thatvideogamezoo · 5 years
I honestly don't know what to do with this anymore. I just have this account here I guess. Maybe I'll do stuff with it?
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thatvideogamezoo · 5 years
Is anyone still here? Should I bother still using this?
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
Tumblr media
If you want to scratch that Advance Wars itch, I think Wargroove is as close as we're gonna get right now.
Maybe Nintendo will remember that they also own Advance Wars at some point and give Fire Emblem a rest, at least a little bit.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
Hey, just letting you all know I mostly use Twitter to talk. I'm bad at doing stuff here, I'll try to be more active here.
My main is ThatZooooooooo: https://twitter.com/ThatZooooooooo
My alt account is ThatOtherZoo (Link is NSFW): https://twitter.com/ThatOtherZoo
Feel free to poke me at Twitter, if here still works. I'm more active on Twitter though.
I'll never leave here so long as certain special girls and friends I only have on here are still here, you all know who you are, I love you all :3 <3
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting I have this. Maybe I should use this.
I got Travis Strikes Again, because I want No More Heroes 3 to be a thing. I love those games, the first two games are really fun and some of my favorites. As far as I know also, No More Heroes 2 is still a Wii exclusive. I would love for a 3rd game to be made.
Travis Strikes Again is... alright, I guess. The charm is there. It has the character and story that aligns well with the other games. It's funny and we'll written. The gameplay I find a bit lacking, but I understand some of the design decisions they made because they added a 2-Player Cooperative feature for this game. It's still a good time, but it shows its more of a side story than a main game.
I hope No More Heroes 3 happens though.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
Well, GG Tumblr.
You done screwed up.
You're killing yourself at this point.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
They call me Wario.
Because I got them Smooth Moves.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
Somebody punch me in the face so I fall asleep or something. I can't sleep.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
Man, I miss game shows. I love watching them. They're just not a popular thing nowadays. It's hard to get in over the big few we have that have lived on for decades.
Very occasionally we get a new one, and I always gobble it up.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
There's nothing to do where I live after, like, 9 P.M.
Everything closes here except the supermarket and gas stations.
If you can't tell, I'm very bored.
I just tend to shout into the void with whatever is on my mind at no particular person when I'm bored.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
I haven't been up for 24+ hours straight in a long time. My head hurts. The sun is out by this point I think, so it's keeping me up now I guess. I couldn't sleep. Probably won't be able to until it gets dark. Played lots of game at least though.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
Remember when I said I'd totally buy Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil remake again if they came to Switch?
I is a happy.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
I'm glad I don't need to be at work tomorrow.
If anybody wants to hang out or something tomorrow, I'm open to it.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
I'm at home taking care of my dog because my parents are out of town. I don't wanna leave him by himself too long, so I'm staying home this weekend.
I'll probably be bored all day, so if people wanna talk and stuff on Discord or something, I don't mind.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
I... somehow inherited a copy of Robocop on Blu-Ray at work today.
I don't know how, but I have it I guess.
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thatvideogamezoo · 6 years
The Street Fighter EX games are very underrated. Well, mostly Street Fighter EX+Alpha and Street Fighter EX2+. SF EX3 was kinda meh, but still fun. Still, they're very fun games with fun systems.
I so wish I could play Fighting EX Layer... I is so sad I don't have PS4 right now.
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