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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 4 months ago
me when I decide to dip my toes in Dandy's world and instead get sucked black hole style in the ichor
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height from shortest: Shrimpo, Gigi (same height), Vee, Astro, Teagan, Rodger, Glisten, Brightney
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height from shortest: Glisten, Teagan, Astro, Rodgers, Brightney, Vee
Have an oc as a bonus
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(ask me about them if u want)
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 4 months ago
used this as a template
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credits to @doephin for the original!
dumbass friendgroup
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
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heres comes the bride ahh
For the one and only @emo-wheatley
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 4 months ago
short comic based off a scene from my story I never released
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"maybe it doesn't have to be."
I: What do you do...when you feel....lost? B: ... B: I pray. B: But...with recently... B: It just feels...redundant, you know?
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
Part II of Pokemon OC Showcase: Brava
pt I
note again all pokemon OCs shown are half-/asian
Warning: I am bad at talking about my OCs,,
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alright where do I start with this mf
She's tall (6'3), brown-skinned, blue-haired, blue-eyed, and has tattoos on her left arm and right leg (I forgot to add them and my ass cannot find my sketchbook please help 💀)
the second symbol is the official symbol for Hidro/Water-Types in general in Rhegaia, while the first symbol is her personalized symbol-piece that she wears (similar to Nicole's neckpiece)
She lives in Hidro, the Water-Type centered city-state of the region of Rhegaia, and she works as a volleyball coach in addition to being a gym leader
She was born though in Blazira, the neighboring Fire-Type city-state next to Hidro, and she's siblings with their gym leader, Strata.
Her mom did come from Hidro
Brava also plays Ar'enon, which is based on real-life kick volleyball, or sepak takraw (sport from Asia where you can't use your arms/hands LMAOOOO) and she did teach it to some of her fellow gym leaders who wanted to try
She's very athletic and wanted to be an athlete before being a gym leader - the gym leader thing just slowly creeped into her life when more Water-Type Pokemon were drawn to her and her battling skills were top notch like her athleticism
She does care for her Pokemon - her first was Magikarp, who she brought in after it got lost during a storm
She did know it was gonna turn into a gyrados at some point but she didn't really care for that fact all that much
She's always focused on bringing out the full potential of people, whether or not it's her students, her pokemon, the challengers, or even her fellow gym leaders
She's pretty chill in general and is the older-sister figure of the group, but she knows when to act and when to take things seriously
Will say "so when are you guys getting married" (expressed in a deadpan way) out of the blue jokingly to her brother and sister-not-by-law(-yet) just to get a rise out the two of them
She doesn't joke a lot so when she does it hits you like a freight train because of how smooth yet sudden it is
Wrestles with Strata and he still loses (even in the height game pray for my boy) but she never undermines him and always acknowledges his achievements cuz she knows that boy already undermines himself sometimes
Like I said very chill, sometimes serious, but we do a little tomfoolery in this household
"see I told you you could get a girlfriend" immediate water spit "BRAVA"
"see I told you you'll meet your idol one day" (in front of said idol 💀) "BRAVA"
"see I told you I'll come back." "Brava..."
Remember that line.
Anyways she's respectful of nature and traditions, and she'll always respect one's dedication and hard work in proving themselves and shit
she's kinda religious due to the fact she's literally living amongst "gods" (with two being actual deities)
Had an enemies-to-best friends arc with Ghost-Type gym leader VERONA DONNA (inside joke) and is the "girl r u serious" to Verona's "omg I'm in love with her ♥️♥️" *pointing to red flag* (nah I'm kidding her love interest isn't that much of a red flag but still is kinda ehh)
Helped out Randi (Fairy-Type Gym leader) in their first years when they were still trying to get used to everything
Anyways so TEAMS
basically (game concept) gym leaders in Rhegaia will change their teams depending on your levels/route (mode) taken (easy/hard more etc)
Official Team:
Rhegaian Gyarados ♂️ [Magi] (also called Magiksarap as a joke by Strata)(Pinoy brethren you know) (Water/Dragon)
Rhegaian Kingdra♀️[Coral] (Water/Dragon)
Rhegaian Starmie♀️[Sar] (Water/Psychic)
Rhegaian Basculegion♀️[Owa] (Water/Electric)
Rhegaian Primarina♀️[Rayna] (Water/Fighting)
Rhegaian Sarmurott ♂️ [Uro] (Water/Fighting)
Easier/Early Team (when you first fight her)
Eelektrik ♂️ [Musmus] (Water/Electric)
Wytoa ♂️ [Loi] (Water/Fighting) [fakemon!]
Tokapex♀️[Hidi] (Water/Poison)
She considers this team to be her "mentees", with Wytoa being also their mentor.
And then spoilers
HISUIAN TEAM (everyone is Hisuian)
Bibarel ♂️ [Hyoko]
Psyduck ♂️ [Uka]
Gyarados ♂️ [Popo]
Samurott ♂️ [Liq]
So how the hell did this happen huh?
Time to infodump about brava's definitely amazing adventures in hisui
Okay so basically while Brava was working on paperwork and shit during after-hours she suddenly got sucked into a portal underneath her and passed out
And she got found out by Ingo and she could've actually almost died in the cold if it wasn't for him
And she's like "what the fuck is that you Ingo" and surprise surprise he's like "huh??"
For context basically Unova and Rhegaia has this cross-battle event where they got the gym leaders and other battle facility leaders to fight each other and Brava and Ingo battled (I'm not gonna say who won)
Anyways Ingo tells Brava where she is and Brava takes it very well (read: has a panic attack while thinking about her family back home)
Anyways so Ingo is like "this woman knows about me" and holds back from asking questions about the life that disappeared from his memories and focuses on comforting her instead
Brava literally stays up the entire night looking blankly at the frosted window and ofc Ingo is concerned TM
Anyways Ingo takes her to the Pearl Clan Settlement so Irida could know what to do with her and Brava is so fucking SILENT
Ingo is legit freaking out inside like wtf does he do with her LMAO
Inside Brava just wants to scream and cry
Irida is like "holy shit another one" and asks Brava questions but all she gets is one sentence answers and shit
Irida tells Ingo to hold onto Brava for a moment while they try to figure out what to do with her
That isolation/depression be really hitting Brava hard at this point but suddenly a storm comes and Brava takes a Magikarp home and she cries (it reminds her of Magi YK her Gyarados former magikarp)
Anyways that specific magikarp now named Popo becomes her emotional support and Brava becomes fucking DETERMINED to get back home at any cost
She tells Ingo that she's from the future and he is too (turns out he disappeared one week before her) and it manages to make him hesitantly decide to join her (with irida's permission and everyone saying goodbye)
Ingo does ask questions tho about his old life and it just hits Brava just how lost this man might've been throughout his years in Hisui
Also on the topic of years Brava freaks out inside again because this man just disappeared ONE WEEK before her and now it turns out he already went three years in this place???
How many years is she going to spend in this damned region too before she finds a way to get home??? If she even manages to get home before she dies or forgets about it??
anyways Brava finds a Psyduck freezing in the cold and takes him in and names him Uka
a Clefable also takes to her and Brava adopts takes her in as well
Brava does manages to immediately professionally teach Psyduck, Clefable, and Magikarp moves and Magikarp managed to evolve into a Gyarados in just some weeks 💀
Brava's older sister instincts just slowly take over and teaches Ingo some skills (also freaks out the people over just how tall and strong she is managing to break rock using her feet)
Ingo in return guides her through Hisui
Brava cannot stand Melli and immediately lights a fire using the materials she has when he removes the torches
"Let's battle!" (immediately destroys him and leaves)
(both Ingo and melli are speechless (especially melli he will vow to destroy Brava))
(too bad Brava doesn't have beef with him spoilers: she got beef with Volo)
Anyways since I'm too lazy with details Brava gets an Oshawott and Bibarel in the journey, she and Ingo connect over being sent back to the past, and they actually manage to interact with Akari in Jubilife Village
Also Kamado Brava understands where he's coming from but gets into a loud verbal argument with him when he banishes Akari
when Brava sees Volo she immediately gets MAD SUS
Ingo is like "why" and Brava just says "sus vibes" though ofc she keeps it to herself mostly, but does observe Volo's behavior
Also she's increasingly erratic sometimes and she's trying to calm herself down from stress of overthinking
Anyways so Ingo and Brava are actually there when Akari is about to battle Volo and Ingo and Brava find out bro was the reason why they're stranded in Hisui in the first place
Brava is like "let's battle"
"Why are you pulling your pokemon out? I never said anything about a Pokemon battle."
Ingo could stop her but he just doesn't and he and Akari watch as Brava disarms him and knocks him out (held herself back at the last moment) and so they just deliver him to the village to get arrested
Brava confides in Ingo just how scared she is because shes noticing how her sanity is slightly slipping when she was literally about to beat the living shit out of Volo (Ingo holds himself back from saying "could've continued doing so")
Ingo reflects on his life currently and the life he once had and he can't sleep and Brava notices and they talk it out
Anyways it leads to them both screaming at the top of their lungs towards the sky and Brava is like "DAMN" when Ingo's voice is loud asf
Anyways so Brava and Ingo decide to go to Paldea first just to see if Area Zero just might work in their favor
Brava and Ingo manage to get a hold of a mail department and they write a letter to their siblings (Emmet and Strata), making sure the department PRESERVES those letters and delivers them on that said date
Ingo gets really emotional and he cries and keeps pausing while writing his letter because he feels so much guilt over not remembering Emmet and how Emmet must've felt all this time while waiting for him to come back
I do have his letter written out but I'm not gonna post it lmao 🫰
Brava helps him get through it and they continue going to Area Zero
Brava tells Ingo about Rhegaia and what it's probably currently going through rn (the 1800s in Rhegaia was the start of the Pokemon Human War and everything) which is why she didn't opt for Rhegaia and Ingo is like "...damn (wtf)"
Ingo asks if Arceus cares about them and that actually got them both thinking for a while before continuing to Area Zero
Anyways ofc they continue to write letters, have interactions and adventures and shit, and finally reach Area Zero
Kinda emotional because they both don't know where the hell Area Zero might just take them and they pray it'll just be alright (I made it so that the machine was built to kinda stabilize area zero's time travelling properties and it wasn't built yet)
They hug it out y'all (they're best friends at this point AND NO i made Ingo a not sexual creature /j and Brava as well is aroace) just to try not to think about what the consequences might happen
it's been two years in the present but both emmet and strata are absolutely ruined and wrecked (especially emmet) and actually managed to find each other and deteriorate together /jjjj (platonic)
"see I told you I'll come back." "Brava..."
Everyone's like "HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS ARE BACK" and everyone cries and reunite and shit because god that was stressful and grievious for everybody
Brava helps Ingo readjust to his old life and they do stay friends
They're completely bonded at this point due to experiences (some near-death) and emmet takes some time getting used to Brava but does thank her for being with Ingo during that time
Ingo is just immediately accepted by Strata and strata is like "you're invited to all our family lunches bro DO NOT STAY OUT OF OUR SIGHT."
and yeah they're invited to his wedding (HOLY SHIT WEDDING??)
brava and Ingo manage to get their old and new teams to bond and be together
Ingo misses the Pearl clan tho and always remembers them and tells Emmet about them
Btw Ingo and Brava joke about the entire thing casually to challengers (making sure it's not in front of their siblings)
I might add more things to Brava but this it for now GOODBYE
Thanks for reading
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
for @peridot-the-photographer
Just for you to see what it fully looks like
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rhegaian centiskorch
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
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you'll properly see these mfs later don't worry
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
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me when i redesign beta eternatus and adopt it as my own (made in MS Pain[t])
so Ossi'haddi was once a gigantic Pokemon that ruled the Rhegaian seas before it died out somewhere in the prehistoric past, but it was revived by Tethe-Morte, the god of existence (also known as the Anchor of Existence)
Ossi'haddi is commonly known as the Lord of Corpses/Mortality, and is the mythical of the fossil pokemon (Ghost/Water that can use Dragon moves)
Some depict him as being under Tethe-Morte's jurisdiction or even being their equal
Some myths say he was once a human who died protecting his family so Tethe-Morte blessed him to become Ossi'haddi, other variants say that the identity was a curse (by Tethe-Morte ofc) because he did war crimes or some shit
unlike the other legendary/mythicals in Rhegaia Ossi'haddi isn't actually sapient and acts just like it did before; like a creature
Ossi-haddi can unfurl its "wing" bones because these were actually its large fins when it was still alive (think of mega gyarados fins)
i might draw Ossi'haddi better/professionally later
its really funny how Ossi'haddi was formerly beta eternatus because Tethe-Morte to an extent represents infinity
Ossi'haddi is Tethe-Morte's pet ig ("he dont bite i promise" "YES HE DO")
btw "boneform" is what Tethe-Morte calls the Fossil Pokemon while "Hayto" is the term people use
some dialogue about Ossi'haddi:
"Ah, Ossi'haddi. That was the name given to the largest boneform that I have ever ressurected - not by intention, of course - but it is interesting to see him swim around in his little waters. Why, do you intend to meet him, perhaps - even capture him yourself? I do warn you though, you were not the first, and will certainly not be the last, so I suggest you and your team prepare yourselves. After all, there are others who do plan on seeing you all again in the flesh." - Tethe-Morte
"Oh. Ossi-Haddi. He was the greatest Hayto ever found in history. I myself don't know that much about him, but people do worship him to this day, and he's known as the Lord of Corpses. Or Mortality, if you want to be less direct about it. Why are you asking?" - Brava
"Ossi-Haddi! Oh yes, of course I know about him! The greatest Hayto to ever exist, the Lord of Corpses! I battled him myself, and suffice to say, you already know who won. [laughs] He was angry about it, but what could he do? He was already out of energy after all, haha! Oh, but please, don't take my remarks to heart, he is NOT one to be underestimated - no, no, no! His fight was tough as it was glorious, and contrast to what other people say - he IS intelligent, not in a conversational way, of course, but he knows what he's capable of and he is NOT afraid to show you." - Verona Donna
"His design is interesting - you would think a creature as himself would be complex and full of little structures - but alas, he's the most simplest Hayto I've ever seen so far! That is not to say he is plain by himself, no, no, no - he's marvellous! I do understand if that's what you thought my opinion would've been, considering my elaborate designs, but I myself have been learning to take the phrase "simplicity is key" to heart, and I'm starting with him." - Verona Donna
"Ossi'haddi may look like a creature focused solely on survival, but I assure you, he has emotions of his own, no matter how hard they are to see due to his - admittedly - simple-mindedness. He was only focused on survival in the beginning, but over time, he has become a little sentimental, and, well - he's lonely. I've scoured the oceans for other fossils like him, but alas - all their spirits have already moved on, and he's the only one left. I have given him the option to do so as well, but he decided to stay, despite his feelings, for some reason." - Tethe-Morte
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 4 months ago
i realize I need to post shit on my actual blog-
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 4 months ago
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bro is everywhere
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 4 months ago
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DnD oc appearance concepts (though they're fully fleshed out)
The party is supposed to find them in the middle of any desolated area
They're a bard...but is that really all there is to them?
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
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painfully familiar.
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
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me when my ex comes back to win my ass back (also to swallow and erase the entire reality i am currently in)
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
aight first post of pokemon oc let's go
All pokemon OCs are half-/Asian btw
original poll: https://www.tumblr.com/let-me-be-an-egg-toast/762819765445197824/damn-guys-only-15-votes-smh-nah-im-kidding?source=share original poll
Btw we're not following the order of the list so we're gonna start with
Nicole Fairfree
(honestly I feel like I should've started with the worldbuilding but fuck it LETS GOOO)
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12 - 13 yrs old and is the current Gym Leader of Jaunta (city-state), and the Bug-Type Gym Leader of Rhegaia (region)
Left is her gym uniform, right is casual
The symbol on the top right is the symbol of the Bug-Type in Rhegaia, and is used in the logos and gym badges
What Nicole wears is a personalized/simplistic symbol
hair color is black, and main color is yellow-green
her team is actually and literally "the friends we made along the way", and she can communicate in "Arthropoia", aka the common language of the Bug-Type (think of English as a common worldwide language) and is full of clicks, tapping, and other bug sounds
the Bug-Type is the only type alongside the Fairy-Type to have their own language, with the latter's being called "Faespeak"
For context bugs in Rhegaia have evolved to become smarter and they're led/represented by Modir, which translates directly to "Mother"
Modir is one of the Figures, legendary and sacred icons of living Pokemon mythology in Rhegaia (think of the Tapu, as well as the Ultra Beasts, Paldean Titans, etc...), and she approved of Nicole being the Bug-Type's human representative, considering her liking towards children
In battle Nicole will actually use Anthropoia in commanding her team, in order to confuse her opponents
This is actually legal because there's no rules against not using English in battle
Nicole is blunt and straightforward, preferring to be alone with her Bug-Types unless it's people she likes/knows
She acts older than she is (and even has a slightly deeper voice than she should have), but ofc still (secretly) likes kid things like stuff toys and cartoons and shit
She will bluntly sass people
Sees no reason in "lying" to people but has kinda learnt to be a little less "truthful" (barely, but it's there)
not the type of person/NPC to harp about why she likes Bug-Types so much, but you'll get quote-worthy shit from her about them from time to time before battle
"Bug-Types...they're small, but they're resilient, and they're fast, and they're crafty and intelligent as they come. They don't care if you make fun of them for being the way they are, because they're more focused on surviving whatever shit life throws at them."
she really likes the familiarity and security of routines, and if there's any changes she MUST know or else she'll kinda be mad/stressed
she's also more "police" than the other gym leaders, like "can I see your permit" or "you can't do that sir"
she's a little stiff in her movement forgive her soul
She's a little punk rn but once she grows up (16) you'll see her be full emo/punk
The closest human friend she has is Randi Moy (Fairy), with Brava (Water) being a pleasant acquaintance, and the rest just being acquaintances she's okay with
Everyone's looking out for her at the end of the day
Ok now backstory
Nicole was kinda an outcast amongst her peers
It's not like it was stereotypical bullying like "oh look it's bug girl" but more of subtly secluding her from friend groups and shit
many days were spent all alone with no human friends or anyone to talk to
She and the other kids can't click at all and she knows it, so she finds solace in Bug-Types
Did I just make Nicole autistic....moving on
Her parents made her grow up too fast, believing it was good if she already developed skills that she could use as an adult during her childhood years
Her parents also took advantage of the fact she was naturally inclined towards Bug-Types, training her to be one of the best bug trainers
This caught the attention of course of the battle league, and with Modir's approval they made her a gym leader
the reason why they can't assign an adult instead is because Modir will rage and she's already done disastrous stuff to Jaunta and other parts of Rhegaia before
The other gym leaders made sure Nicole actually got time to be a kid, with them taking her out to fun activities and homeschooling her
Champion Konyi also makes sure that she gets less work hours so she has more time to herself
Overall Nicole's life is fine, though she has a slightly strained relationship with her parents
Mantisara [Momo] ♂️ (Bug/Ground) [fakemon!]
Rhegaian Araquanid [Gama] ♂️ (Bug/Water)
Rhegaian Vespiquen [Hera (translated name)]♀️(Bug/Psychic)
Rhegaian Scolipede [Juje] ♀️ (Bug/Poison)
Rhegaian Heracross [Lele] ♂️ (Bug/Fighting)
Glassagon [Plinko] ♂️ (Bug/Dragon) [fakemon!] and is sometimes switched out for Isodusk [Yin] ♂️ (Bug/Dark) [fakemon!]
Easier/Early Team (aka when you first fight her):
Lele's still here folks
Rhegaian Masquerain [Murr] ♀️ (Bug/Dragon)
Rhegaian Vivillon [Paro] ♂️ (Bug/Electric)
-Nicole's first pokemon was Momo, having met him as his first evolution, Casaleaf (Grass/Bug)
-They were both saved by Gama when they were running away from a wild Mantisara
-They encountered Juje when she was still a Whirlipede and all alone in the forest so they took her in
-Lele bumped into them one time in the forest but was taken in after
-Nicole (who just started being gym leader) had to negotiate with Hera in order for the latter to move her hive someplace else because they're bothering other populations in the area
Nicole gained Hera's respect and Hera became a member (she still deals with her hive btw)
-Nicole took Murr in after she got lost in the heavy rain, and Murr decided to join
-Paro joined Nicole after bumping into her while being lost
-Plinko was given to Nicole by Professor Sycamore (who was in Rhegaia doing research and shit)
-Yin was found in Alola as a Penumpod after Nicole (accompanied by Nanu because "what the hell is a kid doing in a forest at 3AM") decided to go inside one of the region's thickest forests just to grab a picture of Yin
Yin decided to join anyway and it turns out Yin's species was in Rhegaia, and the mystery of what Yin was doing all alone in Alola is still being investigated
And that's all! You can ask any question about her in the notes
More will be coming later
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
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Me when I finally bother to digitalize my own oc
Nicole Fairfree everyone! I suck at drawing kids. (She's 12.)
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let-me-be-an-egg-toast · 5 months ago
cant believe I'm just doing this now but HERE WE GO
Rhegaia is the biggest region existing in the world, almost being the size of two large regions combined. It's separated into 8 city-states (starting from to bottom to top): Blazira, Hidro, Jaunta, Irohime, Wyven, Ortuem, and then Dimur. Each region has their own dialect (Blaziran, Hidruan, Jaunti, Ironhima, Wyve, Ortuen) with the exception of Dimur, and the official languages are Rhegaian and Galarian. There are actually two Types that even have their own languages; Bug and Fairy, with their common language being Arthropoia and Faespeak respectively. Each region has a Representative Pokemon (same category as the Tapu, Paldean Titans, etc) known as the Figures, which are considered deities in Rhegaian culture, and are theorized to have been mutated/"super-evolved" versions of specific Pokemon. Two Figures however, Tethe-Morte and Y'fama, have unclear origins, and just might be actual deities themselves.
Figure: Saara'darna
Gym Leader: Strata
Common Types: Fire, Ground, Rock
2. Hidro
Figure: Sobe'kara
Gym Leader: Brava
Common Types: Water, Flying, Rock
3. Jaunta
Figure: "Modir" (formerly/dead), Yin
Gym Leader: Nicole Fairfree
Common Types: Bug, Ground, Grass
4. Irohime
Figure: M'gotonon
Gym Leader: Releve Audrey Jionete
Common Types: Steel, Ground, Rock
5. Wyven
Figure: Naga'nawa
Gym Leader: Bingo
Common Types: Dragon, Ice, Rock
6. Lumina
Figure: B'zebai
Gym Leader: Randi Moy
Common Types: Fairy, Fighting, Grass
7. Ortuem
Figure: Tethe-Morte, Ossi'haddi (sub-Figure)
Gym Leader: Verona Donna
Common Types: Ghost, Water, Normal
8: Dimur
Figure: Y'fama.
Gym Leaders not only serve their role as such but also serve the role of "Regent/Representative", acting as community leaders for their respective city-states. They are chosen for their ability to be connected to nature and the Figures as well as their skill in battle. The region overall is ruled by the Figures alongside a Champion, which derived from the phrase "champion of the people". Champions are NOT the same as Battle Champions (like Cynthia, Steven, Diantha, etc). The current Champion is Champion Konyi.
Rhegaia's landscape was more extreme than other regions, causing the Pokemon to adapt accordingly, becoming more intelligent and/or aggressive and lethal than their normal counterparts in the process. There are also a notable amount of Bug-Types everywhere, with Jaunta being their main region. Due to the differing conditions of in each area, the city-states have developed their own distinct culture.
THE START OF Y'FAMA (AND AWAKENING OF TETHE-MORTE) [unknown, theorized to have been somewhere between 16th to 17th century]
Somewhere on Rhegaia's past, a "black hole" type anomaly fell towards Earth, swallowing some of the ozone, atmosphere, and clouds as it descended, before crashing into Fama, Rhegaia's former desertous city-state. The anomaly then turned the area into a complete mass of darkness, slowly sucking in anything near its reach.
The people have called it the "Gluttonous Comet" ("Black Hole Comet" in proper scientific terms), with myths slowly starting around the anomaly, before it came to be properly known as Y'fama in Rhegaia's culture. It wasn't before when more and more people entered Y'fama, that they realized it was alive, and so unanimously decided to ignore its existence to stop it from "growing in power", referring to the area as Dimur instead of Y'fama.
Shortly after this, a force in Ortuem suddenly awoke, revealing itself to the people, and it has been named Tethe-Morte. People came to it for healing and guidance, and it was noted to only directly help if it was necessary, pushing the people to go and find the solutions themselves.
Tethe-Morte acknowledged Y'fama's presence, quelling some of the fear of the people but not completely, but it has pushed them to create more myths that showed Y'fama in a more sympathetic or neutral light.
Despite the spaciousness of the region, the number of Rhegaia's human population is almost the same as other regions, if not, even smaller, due to many factors, but the most important to note, is the Pokemon-Human War.
During the late-1800s, the isolationalist region of Ur finally opened its walls to the world, changing their name to Rhegaia and ushering in modernization and technology, and marking the start of the region's Industrial Age. Many advancements were made of course, but this also came with its downfalls, as more people started to see Pokemon as just tools or even pests.
Pokemon were hunted or driven out of their homes, causing most of the populations to nearly go extinct. This caused them to fight back, being led by the Figures (except for Tethe-Morte and Y'fama), who wrecked havoc on the humans, just as the humans did to them. It was bloody and brutal, causing thousands of deaths for the already decreasing populations.
This was known as the 13-Year War, or more famously known as the Pokemon-Human War. It might be the only massive war recorded to have Pokemon and humans fighting each other instead of side by side.
Pokemon evolved to be even more aggressive and brutal. People adapted to be more innovative and resilient, creating weapons of every kind. Families were torn apart, forced to pick a side. But alas, some Pokemon and people decided to form groups together, helping each other behind the scenes of the raging war. Numbers of both terrified people and Pokemon even fled the region, leading to interracial families and regional variants around the world.
It only stopped when Champion Gaya, who was just elected leader for the human side, called for a complete public ceasefire. All the Figures were wary at first, but soon agreed to the ceasefire.
This War has solidified the existence of Pokephobia, where some humans have grown to fear Pokemons even after the War.
Champion Gaya created the Blood Truce (now Agreement), in which the Figures, Gym Leaders, and Champion sign in their blood that all parties will not cause another war ever again, with both humans and Pokemon agreeing to never overstep their boundaries, and try to live once again side-by-side. She also created the Twin Medals/Blood Sash of Rhegaia, in which two medallions, representing people and Pokemon respectively, are connected by a red sash, which is also used to wipe off the blood after signing the Blood Truce. It was to represent how people and Pokemon are connected by blood, and how the Truce was also signed on the bloodshed spilled from the War. Champion Gaya never merged the two medallions for she knew that they will never be one and the same as Pokemons.
She then established strict laws concerning nature, and urged the people to go back to their traditions, suppressing the surge of technology as well. She is described as "a terrifying leader with good morals", and she was even recalled to be at times "preachy" in her speeches, being known to express her...distaste for foreign influences and modernism quite often.
She has been seen to have quite mellowed out during her later years, slowly letting technology back in and slightly (barely) loosening some of the laws.
Despite her character, she was known as Rhegaia's Hero, having overturned the region and bringing back their past and strong connection with Pokemon that would've been forgotten from the Industrial Era.
In Rhegaia, Beedrill and Combee societies have grown to be incredibly antagonistic towards each other, with Beedrills drilling into Combee hives and Vespiquens controlling and pitting Beedrills against each other in defense. These respective actions actually earned them their names in the first place. Their fighting reached to a head in 1961, where the battle blew up and became out of control.
The Beedrill-Vespiquen War involved almost all the hives in both respective sides, and it managed to reach territories outside of Jaunta, affecting not only the city-state but also parts of Hidro, Irohime, and Wyven. Champion Jura (after Champion Gaya) made sure none of the Bug-Types became involved as well, and issued a mass evacuation for all of them and the Jauntans. Tethe-Morte aided in the situation, mind-controlling all Beedrills and Vespiquens to force them to have a ceasefire. It was through this they found out "Modir" was behind the war.
"Modir" managed to exploit the Beedrill-Vespiquen hostility and pitted them further against each other, all to showcase her power and control over the Bug-Types if "the humans tried to control me again". This increased already existing fear and aversion against "Modir" (even amongst the Figures themselves), and Rhegaia was forced to slightly bend to "Modir", just to prevent any more disastrous events from occuring again.
DEATH OF MODIR/RISE OF YIN (The First Replacement Event) [current year]
"Modir" became active again, revealing her goal of taking over Jaunta completely (and soon Rhegaia), as well as her actions leading up to her plan such as starting the cult Mother's Children, manipulating the Gym Leaders (especially Nicole Fairfree), and getting almost all the Bug-Types on her side. She was defeated however, and replaced by Nicole's mutated Duisodusk, Yin.
This event took Rhegaia by storm, considering there has never been a new Figure before, nor did the people ever think a Figure would've been killed and replaced.
This event fueled the theory of the Figures being mutated/super-evolved versions of Pokemon, but it has not been accepted as confirmation, considering Yin is only but a new Figure.
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