#that's a LOT of Sparklings to be taking care of solo holy hecc
delicateartisantrash · 2 months
aaaaAAAA: Author Struggle Bus
(If you don't want to see my personal posts, my tag for these is "#dat rambles")
Not me pulling at my hair smacking my forehead on the desk because I am well into the next chapters of Gladiators of Kaon; and I am unsure if my representations of the Precious Beans are accurate enough because confession I haven't actually watched all of G1 yet I've seen like 1 episode and a half and then I got distracted writing fanfiction and reading o o p s but the story floooooows
(author ramblings continue after the cut)
and now here I am with many chapters and it's adorable and I love it but also p a n i c because it's my first time writing them. I hope ya'll don't have specific expectations for characters because OPE I SORRY I AM JUST WRITING WHAT I SEE. And reading a lot of wiki pages. (Whoever does the captiosn for images on that site, oh my goodness, they are SO WITTY. I LOVE IT. Sarcasm, puns, sattire, my sides are hurting from how much i've laughed while reading up on transformers i've never actually heard of or met before and researching lore ideas to yoink for the world building of this story's universe and setting)
I have read a stupid amount of wiki pages.
still though
it's like
my favorite chapter rn because ADORABLE SPARKLINGS UGH EEEEEEE and it's so friggin' cute I can't stand it (comfy chair and blanket acquired, one parrot loose and one happily eating noms \o/). I hope it goes over well but if not oh well
writing Soundwave when he's not in Perfect Composure Mode is an entertaining and endearing experience.
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