Explore tagged Tumblr posts
losh87 · 2 months ago
#that'sallfolks 🖤🤍
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pinhegas · 6 years ago
Why I created a Tumblr acc?
to follow eva
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abstraka · 4 years ago
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muchotechnae-blog · 7 years ago
WhatsAppening to Encryption?
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Encryption is a process where data is encoded therefore rendering it unintelligible and scrambled. It does this through the utilization of an encryption key, a collection of uniquely designed algorithms which can be used to lock and unlock information portraying it as readable data. WhatsApp Messenger along with many other online messenger platforms use a specific brand of encryption in order to protect the privacy of its users called end-to-end encryption(E2EE). With E2EE data will be encrypted on the sender’s device and the only person who is able to decrypt the information is the recipient. Therefore hackers, internet service providers and even application service providers cannot access this information. 
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In the U.K. we are currently in the midst of a battle for the future of encryption and to be honest it is not entirely clear what the resolution to the quarrel will be. The reason there is a legal issue at hand is due to the fact that when the U.K. Government requested that WhatsApp create a limited access routes so officials could read requested messages, the messenger platform rejected their requests outright. The Government may now wish to force their request through using the Investigatory Powers Act which was introduced into law last year. The Act gives the government the power to place a duty on tech companies to disclose information the government says it needs, this of course encompasses information contained within encrypted messages. Although this Act has not been invoked thus far, the negotiation process is ongoing between the two parties as how best to address the privacy and other concerns of all involved. 
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WhatsApp prides itself on the fact that its encryption prevents prying eyes from seeing messages that are sent, unlike some of their “competitors” including Facebook Messenger (who now own Whatsapp) who can access message content at will. The U.K. government are trying to justify creating these official-only access points by making reference to the stark rise in terrorism and other criminal activities nationally and that these messaging services are being used as a tool to perpetrate these crimes. According to many cryptographers WhatsApp might have a tough decision to make as a company. There are two options available to them in the event of the U.K. Government playing hard ball.
1) They give into the U.K. Government’s demands and surrender the information that they desire, much to the dismay of the app’s user base.
2) Pull out of the U.K. entirely and cut their losses whilst maintaining the integrity of their service elsewhere.
All is not lost however, because if a court case were to ensue, this might not be in the best interests of the U.K. government either. Should the courts determine that the Investigatory Powers Act are too broad, then they lose their stick. In the end, it is likely they will just hack the information they require as the Act provides protection for them to do so without recourse. 
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crusherthedoctor · 7 years ago
Describe all of Sonic's portrayals in every media with only one word.
SEGA Sonic - Talkative.
AoStH Sonic - Th-Th-That'sallfolks!
SatAM Sonic - 90’s.
Underground Sonic - Who?
X Sonic - *zzzz*
Boom Sonic - *complains*
Archie Sonic - Ladies?
Fleetway Sonic - Insufferable.
Lebron Sonic - Scary.
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theaier-blog · 7 years ago
"Dubito ergo cogito, ergo sum. 'I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am.'"
- Descartes (found in turtles all the way down by John Green)
I'm not sure what I'm doing with this blog, whether I'll continue to post regularly or even at all. But, for now at least, I'll give you my prose.
Self is a difficult thing to define. Turtles all the way down has this question littered all over it. How do I define myself, am I the mere sum of my body parts, the things that live on me, my thoughts alone? The mere idea that we exist is amazing, but to question the idea of existing at all is even crazier.
Reality is full of paradoxes and pitfalls, never signposting whether or not we are going the right direction but sitting there. It seems that, the more we understand the less we truly know. That, however, isn't really true. our ability to question - to doubt - lends us the power of decision. This in turn allows us to make our own way into whatever crazy dream we end up in. But it also means that, the way we see things is subjective, marred by our own doubt.
I can never truly see things through your eyes, only through your words. Define your reality as you wish.
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noendgame2 · 8 years ago
I have decided to stay out of politics. As a matter of fact I have decided to stay away from controversial subjects altogether.
Good news everyone. Since all these people in Hollywood are going all over the world to find homeless children to adopt, that must mean there are no more homeless children in Los Angeles. It must be a very wonderful place to live.
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andreadiazalmeida · 8 years ago
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Sábado preguiçoso dos felinos... #naomi&pitt #preguiçatotal #that'sallfolks (em Condominio Edificio Cabo Orange)
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plaqueharambesis-blog · 8 years ago
“You’re still here? It’s over!... Go home.” - Ferris Beuller
Well this is it everyone. Here I am at my last journal entry, big number 40. At the beginning of this assignment, I was excited to reach this point, excited to be done with this assignment, to not have any more work to do. But now, as I sit here typing this final entry, I am sad. My heart is heavy knowing that I will not be writing any more of these. It is bittersweet to see the end of the journal entries. Looking back at all of the memories I have made writing these, it truly has been an adventure. Making these excerpts looking into my thoughts and beliefs, my habits and my hobbies, the inner mechanizations of my mind. I feel as if I have grown with the number of journals I have brought to life. We have matured and bonded together, this journal and I. I have shared many a personal thought with this blog and I feel as if it has returned that trust to me. I hope that when I am long gone, erased from the memory of this planet, this journal lives on. I hope it serves as a reminder of what I once was, who I once was. Standing here at the mountain of progress looking down at the base, the start of my journey, I realize just how far I have come. These journals have truly been an adventure. Not only to me, but to any readers I have out there, however many or few there are. If anyone has been reading these, I would like to thank you for your time and attention as I shared my life with you. I feel as if I am letting a part of myself go, piece by piece, as I type these few remaining lines of text. These last fleeting ideas that will be immortalized on my journal. So, as with all good things that happen in the world, my journals must come to an end. Thank you for sharing such an amazing experience with me. May wherever I go after this be as enlightening as this journey has. Now as every good story closes, this one shall too. The end.
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kl784-blog · 9 years ago
Last Day of Class
Well today marked the end of my time at NSU. I completed my final class for TECH 1110. I must admit that I learned a lot and I'm glad that I got to take this class before I graduated. There are so many skills that will help me in the real world. However, my favorite part out of the entire class was Excel. Mostly because I didn't know that you could do so much with the program.
Well this was my final post. Thank you for tuning into my blog.
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xkarluhh · 9 years ago
My Tumblr cycle
A hiatus that lasts for several months followed by one night of insomnia which leads to bouts of endless reblogging.
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occisanovae-archive · 11 years ago
Leoff -Offline-
I'm just gonna go.
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godkingreiss · 11 years ago
A day's never really done until you watch a few arachnids gettin' wasted.
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bonnythedog · 12 years ago
I masturbated, then i started writing about Sanchez & Liz (note that i said STARTED, i ain't finished shit)
His touch glides from her rib cage, down her side, to her hip and under a strap of thong. He presses his lips to her shoulder. She wakes, inhaling through her nose, and finds his hand in the front of her underwear. She nestles her back to his chest, her ass to his pelvis – her cheeks pricked on new hair. From behind, she strokes his arm and descends to his hand on her pubic bone. He then kisses her jaw.
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mcstronghuge · 12 years ago
"Duty Finder allows players to just stand around in Uldah all day. RIP Open World"
LFG shouting forced players to just stand around in Uldah all day. RIP Open World...
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shitrulez · 12 years ago
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