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eerna · 19 days ago
AHHHH IM SO HAPPY YOU GOT TO SEE IT!!!!!! as someone who's seen Phillip as Hades and absolutely adored him i MUST know what you thought and what his chemistry with Amber was like!!!!!!!! so incredibly happy for you omg
They weren't as connected as her and Patrick, but DAMN were they in love... Phillip's Hades is the same brand of "so in love with his wife he became insane" as Hades as Patrick's, which for some reason not many actors do??? He is so dignified and his voice is booming and full and deep not only in parts it has to be, but ALL THE TIME. He has a brave face on and seems emotionless and mean, but when he looks at Amber.. When he cries during Epic III... Augh CHILLS! And also they brought back my favorite version of their acting during the "They can't find the tune" part of Chant, where Hadea asks premission to touch Persephone and he kisses her hand and they keep getting closer until "The gods have forgotten the song of their love" in which she flinches and he just JUMPS AWAY and TURNS AROUND IN MORTIFICATION. AUGH. I LOVE THAT SO MUCH??? AND IT WAS THERE!!!
All in all, Phillip is now the only non-Patrick Hades I truly love. He was so good ugh ugh ugh
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graciehart · 9 months ago
for the ask game! Top five Teresa Lisbon scenes!
girl. GIRL. the way i AGONIZED over this all day.
7x12 interrogation scene — "i don't think you understand how important this is to me" 😭
7x12 wedding ring — okay this isn't technically one scene, but i love love LOVE how she straightens up when Tork starts talking about psychics and then when she apologizes to jane 😭
4x10 saving jane — the way she just runs into water (it must have been FREEZING) and is the one who stays there and tells the paramedics everything and holding the necklace and just all of it
2x03 dancing — she's so cute i'm im love with her 😭
1x23 speech — this speech is just so important to me okay
ask me my top 5 anything!
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thesunwillart · 2 years ago
Not to keep asking for jatp rwby au, but I’m so obsessed with it so, could I request some rwby au juke?❤️
this inspired me to mess with julie's semblance!! her sonic screams are now butterfly shaped <3
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tmsource · 11 months ago
for the bluebird countdown: jisbon insulting/making fun of each other! 💙
I had soooo much fun with this one 😭 here is my interpretation, hope you like it! 😊
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🚨🚨The Mentalist Finale 10th Anniversary Celebrations 🎉🎉
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Calling all Mentalistas - on February 18th 2015, the final episode of our beloved show aired.
To celebrate the 10th Anniversary, I was hoping we could all band together and try to make The Mentalist trend here on Tumblr. We could create edits/fanart/fanfic etc. and reblog as much Mentalist content as possible. We could even plan a week running up to the 18th with a special tag.
Please let me know your thoughts and possible ideas and reblog this post!
@lightningzombie, @feministjane, @backgroundagent3, @adder24, @magicandmaybe
@margaretintherain, @wildwildtarget, @kathnaris, @bookboundromance, @a-carnie-and-a-cop
@psychicpinenut, @kaimelypowaaah, @stxrdust-widow, @lonely-zombiiiiieeeee, @emilie786
@louisaland, @autumn0689, @michi384, @lisbonloaferrs, @heclosescases
@mercedesssssss, @lizzybennets, @smoakmonster, @thiscoldheart, @lovejisbon
@lovelydrusilla, @someonestolemyshoes, @thehiccupingbanana, @middlingmay, @kllingdaddy
@someonesaidcake, @saturnzoned, @lisbonsversion, @renegadesstuff, @21-roses-a-day
@javier-pena, @scullysconstant, @jakeperalta, @sunnymentalist
@thatbitchmabel, @cull3nblaze, @thetumblinggnome, @sylviedonnas, @lisbonsteresa
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thatbitchmabel · 6 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Agatha All Along (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Agatha Harkness & Billy Maximoff, Agatha Harkness & Billy Kaplan, Agatha Harkness & Rebecca Kaplan, Agatha Harkness & Jennifer Kale, Billy Kaplan & Rebecca Kaplan, Rebecca Kaplan & Billy Maximoff, Jennifer Kale & Billy Maximoff Characters: Agatha Harkness, Billy Maximoff, Billy Kaplan, Rebecca Kaplan, Jennifer Kale, William Kaplan (Agatha All Along), Nicholas Scratch (Marvel) Additional Tags: Divorced Agatha Harkness/Rio Vidal, Post-Canon, Character Study, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Unreliable Narrator, Agatha Harkness is a lying liar who lies, Angst, Parent-Child Relationship, Agatha’s mommy issues and mother issues are having a cockfight in her brain, Tune in to find out which one wins!, Nicky and William are haunting the narrative, Dubious knowledge of marvel magic lore, we're making it up folks!, identity crisis, Rebecca Kaplan finds out, Billy Kaplan Needs a Hug, self recognition through the other (derogatory), how do you grieve when there's magic in the world?, Agatha Harkness is Bad at Feelings, Agatha Harkness's trademark brutal honesty Summary:
“Billy.” She sits up, wills the air to pull her forward until she’s hovering right above him. “Magic responds to the self—”
  “And what does that say about you?” He mutters and oh, the kid is really starting to grow a spine—
  “So how are you going to understand yours, when you won’t even face who you are?”
  Two months later she bites her tongue, hard, pushing back the urge to say I told you so.
 Or, Agatha adjusts to an afterlife with the Kaplan’s. Billy’s magic causes another mess for her to clean up.
Must be logged in to read!
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kybee1497 · 1 year ago
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I’d Tell You I Love You, but Then I’d Have to Kill You by kybee1497
Julie Molina, 3rd generation legacy and senior at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women.
Luke Patterson, prodigy of the Blackthorne Institue for Boys.
The two first met last year during their spring final exam. He flirted. She used him. They both lied. But Luke cheated and Julie hasn’t forgiven it, she definitely hasn’t forgotten, and she can’t quite shake the blow to her confidence the encounter left.
But what was supposed to be a one off, turns out to be a lot more when Blackthorne joins Gallagher Academy for the year and suddenly Luke is everywhere. He’s cocky, charming, and drives her crazy but the look in his eyes when she aces a test or hands him is ass in gym sends butterflies fluttering through her stomach.
Which is stupid because Julie has more important things to worry about. Like passing her classes and getting through her final year. Like why her mothers been acting so weird, stress lining her eyes. Like why exactly the Blackthorne boys are here this year and what exactly happened to Headmaster Covington. Like what she’s going to do after graduation… if they even get there, because the mystery of Blackthorne is far more dangerous than they could have ever guessed.
It’s finally here!!! Tagging anyone I’ve yelled about this au with over the last 2 ish years (also my memory is terrible so I’m so sorry if I leave someone out) @sunsetcurbed @angelofarts @fandomscraziness22 @thatbitchmabel @willexmagic @itsthebooks @williexmercer
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justcallmevodka · 6 months ago
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@thatbitchmabel influenced me into drawing Cho and Jane playing dress to impress and I thought that was great lol
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wr0temyway0ut · 10 months ago
WIP Wednesday!
Thank you @stellarspecter for the tag!!
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days.
After you’ve posted, people can send you asks with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
fic fest for inny (@innytoes yes i WILL finish your fic fest gift eventually I'm working on it)
Alex Anxiety
Benjay hurt comfort
Foster Care Au
Trans masc Carrie
No Pressure Tags:
@thatbitchmabel @martialwriter @queenofthequillandink @zazujoy @sunsetcurvecuddles @sunset-bobby @chickwiththepurpleguitar
and anyone else who wants to play! Apologies if you've already been tagged or I forgot you
And here's a snippet from the fic fest fic! Ships involved are Rayleb and Reggie/Bobby/Luke
Carlos goes to sit in the chair next to Caleb, and almost on instinct Reggie reaches out to stop him. Carlos shoots him a weird look but complies, going to sit next to Mom’s empty spot instead. Reggie sighs in relief, until he realizes the position he’s put himself in. He’s glad he protected his brother, of course he is, but now he has to sit next to Caleb, within his reach, for the whole meal— Except Bobby swoops in, pushing Reggie to the next seat over and dropping down next to Caleb instead. Reggie gives him an astonished look, but he just shrugs.  “I don’t want to sit next to Luke,” Bobby says, casual as anything. “He smells especially bad today.” “I do not!” Luke yelps, though he sniffs his armpit to check anyway. Always classy, that boy. God, Reggie loves him. 
And asks ab the other fics are welcome!
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blush-and-books · 1 month ago
life update game
tagged by @lesbiandarvey my beloved!!! amanda i hope you know that i encounter some shit almost every day that makes me think of you
🎧Last Song: darwinism by halsey
🖍️Favorite Color: sage green :))
📚Last Book: i'm reading 2 rn, one is wuthering heights, the other is a history of witch trials from around the world.
🎥Last Movie: juror #2!
🍜Sweet/Spicy/Savory: can't choose between savory and sweet
💕Relationship Status: single!
🌐Last thing I googled duckduckgo-ed: i looked up showtimes at an amc theater near me haha
💓Current obsession: my dear @bluefirewrites got me a moon plushie for xmas that just came in the mail so i am very very excited about that!!!
🔮Looking forward to: leaving my job, and the role model concert i'm going to in april!
tagging with no pressure: @4thbrighteststar @rvspecter @thatbitchmabel @oatm3al-c00kies @burntblueberrywaffles <333
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graciehart · 10 months ago
hehehehehe jisbon for the ship ask game…and I can’t remember his name rn but Liz and her husband from if/then (what is their ship name. Do they have one)
LOL Liz and Josh omg 😂 (I'll do Jisbon in a separate ask!)
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send me a ship and I'll play ship bingo!
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thesunwillart · 2 years ago
HI RYN I LOVE YOU can I request anything from the jatp rwby au. Whatever you want. make us laugh, make us swoon, make us cry
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just a teenage romance interrupted by BETRAYAL!!!
(rwby vol 3 type of betrayal)
and here's more jatp rwby au for those curious :]
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tmsource · 10 months ago
Hello!! for the 100 days of bluebird, I'd love to request Jane and Lisbon wearing their matching blue button ups! It alway makes me smile when they do that. thank you sm! 💙
hi! thanks for the request and thanks so much for your patience! it's so silly how often this happens (I could only fit a handful!) 🥹
here is the gifset. hope you like it! 💙
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profwonderbearthementalista · 2 months ago
Jisbon Improvised Poker Scene
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The Mentalist Episode of the Week (Week 30/?) - Red In Tooth and Claw 5x14.
Mentalist Mondays - Week 47
This scene was completely improvised between Robin Tunney and Simon Baker. On their second take, Robin accidentally dealt Simon two aces and their conversation from as soon as the cards are dealt, is improvised!
@lightningzombie, @feministjane, @backgroundagent3, @adder24, @magicandmaybe
@margaretintherain, @wildwildtarget, @kathnaris, @bookboundromance, @a-carnie-and-a-cop
@psychicpinenut, @kaimelypowaaah, @stxrdust-widow, @lonely-zombiiiiieeeee, @emilie786
@louisaland, @autumn0689, @michi384, @saturnzoned, @lisbonloaferrs
@thatbitchmabel, @cull3nblaze, @thetumblinggnome, @sylviedonnas, @louisaland
Photo Credit to @renegadesstuff, @robins-green-shades, @lisbonsversion
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 1 year ago
WIP game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @innytoes (thank you! ohmygosh)
My wip folder(s) are an absolute disaster right now and I'm gonna cheat a bit but... in no particular order:
kinder devil
SC and clothes
Boggie and Horror
bursting into life
PanAce Luke
Toxic Luke/Bobby
and just for you even though it's not changed since the last round of this game: Big Package for You
no pressure tagging: @60sec400 @bbreaddog @lou-writes-things @thatbitchmabel @jmrothwell @daintyduck99 @willexmagic @legolasghosty
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lou-writes-things · 1 year ago
I was tagged by @cyeayt ty! (also hello it's parker. welcome to my fandom blog.)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 10 published fics and see if there’s a pattern.
"Alex gripped the steering wheel of the car tightly as he drove." from Miles to go Before I Sleep.
"Luke thinks before he died, he was happy." from Echo
""Alright boys, gather round,” Luke said, dropping his hot Stouffer's lasagna down on their makeshift tablecloth." From I'll be Home for Christmas (don't ask me about this fic I don't have answers 💀)
"The small cabin in the woods rattled as Luke sat cross legged in the middle of the floor." from Ill Met by Moonlight (I did not expect three Luke povs in a row I cannot lie.)
"Julie leaned against the front door of her apartment as she closed it behind her." from For Worse, Or Better.
"Alex was being haunted by his dead boyfriend." from Scrawled in Sand
"When Alex was young, people always talked about God like one day Alex would kneel before his feet at the gates of heaven and God would split open his skull to watch all his dirtiness leak out onto heaven’s pristine marble floors." from He Said it's All Gonna Be Ok (ahhh run on sentence uugh 💀)
"Alex thought that maybe his shirt was going to choke him to death." from Soft Little Vigils
"Alex was not having a good day." from Sunkissed.
"Willie was good at hiding" from You Just Need Me in Your Heart.
bonus wip first line: "Carrie huffed as she entered the little Cottage just outside of the town border, shoving aside the bundles of dried herbs hanging from the ceiling as they hit her in the head." from my Flarrie fantasy au.
ig maybe there is a pattern here (Alex not having a good time and aus)
Tagging with zero pressure: @1mnobodywhoareyou @bbreaddog @60sec400 @thatbitchmabel
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