#that's 3 50/50 in a row and i got Blade on my first 10 pull after Ruan Mei
lesenbyan · 7 months
I really should only do my pulls when I should be sleeping
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Countdowns - 60 Minutes.
First things first, please make sure that you consult with your doctor first before beginning any workout regimen. Second, if you need a break, don't hesitate to take it. You must listen to your body. Try to finish your workout, but stop, take a drink, and breathe. It's okay! Third, if you don't know what an exercise is, you can find a video or a picture of it located in the exercise definitions section or a deffinition listed below.  Last, modify any exercise as needed: slow it down, speed it up, drop to your knees, add weight, use a Bosu ball, what have you. Do what works for you.
Good luck and have fun!
From one fitness-addict to another, I hope I’ve helped you find your next fix. —Dani
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Countdowns - 60 Minutes.
“You find that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself, get more sleep, and rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that you gave–win or lose.”
– Gordie Howe
Push-ups used to be just about impossible for me. I would be able to eek out one or two and then have to drop to my knees and modify them. But every time, no matter if I had to do 10 or 50 on my knees, I would always give 100% to get them done. And eventually I got to the point where I no longer had to drop to my knees. 
You've got 60 minutes to complete today's workout. That's 10 minutes per countdown set.  Go out there and give 100% for the entire hour, and sleep well tonight knowing that you did!
If you by chance are super amazing and finish your set before the 10 minutes is up, then work your way back up in number until the timer dings!
Don't finish your set before the time expires, No worries, you're super amazing, too! Move on to the next set anyway.
Have a great workout today!
Upper Body - Set One
Stacked-Feet Push-Up Bent Over Elbows-Out Row Combo Shoulder Raise Raised Feet Dips
Lower Body - Set Two
Iso-Explosive Jump Squat Single-Leg Bent-Knee Calf Raise - see below Rotation Single-Straight-Leg Deadlift - R Rotation Single-Straight-Leg Deadlift - L
Core - Set Three
Rolling Side Plank Alternating Sit-Up Raised-Leg Crunch w/ Leg Drop
Core - Set Four
Wide-Stance Plank w/ Arm Lift Hip Crossover w/ Leg Drop Core Stabilization 
Full-Body - Set Five
Hammer Curl to Lunge to Press Hang Pull Thruster Side Lunge and Press
Cardio - Set Six
Burpee w/ Push-Up Skater Hops Bottom Burpee Split Raise Jacks In-and-Out Squats
Stacked-Feet Push-Up - Place one foot on top of the other so that only the lower one supports your body. Make sure to switch up which foot is on the bottom.
Bent Over Elbows-Out Row - Keeping your legs straight, bend at the waist. Let your hands hang at arm's length from your shoulders, palms facing behind you. Keeping your elbows flared out, row your hands toward the sides of your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Your upper arms should be perpendicular to your body. Hold for a second before lowering to starting position. That's one rep.
Combo Shoulder Raise - Feet hip width apart. Arms hanging straight down from the shoulders. Turn your left palm so that it's facing the side of your thigh, and your right palm so that it's facing forward. Simultaneously raise your right arm straight out to your side - as you would for a lateral raise - and lift your left arm straight out in front of you - as you would for a front raise. When both arms are at shoulder level, pause, and lower back to the starting position. On your next raise, rotate your arms so that you do your lateral raise with your left and a front raise with your right. That's one rep.
Iso-Explosive Jump Squat - Feet hip width apart, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower until your upper thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause for 5 seconds in the down position. After you pause, jump as high as you can. That's one rep.\
Single-Leg Bent-Knee Calf Raise - Cross your left foot behind your right ankle, and balance yourself on the ball of your right foot, with your right heel hanging off a step or box. Bend your right knee, and hold it that way as you perform the exercise. Lift your right heel as high as you can. Pause, then lower and repeat. Complete the prescribed number of reps with your right leg, then do the same number with your left.
Rotation Single-Straight-Leg Deadlift - Stand on your right foot, while holding your left foot slightly off the floor. Trying to keep your right leg as straight a possible, bend a your hips and lower your torso as you rotate it to the right and touch your left finger tips to your right foot. Pause, then raise your torso back to the starting position. That's one rep.
Rolling Side Plank - Start by performing a side plank with your right side down. Hold for 3 seconds, the roll your body over onto both elbows - into a plank - and hold for 3 seconds. Next, roll all the way up onto your left elbow so that you're performing a side plank in the opposite direction. Hold for 3 seconds. That's one rep.
Alternating Sit-Up - Perform a sit-up with your hands clasped behind your head, elbows pulled back so you cannot see them. As you raise your torso, rotate it to the left so that your right elbow touches your left knee. Lower, and on your next sit-up, rotate to the right so that your left elbow touches your right knee. That's one rep.
Wide-Stance Plank w/ Arm Raise - In a plank position, move your feet out wider than your shoulders. Raise and straighten your right arm - with your thumb pointing up -  and hold it for 5 seconds. Lower your arm and repeat with the other arm. That's one rep.
Core Stabilization - Sit with your feet on the floor with your knees bent. Hold your hands together straight out in front of your chest at arm's length. Lean back so your torso is at a 45-degree angle to the floor, and brace your core. Without moving your torso, slowly rotate your arms to the right as far as you can. Pause and hold for 3 seconds. Slowly rotate your arms to the left as far as you can. Pause and hold for 3 seconds. Slowly rotate back to center. That's one rep.
Hammer Curl to Lunge to Press - While weights are not required, if you have them, they are encouraged! If you have dumbbells, hold them at arm's length next to your sides, your palms facing each other. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Step forward with your right leg and lower your body until your front knee is bent at least 90-degrees, your back knee should nearly touch the floor. AS you lunge, curl the dumbbells. Press the dumbbells directly above your shoulders, your arms should be straight. Push yourself back to the start, then lower the weights and repeat with your left leg forward. That's one rep.
Hang Pull - While weights are not required, if you have them, they are encouraged! Either way, do this exercise as fast as possible. If you have dumbbells, grab them with an overhand grip. Set your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at your hips and knees to squat down, and hold the dumbbells just below knee height. Explosively pull the dumbbells upward. You should be bending your elbows and pulling the weights up to shoulder height. In this one explosive movement, you should be straightening your hips, knees and ankles so you rock up onto your toes. Revers the movement to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
Bottom Burpee - Start in the top position of a push-up. In one movement, jump your feet up toward your shoulders as you simultaneously push off the floor with your hands and land in a squat position. Revers the movement to the starting position. That's one rep.
Split Raise Jacks - While weights are not required, if you have a light pair they are encouraged! Grab your light dumbbells and stand on the balls of your feet in a staggered stance, your right foot in front of your left.  Raise the dumbbell in the left hand forward, and the one in your right hand back, so they are opposite of your feet. Now switch leg positions by jumping forward with your left foot an back with your right, while simultaneously switching your your hand positions as well.  That's one rep.
In-and-Out Squats - Stand with your feet about hip-width apart and lower your body into a squat. While holding the squat position, jump your feet out so that they're beyond shoulder width. Reverse the movement. That's one rep. Repeat the movement back and forth.
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wemahboob-blog · 5 years
Basic Training For 6-Pack Abs
To get that coveted but elusive "washboard" midsection, you must commit to doing 3 basic tasks. First, you must do a few basic but very effective exercises several times per week. Second, you need to layoff fatty and sugary foods. And finally, you've got to do cardiovascular training. Commit to these 3 tasks and 6-pack abs will soon be yours!
Basic Abs Exercises
Below is a list of some basic and very effective exercises for tightening and toning your abs. I do several sets of at least 2 of these exercises every other day, so I know that they work. If you're a complete beginner, start out by trying to do a couple of sets of 10 reps of each exercise and work up from there. That's how I started and my 3-5 work sets now range from 50-100 reps of these exercises. Progress may be slow, but it will happen. Just stay focused and committed to building strength and endurance in your abs.
Note that for a really strong and impressive core, you must train your upper and lower abs as well as your obliques (the area along the sides of your abdominal wall). The exercises below are designed to help you do this.
1. Abdominal Crunch (Upper Abs)
Lie comfortably on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor about shoulder width apart. Place your hands lightly behind your head and curl your torso forward just enough to raise your shoulder blades from the floor. To avoid lower back strain, keep your hips pressed firmly against the floor as you complete the crunching motion. Also, don't pull your head or neck as you curl your body forward to raise your shoulder blades. Return slowly to the starting position and repeat.
2. Thigh Slide Crunch (Upper Abs)
Start in the same position as the basic abdominal crunch with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor at shoulder width. Place your hands with palms down on your upper thighs. Contract your abs to curl your body forward enough to raise your shoulder blades from the floor. As you curl forward, slide your hands toward your knees. Don't jerk your body or use momentum to try and touch your knees. Simply contract your abs to slide your hands forward and as close to your knees as possible. Return slowly to the starting position and repeat.
3. Seated Knee-Ups (Lower Abs)
Sit comfortably on the edge of sturdy chair or workout bench. Grasp the sides of the chair or bench to stabilize your body and lean slightly back with your legs extended toward the floor in front of you. Keep your leg together with your toes pointed downward. This is the starting position. Contract your lower abs and slowly pull your knees toward your chest. For greater contraction of your abs, curl your chest and shoulders slightly forward during the knee-up motion. Return slowly to the starting position and repeat.
4. Bent-Leg Hip Raises (Lower Abs)
Lie comfortably on the floor with your knees bent and the balls of your feet touching the floor. Your heels should barely reach the floor. Place your hands behind your head and keep your legs and feet together. Slowly bring your knees toward your chest in a controlled motion that raises your hips slightly from the floor. Return slowly to the starting position and repeat.
5. Cross-Body or "Twisting" Crunch (Obliques)
Start in the same position as the basic abdominal crunch with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor at shoulder width. Place your right hand loosely behind your head with your left hand resting on your lower abs. Contract your abs to curl your body forward. As you raise your shoulders from the floor, raise your left knee toward your chest and rotate or "twist" your torso so that your right elbow moves toward your raised left knee. Make sure to actually rotate or twist your upper body to move your elbow toward your knee for best results. Return slowly to the starting position and repeat. Do a complete set on one side before switching to the other side.
Nutrition and Cardio Training
You can't get 6-pack abs without disciplined eating and cardio workouts. Sorry, but there's just no way around it. On the nutrition side, you've got to avoid fatty and sugary foods. That means your diet must consist mostly of low-fat high quality protein and low glycemic index carbohydrates. The glycemic index measures the rate at which your body converts carbohydrates to glucose or "blood sugar." To avoid sudden increases in your blood sugar level and fat production, your carbohydrate intake should consist of low glycemic index foods. Examples of these food sources include most fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals made from oats, bran or barley.
For cardio training, keep it simple but intense. I recommend high intensity interval training with sprints, rope jumping, stair or tread climbing and stationary cycling or rowing. You should combine at least 3-4 of these activities in each cardio session. For example, you could do 5-minute intervals of rope jumping, stair climbing, stationary cycling and tread climbing in one 20-minute cardio workout. Any mix of these exercises in short intense intervals for 20-30 minutes will help you burn the fat that's covering your midsection.
The bottom line is that you've got to train hard, eat right and burn the fat if you really want 6-pack abs. There's no magic pill or "quick fix" supplement that'll give you a tight, toned core. Commit yourself to the training and nutrition regimen outlined above and you're guaranteed to get the ripped, "washboard" abs that you desire!
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yodauk79 · 6 years
Redheads and demons
Chapter one
Her body was tingling her every cell was telling her the creature was close she could feel the statically charged air the hair on the back of her neck was on end. A rift had opened in this area a tear between the dimensions. It could have been hours or days she could not tell but Amy could feel it in the air but what had entered our world the jungle floor was densely cover with foliage a mist hung in the forest the dense plant life and mist could hide a big animal. This was not good she thought where the fucking drone she said is. Control responded “30 seconds till drone arrival” she readied the aa12 shotgun with its frag 12 exploding rounds and crouched down scanning the area for any movement it was close where you are. Her radio beeped to life
“Amy drone in position hold while we scan the forest for heat sources”.
“Amy large heat source 10 meters East it’s not moving it matches the profile of the wild animals type we don’t think it’s the sentient but it’s the size of a large bear. It must have stumbled through the rift we are moving to get a visual you are cleared to engage”
Finally, she said under her breath. She was up and sprinting in the direction of the target her heads-up display in her mask showed it and her location it was still stationary. If she could keep the element of surprise this would be quick as she moved a noise echoed through the forest. The creature was startled It reared up on to its hind legs Amy stopped and dropped to the jungle floor it was 5 meters away it was big bigger than reported.
The creature was over 9 feet tall and about 4 foot wide at its shoulders’ and chest. its fur was dark brown it had sections of bone over the skin and fur covering its shoulders and chest forming armour plating it's eyes were red had a longer snout than a bear its Teeth were long and razor sharp it's fore legs were long like a gorilla it had 4 inch long claws which came out from the pore they would slice through her with ease it had horns coming out of its skull like a ram and along its back it had the bone plating protecting its spine there was a row of spikes over the bone which stuck out 4 inches from the beast the bone plating also ran down its for legs she had been told about these creatures in training by her mentor that they are like our earths rhinos which would wonder the barren lands of the other dimensions earth. she had encountered only a few so far the last one was a lot bigger and she had a good team with her and a good man died from then on Amy told herself she would do it alone.
Amy softly told the control to engage it with the drone to distracted it, Amy tensed her body and prepared to run she moved the shotgun to her left hand and pulled her sword from her back Amy had been trained in Japanese martial arts and was an expert with the katana she counted down 3 2 1
“Open fire with the drone”
The opened fire with its 5.56 m249 its rounds doing little damage to the animal’s bone armour as the firsts round hit Amy was up and sprinting she unleashed the aa12 automatic fury upon the beast’s chest-pumping round after round of the frag 12 explosive ammo. As the last of the barrage had hit Amy raised her sword and prepared to make her first blow the rounds explode sending thick purple blood and flesh flying into the air it splattered over Amy amour the beast stager’s back. Amy slashes the beast across its hind leg opening a huge wound exposing the bone the purple blood spurts out flying feet into the air the creature roared in pain. The beast swung its massive claws at Amy hitting her on the side of her chest and sending her flying against a tree the force of the impact breaking a rib.
Amy coughed up blood her armour had absorbed much of the Impact but the bladed claws had still made it through her amour and sliced her skin her accelerated healing had kickend in and started to heal her. The beast was trying to move its rear leg and began to drag the wounded limb access the floor Amy charged the beast emptying the remaining 12 gage frag rounds into the beast as the rounds detonated in the beast’s body. Amy leapt into the air she brought her blade down upon the beast shoulder and drove it down through the beast’s bone plate and into the beast’s chest with all her amplified strength. The beast’s blood spurts out over Amy’s armour the beast swings its forelegs at Amy desperately trying to get her off. Amy made one last push with the blade cracking through the beast's ribs the beast reeled in pain and throw Amy off balance. Amy fell back she drew an s&w 500 revolver from her back and fired two of its massive 50 calibres round into the beast one pierced its now shredded chest smashing its spine as the bullet exited the beast's body it ripped a huge part off its back the second round hit the beasts head. Which exploded the back of its skull sending skull fragments, brain and purple blood flying which splattered the forest canopy? The creature was dead she slumped to the floor exhausted.
“It's dead” she shouted down her radio Send in the extraction team Amy got up and walked over to where it was first sighted by the drone she could see the half-eaten corpse of a male. He must be a local hunter from a nearby village the poor bastard must have been the first thing it saw when it came through the rift this part of Africa is sparsely populated.
He was one unlucky bastard, she thought. Her radio beeped “extraction team 2 min’s” she carried on looking around heading for a clearing so the transport could land after walking for 10 minutes in the thick jungle she was hit by the over powering smell of rotting flesh and death she came across an open mass grave the tribe must have been wiped out by loggers they all had gunshot wounds the rift was around whatever it is on the other side that is opening them is attracted to death. here she marked the location on her h.u.d for the bodies to be incinerated the smell must have drifted in to the other side of the rift and the beast followed it in to our earth a drone would now be assigned to patrol this location in case anything else came through there a lot worse on the other side she though.
Amy could hear the osprey’s engines she headed to the clearing the osprey was overhead now its twin rotors turning upwards it would hover above her location. The clearing was too small for the aircraft to land the rear ramp started to lower, she could see a crew member began to lower a line down to her. She touched her amour where the claw had gone through it still hurt like hell but the wound was almost healed having altered DNA does come in handy she thought her amour was not as fortunate it' was dented slashed and covered in purple blood, skin and brain it smelt vile she could not wait for a shower or a hot bath either would be nice right about now.
she could feel the gunk seeping into her body suite the winch had now finished lowering the line she hooked on and prepared to be pulled up as she got above the tree line she could see the burnt out remains’ of the village poor bastards she thought. She would love to get her hands on those murdering fucks, at least monsters she hunts kill because it's in their nature but those who murdered innocent villagers’ just for the land they had a choice they do it out of greed and one the day they will pay. As she boarded the osprey and look back at the village and the sight of the mass grave and thought but it's not my fight she told herself she shouted at the crew chief “is the device ready”
He shouted back “its primed Ma'am set for 10 minutes”
“Ok she said let's drop it and go”
“I need a bath,” she said the Osprey crew dropped the device over the mass grave and headed home. She had one more look back and removed her helmet and face mask, she removed the hair band and allowed her long red hair to fall down her back it came past her shoulders. A few minutes later the device exploded with a blinding flash incinerating a 500 square meter area the blast was so hot it turned sand to glass and left nothing but scorched earth in its wake that should remove any trace of what had happened and remove any smells that could go through the rift.
She unloaded the ammo from her weapons’ and made them safe the crew chief inspected her weapons’ and agreed “clear said the crew chief” he then handed Amy her kit bags. “I thought you may want to get out of that amour it's a bit ripe” she smiled. “Thanks chief” the crew chief was a 45 year old British army veteran who had many combat tours under his belt he treated Amy like a second child she took her bag she removed the hard case from the bag and removed the katana from her back its magnetic lock released the blade from the battered amour she wiped it down with great care and remove the dried blood. She placed it into its case next she placed the aa12 into its foamed slot within the case she removed the s&w 500 from the holster on her lower back both would need a good clean when she gets back home she closed the case and locked it.
She stood and began to remove her armour the armour was liquid armour it contained a solution within the armour which solidifies when kinetic energy hits it and could stop a 7.62 round it was lightweight but tough under the armour there was a Kevlar-lined body suite this also had grapheme amour plates fitted. These plates were thinner and moulded to fit over her body; there was a zip which allowed the top half to be removed from the legging. The top half had a zip along the middle like a Hoody to allow easy removal Amy released the locking pins on her shoulders’ and waste and separating the two side of the armour and removed the moulded chest plate and placed it on the deck the chief pointed at the tear in the skin tight fabric, the area around the tear was covered in a mix of human blood and the monster blood “was it bad he asked”
“It was deep cut but I am healing ok being me had its advantages” Amy replied.
The crew chief helps her remove the rear amour plate this was held in place by numerous Velcro straps by which attached to the body suit the rear amour also held the batters for the suite power, radio and hud in the helmet the chief placed it on the deck of the osprey. She pulled a change of clothes out of her kit bag she unzipped the bodysuit top from the bottom half, then unzipped and opened the top revealing her tanned naked chest. Amy massaged her chest for a few seconds they were sore from being squashed down for so long. She grabbed a sterilizing pad and wiped down the blood around where the cut had been, she then used a second to wipe the sweat from her chest and arms. A voice shouted “I will do that for you if you want”.
Amy looked at the chief and said “who is that” the chief replied not looking at her it's the new guy we picked him up when we refuelled. Amy looked at him “he’s a bit of a knob” and she looked around the aircraft none of the other crew paid any attention to her it was normal for her to strip off. She was covered in the monster's blood there no point sitting in it for hours and stinking the cabin out. She looked at him he was just standing there with a big grin “Amy think about what you’re going to do no broken bones I have still got to train him up” said the chief. Amy unzipped the fly’s on the bottoms and said to him “is this what you like” she pushed the trousers down past her hips then slowly pushed them down her legs bending over as she did. She stood up straight her tan toned muscular body now naked she walked towards the new guy her breasts moved as she walked, he was transfixed upon them she put one hand on his shoulder and with the other moved it down his chest and towards his crotch he shoutedd:d “hell yeah bitch”. She leaned into his ear and grabbed him by the balls and squashed hard. She also squeezed hard on the pressers point on the shoulder he was in agony if he moved she squashed both points harder.
“Now listen to me you fucking dickhead you do not talk the women like that. Now show some respect also you have not earned the right to be part of this team, you see these guys have been there for me they have saved my ass many times. Last time I was up against this really big one it was heavily armoured by the time we had found it had already gone through a village killing and eating over a hundred people.
It was on its way to the next when it came across a small African army unit about 30 men they were hunting poachers they had ak47s and 50 cal machine guns it went through them in minutes it was now on its way to the next town which had 500 people I was the only hunter I was still getting used to my abilities and not long out of training this was the biggest one I had encounter I was not ready” she squashed his balls a bit more “do you know who’s boots you are filling
He tried to speak but it came out as a squeak “we hovered over it and opened up with the minigun the rounds did nothing, we tried to draw it away from the town it worked it was now following us we had no plan.
I jumped from the osprey and engaged it I must have put 2 mags of frag 12 exploding ammo in to its chest, they did nothing the mini gun was still firing which distracted it I drew my sword and got close hoping to damage a leg tendon anything. It swung its giant leg at me hitting me the claws slicing through my amour and deep in to my body, I lay there unconscious it was moving towards me. The chief here and bob over there were now on the ground and opened fire with assault rifles 5.56 which just pissed it off.
The guy you replaced mark pulled me to cover and treated my wound giving my hyper immune system a head start, the monster hit bob severing his leg in one hit the crew chief was next it hit him sent him flying. The chief broke most of his ribs punctured his lung and damaged his spine; mark had transitioned to his side arm and fires of a few rounds with his colt 45 which wakes me up.
John are you listening to me your looking a bit distant she squeezed harden he tried to drop to his keens he manages to squeak a yes out
Amy carried on talking
The creature grabs him with its long teeth and starts to crush him, Mark while dyeing pulls the pin on a phosphorus grenade and holds it by the monsters face. It explodes burning the creature face and blinds it in one eye. It roars in pain drops marks dead mangled body.
I am up and running at the beast hiding in its blind side. My sword is in hand I jump in and land on its back climb my way to it head and with all my strength thrust my sword in to the beast’s skull. I make a hole put my revolver in and fire of three rounds. I push the last grenade in to its brain before the hole heals the grenade detonates splattering its head and brain over a ten foot radius. These guys have earned the right to sneak a peek at me while I get changed and that’s fine with me.
But they don’t. Do you know why out of respect, we have shared blood with each over I would give my life and they would for me and they don’t even have my abilities there normal human beings”
Amy released her grip the new guy drops to the deck “don’t piss me off I’m part monster and you don’t want to make that side of me angry. “I am sorry” he sobs he looks around the osprey even the pilots have popped there head out of the cockpit to see what’s going on “what your name” she asked “it’s john” “ok john you’re going to be my stewardess for the next 8 hours go and get me a coffee” as john look around the plane for friendly face he see bob at the communication station pull up his trouser leg and revel a cybernetic leg “shit” he thought the chief was now pulling mark to his feet “you have coffee to make move it” he turns to Amy “can you please pop some clothes on the pilots’ are distracted and I really don’t want to fly in to a mountain” “ok I have had my fun” she replied “was that fun for you said the chief.
“I have known you for a year now and you are getting more and more colder in how you deal with us humans I don’t know if it’s your fucked up mixed DNA or if it’s the constant killing but you are changing and if you ask me it’s for the worst you can’t do all this on your own I care about you kid you need a friend”.
“Now please pop some clothes on”
She walked back to her bag and pulled a t-shirt out and pulled it over her head she pulled her red hair free from the top she reached in to the bag and pulled out a pair of shorts she pulled then up and over her hips.
she put on a pair of flip flops and popped her hair in to a pony tail she grabbed her head phones and I pod and one of her favourite book Lord of the rings john return with the drink “well done john you get a cookie”
She sat in her usual seat looking out the window the chief sat next to her and started talking.
“Amy we are looking at 8 hours till we land in the uk the boss has asked for you we are to land at Stansted she told the uk authority that we have been testing some new equipment and that we will need to get the data back to our London lab quickly and that the osprey was the best aircraft for the job”
“You got to hand it to her she is a smart kid her grandfather is teaching her well”
Amy replied “and Taki is waiting for you at Stansted” said the chief as he walked away. Amy had not seen her mentor for months she had been bouncing around the globe shutting down rifts it would be good to see master she thought
“So chief what the real reason for us going to London”
The chief look at Amy and replied
“I believe a rift has opened in London and one of the sentient ones has come throw there’s been a spike in gang killings and with the summer heat and global warming it’s allowing them to move in to colder climates. They want you to hunt it they have been training a team of ex special forces guys who will be working with you so far its killed two girls.
Amy the girls that have died they have similar genetic markers to yours before your body came in to contact with the monsters virus I thought you should know the boss will tell you but I don’t think she knows how to.”
“I’m not meant to tell you yet”
John be a babe and get me another coffee it would be a long flight and even longer for john He should not have been a twat she told herself she put the head phones on and started to read but she could not help but think about when she was attacked and she was made in to this weapon that day now replayed in a loop in her mind the book and music could not distract her from the anger at what had happened grew inside and the pain raged through her body she crushed the cup sending parts flying around the osprey the crew chief look at Amy her eyes were turning yellow he placed his hand on her shoulder and crouched next to her in the isle he said breath kid work through it you are safe you’re not in that forest you’re on the osprey that demon is dead It can’t hurt you breath and relax the yellow in her eyes faded and went back to her natural blue colour.
She opened her hand there were still parts of the cup embedded in her hand the chief pulled them out the wound healed as soon as the fragment was out Amy are you ok.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
of orcs and men pc
of orcs and men pc
Of Orcs and Men cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Of Orcs and Men cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for Of Orcs and Men.
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Genre: Role-Playing, Third-Person 3D Action RPG Developer: Cyanide Publisher: Focus Home Interactive ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: October 9, 2012
Gameplay Trailer
This gameplay trailer was made available on YouTube about 3 months before the game was released. You must stop the Emperor, and as one of the most experienced and skilled veterans of the Orc/Goblin war, you’re the man for the job.
Teaser Trailer (Video)
This is the teaser trailer for the game, released over a year before the game was available. It doesn’t do the game complete justice, as some of the gameplay was improved as well as some of the graphics (depending on the console or PC you’re playing the game on.)
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Achievement List
Big chest lover (75) – You’re not searching for the women, you’re looking for booty! Okay, not quite that kind of booty, but the booty that’s found in chests – treasure chests to be exact. Find and empty 20 of them to get the achievement.
Bloodjaw (100) – Play through the game in the hardest difficulty to get BLOODJAW.
Class struggle (15) – Squash (or at least prevent) those ungrateful Miner’s revolt in the Mire to keep the classes where they should be.
Mercenary (30) – You have bravely dealt with all the trials in Of Orcs and Men
My house! (50) – Complete a single skill tree with perfect mastery to be lord of the manor and master of all you survey.
No quarter (15) – Use your gods-given authority by taking out all opposing Orcs. It’s an age-old method that still works.
Nobody’s perfect (15) – The Imperial officer in the Monastery seemed to be of good faith. Just to be safe, you offed him.
Off the Wall (50) – You finally got past that damn Wall ! Well done !
A hair too late (15) – You pulled your girlfriend Brune out of trouble. She owes you a massage for that.
All this for that (15) – You had to put up with a pile of enraged Goblins, but you got your flask of water!
Anger management (10) – You helped Arkail control his rage. Those of his friends and family who are still alive thank you.
Back to business (5) – You support the local weapon trade. That’s. well, nice of you.
Deratizator (15) – You cut short the Goblin invasion in the shantytown. Pretty violently.
Go bling-bling (15) – You only wear upgraded equipment. It’s a matter of reputation.
Guidance counselor (15) – You were able to find the best people for your squad for the assault on the Pillar.
Hand shake (15) – You showed those Black Hands who’s the boss.
I don’t like chit-chat (5) – You didn’t feel like letting Gorkash bore you with his bull, so you cut him off.
I know a shortcut (5) – The good thing with shortcuts is that they are faster. It would seem you got that right.
I’m a killer (30) – You slit 47 throats and they never saw it coming. So you dig?
I’ve got my friends in my head (50) – You’ve gone through nightmares, but now you’re finally setting off for the Island of Laments.
In open air (50) – You managed to escape the Mire. With the chick, too.
Inner rage (10) – You turned Arkail into a berserk monster. More than before, that is. And it went well. For some.
Into the shadow (10) – You decided that black magic isn’t so bad, especially when you’re the only one who knows it.
Jack of all blades (30) – You hit eight enemies with a single blow. Huh, not bad.
King of the arena (10) – You fought like a lion and ended up victorious in the Row.
Manual worker (5) – Nice move, you sliced up a boss without a single auto attack!
One less nutcase (15) – You avenged your friend and killed the mad Shaman. He’ll guide the dead himself.
Poisoner (10) – You don’t like wasting perfectly good poison, so you cleaned your blade off on 3 different enemies.
Rakash (20) – You have smoothly dealt with all the trials in Of Orcs and Men
Regicide the first (10) – You’ve killed Emperor Damocles. Which is nice to hear, ’cause that was the idea in the first place.
Repeat offender (50) – You killed the Emperor again, and set fire to the Tower. Maybe you should stop now.
Samaritan (15) – In a spirit of forgiveness as heroic as it was delusional, you decided to spare Dakath the traitor.
Slicer-Dicer (10) – You decided to forget your past to devote yourself to a career as an Assassin. Enjoy.
Smart and smarter (5) – You chose to improve one of your Skills before you learned another one. Kudos for that.
Talk it out (5) – You allowed Styx to calm things down before Arkail went berserk. Literally.
Team spirit (15) – You made sure to put together a special team to assault the Pillar from the Mire.
The beast and the beast (5) – Garok is now your friend for life. Now that’s a sign of upcoming great conversations!
The hard way (5) – You handled your first quarrel like. an Orc. Well, you sure got into your character!
Throat-slitter (15) – You sent Styx to introduce his daggers to the sentinels of the Mire. He thanks you.
To each his branch (10) – As a good specialist, you’ve decided to learn every skill in a single tree.
Warrior (50) – You have valiantly dealt with all the trials in Of Orcs and Men
Well trained (15) – You got even with the Trainer. And he got dead.
You crack me up (30) – You have a delicate tendency to break the bones of people who get in your way, so congratulations.
You mythed! (5) – You showed that big-mouth Braggart that when he blows his own horn he’s talking to the wrong guy!
Your sister too (50) – You have taken on the most formidable warriors in the Empire. Apart from you, of course.
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 8 years
of orcs and men pc
of orcs and men pc
Of Orcs and Men cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Of Orcs and Men cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for Of Orcs and Men.
Check Xbox 360 cheats for this game
Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Genre: Role-Playing, Third-Person 3D Action RPG Developer: Cyanide Publisher: Focus Home Interactive ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: October 9, 2012
Gameplay Trailer
This gameplay trailer was made available on YouTube about 3 months before the game was released. You must stop the Emperor, and as one of the most experienced and skilled veterans of the Orc/Goblin war, you’re the man for the job.
Teaser Trailer (Video)
This is the teaser trailer for the game, released over a year before the game was available. It doesn’t do the game complete justice, as some of the gameplay was improved as well as some of the graphics (depending on the console or PC you’re playing the game on.)
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Achievement List
Big chest lover (75) – You’re not searching for the women, you’re looking for booty! Okay, not quite that kind of booty, but the booty that’s found in chests – treasure chests to be exact. Find and empty 20 of them to get the achievement.
Bloodjaw (100) – Play through the game in the hardest difficulty to get BLOODJAW.
Class struggle (15) – Squash (or at least prevent) those ungrateful Miner’s revolt in the Mire to keep the classes where they should be.
Mercenary (30) – You have bravely dealt with all the trials in Of Orcs and Men
My house! (50) – Complete a single skill tree with perfect mastery to be lord of the manor and master of all you survey.
No quarter (15) – Use your gods-given authority by taking out all opposing Orcs. It’s an age-old method that still works.
Nobody’s perfect (15) – The Imperial officer in the Monastery seemed to be of good faith. Just to be safe, you offed him.
Off the Wall (50) – You finally got past that damn Wall ! Well done !
A hair too late (15) – You pulled your girlfriend Brune out of trouble. She owes you a massage for that.
All this for that (15) – You had to put up with a pile of enraged Goblins, but you got your flask of water!
Anger management (10) – You helped Arkail control his rage. Those of his friends and family who are still alive thank you.
Back to business (5) – You support the local weapon trade. That’s. well, nice of you.
Deratizator (15) – You cut short the Goblin invasion in the shantytown. Pretty violently.
Go bling-bling (15) – You only wear upgraded equipment. It’s a matter of reputation.
Guidance counselor (15) – You were able to find the best people for your squad for the assault on the Pillar.
Hand shake (15) – You showed those Black Hands who’s the boss.
I don’t like chit-chat (5) – You didn’t feel like letting Gorkash bore you with his bull, so you cut him off.
I know a shortcut (5) – The good thing with shortcuts is that they are faster. It would seem you got that right.
I’m a killer (30) – You slit 47 throats and they never saw it coming. So you dig?
I’ve got my friends in my head (50) – You’ve gone through nightmares, but now you’re finally setting off for the Island of Laments.
In open air (50) – You managed to escape the Mire. With the chick, too.
Inner rage (10) – You turned Arkail into a berserk monster. More than before, that is. And it went well. For some.
Into the shadow (10) – You decided that black magic isn’t so bad, especially when you’re the only one who knows it.
Jack of all blades (30) – You hit eight enemies with a single blow. Huh, not bad.
King of the arena (10) – You fought like a lion and ended up victorious in the Row.
Manual worker (5) – Nice move, you sliced up a boss without a single auto attack!
One less nutcase (15) – You avenged your friend and killed the mad Shaman. He’ll guide the dead himself.
Poisoner (10) – You don’t like wasting perfectly good poison, so you cleaned your blade off on 3 different enemies.
Rakash (20) – You have smoothly dealt with all the trials in Of Orcs and Men
Regicide the first (10) – You’ve killed Emperor Damocles. Which is nice to hear, ’cause that was the idea in the first place.
Repeat offender (50) – You killed the Emperor again, and set fire to the Tower. Maybe you should stop now.
Samaritan (15) – In a spirit of forgiveness as heroic as it was delusional, you decided to spare Dakath the traitor.
Slicer-Dicer (10) – You decided to forget your past to devote yourself to a career as an Assassin. Enjoy.
Smart and smarter (5) – You chose to improve one of your Skills before you learned another one. Kudos for that.
Talk it out (5) – You allowed Styx to calm things down before Arkail went berserk. Literally.
Team spirit (15) – You made sure to put together a special team to assault the Pillar from the Mire.
The beast and the beast (5) – Garok is now your friend for life. Now that’s a sign of upcoming great conversations!
The hard way (5) – You handled your first quarrel like. an Orc. Well, you sure got into your character!
Throat-slitter (15) – You sent Styx to introduce his daggers to the sentinels of the Mire. He thanks you.
To each his branch (10) – As a good specialist, you’ve decided to learn every skill in a single tree.
Warrior (50) – You have valiantly dealt with all the trials in Of Orcs and Men
Well trained (15) – You got even with the Trainer. And he got dead.
You crack me up (30) – You have a delicate tendency to break the bones of people who get in your way, so congratulations.
You mythed! (5) – You showed that big-mouth Braggart that when he blows his own horn he’s talking to the wrong guy!
Your sister too (50) – You have taken on the most formidable warriors in the Empire. Apart from you, of course.
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 8 years
of orcs and men xbox 360
of orcs and men xbox 360
Of Orcs and Men cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Of Orcs and Men cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Of Orcs and Men.
Check PC cheats for this game
Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Genre: Role-Playing, Third-Person 3D Action RPG
Developer: Cyanide
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: October 9, 2012
Currently we have no tips for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Of Orcs and Men yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Achievement List
Big chest lover (75) – You’re not searching for the women, you’re looking for booty! Okay, not quite that kind of booty, but the booty that’s found in chests – treasure chests to be exact. Find and empty 20 of them to get the achievement.
Bloodjaw (100) – Play through the game in the hardest difficulty to get BLOODJAW.
Class struggle (15) – Squash (or at least prevent) those ungrateful Miner’s revolt in the Mire to keep the classes where they should be.
Mercenary (30) – You have bravely dealt with all the trials in Of Orcs and Men
My house! (50) – Complete a single skill tree with perfect mastery to be lord of the manor and master of all you survey.
No quarter (15) – Use your gods-given authority by taking out all opposing Orcs. It’s an age-old method that still works.
Nobody’s perfect (15) – The Imperial officer in the Monastery seemed to be of good faith. Just to be safe, you offed him.
Off the Wall (50) – You finally got past that damn Wall ! Well done !
A hair too late (15) – You pulled your girlfriend Brune out of trouble. She owes you a massage for that.
All this for that (15) – You had to put up with a pile of enraged Goblins, but you got your flask of water!
Anger management (10) – You helped Arkail control his rage. Those of his friends and family who are still alive thank you.
Back to business (5) – You support the local weapon trade. That’s. well, nice of you.
Deratizator (15) – You cut short the Goblin invasion in the shantytown. Pretty violently.
Go bling-bling (15) – You only wear upgraded equipment. It’s a matter of reputation.
Guidance counselor (15) – You were able to find the best people for your squad for the assault on the Pillar.
Hand shake (15) – You showed those Black Hands who’s the boss.
I don’t like chit-chat (5) – You didn’t feel like letting Gorkash bore you with his bull, so you cut him off.
I know a shortcut (5) – The good thing with shortcuts is that they are faster. It would seem you got that right.
I’m a killer (30) – You slit 47 throats and they never saw it coming. So you dig?
I’ve got my friends in my head (50) – You’ve gone through nightmares, but now you’re finally setting off for the Island of Laments.
In open air (50) – You managed to escape the Mire. With the chick, too.
Inner rage (10) – You turned Arkail into a berserk monster. More than before, that is. And it went well. For some.
Into the shadow (10) – You decided that black magic isn’t so bad, especially when you’re the only one who knows it.
Jack of all blades (30) – You hit eight enemies with a single blow. Huh, not bad.
King of the arena (10) – You fought like a lion and ended up victorious in the Row.
Manual worker (5) – Nice move, you sliced up a boss without a single auto attack!
One less nutcase (15) – You avenged your friend and killed the mad Shaman. He’ll guide the dead himself.
Poisoner (10) – You don’t like wasting perfectly good poison, so you cleaned your blade off on 3 different enemies.
Rakash (20) – You have smoothly dealt with all the trials in Of Orcs and Men
Regicide the first (10) – You’ve killed Emperor Damocles. Which is nice to hear, ’cause that was the idea in the first place.
Repeat offender (50) – You killed the Emperor again, and set fire to the Tower. Maybe you should stop now.
Samaritan (15) – In a spirit of forgiveness as heroic as it was delusional, you decided to spare Dakath the traitor.
Slicer-Dicer (10) – You decided to forget your past to devote yourself to a career as an Assassin. Enjoy.
Smart and smarter (5) – You chose to improve one of your Skills before you learned another one. Kudos for that.
Talk it out (5) – You allowed Styx to calm things down before Arkail went berserk. Literally.
Team spirit (15) – You made sure to put together a special team to assault the Pillar from the Mire.
The beast and the beast (5) – Garok is now your friend for life. Now that’s a sign of upcoming great conversations!
The hard way (5) – You handled your first quarrel like. an Orc. Well, you sure got into your character!
Throat-slitter (15) – You sent Styx to introduce his daggers to the sentinels of the Mire. He thanks you.
To each his branch (10) – As a good specialist, you’ve decided to learn every skill in a single tree.
Warrior (50) – You have valiantly dealt with all the trials in Of Orcs and Men
Well trained (15) – You got even with the Trainer. And he got dead.
You crack me up (30) – You have a delicate tendency to break the bones of people who get in your way, so congratulations.
You mythed! (5) – You showed that big-mouth Braggart that when he blows his own horn he’s talking to the wrong guy!
Your sister too (50) – You have taken on the most formidable warriors in the Empire. Apart from you, of course.
0 notes