#that's the way people would prefer to do it rather than getting to the root
medicinemane · 1 year
You can't just be like "well my chart here says" or "well science says" or "well this thing agrees with my biases so therefore it's true"
Like man, I bet I could find something agreeing with any position I wanted to take. If I couldn't it wouldn't be hard for me to make a semi professional looking graph that makes it look like whatever I want is true
Also like... who's the source man, cause on any given issue there's some I'm probably gonna toss out because of their blatant bias. Like I'm not even gonna entertain anything 'autism speaks' has to say on autism because I'm not wading through a bunch of trash to see if there's a glimmer of truth buried somewhere in it. They've blown all their credibility with me, I don't admit them as evidence anymore and nor should I
So who's your source and do they have any credibility or are they extremely biased (cause... this happens a lot)?
What's this so called study? What's this so called science? I am not really the person who can sit through a whole paper, but I can at least sometimes give them a sniff and see if the stuff they're saying seems to add up or if I'm spotting anything instantly off (cause sometimes you straight up look and go "wait a minute... you didn't even account for this")
I'm not perfect, but at least I actually think about the problems with ideas I care about. Like with nuclear I know that the lack of economies of scale means infrastructure is going to be more expensive, but I can also at least point to solar and point out that it was the same with it, but once we got wider adoption prices started to really drop
At least I can think about my point and make actual reasonable inferences and conclusions rather than just blindly screaming at everyone to agree with me or they're immoral
#I'm just honestly kind of annoyed at people for acting like children about really really really important topics#that I often actually do care about and am even on their side... just not their behavior and black and white world view#and I really really really don't want to actually say what's stuck in my craw#cause people 100% can't behave like adults about it and have a civil conversation#and it's just an invitation for people to drop all illusions of humanity and sling whatever nastiness they feel like#cause they know they're justified in it#and heaven forbid they apologize later#did I ever mention that I do in fact hold long grudges; I just also know how to put stuff aside to cooperate?#but I do remember this stuff; and the behavior is not forgiven because no apology for the rudeness was ever offered#anyway... I'm not touching it; and the annoying part is nominally I'm actually on the same side#it's just I'm not a damn child about it; and I'm more worried about 'how do I get the results I want' instead of crowing my virtue#and I'm more worried about if certain measures actually treat the issue or don't do shit while just causing new problems#(guess what I think the case is)#I can instantly list you one simple step that would massively improve the situation#can't tell you how to make it happen (though I have thoughts); but I can tell you for a fact it'll help#concretely; undeniably I think it might be the number one step to slash instances of this problem massively#...but uh... doesn't seem like it's a popular answer despite it being an objectively good thing#much better to bring the cops in to it; a group we can certainly trust not to turn on us and misuse any new powers given#that's the way people would prefer to do it rather than getting to the root#so yeah... I'm just annoyed by this; I probably will be for a while cause people won't stop fucking crowing about it#(and if you knew what it was you'd know they never fucking will)#blah blah blah morals or whatever#ok vegan who hates bees and uses plastic wool level of stubborn fool#and how much have you done to actually fix the problem compared to how much you've done patting yourself on the back?#just damn annoying; the number of people I trust to behave like adults with this...#I might literally be able to count it on two hands
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yandere-daydreams · 1 month
tw - non/con, unbalanced power dynamics, obsessive/possessive behavior, and manipulation.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who's the best security you could possibly ask for. You've been told that hybrids aren't very good for protection, that you'd be better off just getting a regular dog or, better yet, not living alone in one of the sketchier neighborhoods of a notoriously unsafe city, but those people haven't meant your Kento. Stern, stoic, and loyal - he keeps you safe, helps around the house, and doesn't need (or want, for that matter) half of the attention a normal dog would need. Really, it's more like having a personal bodyguard than a pet. You're sure he'd prefer if it if you treated him more like the former than the latter, too.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who'd practically be human if it wasn't for the adorably pointed ears on top of his head, the wiry tail at the base of his spine, and the dull canines you sometimes catch a glimpse of during one of his rare smiles. It's clear that he doesn't consider himself to be like most hybrids, so you do your best to treat him like a roommate - giving him his space, making sure he has his privacy, constantly resisting the urge to run your hands through his hair and apologizing profusely when you inevitably fail. He claims he doesn't mind, not if it's you, but you've seen the way his lips curl when strangers so much as approach him, how he rolls his eyes when he sees other hybrids sitting on their owners' laps or begging for treats. You're not eager to get on his bad side, even if you do occasionally catch him slipping into your bed in the middle of the night.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who's mistaken for your boyfriend at least once a week. It's your own fault, really. He likes to walk you to work, run errands while you're away, all the things a stay-at-home boyfriend would usually do if he were as loving and as attentive as Nanami. It's always embarrassing, even if all you have to do is nod to one of his less-than-human features to clear up the misunderstanding. Still, it happens so often, and you're not proud to admit that from time to time, you don't have the energy to do anything but smile and nod when your elderly neighbor compliments the 'hunk of a man' living with you.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who's less naturally protective than you think he is. He's concerned with your safety, of course, but that's not a privilege that extends to the male coworkers he catches with a hand on the small of your back, to the friends who drag you out of your shared apartment and don't bring you back until the early hours of the morning. He spends more nights than he's proud of standing outside of your bedroom door, listening for any signs of life, waiting for an intruder, or a nightmare - any excuse to cross that unspoken boundary. It'd be more practical to spend his nights on the foot of your bed like every other drooling, filthy mutt hybrid, but that's not the kind of relationship he wants to have with you. Not if you have to think of him as a dog to get there.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who has to fuck his fist three times a day to offset his humiliating instincts. He tried for complete abstinence at first, not to think about you in that context at all, but there's only so many hours of his day he can spend with his knot pressed into his stomach, his cock twitching every time you bend over or brush against him. Still, it's far from a long-term solution. How could it be, when he still cums untouched every time you scratch the base of his ears?
Guard Dog!Nanami, who volunteers to take care of your household chores so he'll have an excuse to root through your laundry while you're away. He's surprised you haven't noticed just how much of your underwear mysteriously vanishes with every load, but even if you were less oblivious, he'd rather you be suspicious of him than ever find the hoard of tattered, stained, ruined fabric he keeps underneath his mattress.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who knows this can't go on for much longer. He loves you, and he respects you, and he knows that you'll never really see him as anything more than a pet, but he's can't seem to bring himself to see you as a master. And, when he's walking you home late at night after yet another unplanned bar crawl, when he's listening to you whine half-coherently about how hard it is to live with a hybrid that's so close to human, he may pass a darkened alleyway and listen to the long-buried, animalistic mind urging Nanami to claim what belongs to him.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who knows that you'll never make a very good master and he'll never make a very good pet. But, that doesn't mean he can't hope that you'll both be better off after your roles are reversed.
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winterspellsfrozenkit · 8 months
Maomao's Dislike of Jinshi
So I've been watching Apothecary Diaries and I think people are missing out on the root cause of why Maomao doesn't like Jinshi's interactions with her. It's not because he's too pretty, of high standing, or because she thinks he's annoying/etc., as they're just parts that make up the actual root cause. It's because she knows he's being fake.
Jinshi, because of who he is, where he lives, and how he was raised, covers up his true intentions almost constantly. That was how he trapped Maomao and singled her out as the one who warned Concubine Gyokuyou, after all. The premise to get all the servants in the room, the note telling her to stay put, and making her come with him without telling her where they were going? He let her worry that she was in trouble, so to keep her off-balance when he introduced her to Gyokuyou and also had kept her note to keep her pinned in a corner so she would have to comply with what he and Gyokuyou wanted.
Maomao prefers working with honest people. It's why she never wanted to ascend into the ranks where court politics were a constant presence, because in court politics, you have to assume most people are lying to you on some level. That's why she likes Gyokuyou; Gyokuyou has a similar mentality about the importance of honesty in the people around her and she reciprocates that honesty with the select people she lets her walls down around. When Jinshi is flirting or being super sweet to someone, Maomao knows he's often not being sincere, so when he flirts or acts all sweet with her, she's not going to believe in the sincerity of it because it's dangerous for her if he's not being sincere.
In Maomao's world, a man who makes false promises will not have severe consequences for his actions, unlike the women who fall for them. Growing up where she did and doing the work she did, Maomao knows exactly what kind of damage someone else's lies can bring to someone else who got caught in them. Maomao is not blind to the ugly truths of the world around her, unlike many her age, so interacting with Jinshi, someone who is usually some level of false in almost every encounter with her, is frustrating to her and he won't leave her alone. Lies are a form of poison themselves as they deteriorate a person's life and relationships and if not caught, can lead someone to their death or a fate akin to death, but unlike physical toxins, Maomao can't fix any damage from that kind of societal poison. As someone who wants a lowkey and unremarkable life because it's more peaceful, Jinshi could damage her goals with his falsehoods if she falls for any of them.
And we see that when Jinshi is actually honest about himself and his feelings with her, she treats him better. When he gives her his hairpin, when he's hugging her and crying because of what happened with Ah-Duo, and when he's at the Verdigris House, drowning his sorrows over letting Maomao go from the Rear Palace, Maomao is kinder to him and doesn't look at him with the immediate disdain and suspicion she often throws his way. Maomao even states she prefers the Jinshi, who is more childlike and bratty, which is something we see Gaoshun constantly discourage when Jinshi has those moments where his mask breaks. But in those moments, he's being honest.
For the position of Maomao's love interest, Jinshi's already got one foot ahead of any other guy around Maomao, as he is willing to let Maomao have more freedom in her special interests and gives her things and access to areas that play into her interests, like her dad does, which is more than most men in her society would ever allow. The only reason he actively goes against her toying with poison is he knows exactly what she's going to do with the poisons. But his main hinderance to getting Maomao to like him back is the training of being two-faced that's been ingrained into him for his survival in court. If he was more honest with her, rather than hiding himself under the veneer of a pretty man who is sweet, gets along with everyone, and keeps his knowledge close to the chest, he'd do so much better in earning Maomao's respect and affection.
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fayfaygoes · 20 days
The recent discourse on Twitter about Zayne's age being 30+ "cuz there's NO WAY" got me thinking.
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There was news of young child prodigy in my country who achieved milestones of students/children who are older than him , and their parents continued with it .
It was all fine until he couldn't do well in the Certificate examination ..and exam we give around age of 19-21 when he was atleast 5years younger . So basically now it's over since this GPA is very important to get jobs or to get selected for University or higher education.
Not only he couldn't get to be a child in those years , everything turned out bad because of mistakes in the last but most important steps.
Then I also saw a news of someone graduating at age of 17 ..with people commenting she should take years off and be a child that she couldn't be .
My point is -
these people exists . Young prodigy or merit/gifted children often subjected to fate like this . And sometimes that results very badly for them as they grow up.
But sometimes their consistency doesn't let them meet that failure.
Like the graduates ,and for our case , Our favourite chief surgeon Zayne .
Everytime I saw how many find it unbelievable that he is in his late twenties I get reminded of IRL examples and tender moment "Delicacy" that answers all these doubts.
And with how people prefer Older experienced surgeons , the fact that he GAINED the trust to become a Chief at such young age is NO JOKE.
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Rereading Delicacy got me wondering-
How much he probably didn't get to be a Child or a teen because he was drowned in books and busy excelling academically.
How much he had to compete in higher classes with classmates older than him.
because in his word "Time is luxury for student in hellishly competitive medical school"
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The fact he didn't have any ,I repeat, ANYone to call his friends because everyone is older than him & he was transferring fast ,on top he comes across as awkward in narrow lense.
How isolating that might have felt now that we get to know how he loves company.
What else he could do except study more and more and more?? Which resulted him excelling further & further.
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With how affection craved he is , did he miss those times where someone would knock at him door and ask him out to play with her .
He can't get his Teen life back ,nor get to experience what it likes to be a Normal students enjoying the life of ''being a student''
The fact that he was introduced to us as 27 speaks volumes.
the fact he is younger makes it even more sadder .
He graduated and became doctor at such young age because he has talents & merits .
It's also because he didn't have any other option but to keep going .
He admits that it wasn't due his "passion for learning" when MC asked him
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But ,Rather
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And it's just-
thanks to twitter that I went back to my roots and I found more reason to fall harder and harder for him as I wipe my tears.
He deserves all the fun and affection that he missed in those years because he had to grow up faster than his age required. And now he deserves someone by his side that understand and pampers him , stroke his back , hug him ,reassures him.
Tell him that it's okay to reunite with his inner child , everything will be alright because we will never leave him.
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beta-therapy · 24 days
How to Deal with Sadness/Frustration from Rejection
We’ve all been there. We’ve all had a crush on a beautiful woman and wanted to give her the world, only to find out she has no sexual interest in us. Maybe she puts you in the friendzone; or maybe she makes it clear she wants nothing to do with you at all. It’s normal to feel frustrated in these situations, knowing that she probably has a vibrant sex life with other men, yet doesn’t have any sexual interest toward you.
When this happens over and over again, it can make us question our own self-worth: how come so many women have decided that sex is an activity which is off-limits to me? Do my sexual needs not matter? How come a woman can be salivating with excitement as she begs certain men to engage her in the most personal of ways—whereas with me, so much as asking if she’s single gets me permanently labelled as a creep?
As society becomes more and more accepting of personal freedoms, (especially regarding women) like allowing people to dress how they want, freely express themselves, do what they want in their own bedroom, etc., there indeed looms an increasing mental health crisis among those men who don’t get included in all the sexual fun. They can feel inferior and isolated. In this blog, I’ll discuss how to handle these emotions.
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Although it might bring you feelings of shame, insecurity, and jealousy to find out that women consider you unsuitable for sex, it is important to understand that these feelings are rooted in misogyny. It is an outdated, oppressive idea that the goal of a man’s life is to acquire dominance, status, power, and wealth; and use this prestige to seduce beautiful women. This idea is so evil because it views women as beauty objects rather than equal human beings. Women are not trophies.
Women are full human beings with no less intelligence, leadership abilities, creativity, and dignity than the men who forced them to be quiet and submissive for all human history. A lot of men still refuse to acknowledge this today. They want to keep seeing women as less intelligent, less capable, submissive homemakers whose value comes from their sexual beauty.
That sexy woman you know probably does have a passionate sex life, but you should strive to admire her as a person: smart, strong, kind, witty, dignified. She can still have all these great qualities to her even if she has zero sexual interest in you. Considering her a “sexy woman” is—in and of itself—toxic masculinity at work. Why is “sexy” the first trait that comes to your mind when it’s clear that her sex life is off-limits to you? Maybe she is sexually submissive in her bedroom, but why should that concern you? She’s allowed to explore the “feminine” part of her existence in her private life without it subtracting from her value as an interesting, fascinating person in her public life.
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You can still be a happy, nice, and fulfilled person even if all the women around you would prefer not to have sex with you. Just because the female community around you doesn’t want you as a sexual/romantic person, doesn’t mean you have been rejected as a person entirely. Sexuality is just one component of the human experience, and it’s very common throughout history for people to be deprived of it.
We have evolved for survival and reproduction, not necessarily to have good morals and be happy. For example, racism is part of our DNA. In prehistoric times, racism helped us stay away from warring tribes, so it was positively selected-for with respect to evolution. But in modern times, we can recognize that racism is a huge problem if we want an inclusive, happy society, and so we must actively denounce this artifact of our DNA.
Our sexuality is much the same way. Throughout history, the evil, abusive, tyrant was always better able to protect his children due to his status and wealth, in comparison to the poor, harmless, gentle, and caring man. That doesn’t mean the evil tyrant was a better person, but it does unfortunately mean that women would evolve a sexual attraction toward higher status, dominant men even if it meant overlooking their moral evil.
As a result, the things women are sexually attracted to are not necessarily the things that are good. You can take solace in this fact. Being sexually undesired by women does not mean there’s something wrong with you, it just means they see you as more harmless and submissive rather than powerful and dangerous.
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tossawary · 4 months
I do like time travel fics for a variety of reasons. It can be fun to see a "perfect run" fix-it fic running through the canon storyline again. There is a little suspension of disbelief required for some of them, because at some point, the little changes for the better or big tragedies averted should start to mess with the world. Very good time travel fics take this Butterfly Effect into account.
It is VERY fun to think about time-traveling characters who immediately break the plot, because they fail to or don't even try to keep things on a certain track. I love seeing authors use this jumping point to explore entirely new directions for canon. It's off-roading time!!!
Some characters are happy to work within the systems of their worlds. They'll put up with the little indignities of having do to things again and are able to act their way through a redo. (And apparently have incredibly good memories, like, damn.) The cost of keeping things roughly the same is something that they're willing to pay in order to reap specific benefits at the end of the journey.
Other characters would prefer to break the systems of their worlds. They have no patience to play by someone else's rules if they have the power to do otherwise. They may think that the world is broken as it is and needs to be changed. They may be unable to let certain injustices happen again no matter the cost to their ability to predict the future. (I admit, I have a preference for this, because I think it's more interesting, and if the protagonist is a heroic figure, I like the idea that every single life is worth trying to save if you can try.)
Anyway, this is all to say that I just read the last 100 chapters of "Naruto" and apparently Naruto was the only person keeping Sasuke from following through on his unhinged and vague supervillain plans at the end there. If you sent Sasuke back into the past, let's say from a battle with Kaguya going poorly back to the Uchiha massacre or something, and he retains his adult body or any of his abilities (full Sharingan + Rinnegan)? I cannot see that Sasuke trying to give Konoha a shot again. I don't think he trusts like that anymore.
I think he would immediately 1) kill Itachi if Itachi forces him to do it and he can't convince Itachi to join his side, 2) kill Danzo and any ROOT agents who get in his way, (2.5) kill Zetsu and Madara if he can find and catch them, and also Obito if Obito forces him,) 3) kill or try to kill the Third Hokage, and potentially 4) try to declare himself the new Fifth Hokage. Winning a lot of these fights just by taking eeeeeverybody by surprise. Or something like that, you know? I think he'd at least try to immediately do some reckless revenge murder.
If time-traveling Sasuke is stuck in his child body for a redo, and can't set himself up as the new dictator of Konoha or the new shared enemy of the shinobi world or whatever, then I think that he might just run off and join Orochimaru again. I think he would make early deals with Orochimaru for the relative freedom that offers.
Like, Sasuke just does not strike me as a particularly stable person who gives a shit about maintaining a comfortable life for everyone around him. He does not care about Konoha's image. He does not want to settle complacently into a comfortable life within this corrupt state. I think he'd rather drag out the rot and set everything on fire than sit through the frustrating false civility of politics or go to school again, if he had any choice in the matter.
A time-traveling Sasuke would not behave like a time-traveling Naruto or Sakura! So, if I had to do a time-traveling Sasuke, I'd probably reach for the "break-it" rather than the "fix-it". Konoha struggles to deal with this new, mysterious, Rinnegan-wielding Uchiha who appeared out of the middle of an incomplete massacre, just killed the Hokage, and declared himself the new one, completing the Uchiha coup at the eleventh hour. (People are saying he looks like Uchiha Izuna come back to life, apparently???) Oh, shit, someone secretly go get Tsunade and Jiraiya right now, fuck.
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internetprincess420 · 3 months
what the gom+kagami like to do with you in their free time
cw:boobs mention (aomine), gn!reader, not proofread
tetsuya kuroko
- you guys take #2 to the dog park and get food to eat on the park bench
- during the holidays, you and tetsuya will volunteer at animal shelters and elderly homes
- you bring #2 to the elderly homes to let the seniors play with him
- you also bring snacks and cards for them
- tetsuya is someone i see as very nurturing and giving and i think he’s the type of person to want to give to others in his free time
- he LOVES going to cat cafes
- however, he also sees your time alone as important too
- you guys will have all day movie marathons at home
- you and tetsuya like to go to the library together and help tutor the young kids
ryota kise
- i think ryotas favorite thing to do in his off time is to go to the arcade with you
- it’s canon that he uses his perfect copy in games like ddr, so i think he likes to challenge you in ddr battles and karaoke sing-offs
- he also loves the arcades that serve food and will always order fried pickles or cheese fries with something ridiculous to drink like a seasonal mountain dew or root beer (root beer hater for LIFE)
- his default karaoke song is definitely it’s a wrap by mariah carey
- i like the think he frequents the arcade so much that the employees know him by name
- i also think he likes to take you to the mall and just walk around
- he also LOVES to gossip when you guys are walking around and see people from school
- “y/n you won’t believe what i heard about that guy..”
- and he definitely says it way too loud too
daiki aomine
- the way to his heart is through his stomach (and your chest)
- i fully believe and support the theory that his perfect day off is going to eat some junk and having his head in between your breasts
- daiki is quite chill and easy going, so i think he prefers to spend his off time at home on the couch rather than doing anything that requires any thinking on his part
- if you order some burgers and put on a cheesy anime he will probably never want to leave
- however, if you want to go out and do something he is more than willing to go to make you happy
- i don’t think he’d protest, but i do think he’d say something like “are you sure you want to go out? the couch is so comfy and we can cuddle~~~~”
- if he does have to go out, he likes to go to the movie theatre with you
- tries to squeeze your tits in the dark cinema 😭
- i believe daiki hates spending money but loves to spend money if it’s on you
seijuro akashi
- it’s canon that seijuro does horse riding and likes to do it on his days off so i think that he would love to teach you to ride horses and ride together
- we all know seijuro is extra af so i also think he’d get you the best riding gear and equipment, as well as the best lessons money can buy
- once you finally know how to properly ride horses, he would love to just ride out in the country together
- he loves a good opportunity to spend quality time with you and talk to you at the same time
- he would bring food for a picnic out in the country side
- he loves to hear you talk, so tell him about anything and everything and he will be entertained
- seijuro also loves to go on light walks/jogs with you
- i genuinely think his love language is quality time don’t ask me why it just is
shintaro midorima
- shintaros favorite thing to do with you is to go to the shops and browse
- this might also be a stretch, but i think shintaro likes to travel with you
- like not far but just small day trips that are a couple of hours away
- he loves to go to the spas and sit in saunas with you
- shintaro is a guy that puts self care first for both of you
- after the spa day, you guys go to whatever little local gift shops you can find and just look around all day
- i also think shintaro likes you buy you things, but more specifically he likes to buy you something special from every place you’ve been together
- when you guys get home he’s a straight to bed and cuddle kind of guy
atsushi murasakibara
- he prefers to be in the comfort of his or your home on his days off
- i think that because he’s so big and his body uses so much energy all the time he would want to do something where he can rest his body
- thus his favorite thing to do with you in his off time is sleep
- that’s it
- just sleep
- i think he prefers to go to your house and sleep only because his family is so big
- and he likes the way your sheets smell
- i think if you know he’s going to come over then you go the extra mile
- i’m talking matching pjs, lavender scented everything, sleep masks, candles, etc
- and ofc his favorite snacks
- if he HAS to do something, he will bake or cook with you
taiga kagami
- his favorite activity to do with you in his free time is to go to whatever beach is near and have a beach day
- first he likes to see you in a bikini (or whatever you prefer to wear)
- (yes i canon taiga as a secret horndog what about it..)
- he also wants to get burgers after
- he loves to build sand castles with you but he always messes them up on accident
- don’t talk for him for at least 10 minutes after he destroys it. he’s so sad.
- he makes you take pics of him surfing to post
- “no please y/n it’s gonna look so cool please”
- taiga is one of those people that intentionally scares kids at the beach by like randomly chasing them and barking
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prodbymaui · 1 year
These Secrets That I Have.
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what if I told you that I've fallen?
PAIRING: mark lee x fem!reader
GENRE: our friendly neighborhood spiderman ; the best friends
WORD COUNT: 4.3k+ words
WARNINGS: eventual smut, choking kink, arson
SYNOPSIS: Joking that your best friend is the infamous superhero bitten by a spider has been a habit for the group. It was all a joke, until it wasn't.
A/N: THE UPSIDE DOWN KISS!! spidermark agenda, I wouldn't let you die. and forgive for the poor attempts of comedy lmao. anyways, happy reading and don't forget to share your thoughts about this fic! <3
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''With great power comes..''
''Great responsibilities--''
Gasping dramatically, Johnny stands up as his finger points accusingly to the male who's unknowingly straining his vocal chords due to laughing so much.
Mark shakes his head, clapping his hands in amusement. ''Dude, everybody knows that.''
''Nobody gets it right.''
Jaehyun joins the tallest among all of you. ''Except spiderman.''
Cackles once again blooms, the way these two delivers their impromptu exposing session is so comical that you are all gasping for air.
If you didn't know better, those faces full of shock mixed with betrayal would fool you into thinking your best friend is actually the one behind the infamous red and dark blue suit with webs and spider symbols decorating it. No ones knows when it actually began, the spiderman jokes. Johnny and Jaehyun are certainly the ones to start the teasing on Mark, doting on him and urging him to 'admit it' in every chance they get. Oftentimes, the jokes are fueled by Mark's fast reflexes. Someone can react fast, alright, but something about Mark's tells that there's a deeper root or cause, Johnny's words.
Personally, you don't really think Mark would be the 'friendly neighborhood' superhero neither do you consider even the smallest chance because-- one, the male is literally with you almost 24/7 and spiderman saves people 25/8. And two, you've stayed at Mark's apartment more than you've done to your dorm, you know the in and outs, every nook and cranny of the space-- not once did you found even a mere clue that suggests what Johnny and Jaehyun had in their mind.
''You really gotta back us up here, dude. You know what you've seen.'' Once again, the faux seriousness shows in his words and his eyes widening to convince, you decides to ride his flow this time.
''Actions speaks louder than voice, Mark. If you're not spiderman, then explain the spidey senses!'' Johnny throws a cap towards Mark's direction, effectively making the man catch it within seconds, eventually proving your 'theory'.
'I told you so' looks are exchanged between the three of you. Haechan barks a laugh at that.
''This is fucking crazy.'' Clearly, he's enjoying the show judging by the tears escaping the sockets of his eyes.
The series of persistence is left to deaf ears. Mark prefers downing as much pizza as he can right now rather than dealing with endless accusations that, to say the least, is absolutely nonsensical. ''Y'all would cut this shit out or you'll have webs shoved down deep in your throat in a minute?''
By now, Mark should've known making empty threats that has connections with spiderman's universe or spiderman himself will just worsen the situation he already finds hard to be in. Albeit his ears ringing, Mark didn't make any effort to stop the banters of his friends regarding if he's the superhero bitten by a spider or he's just a natural. Concluding that the discussion is harmless, he doesn't find the need to.
Ha! It's not like he's actually the 'Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman', right?
Another groan escapes past your lips, fingers drumming the white table. 15 minutes upon arriving at 7/11, your instant ramen slash source of distraction from boredom sadly disappears in thin air. What the fuck is taking Mark Lee so long?
''--so you mean, 10 muscled people holding rifles each was nothing against 1 spider descendant or some shit?'' Your ears perks up.
''Yup, flicked those robbers away to the police like it was nothing.''
''Damn crazy, and fucking awesome.''
''That's spiderman for you,'' The boy browses through the ice cream freezer near you. ''Still can't believe he's in this area just minutes ago.''
Eh? The superhero was here? Then that would mean the said robbery took place somewhere not far from where you were eating your ramen peacefully. How come you didn't hear the sirens? You sigh, mind wondering the possible outcomes if the robbers decides to raid the stores nearby and eventually reach yours. It fuels your urge to go home even more.
Supposedly, this trip shouldn't last no more than 10 minutes considering the fact that the store is not even 3 minutes away from your dorm and choosing chips to your liking only takes less than 5 minutes of your time-- depending on how indecisive you are and how crazy your cravings are. It'll all bring you back to the comfort of your bedroom in no time, nonetheless.
But a certain someone thought it's a good idea to leave you at the store and tells you that he'll be back in a bit, making you wait like some child for their parent. Heck, no parent would even leave their child alone at a convenience store, opting to take the kid with them. He insisted on meeting here again in spite of your whines to go separate ways so you can enjoy the warmth of your bed all the while he fulfills the errand that he so eagerly wants to finish.
''This motherfucker, I swear to God.'' Informing Mark that you'll go back via message, the chair lets out a faint screech as your body heat lingers a little longer after standing up to leave. Just as you turn around, your shoulders meets a chest, sending you both to a halt as the collision sinks in. You look up to see your most awaited best friend with his unstyled chest nut hair serving as a curtain for his same shade orbs. He breathes heavily, as if catching some air to fend his lungs.
Eyes raking down his body, you drink in his appearance. He looks like he just came from.. a fight. ''The hell happened to you, dude?'' Your figure heads towards the store's exit.
''Police thought I was one of those that belonged to the robbery, took me a while to convince them I'm not, sorry.''
You snort. ''Well, I would mistake you as a robber too with this beanie and all black outfit you have.''
Mark scowls. ''They thought I'm a victim, just for your information.''
''Really? That's surprising.'' Laughing softly under your breath, you tosses a bag of chips to Mark as compensation for your teasing.
The gust of cold breeze remains disregarded, warmth coming from the other's body heat is enough to ease the coldness. Passing by where the crime occurred, your feet unknowingly fasten their pace, shuddering at the thought of danger albeit the police cars and armed officers surrounds the area in protection stance.
Overhearing a reporter going on about something along the lines of 'the cops thanking Spiderman as it weren't for him, they wouldn't be able to catch the criminals' makes you sigh.
They should really stop depending on the superhero. You thought.
''Isn't it scary?''
Mark turns to you. ''What is?''
''The way greed can drive humans to intense, irrevocable madness.  It pushes them to do these things that'll not only put their lives in danger but will also fail to satisfy their desires. Sure, they can have money in the palms of their hands with just a snap, stealing from people-- but will those bills last for a long time? Will that be enough for them? Certainly not.''
A brief glance from Mark is what you received, the bop of his head caught by your peripheral vision assures you to keep going. ''The more they steal, the more they crave. If the officials thinks that every on-going and unsolved crimes plastered on the news by the media will scare the criminals away because they are apparently doing their best to find the suspects and pull them out of wherever hole they are hiding, they're wrong. The cops wouldn't be forced to  use their best assets and experience sleepless nights if the criminals are not doing well at their job, right? Those announcements of endless searchings and calls for the people's help only pats the wanted people on their back, telling them they've done an excellent mayhem job.
Sometimes, I don't even know who to blame when crimes, like this kind, happens. Is it the criminals themselves because they lost their morals over materialistic things? Because they gave in to the urge of possessing those that goes beyond what they can comprehend? Is it the police for not hearing the reason why these criminals have done it? Is it the society who embodies judgemental and discriminating in all sorts of way that probably pushed them to do such things? Or is it the government who failed to make education and employment accessible to everyone no matter what their status in life is?''
Kicking a pebble out of your way, it creates a dull thudding sounds. ''Proper education and enabling people to have a grasp of legal source of income would probably prevent crimes from happening. I'd like to think that most are just desperate measures.''
Mark hums. ''What you said are somewhat right. They makes sense.''
''But.. ?'' You know there's more that he itches to say.
''But, as much as everyone deserves to be heard and understood, some are just born evil. Born without remorse for others. It'll surprise you how we encounter many people such them in our daily lives. So avoid thinking that criminals did what they've done because they had a traumatic and devastating life. You're unknowingly justifying the ends by their means, something you cannot do especially if the lives of innocents are on the line.''
It's unclear why Mark sounds firm and sure regarding of meeting the people he just talked about but since their existence is not exactly a secret from the whole world, you suppose he's correct.
Too caught up in your conversation, your feet reached the entrance of your dorm's building in no time. Turning around, you offer a cheeky smile at him. ''Thank heavens then that I don't need to worry about my safety.''
Mark returns your smile with a hearty scoff. He knows where this is going. ''Uh-huh, and why is that?''
''Because I have Spiderman as my best friend! You'll protect me, won't you spidey?'' Giggling, Mark nudges your arm as you walk side by side, resorting to shaking his head instead of joining your spiderman agenda.
Spiderman or not, Mark vows to himself to keep you away from the darkness of this world with all his might. He already lost his uncle, he couldn't afford to lose someone so dear to his heart once again.
The alarm blares loudly and pierces your ear drums, almost busting them yet you didn't make any effort of getting up. The ringing sounds extra loud today, though. Ah.. you don't really want to wake up. Your body shifts to a new position, hands searching where your phone lays.
Definitely, no one wants to wake up before the roosters crows in a weekend where you should be using all your time to rest in preparation of yet another tiring week.
Skin making a contact with the source of the sound, you didn't feel any vibration with it. Just as when you decided to go back to sleep and withstand the annoying ringing of the alarm, rapid knocks on your door overpowered the previous sound, effectively pulling you out of the borderline between dreamland and reality.
You sit up. ''Fuck--'' It is only then that you realized, the alarm isn't coming from your usual alarm clock. Instead, it is the fire alarm ringing and announcing the state of your building.
With panic taking over your emotions, your body moves fast. Getting all the things that you know is important before soaking a blanket in water, covering yourself with it, and finally running out to leaving your room. Tears pricks your eyes as you meet the fiery blaze engulfing the whole building, enclosing in with every blink and every breath you take. You step a few backwards, lips quivering as you try to ignore the scorching heat seeping through the wet blanket, threatening to burn your skin any minute. Your eyes wavers.
There's so many ways you could die but dying helplessly amidst of an arson is not what you fancy. A scream of horror couldn't even be used to express your fear, you remain quiet and whimpering despite the shivering of your body, arms hugging yourself.
Your doors shut close once again, your back leaning against it as you falls to the ground, drops of tears continuously running down your cheeks. The fire started from a floor below yours, or at least that's what it seemed like. Meaning you absolutely have no chance of escaping the flames unless you jump out of your window. Surely, you're somehow survive a fall from the 5th floor, right?
A rattle created somewhere in your house snaps you out of your nonlogical thoughts. Looking up, you don't know whether to believe your eyes or rub the surface of your orbs, taking a second look in case what you're seeing is just a figment of your imagination. Maybe you're slowly losing some screws in the head.
But the movement of the figure, jogging towards you, tells you otherwise. ''What the fuck.. ?''
It's real.
It's him.
It's Spiderman in the fucking flesh.
Once again, you are stolen from your trance by his arms gently pulling you up, steadying you. Without much of a warning, the superhero scoops you in his arms and flies out of the window. And holy fuck, does it scared the shit out of you that the fibers of your body started to scream nothing but hold on tight to the man who's swinging down the building with you.
The uncalled adventure ended before you could even processed that your building is currently burning down, you got stucked between the fire and now Spiderman just saved you. No one should be able to blame you if you take days to properly digest what just happened.
He stands before you for a few more seconds, as if raking down his eyes. You tilt your head when he nods and runs to save the others. ''The fuck.. ?'' For the nth of the day, you let out a curse.
Your brain is totally playing with you. There's no fucking way Spiderman helped you, made sure that you got no wounds slash you're safe and sound before nodding as if to assure himself. Johnny is gonna combust if he's to hear your story.
The comfort of the thick blanket engulfs your figure as you hold your cellphone and wallet in your hand. Sighing, you turn to Jaehyun who came to your aid at this goddamn hour. ''You don't really have to stay with me, Jay. Pretty sure this'll end in an hour or so, you can go back now.''
Stubbornly, the male shakes his head. ''Did you know how worried we are when we heard from Mark that your dorm was on fire? Johnny and Haechan almost even flew out of Busan just to make sure you're alright.''
''Dude, I'm really fine, I promise. I can manage this, just rest.''
His hand pushes your head lightly to lay on his shoulder. ''No, you rest.''
Giving up, you let yourself relax, leaning your weigh towards Jaehyun as you pull the blanket tighter around you. The dreamland train is ready to send you to your slumber when your eyes opens abruptly, realizing what Jaehyun just said.
He hums.
''From whom did you heard about the fire again?''
''Uh.. Mark?''
''And where is he right now?''
''... Dunno, maybe he's somewhere that's why he couldn't come.''
Your silence tells Jaehyun you're not convinced by his reason.
He silently prays Mark doesn't kick his ass.
2 hours passed and you decided to make Jaehyun drop you off on Mark's place, opting to stay there until everything's alright back at your apartment. It is proven that the male's walls have nothing against your persistent whines as you now lay on Mark's bed, scrolling through your phone.
Ever since stepping a foot here few minutes ago, you didn't catch nor sense Mark's presence. In usual days, it's Mark who zooms from wherever he is to your place once the news of something happening to you reaches him. But today, it was Jaehyun instead.
Your thoughts ponders to where it has been circling earlier. A voice inside you says something you surprisingly don't find hard to believe. Maybe it was your best friend who found you first after all, just not in his signature beanie and all black outfit.
''That's dumb. I should stop joining Johnny and Jaehyun with their shenanigans.''
You must've gone crazy now that you're talking to yourself.
''What's so crazy about that? Doesn't everyone talks to themselves at least once? It's not like it's so bad. According to scientists, taking to yourself brings you comfort and such.''
Of course, that's bullshit. You hate reading anything that involves science.
''Mark is not the superhero who got bitten by a magical spider that turned him into a man who saves the people from fire and crimes. Mark is just your stupid of a best friend that thinks putting strawberries in a microwave is a good idea because he likes his fruits warm. Mark is your best friend who's scared of cockroaches so how come he's a hero whose powers came from a spider? Mark is not Spiderman--''
Wrong. Absolutely Wrong.
Your claims got debunked right after you lay them down. You're absolutely fucking wrong.
The superhero whom you got to meet earlier, now stands in front of you once again. Hissing at what seemed to be a burn, unaware of the other presence inside the room, the mask comes off of his head, revealing the face the media and government would pay billions of money to see.
All this time, the jokes that Johnny and Jaehyun threw weren't all bullshit. Because the moment Spiderman turns out, the familiar chestnut shade eyes meets yours, effectively stilling both of your figures.
Holy motherfucking shit.
Spiderman IS Mark Lee.
''... let's treat your burn first.''
The hero nods like a puppy.
''Ouch! At least dab it gently. I may have powers but immunity to stings isn't one of them, you know?'' That only pushes you to dab the cotton pad harder on his burnt skin, earning a yelp.
''You deserve that after hiding this secret from us for how many years.''
''Who said I hid it from all of you? Johnny and Jaehyun have known about this months ago.'' Your glare scares the superhero embarrassingly. To be fair, it's not like Mark intended to let the duo know. It was accidental.
''And you didn't even dare to tell me, your literal best friend?'' You know exactly why he didn't want to risk revealing his secret even with those he trusts the most, you just don't know how to properly mask the worry inside you.
Mark, instead, smirks. ''Just say you're worried, it's not that bad to admit it, you know?'' He's right.
Your finger fumbles the cotton, eyes staring deeply to Mark's as you weigh the outcomes if you say the very sentence that lays at the tip of your tongue. The hem of your shirt moves, courtesy of Mark of playing with them.
Fuck it.
No one knows who leans in to who, all you know is that you desire to take more than the heat coming from Mark's tongue on yours. His arm wraps around your waist, flipping your position so you would be the one to lay on the bed, hovering your figure as his kisses travels down to your neck. Whimpers escapes your lips, hand threading the brown strands while the other feels the firm chest through his suit.
Your clothes soon flies to god knows where, the chilly wind bites through your bare skin but the flames of Mark's tongue licking every surface he can eases it. The lips comes back to meet yours one more time, devouring every area that he can reach. It's nothing like you expected to experience from Mark.
It's fierce, hot, and needy.
Wet sounds of kissing echoes through the silence of the room, rustling clothes accompanying it as Mark takes off his suit.
Fingers ghosting over the line that serves as an entrance to your core, your breath hitches. They entered Mark's mouth first, sucking and licking before pulling them out full of saliva just for the show. Finally dipping inside you, a sigh couldn't help but to be let out. It's deep, something you're unable to do whenever you're left to fend for yourself.
Mark gets on it, inserting one after another with little rest in between until he feels you're stretched enough for him. You pant, the angry red tip touching and tracing the line of your pussy, enough to send you desperate. So desperate that you whine and grinds your hips upwards to meet his length.
Caging you in his embrace, Mark's lips stays on yours as his cock slowly but smoothly slides past your opening, the veins rubbing along your walls enough to receive a quiet moan from you. There's a slight sting caused by the stretched of Mark's girthy dick but that's what you wanted, for it to hurt even a bit. In order for you could feel Mark fully.
''So good.''
Mark chuckles, observing your facial expression as he makes circles with his hips, hand caressing your sides in a comforting way. When he senses that you've gotten used to his cock sliding in and out of your entrance, he with no doubts quickens his pace. He starts fucking.
Screams of his name along with vulgar profanity fills the apartment, loud skin slapping fuelling the hunger for release. ''More, more, more-- fuck, Mark, please.''
The male grunts. God, just your calls of his name is enough to make him come. It takes him a lot of self-control to prevent his climax from raining on him quickly. With the determination of bringing you over the edge, his hips snaps harder, harsher and faster.
The way his tip gets caught on your walls before fully pulling out is hypnotizing. Hands gripping the pillow beside your head, Mark changes his angle a bit and that's when you scream his name loud enough for the neighbors to complain tomorrow. Mercilessly, Mark's bulbous tip jabs on your spot dead on continuously, giving you no time to catch some air.
His mouth attaches to your skin as he paints it with love bruises, a remembrance of your activity. ''Aah, shit-- are you close, baby? Are you gonna come around my cock? Tighten your-- fuck-- walls around me until I can't fucking-- aah-- breathe?''
You nod, chanting his name like a mantra as you plead him to bring you the mind numbing pleasure. Scratching his back, nails digging and creating crescent moon shapes on his skin-- Mark finds himself only getting closer to coming. His fingers wraps themselves around your wrist, placing your palm on the expanse of his neck. Mark groans when he feels the pleasuring grip on the sides of his throat, eyes rolling to the back as the perfect press sends him to his peak.
With your walls pulsating around him, white cream creating a customized ring for his cock, Mark thrusts once, twice, trice and a few more before he pulls out. Ribbons of white makes itself known on your stomach through the warmth it radiates. His head is thrown to the back as his mouth falls apart, moaning your name.
Minutes passes by and it was only then that Mark came to his senses, laying carefully beside you. Despite just having his cock inside you not long ago, Mark visibly stills when you wrap your arms around his waist. You chuckle.
''Any secrets you have that you want to tell me?'' Whispering against his shoulder, Mark gains the courage of placing his arm to hug you side ways. He smiles, staring at the ceiling.
''If I didn't know any better, I'd say that smiles means you like me.''
''Well, do you?''
''Do I what?''
''Know better.''
Giggles of happiness echoes the bedroom.
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It is night and your heels clicking the floor is heard along the quiet alley. You purses your lips, hands buried in the pockets of your jacket to hide from the freezing cold of the night. Eyes remaining to the ground, you steps comes to a halt when you sense another presence just behind you.
The shadow shows an upside down figure of someone, a strange yet familiar way. You turn around with no fear, smile of adore dawning your face as the sight of your boyfriend waiting greets you.
''Hi,'' Softly, you caress his upside down face. ''The people are waiting for you to save them, spidey.''
''Can I get my good luck? So I'd know someone is waiting for me to get back home?'' Chuckle rumbles on your chest as you pinch his cheek.
Your fingers tugs the hem of his mask, enough to reveal the naturally red yet slightly chapped lips that you love. Pressing a loving kiss, you hoped that Mark was able to decipher all the feelings you've put.
''Can I tell you a secret?''
You didn't wait a respond from him.
''I love you.''
You peck his lips.
''So damn much.''
You fix his mask and ensure that it wouldn't slip off of him.
''Be careful while saving the world, will you? I wouldn't know what to do if I lose mine.''
With one last kiss through the fabric of his mask, Mark vows that after helping the people, he will come back safely-- to his very own home, his own world.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Giving them flowers (creepypasta)
Might make a part 2 might not idk I guess we'll see what ends up happening!
Characters: slenderman, masky, hoodie, ticci toby
Notes: reader is GN, they're the one giving the flowers, admin doesnt know much about flowers so no specific ones are mentioned
Cws: none
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sticking with the idea that he doesnt interact much with people, much less in a romantic sense, he doesnt fully realize the flowers are a gesture in order to show you care for him
would prefer you to plant flowers rather than taking them from the ground, the flowers will die otherwise :(
mimics your gifts by leaving something for you on your table back at home when you arent looking, either something from the forest or something taken from elsewhere
generally doesnt expect gifts from you but getting them every now and then is always nice... even if hes just humoring your human way of showing affection
doesnt realize the flowers are for him if you just get them, youll need to actually give them to him for him to make the connection
more of a gifts that have function guy instead of a just because gift guy, wont return the flowers though
may forget to put them into some water to keep them fresh for longer, the thought just doesnt cross his mind
if you picked them yourself hes a little less surprised about them being handed to him, more than likely he was watching you walk around collecting them... you just didnt notice him
will leave you a gift on your nightstand, you wont see him leaving it though... it kind of just appears
similar to masky he doesnt quiet know what to do with the flowers but at least he has the thought to put them in some water somewhere
will give you something in return, something he knows you like... something physical, or an action... whichever you prefer!
i can see him picking some flowers for you, not a lot... a small bundle to give to you, the kind of flowers you see growing at sidewalks every now and then
has them nicely bundled together and puts them somewhere he knows you'll find them
doesnt know what to do with them but he keeps them on him regardless because you gave them to him and he doesnt want to toss them
will pull flowers out of the ground to give to you to try to match your energy- the... roots and dirt are still in tact but its the thought that counts and what seemed like urgency to even the score is... a little endearing.. though let him know he doesnt need to immediately get you something in return!
keeps some of the dried up dead petals in his pocket when the flowers eventually wilt and die off, to him its kind of like a lucky charm
you gave them to him so they have to be good, even if he knows its just what he believes- it brings some level of comfort, too
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finalgirllx · 1 year
Mattheo Riddle Headcanons
From someone who only recently got into him. I could be wrong, since I can't trace back his roots much. Some of these are inspired by other writings, Marcus Lopez in Deadly Class, and my own bot usage.
I wrote this in about 5 minutes. Just a warning.
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Mattheo is, of course, reserved around those he isn't close to. He tends to act cold, and will go as far to make himself seem threatening if he feels like it (whether that's actually true or not is your interpretation).
If he does something kind for someone without being asked, he prefers to let it go unmentioned. "Thanks for getting that for me." "Yeah, yeah, If you tell anyone, I'll kill you."
Scorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio! This is the one time I'll assign my star sign to a character because it fits him so well, along with his face claim being a Scorpio as well.
Mattheo loves The Smiths. There is no arguing there. This is definitely Marcus inspired, but it is just so nice.
He wears black almost exclusively. It is just his go-to and fits his general vibe. If he must, he'll go for a neutral-toned checkered flannel or jean jacket when it gets cold.
Mattheo has immaculate handwriting. Like, people look at his work and can't help but stare because they're surprised at the quality of it.
He drinks black coffee in the mornings, and that's it.
Does get into a lot of fights. And he wins all of them. However, unlike what others may think, he tries to give someone a chance to out themselves from a potential fight before he goes in.
Loves the horror genre. He talks up paranormal horror as the superior subgenre but will sit down and enjoy just about any kind.
He is a Resident Evil fan (Resident Evil 1 came out in 1996, so this is for slightly more modern au's).
His closest friends are Theo and Blaise, but he gets along well with Enzo and has an okay relationship with Draco.
He is knowledgeable and a strong critical thinker but doesn't care much about academics. Besides Defense Against The Dark Arts, he is really talented at Potions.
'Claims' people. His icy demeanor is rather tough to break; once he lets you in, it's like a switch is flipped, and he's more possessive and protective than anyone could've anticipated.
Has a mean jealous streak. This has been known, lol.
I think he prefers cats - but honestly, I see him being hesitant towards pets. He is still sweet toward them and would be a love bug with a pet of his own, but I can see a pet approaching him, and he wouldn't know what to do at first, haha. 
Mattheo is sarcastic to his core. Shows his affection through teasing. But he can be quite serious and good at knowing the right words to support someone when needed.
Slight NSFW implications - incredibly dominant, and there's nothing you can do to change my mind that's not his preferred mode 99% of the time.
To see Mattheo's sweet side is a real treat, but he keeps that part for whom he adores the most.
His love language is physical touch and its not even close. If he falls for you, he'll always make sure to be touching you in any way that is possible at that instance.
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mosscreektarot · 7 months
Pick An Image: Who will you MARRY?
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All about your FS!
To book a personal reading, DM me or visit my Etsy: https://mosscreekpsychic.etsy.com
Group 1~ Top Left
Group 2~ Top Right
Group 3~ Bottom Left
Group 4~ Bottom Right
Group 1: Liberation: "The Doubts and Fears still come up; you don't believe anymore that they're you."
Your FS sees your "brokenness" and loves the light shining through your cracks. You've been dealt a rough hand in the matters of love, and your FS understands your trauma. Your FS supports you by CHOOSING you. Again and again, no matter what, your FS chooses you. This steadiness and steadfastness to them is love.
Your FS is a bit of a loner, preferring to enjoy the company of few, rather than casting a wide social net. They are an outdoorsy person, frequently camping, hiking, and staying up till morning just to watch the sunrise. Your FS is kind of scatterbrained ("where are my keys!?"), but HIGHLY intelligent. Your FS is the type of person to observe in social settings rather than put themselves in the mix.
Your FS may come from a different country/ethnic background than you, and has deep cultural roots they are proud of. They do things differently than most people and are never phased by the judgement of others.
Group 2: Right Now: "Stay in the present and don't get too far ahead of the Flow. You'll soon trust that nothing more will come than can be handled each moment."
Your FS is one of the most honest people you know. Sometimes their insight into your mind is a little creepy. They are gentle and kind but are unafraid to speak their mind, even if it hurts some feelings or steps on toes. Your FS is the type of person who loves to debate in the comment section and is really fucking good at it. Not to say they are argumentative, but if they see someone saying/doing something blatantly wrong they will not hesitate to put that person in their place when necessary.
Your FS may struggle with their mental health/self care at times and is extremely good at masking their true feelings. To everyone else they are the happiest, bubbliest, most outgoing person. It's not a lie, but there is a duality between their public and private self.
This could be someone you already know who provides you with guidance and support, never letting you guess they are in need of the same. Your FS is their own harshest critic and is constantly working to better themselves. They are a warm and loving person with a pink and blue aura. You may feel like this person could ~never~ be interested in you or is out of your league but your intuition is wrong in that regard!
Group 3:
Change: "When the ego finally sees the utter madness of trying to control everything, you come to a sacred crossroads in your own evolution."
Your FS is a spiritual "go with the flow" type of person. They believe everything happens for a reason, and live very unconventionally. They're the kind of person who communes with trees and spends their free time barefoot in the grass. "Wild and free"~positive vibes, the type of person to look for the best in every situation, no matter how dark or dire. Loves social gatherings and connecting with new people. Your FS may come off as a bit awkward in social settings sometimes, but despite that are well-received and liked.
Your FS is always smiling and wants to bring the sunshine into your life every single day.
Your FS may be a little out of touch with reality and believe they can positively affirm their way out of situations which cannot be changed. They're the kind of person who would get sick and refuse to go to the doctor for a month, even if it's really bad because they think they will magically get better through willpower alone. Your FS will need to find a balance between their spiritual self and mundane reality. They may need you to be the "authority figure" in their life when necessary.
Your FS is disciplined and responsible when it comes to their career and finances. Oddly enough they have a very "serious" career like an accountant or lawyer and make a lot of money. They spend a lot of it on crystals though ;) .
Group 4:
Gratitude: "Fill me with gratitude for all You give! May I be a vehicle for You wherever I go."
Your FS is an introvert who likes to spend their time with their nose in a book at home with their cats. They love to help others and often rush around trying to provide assistance to anyone who asks. They are the kind of person who sees a car on the side of the highway and pulls over to change their tire.
Your FS is pretty quiet and likes to keep their thoughts to themselves. It can be hard to read them or to get them to talk about how they feel. They have their reasons, so please be patient with them. They are a slow and methodical person who always makes lists and ticks off the boxes of what they need to do in life. They live by a routine and aren't one to make rash or reckless decisions.
They often feel left out of their family/friend circle and feel like nobody understands them or that people wouldn't like the "real" them if they said what was actually on their minds. When you come into the picture they let go of a breath they have been holding their entire life. You connect with them in a way they never thought possible and they realize that it's okay to be themselves and that there is such a thing as "true love". They are forever grateful for your presence in their life and show it to you every day by bringing you tea in bed or buying little presents to show you they are always thinking of you.
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tenebraevesper · 8 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Final Conclusion)
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''It's been a long, rough road and I'm finally here. I move an inch forward, feels like a year. Everything I feel seems so unreal. Is it true? Is it true? I take one step forward and two steps back. Got a hundred thousand pounds sitting on my back. Up, down, all around, don't know quite what to do to get through. Well, I'm on my way...''
(Never Turn Back, Shadow the Hedgehog (2005))
Welcome to the Final Conclusion of my Shadow the Hedgehog's character analysis! It has been a long, rough road for me, but now I'm here to give you my final thoughts on Shadow the Hedgehog as a character in Sonic Prime.
So, shall we dive in for one last time?
I started this character analysis with the statement that ''Prime!Shadow is peak Shadow'', making it my mission to re-watch every episode of Sonic Prime to back up my argument, and I believe that I have succeeded.
When I had learned that Sonic Prime would have Shadow in it, I made sure to keep a close eye on him, as we know all too well just how tight SEGA's mandates around Shadow's character are, having seen him at his worst in the Sonic IDW comics. I had been hoping that Sonic Prime would let Shadow have more room as a character, let him breathe a little. He doesn't have to be just the grim Vegeta-type Stock Shonen Rival to Sonic, but he can also be a hero on his own.
So I waited and I hoped, and, oh boy, did Sonic Prime deliver!
With the placement of Sonic Prime in the mainline canon being deliberately vague (aside from obviously being set after Sonic Advance 3) we only had the knowledge of Shadow's backstory to figure out how his character might be utilized in the show, and let me assure you, I did not expect that Shadow as a character would actually go back to his roots.
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As TV Tropes puts it, Shadow is the composite character of ''the intelligent, perceptive, and pragmatic (with good intentions) of Sonic 06'' self ''with the wrathful but good intentioned disposistion of Sonic Battle'' self.
In short, he is exactly the Shadow people wanted to see for so long, ever since Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), which is considered to be the peak of his character (not counting Sonic Adventure 2). He is the grim rival to Sonic, but has a kind heart and the will to protect the world regardless of how people see him. He is not above using violent methods to achieve his goals, but has primarily good intentions, and will clash and work together with Sonic depending on the situation.
That alone is very impressive, but what makes Prime!Shadow stand out even above his Sonic 06 self is the fact that he actually undergoes through subtle, but legitimate character development.
As I had stated in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 1), Shadow starts out as a loner who prefers to stop Sonic from causing the end of world by fighting him instead of talking to him. This is kind of understandable, since Sonic also sucks at communication and listening to other people, including his friends, which is how the whole Shatterverse event starts in the first place, and gets punched by Shadow for causing this whole mess.
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In Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 2), I had been pointing out how, after both Shadow got all the frustration he felt towards Sonic out of his system in the first half of Episode 09: Avoid the Void, he manages to convey to Sonic just how much damage he had caused by breaking the Paradox Prism, leading to the two to actually start communicating properly. Of course, it is not perfect, and Shadow certainly gets annoyed by Sonic over the course of the episode, but he is willing to talk rather than to fight.
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However, it takes until the second half of the same episode, aka what I covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 3) for Shadow to finally realize that he needs Sonic if he wants to fix reality. But before that, we have a good old fashioned rival fight, where Shadow decides to save the world on his own, showing us that, even if the world is at stake, he won't miss a chance to enjoy his fight with Sonic. However, upon his failure to enter the Shatterspaces, he understands that he won't be able to do this without Sonic's help, as he's stuck in The Void. Of course, this is just the beginning of their attempts at proper teamwork and they still won't miss a chance to banter with each other.
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Speaking of bantering, we slowly start get more and more of those, as covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 4), with Shadow snarking at Sonic while also trying to keep him on track. Not only that, but Shadow also plays a role in stalling the Chaos Council, showing that even if he cannot travel through the Shatterverse, he can still support Sonic in his own way.
When the Chaos Council arrives at Ghost Hill to take the Prism Shards, we finally see what it looks like when Shadow and Sonic team up and it's glorious. Even if their relationship hasn't started out well, you can see how they slowly become better and better as a team, protecting each other and coming up with plans to protect the Shards.
One thing that gets pointed out, however, is Shadow's distrust of other people. In Sonic Prime, Shadow has no friends, which is something Sonic teases him about when Shadow shows clear distrust of Nine. Shadow is right to be distrustful of Nine, pointing out to Sonic how he's not the same as Tails, especially due to how Sonic is projecting Tails onto Nine and treating him as if they were the same person.
However, Sonic is not wrong either in regards to his statement how Shadow needs to learn to trust people, and rest assured, it appears that Shadow actually takes this to heart, as he begins to trust Sonic.
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This is seen in the first half of Episode 17: Grim Tidings, which I covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 5). Not only does Shadow not blame Sonic for losing the Shards to Nine, but he also keeps reaching out for Sonic, who is grieving the loss of Ghost Hill and his friends, protecting him from danger, reassuring him that they will get the Shards back and comforting him by complimenting him. It's incredibly sweet to see that side of him, a kinder, softer side which he appears to show only around Sonic.
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This extends into the second half of the episode, covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 6), where Shadow keeps up with his mission to protect Sonic as they try to recover the Paradox Prism from Nine. Not only has their teamwork significantly improved, with both being incredibly in sync, but the moment Shadow realizes that Nine is after Sonic, he abandons the Paradox Prism and instead focuses on saving Sonic from Nine, eventually throwing him out of The Grim and basically sacrificing his own life for Sonic.
I absolutely loved seeing this protective side of Shadow, showing just how much he cares about Sonic and how much he has grown to appreciate him.
(Also, note how Shadow once again has beef with Tails, having fought him in Sonic X and Sonic Boom before).
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What follows next is the battle against Nine, covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 7), which shows us Shadow and Sonic's contrasting personalities and ideals bouncing off of each other, while working perfectly together. They have now reached a new level of trust, respect and understanding, with Shadow showing complete loyalty towards Sonic, even if their initial methods of reaching their goals clash with each other.
Also, Sonic introduces Shadow as his boyfriend to his Shatterverse friends.
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''Probably gonna regret that.'' ''I heart you too, Shadow.''
Oh, did you really think I wouldn't talk about the blatant Sonadow subtext in Sonic Prime? There is a reason why fans nicknamed the show Sonadow Prime.
These two dorks have so much chemistry in this show that it is hard not to ship them together, even if all instances of them working together as a couple were unintentional. Sonic Prime definitely shows the appeal of the Sonadow ship, and if you go by The Sonadow Special Bumblekast Interview with Ian Flynn, these two are probably one confession away from dating each other (even if the ship will never become canon, because SEGA says ''No'' to romance in their Sonic media - a wise decision).
Why am I saying this? Well, Ian says that, in order for Sonadow to be executed, there would have to be an understood vulnerability to Shadow, and he would have to open up to be more accessible at a personal level. He notes how it doesn't take much for it to happen, and that it just has to become established to build that bridge, especially with Sonic being so casual and accepting enough as he is, and he would allow Shadow to be who he is, which is kinda prickly and stand-offish. They would have the occasional moment where Shadow let's his guard down and is more empathetic and emotionally available, but otherwise, they would play it fairly cool and aloof.
Also, how would it be made official that they're together? Ian says how they're so cool and aloof in their own way that he cannot see either of them making some dramatic declaration or turn all mushy and lovey-dovey, as that's not who they are.
''[...] The adventure concludes, and they're standing side by side on the hillside looking at the sunset and the wreckage, and they share, y'know, a compliment, and instead of like, a fist bump or a 'See ya next time', and one of them runs off; maybe they throw arms around each other or something, just kinda stand there. [...] I see them just being very chill about it all.''
So, let me ask you something - in Sonic Prime, which character is starting to show his more vulnerable side, letting his guard down and and reaching out for Sonic, either to comfort him or to protect him?
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Yeah, a simple screenshot speaks more than a thousand words.
Also, if you don't care about what Ian Flynn said, just take note of how affectionate Sonic is towards Shadow and Shadow in turn just let's him do whatever he wants. Sonic hugs him, and Shadow doesn't push him back. It's absolutely adorable and it gets even better when we get to the finale!
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Episode 23: From the Top (covered in its full form in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 8)) concludes the battle against Nine, with the whole Shatterverse being reduced to nothing. Sonic decides to sacrifice his life to restore the Paradox Prism, and we see Shadow completely heartbroken when he sees that Sonic isn't moving, probably believing that he is dead. I don't think Shadow had ever shown an expression like this in any media.
Fortunately, Sonic is still alive, but barely holding on, leading up to a race against time, where Shadow carries a dying Sonic towards Green Hill.
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''I never knew you were a hugger.'' ''Do you want me to save you or not?''
*shouting from the back* Just kiss already!
Hey, I mean, it isn't them throwing arms around each other, but we do have Sonic flirting with Shadow and Shadow responding before the sense of panic sets in when Sonic goes limp.
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Fortunately, the day is saved, with Sonic and Shadow retaining their memories of what had happened and remembering what their learned from each other during their adventure (with the Shatterverse probably being wiped out because Sonic doesn't shatter the Paradox Prism).
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''I am the Ultimate Lifeform. I go wherever I want.'' ''Wh-huh?'' ''CHAOS CONTROL!''
One thing I don't believe I had mentioned is how there is three times when Shadow declares his status as The Ultimate Lifeform. The first time is a response to Nine's comment about him and Sonic being twins, with Shadow pointing out his uniqueness. The second time he states it is when Nine is shocked to see him defeat Grim Alpha Sonic, with Sonic quipping how he's ''modest too'', showing off that he is adept to battling and will win the fight no matter the odds. And lastly, he states it once again before he teleports the Paradox Prism, noting how he can go wherever he wants, which I believe is him declaring his won freedom to not be tied to anything (like a certain promise) and doing things his way (not to mention the fact that he spent a good chunk of the show floating in The Void, unable to go anywhere).
Unfortunately, as I said before, the ending kinda feels like it's missing something, and while people might point out how it's either perfect the way it is or list a bunch of flaws or seek signs of an nonexistent sequel, the one thing I wanted to see is for Sonic and Shadow to have at least one more conversation.
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''If knowing you has taught me anything, there is always another way.'' 'Wait, was that a compliment?''
I wanted them to meet up again and reflect on their adventure, as well as talk how much they have grown closer as a team, with Sonic even offering Shadow to join him and his friends at the beach for a couple of chili dogs. I'd have Shadow be reluctant for a moment, before accepting.
Maybe have Sonic ask Shadow what happened to the Paradox Prism and Shadow assure him that it's in a safe space. Perhaps they could also ponder on what happened to the Shatterverse, and whether it's gone or it still exists. As for Sonic's friends, they would probably wonder since when Sonic and Shadow are now close buddies, with Sonic about to tell them about their adventure in the Shatterverse before Dr. Eggman returns with another scheme and the adventure continues.
I really wanted some kind of finality to show their newly formed bond. After all, there is so much to talk about, like the fact that Sonic definitely had a traumatic flashback to Sonic Adventure 2.
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Or have Shadow admit that he doesn't want to lose Sonic by just telling him not to get so reckless again when around another world-shattering stone.
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*sighs dreamily*
Oh well, being a writer, I guess I might as well write this alternate ending by myself then. I might let these two have their moment, showing appreciation for each other in their own way.
Also, Shadow is a hugger. That's definitely canon now.
One last thing to mention before I finish this is - what did Shadow do with the Paradox Prism? Well, I have an idea for how this adventure might continue, albeit in a different universe:
Sonic Boom Shatterverse (Sonic Prime/Sonic Boom)
So, does anyone want to see how Boom!Shadow and Boom!Sonic handle their own universe shattering into pieces? Coz I do!
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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onskepa · 1 month
Hellooo, could i get a fic about Teylan and Solek, like in a platonic way? Solek may get annoyed by Teylan on the daily and not like his human stuff, but deep down has a soft spot for him, he knows he was the most manipulated by the Sky people at TAP that made him like he is now. So even tho he always complains about him, Teylan is like a little brother to him and will protect no matter what. So then one day finds out the way that if you mess with Teylan you got the wrath of Solek after you.
Ooooooooooooooh~!!! BROMANCE!!! That is all I can see!!! Enjoy darling!!
Little fangs, sharp glare
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Trusting humans is one thing so’lek took forever to gain. After everything he has lost, it's odd to be friends with some. He lost his clan, his family, and those close to him. It is not easy to get over it, with sadness comes anger, and with anger comes hate. So’lek deeply hates humans, not all, but those who fall under the RDA name. 
He also understands the pain of losing everything, losing all that you have ever known. So when he heard of what was once a long dead clan, its members returning, some hope was restored in his heart. 
It was too late for so’lek, but maybe there is still a chance for the remaining sarentu.
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Speaking of sarentu, the 4 were very interesting. Too human for his liking, if so’lek didn't know anymore better, he would have been fooled into thinking they were dreamwalkers. Of course he shouldn't blame them, they were taken very young, raised in metal walls, not a touch of nature by humans. When they were freed, three of them wanted to reconnect to their roots. How to be a real na’vi. 
There is one, however, who enjoys being human. 
Teylan, the youngest of the sarentu, was……different. 
Spoke, walked, behaved, and thought just like a human. 
Granted, he is the youngest and was far more easy to manipulate and be molded to the humans liking. Yet now that he is free, he fears literally everything. Prefers to stay inside the resistance building, chooses to play with old and new technology. Chatting with humans, and his sarentu friends. 
But with other na’vi? Not a chance. 
Even Teylan fears so’lek. 
So’lek wonders how will teylan continue to live if he hasn't even truly thrived? 
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“No thank you, I am fine where I am,” teylan kindly rejects. 
With an annoyed sigh, so’lek looked at him straight in the eyes, something that makes teylan very nervous about. 
“Teylan, computers and radio technology isn't going to help you out there” so’lek reminds the youngest sarentu. His eyes looking down at him, not in an interior way, but more rather of trying to sway teylan. 
“A-as if I want to go out there, it's scary a-and there is a lot of danger. I'm fine, besides, I am contributing b-by helping with the tech. Pretty outdated some of this stuff is” teylan tries to make excuses. 
Fighting never was something teylan wanted to do. Even back in TAP, if there was anything teylan rebelled in, it be wielding weapons and/or fighting. Violence is like a virus he wishes to stay away from. 
“P-please sir, I don't want to touch a gun. Never will” 
Hearing this, so’lek was reminded of the three laws of Eywa, one of them was to never touch the metals. Was too late for him, but maybe, just maybe, it is not too late for teylan. The na’vi that is more out of Eywa’s reach.
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For weeks so’lek observed teylan, how he is adjusting to things. If there is one word to describe teylan, it is weak. In more ways than just physical. His sarentu friends grow stronger, wiser, and open to the massive world while teylan remains reserved, shy, and hesitant. Traits of someone weak. Even more since Teylan is capable of being mentally vulnerable. 
Perhaps there is some method so’lek can use to help teylan get stronger. Brute force and harsh words worked with the others. 
Being “soft” isn't something so’lek can get used to.
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So’lek is such a scary na’vi in teylan’s eyes. Deep voice, tall, muscular, and very very hateful towards humans. So’lek was teylan’s first exposure to native na’vi. A real na’vi. And his first impressions were not so great. Yes, so’lek was very dangerous in his own right but he wasn't wild or mindless like how Mercer told him. 
So’lek is very clever, thinks through his plans and comes up with excellent war strategies. 
Everything Mercer said, and even alma to an extent, were wrong. 
Yes there is danger everywhere, and if teylan had it his way, he would make a pillow fort and play with old gadgets. Yet so’lek persists for him to train how to wield weapons and fight. 
Teylans knows how to wield a weapon he just chooses not to. 
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“Damn, useless earpiece” so’lek grunts in annoyance. His ear piece that helps him to communicate with others isn't functioning well. It is not like he can get another one, muchless a newer earpiece. He can only work with what he has. 
Taking it off, so’lek examines it, for something so small, its so complex to repair it. He could ask one of the humans to fix it but they are already busy as it is. To take their time away for something small seems inconvenient for anyone. 
“I c-can fix it…” 
Turning around, he see’s Teylan standing a bit distance from him. Extending his arm out, so’lek hands the ar piece to the sarentu. 
Teylan was quick to work in, “it's not useless” he mutters. 
So’lek tilts his head, observing teylan’s hands, his fingers be delicate to the tiny piece, using tiny tools to examine it. 
“It's old” so’lek says, seeing a small red wire being taken out. 
“Yes, but so is everything here. It's not so easy to get new equipment. So the best we can do is maintain it in good condition. We have the parts, we can make it last longer” teylan speaks while replacing the red wire with a yellow wire and putting the tiny pieces back together. 
Handing the earpiece back to so’lek, he adds “If there is a piece for it, we can mend it back together again” 
With that, teylan smiles and walks away to do other things. 
So’lek puts on the earpiece and stays a bit to let his words linger in his mind. 
Perhaps teylan is correct.
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Teylan jumped from being startled by a large bag landing beside him. 
“Easy! Are you trying to scare me?” he asks the person behind the little stunt, which was none other than so’lek. 
He grins a bit, “look into those items, see if anything is useful” with that he leaves. 
Curious, Teylan opens the bag and gasps in surprise. 
It was full of new and fresh spare parts and technology! 
Teylan knew so’lek goes on raids to destroy any RDA base but he never guessed so’lek would also be stealing any possible resources that could be useful. And useful they were. 
So Teylan was quick to work with these new toys. 
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“Better security cameras, scanners, newer radars, updated databases. Teylan you thought of everything, well done” anqa praises. This causes teylan to blush a bit. Making his tail sway side to side. It makes him feel good, to be useful. To contribute in the best way he can. 
Teylan was about to make his way somewhere else when nor pulled him aside. 
“Teylan! Come with me, I finally mastered archery! Come, I can show you” nor said rather excitedly, ready to drag him outside. But teylan pulled away, quickly feeling uncomfortable. 
“No thanks nor, Im fine here, besides there is still much to do” he tries to excuse. 
Nor clicks his tongue, shaking his head. 
“Teylan, you have to learn how to fight. I get it, no guns, and that is fine. Not every weapon is some form of a gun, like a bow and arrows, or spears. How will you survive out there? What if you are alone and can't defend yourself? Don't be a baby teylan, even so’lek is disappointed” 
That last part hurt teylan. 
“Come on, I can even teach you how to hunt” nor offers. 
“No, that is worse, I don't want to hurt animals” teylan argues softly. Unable to raise his voice against his dearest friend. 
“Then how will you eat? Eating on powdered foods and fruit? This is for you own good. I don't want you to be left behind in necessary skills” nor goes on. 
But before it could go further, another stepped into the conversation. 
“Nor, ri’nela is calling for you, saying it's urgent” so’lek speaks, letting his heavy gaze glare down at him. 
Nor nods, and leaves. 
So’lek turns around to see teylan almost ready to cry. 
“Am I a disappointment?” 
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Together they stand outside of the base, admiring the natural beauty surrounding them. Neither being the first to speak for the first few minutes. 
“You are not a disappointment, Teylan” so’lek was the first to speak. Not really looking at the sarentu, just looking beyond the land. 
“If anything, you surprise me” 
Teylan looked over at so’lek, feeling confused by that, “how so?” 
“You are more quiet, shy and a mess of nerves but you are strong in your own right. You surprise me by how quick you work, clearly your strong suits is that of repairing things” 
Teylan looks down, playing with his tools that hang from his belt. 
“I just don't want to be useless….I hate being seen as extra baggage that everyone has to take care off….even to my friends” teylan confesses. 
Sighing, he goes on, so’lek hearing his words. 
“I don't like weapons. I don't like guns. I know you know that, nor knows that, everyone does. But I also don't want to hold any other dangerous items. I just hate…violence. I want things to be peaceful, I want all humans to be nice, not just to each other but to this world. Stupid thinking, I know. I don't even see myself as hurting anyone. Doesn't matter if it is human or na’vi, hurting people is wrong…” 
A few minutes of silence passed before So'lek spoke again. 
“Do you know the laws of Eywa?” he asks, looking over at the youngest sarentu. 
“Laws of Eywa, no, never. I didnt even know there is laws” teylan answers honestly. 
Chuckling a bit, so’lek shakes hsi head. Should have known the RDA keeps such information away from him. 
“Well, there are. Three, they are: You shall not set stone upon stone. Neither shall you turn the turning wheel. Nor use the metals of the ground” so’lek says while using his fingers to point out each law. 
“Do you know what they mean?” he asks. 
“No, they seem confusing” teylan answers. 
“They mean you shall not use metal or stone materials. Something humans use, like making this base. As well as is it forbidden to dig up the natural metals from the ground” 
Teylan looks down at the ground, remembering the lessons alma taught him many years ago. 
“They sound simple…but I bet it is hard” 
So’lek nods, “for humans yes, but you oddly follow the three laws without even knowing. Which it is a good thing”
He places his hand on teylan’s hat, taking it off. 
“Hey, give it back” teylan tries to reach for his hat, but so’lek chuckles, keeping it away from his reach. 
“Easy, I won't take it away” 
Teylan huffs but lets it slide. 
“You know teylan, despite what nor tells you, you are strong in your own way. Yes, you may not know how to fight but you know how to make this place have a better chance in stance. You are clever and very smart, quick thinking in how to fix or improve things” so’lek praises. 
Teylan never knew he would hear such words from the mighty warrior.  
So’lek places the hat back on teylan’s head, “I will be strong for you young one so don't listen to what your friend tells you” 
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The doors open to show the two men walking back inside the base, 
Nor sees teylan and tries to persist again. 
“Teylan, there you are! I was thinking, instead of archery why not using a spear? They are incredibly sharp and-” 
“Actually nor, I don't want to hear any more about weapons in general. I don't like it, so please stop telling me what to do when I an not comfortable with it” teylan says firmly in his voice, looking hard at nor. 
Nor was ready to scoff when he saw so’lek behind teylan. 
His glare piercing and deadly. 
“Alright teylan, I won't do it again” nor confirms, quickly walking away. 
Teylan sighs and smiles widely, turning around to see so’lek give a soft expression. 
“It worked! He stopped!” teylan grins happily. 
“See? Next time if he or anyone persists, just show your fangs at them, they will know better than to push you” so’lek says as he ruffle’s the young one’s hair. 
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaand that is all for this one! Hope you all like it! Until next time! see ya!
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Band of brothers headcannon ,somehow somebody told them u were cheating on them and they get super angry or depressed but then they discover it's not true, in a way or another.
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An angsty request? Nonny, I'm not sure if you know this, but I live in angst and pain and prefer writing this sort of stuff haha! So keep sending in the angsty headcanon requests, because I'm SO down! Requests are open!
Cut for length, light spice in some, angst under the cut, picking on Webster at least once for no reason haha:
Dick Winters:
-It's not necessarily that someone told him that you were cheating as much as it was implied through subtext and he does NOT deal well with that at all.
-But he's not super vocal about it??? Like, he's the type of man who would rather just talk to you about things than let rumors lie in wait and spiral.
-It doesn't stop him from worrying about if he's done something wrong to push you away until you're able to finally talk.
-And when you do talk, there's this massive relief that you were just getting another job and talking with a superior about it—nothing malicious or mean of the sort.
-Please just reassure this man that he's the love of your life. He's a fairly secure man, but this was rough emotionally and he never accused you of anything but that doesn't mean that he wasn't worried for a second there.
-It definitely becomes a laughing point in your relationship later on.
Lewis Nixon:
-Listen, this man has NOT had good luck when it comes to women or relationships in his lifetime. So when you're a little busier than normal and out longer than normal, he can't help but spiral.
-He takes these fears to some of his friends (not Winters though, because that man would tell him to screw his head on straight haha), and they somehow get it in his head that you're cheating on him
-Cue the downward spiral of drinking and being depresso-expresso yet again
-So when you come home and you've been working extra hours to get a surprise for him—because all you wanted to do was afford a dog on your own wages rather than Lew's money—and he's all emotional and upset—it's a rough situation
-Arguments are had and feelings are hurt. So when he sobers up and realizes that you were just trying to do something sweet for him, he's hurrying to apologize in a big grand romantic gesture sort of a way.
-Moral of the story? Don't surprise him, he'll assume something else is going on or start some sort of conspiracy theory about it haha
Ronald Speirs:
-Someone starts the rumors maliciously because they had a crush/feelings for you and it gets around pretty quickly....and the thing about the entire situation is that he's unfazed? -Like this is the man who people-watches and reads people really well. He's fairly certain that he'd know if you were cheating on him lol.
-That being said, when the rumors finally make their way over to YOU, you shut them down and go to talk to him.
-He's really patient and sweet about the entire thing—because of course he knows you weren't cheating on him, but you're apologizing because of the rumors and he's just wanting to be there for you because that's a rough reputation to have going around tbh.
-Speirs is so secure in the relationship and the way that you feel about him. If not for the declaration of love, then certainly for the way that you are screaming his name later that evening lol.
-Also definitely finds the root of the rumor and uses intimidation to make them back off—no more problems like that for you two ever again.
Buck Compton:
-He's shocked and baffled as to what he's hearing and he's going through everything in his mind trying to figure out where he went wrong. Has he upset you? Were you two not close? What happened anyway?
-He gets real quiet about things when he sees you next because he's trying to figure out how to express what he's feeling.
-And there's definitely some distance on his part and so when he finally comes to you and just asks about the entire thing, YOU'RE just as baffled as he is.
-So reassure him, give him cuddles, attention, verbal affirmation that he's the only man for you, and he'll be secure in no time at all
-But also, realize that it's now going to be a lingering fear of his that you'll leave him for someone else. So be on watch and on guard for any feelings like that re-emerging over time.
-Communication and showing love is going to be big in patching things up.
Carwood Lipton:
-Heart shattered and in disbelief the minute that he sees you hugging another man that he does not recognize.
-He doesn't necessarily want to confront you and have a nasty argument about it, but his jealousy is certainly spiking quite a bit. This leads to him pulling away from the relationship.
-And then the minute that you introduce him to your cousin who has been fighting down in the Pacific for the past few years?? It all clicks into place and he suddenly feels very silly.
-Shamefully admits this to you later when it's just you two alone. And he feels really bad that he even doubted your feelings and intentions.
-But tell him that he's the one, demand that he give you a family—all will be solved by morning haha
-It becomes a running joke in your family for years to come.
Joseph Liebgott:
-JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS—he knows that you have lots of guy friends and that you get along well with HIS friends. But let's be honest, it's probably Webster who suggests that maybe you're a little TOO close to some of his friends.
-And so the ugly side of his jealousy rears it's head and he's getting all possessive and kind of controlling in some ways
-Confronting him is going to be the simplest and easiest route to handle this entire situation
-It's going to be a few arguments later that he realizes that he's really messed up by accusing you of sleeping with one of his friends. But he does come to you and genuinely apologize for his words.
-Yes, this is something you and said friend are going to hold over his head for the rest of your relationship lol.
-And yes, Webster may have gotten punched by you for planting the idea in sweet Joe's head.
Donald Malarkey:
-Listen, this man pays no mind to rumors. But when the rumors involve you and another man? He tends to pay attention. He doesn't believe what he's hearing at all.
-Definitely runs to talk to you immediately about the rumors and isn't sure what to make of your reaction—shocked, of course.
-Your reassurances calm him down and a cuddle session immediately will help him feel much better
-He's definitely going to bring you flowers the next time that he sees you out of guilt lol
-Tries to be more confident in the relationship after that because you promised him that he's the only man for you
-Also attempts to quell rumors with his friends because he's fiercely defensive over you and your honor.
Eugene Roe:
-Soft man here is in love with you to the point of self-destruction, okay?? So when he comes to see you in the medic tent and finds another man kissing you, he's immediately hurt and heart is shattered.
-What he doesn't know is that that was a patient who just kissed you and you had to literally slap the man to get him off of you. So Gene here is in his feels and upset about things.
-When you come to see him and he doesn't really want to talk, you're so confused and he gets really emotional about the entire thing. It's a whole messy argument of you trying to explain what happened.
-And then of course after he's had some time to process the entire thing, he feels just awful for not listening to you or understanding the situation
-He comes to you with a really sincere and soft apology, possibly some chocolate in hand to help his case, and tells you how much you mean to him
-Is it the first time he admits that he loves you? Absolutely. And this certainly leads to the best makeout session of your life haha.
Bill Guarnere:
-Throws hands the minute that someone tells him you're cheating on him. He doesn't believe the rumors for one freakin' minute.
-So when you have to patch him up after some injuries and you're demanding to know why and he angrily explains that it's about you, it's a whole mess.
-You're sitting there trying to explain that you would NEVER, and he KNOWS that so he's just mad that someone would spread the rumors anyway
-This just leads to the two of you being more annoying with PDA haha
-And having a really noisy session of sex where you're both just being so vocal about your love for one another
-Yes, everyone knows that this just strengthened your relationship.
Joe Toye:
-He hears it around the guys in the base—the thing is?? It's an old rumor about some guy that you had kissed BEFORE you were with Joe.
-He gets real quiet and sullen about the entire thing, almost a pouty behavior that leaves you with your head spinning because where is all of THIS behavior coming from??
-It takes a few days of this behavior before he's ready to talk about it and then you're attempting to explain that it's an old flame and that your feelings are solely for Joe now
-In fact, seducing him might just be the move because then he's super smug about the entire thing.
-He might even go and talk to the ex to see if HE has any feelings for you left. And yes, some intimidation might be in order to get him to leave the rumors alone because you and Joe are together now.
-You warn him not to act all pouty like that again though—it was NOT it for you two haha
George Luz:
-Bamboozled, shocked, dismayed, all five stages of grief—but mostly in disbelief
-He's immediately going to shade the hell out of whoever was spreading the rumor even BEFORE he goes to talk to you about the entire thing
-Super down on himself and joking about how he's messed up the entire relationship because clearly you're cheating—and GIRL, you better shut that down NOW
-Please just give him a grand gesture of love yourself and shade him a little bit for even thinking like that??
-Honestly, if you say you're down for marriage, problem solved and this man will never bring it up again—except for maybe in the speeches at the wedding lol
-Is convinced you're even more beautiful when you're shading him for being stupid and believing rumors haha
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0daylighthours0 · 6 months
(part 2) A Deep Dive into Milkvan and Byler's Development: If Milkvan's Destined Endgame, Why's it Written Like This???
The decision to confirm Will to be in love with MIKE is wild, and I'll tell you why.
When you add a third party to a t.v show relationship, if the first relationship isn't perfect, people gunna start rooting for the third party. Take Stancy for instance.
Throughout s2, we got the vibes that Jonathan held feelings for Nancy. This was clear. But Nancy was still with Steve. This means, in order for us not to sympathize more for Jonathan, Nancy and Steve gotta be ✧ tight ✧. I mean, their issues must be kept at a low, and at the end of the day it's gotta be clearer to us that Nancy does in fact love Steve. Welp, that wasn’t the case. Stancy's relationship ✧ struggled ✧, justifying intimate moments between Nancy and Jonathan - making us feel as if he'd be better for her after all. A smart writing choice, as Duffers intended Jancy as season 2's endgame pairing.
Now, I'd like to point out the foreshadowing of this development.
Come the wrapping up of s1, and it seemed Nancy had retreated back to Steve.
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They'd clearly reconciled and - to an outsider - all would appear to be going smoothly. But us as the audience know that not to be the case.
One reason? Well, she'd just shared a suggesting moment with Jonathan.
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So our minds weren't on Steve and this show of his with Nancy. Rather, we read into Nancy's slight discomfort, and wondered if perhaps she'd prefer being with Jonathan instead.
This was of course intentional. I'd like to briefly bring to attention the similarities in these moments to ones at the end of s3 - between Mike and Will, and then Mike and El.
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Here a conclusion to milkvan's seasonal drama is made, them seemingly staying together, parting on good terms. Hm. And milkvan's moment is.. kinda like stancy's. They got back together because, well, El said she loves Mike. And Steve loves Nancy. And Mike loves El right? The way Nancy loved Steve- But just, coincidentally, we have byler's reconciliation too.
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This came before the guy's makeup with El, because, why? This was quite the interesting decision mates. It means that whilst he spends that moment with his girlfriend, our minds are fresh off of Will. People might read into the way he's acting in contrast, just maybe, the way they did during stancy. And people did. That's a bit of a fumble on the writers' part, if you ask me. I know you're trying to let us know that Mike's now on good terms with both members, and his and El's goodbye needs to be the dramatic finishing of the season, but, man, did byler even have to make up at all here you guys? I mean this miscommunication of theirs lasts through to s4 (just like janc-). Why not sort their good terms out later or earlier on, so that we have more mindspace here to focus solely on milkvan, our main main? Or at least, why not just have Mike apologize to Will and be done with it? He could even apologize alongside Lucas, making the moment less personal. And Will could simply forgive him, give a dudely pat it out, and that's it. We wash our hands.
But nah. There's this electricity in the air. The swelling music, the prolonged looks, this doesn't.. seem like a simple make up. It's startlingly short, making us feel as if there have been things left unsaid. And that line,
".. Not possible."
It's so... implying. What do you mean? Why are you looking at eachother like that? What am I meant to get from this scene?
And it isn't a closing reconciliation either, they haven't properly ended their season's drama. I mean no one even apologized for the argument, we're just sort of left with this. Left with the hint of a story that might be further explored - their moment coming off more as anticipation for what's to come than a conclusion. Maybe just a bit like Jonathan and Nancy s1.
But so what? That does not have to mean anything romantic between them is to be told. After all, El just expressed to Mike that she loves him. This means that these sweethearts are practically fortold as endgame, right?
Alright I'll stop stalling.
Season 4.
So. Will is in love with Mike now. Huh. Well, I don't recommend this. As I said, you risk people rooting for Will beyond their hopes for Mike and El as a couple. If this is a plotline you desire, it has to be navigated with precision. So this means that milkvan must be on their A game. Struggle between them has got to be handled delicately. As we see in stancy, and as we saw in s3, just making up at the end of it all isn't good enough. You can risk this mistake once, but we must like these guys together throughout season 4, more than we sorrow for Will. Infact, Will's feelings must not be made too big of a deal. Mike and El are going to stay together, so we should feel a bit sorry for him, but not gather any hope that things will actually work out to his favour.
Like Dustin in s2. He sprouted small feelings for Max, and so did Lucas. Lumax were the endgame, so Dustin's feelings were craftly navigated and not made more important than Max and Lucas' bond. We don't really feel that Dustin is in love with Max, moreso that he likes her and has some moments of jealousy aimed at Lucas. Noone really wanted him with her more than they rooted for Lumax, though we did sympathize for him and feel bad for him regardless.
So yeah, this can easily be written out for Will too. If his story's purpose is meant for the exploration of a gay kid navigating a still homoph#bic time, then there's a lot that can be done without even having to spare much screen time between him and Mike. Focus on his fear of judgement from Jonathan moreso maybe, or have Argyle say something - it can be whatever, mention something homoph#bic, mention something not homoph#bic and give Will hope, whatever - which sets off a thought or idea for Will that prepares his arc for the season.
Back to Mike and El - so we want a 'scared to say "I love you"' subplot. That's good, that good. Fleshes out Mike, plays into El's fears. Shouldn't be too hard.
There's already a mild problem though. This plot is playing out twice at once. We have our boy Will hosting this same fear of rejection by Mike - at least that's how things have been shot. His dread is portrayed through his restraint and timidity in revealing his painting to Mike. Will's painting is basically his version of a confession - the guy too selfless, shy and afraid to express his love outright.
So playing out this storyline at the double is.. a choice. I mean, Mike telling El he loves her is a big deal for the milkvans, shouldn't this romance dominate as much screen time as possible in order to be fully pumped up without any sidetracks to other insignificant in comparison feelings? S3 was already quite clumsy, why not have Mike and El's activities soak in all viewers' engrossment without any departures? Maybe spend a bit of time demonstrating how likeable and wholesome they actually are together. Now that we have Will's affection ontop it all, what's important is that Mike and El's camera time spent matters. They can be angsty, they can withhold some misunderstandings, but they still have to be a good. couple.
Oh yeah, also, Mike should blatantly display feelings for El and El only - duh.
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huh ?
huh ? ? ?
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daizymax · 1 year
the other him | hhj (m)
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summary: deep down, hyunjin would love nothing more than to show your husband to whom you really belong.
pairing: hyunjin x fem reader
genre: angst, smut
word count: 3.8k
rating: mature (18+)
warnings & features: profanity; infidelity; graphic sexual content; dirty talk; possessiveness; a little bit of manhandling; oral (m & f receiving); unprotected penetrative sex; pullout method; facial cumshot; a little bit of cumplay; basically porn with an unexplored plot
author’s note: just a quick and dirty fic that i've been meaning to finish for a while. hope you enjoy!
{ click here if you prefer to read on AO3 }
The beautiful man glances your direction frequently, but he refuses to meet your eyes, too focused on the task of rendering you two-dimensional on the canvas before him. You figure he is working on sketching the details of your outfit right about now, which draws to mind the naughty way his fingers so deftly removed your underwear the other night. His eyes were most certainly on yours at the time; he wanted to witness the look on your face when he sunk those beautiful fingers between your legs. You remember it vividly — and fondly, in a perverse sort of way.
Presently, you readjust your grip on your husband’s stiff, clammy hand and press your lips together to keep from smiling inappropriately. You have to remember where you are: here, sitting beside the other him, having yet another lovely portrait painted to display on the walls of your shared home, as if there was not already far too many.
The portraits really are lovely, though. Beautiful artwork of a beautiful couple, there can be no doubt about that. An outsider might be fooled into thinking the two of you are happy. But you, with your insider eyes, have never seen two people more obviously out of love with each other, and you resent every painted reminder. You resent the lies in your staged smiles, the arrogance, the disgusting vanity.
Most of all, you resent the time spent posing with the man you married while the one who loves you stands across the room and immortalizes the lies and arrogance and vanity so expertly.
It’s either an accident, or Hyunjin purposely allows his professionalism to falter by finally meeting your eyes. Either way, the resentment in your chest melts into adoration, and you risk acknowledging his attention with the smallest smile. He even starts to smile back. It blooms in his eyes first, then moves southward to take root in his lips.
The tenderness on his soft, pretty face wilts to dust the moment your husband opens his mouth.
“I think that’s enough for tonight, Mr. Hwang,” he states matter-of-factly, though not exactly unkindly. He looks at you and gives your shoulder a stiff squeeze. The gesture could be considered threatening if you weren’t positive he is still totally oblivious to your affair. No, this is just how he always is. The most basic forms of affection are awkward and perfunctory; a trait you were willing to overlook in the beginning but has now sown bitterness in your stomach the longer you’ve tried to ignore it. “We’ll continue again tomorrow,” he goes on. “I still have some work I’d like to finish tonight before it gets too late.”
“You know I hate when you bring work home, darling.” The term of endearment slips from your lips easily but without warmth.
“I know, dearest,” he replies equally as easily and coolly, “but it’s my money that puts food on the table and the expensive clothes on your back, so.” He plants a tight-lipped, rather patronizing kiss on the top of your head to settle the matter, nods to Hyunjin, then whisks himself out of the room.
You slump against the plush sofa with a sigh, and even though the two of you are finally alone, you do not even look at Hyunjin as he begins to pack up his brushes and tools. You think he even leaves the room at some point, but you’re too caught up in bitter thoughts of how you let yourself get swept up in this sham of a marriage. The beautiful things you’ve surrounded yourself with… they have only served to crush your heart rather than fill it.
Eventually, Hyunjin clears his throat. “Shall I show myself out, ma'am?"
You flick your eyes up from where they had been trained blankly on the floor. Hyunjin is wiping his hands on a towel. His dark hair is a little messy from where some of it has slipped out of its ponytail, but he is no less beautiful for it — especially when he finally offers you the full warmth of the smile he started earlier.
Smiling back, you sit up and gesture for him to come closer. He obliges but still maintains a respectable distance.
“Closer,” you beckon quietly.
By the way his eyes dart to the open door, you can tell he does not mistake your tone. He swallows and says, “Your husband is still in the house, Y/N.”
Your answer to that is to reach for his hand. Despite his own warning, he gives it to you with no resistance, hand towel falling carelessly to the floor.
Gaze fixed on his, you splay his fingers apart and press slow, sensual kisses to the pads of them one by one, saving his thumb for last. You take it into your mouth at an even slower pace, sliding your lips down the knuckle with your tongue pressed firmly along the underside. Hyunjin lets you do as you please, audibly inhaling through his nose as his eyelids flutter, but his posture remains frozen in hesitation.
You’re slow to take the hint, but you do respect his sensibility, so you remove his thumb from your mouth and start to apologize for your behavior. However, he takes you by the arms and hauls you up to kiss you with a level of assertiveness he has never shown before. You hum in pleasure from the back of your throat, and when you readjust the angle of your neck to better contribute to the kiss, he sighs in response.
“You really want to fool around while your husband is home,” Hyunjin asks between rough presses of his lips and tongue against yours. At least, you think it’s supposed to be a question, but there is no inflection in his tone. “You think I won’t?” he continues, voice dropping lower in both tone and volume. “You think I don’t want to take every chance I get to show that clueless prick you’re mine and not his?”
He yanks you tight against him by your waist, and the shape of the semi-hard cock in his pants is a thrilling surprise. Your body is rapidly heating up.
“I am yours,” you whisper into his mouth. “Only yours.”
Hyunjin snorts because you’ve said the words too many times now for him to take you seriously anymore. You suppose you’ll just have to show him how much you mean it. One day, you’ll gain the strength to leave your husband, but for now, this stolen moment is the best you can do.
Hyunjin takes a step back in confusion when you squirm out of his hold to get to your knees in front of him, but the sparkle in his eyes when you reach for his belt buckle lets you know he is already in agreement with your intentions. He helps you undo his pants and push them down just enough for his cock to pop forth.
Despite your bold stunt just a moment ago with his thumb, you’ve never pleasured his cock the same way before, and thanks to your disinterested and frequently absent husband, it has been a while since you’ve pleasured a man this way in general. The moment is suddenly daunting. Surely Hyunjin will recognize your unrefined technique straight away. Should you make up for your lack of practice and experience with enthusiasm? Or would that be even more pitiful?
While your thoughts are spiraling, Hyunjin senses the shift in your head space. He covers his crotch with one hand while the other reaches beneath your chin to tip your face upward.
“Y/N, you don’t have to do this. Do you want to stand back up?”
It's the simple yet humane offer of getting you back onto your feet that strengthens your resolve to proceed — only because it’s him.
“No, I’m fine. I want to do this,” you say.
Hyunjin nods, dark eyes still sparkling. He lets go of your face and moves his hand away from his cock in the same moment you carefully grasp the base of his shaft. His semi-hard cock instantly twitches in anticipation, which gives your shaky pride more of a boost to continue.
Shuffling closer on your knees and straightening your back, you lean in and place the tip of his cock onto your outstretched tongue just before wrapping your lips around it. It is already growing heavier, thicker and longer the more you take it in. You sweep your lips back and forth over him slowly, testing your form and getting reacquainted with the action. His velvety skin is smooth, and you familiarize yourself with the vein filling out on the underside. He tastes good — clean and a little salty. Whiffs of his soap and his natural skin tickle your nostrils.
By the time you pull back again, his cock is blushing prettily, well-lubricated and fully erect.
“You’re already making me feel so good, love,” Hyunjin breathes. “See how hard I just got?” He wraps his hand over yours to help hold his cock even straighter in front of your face. He brushes his firm tip up and down over your wet lips a few times, then guides it back inside your delicious mouth. When he’s resting securely on your tongue again, he lets his hand fall away to give the reins back to you.
With a steadying breath, you angle your face slightly to the side and concentrate on working your tongue against a spot just below the head of his cock; he seems sensitive there. He proves your suspicions, breath hitching in his throat and then groaning lowly the more you lap at the spot. His responsiveness is enticing. Maybe it could grow into a full-blown addiction.
There is something else you want to try, but by the time his cock reaches the start of your throat, your jaw is already starting to stiffen from the unfamiliar act. Rather than continuing to try and deep-throat him, you drag your mouth backward, then plunge forward to stuff it full again. The sensation of his hot, swollen cock on your tastebuds is starting to work you into a frenzy. You want to do this with him all the time, and from the way he lets slip a quiet but notably high-pitched whimper, you dare to believe he might be enjoying himself, too.
You take it easy and repeat the simple motion over and over and over, losing count of how many times his tip goes from almost escaping the tight seal of your lips to poking against your throat. Hyunjin stands still and attentive as you work him over at your comfort level. You notice his hands clenched tightly at his sides, and it has been a while since he let out that sweet squeak of enjoyment, so you take a moment to release him and check in.
“I’m sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve done this,” you admit, slowly fisting his full length and blinking up at him. “Is it okay?”
His eyebrows crease in obvious endearment. “Don’t be sorry. You’re so fucking sexy, Y/N. If I seem tense, it’s only because I’m doing my best not to interrupt you and fuck you right here on the floor.”
“What about against the wall?” you suggest.
Hyunjin groans quietly and drops his head backward, overwhelmed by the tempting thought. “Fucking temptress. Ask me again and see what happens.”
You’re taking that as a promise rather than a threat, but before you do as he says, you wrap your lips around his fat cockhead for one last suck, just to see him shiver.
“Hyunjin? Will you please fuck me against the wall?”
“God fucking-”
He helps you up and steers you toward the nearest wall by the hips. It also happens to be the wall right beside the door, which he slams shut with a little too much force. Even if your husband heard the noise, it’s unlikely he’ll come investigating. Not while he’s working.
“Needy little thing,” Hyunjin growls, focusing your attention back on him by diving his hands beneath your dress to wrestle with your underwear. You hastily kick away your heels just in time to get them out of his way, too. “You make me insane, you know that?” Watching him casually pocket your favorite pair of panties makes your pussy clench around nothing.
“Quiet, love. Is this not what you asked for?” he says, already maneuvering your leg around his waist so he can line his erection up to your entrance without further preamble.
With a snap of his hips, he shoves half his length into your pussy; it’s as far as he can get in one go with the lack of prep. Taking the time to prepare you for his cock is a luxury neither of you can afford right now, though, and you both know it. Your pussy will be ready for him soon enough, anyway.
He retracts himself to the tip, then tries to push further than before, repeating the careful process until he’s eventually able to bottom out in one smooth push.
“There we go,” he says, grip tight on the leg you have around his hip.
“So deep,” you whisper, though he’s already well aware.
He kisses your cheek, then your lips. “You always take it so well, love. Just tell me when.”
You nod quickly, and your eagerness makes him grin.
Wordlessly, he starts a slow but firm pace, fucking you against the wall exactly as you requested. You can’t even remember the last time your husband did something you requested of him — you’re not even sure he would anymore. It doesn’t really matter to you, though. Not when you have Hyunjin, and especially not when Hyunjin’s cock is so hot and hard and heavy inside you.
While you’re losing yourself in your thoughts and feelings over Hyunjin and his wonderful cock, he begins telling you his own thoughts, voicing them aloud to work you up even more.
“I think about this all the time, you know,” he whispers. “Fucking you. Touching you. Holding you.”
“Yeah?” Your back skids a little harder into the wall from a particularly rough thrust, but the sensation in your pussy is well worth it. “Tell me, Hyunjin. T-Tell me more.”
His pace falters for a moment as he re-balances his stance and readjusts the grip he has on your thigh and hip, but he goes right back to driving hard into your ever-tightening walls.
“I think about you all the time, my love,” he rephrases, “you have no idea. I get hard just from smelling your perfume when I walk into this fucking house.”
His dirty talk is flattering and so much sweeter than you expected. He’s so fucking perfect.
“Fuck, Hyunjin, yes…”
He increases the pace a little more, staring at the way your face scrunches in pleasure the entire time. His thrusts are getting shallow, but the friction his cockhead offers against your walls is still so good.
“You think about me, too, right?” he grunts. He risks letting go of your hip to cup your chin and grip your cheeks in one hand, trying to settle your rattling head to focus on him. “You think about how good I make you feel? How much I love you?”
With great effort, you meet his eyes to better convey your sincerity. “Yes. Yes, I think about you so much. Every day, every hour. Always, my love.”
Hyunjin brings his lips to yours with a sigh. Your tongue is there to meet his, eagerly and sloppily kissing him back as he pounds away between your thighs. He may be unsatisfied with your arrangement at times, but he knows you love him.
Just as he regains depth with his thrusts, he pulls away with a tormented look, eyebrows furrowed against the extreme pleasure you’ve caused him just by taking his cock so well.
“Fuck, I can’t last today, Y/N,” he whines. He pulls out and away from you, but before you can protest too much, he drops to his knees. “Let me taste you for a bit? Please?”
He brushes his nose side-to-side against your slit, then up and down, totally undeterred by the sticky mess it smears on him. You try to close your thighs against his face, but your knees are blocked by his broad shoulders. He smirks when he feels you caging him in and takes your knees in each hand to push them back apart. “Mine,” he says, then hums in satisfaction at the sight of your legs spread, slick center on display just for him. He dives in tongue first to ravish your pussy.
“Hyunjin, fuck!” you squeal at the first lick up your entire slit, quickly covering your mouth with your hand.
Even Hyunjin has to pause after that first taste just to curse under his breath before he narrows in on your clit and licks nimble circles into it, mostly around the hood, but occasionally dipping under it just to make you insane.
You’re still reeling over his sudden desire to go down on you, but you’re not complaining. He gives fantastic head, as he is so clearly demonstrating. You miss his cock already, but the feeling of his wide tongue now wriggling into your hole is an acceptable substitute for now. It cannot reach as far as his cock does, but his licks are firm and calculated. This definitely is not a chore for him, it’s a pleasure. A privilege, he might say, and that knowledge turns you on more than words can convey.
Hyunjin pulls back and licks his lips deliciously. “This pussy only gets this wet for me, right?”
“Only for you,” you agree, nodding quickly, telling him what you desperately need him to believe, “only you. It’s all yours, all f-fucking yours…”
He hums again and resumes licking up your dripping arousal. It is already all over his nose, lips and chin, but he can’t seem to get enough. In fact, it seems more like he is simply enjoying the taste of you and the feeling of his face pressed against your center more than focusing on getting you off.
You wind your fingers in his hair and urge, “Hyunjin, please, I’m desperate to come.”
“I don’t know, love,” he teases, “you’re pretty loud when you come. Are you sure I should let you?”
You whimper pitifully because you’re too far gone to find the magic words to make him have mercy on you. Luckily, Hyunjin has never denied you a thing, and just the sight of your beautiful self, legs spread for him, cunt glistening with a messy mixture of your arousal and his spit, is enough to do the trick.
“Come here,” he says, much more tenderly. He takes your hips again and walks you over to the couch this time to bend you over it.
His cockhead finds its way back home, slamming deep inside you from behind in one smooth, wet plunge, and both of you moan over the reconnection. Hyunjin grips your shoulder and starts fucking into you hard. With the firm snapping of his hips comes the loud echoes of skin on skin bouncing off the walls, however, and neither of you can allow that.
“Fuck, too hard,” he says, mostly under his breath to himself. He slows his pace but loses none of the depth, keeping the tip of his cock pressed as deeply as possible at all times, allowing you both to feel each other as much as possible.
Your cunt is pulsing, his cock is throbbing, both of you eager for an end to the torment.
You dig your nails into the sofa and try to keep your moans to a minimum. Neither of you want to be quiet right now, you know that, but you’ve also never done this with your husband still in the house. The risk is contributing more to your dripping arousal than you care to admit right now — but later, in the afterglow, or before the next time, you’ll tell Hyunjin all about it. God, he’s still inside you, and you already cannot wait until next time.
Hyunjin leans his face closer to yours, breath warm and ragged against your cheek. “You’re coming first, love,” he promises, as if he would ever have it any other way.
Before you can even ask it of him, his fingers slip between your legs to play with your clit. He flicks the tip of his finger back and forth against the swollen bud in all the ways you’ve taught him.
“Hyunjin—fuck, yes—coming!” you whisper-shout.
He gasps then whimpers at the first tight clench of your pussy but manages to fuck and finger you through your bliss. “Oh my god, that’s it, Y/N,” he says, kissing your neck and cheek, admiring the close-up of your face while you’re orgasming. Your lips are parted, your body is shivering, your pussy is doing its best to milk the cum right out of him.
Once he is certain you’ve ridden your high, he pulls himself from your sensitive cunt. “Fuck, turn around. Hurry, please,” he says, borderline frantic because his orgasm is right there.
You quickly get back on your knees to take him back in your mouth, but he is already coming before you can even get your mouth around him. The first shot of cum lands on your dress, but the second one makes it to your chin, and you giggle quietly as you stretch your tongue out to catch the third. Hyunjin groans the entire time, not really bothering to try and aim his cum anywhere in particular, so long as it gets somewhere on you.
He wipes the last drops against your bottom lip, gently dragging his softening tip directly against it, then gets to his knees to kiss you. “My love,” he pants between kisses, “that was so good.”
You can only nod and giggle, equally breathless and in love.
Hyunjin groans as he gets to his shaky legs and helps you up as well. He is still looking at you like he could devour you, so you kiss him again. He is giggling himself by the time you pull away again.
“I’m sorry about the mess. I didn’t mean to get cum on your pretty dress,” he says, not sounding particularly apologetic, but that is fine with you. You would toss away a thousand of the outfits your husband buys you, so long as it was Hyunjin who ruined them.
You gather some of the sticky mess that transferred from your face to his, then wipe it against the bosom of your dress. “Don’t worry about it, love,” you say.
Tomorrow, Hyunjin will continue that stupid lie of a portrait. You wish you could sit beside your husband — across the room from the man you love — wearing this same cum-stained dress.
if you enjoyed, please consider re-blogging and/or leaving me some feedback. take care! ♡
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