#that's veigar. from the veigar blog
blackrosesmatron · 11 months
The Hall of Bones
The very first moment in that place, all the colors of life were drained from her skin. Then, she noticed what lay before her. The sight alone was enough to freeze the woman in terror. Her body refused to move, her muscles betraying her. She couldn't even tear her gaze away from the structure in front of her. Tears welled up and streamed down her cheeks, marking her face permanently.
"This is my domain. My Hall of Bones," her master's voice echoed from behind. Beside her stood another living being who shouldn't have been there either. Much smaller in stature than the sorceress and trembling uncontrollably. "My fortress, the very one you both helped me to build. In appreciation for your services, you are the only ones who will see it without becoming part of it…" There was a pause, and she could sweat she heard him finishing it with an 'yet'.
LeBlanc was never a truly good person, nor particularly evil. Her morals were questionable at best, and often the idea of thinking about the collective before thinking about herself was set aside when it interfered with her desires. She came from humble origins, aspiring to be someone of importance. She possessed magic in her veins and knew that with it, she could achieve more than the life others had laid out for her.
Her ambitions would ultimately be her downfall, many years later, when she learned of Mordekaiser. LeBlanc can't quite explain how she convinced the Iron Revenant to accept her among his followers; the memory eluded her. Nonetheless, she succeeded, and under his leadership, she learned more than she could have ever imagined. This did not come without a price.
After being taken to his domains while still alive, LeBlanc was permanently changed. The otherworldly realm drained her colors, leaving her skin as pale as if she were one of the deads. The tears she shed in the world of the dead stained her face. The chorus of cries, screams, and pleas from the thousands of people who had met their end at Mordekaiser's hand filled her ears for years. She couldn't be certain whether she ever stopped hearing them or if she had grown so accustomed to the constant whimpering that she no longer noticed it.
If that weren't enough, she later discovered that the "visit" served another purpose besides making them both understand their place in their master's plan. The souls that constructed the walls, floors, roof, and columns of Mordekaiser's realm were collected by the Iron Revenant himself or his leeches. By bringing both her and the yordle to his domains, he marked them without alerting either of them. He marked them so he wouldn't have to worry about ending their lives himself because he knew that not even his best leeches could compare to the powers of LeBlanc and Veigar. Regardless of what may come to pass, he was determined not to let the souls of his finest followers go to waste.
They swore to serve him, and serve him they would. The sigil, His sigil, glowing on their souls was there to ensure it.
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screentimeoverlord · 7 months
What was your first blog / URL?
Do you still have your first blog / URL?
I cannot remember, but I had a Wu-Kong blog and a Veigar blog from League of Legends. Back in around 2010s.
No, they are long gone, lost the email and couldn't log back into them. And forgot about them.
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princesolluxstash · 1 year
Pin time
Hi! My name is Solluxander, i’m a 25 year old he/they transmasc lesbian, I also go by Prince and Veigar as nicknames!
I'm a writing hobbyist but my work speed is insanely slow since i'm also Government-Reluctantly-Giving-Me-Money tier disabled, i'll probably talk about my aus here once I get them a little more pulled together but it might be a while.
For now this blog is where I stash all of the homestuck things I like! The FAQ is here, and my Tags List is here! Any tags not highlighted are just ones I haven't added to the que yet. I like and follow from Prince Veigar!
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fun fact: I have never played league of legends. Please infodump about Veigar, their design looks really cool
-Short blog :] (I dunno how to get the asks off my main blog while using desktop version on mobile)
Omg thanks so much for asking!
So basically he's a short furry magical creature called a yordle (basically a sort of fae) who decides to leave the spirit realm to live among mortals and teach them magic. Unfortunately the place where he settles down gets conquered by an undead warlord named Mordekaiser, who enslaves him and possibly tortures him as well. Eventually Mordekaiser is defeated and Veigar goes free, but he comes out unable to remember who he used to be or even what his name was. Because of his Trauma he decides he must be the evilest sorcerer ever to evil, and begins his reign of terror, except he ends up mostly driving out rival warlords and sorcerers and not really oppressing his new subjects. Also he's sensitive about his height.
(my profile picture is from an alternate universe skin where he's a level 1 video game boss who gets annoyed at a speedrunner's constant resets and traps a bunch of gamers and player characters in an arcade world)
If you want to learn more about Veigar I recommend playing Legends of Runeterra, an online card game with a lot more lore and character stuff than League (and it's just more fun), and also check out universe.leagueoflegends.com
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tinypurplewizardfan · 3 years
Could you do a list on your most to least favorite regions and the why?
I feel like this should be a thing all lol blogs should do but only corpses remain
Of course! I'd be happy to. I'll also use this as an excuse to list out my favorite champs from each region, aka the ones that I'm gonna blog about the most other than Veigs. (I'll be using this map. If you haven't played with it, check it out!!)
So! From most-liked region (top) to least-liked region (bottom), here goes:
Noxus. I like it's past, present, and future lore. It's such a nuanced country, one you don't see in fantasy very often. Of course, it's where a good chunk of my most beloved characters come from- Mordekaiser, Swain, Veigar (kind of?? he suffered very important character development there), and LeBlanc. I think the mystery behind the Immortal Bastion is intriguing and I enjoy seeing how the modern day country interacts with the shadow of Mordekaiser's legacy.
Demacia. Yes, unironically! As mentioned in a previous post, I greatly enjoy Demacia's aesthetic. This one also has a good chunk of my favorite characters: Lux, Garen, Senna, Lucian, and Galio. Despite everything, I do like the conflict against mages and its implications. I like the idea of deconstructing a classic "good guy" fantasy kingdom.
The Void. Does this count as a region? I do. The Void is League's best "villain" and I really hope they utilize it as such! Mostly though, I am deeply in love with Kai'sa (despite her terrible visual design) and Kassadin as characters. I just think they're neat.
Bandle City. Believe it or not, I'm not super fond of most of the Yordle champs (other than Veigs and maybe Teemo). But I do like the strange, spiritual nature of the realm and I love headcanoning how it works.
Now we're moving into the regions that I don't care nearly as much about. Most Runeterra regions I'm pretty neutral with. Ionia is probably the one I'm most fond of out of these. I think it's interesting to have a land characterized by its magic. I like a good chunk of the characters such as Karma, Akali, Shen, and Riven. I think their conflict with Noxus is interesting. I rate this one a 7/10. It runs a little too close to "generic fantasy Asia" for my tastes.
Shadow Isles. I think they're neat, and I actually do like Viego, no matter how poorly the Ruination event was written. He was never the problem with that event, in my opinion. Moreover, Thresh and Karthus are cool.
Next is probably Piltover and Zaun solely because of Arcane. I didn't like the setting much before, and even now it's far from my favorite.
Mount Targon. Pantheon and Soraka are my absolute beloveds, but the problem is, I have zero interest in the whole Lunari/Solari nonsense going on. It's not a storyline that I care about.
Bilgewater is all the way down here purely because of my apathy. It's not that I have a problem with the setting itself, it's just that I don't care about any of the champs from here. Pirates just aren't my thing. Nautilus is kinda cool though.
Shurima. Shurima's down here because I dislike the "ancient" and "lost" lore. It's boring. I don't like Nasus and co. However, I really do like the story of modern day Shurima as it rebuilds, and its relationship with the Void that's trying to consume it. It has so much potential! (Basically, Taliyah and Kai'sa are the only two keeping Shurima interesting for me. Okay and maybe a little bit of Xerath. He's cool.)
Freljord. What? The Freljord? All the way down here? Yes, and that's because it's boring as hell. I don't care about their clan wars. I don't care about any of the characters from here (except maybe Braum). The conflicts feel so petty and I have zero idea what it's older lore is about despite reading Lissandra's page a couple of times. I think it needs a facelift- all the other settings have a decent conflict that defines the stories set in them, but the Freljord is just "it's cold" and "people don't get along". It would work if the Freljord was a standalone setting apart from Runeterra, but for being a part of a truly fantastical world, it doesn't stand out at all.
But at least the Freljord is a location, compared to Ixtal, which is nothing more than a name on a map with the primary trait of "doesn't do anything".
And that's that!
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vilestar · 3 years
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// Howdy Runeterra, these tend to spread around quickly so would you maybe give this post a like or reblog if you’d be interested in interacting with a fully revamped Lord Veigar from League of Legends? I’ll check out your blog!
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veigarthevile · 3 years
How to stick Veigar onto Xerath: "Hey Veigar, heard that there is dude called Xerath who said he was 10 times eviler than you"
//I mean he literally has been working his way down the argent mountains doing just that. Targeting other so-called "villainous warlords" and obliterating them to rebuild his own reputation. Thats not even to the point where my blog begins to differ from canon. Its just a facet of his current state of being
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heckinhacker · 4 years
Hey! So you stumbled upon my blog and decided to request something? GREAT! But before that, you need to read this page. Once will be enough for our future teamwork, but this once must be done. I think I won’t take long! 
- Before requesting anything, check in my description of blog if they’re open. Which means: When I wrote ‘League of Legends requests are closed’, they’re closed only for that fandom. When I wrote ‘Match-ups are closed’, only them are closed, not everything.     - That means that when Askbox is open, requests are not always open too. I leave that open so I can talk with my followers anyway! 
- When you’re requesting, don’t write only “headcanons with [character] please”, since that leaves me with no starting ideas!   Example: - “headcanons with yordle reader and veigar” (❌)       - “headcanons with yordle reader and veigar in which they are childhood friends, they seperate and reunite later”  (✔️) - Sometimes simple asks work, but they have to  give off a starting idea, I’ll give example from my actual ask in inbox: “[...] content with Kayn and Healer!S/O [...]” might and will work, since ‘healer S/O’ gives starting ideas! But that might not always work, remember about that.  - When I get wrongly written request - I won’t be making it, and it will be deleted without posting the ask with ‘sorry but no’. I don’t mean to be rude like that but I can’t tell everybody who didn’t read the rules that I won’t make something when I stated that loud and clear earlier in rules! 
Types of requests you can ask for:  Headcanons, match-ups, short scenes, fanfics (or Imagines, whatever you want to call them)
- About NSFW writting. Block #dirty hacker tag if you’re not willing to see that kind of content. I will be doing them, but under some rules too.    - Firstly, check before requesting NSFW if I haven’t written anything close to your intended ask.    - Check said character! Read their nsfw things before sending one in! Try to be specific what you exactly want here.~    - When you’re requesting teenagers (15 or above) from some series, be aware that all of NSFW content will be aged AT LEAST to 18+. Can be more. I will never write for them in original underage form.    - I will use my right to say no to some kind of kink/content, but never hurts to try and make a request? 
-  If you won’t state directly what do you want me to write (headcanon/imagine/etc.) I’ll have to pick that myself, which in most of time it’ll be headcanons, keep that in mind! ♥
- Remember that english is not my first laungage(I’m polish, so if you’re polish too I can write something out in polish too!), I can write in the easiest way possible with many errors, but I’ll try my best not to make that big ammount of mistakes.
-I’ll try to be as gender neutral as I can, but it kinda makes my description of looks or situation tightened, so if you want to have any pronouns in anything I write please ask me.It’s just easier for me to write like that, but I’m open for anyone! IF I use some pronouns, there’ll be a warning in the title!  Hope it’s not a problem ^^”
Additional, but maybe important: Here I’ll list fandoms and what directly I’ll write to them. 
Here you have my fandoms:
- League of Legends - canon, AU’s, skin universes
- Dragon Age - Every part of the game, AU’s, etc.
- South Park - will do, but with Age Up! Everytime, just a friendly reminder. - AU’s, canon lives, etc.
- Yuuri on Ice!!! - everything. (Canon, AU’s)
- Haikyuu!! - everything (Canon, AU’s) 
- Genshin Impact - everything (Canon, AU’s.)     Notice: My knowledge about Genshin story might have some holes and I apologise just in case! 
Fandoms that I am not keeping up with, but you can try your shot!:
- Overwatch - everything. (canon, AU’s)
- Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure, for part 1-5, I don’t know the rest, didn’t read manga. Just know some characters, but not good enough.  - AUs, canon somehow.
- Danganronpa - everything. (I watched animes and played games!) Note: It’s been years since my Danganronpa years, but I will be really happy to write for it. I am just very rusty! 
I will use my rights to edit this list whenever needed. Now it’s all I can come up with! 
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Thank you for reading rules and staying around! 
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eboyezreal · 4 years
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⟣    Verses & Dividers! 
New and Improved!
Yes i spend a solid 4 days making graphics for my verses. And i KNOW i’m not gonna be able to use most of them that much- but i am very satisfied. And i will most likely make a sexy promo soon cuz its been almost a year.
Borders and dividers for verses Down below
                                          ⬇     ⬇     ⬇     ⬇     ⬇     ⬇
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!! please do not use any of these !! 
I spend A LOT of hard work on them and they are for personal blog aesthetic purposes only. Aside from if you want to copy-paste them while cutting threats, thats totally fine! (but ofc you dont have to copy my entire layout in your posts!) 
All Art and about 80% of the graphics used are Riot official. From splashart, game assets, borders, icons etc. etc. The other asets were either painted in or licence free graphics! (100% created with photoshop)
➥           Canon verse
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A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts, Ezreal raids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease. His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way out of any situation, relying partially on his wits, but mostly on his mystical Shuriman gauntlet, which he uses to unleash devastating arcane blasts. One thing is for sure—whenever Ezreal is around, trouble isn't too far behind. Or ahead. Probably everywhere.
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➥           Star Guardian verse
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With a boundless curiosity about the universe, Ezreal is a born explorer, and becoming a Star Guardian only served to fuel his appetite for discovery. Though known to wander off, he always returns when most needed, especially now, as a certain pink-haired Guardian from another team has caught his attention…
The First Star has burdened Ezreal with a lot. The responsibility. The hefty weight of destiny. The sparkly outfit (he's used to it). “Attending a slumber party” was definitely not on the list of expected cosmic duties. Not that he minds, really… as long as they don't actually try to braid his hair.
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➥           Battle Academia verse
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A young orphan initially thought devoid of any superhuman abilities, Ezreal had resigned himself to a normal life once he graduated middle school. But an encounter with a deadly threat awakened his slumbering potential, and now he finds himself a 1st year at the prestigious Durandal God-Weapon Academy, where he's joined the ragtag Battle Club.
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➥           Pulsefire verse
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Temporal fugitive and time-hopping explorer extraordinaire, Ezreal leaps across disparate realities searching for interesting technology to acquire. He is responsible for countless paradoxes and is currently wanted by the dystopian Remembrancers, who hunt him relentlessly.
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➥          Arcade verse
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A skilled gamer transported to Arcade World by Veigar, Ezreal holds the world record for speedrunning the original version of Hyper Crystal Dungeon in 45 seconds, using a custom-made mobile controller. Veigar has made a terrible mistake.
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➥          Vastaya verse (my fan AU where Ez is vastayan)
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Born and raised in Ionia Ezreal comes from an ancient vastayan tribe mostly unknown to the rest if the world. His appearance is humanoid but with very notable corvid features the likes of black wings, digitigrade legs with sharp talons and a feathered tail. His adventurous spirit could not keep him bound to his birthplace so he became an explorer looking to travel all across runeterra and collecting special artifacts as souvenirs from his journey.
Vastaya are magical creatures, some more blessed than others. So ezreal is considered a mage. 
His hair is naturally black but on his journey’s he likes to dye it blonde, the black roots showing through after a while.  
Lowkey kleptomaniac. Shiny things catch the eye and cannot be left behind. 
He likes to collect all sorts of artifacts and take them home to his hideout in Ionia ( a big ass treehouse structure that could be seen as a museum of things collected from all around the map. )
He has to be careful on his travels because in most regions they are not accustomed to his species. There are always people willing to hunt what they deem out of the ordinairy.
Just like in canon he has aquired Ne’Zuk’s gauntlet on his travels and is able to use it with his mage abilities. 
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I play modern verse too but dont have a specific layout for it as of yet.
Thank you for checking! It took me a while but i had a lot of fun making these!
Verses and AU’s i’m interested in and might add in the future:
Odyssey (SPAAAAACE!)
Darkin Ez AU ( angstangsangstangst)
Fantasy / D&D (aka nottingham)
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remember-no-more · 4 years
Ho! Ho! Ho! - appears through the snow- Good evening! Morning! Night! Magic Santa, here again! It sounds like you're quite the wonderful DM! If your players are openly happy, that speaks volumes! Well done! Well done! You have earned your rest! And your answer was so beautiful once more! Reading your replies is the best time of my day!! For today, let's go to the other side, just for fun! What is the most dramatic, stressful moment (but always in good fun!) of playing Mimi? Which one is for her?
// Good night works, it’s almost 2 am here now, but heyyy! You’re too kind to me, definitely too kind quq I’m glad you’re enjoying your role though... ♥
I did my best with the campaign, I’m glad my experiment worked, that’s all TuT My friends’ happiness is mine too. I’ll post their group picture here sometime in the future! I can’t wait to get back to mess with the group again though, as soon as we find someone else to DM for us.
Hmmm, most stressful moment for me... I had to think hard about it to remember the ooc messes I got involved in. One comes from the first year of life of the witch, someone wanted to singleship with her and kinda threw up a drama about me not agreeing, while the second one is fairly recent... Still, it’s nothing related to the game itself, fortunately. I take roleplay very lightly, I mean, I’m not Mimi :o And she’s not even an alter ego, she’s a character of mine like others I created before and after her. it’s all fantasy. No one would get mad at the author of a book for having... idk, characters die or fall in love with your favourite character... I hope..?
For her, well, I’ll pick one she remembers very well that happened before she broke the soulstone. I said Veigar-mun abandoned his blog, but we actually still kind of keep in touch. Life isn’t letting us together as much as we used to be, but sometimes we still get the chance to do something. And one of these things was actually bringing old lore Veigar to the current universe, but in order to exist he cannot keep his identity nor the body, so she basically met this shadow that was awfully aware of her condition and that offered her answers if she followed him in a portal that led in a pocket dimension. His offer still stands despite it all, but she’s struggling to stay true to what she promised to the mercenary that saved her and live her new life in this world. But, well... in the end, if something doesn’t really bring her to stay in the world and she feels like her job there is over, she will actually accept. I don’t know if having the couple reunited and cut away from existence is better or worse than never remembering quq Awww.
But. That might be the day I close this blog. I don’t plan to do it anytime soon, so no worries!
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the-corrupted-duo · 5 years
Hey, you reading this
Go follow my good friend NOW @astronomevil
Or else Xayah and Rakan will appear in your bed at 3 AM, and they won't be there to make love
ᵀʰᵉʸ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵏᶦˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ
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Really, do follow him, his blog is great, its a rp blog for Veigar and it is, just, gOOND. Give him more activity aaaaaand more chats and asks from me during the weekend.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
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blackrosesmatron · 9 months
|| From horny to depressed
LB has locked herself in her chambers.
If anybody needs her, reach out for the littliest Yordle (Aka, Veigar). He'll be in charge of the blog for the day
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tCan be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
1. FIRST NAME: Vic? ... let’s go with Vic.
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: One of my wisdom teeth was born sideways. Some of my other teeth are slightly serrated.
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Chicken. Mini-dinosaurs are tasty AF.
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Never could get into fish, except Salmon. 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: This is... extremely specific but theres these little mint-sugar tablets without a name in Brasil from the Garoto company and I JUST... a package comes with like, 10 small tablets in them? My parents once bought a 40-pack and I finished it in a month. I swear to God these are the best thing I ever ate and I am addicted to them. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Pants or shorts. Blankets to protect me from the elements.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Vocally, yes, not really a touchy person.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: imagine watching movies lmfao
12. FAVOURITE BOOK: The Wardstone Chronicles (this wholeass series just... paved so much for my writing style and view on fiction.)
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE:  I have a dog. I’d probably pick a dog again but I wonder what having a cat is like...
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: In no particular order, Lulu X Veigar, Poppy X Rumble, Lux X Jinx... I’m sure there’s 2 more but I can’t really think of them right now, so, have these 3.
15. PIE OR CAKE: Cakes, but I hate both. The only cakes I like are vanilla and coconut.
16. FAVOURITE SCENT: Vanilla, rain on cement.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Don’t really have one?
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: Philipines, to see someone I love dearly.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: I am the biggest pussy you will ever meet.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: iMagine using phones, lmfao
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: ... i’ll let you guess
23. DREAM JOB: Psychologist / History teacher! I guess I can be both but I kind of want to have.. y’ know... time to exist
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Be waaaay too stingy and accidentally spend it in useless, low-cost things. That or blow it all at once. I’m not good with money nor self-control. :(
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: There aren’t any fandoms I really left, so... Tagged by: @terrorfromthevoid Tagging: yoink this shit, don’t even tag me fools
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malefic-magus · 5 years
This blog is indefinitely hiatus, and will not be coming back anytime soon.
My reasoning is simple, it’s because I lost interest, and honestly? This side of the League fandom was fine, but after my experiences with unnecessary drama and stress, I just can not find myself using this blog like I used to.
It’s always been a joke, the amount of Veigar roleplayers there are. I personally think it’s fine, yet really I never felt I fit in in the first place. And when I did? That was a sour time for me, and I would not wish for anyone to go through any of what I experienced with how toxic this community can be at times. And honestly, I spent a lot of time on a lot of things for this blog, it didn’t take off like I would’ve hoped, but it’s whatever.
I’m thankful for the friends I made (and the very few I still have), the time I had, and yes, even the bad that happened. Without all of this, I wouldn’t of had the change in life I needed, and I wouldn’t of found my new motivation. I’m in a much better place now, a new fandom, and I guess it was just time to move on anyhow.
I apologize to anyone I planned to roleplay with, or had a thread with. But I’ve been gone for a few months now anyhow.
If you wish to try for a private roleplay, message me for my Discord username. My response time will be slow, I’ll warn you of that much. Or even if you just want to talk, that’s fine too.
Until next time, thank you all for the support and memories over the years. Perhaps I’ll be back, perhaps not. All in all, see you around.
(And one last thing; just because I’m gone from this blog doesn’t mean I’m gone in general. All the ideas and story stuff outside of canon Veigar I left here is still mine, and are still being actively used for other things. So please, don’t touch. I’ll hunt down all who come after my boy. Lol. Just thought I’d add. Farewell.)
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ruined-shaper · 5 years
//Not sure if this isn’t super-ultra-blatantly obvious, but I thoroughly enjoy trying and tasting different writing styles. It’s part of the reason I often have 3-5 active blogs at a time, or none: I get a good serving of each kind.
Here, on @ruinedshaper​, I portray Faris. In order to do so correctly, I need to judge what he values in his observations. Most often, this is anything and everything! Most of the time is spent detailing what he sees and what he discovers about those he meets. Often, this is written as updates to a file, a journal for keeping history nice and neat. If you ask Faris for a description, hoo boy, you will get a description.
Basko, on @break-your-chains, by contrast, speaks a lot of filler. More often than not, he is thoroughly considering his responsibilities and surroundings, understanding his own actions and what he needs to do. Basko, contrary to how I often portray him in crack, is incredibly wise, if not particularly intelligent. He can navigate a situation through charisma or brute force, but more often than not, it will be him who ultimately decided on that because of his know-how and experience with danger.
Ronan, on @shape-of-justice, has the interesting traits of being old and blind. To compensate for this, Ronan is often thinking about and predicting what his opponents or conversational partners are doing. So, oddly enough, he is very descriptive with imagery; despite the lack of colour. Additionally, being as grumpy and crotchety as he is, his age also forces him into reflection on his past, so often, I’ll find myself writing tales of his history for him to draw comparisons to.
Lastly, and likely the most crack/for-fun of my current blogs, @altarak is a near-parody of Alarak. In order to portray his lighter demeanor, with so few characters able to properly bring this out due to his natural distrust, disgust, and bloodlust; I provided a comic-relief character in the form of the scribe. This gives me a god way to program less repetitive dialogue into the mixture, and give reason to up his tolerance of the sillier characters he encounters (He would absolutely stab a child and burn a puppy if these barriers were not already in play.)
In my series of shaper-alternate-universe introductions, I am pushed into finding mixtures and new formats to subject characters to. Each one is, in itself, a bit of an experiment. Karthus’ was rather romantic in nature, very solemn and grief-filled, ending in a sort of hopeful mood. Kayn’s is another dialogue, more akin to something @dreaded-omen would do with vicious interactions between the two. Veigar’s was a matter of sheer insanity, completely shutting out the other character from the story until he collapsed into unconsciousness. And finally, Cirath and Seryn both attempted a more gentle, artistic approach, filled with poetic imagery and leaving dialogue to the wayside.
I do enjoy writing quite a lot. It should be obvious by now, eh?
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vilestar · 2 years
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By liking this post you accept the terms and conditions of cleaning up all the shedding winter coat on your blog by yourself without help or complaint. As a bonus, you will also be guaranteed a full speed furyhorn charging into your inbox and possibly drowning you with toys*.
It’s been a lengthy eventful day for the quadruped tyke, meaning he will soon set off in his cozy den to take a well-deserved snooze and live his life as a strong self-reliant furball. Lord Veigar will return shortly from his expedition, and thus bring back order to his dreaded domain by first cleaning up the mess in bewilderment... Much to his dismay.
*(The team is not responsible for any potential damage, incidents, or broken vases).
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