#that's assuming roku lived 70 or so years
blorboazula · 8 months
something i like about the accepted headcanon (in the corner of the fandom i'm nested on) that azula had a crush on rangi is that of course this nerd has a crush on a firebender from, like 400 years before she was born.
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lonewolfel · 1 year
Ok I am rewatching “Zuko Alone” for a fanfiction I’m writing and I got the Azulon’s funeral. 
Azulon has been Fire Lord for 23 years at the time of his death. 23 YEARS that is so insane to me.
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So Zuko at the time is anywhere from 10-12 at the time and it reaches the 100 year mark when he is 16. I’m going with 10 cause it’s easier and I’m lazy. That means Azulon is 94 when he dies (if I remember wiki correctly that he was born during Sozin’s comet because I’m too lazy to look it up). This means that Azulon came into power when he was 71 at the earliest and at the latest 73. 
Do you have any idea of what this means for Sozin.
I am guessing that Sozin was in his 70s-80s when Avatar Roku died (I can’t remember if the wiki had information on when he was born and I’m too lazy to look it up). So that means he would be in his 80s-90s maybe even 100s depending on the exact age when he started the war and committed the Air Nomad Genocide (we are going to ignore the fact that this is when he has his heir). Sozin rules for another 71 at the shortest or 73 at longest more years as there is no evidence that there was a Fire Lord before Azulon that wasn’t Sozin so it had to be him the entire time. 
Now I’m unsure if Sozin stepped down at the end or died as Fire Lord and again too lazy to look this up. So I am just going to assume he died in office for simplicity sake. This means that Sozin lived anywhere from 150-170 years. Maybe even older if he stepped down.
Azula was so right the man was ancient.
Honestly the more I dig into the ATLA time line the more insane it gets. 
Please let me know if I got anything wrong. 
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bunnykass · 3 years
this was supposed to be funny but became very reflective and sorta emotional for me. therapeutic tho😌
TW: mentions of underage n*des, cursing, grammar and spell errors
KITA - the senior in my law class freshman year.
He was country, would wear cowboy boots to class and levi’s (i live in texas). He was a eagle scout. very sweet boy. always brought coffee in those cups to class,and he drove a range rover. i’d share sunflower seeds with him all the time and id make fun of him cause instead of breaking the shell and eating the inside, he’d just eat the shit whole. but like i said he was 18 and I was 14. more of crush we never really did anything, one time though he did argue with me on snapchat about immigration and the annexation of hawaii. He had a brother who was a freshman, and in the beginning of the second seamstress I would flirt with him but again me and never did anything.
OMINI - my freshman english teacher
(tw mentions of sexual assault, grooming, teacher-student relationship)
LMAOO. i had just gotten really into lolita (gross🤮) and so I would literally talk to older guys on the internet (one time i met up with marine even though I was like 15) ANYWAY, so when I started his class i was like damn we about to have a ezra and aria shit. he was super nice to “pretty girls” and “pretty boys” what I mean by that if you weren’t the beauty standard, he was kinda a dick to you. one time he pissed me off though cause he lost a assignment, made me re-do it but only gave me a 70, and i lost interest in him after that. he also accused me of defamation of character because i found his mugshot and was showing everyone.btw he was accused of SEXUAL ASSUALT??? but apparently the mugshot was fake or wasn’t him i don’t remember. he never counted me late or absent tho
ARAN - my best friend
been friends with this kid sense 8th grade. He was in love with this girl though that was leading him on all though out middle school but i really had a crush on him by the time high school started he had gotten over her. when we were freshmen’s he told the whole football team I was a whore cause i wouldn’t send him nudes (i know this sounds bad but i promise it wasn’t plus this was 3-4 years ago) so we didn’t talk to each other till summer going into sophomore year. me and him are still friends and we literally hang out almost every weekend, i love him and he’s loves me. he’s very thing i’d want in a boyfriend but because we’ve been friends for so long doing intimate things with each other like sex seems weird. While we both wish we could be in a relationship we both realstically know it wouldn’t work :(. <3
GINJIMA - my freshmen boyfriend
had fallen in love with me when like school started but like my best friend aran said, i was whoreing’ (not really tho cause i’m still a virgin) so when he asked me to homecoming I was like no. but eventually through out the school year me and him got closer we had like 3 classes together, 2 of them were back to back so we were jus cute like that. my first legit relationship, he was nerdy as hell and the biggest fucking dork. my freshmen year I was what the yt would call a hot cheeto girl and i weighed a lot more back then and he was 6’2-skinny white boy so we fucking looked like glora and melman from madagascar. were like discord moderator and daddy’s kitten shit. he was funny but he was really mean to me and because i was very insecure at the time i lacked setting boundary’s so i’d just take it. he also bought me a roku which i still have today, he was always buying me shit, and i taught him how to take dick pics. he was the first guy that didn’t just like me for my fat tits but i felt like the only way i could keep him around was by oversexualizing myself which ultimate let to him breaking up with me :( honestly no hard feelings though we were both like 15. him an his current girlfriend are so cute, and me and him are cool.
this is a conversation we had a few weeks ago.
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SUNA - my yubo boys
my take away from being in highschool is guys do not give a shit about what you look like or how you’re built, unless they’re insecure, and also self-worth. I got on yubo my sophomore year and had it till my junior year. if you don’t know what yubo is its essentially a teen dating app. now i never went to meet these guys irl i have friends who did... and i just want to stay ted bundy would’ve had a field day with these hoes but would engage in online sexting. which ig is illegals cause i was still under 18. at this point in my life i was just so insecure and seeking male validation that i was throwing ass for people over the internet to people i would never meet. this isn’t one person either this is a collective of i don’t even know how many boys. i feel sick thinking about this but i cant take it back and i just have to encourage my sister and potentially future daughters about this.
Miya twins - my tower moments
these two, like the miya twins are very similare but different. I consider them both tower moments because after them two i change completely how i viewed myself and life. if you aren’t familer with tarot the tower card represents sudden and necessary changes usually the situation tends to me negatives and the outcome following is good. these two are also my most recent compared to the other and i’m still dealing with them today which is why i wanted to give a lil intro. idk if yall believe in astrology but those two have gemini in there big 3 and idk i feel like that has a lot to do with our situationship
OSAMU- my theater teachers son
so technically majority of our relationship was middle school but it carried into high school.he was so mean to me up until 8th grade like i said he was my theater teachers son, and he hated her class. at that time his family had so many issues and i think he didn’t have a outlet. my brother had died around the same time so i too was going through shit. while our issues weren’t the same he definitely confined in me a lot and trusted me with so many things, i don’t think a boy/guy ever just laid everything on me like that and it wasn’t in a “be my therapist” kinda way. he fucked up though, we were in musical theater behind the stage in a closet. his mom was just a couple feet away in the audiences teaching class. me and him were talking per usual, and without a warning he put his tongue down in my mouth. and tried putting his hand down my bra. i was so fucking scared i had never been touched like that. it was my first kiss and i didn’t even tell him he could do that to me. i obviously stopped taking to him after that until the summer going into freshman year when we started sending nudes back snd forth. i don’t like to blame people for my problems but i think i began to hyper sexualize myself because of him. when i wouldn’t send him shit he’d block me, ive finally outgrown him as i now my self worth know occasionally i’ll unblock him and hang out with him for fun but it’s nothing serious. he’s stuck on me like tic though and always bring up the fact he kissed me once in 8th grade 🙄
ATSUMU - my “twinflame”
he was a year older then me and i met him on snap chat that should’ve been a red flag. we started by sending nudes but eventually we started to develop feelings however as soon as things got serious he’d pull out. when his relations with other girls wouldn’t work out he’d always come back to me during that time together he’d love bomb me. take me on dates make out with each other in front of hobby lobbies on sunday, my happiness started to depend on if he talked to me or not and this went on forever. by the time quaratine happened he blocked me because he got a girlfriend? idk if that’s why he blocked me but i assumed that eventually he unblocked me because pussy that good. i gave this man so much power over my life that when i took it back i truly learned by self worth. i will never tell this man this but because of all the shit he pulled on me i’m actually confident. i don’t regret meeting him. occasionally he does try to pull his shit on me and i play along with him. i think the reason i can’t let my gemini boys go is because i’m too scared for a relationship but i know that no matter what they’re both their for fun 😌.
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viktorrotkiv · 4 years
The Legend of Korra 2×08: Beginnings, Part 2
Wan is literally the dumbest Avatar, and that bar is low
I mean, who catapults themselves off a cliff edge in the hopes of landing on something that can move at will?
Raava and Vaatu are enemies to and lovers, prove me wrong
Restore balance to the world!!!!!!!!!
Literally I don't remember who Jaya is
The lemur is baaaaack
Why the fuck did he put Raava in a tea kettle like actually why
My subtitles just went "[boom]"
They do know boom is a sound and not a description right
So basically when Raava says "we are bonded forever," that means the Avatar is part spirit
Eye of Sauron anyone?
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Wan's death is the saddest death in the Avatar universe, change my mind
Like he literally died knowing he didn't achieve his life's goal, who's crying it's not me
Okay I was wondering when another harmonic convergence was due. This means that if each Avatar lived for approximately 100 years*, there have been 88 Avatars until now
Herd!! Of!! Air!! Bisons!!!!!
And Korra has one now?? Yessss
*How long do Avatars live?
Wan looked old when he died, let's say about 80
We know nothing about Salai and Szeto so.. Skip
Yangchen is talked about a lot in the Kyoshi novels as a model for the Avatar, even though she wasn't the Avatar right before Kyoshi. I assume that for her to have left such a legacy, she must have lived a reasonable length of time, which for Avatars is longer than regular humans. Let's give her 100 years
Kuruk died at age 33
Kyoshi died at age 230
Roku was a pretty old man. I'll go with 70 so I opened Wikia just to check and he literally died at 70. Idk if I subconsciously knew that or if I'm a really lucky guesser
Aang was apparently 165, thanks Wikia
That averages to 113 years. 10,000 years between harmonic convergences/113 years per Avatar comes out to 88 Avatars.
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windona · 6 years
But where Roku and Sozin ever said to be that old though? I know Avatar Kyoshi lived an exceptionally long life and technically so did Aang but I always figured Roku could've lived as long if not for him choking on ash somewhere in his 80's. Plus, I think it's stated somewhere that Sozin did live long enough to see his own grandchildren come into the world but I might be misremembering with that part.
Admittedly, I’m taking it from design cues and what I remember from the episode ‘The Avatar and the Firelord’
Looking at the transcript, Roku was told he was the Avatar when he was 16. He then spent the next 12 years mastering the elements. A few months later, he got married and that was when Sozin first said something about conquering the world. They were both 28.
The next time skip said ‘many years later’, but going by the character designs I assume both were middle aged, so somewhere in their 40s/50s.
The volcano scene is ‘25 years later’, so they’d be in their 60′s/70′s.
While that’s not ancient, the key issue here is that Tai Min is stated to be Roku’s age. If we’re going by Real World biology, Tai Min should be in menopause by then. While women can have kids into their 40′s, 60′s/70′s is really stretching it, especially since it looks like all women IRL who’ve given birth at that age have done so with IVF, a modern reproductive tool.
This is important to note, because Roku is Ursa’s grandfather. Ursa doesn’t look that old in flashbacks, I’d say she’s in her 30′s at the oldest. Assuming she’s in her early 40′s at the time of the series, the youngest her father could possibly be when she was conceived is in his late 60s/early 70s (remember, it’s been 112 years since Roku’s death- longer than the war).
Again, that’s possible if Ursa had a much younger mother. And large age gaps between couples are more common in some societies/history than in modern US society.
However, if Tai Min had a kid at an age that’s semi plausible for our world, let’s say ~50 since natural conception has happened at that age, then her kid should be early 70s/late 80s.
The Search comic makes this all fall apart by having Ursa related to Roku through her mother.
(Note, I’m not harping on the Sozin line as much, because we never see Sozin’s wife, and so her being a couple decades younger than Sozin is entirely possible. Same thing applies to Iroh and Ozai’s mother.)
The reason I ask about if all benders could live Ridiculously Long Lives and if that would improve other areas of health by slowing down aging (like fertility) is that would make the math for the women in the family much less constricting and easier to do. So if master firebending women are so much healthier that natural conception into your 60′s is plausible? That gives a lot more wiggle room.
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orbemnews · 4 years
On Sports and SPACs A sporting chance Professional athletes can sell almost anything, from soda to sneakers to car insurance. But lately they’ve used their star power to sell SPACs, the blank-check acquisition vehicles that have raised more than $90 billion this year. Amid frenzied competition for merger deals, about a fifth of SPACs launched since last year have brought athletes on board in hopes of standing out when pitching to start-ups they hope to take public, Matthew Goldstein and DealBook’s Lauren Hirsch report. Alex Rodriguez is one of the highest-profile athletes in the SPAC business, and he stands out because unlike many of his peers merely adding their names to someone else’s SPAC, he founded his own. Slam Corp, established by the former baseball slugger and the hedge fund manager Himanshu Gulati, has met with more than 70 potential targets since it raised $500 million in a February I.P.O. Mr. Rodriguez could sit on the board of whatever company it acquires. He and his business partner spoke with Lauren about their plans — below are exclusive excerpts from their conversation. On running a public company … Mr. Rodriguez formed the investment firm A-Rod Corp in 1996, but a listed company brings a new set of responsibilities. Is he ready? “I think you do it collectively, you do it with the team,” said Mr. Rodriguez, pointing to his frequent communication with Mr. Gulati. And when it comes to understanding the fiduciary duties involved, he said that his long career at the Yankees brought him experience at “the ultimate public company,” where the shareholders, so to speak, were the outspoken fans of the storied franchise. On the ups and downs of investing … Last year, Mr. Rodriguez’s $1.7 billion bid for the Mets lost out to Steve Cohen’s $2.4 billion offer. “The silver lining for me is the trust that people put on us, and that doesn’t go to waste just because you didn’t win,” Mr. Rodriguez said, referring to himself and the pop star Jennifer Lopez, who joined him on the bid. “I think that’s something that brings tremendous credibility.” On the S.E.C.’s warning about SPACs pitched by celebrities … The U.S. securities regulator recently told investors not to buy shares of a SPAC simply because boldface names are attached to it. Many SPACs bring celebrities on as directors or advisers, Mr. Gulati said, and “they’re just there to kind of help them raise capital.” At Slam Corp, he said, “Alex is the C.E.O. — what he’s done at A-Rod Corp should not be understated.” “I just want to stand up for the athlete community, because there’s so many smart young men and women. I would be lucky to have them as partners,” Mr. Rodriguez said. “We have a reach, and it’s not just domestic, it’s global,” he said, in reference to himself and Ms. Lopez. HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING WeWork is going public via a SPAC. The office sharing company agreed to a deal with the blank-check company BowX Acquisition that values WeWork at $9 billion. That’s less than a quarter of its valuation in 2019. The venture firm behind the SPAC counts Shaquille O’Neal as an adviser. It may take weeks to unblock the Suez Canal. Salvagers are struggling to free the container ship that has been wedged in the vital waterway since Tuesday, creating a huge, costly traffic jam that exposes the world economy’s reliance on just-in-time supply chains. Lawmakers get few direct answers when grilling tech C.E.O.s. At the five-hour hearing on disinformation, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey acknowledged that his platform bore some responsibility for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, while Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Google’s Sundar Pichai disagreed on whether regulatory changes were needed. Lawmakers were unimpressed: “There’s a lot of smugness among you,” said one. Chinese consumers boycott several foreign brands. H&M, Nike, Adidas and others face retaliation from shoppers — egged on by the Communist Party — after they joined calls to avoid using cotton produced in the Xinjiang region, where Beijing has waged a repression campaign against ethnic minorities. Shares in Chinese apparel brands with ties to Xinjiang have rallied. Banks can resume buybacks and raise dividends this summer. After the Fed’s next round of stress tests ends in June, most institutions will be allowed to resume share repurchases and increase dividends that were frozen during the pandemic, assuming they have sufficient capital. A TV debut (on the public markets) Over its nearly 20-year history, Vizio has become one of the biggest names in flat-screen TVs. But as it began life as a publicly listed company yesterday, its founder and C.E.O., William Wang, was eager to convince investors that its biggest business is in streaming on its smart TVs. Lockdowns were good for Vizio. With people stuck at home and movie theaters closed, TVs have been in high demand: The company shipped 7.1 million units last year, up 20 percent from 2019. More important from Vizio’s perspective, it saw a 60 percent increase in accounts for SmartCast, its platform for connecting to streaming services like Apple+ and Netflix. “I think the biggest impact of the pandemic is forcing people to look at home entertainment again,” Mr. Wang told DealBook. Why streaming is important for the company. TVs are a low-margin commodity, particularly as prices continue to fall. But Vizio is betting that its popularity — it is the second-biggest TV brand in North America by market share — can help it tap into the boom in online video services. SmartCast made up 7 percent of the company’s revenue last year, reaching 12.2 million accounts. Becoming a smart-TV player has been challenging. In 2017, Vizio paid $2.2 million to settle charges that it collected and sold users’ data without their knowledge or consent. It doesn’t offer every streaming service — it’s missing HBO Max, for example — and faces competition from Roku, Apple TV and other smart TV makers. The time was right for an I.P.O. Vizio tried to go public in 2015, but called it off after agreeing to sell itself to a Chinese rival (only for that deal to fall apart). Now that it makes money from both TV sales and streaming, Mr. Wang said, Vizio is more attractive to public-market investors. That said, the I.P.O. priced at the low end of its expected range, and fell 9 percent in the first day of trading. The C.E.O. put a positive spin on it: “We’re probably the leader in the space in consumer electronics. I believe sooner or later people will appreciate that.” In the papers Some of the academic research that caught our eye this week, summarized in one sentence: Weekend reading: How can I help you? A few years ago, Susan McPherson, the founder of the P.R. firm McPherson Strategies, identified a growing problem. Technology was helping more people connect, yet the ties seemed superficial: Instead of seeking meaningful bonds, people appeared to be transacting, simply trading likes and follows. As a “serial connector” since before the internet, she decided to write “The Lost Art of Connecting: The Gather, Ask, Do Method for Building Meaningful Business Relationships,” which was published by McGraw-Hill Education this week. Ms. McPherson spoke to DealBook about making connections during a pandemic that has physically estranged so many. The interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. DealBook: Has your view of technology changed? Ms. McPherson: The past year helped us all understand how much we miss human connection when we don’t have it. Some days I‘ve showed up at a team meeting and a part of me just felt like crying. So I’ve learned to expose more of that vulnerability and how to be more empathetic and compassionate online, which freed up my team, too. Now, I think we can be better stewards of technology and make those deep connections if we’re intentional about it. Do you still see a problem with quantifying social networks? If we’re using the numbers to measure our value but we’re not having deep, meaningful relationships then we don’t get the real benefits. There is data in my book that shows deep ties help people live longer and be more professionally successful. Introverts will be happy to know that it isn’t about quantity — it’s about the quality of ties. And for businesses, connectedness fosters productivity. How do people truly connect if they’re still physically apart? Be direct. Be intentional. Don’t think of what you’ll get. Just offer help. Indirectness is time-consuming. We’re in a state of collective grief after this difficult year. There’s no time to waste. Reach out and ask, “How can I help?” Take time to listen and follow through on what you say you’ll do. Dependability and trustworthiness are critical to meaningful connection. Don’t assume that you don’t have anything to offer someone, whoever they are, at your company or beyond. THE SPEED READ Deals Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp bought Investor’s Business Daily for $275 million, a return to acquisitions after years of sales and streamlining. (NYT) Britain’s competition watchdog is worried about the “supply of GIFs” after Facebook’s acquisition of the animated-image site Giphy. (Reuters) Are the bond vigilantes back? (NYT) Politics and policy The S.E.C. has opened an inquiry into the SPAC craze, asking underwriters about their risk-management processes. (Reuters) Georgia Republicans passed sweeping voting restrictions, drawing the ire of President Biden. (NYT) The Supreme Court made it easier for consumers to sue companies, ruling that it doesn’t matter if a manufacturer has a substantial presence in the state where an injury happened. (NYT) Tech The crypto token linked to a Times column sold at auction for $560,000, with the proceeds going to charity. (NYT) A labor board said Tesla illegally fired a worker involved in union organizing and ordered Elon Musk to delete a threatening tweet. (NYT) Best of the rest “Using Shame, Lending Apps in India Squeeze Billions Out of the Desperate” (NYT) The actress Jessica Walter, who played Lucille Bluth, the martini-swilling matriarch of a dysfunctional business family on “Arrested Development,” died at 80 in Manhattan. (NYT) Will the popularity of five-star meal kits from fine-dining establishments persist after the pandemic? (Bloomberg Opinion) We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Orbem News #SPACs #sports
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wwbnews · 5 years
How to watch the Kentucky Derby 2019: live stream the race from anywhere Derby Day is soon upon us! The 'Run for the Roses' is back at Churchill Downs, Louisville, Kentucky, with fans eyeing that Derby win. This year marks the 145th annual Kentucky Derby, widely known as the most bet-upon horse racing event in the calendar. But betting is no fun unless you're watching along (or, to be fair, winning) and we're going to tell you how you can get a 2019 Kentucky Derby live stream of all this year's action, wherever you are in the world. The winning part we'll leave to you to sort. This year sees the prize purse increase from the usual $2 million to a staggering $3 million. The grade I stakes races is for just 20 three-year-old thoroughbreds who will run the one and a quarter mile course – one that's been there since 1875. The highest qualifying point holder is Tacitus and jockey Jose Ortiz with 150 points, in second is Omaha Beach ridden by Mike E. Smith at 137.5 points and third is Vekoma at 110 points with the jockey Javier Castellano. Other horses to look out for include Maximum Security who won the Florida Derby, Game Winner who came second at the Santa Anita Derby, and Long Range Toddy who is highly rated right now. Whoever wins, there's sure to be a large crowd in attendance, with estimated masses of over 100,000 people making their way to Louisville, Kentucky to the famous Churchill Downs. If you don't fancy braving the crowds, standing out in the changeable weather, or even if you're not in the country, fear not, because here you'll find out how to watch a Kentucky Derby live stream from anywhere in the world. Basketball fan? Don't miss our guide to getting an NBA Playoffs live stream How to watch the Kentucky Derby 2019: US live stream If you live in the US, you'll be wanting to tune in to NBC where there's coverage of the whole event, including Saturday's prep, red carpet, and then the Derby itself. If you prefer to watch the race on your computer or laptop, remember that the whole event will be streamed live online at nbcsports.com/live starting at 2.30pm ET/11.30am PT on Saturday, May 4. For those on the go, NBC will stream this year’s Derby on mobile via the official NBC app. It's worth noting that with both of these options you will have to sign in using your cable provider’s information for full access. If you've got a cable subscription but happen to not be in the US when the Derby takes place, the best way to get access to your feed is by using a VPN. Below you'll find all the information on how to download and use a VPN to watch the race. How to watch in the US without cable If you don't have a cable subscription, fear not, because there are other options that will allow you to watch NBC without having to subscribe to it. To make the entire process simple for you, we've listed three of our favorite options below: DIRECTV NOW $50 per month - DIRECTV NOW gives users all the channels needed to watch the racing and loads of other sporting events. Use DIRECTV NOW’s 7-day trial will let you test out the platform. Sling TV $40 per month - Sling TV is an inexpensive way to watch sport. Sling TV is compatible with Apple TV, Roku, Xbox One, Chromecast as well as lots of other devices and its easy to get started with a 7-day free trial. fuboTV $19.99 for the first month - fuboTV has a low introductory price though after that the price goes up to $44.99 a month and includes 70 channels. There's a 7-day trial available so you can test out its functionality for yourself. Want to stream even more sport? Check out TechRadar's best sport streaming sites guide How to get a Kentucky Derby live stream from outside your country With your watching options covered for the US, Canada and UK in this article, you'd think that's all you need to know, right? Well sure...unless you're abroad on the weekend of May 4. Try to tune in from overseas and you'll soon discover that your coverage is geo-blocked. Annoying, but your race is not yet run. How to watch the Kentucky Derby 2019: Canada live stream If you're wanting to tune in to the Kentucky Derby 2019 from Canada, you'll want to head over to TSN. For the Derby on Saturday you'll want TSN 1 at 4pm. Much like your American counterparts, TSN offers a desktop viewing experience at TSN.ca, and through the official TSN app. Again, like your neighbors to the south, you'll need a subscription in order to watch this way. How to get a 2019 Kentucky Derby live stream in the UK At the time of writing, the UK coverage of the 2019 Kentucky Derby is TBC - we can't see any details on the Sky website yet. But assuming it's the same as last year, then you can watch with a Sky TV (or Virgin Media) subscription. You don't need to upgrade to a Sports package to enjoy the action, as it's on the At The Races channel, which is available to all Sky TV subscribers. If you're a despairing non-Sky user who just wants to watch the racing without the hassle and cost of a full subscription, you can subscribe to the At The Races Player instead. It costs £9.99 per month, and let's you access the action on phone and tablet via its apps as well. Images courtesy of kentuckyderby.com #Newsytechno.com #Latest_Technology_Trends #Cool_Gadgets
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goarticletec-blog · 6 years
Best Amazon Cyber Monday 2018 deals now: $20 Echo Dot, $30 Roku, Bose discounts and more
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/best-amazon-cyber-monday-2018-deals-now-20-echo-dot-30-roku-bose-discounts-and-more/
Best Amazon Cyber Monday 2018 deals now: $20 Echo Dot, $30 Roku, Bose discounts and more
With Black Friday behind us, it’s time for Cyber Monday deals and Amazon isn’t waiting. Most of Amazon’s great Black Friday deals are still available, though stock appears to be gradually disappearing. In many cases, sales will run across Cyber Monday, so you can still cash in.
Some deals have been ending or selling out, so we will keep updating this post as we spot changes.
Bose headphones and Roku streamers are offering some of the better value savings at the moment. Plus, you’ll find some of the best prices of the year (or, at least since Prime Day) on Amazon’s own devices including the Amazon Echo, Fire tablet, Fire TV and Kindle — and other top-notch gadgets, too. You’ve also got the Kids editions of each Amazon device doing their best to get the little bundles of joy involved in all the discount shenanigans. 
And don’t forget Kindle books; dozens are on sale for as low as $2, and we’ve picked some of our faves.
Updated: Deals and availability confirmed on Sunday, Nov. 25 at 5:10 p.m. PT. 
Here’s what you need to know:
Amazon’s deals are live, with certain time-based Lightning Deals happening throughout the weekend. 
We’ve put the newest and/or most notable sale items at the top of the list.
Note that CNET may get a share of revenue from the sale of the products featured on this page.  
Notable Bose and Beats deals at Amazon
These Bose wireless headphones and wireless speakers are available elsewhere, too, but we’re calling them out because they’re great-sounding products available at a good discount. $20 off of the BeatsX is great for iPhone fans, too.
Bose SoundSport Wireless: $100 at Walmart and Amazon ($50 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Bose’s popular wireless sports headphone are on sale for $100 at a few different retailers this Cyber Monday. 
Store: Walmart and Amazon
See at Amazon
Read the CNET review
Bose SoundLink Micro Bluetooth speaker for $69: $30 off at Amazon
Sarah Tew/CNET
OK fine, it’s not a pair of headphones, but it still plays damn fine music and you can always hold two against your head like actual headphones if that makes you feel better. 
It’s $69, waterproof and provides a great sound for such a small speaker. 
See at Amazon
Amazon device deals available now
OK, now to the Amazon device deals. Here’s what you can get right now, including the new Fire TV sales that started Sunday and are still available today.
Echo Dot (third-gen): $24 (save $26)
Ben Fox Rubin/CNET
The latest and greatest Dot smart speaker for over 50 percent off? Yes, please.
Heather Gray is the only immediately available colour. Charcoal and Sandstone will be in stock on Dec. 2.
See at Amazon
Echo Dot review
Echo Dot (second-gen): $20 (save $20)
Taylor Martin/CNET
Last year’s Dot is still plenty good, especially at this price. Who cares about a fabric cover?
See at Amazon
Echo Dot review
Echo (second-gen): $69 (save $31)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Although QVC briefly had this beat with a two-fer deal (two Echos for $100), a single for $69 is still pretty compelling. At most, Amazon usually cuts $20 off the price. Limited Edition Red will be released on December 5, 2018. 
See at Amazon
Echo review
Echo Look: $50 (save $150)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Look — Amazon’s fashion-minded Echo device hasn’t exactly set the world on fire. Because do we need an Alexa-powered selfie camera? Maybe not for $200… but what about for $50?
See at Amazon
Echo Look review
Echo Plus (second-gen): $110 (save $40)
Truthfully, this is far from our favorite Amazon Echo product. The Plus adds a Zigbee hub and temperature sensor — decidedly optional items for most homeowners. The straight-up Echo (just $69) may be your better bet.
See at Amazon
Echo Plus review
Echo Show (second-gen): $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Though a big improvement over the original, the screen-equipped Echo Show is still a hard sell for some. Maybe a $50 savings makes it more palatable?
Update: Out of stock right now, but you can order it now and it will be available again on Dec. 8. 
See at Amazon
Echo Show review
Echo Spot: $90 (save $40)
Taylor Martin/CNET
The Echo Spot is fine for what it is, but Amazon still hasn’t done enough to convince us that Alexa needs a touchscreen at all.
See at Amazon
Echo Spot review
Amazon Smart Plug: $5 with the purchase of any Echo device (save $20)
Ry Crist/CNET
Assuming you’re all-in with Alexa devices, this smart plug is a steal at $5. Just don’t expect compatibility outside Amazon’s ecosystem.
Update: This specific deal has disappeared as of  Nov. 23 at 5:35 p.m. ET but is expected to reappear on Nov. 24 as part of Amazon’s Cyber Monday Deals Week. You might still see the deal at checkout as long as your cart has both the plug and an Echo device.
See at Amazon
Smart Plug review
Fire 7 Tablet, $30 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Update: As of Sunday Nov. 25 at 5:00 p.m. PT, the Fire 7 tablet is out of stock and scheduled to be back in the Amazon warehouse from Dec 1 — depending on the colour you choose. You can still order at the discounted price, you’ll just be receiving it a bit later!
$30.00 at Amazon
Fire HD 8 tablet $50 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
At $30 off this is also well worth a look.
$50.00 at Amazon
Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire 7 Kids Edition: $100 ($70 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Great little package, perfect for kids.
Update: Various colors are out of stock until Dec. 1. It can be ordered now for immediate shipment when it’s back in stock. 
$100.00 at Amazon
Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 10 Kids Edition: $180 ($90 off)
Perfect if you’re looking to spend a little more on your nearest and dearest.
Update: Various colors are out of stock until Dec. 3. It can be ordered now for immediate shipment when it’s back in stock. 
$180.00 at Amazon
Ring Video Doorbell 2 with all-new Echo Dot: $139 ($110 off)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Time to take the next step with creating that smart home, might as well get it when its $110 off.
$139.00 at Amazon
Blink XT Cam Systems for up to $150 off
The standard Blink cameras are designed for indoor use, but if you have outdoor areas you want to monitor, look to the Blink XT. Those weather-proofed models are on sale now. Here are your options:
See at Amazon
Fire TV Recast 500 GB: $180 ($50 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Fire TV Recast is a just-released piece of hardware that acts as a dedicated DVR hub for your media streaming needs. CNET’s Ty Pendlebury called it “one of the best cord-cutting companions yet,” and starting Nov. 18, you’ll find the 500GB version with two tuners marked down to $180, saving you $50.
Need more storage space for Recasted reruns? The 1TB version with four tuners will be marked down to $220, saving you about $60.
See at Amazon
Fire TV Recast review
Roku Streaming Stick 2018 for $30 (save $20)
Sarah Tew/CNET
If the Fire TV isn’t your thing, this Roku is a great substitute. It’s got more channels, a cleaner interface and it includes a remote (shown here) that controls your TV’s power and volume. 
Availability: As of Sunday, Nov. 25, this deal is temporarily out of stock. It can still be ordered, and Amazon will send an email when it can be shipped.
See at Amazon
Roku 2018 streamers compared
Echo Sub and two Echos (second-gen): $250
Sarah Tew/CNET
The Amazon Echo Sub adds an instant bass upgrade to the Echo line of smart speakers — and you get two of the latter as well, making for a better overall music experience.
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 24 at 9 a.m. PT the bundle price has dropped by another $20 from its earlier sale price of $270 — now $80 off — for the charcoal, heather gray and sandstone colors. All other colors remain $270. 
See at Amazon
Echo Sub review
Echo Sub and two Echo Plus (second-gen): $330 (save $100)
One Echo Sub and two Echo smart speakers make for a great combination. If you want to raise the ante, opt for a pair of Echo Plus instead. They add a temperature sensor and smart-home hub to the mix.
See at Amazon
Echo Plus review
Fire TV Stick and Echo Dot (second-gen): $40 (save $40)
For less than the regular price of an Echo Dot alone, you nab both the smart speaker and Amazon’s Alexa-imbued streaming stick.
See at Amazon
Fire TV Stick review
Blink Indoor Cam Systems for up to $116 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Amazon bought smart home camera startup Blink late last year — this year, it’s offering big discounts on Blink Indoor starter kits. Here are your options:
Don’t ask me why a single add-on cam costs more than the one-cam starter kit, which also includes the system’s hub. 
See at Amazon
Blink Indoor review
Echo Dot Kids Edition three-pack: $100 ($110 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
You’ll score similar savings on the Echo Dot Kids Edition, with a three-pack selling for just $100. That’s $33 each — less than half of what they normally cost.
See at Amazon
Read more on CNET
Echo Show two-pack: $340 ($120 off)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Amazon just released a new, second-gen Echo Show touchscreen smart speaker. Starting Friday, you’ll be able to buy two of them for $340, which is $120 less than you’d normally pay and $10 less per device than the Black Friday discount on single units.
To get this price you’ll need to add both devices to your cart.
Update: As of Nov. 24 at 9 a.m. PT, this will be back in stock Dec. 8.
See at Amazon
Echo Show review
Echo Spot two-pack: $160 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Want a pair of Echo Spots? Amazon will sell you two of them for $160, which is $100 less than you’d normally pay. Single Spots get discounted to $90 starting on Thanksgiving Day, so this deal saves you an extra $20 if you’re planning to buy two, anyway.
To get this price you’ll need to add both devices to your cart.
See at Amazon
Echo Spot review
Fire 7 Kids Edition tablet: $70 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew
Update: As of Sunday, Nov. 25 at 11 a.m. PT, the Kids edition of the Fire 7 will be back in stock on Dec. 3, 2018. It can be ordered now and will ship when available. 
Amazon’s kid-friendly tablet with a safety net — er, case. Koala not included.
See at Amazon
Fire 7 Kids Edition review
Fire HD 10 tablet: $100 ($50 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
Amazon’s biggest tablet is also an Alexa-powered hands-free device.
See at Amazon
Fire HD 10 review
Fire HD 10 Kids Edition tablet: $150 ($50 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
A bigger screen, and bigger value, on the kid- and parent-friendly Fire tablet.
Update: As of Sunday Nov. 25 at 11 a.m. PT, the Kids edition of the Fire HD 10 in blue will be back in stock on Dec. 5. The pink edition returns on Dec. 4. It can be ordered now and will ship when available. Yellow is currently in stock. 
See at Amazon
Fire HD 10 Tablet with Show Mode Charging Dock: $145 ($60 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
The Show Mode charging dock basically transforms your Fire Tablet into an always-on, Echo Show-style smart display. Starting Nov. 16, you’ll be able to get the two packaged together for $145.
Already have a Fire HD 10 and just want the dock? Starting on Nov. 16, Amazon’s knocking $10 off of the price, bringing the dock’s cost down to $45.
See at Amazon
Amazon Show Mode dock review
More discounts
Ring Video Doorbell 2 with all-new Echo Dot: $139 ($110 off) Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 10 Kids Edition: $180 ($90 off) Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire 7 Kids Edition: $100 ($70 off) Fire HD 8 tablet with Hands-Free Alexa: $50 ($30 off) Fire HD 8 tablet and Show Mode Dock bundle: $80 ($40 off) Show Mode Dock for Fire HD 8: $30 ($20 off) Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 8 Kids Edition: $120 ($80 off) Kindle Paperwhite (seventh-gen): $80 ($40 off — note that this is the previous version of the Paperwhite, note the newer 2018 version)    Ring Alarm five-piece Home Security Starter Kit: $159 ($40 off) Ring Spotlight Cam two-pack: $249 ($149 off)
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Now for the big question: What gear will you be getting?
Now playing: Watch this: Tricks to score extra savings on Black Friday and Cyber…
Cyber Monday 2018 deals in each category
Cyber Monday 2018 deals by store
Cyber Monday 2018: CNET’s complete coverage
Cyber Monday 2018: The best deals you can get right now
How to save even more on Black Friday and Cyber Monday  
Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday: What’s the difference?
Cyber Monday 2018: Live sales and best deals at Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy, Target and more
Cyber Monday deals at Walmart: $99 Google Home Hub, Xbox One X discounts, Bose deals and more
Best Amazon Cyber Monday 2018 deals now: $20 Echo Dot, $30 Roku, $69 Echo and more discounts
Cyber Monday 2018 game console deals: PlayStation 4 for $200, PSVR for $199, Nintendo Switch and more
Cyber Monday 2018: Xbox One S, Xbox One X deals continue starting at $199
Catan, Pandemic, Arkham Horror and more: Cyber Monday deals on tabletop strategy games
CNET’s Cheapskate scours the web for great deals on PCs, phones, gadgets and much more. 
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smartwebhostingblog · 6 years
Roku: Time To Buy Again
New Post has been published on http://loanstop20.com/2018/11/09/roku-time-to-buy-again/
Roku: Time To Buy Again
After the bell on Wednesday, streaming media company Roku (ROKU) announced its third quarter results. The company beat on the top and bottom lines and again raised its yearly guidance, yet the stock sold off on the news. As this business continues to grow and repeatedly impress, the pullback makes the name quite attractive again.
The company reported revenues of $173.4 million, up nearly 40% over the prior year period and beating estimates by more than $4 million. On the bottom line, a 9 cent per share loss beat by three cents. While player revenues handily beat estimates, platform revenues fell about $3 million short of expectations, and this is the more important part of the business moving forward. This also lead to ARPU (average revenue per user) coming up shy. While Roku has beaten top and bottom line estimates every time it has reported since going public, this was the smallest beat as seen below.
(Source: Seeking Alpha Roku Earnings page, seen here)
Overall, Roku continues to make progress. The chart below shows how active accounts have soared, up 7.1 million in the past 12 months. At the Q3 2017 report, the year over year gain was 5.4 million. This was the first quarter where platform revenues topped $100 million, and this is the higher margin side of the business. As platform revenues become more of the company’s total, overall gross margins rise even though platform margins are down, so the total gross margin jump was 560 basis points year over year.
(In millions. Source: Q3 2018 shareholder letter and S-1 filing from 2017)
The company’s overall loss did increase a bit thanks to higher operating spending to support the growing business, but Adjusted EBITDA swung from a negative in last year’s period to a positive in Q3 2018. Roku also finished the quarter with about $180 million in cash and investments against no debt, meaning the balance sheet is quite strong. I do not see a need to raise additional funds unless the company wants to make a big acquisition or some major capital expenditure.
One of the things I like the most about Roku is that management continues to raise guidance. As you can see in the table below, every guidance item for the full year 2018 is well above where the original forecast was. Should the company’s progress continue in the near term, we could see more than $1 billion in revenues next year, and perhaps a profit too depending on spending.
(Source: Roku quarterly reports, seen here)
Thursday actually marks one year to the day when I first covered Roku, at which point shares were less than half of where they stand now. I was a big fan of the company’s growth, and results have only improved since. Shares that were in the teens skyrocketed to the high $70s, but they’ve lost a third of their value since then. My last article on the name came with shares in the low $30s, so those who bought on that pullback have done very well.
Since everyone likes to look at streaming giant Netflix (NFLX), I mentioned last year how Roku only needed to get 1/10th of Netflix’s valuation to get to an $8 billion valuation. After the recent pullback, Roku is worth about $5.5 billion, but 10% of Netflix would be over $14 billion now, despite Netflix shares nearly $100 off their all-time high. With the revenue picture and account base growing quite strongly, I now think a $10 billion valuation for Roku is eventually possible. That probably equals a price in the mid to high $80s if you assume some dilution, mostly from stock based compensation, over the next couple of years.
In the end, Roku announced another strong quarter, but the street didn’t totally like the results. The top and bottom line headline beats weren’t as large as previous quarters, and platform revenues were a little short of estimates. However, the company continues to grow its active accounts base very nicely, and Roku should only be about a year or so away from hitting a billion in annual revenues. As streaming media becomes an even larger part of our lives moving forward, the recent pullback provides another good opportunity for investors to buy.
Author’s additional disclosure: Investors are always reminded that before making any investment, you should do your own proper due diligence on any name directly or indirectly mentioned in this article. Investors should also consider seeking advice from a broker or financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Any material in this article should be considered general information, and not relied on as a formal investment recommendation.
Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
0 notes
Roku: Time To Buy Again
New Post has been published on http://loanstop20.com/2018/11/09/roku-time-to-buy-again/
Roku: Time To Buy Again
After the bell on Wednesday, streaming media company Roku (ROKU) announced its third quarter results. The company beat on the top and bottom lines and again raised its yearly guidance, yet the stock sold off on the news. As this business continues to grow and repeatedly impress, the pullback makes the name quite attractive again.
The company reported revenues of $173.4 million, up nearly 40% over the prior year period and beating estimates by more than $4 million. On the bottom line, a 9 cent per share loss beat by three cents. While player revenues handily beat estimates, platform revenues fell about $3 million short of expectations, and this is the more important part of the business moving forward. This also lead to ARPU (average revenue per user) coming up shy. While Roku has beaten top and bottom line estimates every time it has reported since going public, this was the smallest beat as seen below.
(Source: Seeking Alpha Roku Earnings page, seen here)
Overall, Roku continues to make progress. The chart below shows how active accounts have soared, up 7.1 million in the past 12 months. At the Q3 2017 report, the year over year gain was 5.4 million. This was the first quarter where platform revenues topped $100 million, and this is the higher margin side of the business. As platform revenues become more of the company’s total, overall gross margins rise even though platform margins are down, so the total gross margin jump was 560 basis points year over year.
(In millions. Source: Q3 2018 shareholder letter and S-1 filing from 2017)
The company’s overall loss did increase a bit thanks to higher operating spending to support the growing business, but Adjusted EBITDA swung from a negative in last year’s period to a positive in Q3 2018. Roku also finished the quarter with about $180 million in cash and investments against no debt, meaning the balance sheet is quite strong. I do not see a need to raise additional funds unless the company wants to make a big acquisition or some major capital expenditure.
One of the things I like the most about Roku is that management continues to raise guidance. As you can see in the table below, every guidance item for the full year 2018 is well above where the original forecast was. Should the company’s progress continue in the near term, we could see more than $1 billion in revenues next year, and perhaps a profit too depending on spending.
(Source: Roku quarterly reports, seen here)
Thursday actually marks one year to the day when I first covered Roku, at which point shares were less than half of where they stand now. I was a big fan of the company’s growth, and results have only improved since. Shares that were in the teens skyrocketed to the high $70s, but they’ve lost a third of their value since then. My last article on the name came with shares in the low $30s, so those who bought on that pullback have done very well.
Since everyone likes to look at streaming giant Netflix (NFLX), I mentioned last year how Roku only needed to get 1/10th of Netflix’s valuation to get to an $8 billion valuation. After the recent pullback, Roku is worth about $5.5 billion, but 10% of Netflix would be over $14 billion now, despite Netflix shares nearly $100 off their all-time high. With the revenue picture and account base growing quite strongly, I now think a $10 billion valuation for Roku is eventually possible. That probably equals a price in the mid to high $80s if you assume some dilution, mostly from stock based compensation, over the next couple of years.
In the end, Roku announced another strong quarter, but the street didn’t totally like the results. The top and bottom line headline beats weren’t as large as previous quarters, and platform revenues were a little short of estimates. However, the company continues to grow its active accounts base very nicely, and Roku should only be about a year or so away from hitting a billion in annual revenues. As streaming media becomes an even larger part of our lives moving forward, the recent pullback provides another good opportunity for investors to buy.
Author’s additional disclosure: Investors are always reminded that before making any investment, you should do your own proper due diligence on any name directly or indirectly mentioned in this article. Investors should also consider seeking advice from a broker or financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Any material in this article should be considered general information, and not relied on as a formal investment recommendation.
Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
0 notes
hostingnewsfeed · 6 years
Roku: Time To Buy Again
New Post has been published on http://loanstop20.com/2018/11/09/roku-time-to-buy-again/
Roku: Time To Buy Again
After the bell on Wednesday, streaming media company Roku (ROKU) announced its third quarter results. The company beat on the top and bottom lines and again raised its yearly guidance, yet the stock sold off on the news. As this business continues to grow and repeatedly impress, the pullback makes the name quite attractive again.
The company reported revenues of $173.4 million, up nearly 40% over the prior year period and beating estimates by more than $4 million. On the bottom line, a 9 cent per share loss beat by three cents. While player revenues handily beat estimates, platform revenues fell about $3 million short of expectations, and this is the more important part of the business moving forward. This also lead to ARPU (average revenue per user) coming up shy. While Roku has beaten top and bottom line estimates every time it has reported since going public, this was the smallest beat as seen below.
(Source: Seeking Alpha Roku Earnings page, seen here)
Overall, Roku continues to make progress. The chart below shows how active accounts have soared, up 7.1 million in the past 12 months. At the Q3 2017 report, the year over year gain was 5.4 million. This was the first quarter where platform revenues topped $100 million, and this is the higher margin side of the business. As platform revenues become more of the company’s total, overall gross margins rise even though platform margins are down, so the total gross margin jump was 560 basis points year over year.
(In millions. Source: Q3 2018 shareholder letter and S-1 filing from 2017)
The company’s overall loss did increase a bit thanks to higher operating spending to support the growing business, but Adjusted EBITDA swung from a negative in last year’s period to a positive in Q3 2018. Roku also finished the quarter with about $180 million in cash and investments against no debt, meaning the balance sheet is quite strong. I do not see a need to raise additional funds unless the company wants to make a big acquisition or some major capital expenditure.
One of the things I like the most about Roku is that management continues to raise guidance. As you can see in the table below, every guidance item for the full year 2018 is well above where the original forecast was. Should the company’s progress continue in the near term, we could see more than $1 billion in revenues next year, and perhaps a profit too depending on spending.
(Source: Roku quarterly reports, seen here)
Thursday actually marks one year to the day when I first covered Roku, at which point shares were less than half of where they stand now. I was a big fan of the company’s growth, and results have only improved since. Shares that were in the teens skyrocketed to the high $70s, but they’ve lost a third of their value since then. My last article on the name came with shares in the low $30s, so those who bought on that pullback have done very well.
Since everyone likes to look at streaming giant Netflix (NFLX), I mentioned last year how Roku only needed to get 1/10th of Netflix’s valuation to get to an $8 billion valuation. After the recent pullback, Roku is worth about $5.5 billion, but 10% of Netflix would be over $14 billion now, despite Netflix shares nearly $100 off their all-time high. With the revenue picture and account base growing quite strongly, I now think a $10 billion valuation for Roku is eventually possible. That probably equals a price in the mid to high $80s if you assume some dilution, mostly from stock based compensation, over the next couple of years.
In the end, Roku announced another strong quarter, but the street didn’t totally like the results. The top and bottom line headline beats weren’t as large as previous quarters, and platform revenues were a little short of estimates. However, the company continues to grow its active accounts base very nicely, and Roku should only be about a year or so away from hitting a billion in annual revenues. As streaming media becomes an even larger part of our lives moving forward, the recent pullback provides another good opportunity for investors to buy.
Author’s additional disclosure: Investors are always reminded that before making any investment, you should do your own proper due diligence on any name directly or indirectly mentioned in this article. Investors should also consider seeking advice from a broker or financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Any material in this article should be considered general information, and not relied on as a formal investment recommendation.
Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
0 notes
goarticletec-blog · 6 years
Best Amazon Cyber Monday 2018 deals now: $20 Echo Dot, $30 Roku, $69 Echo and more Black Friday-like discounts
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/best-amazon-cyber-monday-2018-deals-now-20-echo-dot-30-roku-69-echo-and-more-black-friday-like-discounts/
Best Amazon Cyber Monday 2018 deals now: $20 Echo Dot, $30 Roku, $69 Echo and more Black Friday-like discounts
With Black Friday behind us, it’s time for Cyber Monday deals and Amazon isn’t waiting. Amazon has some great deals right now you’ll want to check out, including attractive discounts on Bose headphones and Roku streamers. Plus, you’ll find some of the best prices of the year (or, at least since Prime Day) on Amazon’s own devices including the Amazon Echo, Fire tablet, Fire TV and Kindle — and other top-notch gadgets, too. And don’t forget Kindle books; dozens are on sale for as low as $2, and we’ve picked some of our faves.
Updated: Deals and availability confirmed on Saturday, Nov. 24 at 9:30 a.m. PT. 
Here’s what you need to know:
Amazon’s deals are live, with certain time-based Lightning Deals happening throughout the weekend. 
We’ve put the newest and/or most notable sale items at the top of the list.
Note that CNET may get a share of revenue from the sale of the products featured on this page.  
Notable Bose and Beats deals at Amazon
These Bose wireless headphones and wireless speakers are available elsewhere, too, but we’re calling them out because they’re great-sounding products available at nice discounts. $20 off of the BeatsX is great for iPhone fans, too.
Bose SoundSport Wireless: $100 at Walmart and Amazon ($50 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Bose’s popular wireless sports headphone are on sale for $100 at a few different retailers for Black Friday. 
Store: Walmart and Amazon
See at Amazon
Read the CNET review
Bose SoundLink Micro Bluetooth speaker: $30 off at Amazon
Sarah Tew/CNET
Okay fine, it’s not a pair of headphones, but it still plays damn fine music and you can always hold two against your head like actual headphones if that makes you feel better. 
It’s $69, waterproof and provides a great sound for such a small speaker. 
See at Amazon
Amazon device deals available now
OK, now to the Amazon device deals. Here’s what you can get right now, including the new Fire TV sales that started Sunday and are still available today.
Echo Dot (third-gen): $24 (save $26)
Ben Fox Rubin/CNET
The latest and greatest Dot smart speaker for over 50 percent off? Yes, please.
Charcoal and Heather Gray will be in stock on Nov. 27. Sandstone will be in stock on Nov. 28.
See at Amazon
Echo Dot review
Echo Dot (second-gen): $20 (save $20)
Taylor Martin/CNET
Last year’s Dot is still plenty good, especially at this price. Who cares about a fabric cover?
See at Amazon
Echo Dot review
Echo (second-gen): $69 (save $31)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Although QVC briefly had this beat with a two-fer deal (two Echos for $100), a single for $69 is still pretty compelling. At most, Amazon usually cuts $20 off the price. Limited Edition Red will be released on December 5, 2018. 
See at Amazon
Echo review
Echo Look: $50 (save $150)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Look — Amazon’s fashion-minded Echo device hasn’t exactly set the world on fire. Because do we need an Alexa-powered selfie camera? Maybe not for $200… but what about for $50?
See at Amazon
Echo Look review
Echo Plus (second-gen): $110 (save $40)
Truthfully, this is far from our favorite Amazon Echo product. The Plus adds a Zigbee hub and temperature sensor — decidedly optional items for most homeowners. The straight-up Echo (just $69) may be your better bet.
See at Amazon
Echo Plus review
Echo Show (second-gen): $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Though a big improvement over the original, the screen-equipped Echo Show is still a hard sell for some. Maybe a $50 savings makes it more palatable?
Update: Out of stock right now, but you can order it now and it will be available again on Dec. 8. 
See at Amazon
Echo Show review
Echo Spot: $90 (save $40)
Taylor Martin/CNET
The Echo Spot is fine for what it is, but Amazon still hasn’t done enough to convince us that Alexa needs a touchscreen at all.
See at Amazon
Echo Spot review
Amazon Smart Plug: $5 with the purchase of any Echo device (save $20)
Ry Crist/CNET
Assuming you’re all-in with Alexa devices, this smart plug is a steal at $5. Just don’t expect compatibility outside Amazon’s ecosystem.
Update: This specific deal has disappeared as of  Nov. 23 at 5:35 p.m. ET but is expected to reappear on Nov. 24 as part of Amazon’s Cyber Monday Deals Week.
See at Amazon
Smart Plug review
Fire 7 Tablet, $30 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 23 at 12:00 p.m. ET, the Fire 7 tablet will be back in stock on Dec. 10. It can be ordered now for immediate shipment when it’s back in stock. 
$30.00 at Amazon
Fire HD 8 tablet $50 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
At $30 off this is also well worth a look.
$50.00 at Amazon
Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire 7 Kids Edition: $100 ($70 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Great little package, perfect for kids.
Update: Various colors are out of stock until Dec. 1. It can be ordered now for immediate shipment when it’s back in stock. 
$100.00 at Amazon
Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 10 Kids Edition: $180 ($90 off)
Perfect if you’re looking to spend a little more on your nearest and dearest.
Update: Various colors are out of stock until Dec. 3. It can be ordered now for immediate shipment when it’s back in stock. 
$180.00 at Amazon
Ring Video Doorbell 2 with all-new Echo Dot: $139 ($110 off)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Time to take the next step with creating that smart home, might as well get it when its $110 off.
$139.00 at Amazon
Blink XT Cam Systems for up to $150 off
The standard Blink cameras are designed for indoor use, but if you have outdoor areas you want to monitor, look to the Blink XT. Those weather-proofed models are on sale now. Here are your options:
See at Amazon
Fire TV Recast 500 GB: $180 ($50 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Fire TV Recast is a just-released piece of hardware that acts as a dedicated DVR hub for your media streaming needs. CNET’s Ty Pendlebury called it “one of the best cord-cutting companions yet,” and starting Nov. 18, you’ll find the 500GB version with two tuners marked down to $180, saving you $50.
Need more storage space for Recasted reruns? The 1TB version with four tuners will be marked down to $220, saving you about $60.
See at Amazon
Fire TV Recast review
Roku Streaming Stick 2018 for $30 (save $20)
Sarah Tew/CNET
If Fire TV isn’t your thing, this Roku is a great substitute. It’s got more channels, a cleaner interface and it includes a remote (shown here) that controls your TV’s power and volume. 
See at Amazon
Roku 2018 streamers compared
Echo Sub and two Echos (second-gen): $250
Sarah Tew/CNET
The Amazon Echo Sub adds an instant bass upgrade to the Echo line of smart speakers — and you get two of the latter as well, making for a better overall music experience.
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 24 at 12 p.m. ET the bundle price has dropped by another $20 from its earlier sale price of $270 — now $80 off — for the charcoal, heather gray and sandstone colors. All other colors remain $270. 
See at Amazon
Echo Sub review
Echo Sub and two Echo Plus (second-gen): $330 (save $100)
One Echo Sub and two Echo smart speakers make for a great combination. If you want to raise the ante, opt for a pair of Echo Plus instead. They add a temperature sensor and smart-home hub to the mix.
See at Amazon
Echo Plus review
Fire TV Stick and Echo Dot (second-gen): $40 (save $40)
For less than the regular price of an Echo Dot alone, you nab both the smart speaker and Amazon’s Alexa-imbued streaming stick.
See at Amazon
Fire TV Stick review
Blink Indoor Cam Systems for up to $116 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Amazon bought smart home camera startup Blink late last year — this year, it’s offering big discounts on Blink Indoor starter kits. Here are your options:
Don’t ask me why a single add-on cam costs more than the one-cam starter kit, which also includes the system’s hub. 
See at Amazon
Blink Indoor review
Echo Dot Kids Edition three-pack: $100 ($110 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
You’ll score similar savings on the Echo Dot Kids Edition, with a three-pack selling for just $100. That’s $33 each — less than half of what they normally cost.
See at Amazon
Read more on CNET
Echo Show two-pack: $340 ($120 off)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Amazon just released a new, second-gen Echo Show touchscreen smart speaker. Starting Friday, you’ll be able to buy two of them for $340, which is $120 less than you’d normally pay and $10 less per device than the Black Friday discount on single units.
To get this price you’ll need to add both devices to your cart.
Update: As of Nov. 24 at 12 p.m. ET, this will be back in stock Dec. 8.
See at Amazon
Echo Show review
Echo Spot two-pack: $160 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Want a pair of Echo Spots? Amazon will sell you two of them for $160, which is $100 less than you’d normally pay. Single Spots get discounted to $90 starting on Thanksgiving Day, so this deal saves you an extra $20 if you’re planning to buy two, anyway.
To get this price you’ll need to add both devices to your cart.
See at Amazon
Echo Spot review
Fire 7 Kids Edition tablet: $70 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 24 at 12 p.m. ET, the kids Fire 7 will be back in stock on Dec. 2, 2018. It can be ordered now and will ship when available. 
Amazon’s kid-friendly tablet with a safety net — er, case. Koala not included.
See at Amazon
Fire 7 Kids Edition review
Fire HD 10 tablet: $100 ($50 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
Amazon’s biggest tablet is also an Alexa-powered hands-free device.
See at Amazon
Fire HD 10 review
Fire HD 10 Kids Edition tablet: $150 ($50 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
A bigger screen, and bigger value, on the kid- and parent-friendly Fire tablet.
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 24 at 12 p.m. ET, the kids Fire HD 10 in blue or pink will be back in stock on Dec. 4, 2018. It can be ordered now and will ship when available. Yellow is currently in stock. 
See at Amazon
Fire HD 10 Tablet with Show Mode Charging Dock: $145 ($60 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
The Show Mode charging dock basically transforms your Fire Tablet into an always-on, Echo Show-style smart display. Starting Nov. 16, you’ll be able to get the two packaged together for $145.
Already have a Fire HD 10 and just want the dock? Starting on Nov. 16, Amazon’s knocking $10 off of the price, bringing the dock’s cost down to $45.
See at Amazon
Amazon Show Mode dock review
More discounts
Ring Video Doorbell 2 with all-new Echo Dot: $139 ($110 off) Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 10 Kids Edition: $180 ($90 off) Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire 7 Kids Edition: $100 ($70 off) Fire HD 8 tablet with Hands-Free Alexa: $50 ($30 off) Fire HD 8 tablet and Show Mode Dock bundle: $80 ($40 off) Show Mode Dock for Fire HD 8: $40 ($10 off) Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 8 Kids Edition: $120 ($80 off) Kindle Paperwhite (seventh-gen): $80 ($40 off — note that this is the previous version of the Paperwhite, note the newer 2018 version)    Ring Alarm five-piece Home Security Starter Kit: $159 ($40 off) Ring Spotlight Cam two-pack: $249 ($149 off)
Get the best deals from The Cheapskate in your inbox
Now for the big question: What gear will you be getting?
Now playing: Watch this: Tricks to score extra savings on Black Friday and Cyber…
Read more: Black Friday 2018: The best deals so far
Read more: How to save even more on Black Friday and Cyber Monday
CNET’s Cheapskate scours the web for great deals on PCs, phones, gadgets and much more. 
Questions about the Cheapskate blog? Find the answers on our FAQ page. Find more great buys on the CNET Deals page and follow the Cheapskate on Facebook and Twitter!
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0 notes
goarticletec-blog · 6 years
Best Amazon Black Friday 2018 deals now: $20 Echo Dot, $25 Fire TV, $30 Roku, Bose discounts, $69 Echo, Fire HD savings, $110 off Ring Video Doorbell and much more
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/best-amazon-black-friday-2018-deals-now-20-echo-dot-25-fire-tv-30-roku-bose-discounts-69-echo-fire-hd-savings-110-off-ring-video-doorbell-and-much-more-2/
Best Amazon Black Friday 2018 deals now: $20 Echo Dot, $25 Fire TV, $30 Roku, Bose discounts, $69 Echo, Fire HD savings, $110 off Ring Video Doorbell and much more
Black Friday is here. Give thanks today because the big annual sale at Amazon has some great deals you’ll want to check out, including attractive discounts on Bose headphones and Roku streamers. Plus, you’ll find some of the best prices of the year (or, at least since Prime Day) on Amazon’s own devices including the Amazon Echo, Fire tablet, Fire TV and Kindle — and other top-notch gadgets, too. And don’t forget Kindle books; dozens are on sale for as low as $2, and we’ve picked some of our faves.
Updated: Deals and availability confirmed on Friday, Nov. 23.
Here’s what you need to know:
Amazon’s deals are live, with certain time-based Lightning Deals happening throughout the weekend. 
We’ve put the newest and/or most notable sale items at the top of the list.
Note that CNET may get a share of revenue from the sale of the products featured on this page.  
Camera deals worth 
Notable Bose and Beats deals at Amazon
These Bose wireless headphones and wireless speakers are available elsewhere, too, but we’re calling them out because they’re great-sounding products available at nice discounts. $20 off of the BeatsX is great for iPhone fans, too.
Bose SoundSport Wireless: $100 at Walmart and Amazon ($50 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Update: As of Friday, Nov.  23 at 11 a.m. CT, Walmart is out of the Citron color. Amazon is out of blue, black and red.
Store: Walmart and Amazon
Bose’s popular wireless sports headphone are on sale for $100 at a few different retailers for Black Friday. 
See at Amazon
Read the CNET review
Bose SoundLink Micro Bluetooth speaker: $30 off at Amazon
Sarah Tew/CNET
Okay fine, it’s not a pair of headphones, but it still plays damn fine music and you can always hold two against your head like actual headphones if that makes you feel better. 
It’s waterproof and provides a great sound for such a small speaker. 
See at Amazon
Amazon device deals available now
OK, now to the Amazon device deals. Here’s what you can get right now, including the new Fire TV sales that started Sunday and are still available today.
Echo Dot (third-gen): $24 (save $26)
Ben Fox Rubin/CNET
The latest and greatest Dot smart speaker for over 50 percent off? Yes, please.
Charcoal and Heather Gray will be in stock on November 27, 2018. Sandstone is available now, as of Nov. 23, 11:25 a.m. CST.
See at Amazon
Echo Dot review
Echo Dot (second-gen): $20 (save $20)
Taylor Martin/CNET
Last year’s Dot is still plenty good, especially at this price. Who cares about a fabric cover?
See at Amazon
Echo Dot review
Echo (second-gen): $69 (save $31)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Although QVC briefly had this beat with a two-fer deal (two Echos for $100), a single for $69 is still pretty compelling. At most, Amazon usually cuts $20 off the price. Limited Edition Red will be released on December 5, 2018. 
See at Amazon
Echo review
Echo Look: $50 (save $150)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Look — Amazon’s fashion-minded Echo device hasn’t exactly set the world on fire. Because do we need an Alexa-powered selfie camera? Maybe not for $200… but what about for $50?
See at Amazon
Echo Look review
Echo Plus (second-gen): $110 (save $40)
Truthfully, this is far from our favorite Amazon Echo product. The Plus adds a Zigbee hub and temperature sensor — decidedly optional items for most homeowners. The straight-up Echo (just $69) may be your better bet.
See at Amazon
Echo Plus review
Echo Show (second-gen): $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Though a big improvement over the original, the screen-equipped Echo Show is still a hard sell for some. Maybe a $50 savings makes it more palatable?
Update: Out of stock right now. Will be available again on Dec. 2.
See at Amazon
Echo Show review
Echo Spot: $90 (save $40)
Taylor Martin/CNET
The Echo Spot is fine for what it is, but Amazon still hasn’t done enough to convince us that Alexa needs a touchscreen at all.
See at Amazon
Echo Spot review
Amazon Smart Plug: $5 with the purchase of any Echo device (save $20)
Ry Crist/CNET
Assuming you’re all-in with Alexa devices, this smart plug is a steal at $5. Just don’t expect compatibility outside Amazon’s ecosystem.
Update: This specific deal has disappeared as of  Nov. 23 at 5:35 p.m. ET but is expected to reappear on Nov. 24 as part of Amazon’s Cyber Monday Deals Week.
See at Amazon
Smart Plug review
Fire 7 Tablet, $30 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 23 at 11:30 a.m. CT, the Fire 7 tablet will be back in stock on Dec. 4.
$30.00 at Amazon
Fire HD 8 tablet $50 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
At $30 off this is also well worth a look.
$50.00 at Amazon
Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire 7 Kids Edition: $100 ($70 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Great little package, perfect for kids.
Update: Various colors are out of stock until Nov. 27.
$100.00 at Amazon
Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 10 Kids Edition: $180 ($90 off)
Perfect if you’re looking to spend a little more on your nearest and dearest.
$180.00 at Amazon
Ring Video Doorbell 2 with all-new Echo Dot: $139 ($110 off)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Time to take the next step with creating that smart home, might as well get it when its $110 off.
$139.00 at Amazon
Blink XT Cam Systems for up to $150 off
The standard Blink cameras are designed for indoor use, but if you have outdoor areas you want to monitor, look to the Blink XT. Those weather-proofed models are on sale now. Here are your options:
See at Amazon
Fire TV Recast 500 GB: $180 ($50 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Fire TV Recast is a just-released piece of hardware that acts as a dedicated DVR hub for your media streaming needs. CNET’s Ty Pendlebury called it “one of the best cord-cutting companions yet,” and starting Nov. 18, you’ll find the 500GB version with two tuners marked down to $180, saving you $50.
Need more storage space for Recasted reruns? The 1TB version with four tuners will be marked down to $220, saving you about $60.
See at Amazon
Fire TV Recast review
Roku Streaming Stick 2018 for $30 (save $20)
Sarah Tew/CNET
If Fire TV isn’t your thing, this Roku is a great substitute. It’s got more channels, a cleaner interface and it includes a remote (shown here) that controls your TV’s power and volume. 
See at Amazon
Roku 2018 streamers compared
Echo Sub and two Echos (second-gen): $250
Sarah Tew/CNET
The Amazon Echo Sub adds an instant bass upgrade to the Echo line of smart speakers — and you get two of the latter as well, making for a better overall music experience.
Limited Edition Red will be released on December 5, 2018. 
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 23 at 5:20 p.m. ET it looks like the price of the bundle has dropped by another $20 from the earlier price of $270 — now $80 off.
See at Amazon
Echo Sub review
Echo Sub and two Echo Plus (second-gen): $330 (save $100)
One Echo Sub and two Echo smart speakers make for a great combination. If you want to raise the ante, opt for a pair of Echo Plus instead. They add a temperature sensor and smart-home hub to the mix.
See at Amazon
Echo Plus review
Fire TV Stick and Echo Dot (second-gen): $40 (save $40)
For less than the regular price of an Echo Dot alone, you nab both the smart speaker and Amazon’s Alexa-imbued streaming stick.
See at Amazon
Fire TV Stick review
Blink Indoor Cam Systems for up to $116 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Amazon bought smart home camera startup Blink late last year — this year, it’s offering big discounts on Blink Indoor starter kits. Here are your options:
Don’t ask me why a single add-on cam costs more than the one-cam starter kit, which also includes the system’s hub. 
See at Amazon
Blink Indoor review
Echo Dot Kids Edition three-pack: $100 ($110 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
You’ll score similar savings on the Echo Dot Kids Edition, with a three-pack selling for just $100. That’s $33 each — less than half of what they normally cost.
See at Amazon
Read more on CNET
Echo Show two-pack: $340 ($120 off)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Amazon just released a new, second-gen Echo Show touchscreen smart speaker. Starting Friday, you’ll be able to buy two of them for $340, which is $120 less than you’d normally pay and $10 less per device than the Black Friday discount on single units.
To get this price you’ll need to add both devices to your cart.
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 23 at 5:30 p.m. ET, this will be back in stock Dec. 6.
See at Amazon
Echo Show review
Echo Spot two-pack: $160 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Want a pair of Echo Spots? Amazon will tell you two of them for $160, which is $100 less than you’d normally pay. Single Spots get discounted to $90 starting on Thanksgiving Day, so this deal saves you an extra $20 if you’re planning to buy two, anyway.
To get this price you’ll need to add both devices to your cart.
Update: This specific deal has disappeared as of Nov. 23 at 5:34 p.m. ET but is expected to reappear on Nov. 24 as part of Amazon’s Cyber Monday Deals Week.
See at Amazon
Echo Spot review
Fire 7 Kids Edition tablet: $70 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 23 at 11:30 a.m. CT, the kids Fire 7 will be back in stock on Nov. 28, 2018. 
Amazon’s kid-friendly tablet with a safety net — er, case. Koala not included.
See at Amazon
Fire 7 Kids Edition review
Fire HD 10 tablet: $100 ($50 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
Amazon’s biggest tablet is also an Alexa-powered hands-free device.
See at Amazon
Fire HD 10 review
Fire HD 10 Kids Edition tablet: $150 ($50 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
A bigger screen, and bigger value, on the kid- and parent-friendly Fire tablet.
See at Amazon
Fire HD 10 Tablet with Show Mode Charging Dock: $145 ($60 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
The Show Mode charging dock basically transforms your Fire Tablet into an always-on, Echo Show-style smart display. Starting Nov. 16, you’ll be able to get the two packaged together for $145.
Already have a Fire HD 10 and just want the dock? Starting on Nov. 16, Amazon’s knocking $10 off of the price, bringing the dock’s cost down to $45.
See at Amazon
Amazon Show Mode dock review
Ring Video Doorbell 2 with all-new Echo Dot: $139 ($110 off) Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 10 Kids Edition: $180 ($90 off) Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire 7 Kids Edition: $100 ($70 off) Fire HD 8 tablet with Hands-Free Alexa: $50 ($30 off) Fire HD 8 tablet and Show Mode Dock bundle: $80 ($40 off) Show Mode Dock for Fire HD 8: $40 ($10 off) Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 8 Kids Edition: $120 ($80 off) Kindle Paperwhite (seventh-gen): $80 ($40 off — note that this is the previous version of the Paperwhite, note the newer 2018 version)    Ring Alarm five-piece Home Security Starter Kit: $169 ($30 off) Ring Spotlight Cam two-pack: $249 ($149 off)
Get the best deals from The Cheapskate in your inbox
Now for the big question: What gear will you be getting?
Now playing: Watch this: Tricks to score extra savings on Black Friday and Cyber…
Read more: Black Friday 2018: The best deals so far
Read more: How to save even more on Black Friday and Cyber Monday
CNET’s Cheapskate scours the web for great deals on PCs, phones, gadgets and much more. 
Questions about the Cheapskate blog? Find the answers on our FAQ page. Find more great buys on the CNET Deals page and follow the Cheapskate on Facebook and Twitter!
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0 notes
goarticletec-blog · 6 years
Best Amazon Black Friday 2018 deals now: $20 Echo Dot, $25 Fire TV, $30 Roku, Bose discounts, $69 Echo, Fire HD savings, $110 off Ring Video Doorbell and much more
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/best-amazon-black-friday-2018-deals-now-20-echo-dot-25-fire-tv-30-roku-bose-discounts-69-echo-fire-hd-savings-110-off-ring-video-doorbell-and-much-more/
Best Amazon Black Friday 2018 deals now: $20 Echo Dot, $25 Fire TV, $30 Roku, Bose discounts, $69 Echo, Fire HD savings, $110 off Ring Video Doorbell and much more
Black Friday is here. Give thanks today because the big annual sale at Amazon has some great deals you’ll want to check out, including attractive discounts on Bose headphones and Roku streamers. Plus, you’ll find some of the best prices of the year (or, at least since Prime Day) on Amazon’s own devices including the Amazon Echo, Fire tablet, Fire TV and Kindle — and other top-notch gadgets, too. And don’t forget Kindle books; dozens are on sale for as low as $2, and we’ve picked some of our faves.
Updated: Deals and availability confirmed on Friday, Nov. 23.
Here’s what you need to know:
Amazon’s deals are live, with certain time-based Lightning Deals happening throughout the weekend. 
We’ve put the newest and/or most notable sale items at the top of the list.
Note that CNET may get a share of revenue from the sale of the products featured on this page.  
Camera deals worth 
Notable Bose and Beats deals at Amazon
These Bose wireless headphones and wireless speakers are available elsewhere, too, but we’re calling them out because they’re great-sounding products available at nice discounts. $20 off of the BeatsX is great for iPhone fans, too.
Bose SoundSport Wireless: $100 at Walmart and Amazon ($50 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Update: As of Friday, Nov.  23 at 11 a.m. CT, Walmart is out of the Citron color. Amazon is out of blue, black and red.
Store: Walmart and Amazon
Bose’s popular wireless sports headphone are on sale for $100 at a few different retailers for Black Friday. 
See at Amazon
Read the CNET review
Bose SoundLink Micro Bluetooth speaker: $30 off at Amazon
Sarah Tew/CNET
Okay fine, it’s not a pair of headphones, but it still plays damn fine music and you can always hold two against your head like actual headphones if that makes you feel better. 
It’s waterproof and provides a great sound for such a small speaker. 
See at Amazon
Amazon device deals available now
OK, now to the Amazon device deals. Here’s what you can get right now, including the new Fire TV sales that started Sunday and are still available today.
Echo Dot (third-gen): $24 (save $26)
Ben Fox Rubin/CNET
The latest and greatest Dot smart speaker for over 50 percent off? Yes, please.
Charcoal and Heather Gray will be in stock on November 27, 2018. Sandstone is available now, as of Nov. 23, 11:25 a.m. CST.
See at Amazon
Echo Dot review
Echo Dot (second-gen): $20 (save $20)
Taylor Martin/CNET
Last year’s Dot is still plenty good, especially at this price. Who cares about a fabric cover?
See at Amazon
Echo Dot review
Echo (second-gen): $69 (save $31)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Although QVC briefly had this beat with a two-fer deal (two Echos for $100), a single for $69 is still pretty compelling. At most, Amazon usually cuts $20 off the price. Limited Edition Red will be released on December 5, 2018. 
See at Amazon
Echo review
Echo Look: $50 (save $150)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Look — Amazon’s fashion-minded Echo device hasn’t exactly set the world on fire. Because do we need an Alexa-powered selfie camera? Maybe not for $200… but what about for $50?
See at Amazon
Echo Look review
Echo Plus (second-gen): $110 (save $40)
Truthfully, this is far from our favorite Amazon Echo product. The Plus adds a Zigbee hub and temperature sensor — decidedly optional items for most homeowners. The straight-up Echo (just $69) may be your better bet.
See at Amazon
Echo Plus review
Echo Show (second-gen): $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Though a big improvement over the original, the screen-equipped Echo Show is still a hard sell for some. Maybe a $50 savings makes it more palatable?
Update: Out of stock right now. Will be available again on Dec. 2.
See at Amazon
Echo Show review
Echo Spot: $90 (save $40)
Taylor Martin/CNET
The Echo Spot is fine for what it is, but Amazon still hasn’t done enough to convince us that Alexa needs a touchscreen at all.
See at Amazon
Echo Spot review
Amazon Smart Plug: $5 with the purchase of any Echo device (save $20)
Ry Crist/CNET
Assuming you’re all-in with Alexa devices, this smart plug is a steal at $5. Just don’t expect compatibility outside Amazon’s ecosystem.
Update: This specific deal has disappeared as of  Nov. 23 at 5:35 p.m. ET but is expected to reappear on Nov. 24 as part of Amazon’s Cyber Monday Deals Week.
See at Amazon
Smart Plug review
Fire 7 Tablet, $30 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 23 at 11:30 a.m. CT, the Fire 7 tablet will be back in stock on Dec. 4.
$30.00 at Amazon
Fire HD 8 tablet $50 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
At $30 off this is also well worth a look.
$50.00 at Amazon
Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire 7 Kids Edition: $100 ($70 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Great little package, perfect for kids.
Update: Various colors are out of stock until Nov. 27.
$100.00 at Amazon
Echo Dot Kids Edition Bundle with Fire HD 10 Kids Edition: $180 ($90 off)
Perfect if you’re looking to spend a little more on your nearest and dearest.
$180.00 at Amazon
Ring Video Doorbell 2 with all-new Echo Dot: $139 ($110 off)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Time to take the next step with creating that smart home, might as well get it when its $110 off.
$139.00 at Amazon
Blink XT Cam Systems for up to $150 off
The standard Blink cameras are designed for indoor use, but if you have outdoor areas you want to monitor, look to the Blink XT. Those weather-proofed models are on sale now. Here are your options:
See at Amazon
Fire TV Recast 500 GB: $180 ($50 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Fire TV Recast is a just-released piece of hardware that acts as a dedicated DVR hub for your media streaming needs. CNET’s Ty Pendlebury called it “one of the best cord-cutting companions yet,” and starting Nov. 18, you’ll find the 500GB version with two tuners marked down to $180, saving you $50.
Need more storage space for Recasted reruns? The 1TB version with four tuners will be marked down to $220, saving you about $60.
See at Amazon
Fire TV Recast review
Roku Streaming Stick 2018 for $30 (save $20)
Sarah Tew/CNET
If Fire TV isn’t your thing, this Roku is a great substitute. It’s got more channels, a cleaner interface and it includes a remote (shown here) that controls your TV’s power and volume. 
See at Amazon
Roku 2018 streamers compared
Echo Sub and two Echos (second-gen): $250
Sarah Tew/CNET
The Amazon Echo Sub adds an instant bass upgrade to the Echo line of smart speakers — and you get two of the latter as well, making for a better overall music experience.
Limited Edition Red will be released on December 5, 2018. 
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 23 at 5:20 p.m. ET it looks like the price of the bundle has dropped by another $20 from the earlier price of $270 — now $80 off.
See at Amazon
Echo Sub review
Echo Sub and two Echo Plus (second-gen): $330 (save $100)
One Echo Sub and two Echo smart speakers make for a great combination. If you want to raise the ante, opt for a pair of Echo Plus instead. They add a temperature sensor and smart-home hub to the mix.
See at Amazon
Echo Plus review
Fire TV Stick and Echo Dot (second-gen): $40 (save $40)
For less than the regular price of an Echo Dot alone, you nab both the smart speaker and Amazon’s Alexa-imbued streaming stick.
See at Amazon
Fire TV Stick review
Blink Indoor Cam Systems for up to $116 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Amazon bought smart home camera startup Blink late last year — this year, it’s offering big discounts on Blink Indoor starter kits. Here are your options:
Don’t ask me why a single add-on cam costs more than the one-cam starter kit, which also includes the system’s hub. 
See at Amazon
Blink Indoor review
Echo Dot Kids Edition three-pack: $100 ($110 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
You’ll score similar savings on the Echo Dot Kids Edition, with a three-pack selling for just $100. That’s $33 each — less than half of what they normally cost.
See at Amazon
Read more on CNET
Echo Show two-pack: $340 ($120 off)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Amazon just released a new, second-gen Echo Show touchscreen smart speaker. Starting Friday, you’ll be able to buy two of them for $340, which is $120 less than you’d normally pay and $10 less per device than the Black Friday discount on single units.
To get this price you’ll need to add both devices to your cart.
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 23 at 5:30 p.m. ET, this will be back in stock Dec. 6.
See at Amazon
Echo Show review
Echo Spot two-pack: $160 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Want a pair of Echo Spots? Amazon will tell you two of them for $160, which is $100 less than you’d normally pay. Single Spots get discounted to $90 starting on Thanksgiving Day, so this deal saves you an extra $20 if you’re planning to buy two, anyway.
To get this price you’ll need to add both devices to your cart.
Update: This specific deal has disappeared as of Nov. 23 at 5:34 p.m. ET but is expected to reappear on Nov. 24 as part of Amazon’s Cyber Monday Deals Week.
See at Amazon
Echo Spot review
Fire 7 Kids Edition tablet: $70 ($30 off)
Sarah Tew
Update: As of Friday, Nov. 23 at 11:30 a.m. CT, the kids Fire 7 will be back in stock on Nov. 28, 2018. 
Amazon’s kid-friendly tablet with a safety net — er, case. Koala not included.
See at Amazon
Fire 7 Kids Edition review
Fire HD 10 tablet: $100 ($50 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
Amazon’s biggest tablet is also an Alexa-powered hands-free device.
See at Amazon
Fire HD 10 review
Fire HD 10 Kids Edition tablet: $150 ($50 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
A bigger screen, and bigger value, on the kid- and parent-friendly Fire tablet.
See at Amazon
Fire HD 10 Tablet with Show Mode Charging Dock: $145 ($60 off)
Sarah Tew/CNET
The Show Mode charging dock basically transforms your Fire Tablet into an always-on, Echo Show-style smart display. Starting Nov. 16, you’ll be able to get the two packaged together for $145.
Already have a Fire HD 10 and just want the dock? Starting on Nov. 16, Amazon’s knocking $10 off of the price, bringing the dock’s cost down to $45.
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Amazon Show Mode dock review
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smartwebhostingblog · 6 years
Roku: Time To Buy Again
New Post has been published on http://webhostingtop3.com/roku-time-to-buy-again/
Roku: Time To Buy Again
After the bell on Wednesday, streaming media company Roku (ROKU) announced its third quarter results. The company beat on the top and bottom lines and again raised its yearly guidance, yet the stock sold off on the news. As this business continues to grow and repeatedly impress, the pullback makes the name quite attractive again.
The company reported revenues of $173.4 million, up nearly 40% over the prior year period and beating estimates by more than $4 million. On the bottom line, a 9 cent per share loss beat by three cents. While player revenues handily beat estimates, platform revenues fell about $3 million short of expectations, and this is the more important part of the business moving forward. This also lead to ARPU (average revenue per user) coming up shy. While Roku has beaten top and bottom line estimates every time it has reported since going public, this was the smallest beat as seen below.
(Source: Seeking Alpha Roku Earnings page, seen here)
Overall, Roku continues to make progress. The chart below shows how active accounts have soared, up 7.1 million in the past 12 months. At the Q3 2017 report, the year over year gain was 5.4 million. This was the first quarter where platform revenues topped $100 million, and this is the higher margin side of the business. As platform revenues become more of the company’s total, overall gross margins rise even though platform margins are down, so the total gross margin jump was 560 basis points year over year.
(In millions. Source: Q3 2018 shareholder letter and S-1 filing from 2017)
The company’s overall loss did increase a bit thanks to higher operating spending to support the growing business, but Adjusted EBITDA swung from a negative in last year’s period to a positive in Q3 2018. Roku also finished the quarter with about $180 million in cash and investments against no debt, meaning the balance sheet is quite strong. I do not see a need to raise additional funds unless the company wants to make a big acquisition or some major capital expenditure.
One of the things I like the most about Roku is that management continues to raise guidance. As you can see in the table below, every guidance item for the full year 2018 is well above where the original forecast was. Should the company’s progress continue in the near term, we could see more than $1 billion in revenues next year, and perhaps a profit too depending on spending.
(Source: Roku quarterly reports, seen here)
Thursday actually marks one year to the day when I first covered Roku, at which point shares were less than half of where they stand now. I was a big fan of the company’s growth, and results have only improved since. Shares that were in the teens skyrocketed to the high $70s, but they’ve lost a third of their value since then. My last article on the name came with shares in the low $30s, so those who bought on that pullback have done very well.
Since everyone likes to look at streaming giant Netflix (NFLX), I mentioned last year how Roku only needed to get 1/10th of Netflix’s valuation to get to an $8 billion valuation. After the recent pullback, Roku is worth about $5.5 billion, but 10% of Netflix would be over $14 billion now, despite Netflix shares nearly $100 off their all-time high. With the revenue picture and account base growing quite strongly, I now think a $10 billion valuation for Roku is eventually possible. That probably equals a price in the mid to high $80s if you assume some dilution, mostly from stock based compensation, over the next couple of years.
In the end, Roku announced another strong quarter, but the street didn’t totally like the results. The top and bottom line headline beats weren’t as large as previous quarters, and platform revenues were a little short of estimates. However, the company continues to grow its active accounts base very nicely, and Roku should only be about a year or so away from hitting a billion in annual revenues. As streaming media becomes an even larger part of our lives moving forward, the recent pullback provides another good opportunity for investors to buy.
Author’s additional disclosure: Investors are always reminded that before making any investment, you should do your own proper due diligence on any name directly or indirectly mentioned in this article. Investors should also consider seeking advice from a broker or financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Any material in this article should be considered general information, and not relied on as a formal investment recommendation.
Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
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Roku: Time To Buy Again
New Post has been published on http://webhostingtop3.com/roku-time-to-buy-again/
Roku: Time To Buy Again
After the bell on Wednesday, streaming media company Roku (ROKU) announced its third quarter results. The company beat on the top and bottom lines and again raised its yearly guidance, yet the stock sold off on the news. As this business continues to grow and repeatedly impress, the pullback makes the name quite attractive again.
The company reported revenues of $173.4 million, up nearly 40% over the prior year period and beating estimates by more than $4 million. On the bottom line, a 9 cent per share loss beat by three cents. While player revenues handily beat estimates, platform revenues fell about $3 million short of expectations, and this is the more important part of the business moving forward. This also lead to ARPU (average revenue per user) coming up shy. While Roku has beaten top and bottom line estimates every time it has reported since going public, this was the smallest beat as seen below.
(Source: Seeking Alpha Roku Earnings page, seen here)
Overall, Roku continues to make progress. The chart below shows how active accounts have soared, up 7.1 million in the past 12 months. At the Q3 2017 report, the year over year gain was 5.4 million. This was the first quarter where platform revenues topped $100 million, and this is the higher margin side of the business. As platform revenues become more of the company’s total, overall gross margins rise even though platform margins are down, so the total gross margin jump was 560 basis points year over year.
(In millions. Source: Q3 2018 shareholder letter and S-1 filing from 2017)
The company’s overall loss did increase a bit thanks to higher operating spending to support the growing business, but Adjusted EBITDA swung from a negative in last year’s period to a positive in Q3 2018. Roku also finished the quarter with about $180 million in cash and investments against no debt, meaning the balance sheet is quite strong. I do not see a need to raise additional funds unless the company wants to make a big acquisition or some major capital expenditure.
One of the things I like the most about Roku is that management continues to raise guidance. As you can see in the table below, every guidance item for the full year 2018 is well above where the original forecast was. Should the company’s progress continue in the near term, we could see more than $1 billion in revenues next year, and perhaps a profit too depending on spending.
(Source: Roku quarterly reports, seen here)
Thursday actually marks one year to the day when I first covered Roku, at which point shares were less than half of where they stand now. I was a big fan of the company’s growth, and results have only improved since. Shares that were in the teens skyrocketed to the high $70s, but they’ve lost a third of their value since then. My last article on the name came with shares in the low $30s, so those who bought on that pullback have done very well.
Since everyone likes to look at streaming giant Netflix (NFLX), I mentioned last year how Roku only needed to get 1/10th of Netflix’s valuation to get to an $8 billion valuation. After the recent pullback, Roku is worth about $5.5 billion, but 10% of Netflix would be over $14 billion now, despite Netflix shares nearly $100 off their all-time high. With the revenue picture and account base growing quite strongly, I now think a $10 billion valuation for Roku is eventually possible. That probably equals a price in the mid to high $80s if you assume some dilution, mostly from stock based compensation, over the next couple of years.
In the end, Roku announced another strong quarter, but the street didn’t totally like the results. The top and bottom line headline beats weren’t as large as previous quarters, and platform revenues were a little short of estimates. However, the company continues to grow its active accounts base very nicely, and Roku should only be about a year or so away from hitting a billion in annual revenues. As streaming media becomes an even larger part of our lives moving forward, the recent pullback provides another good opportunity for investors to buy.
Author’s additional disclosure: Investors are always reminded that before making any investment, you should do your own proper due diligence on any name directly or indirectly mentioned in this article. Investors should also consider seeking advice from a broker or financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Any material in this article should be considered general information, and not relied on as a formal investment recommendation.
Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
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