#thats all? when did i get so far from everuthing
#the rational part of me knows that everything will be okay but it's getting there thats always the hardest. so many big changes have been#happening recently and. fuck. i dont like what my life is becoming. i try my best to keep it together but god it's hard sometimes#i feel so. stupid. am i even worth anything? I'm just tired. i havent been doing anything to deserve to be tired but i am#i wish i could be better. i wont get into the details and i know this sounds like I'm losing my shit but god theres just so much happening#and I'm being crushed by this pressure and the scariest part is that maybe theres nothing even to be scared about. maybe this is just me#being fucked up and a scared little kid that was never quite good enough just like always. i was gonna get back to playing my game but ive#just been here for the past hour staring into space and crying. i tried to read a book but even that made me cry too-#what a fucking life huh? i dont know anything anymore. everything i know is changing and idk how to deal with it all#ive never felt so.. worthless. i just want a break. this is mostly just about academic pressure since thats what really set me off tonight#but everything else too.. god i'm so.. fucked. i put on this brave face because I'm in a position where ive been so isolated for so long#that i dont even have people to talk to about my problems anymore. when did it get to the point where i have all these friends in name but#thats all? when did i get so far from everuthing#when did it all fall apart? when did i become this stupid?#and ofc all this fucking jazz leads to the eventual 'my f/o wouldnt love a girl like me theyd go find someone else + leave' bullshit. sigh.#I'm fucking tired man. no one has to comfort me or message me or anything. I'll be fine and honestly I'm glad i was just able to get it out#(even if i can't share details obviously) I'm just.. at a point in my life where I'm confused. adulthood is hard man..#anyways i think I'll get my shit together and play more y.akuza now! the crying has sorta stopped lmaoo i think I'm on chapter 12 of 0 now?#very fun! I'm having fun.#negative#vent#ash rambles 💚#technically-#ahem. yeah. getting it all out felt good. maybe this hellsite is worth smth after all LMAAAOOO
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nishicchikouchi · 4 years
I dont really think the fandom BNHA has many OC-centric fics. I haven't read one, though there are some where the OC plays a roll a because canon-divergence duh. So I a plot bunny came to me and I have no idea how to write a story because I can only do snippets lol (Was inspired by Katara from Aang the Last Airbender) ... and probably because I wanted a reincarnated!OC HAHA.
Name: Chihiro Fukukai
Quirk: Water Manipulation
Description: A very versatile quirk and can be used for many things
Blood type: O+
Appearance: Deep blue eyes with Blueish-white hair.
Chihiro was many things. But most of all, she's a follower and does not tolerate bullying. So when she transfers to a new school and encounters Midoriya and Bakugou, it does not bode well. She retaliated to teachers whenver they stop her from defendeing the quirkless kid. Bakugou looks really annoyed with her. And now brings her to a certain situation with the freckled kid.
"U-uhm, Thank you for always defending me Ch-chihiro-san"
With the boys' body language, you can tell he was really grateful.
"Its fine. I dont really tolerate bullying. I cant stand it when someone just ignores wrong things that people do. Its annoying."
The other kid looked liked he really wanted to cry. That he did combined with the endless stream of gratitude.
A few days passed and Chihiro could tell that Midoriya was antsy. He'd glance at her way and whenever she glances back, he immediately averts his eyes.
And now, comes lunch, Chihiro made his way to Midoriya's table. Promptly making the kid a blubbering mess.
"Midoriya, can you come with me?" after a few curious glances was djrected towards them, the boy made his hurry to be on his way to follow Chihiro.
"Chihiro-san, I-is there something wrong?"
"I should be asking you that. You kept glancing at my way and never spoke up. If you want to say something, say it to my face." She dont cuss. Dealing with bullied people only made them worse.
"I, you-, um, C-can we be friends?!" Midoriya flushed as his voice slightly rose with the last line.
"I really just want to- ... Huh?" Chihiro patted the fluffy mess of hair and repeated herself. It was the start of their really good friendship.
"Ne, Midoriya. Why do you kept following Bakugou even though he's like that?"
"K-kacchan is just really kind. I think he's a real good person thats just misunderstood. I mean, he's trying be a hero right? No evil person would want to be one."
"I think he just needs anger managements. Why do you think that though?"
"What you just said."
They stare at each other for a moment, and Midoriya understood.
"Just, before he got his quirk we were really close but then He got an amazing one and I didn't get any. He was praised because he was set to be a hero. While I was here useless and 'deku'. B-but its not really Kacchan's fault."
Midoriya was now fidgeting under the stare of the gjrl and raised his heaf when he heard a loud sigh.
"True, he had an amazing quirk and has conviction, but do you really think he knows what being a hero means? He's just saying what he wants to when he says he'll be number one, but why? A hero is someone who saves others. Not someone who wants to take the top. If you want to be a hero, you won't care about the fame because you'd only want to save and help people. Well, I do get why All Might is cool. Being the symbol of peace and all that, but people tend to forget that heroes get injured too. They aren't invincible. All Might reassures people just by being there, being number 1 and I think that's how katsuki sees it. Which is fine because he's still a kid. But, if he really intend to be a hero he needs to mature and I wont hesitate to tell it to his face.
People needs a hero with pure desire to only help. Just like you. Even if you're quirkless, you have a strong determination and the conviction. You saw how society treats people whom are without quirk or has a low potenial quirk. The world shouldn't just judge peiple because of their quirk but also their resolve. That's what I think is the most important. Which is why I know for sure, that you can exceed thir expectations and be the kind of hero that you want to be, Midoriya."
Chihiro said with a voice so sincere while wiping the tears that was unnoticed by Midoriya until now.
"T-that's... Thank you Chihiro-san no one ever really said those kind of things to me.
Its also the first time I heard you talk really long. Im- Im really moved."
Chihiro handed her handkerchief to him and let the other wipe the stream.
"Well, you need to train if you want to be a hero so badly. You dont think that the heroes didn't really go through that? They would need to of course, in high school at the hero courses but, as someone who wants to be a hero without a quirk, you need to know what can help you to achieve that goal."
It was after that long talk, that the two seemed much more closer than before. Midoriya haven't hanged out with Bakugou since that conversation as he was busy.
And so brings Bakuhou to confront Chihiro about the recent changes with the nerd. It starts with Bakugou being the one who is pressing Chihiro but ends like this.
"Do you realky think that a person whose ego is as big as you can be a hero? No wait, that is a wrong thing to say considering Endevor is a a hero, so I'll rephrase it. What is your pride? What do you fight for? Why does everuthing that Izuku do makes you want to know? Why do you have an Inferiority complex? Did you know that there are 80% people in the population who has a quirk so why do you think that you are so perfect just because of your quirk? You need to know and remember in your thick skull that there may be people out ther esomehwere who hates their quirk even though its "perfect", the teachers might be lenient with you behaviour but I will not tolerate it. If I was someone who pointed out the wrongness with you, dont you think there might be more people who will point it out in the future? Dont you think ther emight be more people who wants to be number 1 and has a far stronger quirk than you? But in the end we are all still people. Living beings. Were not invincible. No one is. Not even heroes. You need to know that and remember that."
Bakigou was too stunned to even let his anger take over as he processed the words said.
2 years later, nearing the end of middle school, the three of then will have their own encounters.
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