so im relieved that this wasnt blown out of proportion
this might have to do with why there arent a lot of people tweeting to him about it - so it wont be publicised (?) which is great!! because i know for a fact that if an article was to be put up about what jae did many anti fans (?) will come for jaes blood which… is ridiculous?? because as you said one incident really doesnt show who a person is and what theyre like!! mydays would know that jae is a sweet person who’s always encouraging us and we all know that he loves us and day6 a lot.. so thats one thing im thankful for,,
i dont really have anything to say about this and ill just keep @ ing him and if theres a fanchatting thing coming up ill be sure to apply so i can ask him if its still not touched upon,, there should be MA tomorrow too so if i can ill tune in to ask him!!
it was really a blessing to have someone to talk to about this whole situation so once again thank you so much for coming into my ask to talk about this and if you ever want to talk about anythng else or just day6 please feel free to come back bc im lonely always willing to listen to other people’s rambles bc i love seeing people talk about their favourite people its cute!!! 
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mfbunsigned-blog · 8 years
The Isle Of CC - MFB Unsigned Interview
Hello! MFB is back! New year, new bands, new experiences. I hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas and New Year and got all the presents you asked Santa for.  This weeks interview was with the wonderful The Isle Of CC, who I must say is the friendliest person I have ever interviewed, it was such a nice experience to get to know all about her and her music.  Born in Milton Keynes and now currently resides in Brighton, this sassy lady is taking music on an adventure. Flowing hip-hop vibes into Neo Soul, she’s definitely turning heads in the Brighton music scene. Not only does she have love for her own music, but is a huge supporter for others within the scene, and that, I have admiration for.  Not only is she releasing a debut EP next month (Links below)  she’s also being played on BBC Introducing The South’s show today! Exciting stuff!  MFB: Hi! thank you so much for meeting me, this is really exciting because I’ve heard a lot of your stuff on Soundcloud and I really really like you music! It’s got a really cool hip-hop vibe to it! I really want to ask, How did The Isle of CC become what it is? What got you into music at the start? CC: Oh wow! So the name The Isle Of CC came from my mum, believe it or not. CC is my nickname, ‘cause my name is Serena, but she didn’t really have a nickname for me so she used to call me CC. So I thought it was quite nice, and my closest friends actually call me CC. It’s always going to be nostalgic and remind me of home. The Isle bit came from when I do my music, I feel that I go into a world of my own. So, that’s where The Isle Of CC came from. when it comes to music, well, Music has been apart of my life for a very long time. My parents used to sing as a duo in different churches, I used to go round with them, hearing them do harmonies and things like that. I’ve loved music for like, ever haha. MFB: Aww that’s so lovely! After listing to a lot of your stuff, I really do get a hip-hop/jazzy feel in your music. What would you say are your influences are? What made you steer to that genre? CC: My main influences hands down, would definitely be Erykah Badu, I’m like, SO into Erykah Badu, it��s unreal. There are a few that newer, that i’ve found i’ve draw influences from as well, people like Noname, even though their style is quite different, I do like the way, how they almost tell a story thought their music.  MFB: Oh cool almost like a storyteller, that’s really interesting! So my next question is; What are you working on at the moment? CC: I’m working on my EP at the moment, My debut EP which I’m really excited about, I’m also working on some other things too, but my main focus is my EP. MFB: Thats cool, So I’m guessing you write most of your stuff, but do you have any band members that add to the music you write or is it all electronic and do you work with a producer or do you work on your own? CC: I have a band that’s more of a session band in a way, at the moment it’s just me and a Producer. Who essentially creates what’s inside my head. it’s weird because I’ll be like “I want this, but I don’t have all the producery words, this is how I want it and they key” and he just somehow magically does it! MFB: Haha yeah it’s always good when songwriting to have a producer! So we talked about your EP, I want to ask, Is there a re-accuring theme in your music, like, is it very Political, is it about relationships, or none of the above? Haha CC: That’s a good question actually, I think most the songs are quite separate, but in someway interlinked, for example, overall I have a vision of what the EP will be about which is to send people on a journey. With this EP it’s going to be spoken word and then going into songs and basically, I have agoraphobia, and I want it to simulate the journey of what it feels like to have agoraphobia through the EP. It’s quite sad but very engaging in a way, i want to show that it’s ok to feel scared of stuff and it’s not going to be forever. It’s going to be temporary, and you’re going to get over it one day but for now it’s ok to be scared. MFB: I love that! That’s such a great idea, that’s so lovely! So is there a song at the moment that is your favourite to work on or perform? CC: It has to be Losing! MFB: I completely agree with that, I listened to it on Soundcloud and I can see people definitely getting into it. CC: It’s proper Badu-y, I was in a Badu mood and listened to a lot of her stuff and it just kinda birthed what is now Losing. MFB: Are you thinking of doing any gigs any time soon? have you got any gigs lined up after the EP? Or like some musicians now, just put all of your music online? CC: I’m doing an EP launch which I'm promoting myself, where I will be selling physical copies and a few other merchandise. Which will be the 22nd February, which is a Wednesday. It’s pretty soon and I’m really excited but also scared at the same time haha! I will be releasing it online as well but that will probably be on the Friday so it can be a little bit of a breather. MFB: Ah awesome! Who will be playing at the EP Launch? CC: So it’s going to be Sylvia, who is in One Eyed Jacks, Libby, who is a very good friend of mine, she’s just ma girl when it comes to things like harmonies and Rob Baker who used to be in Bad Girl Island. And it’s going to be at the Brunswick which is easy to get to! MFB: Lovely! I know there’s a lot of bands in Brighton and I’m just wondering; who do you think people should look out for within the music scene here?
CC: I would definitely have to say LeBeaux, um, and One Eyed Jacks, oh Tilda Allie is really cool! oh and I know if I don’t mention her, she’ll probably kill me, Taylor Barker/La Plage haha! and Charlie Thomas, who has his own band with him now, so he’s Charlie and The Villas haha! Miles too! Oh my,  Just listen to everyone! MFB: Haha all the friends! Okay, cool. So another question, As there are so many bands in Brighton, as a musician do you think it’s hard to get into the music scene here or quite easy?  CC: I don’t think it’s that hard. only reason why i say that is I come from Milton Keynes so the music scene there is... not none existent but there’s really only two places where you can perform. So when you think of getting into a music scene where there is only two places to perform it’s really difficult, especially when the only two places are very niche, where I’m from you either have to be very metal-y or quite rock-y or maybe ska, and if your not people aren’t really interested. Which is really sad. I don’t think it’s hard to get into the music scene around here and I do think it’s good to go to places where it’s a challenge, where all the musicians will give you honest opinions, and I feel I wouldn’t get that where I’m from. It’s more about getting yourself out there and networking with people.  MFB: Yeah, I feel that there is a lot of networking opportunities here compared to other places. So expanding on that question, I would like to ask: What advice would you give to someone who wanted to get into the music scene here in Brighton or want to start putting their music online? CC: Good questions, definitely talking to the right people, so I’ve done this thing where I’ve made a music directory, which has from bloggers to promoters to photographers, anyone who would have contacts and basically start from there. Going to open mic nights, even if you're only playing one song, go to them. Talk to people, the people in Brighton are really nice, don’t be afraid, just go out and make yourself known.  MFB: Good Advice! Awesome, I usually do a fun question which is on the lines of: if you could play a gig with anyone who would it be? But I’m going to mix it up a bit just for you! If you had to make an Album with anyone Dead or Alive, who would it be? CC: It would have to be... Can I only have one person?
MFB: I’ll give you two people CC: Okay, Aretha Franklin and James Brown MFB: Awesome ok and What would they be called? CC: Oh my god! okay, Um, probably with Aretha Franklin it would have to be something really sassy, like... oh god, what’s a sassy album name?! I think it would just be called SASS. just Sass, all the sass. Yeah, All The Sass. And James Brown... I think it would just be a James Brown scream. Imagine James Brown’s scream and that’s the name of the album. Just Aaaah. People who were James Brown fans would know what that means haha! MFB: Good choice of names! I love it! Well thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview it was lovely to meet you and get to know you! I’m really looking forward to the EP Launch.  Links:
WEBSITE www.theisleofcc.com 
EVENT http://www.thebrunswick.net/2016/08/the-isle-of-cc-agoraphobia-ep-launch-wednesday-22nd-feb-2017/
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