#that’s what happens when your punching bag dies
sexyleon · 2 years
hey there! mia and rose actually got on very well! remember her diary (when she's like 6-8 years old i think)? she called her Mommy and that she taught her so much stuff, school was very easy for her. and then she sounds sad when she comments on her picture 'I haven't seen Mom in ages :( ' it was all eveline and her jealousy towards rose being loved and resentment towards mia and her not being the mommy she said she was going to be (in re7) and her research on her (mia wtf :/) that made her so angry, and so she used rose's memories of loneliness, 'absent' mother mia** and school bullies to torture rose.
**there was talk of interviews with the devs that chris took custody from mia (chris wtf, that's rose's only remaining parent who loves her just as much as the other did) and we know now from the DLC that he's been trying to recruit a VERY reluctant 16yo into a VERY dangerous squad, like srsly wtf chris? what part of 'take care of her' did he get wrong from ethan's dying words? or from rose's 'i want a normal life'? of course, it's possible that you just don't like mia (which is totally cool!) and i didn't see it anywhere on ur blog, if so, my apologies for this rant!!
You’re absolutely right, I do not like Mia at all.
I think this is a really interesting theory, but I also feel like Eveline was using Rose’s specific fears and memories in the first part of the house. It mirrored Ethan’s experience too much. I did see the journal entry, and I believe Mia was present for a while, but I also don’t think Mia has changed much regardless of if Chris took custody or not. We saw how she treated Eveline, a child/bio weapon with powers. We saw how she treated Ethan. We saw how she treated Chris at the end of it all. That explosive anger doesn’t go away overnight. While I think Mia can be gentle and kind (obviously why would Ethan fall in love with her), I do think she falls into the pattern of an abuser and has abusive tendencies. I think maybe Eveline and Rose both experienced a weird type of possession/surveillance by Mia and that maybe their experiences as children in her care weren’t too different. Based on your thoughts, i can definitely see the manifestation of Mia in the house as a combination of Eveline’s projection and some sort of personal experience from Rose because I think they likely had similar experiences with her to some extent. Of course, this is all speculation, and I will admit my opinion of Mia is low, but I think there is a conversation to be had about Mia, her behaviour, and how she potentially interacted with her daughter based on that.
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Just me tag-ranting again bc that’s my fave about tumblr tbh
#okay so like#I haven’t finished supernatural for a variety of reasons (specifically bc I blocked out s11-14 and have no memory of what happened there)#but I am working on it currently (which makes it hard to be back on tumblr tbh bc I can’t even really complain about spoilers can I lmao)#and I just finished 15x06 and like#SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU ARE LIKE ME#yay Eileen!!#but also…? was it just me or was that a REALLY weak episode?#The way that Djinn died was just… he didn’t even TRY to get away#and Cas just stabbed so many times without having his heart in it you know?#Like come on Cas#you’re a better killer than this. Put your back into it#this seems like you’re heart broken and not into the whole taking out the bad guys#(and he is heart broken thank you so much Dean you constant ray of sunshine. When did Cas turn into a punching bag? That Trenchcoat-#- May be sand coloured but he is NOT A SAND BAG STOP HURTING HIM)#anyway. Dean is eating all the time which we know is because he is ALSO heart broken. why can’t they just be nice#oh!#and the three witches… they seemed like they would pose a threat but nope not really#idk man#I have also read a LOT about the J2 discourse bc apparently that’s a thing that happened#so now I’m struggling to separate Sam and Jared which is stupid but also Sam has always been a *tiny* but annoying so it doesn’t help#idk#I’ll keep watching and hopefully the overall 15th season will be good#since it is the last and all#*Sad Amy noises*
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stunie · 22 days
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SCARY BOYFRIEND EX PRIVILEGES! ❤︎ — Endo Yamato x f!reader ノ Sfw ノ Cw harassment (not from Endo) ノ My response to:
ANON’S ASK — Random thought but what the wind breaker boys protect you in spite of being your ex. Whether it was a mutual, [etc], uncertain, or bittersweet break up is up to you.
Other warnings: one mention of reader typically wearing makeup
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As weird as it sounds, you’re not entirely sure if you and Endo have ever officially broken up. Dating through high school was one thing, but keeping the relationship strong after attending different universities was another.
At the very least, you’re 90% sure the relationship died, although you don’t remember exactly when the two of you stopped talking. After you switched your phone number following your first semester at university, you hadn’t even bothered to tell him. You don’t remember why you didn’t bother to either.
Everything is weird now.
Life has been entirely different without him. There’s one less free pocket in your bag now that you’ve started carrying pepper spray with you. You wear your headphones in one ear at a time, and your volume isn’t on full blast anymore.
You actually look where you’re going, and you pay attention to the time— take a mental note that it starts getting dark earlier at this point in the year.
Even with the precautions you’ve learned during your time at university, this type of thing would always be out of your control. How in the world did you get singled out wearing your pajamas and no makeup?
Life wasn’t being fair to you.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?”
“Midterms.” You narrow your eyes to the best of your ability, balling your hands into little fists to mask how they’ve started to tremble. “I’m meeting up with some friends now.”
You used to be able to just say “I have a boyfriend.”
You also used to be walked home, so this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. You’re sure that if Endo saw the way you are now, he’d be making a comment by now. Something along the lines of “gonna hurt your hands if you throw a punch with your fists like that, sweet thing.”
Nothing is fair. Why is it now that you start missing him for the first time in years? The feeling comes a little too easily for a relationship that faded into nothing, but you’re too scared to kick yourself in the shin right now.
“That so?” The man in front of you laughs when your fight or flight finally starts to kick in. You take a couple of steps backward, and your frame is suddenly a lot smaller compared to his. How easy. “Where are these friends of yours? Can’t believe you’re out here all by yourself..”
“T-they have my location, y’know.”
There’s the stutter that always gives you away.
He laughs at this, and you can feel yourself breaking into a cold sweat. Keep your words steady. Ignore the way your heart rate is spiking. Do absolutely anything to avoid letting him know that you’re scared out of your mind.
It doesn’t work at all. “They won’t know if you don’t have your phone on you, will they?”
All the words you know seem to slip out of your brain, and your face feels painfully hot. “U-um…”
“You’re exactly my type. It’s a compliment… I’m being nice, so just come with me. You won’t regret it— I’ll make it worth your time.”
It doesn’t like sound an offer, and it doesn’t sound like a suggestion either. Your body freezes against your will, and he catches onto this pretty fast. The pepper spray in your bag seems too far away for you to even consider, and you’ve never felt so helpless in your life.
“Yeah? That sound good?” He moves to close the distance between the two of you with a grin, reaching out to grab your wrist. Your eyes slam shut, lips trembling even when you try to say something to protest. “Damn… you’re so docile for such a pretty girl. Usually, they’d be a bitch, but you—”
“How mean.” Your eyes shoot open when you’re suddenly tugged backward, gasping when your back roughly collides with someone’s chest. “I was waiting all alone. What’s my girl doing over here with you?”
The tattooed arms that drape themselves over your shoulders don’t look familiar at first glance, but the muscles and his scent are. Painfully familiar, as a matter of fact. They’re the same arms you used to cling onto- and you always used to wrap your fingers around his bicep and rest your head on his shoulder.
He loved that.
It all registers in your head as soon as he puts his weight on you, head right beside yours and you feel his hair tickle your neck. He gives the man in front of you an unamused look before turning to you.
“M-me?” You want to dig a hole and stay there for eternity after hearing just how shaky your voice comes out. Endo’s so close that you could simply turn your head to the side and you’d be kissing him.
He laughs, and you feel your face heat up again. Only this time, there’s a gentle fluttering of your heart that comes with it instead. “Yeah, you. What? Did you think I was talking to the loser? I wouldn’t dream of it.”
The way you move to latch onto his arm in an instant is all he needs to confirm that your feelings haven’t changed. The man in front of you doesn’t speak— he can’t seem to move either. Your boyfriend has made quite the name for himself, but you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?
To you, he’s your bodyguard— and more, of course, but maybe you’d be honest and tell him about that another time. But to that guy, he’s pure danger. The way Endo looks over his shoulder to give him one last glance is already enough to have his knees buckling.
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jeonstudios · 3 months
dextrocardia | 13
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Dextrocardia. Originally a medical term, but also a way to describe someone who's got their heart in the right place.
"She's been moved to another operation to help out. This pairing is necessary because you'll be undercover as spouses. I know you two can be professional about this."
"What?!" It's Jeongguk's upset voice that sounds, and for once, you share his displeased opinion.
pairing: cop!jk x f detective!reader
genre: undercover cops, fake marriage, e2l au, angst, fluff, (smut?)
word count: 6k
warnings: descriptions of and talk about sa!!
rating: NC-17 – Adults Only
part 13/? 
<previous | next>
© dextrocardia is copyright jeonstudios. this fic can not be modified, re-posted, or translated without my permission.
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It keeps raining, and two hours later when it’s hitting the roof in a calm rhythm, you enter the garage through the open door. Rock music sounds from a speaker but it’s overshadowed by the powerful hits of Jeongguk’s gloved hands against the sandbag hanging from the mount. He’s foregone a shirt, his sweat-covered muscles glistening.
“You call that ‘taking it easy?’” you call out, notifying him of your presence.
He stops his punches, turning to face you with his hand steadying the bag.
“Huh?” he questions, chest heaving.
“I said: ‘you call that taking it easy?’”
He smiles, very out of breath. “I didn’t say ‘easy,’ just easier than what I’m used to.”
You shake your head, venturing further into the garage and reaching the bike.
“How do you even get on this thing? It’s so tall?” you wonder skeptically out loud as you trace the black leather seat with your fingers. It’s definitely a lot taller and wider than just an ordinary bicycle.
Jeongguk steps away from the sandbag, loosening the gloves with his teeth as he heads your way, heavy breaths echoing. You follow him with your eyes as he approaches, but instead of demonstrating like you thought he would, he stops behind you.
“Here,” he places his hands under your armpits.
“Oh, no, no, no,” you try to protest, but it’s too late, and you’re already being lifted onto the seat like a three-year-old.
You definitely also feel like a three-year-old because you don’t even try to reach for the handlebars, instead holding onto the little hill in front of the seat. It probably goes without saying that your feet don’t wholly touch the ground.
“We could go for a ride someday if you want?”
You turn your head to look at his grinning face.
“Uh... no.”
“What, you don’t trust me?”
You see the realization of what he just asked flash across his face, but you know it wasn’t how he meant it.
“You don’t seem to value your life very much, no,” you argue, hinting at how he almost died for you.
His face turns relieved, a small smile decorating his lips. “I do. But sometimes, there might be risks I’m willing to take.”
It’s your turn to not know exactly what to say, so you're quick to ask something else instead. You lean forward, actually managing to grab the handlebars somewhat correctly. “Do I look cool?”
Jeongguk’s smile widens, “Absolutely. Even more so if you had the appropriate gear.”
“So… highway patrol? Car or one of these things?”
“One of these things,” he chuckles. “It was exciting, especially car chases really got your blood pumping. Although I think my mom was in a constant state of a heart attack. And the chases didn’t happen that often; most of the time, it was just writing tickets, and I wanted to make more of a difference.”
“Understandable. Your mom, I mean.”
“Yeah. Also, who told you?” he narrows his eyes playfully.
“Jimin. He told me absolutely everything there is to know about you. All your secrets.”
“Nice try; I don’t have any secrets.”
You wonder to yourself how true that really is.
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You’ve managed to keep your mind busy and occupied during the day, but when night time rolls around and the rain has only increased, you’re feeling a little anxious.
Standing outside the door to your room and staring at the handle, you don’t notice Jeongguk.
“You know, I don’t mind you sleeping with me.”
You lift your head, meeting his eyes. He’s shirtless again, looking as if he just came from the kitchen. Should you? Last night was very cozy, and if you're being honest with yourself, you liked it a lot. Probably more than you should. You felt… safer.
You hesitate.
“It’s up to you, but I’ll leave the door open.”
He prepares to leave, but you’re quick to make up your mind.
“No, I, um… I’ll just go and change, first?”
Giving you a soft nod, he leaves for his bedroom.
It takes you five minutes to change into a large t-shirt and some shorts and to wash up, and when you enter through the open door, closing it behind you, Jeongguk is folding a pair of pants to hang over a chair. You won’t pretend that you don’t let your eyes quickly skim over his shirtless body as he moves, your heart skipping a beat or maybe two.
“Is that the ring you wore during the mission?” you ask, watching him turn, first to face you and then to look at the object in question on his nightstand.
“Why did you keep it?”
He shrugs as he approaches the other side of the bed, the same side he slept on yesterday. “I don’t know. I wore it, then the hospital put it in one of those bags with my other belongings while they took me into surgery. Took the whole bag home, put the ring there. Didn’t wear it because… well, we’re not married, but I didn’t want to get rid of it.”
“Hm, okay,” you accept what sounds like a reasonable explanation.
Jeongguk lifts the duvet, getting into the bed while watching you. “You didn’t keep yours?”
“Don’t know what happened to it, but it was fake and pretty much worthless, so…”
“Ouch,” Jeongguk says, clutching his chest.
“Okay, first of all, you just said we weren’t married. And there was no material worth to it. Second, your heart is on the other side.”
Smoothly–and definitely making you giggle while you follow his lead and get into bed–he switches hands to hold the right side of his chest instead. You guess it’s a learning curve.
“Ouch,” he repeats, “Just tell me if you want a divorce.”
It’s with a big smile that you get comfortable, pulling the white duvet up to your chin as you lay on your side, facing the nightstand.
You feel Jeongguk move around a bit too.
“I think the rain’s gonna let up tomorrow,” he mumbles. “It’s been a while since it was this… persistent.”
“Yeah… Thank you for letting me sleep here. It feels… better to not be alone.”
“It’s no problem; I don’t mind.”
Silence falls after that. You listen to the rhythmic beat of raindrops hitting the roof, trying to slow your breaths and heartbeat enough to fall asleep. Although you don’t feel as anxious anymore, it still doesn’t happen. 
Minute by minute ticks by, and you don’t know if Jeongguk is asleep or not.
“It was raining,” you say, your voice barely louder than a whisper. “That night when we followed a suspect into a hotel bar.”
You take a breath, listening to the silence of the room, half expecting Jeongguk to stop you. But he doesn’t; maybe because he’s asleep? So you continue quietly, revisiting a memory.
“He stayed there for quite a few hours, so we did as well. We were hoping he’d lead us to his brother so we could arrest both of them for arms trafficking. Hoseong ordered us beer, more so for appearances, but still, and we talked while we kept an eye on the man and waited for him to leave. I remember that we talked about another case we’d just solved, and Hoseong was going on and on about how smart he thought I was and how glad he was to have me as his partner. I was smiling ear to ear, thinking that I was so incredibly lucky, getting to work with and learn from someone who truly saw me. When the suspect instead got a room there for the night, we did as well, figuring it would be more comfortable than sitting in the car all night.”
It’s still quiet, but it feels cathartic to get it out, regardless if Jeongguk is awake to hear it or not. While you've unfortunately noticed more similarities between him and Hoseong than you'd like--like their dark, expressive eyes--Jeongguk feels... different.
“We were meant to do shifts, always have the door open just a sliver so we’d notice if he left. We took our jackets off and Hoseong placed his stuff on the bedside table. Since it was summer, I was wearing a t-shirt and a skirt with my gun strapped to my thigh under it, and so I put the gun in the pocket of my jacket. When I turned around… he kissed me. I was caught by surprise, but I… I kissed him back at first because… Well, I loved him. But then I tried to step back to tell him that we really shouldn’t, that we needed to be alert and ready to follow if the suspect left. But he didn’t listen.”
You pause, feeling the pain and the fear from that day all over again, your skin turning cold. There’s movement behind you, and an arm is slowly and gently draped across your middle, grasping your freezing hand. It makes you feel something, peering down at his hand and the tattoos covering his skin. He’s very warm, and he feels like he’s… stable. Like he has roots growing into the ground that makes him unshakeable. Meanwhile, you’re a leaf; at the mercy of everyone and everything. Easy to blow away, to rip to shreds, to stomp flat to the sound of your bones crunching.
“He held my jaw so tight, I couldn’t speak, and he told me that I’d been teasing him all day in the skirt and that I should be happy because he knew that I loved him. Said I should just suck it up and put out. He… ” you go quiet, unsure of how many details you’re willing to relive. 
Does Jeongguk need to know every step you were pushed toward the bed, how he threw you onto it and got on top of you while you fought? How he unzipped his pants and how he violated you? He probably doesn’t.
“He used his handcuffs and cuffed my hands around the metal bed frame. I tried to…. He said he’d kill me if I screamed.” You remember his hushed yet furious voice in your ear, remember knowing how it was going to end, how he’d kill you right then and there.
“I don’t know if he did it at first because he enjoyed it or if he realized right away that he would need to get rid of me, but he put both his hands around my neck and squeezed as hard as he could. I pulled my hands so violently that I dislocated a thumb, but… I got one out. So I tried to stop him, but he was too strong, using all his body weight. My nails on his skin didn’t faze him, and I was losing consciousness. At the very last second–while my vision was turning spotty–I managed to grab the gun from his holster. I aimed it for his thigh and pulled the trigger. He let go. Somehow, I managed to get him off me, and… out of me… but I could barely see or breathe, and there was blood everywhere.
“He swore at me, and I think he tried to get up but couldn’t, so he reached for his phone, and I ran for the door as best I could. But what was I supposed to do? Call the cops? What do you think he was doing? I heard him ask our coworkers for help, and I knew. They were coming to help him. So I stood there, in the hall of a shitty hotel, with no car keys, no phone, and nowhere to go, while his back-up was mere minutes away.
“Then, someone down the hall opened their door. It was a young woman, and she peeked out, looked at me where I stood, a shaky, bloody, wheezy mess, and she came and pulled me inside right before the police exited the elevator. I managed to say that we were all law enforcement, but I didn’t need to tell her that they’d kill me off if they found me because we heard Ryung’s voice through the door, telling the rest to find me and make me… pay.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever been as scared as I was when they knocked on her door. She gestured for me to get inside the bathroom, and I did, watching as she pulled a bathrobe around her body, turning most of the lights off and opening the door to pretend like she’d just woken up. I heard them ask for me, and I heard her politely tell them that no, she hadn’t seen a woman or noticed any commotion. But I saw how her hand trembled behind the door, and I thought the whole time that they knew and were just waiting to push their way inside to get me. But they didn’t. Instead, they left. Shaken, she sat with me on the bathroom floor as I cried, and she helped me clean up a bit and loaned me some of her clothes before she helped me to the hospital across the city border. I stayed the night to have my injuries tended to and documented and a kit done, and the next day, I went to that city’s station to file a report. A female officer helped me, and she’s the only one I’ve told most of this stuff to. Well, except for you now, but I take it you read the report? And the station… you weren’t working that day, but it was your station, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” comes a strained mumble, and you feel him hug you just a bit tighter.
You stare at the wall, feeling both anxious and numb. “It changes you, having someone do that to you. All my life, I’ve known, theoretically speaking, that there’s a risk. A man, anywho, anywhere, anytime, can decide that I don’t get to live anymore. But to experience it, to see the intentions in his eyes, and how he’s… deciding… and not being able to do anything about it. It changes you. It’s always there, the feeling of helplessness.” “I…” Sounding like he wants to say something but can’t find the words, Jeongguk lets silence fall again. 
“You don’t know what to say, do you?” you smile a sad smile to yourself. “No.” “It’s alright, you don’t need to say anything, I just thought I’d tell you.”
You feel him move closer while also gently pulling you back toward him. You roll back, finding yourself inches away from him where he lies, head supported by his hand and looking down at you. “I’m just… furious, and frustrated, and I wish so badly that I’d been there to help you. If I had just transferred earlier… maybe I could’ve prevented it, or stopped it, or even just caught him and helped you get your justice. Instead, I came along and made it worse.”
You find yourself so lost in him. In the warmth of his body that’s thawing the entirety of yours, and in his kind brown eyes. You can’t believe he’s the same person who took every chance he could to hurt you as recently as a few months ago. He just… looks so sweet.
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“You know, you look like a little kid when you’re sleeping” you smile, watching Jeongguk slowly open his eyes, looking a little confused. “You’re also always up before me, so I’ve rarely seen you asleep. I’m not really a morning person.”
The moment he comes to properly, he smiles lazily and rolls his eyes half-heartedly. “I’m not a morning person either, actually,” he explains, his voice lower and raspier than usual.
“Then why are you always awake so early?”
He looks at you as if he’s not sure what to say. “Cause… I have… stuff to do?”
Jeongguk doesn’t address the suspicion in your voice, instead, he stretches his arms over his head. The duvet moves, exposing his chest and the scar to your eyes.
Letting your fingertip hover just above it, you look back at his still very sleepy face. “Did you really never know about your organs being mirrored?”
“No,” he yawns. 
“But… how? Didn’t you ever have your heart and lungs listened to?”
“I did, but apparently, it’s not too much of a different sound. Sure, my heart beat would have sounded a bit fainter from my left side but it’s such a rare condition that there was no real use investigating further. I had a heart that beat in the right rhythm and no other symptoms so that was enough, I guess,” he shrugs.
“Can I listen?” you bite your lip hopefully.
He raises his eyebrows, “To my heart?”
You nod enthusiastically
“Buy me dinner first, why don’t you?”
Rolling your eyes, you feel warm. You meet his gaze and slowly lower your head to his chest while moving your hair out of your face.
His skin feels nice against the side of your face, his chest moving up and down under you slowly, and you hear it. It’s strong, rhythmic, but…
“Are you sure you’re fine, though?” you ask, turning a little more serious, “It’s beating kinda… fast?”
Surely a fit guy like Jeongguk has a slower resting heart rate? 
“You’re also, you know, listening to my heart,” he says, like it’s supposed to mean something?
Wait. Is he… Is he implying that you listening to his heart is making it race? That can’t be true, can it?
You lift your face off of his chest, and for a moment, you’re just looking at each other softly, curiously. His black hair is a little messy, but he looks so warm, and you–.
His phone rings.
Jeongguk sighs but reaches for it where it lies on his nightstand, his eyes widening when he reads the screen. “Shit, I gotta take this.”
He throws the duvet off of him and gets up as he answers the call, and you see him in just his shorts as he disappears out of the room with the phone to his ear.
Following his lead, you rise from the bed, but instead of going wherever Jeongguk disappeared to, you head into your room to throw on a hoodie and some sweatpants. While alone, you take a moment to think about last night. You weren’t actually planning on talking about it. You never have, not in that much detail, although you definitely left some things out. And while it feels… hard, it also feels… better? Or, like you’re at least not too scared of him looking at you weirdly or saying it was your fault. Or even worse, like you opened his eyes how easy it was to render you entirely helpless…
Quietly, you enter the kitchen, spotting Jeongguk standing at the counter with the tray of cupcakes you made together in front of him. He’s wearing a dark green t-shirt now.
He places the phone between his raised shoulder and ear as he peels a wrapper off, “can you ask them to mail copies of the documents to the station? And how did it go, did you manage to reach the mechanic?”
You watch him as he listens to whoever’s on the other side, putting half a cupcake in his mouth. “Mhm, no, no, just book whatever time she’s available. We can meet at the station if she wants to come in or I can go to her. Same for the hotel staff.” 
Is he… looking into your case again? Like, thoroughly following up on all leads and with all possible witnesses? You definitely know it’s not because of what you told him last night; he must’ve decided to do it priorly.
His eyes find you as he listens intently to what the voice has to say. You take a few steps, coming to stand next to him, smiling softly at how cute he looks when he’s multitasking. With one hand, he lifts the other end of the cupcake to you. You take it, watching him as he looks off into the distance absentmindedly. “Alright, thank you.”
You pop the piece into your mouth, chewing it while making a note to definitely bake more.
He ends the call and puts the phone down on the counter. “These are actually really good,” he says, putting his frosting-covered fingertip to his mouth.
You smile, admiring him and all he’s done and is doing for you. A little overcome with emotions, you place your hand on his shirt, pulling it down slowly at the collar and him toward you. He looks curious, but you focus on his lips. Biting your own, you try not to let the fear of rejection win, and you stand on your toes, and you kiss him carefully.
It’s brief, and it’s sweet, and you can’t help but smile when your heels touch the floor again.
“Thank you.”
He blinks, looking happy but surprised.
“What?” you chuckle a little nervously when he doesn’t say anything.
“Nothing. I just… wasn’t sure you actually liked me. Like, at all.”
You tilt your head, listening to him as he continues.
“I know that we kissed that time on the hammock, but we probably weren’t on the same page then, were we? Cause I thought we were, that we were alone and that we had something, but you… you played along because there were people watching, right? You were still acting while I wasn’t.”
You haven’t thought a lot about that moment, embarrassed about what happened and how you reacted, but he’s right. You were acting. You weren’t sure he was, but if he really wasn’t… What were his motives that night?
“Yeah, but you kinda literally took a sword to the heart for me later, and you’ve been really, really kind and sweet to me ever since.”
He grabs another cupcake, chewing a piece of it with a look on his face that tells you he’s… planning something. You wait, expecting him to say something but he just smiles and lifts the other piece to your mouth. Before you can even decide whether to take a bite or not, he nudges the cupcake against your mouth, getting streaks of frosting across your lips.
“What the…”
But he grins, puts the cupcake down, and smiles in a way that lets you know this was exactly what he wanted. Putting his fingers under your chin to lift your head, he leans down to kiss you. You hold your breath, feeling his soft lips against yours again.
He tastes of frosting and racing heart beats, and you’re pretty sure your cheeks are warmer than usual.
“You don’t need to thank me for that.”
And you feel warm, almost ecstatic, but also like you’ve… forgotten something.
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The day after, Jeongguk receives a call that has him hurriedly looking through the house for the keys to his bike, rushing off somewhere after telling you that he’ll probably be back in a few hours. ‘A few hours’ is too vague to really tell you anything, and you’re so used to not asking questions that you don’t think to.
While he’s gone, you decide to start the dishwasher, and you’ve come to learn that Jeongguk always has at least one mug in his office that he’ll keep refilling with coffee way too many times without washing.
Approaching the office, you’re not surprised to see the door to it ajar. It’s rarely closed, and it’s almost like it signifies the transparency between you. Jeongguk doesn’t say much about the case, but it’s not because you can’t know; it’s because he knows you don’t want to know. 
Or didn’t want to know. As you’re standing in the quiet room, his blue mug in your hand, you see a disheveled stack of papers. Usually, you would’ve walked past it, or maybe even re-stacked it neatly before walking past it. 
This time, Hoseong’s name catches your eye. Of course, it’s not weird considering it’s Jeongguk’s main case, but you still find yourself staring at the printed letters. 
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Three hours after he left, Jeongguk unlocks his front door, opening it and stepping inside. He sighs at how the people he despises most on the planet always just seem to slip out of his grasp. But when inside, he finds himself easily letting go of that thought and instead thinking about something that has him smiling to himself.
With his shoes and jacket off, he begins his search, expecting to find you either in the living room or your bedroom and getting confused when you aren’t. He peers inside the kitchen and even puts his head into his own bedroom, almost starting to get worried when you’re nowhere to be seen.
He’s about to visit the second bathroom when he passes his office, seeing movement from within the small sliver in the doorway.
“There you are,” he comments happily as he opens the door wider, looking around and taking a moment to process what he’s seeing. “I almost thought you’d evaporated.”
You look up from the floor, where you’re sitting with a bunch of papers spread out in front of you, Jeongguk’s empty cup beside you.
“These are the ones you’re observing?” you ask, lifting a paper toward him, a pen wedged between your index and middle finger.
He takes it from you, quickly reading a summary of months of hard work. “Mhm.”
“Okay,” you say, looking at another paper in your hand, twirling the pen absentmindedly in your other, “I think I have some suggestions.”
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After spending hours and hours with Jeongguk, having him explain the progress they’ve made and who they’re investigating, you take a step back to look at the post-its on the living room wall. It has all the fugitives’ relatives, their friends, coworkers, neighbors…. everyone. Since neither of the four men have used their card nor phone, they must’ve almost certainly gotten help, but from who?
You sink down onto the soft cushions of Jeongguk’s couch with a tired sigh, reaching for the remote and smiling when there’s a rerun of a zombie movie.
Jeongguk follows your lead, spreading out as well. “You wanna like… hold hands or something? Cause I could do with a good hand-holding.”
You can’t help but let out a laugh, feeling your chest warm from the inside. It’s so easy for him to make you all giddy, forgetting about all of your pains and worries. Or almost all of them, at least.
Still, you nod, and your smile grows when he scoots closer to you and takes your hand in his warm one.
Even as he directs his focus toward the TV, you keep yours on him. On his tired yet still bright, dark eyes, his nose, the faint hollowness under his cheekbones, and his mouth. His hair is just calling out for you to run your fingers through, but you stand your ground, settling for getting to hold his hand. 
“What?” he asks, smiling cheekily at you.
“You asked to hold my hand?” you remind, moving his hand between the two of yours, tracing the veins on the back of it.
“It’s cute. You buy flowers and hold hands and open doors.”
Surely, a guy like him can’t exist, right?
“I do. Which reminds me, you were just giving my flowers away?”
He looks at you, faking hurt. Slowly, and with your heart beating hard to nourish the butterflies growing in your stomach, you intertwine your fingers with his. “I didn’t know they were from you; there was never a card or anything.”
Seemingly accepting your short answer, Jeongguk watches the movie with you for a while in silence, your head coming to rest against the top of his arm. You keep his hand between yours, trying to stay cool despite how being this close to him affects you. There are definitely some sort of butterflies.
“You know what I’ve been thinking about as well?” he mumbles quietly after a while.
“At the barbeque, the guy that you were talking to? Who was that? And what did he say?”
You search your mind for a second before it comes back to you; the tall, handsome man who approached you. “I don’t know. He said his name was Haneul, but I don’t think he lived there. I think I heard something about someone having their cousin over or something like that, so I think that was him. Don’t think I saw him again.”
“And what did he say to you? You didn’t look…. very happy.”
You recall the way he felt… off and how he wasted absolutely no time, insulting your husband and offering to take his place. You definitely remember the unfunny feeling of actually wanting to have a rude Jeongguk around just to keep Haneul away.
“Uh, he hit on me.”
“Did you say you were married?”
You scoff. “Yeah, but he didn’t seem to mind. Basically accused you of lacking in bed and offering to take your place in secret.”
“What?” Jeongguk asks, sounding surprised. “He didn’t look that ballsy to me?”
“It was before he saw how intimidating you are.”
“I’m glad it seemed like I scared him off then. If he was bothering you?”
“So why didn’t you tell me? When I asked about him? I would’ve kept an even closer eye on you.”
That, you don’t have to search your mind for. You remember very clearly how scared you were that Jeongguk would laugh. Or that he wouldn’t even believe you because after all, why would anyone hit on someone like you? Especially a man who looked like Haneul because creep or not, he was handsome. Like so often, you fill with shame. Embarrassment for who you are and how you look. It’s been surprisingly easy to not focus as much on it, but it will always be at the back of your mind, and this is just a painful reminder.
“I… didn’t think you’d believe me.”
He squeezes your hand, and you hear and feel him sigh sadly. “I’m sorry for being so mean to you and for being such an overall disappointment. I want to think that I sensed that you were scared and that’s why I kept an eye on you after and asked you about it. But I couldn’t even tell that you were afraid of me as well, so I don’t know, honestly.”
“It’s fine…”
“No, it’s not. I guess I hope your future real husband will be better than your fake one,” he jokes in an attempt to lift the mood.
“Oh. I’m not… I don’t think the possibilities of me getting married are very big.”
“Oh? Because you don’t like… men?”
You nearly snort. Honestly, yeah, all of your problems and issues could be summarized into that short sentence.
“Yeah. Unfortunately, I’m not interested in marrying a woman, but I’m not… I’ve never had a relationship of any kind with a man–that went deeper than acquaintances–which didn't leave me hurt in one way or another. And I don’t want to do that anymore.”
“I know you said your dad’s an ass, and I know what happened with Hoseong and us guys at the station, but what… If you want to talk about it, what else…?”
“Who else has hurt me, you mean? It’s complicated, I guess.” 
You look down at your intertwined hands, how Jeongguk’s looks so big between yours. 
You sigh at the memory of how… non mind-blowing your relationships have been so far. Most guys you’ve dated haven’t made even the slightest of efforts for your birthday–if they even remembered it–or to plan dates of any kind after the first honeymoon months. You’ve tried, but with many men, it feels more like they want a live-in maid, who provides sex. It's definitely a conscious effort, how you try not to match Jeongguk to what your younger self dreamed of in a man.
“You remember… at the house? When you said you loved your ex, and I laughed because you’re a man and not capable of love?”
“I think that sums it up. My dad didn’t care for my mom or me, he only returned when his new, younger girlfriends–whose bodies weren’t ruined by childbearing–grew tired of his disrespectful, old ass. He knew that she still loved him, and he took advantage of that. I guess I was a little weary around men from a young age after that, but still hopeful that there could be good men out there too. Then I started dating and noticed pretty quickly that… I wasn’t really important like I’d hoped. I wanted dates–even just a picnic in the park occasionally–and I guess I took birthday celebrations–of any kind–for granted. One guy got me a bunch of candy he knew I didn’t like, so he could eat it himself, and another guy entirely forgot it was my birthday even though his was ten days before, and I got him a relatively expensive watch he’d been wanting. One guy did take me out to eat at a pretty nice restaurant, but he was also shamelessly checking out the waitress right in front of me. I saw my friends be treated the same way, and we all just… kept trying. One of my friends was in a relationship for four years, and he was a real sweetheart; made time for her, got her flowers, gave her compliments, all that. Then she discovered he’d been cheating since day one. It wasn’t until Hoseong that I truly decided it wasn’t worth it.”
“You shouldn’t give up hope.”
“It’s easy for you to say, Jeongguk. You’re a man. Your fellow men look out for you and women still care for you. And to be honest… like I said, what happened to me… it’s not something you just move past. Wherever I go, I know that practically every man I meet on the street could decide to hurt me just because he wants to. And it would be up to him, the fate of my entire life is in the hands of every random guy I pass. If he wanted to kill me, there isn’t much I could do. Not only do I know that theoretically speaking, most of them are stronger than me and don’t care what happens to me, but I know the feeling of having it happen.”
“I understand,” he assures softly, squeezing your hand, “I didn’t mean it in a ‘get over it’ way, just that I know there are men out there who would treat you like an equal partner and who would like to do those things you described that you used to want.”
“Yeah. Maybe. I don’t know, it just isn’t worth the risk for me. Romantic love isn’t everything.”
There is still a trace of pity in the look he gives you when you smile sadly at him.
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After brushing your teeth and changing into your sleepwear, you find yourself outside the door to your bedroom. The storm has passed, so you definitely should go back to sleeping in your own room.
As if he could read your mind, Jeongguk, on his way to his bedroom, slows down as he passes you. He turns, looks at you and smiles gently as he continues to back toward his door. “You don’t need an excuse, you know? If you want to sleep in your room, that’s fine, but I can’t say I’m not hoping you’ll sleep with me.”
You lift your eyebrows at him, as if to say ‘oh, really?’ He should definitely stop saying ‘sleep with me.’
He shrugs, “I like having you close.”
For half a second, you shut your eyes, realizing you have no defense against him. So you open them, sighing and dropping your shoulders before following him with some species of critter in your stomach. He chuckles.
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<previous | next>
author's note: please let me know if you like it! i feel like this part was really important and it was definitely hard to write because fortunately(!!!) i have not experienced what reader has and while i did my best to portray it how i think someone could react and deal with stuff like this, at the end of the day, i don't actually know and i'd hate if it comes off as wrong or glamorizing in any way. if it does, that is 1000% not my intention. on a lighter note; this is very much a calm before a storm lol
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 2 months
When They Accidentally Bring Up an Insecurity| Changbin
One of the things you loved most about Changbin was his strength, both physical and emotional. He was your rock, always there to support and protect you. You could tell him anything and everything.
But there was one thing about yourself that you kept hidden, an insecurity that had haunted you for years: your appearance.
You never felt quite good enough, always comparing yourself to others and feeling like you fell short. As you grew up you learned to love yourself, but after Changbin had taken a liking to you, you found yourself thrown into a world of other worldly beautiful people. And it just seem to dig up what you had taken so long to bury.
One evening, Changbin came over to your apartment, excited to spend a cozy night in together. You had just bought a new outfit, hoping it would make you feel better about yourself.
It was stupid, but you and Changbin dressed up even when you guys had stay at home dates. It was a silly little tradition that had happened when you guys had decided to skip out on an award ceremony to stay home and recreate music videos.
Ever since then, all your home dates still had classy attire.
You were in the bedroom, trying it on and examining yourself in the mirror. You couldn’t help but feel dissatisfied.
Changbin walked in, smiling. “Hey, you ready to watch that new movie? I've been waiting for forever.”
You turned to him, seeking validation. “How do I look?”
Changbin’s smile widened. “You look great, as always.” He bounced on his feet antsy for the movie. "I have it set up on the TV, I just came to grab some blankets.
You hesitated, feeling the familiar doubt creeping in. “Really? I’m not sure if this outfit is flattering…”
Changbin approached you and placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. along with a cheek kiss. “You look the same as always Y/N, I don't see any difference.” He reached into your closet, grabbing an extra big and fluffy blanket. "Do you want popcorn or chips tonight?"
His words, meant to comfort, hit you like a punch to the gut. Your mind twisted his meaning, interpreting it as him saying you always looked unattractive. You felt a lump form in your throat as you turned away, trying to hold back tears.
“I'll grab the chips,” you muttered, walking past him and into the living room.
Changbin followed, confusion evident on his face. “Did I say something wrong?” His tiny legs followed your longer ones - another insecurity.
You shook your head, not trusting yourself to speak without your voice breaking. You grabbed a bag of chips, then the remote and started the movie, hoping to distract yourself. Changbin sat beside you, his excitement to watch the movie coming back after the weird encounter.
He looked to see your face at all the funny parts- as he did with everything you guys watched, because he loved to see the way your eyes shut and your mouth upturned whenever you laughed, your nose wrinkling.
But instead, his hearty laughter, died down more and more as he realized that something was up.
The movie played on, but you couldn’t focus. Your mind kept replaying Changbin’s words, and the sting of them deepened your insecurities. You felt tears welling up, and finally, you couldn’t hold them back any longer. You stood up abruptly, muttering an excuse about needing some air, and headed to the balcony.
Changbin paused the movie and followed you outside. He found you leaning against the railing, wiping away tears.
“Hey,” he said softly, touching your arm. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
You took a shaky breath, deciding to let it out. “Do you think I'm unattractive?” You cried quietly.
Changbin’s eyes widened in realization. “Y/N, what on Earth made you think that?"
You sniffled and continued to wipe at your face. "Y-You said you didn't see a difference. When-when I tried to look beautiful you-you said that." You choked out and Changbin sighed, pulling you into his arms.
You let yourself lean into him, his hugs always a comfort to you. Just enough pressure to not suffocate you, but still give you a feeling of stability.
He swallowed. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize. You are beautiful, inside and out. I love you just the way you are, and I never want you to feel otherwise.”
You continued to hiccup into his chest.
"I didn't know that was something you struggled with...I'm a dumbass aren't I?" He chuckled lightly. "I struggled with the same thing, yet I couldn't even recognize that you were feeling the same way..." He sighed and put his face into your hair. "Y/N I wouldn't trade anything in the world for you. I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever met. I thought that when I first saw you. I thought that on our first date. I thought that when we had our first kiss. And I'll continue to think that for the rest of my life. Please believe me when I say that."
He gently lifted your chin to look at him.
"When I said I didn't see a difference it's because you always look like the moon to me in a world full of stars." You felt an ache in your chest from the sincerity in his eyes and couldn't deny the love you felt for the man in front of you.
From that moment on, Changbin made a conscious effort to be more mindful of his words. He reassured you of your beauty and worth, offering compliments and support without hesitation. He also took the time to understand your insecurities, listening to you as you opened up about your struggles.
And you never felt as if he complimented you just to make you feel better. You genuinely could see the love in his eyes, and the genuine meaning of the words he was telling you.
One evening, as you were both getting ready for a night out, you stood in front of the mirror, trying on a new outfit. Changbin walked into the bedroom and smiled as he saw you.
Changbin looked at you with a soft smile. “You know, I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met,” he said.
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “Sure, I am.” You said adjusting the top you had just put on.
“No, really,” he insisted. “Not just on the outside, but on the inside too. You have the kindest heart, and that’s what makes you truly beautiful.”
You turned to him, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. “I love you,” you replied, feeling a sense of confidence you hadn’t felt in a long time.
Changbin walked over and wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I love you,” he whispered. “And I want you to know that you’re perfect to me, just the way you are.”
You leaned back into his embrace, feeling a sense of contentment and peace.
"I almost don't want to go out." He said with a Changbin certified pout.
"Ah, you don't mean that."
"I do." He whines. Then sighs. "But alas...I have to go out. I have some big plans for tonight." He said shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Big...plans?" You turned to see Changbin walking towards the front door. "Wait- Bin what do you mean big plans?" You ask rushing to finsih putting on your shoes to follow him to car.
You just watched as his little legs moved faster, disregarding the open front door as he waddled down the walkway to get to the street.
"Seo Changbin!" You called out, rushing after him. The only answer his hearty little laugh.
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(this is how i envision that last scene)
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
@iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric
@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
@skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
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mintmatcha · 1 month
inevitable bonus:
cw: drug use and discussion, hospital mention
A bonus piece for my long fic Inevitable
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There's a unique weight to being twenty.
Salt and sadness of tears has settling into your eyelids and the world has become blurry. It's the type of sadness that robs the simple moments of their beauty and poetry.
Touya doesn't speak the entire ride home. He cranks to radio until the cab shakes with the bass, tapping along to the beat against his vomit stained jeans. The hospital bracelet dangles from his wrist along with the beat. It dances as you both walk home, joylessly mocking you with it's presence alone.
His dad called you five times, screaming, never crying. He left a bag of Touya's things with you in the hospital's parking lot, never went in to see his son. He tried to get you to leave with him, you never agreed.
Your boyfriend overdosed. He mixed alcohol and pills and god knows what else and overdosed on a stranger's floor.
You have to live with that fact.
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As of today, Touya lives with you. He didn't thank you for the key when you handed it to him; his throat was still raw from his stomach being pumped.
"Do you want some scissors?" you ask the second the door closes behind him. He shrugs his bag off and slaps the lock closed.
"Nah, I'll get it later." He shuffles to the fridge. "Do you have any beer?"
The air sags out of you, not a laugh, not a sigh, but a slow punch to the gut. Touya recoils a bit, gauging his mistake.
"It's a joke."
"It's not funny."
"It's a fucking joke."
"It's not fucking funny!" The scream rips out of you so fast and hard that it aches down throughout your whole body. "It's not fucking funny!"
Touya's shoulder hunch as he scoffs, running his hands through his greasy hair. He closes his fist around the blonde roots and tugs, slightly, out of aggravation and desperation. Your whole world is cockeyed and threatening to capsize.
"Princess-" he tries, but he only prods your open wound further.
"Touya." You clasp your hands together in prayer, the only thing you've ever worshiped standing in front of you, hospital bracelet still dangling around his wrist, hands still shaking.
"You almost died."
The crushed pressure of worry and heartache shorten every breath, constricting around you, but the gap between the two of you feels so big.
"I didn't though." He scuffles forward, then again. You back as he approaches, a hitched waltz. until you're pressed into the kitchen's island. "I stayed for you, huh?"
Hand closing over your shoulder, he presses against you. His body is thin in ways you don't recognize, jagged in the hips and ribs.
"Huh?" he repeats, warm, soft, sweet-
"Touya, don't-"
"Huh? Didn't I?" He's trying to tug your face into his, even as you squirm away. It's supposed to be cute, but he's using too much force, perking your face towards him the second he gets a firm grip.
"Stop, I'm still mad."
"You can kiss me and be fucking mad at the same time."
He muscles you into his lips. The fight inside you dissipates and you let him keep you there, licking into your mouth and sucking on your tongue like a horny teen. You wonder if he's brushed his teeth before this, if he wants you or your forgiveness.
When he releases, it's with this smile- one you don't recognize.
"It won't happen again, promise," he says. "Don't give up on me, princess, I'm not gonna disappoint you again."
It's three weeks later that he overdoses again, this time on your couch. It takes two fingers to scoop the vomit from his throat and he bites you when he starts to seize.
(dividers by @/cafekitsune)
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ailithnight · 2 years
Okay, so, Brain Dead rejected soulmate AU but Danny is the one who rejected Tim.
Let's say in this world that there are many types of soul bonds.
You've got your standard and fairly common First Words and Skin Art.
Then you've got less common things like Shared Dreams, Colorblind Until You Meet, and Red String.
And then you've got the very rare Telepathic Bond and Empathic Bond.
Finally, there's the ultra rare, one in a million, Shared Pain* soul bonds. It helps that the flip side of this particular bond means Shared Comforts**, but still, it is not the kind of bond people hope for.
Naturally, Fenton luck dictates that this is what Danny (and by extension, his soulmate) gets stuck with.
And at first it's fine. Like, bumps and scrapes happen but it's no big deal. Then the bullying starts and Danny feels a bit guilty that his soulmate has to deal with it by proxy.
But, Danny learns how to minimize damage. And the way Danny can feel his soulmate gentle nursing the pains when he can't, indulging in extra comforts for the both of them, makes Danny think that maybe it's okay.
After all, if it was really to much, Danny's soulmate would have already rejected him.
And when Danny's soulmate starts getting a bit more roughed up when they're 13, naturally Danny returns the favor; never wishing to sever the bond, only wishing he could prevent the pain all together.
Then Danny turns 14.
Then Danny dies. But survives.
He cries that night, his soulmate desperately trying to push comfort through their bond while all Danny can think about is how he shouldn't have gone in that portal. He shouldn't have been so reckless. He should have PROTECTED them.
And to top it all off, suddenly he's not just Dash's personal punching bag. No, there's a whole host of ghostly rogues that like to come bother Danny. And maybe it was still okay when it was just ectopusses or Lunch Lady or Boxy.
But as more and more powerful ghosts come through, as the fights get harder and Danny takes more damage, the guilt over what he's subjecting his soulmate to eats at him.
And after Danny meets Vlad, the first enemy he faces that he really can't beat, he makes the decision. This isn't going to end. These fights, these pains...
Someday he's going to face an enemy that is going to grind him into the dirt. That's going to kill him again, probably slowly and unpleasantly, and Danny already subjected his soulmate to one death, he refuses to put him through another.
So Danny mentally reaches deep inside himself, real hands placing themselves above his heart.
Feeling around for the source of that gentle warmth his soulmate is pushing through their bond.
He finds it, grasping with imaginary hands while his real ones clench the fabric of his shirt.
Feels the way the warmth stutters. The sharp jolt of pain on his elbow as his soulmate probably knocks it when he realizes what Danny is doing.
Danny pays it no mind. He holds the bond between then tightly; tears welling up in his eyes as phantom arms wrap around himself, his soulmate's desperate plea for Danny not to do what he's about to.
Danny yanks, physical hands all but tearing the shirt off his chest as mental ones rip the bond from his and his soulmate's hearts.
The last pain they'll ever share comes crashing into him, the distinct Rejection scar crackling across his chest not unlike the Lichtenburg on his arm.
It hurts, but less than dying had.
Then the pain is gone. Or rather, that pain is gone.
The dull aches from the fight with Plasmius throb and a part Danny finds himself missing the soothing comforts his soulmate had provided him, emptiness filling the space they used to occupy.
But another part of Danny, the part that is more ghost than human, swells with pride knowing he has protected his soulmate from Danny's own inevitable fate.
As Danny inspects Rejection spidering out from his heart, a strange hollow giddiness settles in his stomach. It makes him giggle.
His brain notes that if Dash ever sees this, he'll assume he finally succeeded in making Danny's soulmate reject him.
Danny giggles harder.
Not that Danny will correct him. Or his friends or his sister when they find out for that matter. They worry enough about him as is. They don't need to know just how far Danny is willing to go to protect the people he loves.
He's stifling laughter now, trying not to wake the neighbors.
Sitting alone on the roof of Fentonworks at 3 in the morning, Danny laughs until he sobs, then laughs and sobs until he can't breathe, then laughs and sobs and struggles to breathe until a light blue mist comes gasping past he lips.
His hysterics taper of and he lets the now familiar cold feeling of his ghost form spread across his body, pausing only for a second when he notices the new spiderwebbing across the chest of his hazmat suit, just a shade darker than the rest of the black material.
Oh well. It's not too noticeable and if some sees it he can just pretend it was always there. Just like he's going to pretend the emptiness in his heart was always there. Where it belongs.
Tim is at the Bat Computer desperately searching for any kind of clue who and where his soulmate is.
Of course, Tim had searched before, been searching basically since grade school when it became clear his soulmate was dealing with either bullying or an abusive home.
But Tim's efforts had tripled lately. Ever since that fateful day 4 months ago when he'd practically had a seizure in the middle of family dinner.
It had felt like he was dying, the echos of electric shocks up his arm and into his heart coming through his soul bonds. Followed soon after by the sense of something terrifying and foreign opening up in his chest and forcing its way into every molecule of his body.
Tim is pretty sure he screamed.
It was several minutes before the sensations ended and a strange coldness filled his being. For a minute, Tim was terrified his soulmate had died, until the cold retreated to a place just beside his heart and phantom hands could be felt trying to comfort and soothe.
At the time, Tim thought that would be that. Some kind of terrible accident. A story his soulmate would tell him when they finally found each other.
But that wasn't that.
It started with that strange coldness never leaving the space beside his heart. Then sometimes the coldness would spread, filling his whole body for brief periods of time. Then those periods of time started to come with some kind of pain. A scrape, a bruise, sore muscles.
The kind of injuries Tim got on patrol as Robin.
Which was something he'd not been allowed to do near as much since the aftermath of that dinner when Bruce had learned what kind soul bond Tim had.
"Tim, you can't keep throwing yourself into the line of fire. It's bad enough when you get hurt, but for your soulmate to have to suffer too?"
Stupid Bruce and his stupid rules. Tim and his soulmate had been fine before, thank you very much. And it wasn't Robin that got struck by lightning or something. Tim really isn't sure what kind of accident would result in the things he had felt that night, but electrocution is at least part of it.
But since then, Tim's soulmate had been getting more and more injuries at any and all hours of the day. If Tim had been worried before distressed now. Something had happened and now Tim's soulmate who was already dealing with something before now seemed to be in constant danger. Tim needs to find them, needs to help them, make them safe.
He doesn't look, doesn't take his eyes off the news articles on the screen as a presence appears behind him. No 2 presences. And the elevator dings bringing a third. But Tim keeps scanning articles, looking for some clue about a kid getting electrocuted and a town gaining a young vigilante shortly after.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder, gravelly voice speaking in gentle tones. "It's almost 4am son." Tim doesn't respond. Bruce sighs and spins the chair around. Dick and Alfred are both there looking concerned and stern respectively. "It's bed time."
"My soulmate is in trouble. They're not safe. I need to find them. And you're worried about my bed time?"
"You need some sleep, Master Tim. You won't know you've found anything if you're to tired to see straight." Bruce nods and Dick puts on his best big brother face.
"Get some rest, Tim. We can keep looking later."
Tim opens his mouth to argue, but pauses at the strange tugging sensation in his heart. He briefly wonders what trouble his soulmate is in now before he realizes what the almost feeling of hands on his soul bond means.
He gasps and jerks in the chair, knocking his elbow on the arm rest and the warm blanket he'd cocooned himself in to send comfort back to his soulmate off his shoulders.
Even Alfred's expression turns concerned when Tim wraps his arms around himself, trying to convey along the soul bond his plea for his soul mate not to do this.
"Tim?" Tim isn't sure which family member speaks. Can't focus on it as his soulmate yanks on the bond, ripping it and the strange comfortable coldness out.
Tim cries out, three sets of hands immediately moving in to comfort him. Sight and sound turn to static as Rejection burns across his chest not unlike the electrocution had crawled up his arm four months ago.
Then the pain vanishes.
And Tim looks up at Bruce, knows he's got tears rolling down his face, searching pitifully for a father's comfort.
"They Rejected me."
Bruce startles, but quickly stoops down to wrap Tim in a hug and Dick lays a comforting hand on Tim's head and Alfred retreats probably to make something comforting and Tim cries at the emptiness where the bond should be and the now too warm spot beside his heart.
And yet, deep in his mind where gears are still turning, Tim resolves to still find his soulmate, even without the bond, if only to ask them why.
This was supposed to be a prompt, maybe a premise, but I got carried away.
So now y'all can have this piece of pain I have no intention of continuing. Enjoy!
And since I don't plan on continuing, if some else wants to run with it, have at and have fun!
*Shared Pain in this AU just means soulmates feel the pain, not that they recieve the injuries. So if a soulmate breaks an arm, the other will feel the break, but their arm will be physically fine.
**Shared Comforts meaning that soulmates also share good feelings. So if one person is all wrapped up comfy cozy in a nice thick blanket, the other also feels that warmth. But like with the pain, it's a phantom feeling. Won't keep the soulmate not bundled up from hypothermia.
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sparklefics · 1 year
Losing you
Bucky & avenger!reader
WC: 1,185
Summary: a near death experience puts things in perspective.
Warnings: near death experience (not detailed tho), mentions of injury and blood. Language!
I wrote a thing!! It’s been months since I’ve been inspired/ had time to write. Here’s a little angsty fluff.
Gif not mine.
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Since you joined the team you’ve gotten along with everyone. Missions are successful at least 90 percent of the time.
For the last nine months you’ve been partnering up with Bucky. He’s damn good at his job and you get along just fine, at least when you’re on the field.
Off the field is an entirely different story.
It’s not so much that you don’t get along, it’s just you don’t hang out outside of work. The only time you ‘hang out’ is during training.
You wouldn’t consider him a friend— at least not like Sam is. Bucky is merely your teammate, your partner.
Normally Bucky is cool, calm and collected until the day you get hurt in the field.
“Star, come in.” Bucky speaks through the comms but is only met with silence so he tries again. “Agent Star, come in!”
Star is the code name Sam gave you when you joined his crusade as Captain America. He liked to joke around about his Stars and Stripes and the Sentinel of Liberty, respectively you, Joaquin and Bucky.
Bucky turns back to the last checkpoint and his body goes rigid as he takes in the scene before him. There you are laying on a puddle of blood—yours, he realizes.
He doesn’t take the time to over analyze what went down, all he cares about right now is getting you to safety.
It’s scary to put so much on someone. To let them be your everything, he hadn’t realized that was what had happened. To him you were just his partner.
Until he almost lost you.
That’s when he realized what’s really at stake here. Not only your life, but his happiness.
Three days, that’s how long it takes for you to wake up.
“Ow. That hurt.” You groan and hear Sam chuckle, when you bat your eyes open you see Bucky storming out of the room.
“That’s not funny, Star.” Sam says. “You scared us. How come you didn’t call for backup?”
“How long was I out?”
“Three days. And yes, he was here the whole time, barely got him to eat and shower.”
“Where’s Stripes?” You deflect and ask about Joaquin.
“Coffee run.” Sam stares towards the doorway and sighs. “Buck was the one that found you.”
“Hmm. I think he might be mad at me— you know for almost dying.”
“He’s entitled to that, you’re his partner after all.”
Bucky never comes back to the med bay. In fact you don’t see him for weeks, until you’ve been given the all clear to go back out on the field.
You approach him silently at the gym while he’s pummeling a punching bag. Three bags already discarded after he ripped them open.
“Hey Liberty!”
“Don’t call me that. You know I fucking hate it.”
“Are you still mad at me?”
“Who said I was?” He turns around and you’re not ready for that tender look he gives you. A mixture of guilt that you almost died on his watch and something else you can’t pinpoint and it almost makes you think that he might actually care.
As scary as it was, almost dying put so much in perspective for you. First thing’s first, before you passed out on the field your very last thought was Bucky’s smile. That was strange…yes, he’s your partner but you were about to die and your last thought was of him not begging for help just one last smile of Bucky’s.
Secondly, it felt so off and hurtful seeing him walk out as soon as you woke up. You didn’t know why it hurt but the fact that it did meant that you wanted him there when you woke up. Or at least you expected him to be there, he is your partner after all.
You almost lost everything.
You almost lost him.
It’s infuriating how he managed to become something more than just your partner without you even realizing it. Though all your anger dissipates with the look he gives you. None of it matters when he’s looking at you and touching you so delicately.
Bucky traces a finger ever so delicately over the still fading bruise on your cheek bone.
You hadn’t realized he’d been standing so close to you. Or why the disheveled look he’s got going on looks so good on him. Has he ever looked better? Yes, but today he looks kinda hot and vulnerable, in a way that you just wanna comfort him, run your hands through his hair, cuddle the shit out of him.
Out of nowhere you grab his face and kiss him— on the lips!
“You can’t blame me for that. I almost died.”
You murmured against his lips. And to your surprise he doesn’t pull back, instead he deepens the kiss.
“Shut up, I'm still mad at you.” He mumbles against your lips.
“Ha!” You pull back just enough to slap a hand on his chest. “I knew it! You are mad at me!”
Bucky pulls you right back to his arms and rests his forehead on yours. “I’m just…I can’t lose anyone else. Do you understand?”
You nod.
“I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at myself. You got hurt out there, I should’ve—”
You pull back to look him in the eyes, “James Buchanan Barnes it is not your fault I got hurt. I should’ve called for backup, it’s not your responsibility to keep me safe.”
“Yes it is. You’re my partner.”
“You say that like it means something else. What are you really trying to say, Sarge?”
As if the kiss you two shared hadn’t made it clear this certainly would.
“Star, you are everything to me.”
And your anger makes an appearance again, you pull away from him. “I’m finding that a little hard to believe, cause since I woke up all you’ve done is avoid me.”
“I’m just— seeing you there in a puddle of blood it fucked me up.”
“Waking up and seeing my partner walking out on me fucked me up. You were the last thing on my mind before I passed out. I was trying to call for— I was going to call for you when I blacked out. Then I wake up and see you walk out the door and never come back.”
This isn’t how Bucky pictured this moment. It should’ve gone like in the movies. You both admit your feelings, kiss and voila: happy ending. Not you angry at him, with unshed tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry I’m an idiot that can’t handle his own feelings. But I love you. I need you to know that. I love you.” He squeezes your hands.
“That’s the thing Bubba, I love you too. So don’t you dare walk out on me ever again.”
You pull him in for a hug and you climb on him like a koala, arms around his shoulders and legs around his torso. He tells you he loves you again and assures you that he’s not going anywhere without you. “Well then, take me to my room. You owe me three weeks worth of cuddles.”
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Slashers accidentally killing their witchcraft s/o but a few minutes later they revived again and they find out that they are actually immortal?
Ty and have a great day <3
Here you go!
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Allusions to amputation
Slashers accidentally killing their s/o only to find out they’re immortal
Jason Voorhees
His machete slipped out of his hand, and time seems to slow down as it heads straight for you. There is nothing he can do, it all happens so fast, and before he even knows what is happening, you’re on the ground, the blade buried in your chest, down to its hilt.
His whole world is anguish. Memories of the night his mother died are flashing through his head. First her, now you. And this time, it was all his fault.
He sinks to his knees next to you without paying any attention to the escaping victim, and cradles you against his chest, hot tears dripping from under his mask onto your face.
You groan. “Hey… Jason? Love? Could you please pull the machete out? It’s really uncomfortable.”
He looks at you with wide eyes. You return his gaze sheepishly.
“I… I guess I should have told you that I kind of… can’t die.”
Wait what? He tilts his head at you.
“Yeah. You know. Practising witchcraft has its perks. Now please…. the machete?”
Needless to say he is torn between being angry and relieved. Could you not have told him that before he essentially relived his past trauma?
Vincent Sinclair
He mistakes you for a victim. He lost sight of the last survivor of the current group, but he can hear someone right next door.
He strikes before he can see who it is. And it happens to be you, now with his carving knives sticking out of your neck on both sides. When he realizes what happened, he reflexively pulls the knives out, and you are already on the ground, blood pouring out of the wounds.
He drops his weapons in horror and rushes to your side. You are losing too much blood, there is little he can do… But soon the wounds seem to close up again with no issue, and you sit up.
“Vincent, honey. Next time, please look before you slash. Okay? This would have gone horribly wrong if I weren’t immortal.”
You still look a bit ashen, but seem otherwise okay. You assure Vincent that while you may be a bit more tired and lethargic until your body managed to regenerate all that blood you lost, there won’t be any long-term damange.
Freddy Krueger
It’s a prank gone wrong. Freddy assumes that, as his s/o, of course you aren’t afraid of him, so he can feel free to play rough with you in the dreamworld. But love or not, appearantly there is a tiny sliver of you that is at least a little afraid of him and his powers. Which is unfortunately only something the two of you notice when your stomach gets sliced open while Freddy tries to tickle you.
“Ah shit… fuck… bitch… we’ve been together for so long, how the FUCK are you still afraid of me?!” He panicks and tries to stop the bleeding and you… you start laughing.
“Freddy, you can stop. I can’t die. The whole witchcraft thing, remember?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
You double over and clutch your stomach, both from laughter and to keep your guts from falling out. It *is* pretty adorable how worried Freddy is for your safety. And in the end, even if he can technically hurt you, your immortality still means that you can play rough with each other.
Brahms Heelshire
Another one of his fits of rage, after which he finds you on the ground, bones broken and with blood pouring. He stares at your remains in horror.
He kneels down next to you and shakes you.
“Hey, get up. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please. Get up… don’t leave me…” He starts sobbing, uncontrollably switching between his child and adult voices in his distress, until he feels you gently pat his back.
“You’re grounded”, you say dryly. “Just because I’m immortal doesn’t mean I’m down to being your punching bag.”
“Yes. Yes of course. I’ll be good now, I promise”, he sobs, relieved that you are okay after all.
Bubba Sawyer
He accidentally touches the button that switches on his chainsaw while the two of you are fixing some malfunction. The saw buries itself in your torso, sawing through bone and soft muscle and organ alike. Your blood sprays through the room, and Bubba howls with terror while desperately fumbling to turn it off again.
He finally manages to, after a few seconds. But the damage is already done. His hands are cupping your face, running through your hair, knowing that after an injury like this, there is nothing he can do. He just whines softly, trying to somehow comfort you, if you can even still hear him.
“Geez”, you sigh, with some difficulty. The saw completely shredded one of your lungs, after all. “Good thing that it missed my spine; regenerating that would have been a pain.” You look up at him and are met with Bubba’s teary gaze.
“Bubsy”, you coo softly. “I’m fine. I don’t die that easily. Give me a week to recover and I’ll be good as new. So no tears, okay?” You raise your hand to wipe away the tears from under his eyes.
When Drayton later learns of this day’s events, he asks if you can also regenerate limbs, like, say, a leg. You will have to firmyl tell him that you are *not* going to end up being the family’s primary meat source.
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hugshughes · 1 year
behind my back N. Moyle
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Nolan Moyle x Hughes!reader (Quinn’s twin)
synopsis - Luke finds out about your secret relationship with his captain, and he is not happy. He ends up causing your relationship to crumble under his emotions but soon is whipped back into shape and realizes the world doesn’t revolve around him, and that he should want your happiness, not try to end it.
wc - 2.9k
contains - reader is quinn hughes’ twin sister, suggestive themes close to the end, making out, kissing, shouting, lots of cursing (luke has a potty mouth), i made luke a bit mean for parts of this, crying, reader is shorter than nolan, mentions of eating/reader eats, lmk if i missed anything!
an - hey! first post on this new blog! i hope you like it, please don’t mind any errors this was slightly proofread, and i don’t love this but i warned to post something and noticed the severe lack of Nolan fics on here! (i kinda wanna make maybe a smutty part 2 so lmk.)
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
Is the first thing you hear when you answer an incoming call from your little brother. Your face drops and Nolan must’ve noticed because he’s looking at you with a confused look on his face, mouthing ‘Are you okay?’ to you. You don’t respond to Nolan.
“What Luke? What’s up?”
You think you know what’s up. You have a gut feeling that what’s up is that you are in a relationship with his captain, a secret one at that.
“‘What’s up?’ Are you joking? You’re fucking Nolan behind my fucking back. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
You can’t respond, you don’t know how to. You open and close your mouth, making eye contact with Nolan again, who looks very concerned now.
“What? You can’t speak now? Your mouth won’t open? It was open fucking wide for my fucking captain, wasn’t it? God, what the actual fuck is wrong with you? You can’t keep your legs closed for one second, can you? Fuck!”
“Luke I- I’m sorry.”
You mewled out, he had just practically slut shamed you, there were tears all along your waterline, just waiting to fall off your lashes and down your face.
“Oh, you’re sorry? That’s nice, but it doesn’t take away the fact that you fucked him, does it? When he decides he’s done with you it could fuck up the team’s dynamic! Have you even thought about me for two seconds?”
“All I have done is thought about you, Luke! I wanted to tell you the second it started but I knew you would react like this! Like- like you would flip the fuck out! I really fucking care about him Luke, please just listen to me!”
Luke just wouldn’t stop, he kept shouting cruel things, and Nolan just couldn’t take watching you sit there, sobbing, while you’re brother used you as a punching bag. He grabbed the phone from your hand and put it to his ear.
“Hey Luke! Man-”
Luke scoffs, angrily laughing then huffing out a sigh.
“Of course she’s with you! What the fuck, dude?”
“Luke man please, neither of us planned for this to happen. We really fuckin’ care for each other. She’s been torn up about you not knowing for months, please hear us out.”
“‘Us’? Oh my God! ‘Us’? That’s fucking funny. I cannot believe either of you. God, fuck! When you two decide you're done having fun it’s gonna fuck shit up, big time. Fuck you, and her.”
Luke hung up the phone. You buried your face in your hands. Nolan put your phone down before he pulled you into him, his hand running up and down your back while the other cradles your head.
“I’m so sorry Nolan! I just fucked up everything, fuck!” He just shushes you, rocking the two of you back and forth on your bed.
It was three days later. Nolan called you last night and said how the last two days of practice had been shit, the tension very thick. He told you how he needed to put the team first with the upcoming playoffs, and how that meant he needed to be able to be the best captain he could be, meaning no bad blood between him and his teammates, so he broke up with you.
You have been so completely tore up. Laying in your bed in the dark in a sweatshirt you didn’t want to have to give back to Nolan. You hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday morning. The sun was beginning to set as you stared at your ceiling.
Your roommate has been an angel, talking to you, sitting with you, bringing you water, and offering you food. Luke had texted Jack about the situation, and Jack had texted Quinn about it, leaving the most mature of the Hughes’ boys to text you, and your mother.
Quinn had asked if you were okay, and felt terrible for you when you informed him of Nolan ending it because of Luke. Your mother had texted you, asking if you were alright, getting the full story from you before sending a long-winded message to your baby brother, reading:
“Luke Warren. I cannot believe the way you’ve treated your sister. Your words were not warranted in any way whatsoever. Have you noticed your sister’s level of happiness in the last 7 months? She went from always uninvolved and cut off from us to an absolute light of a girl. When I called and talked to her today she sounded absolutely broken down. When I say get your head out of your butt Luke, I mean it. Your sister deserves to be happy Luke, just as much as you do, and if you’re okay with taking that away because of a hypothetical problem that happens between her and Nolan, I am very disappointed. You better realize how ignorant you’re being and make this up to her. She loves you, Luke, so much. She is still the girl who let you sleep in her bed whenever you had nightmares, the girl that would shout at your brothers the second she saw you being left out. She deserves this Luke, and you need to realize that, because now Nolan’s broken up with her, and I don’t know if she is going to be okay.”
That being the first thing Luke saw on his phone after practice definitely surprised him. He let out a curse the second he saw his first two names in a text from his mother. The more he read, the shittier he felt. When he reach the end though, he was confused. ‘Nolan broke up with her?’ Was his only thought. He quickly looked around the locker room, trying to see if Nolan was still there, but he wasn’t. Nolan had felt like shit all of practice, Luke still barely talking to him. He left immediately after practice was over, going straight back to his place.
Luke cursed again, he got ready to leave and quickly walked back to the house so he could drive to your apartment. Once he got there he waited not so patiently before your roommate finally buzzed him in. He ran up the stairs and down the hall to your door, knocking loudly.
Your roommate let him in, not without mumbling ‘the fuck do you want, bitch?’ and rolling her eyes at him. She let him go back to where your room is, after making sure he wasn’t here to shout at you again.
You’re not surprised when you hear a knock on your door, but you are when you shout ‘Come in’ and see Luke standing in your doorframe. Your eyes widen, your heart sinking into your ass.
It’s all you could say. You felt frozen, assuming Luke was here to be mad at you some more like he was over the phone. The more you look at him, you realize he doesn’t look mad per se, he looks like a kicked puppy.
“I’m sorry.”
You almost laugh out of surprise. You find it hilarious that he’s apologizing after the verbal abuse you took from him just three days ago. You don’t reply, looking him straight in the eyes, raising your eyebrows in expectation, needing him to say more.
“Shit, I- I am such a dick. It was so fuckin’ selfish of me to say that to you. I mean, yeah I would’ve liked to have known but uh, it was still so shitty of me. Please, please forgive me. And I know that I already fucked things up and that you probably won’t accept this but still, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking and when Grano accidentally mentioned you guys I just flipped out. The shit I said was wrong, I don’t think anything I said is true, I know it isn’t. I just, I’m so sorry.”
He looked absolutely pitiful. He was on the verge of crying. You stood from your bed and moved to him, wrapping your arms around him, he clung to you.
“Lu, don’t cry. Okay? It’s alright, what you said was shitty, but I should’ve just told you, alright? It probably would’ve saved a lot of screaming and tears. I’m glad mom got the stick out of your ass, huh?”
Luke lets out a teary laugh. Nodding into your shoulder, even though he was much bigger than you, he was still your baby brother. The way you were holding him made you think of when he was 5 and you were 7 and for six months he stayed in your room almost every night because he would have nightmares, and even if he didn’t have nightmares sometimes, he just felt safer with his big sister.
“‘M so sorry. Was gonna try to talk to Nolan after practice but he was already gone, so I just came here.”
You let out a sigh at the mention of Nolan. You were assuming that Luke doing this was also him telling you that he was okay with your relationship. But, after all the drama you weren’t sure Nolan would let you just run back into his arms.
“I dunno if it’s even worth it talking to Nolan, I don’t know if he’ll want to get back together after all this drama. He might just be good with it now.
Luke felt like absolute shit. None of this would’ve happened if hadn’t have been so irrational. He let out a sigh, pulling away from you.
“I am gonna go get you food, okay? I’ll get you tenders from Skeeps, huh?”
You laughed at your little brother’s effort.
“Lu, it’s Wednesday. Skeeps isn’t open.”
His face quickly fell. But he quickly shook it off.
“Whatever, I’m going to get you somethin’. Text me if you want something specific, okay?”
You nodded and laughed as he quickly left your room, saying bye to your roommate who after came to your room to see if everything was okay before hugging you.
Luke is gonna get you food, but he is also gonna call Nolan and apologize, and make him go to your place and be your boyfriend again.
The second he’s in his car his phone is to his ear, waiting for Nolan to pick up. He knows there is a chance Nolan won’t pick up, but he’s pushing that out of his thoughts. He almost gives up on the phone call but on what was probably the last possible ring, Nolan answered the phone.
“Uh hey man, what’s up?”
Nolan is very confused as to why Luke is calling him, knowing he’s barely sent him a glance over the last two days.
“Hey, Nolan. Bro, I’m so fuckin’ sorry. It was really shitty of me to say all those things to you guys and I was a real dick. I was acting totally out of nowhere because I was just really shocked I think.”
Luke took a pause, waiting for Nolan to say something before he took the conversation in another direction.
“Oh, um wow man. Yeah um it’s okay man, we should’ve told you. But uh, you know I broke up with her last night?”
“Yes I know, please go be her fuckin’ boyfriend again. She is so fucked right now. I didn’t even fucking realize how much happier she’d been recently, and now that I know you caused that, I can’t be the one to take that away from her. And I already talked to her about it but she was worried you might not like, want to be with her still. Bro, please go get her back.”
Nolan sits shocked. Shocked about Luke’s change of heart, and shocked that you believed he wouldn’t want you still. He stood from his seat on the couch of his living room and quickly grabbed his keys and put on his slides before practically running to his car, only wearing a tank top, sweatpants, and socks in the frigidity of January nights in Michigan. He says a few more things to Luke before he hangs up.
Nolan is barely thinking about anything when he parked in the lot of your building and was a little surprised at how quickly he was buzzed in.
Your roommate answered the door when Nolan quickly knocked, letting him in and telling him your whereabouts. You were surprised at how quickly Luke had gotten food when you heard a frantic knock on your door.
“You don’t have to knock Luke, just come in!”
“Uh, not Luke.”
You turned to face your door from your seat at your desk where you were lighting a candle, one Nolan had gotten you multiple times because you burned through them so quickly.
“Oh, Nol hi.”
Nolan standing in your doorway left you stunned, his grey sweatpants and black tank top that highlighted his huge arms made your mind go blank. You are thankful you spent a few minutes brushing your hair and cleansing your face after Luke left.
“Hey, um Luke called me, told me everything he told you probably.”
You suck in a breath, nodding. You stand and fully face him, but before you can even say anything, Nolan’s already wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t’ve ended things. I was just so nervous about Luke hating me and being captain but I really should not have done that. I’m sorry baby.”
You held him, running your fingers through his long hair.
“‘S okay, baby. Made total sense okay? But, I think now that my brother doesn’t have his head in his ass, you should be my boyfriend again.”
He pulled away from your neck to look at you, now taller than you, looking down at you, which was so hot.
“Yeah? I think so too.”
The way he said it was, so hot. He is just so hot. He looks from your eyes down to your lips, and then back up, and you swear your knees almost buckled. And when he leaned in and kissed you, he was practically holding you up.
Even though you’d only been broken up for probably 26 hours, it felt like so much longer, and the sweet kiss quickly turned into a makeout session. You walked Nolan back until he was sat on your bed as you sat down and straddled him, not breaking your kiss.
Nolan’s grip on your hips is tight as his tongue slips past your lips, causing you to gasp. Your hands clutch Nolan’s dark brown hair, tugging at the locks when you feel the tent in his pants grow beneath you, pulling a groan from him.
Nolan was about to start rocking your hips against his hard-on when your door was practically thrown open, the knob on the other side hitting your wall. You immediately pull away from Nolan, almost falling off his lap if it wasn’t for his strong grip on the backs of your thighs.
When you both see Luke, Chick-fil-A bag in hand, standing frozen at your doorway you don’t know what to do.
“Fuck, Luke! Knock or something!”
You quickly stand up almost tripping over Nolan’s feet as you practically run over to your door, pushing Luke out and then standing on the outside of your door as you close it.
You stand, back pressed against your bedroom door as Luke looks at you with a look that would normally be funny, but right now you’re just a little pissed, flustered, and dazed. You both just stand, staring at each other. Both trying to grip the fact that Luke just walked in on your very heated makeout session with his captain, his captain.
“Oh my God, what the fuck? I think I’m gonna puke, yeah, I’m definitely gonna puke.”
You slap his arm, giving him a look that reminded him of your mom, which made him smile.
“I cannot believe you guys are... ugh. I cannot believe I brought you food just to see that when I opened your door, you are truly disgusting.”
“I hate you so much. You are the worst. What did you get me?”
Luke laughs out loud at that, giving you your food before he claimed he had to go so he could bleach his eyes before the sight of you and Nolan set into his memory. But after that, he hugged you and told you he loved you, saying that he’ll see you when you’re not being so gross.
You walk him out, shouting that you love him as he quickly walks down the hall of your apartment’s floor. You talk to your roommate for a minute, then decide it’s time to go back and see your man. The man in question is kicked back on the pink fluffy blanket decorating your bed, a sight to see.
“Hi, baby.”
“Hey, is he gonna be okay? Didn’t mean to give the kid trauma or anything.”
You let out a laugh, reassuring Nolan that your brother is just dramatic, and not traumatized. Then you snuggle up next to him, eating your Chick-fil-A and feeding your fries to Nolan as you both talk about everything, from what new song you wanted him to listen to, to making plans for the summer, him staying at the lake house for a few weeks, you coming with him to New York to meet his family, it was all so exciting. You’re definitely glad that the secret was out because now you can be with him, like really be with him.
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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just don't say love
✧ summary: he sought you out whenever the pain got too much to handle. he didn't want to know what that made you; feared the day you would ask him how he felt.
✧ contains: blade x gn!reader, hurt/comfort, blade being vulnerable, cuddles, local immortal is scared of feelings, 1.4k words
✧ now playing: say love — james tw
✧ warnings: blade's chronic depression, blade being suicidal, graphic violence (flashbacks to jingliu), angst
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He had loved before. He remembered the feeling of genuinely looking forward to seeing another person, to spend his time with those he held dear. His heart had been whole and vulnerable and it had ended with this terrible curse that made him suffer every single day since he woke up in this immortal body and since his former friend drove the blade of her sword through his body over and over again.
Blade was tossing and turning in his quarters, nightmares plaguing his mind even after he woke up. His hands were shaking again and the darkness of the night suddenly reminded him of that day. Of how he died over and over again only to heal and be in pain once more.
He remembered her hateful eyes. Jingliu. How he felt phantom pain in every part of his body at just the mention of her name. He wanted to die. He never wanted to suffer. He sat up in shock as images flashed his mind of how his vision had suddenly ceased when she drove her sword through his head and he felt only pain for... god knows how long. He had, to this day, no idea how long the encounter lasted. Whether she did this for 5 minutes, 30 or perhaps even an hour. It felt like an eternity of only suffering to him.
Blade let out a bitter laugh as he remembered that he had once sat at the same table with her and the rest of the High Cloud Quintet; joking and drinking together. That seemed like someone else's fever dream out of some sort of novel now. He could no longer recognize these memories as something that actually happened to him, not after "Dan Heng" had killed him over and over again when he had tried to hunt the Vidyadhara down across the stars; not after Jingliu had driven her blade through his heart and pierced his lungs repeatedly after he had felt the pain of his muscle fibers and organs regenerating and stitching themselves back together in his guts. Not after he had begged her to stop, begged her for mercy. There was no response. Just endless pain making him fade in and out of consciousness.
Blade clutched his pillow to his chest, feeling like he wasn't getting enough air. But he was used to the feeling. To the pain, the hatred, the anger. That was what kept him moving forward; hoping one day the end would come. It was like toxic fuel in his veins, making him lead a miserable existence. But it was better than doing nothing whilst suffering. So long as there was hatred and the urge for revenge in his heart; he felt as though nothing could push him past a point where there was no going back. He had felt it all before; he had become numb to it. Sometimes, when the pain got too much, his brain would just shut down for a while. It was the closest thing he had to actually being dead. It was something he had gotten used to and with time became impartial to. Why should he care at this point?
But he hated you. Hated the way you quelled the mara within him. He had gotten so accustomed to a life of suffering and pain that he didn't know how to deal with what you made him feel. He expected himself to remain cold, expected to just see you as another stepping stone on his path to death like the other Stellaron Hunters. His eyes had widened in shock and it had felt like every nerve in his body was screaming at him to run when he, against all expectations, completely broke down the first time your hand gently carressed his cheek. For the last few decades at least, everytime someone touched him, he had to expect to feel like a training dummy or a punching bag. His default association with touch had become violence. Not whatever this was.
He had flinched, started shaking. You had retracted your hand in horror, apologizing profusely for causing this reaction in him. Blade just shook his head under quiet sobs, unable to get a word out. He got up and left the room. He didn't talk to you for at least two weeks after that and you had glanced at him in longing; feeling terrible for the encounter. Most of the time he avoided you all-together. You wondered if things would ever go back to the way they were. You had been on good terms before, even felt like you were getting a glimpse behind the walls he had built around his heart. You just had to go ahead and ruin it.
Little did you know that within that time he had avoided you, he was trying to process a realization that terrified him more that the prospect of someone driving a blade through him again. He liked your touch. He craved it. And he hadn't been prepared for it; hadn't been prepared for the prospect of just losing his whole composure like this. He didn't think it was possible. He had allowed you to see him this vulnerable; see the broken man who hid behind the cold exterior and it had deeply embarrassed him. It had made him feel pathetic. He couldn't look you in the eyes again after that.
That was, until the day he found himself in front of your door again, at 2am nonetheless. He couldn't take the distance anymore. You had looked at him with surprise; unsure what to say to him after he had acted like he would love to forget you even existed for two weeks. So you simply opened the door further, gesturing for him to come in. You were just staring at him wordlessly, waiting for him to say something; anything. "Please... do it again", he croaked out and your eyes had widened in shock. "Excuse me-?", you blinked a few times in disbelief when Blade had stepped closer, taken your hand into his and pressed it to his cheek again, leaning into your touch and closing his eyes as if wanting to savor every second of this sensation, should you decide to end all of this right here and now. But you didn't. You had pulled him closer, held him and let him melt into your embrace. You allowed him to cry, not saying a word about it. You had kissed his tears away and he let it happen without question. Blade wouldn't have thought that a man who wanted nothing more than to die could find a lifeline.
He hated you. Hated how this had become a routine. On nights like this, when the pain got too bad and the past haunted him until he could only see flashes of distant memories in front of his inner eye; he found himself at your doorstep every time. He hated how readily you accepted him into your arms when you felt him slip under your blanket and snuggle up to you again, feeling your warmth and the way your fingers gently trailed along the old scars from back then. He hated the way you kissed him so tenderly, held his face in your hands like he was fragile. Because he knew deep inside that in these moments that was the truth. He was so vulnerable when it came to you and scared of the possibility that you'd take this away from him and hurt him the way others had done. Yes, Blade was used to the hatred and violence. It no longer felt like something that could break him. But being loved... being loved made him feel like a scared little fawn in the middle of the road; not moving away despite expecting that you'd run him over with your vehicle any moment now and leave him there until his bones realigned themselves and healed under unspeakable pain, all for the small possibility that you'd instead patiently wait under the moonlight and let him come to you to take him home.
"It's one of those days, hmm?", you whispered softly, your heart aching for him. Blade just nodded and nuzzled your neck, pressing soft kisses to your skin to tell you what he couldn't bring himself to say. You usually made idle small-talk with him, tried to distract him. You never dared speak about what was happening between the two of you. After all, so long as you didn't say anything, you knew he was going to come back.
And Blade didn't comment on it either. He didn't know how to and he was terrified to. Whatever you two were, it was safely concealed within the walls of this room. None of the other Stellaron Hunters knew about it and he intended to keep it that way. He didn't want to risk ruining things; didn't want to risk the possibility that you might never hold him again like this. He didn't want to admit to himself that he didn't actually hate you. How the frustration in his heart had simply taken the place of something he didn't allow himself to feel. To admit.
That he loved you.
He loved you so much and nothing scared him more than that.
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mothdruid · 1 year
First Session
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your first session at Gym Bloom has come. and the first trainer you get to meet? everyone's favorite and the beloved, Jake S.
jake 'hangman' seresin x afab!reader
word count.
this is an 18+ work, minors buzz off. smut, protected penetrative sex, vaginal fingering, a sex gym (so maybe paying for sex?), fucking your trainer
author's note.
it's here!! the first gym bloom one-shot! i hope you all love it!
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“Wait, so your first session is today?” Steph sounded surprised.
“Yeah,” you pulled a purple sports bra from your dresser, “why?”
“Oh my god, who is your first trainer?”
You rolled your eyes at Steph's eagerness. Ever since getting you to join this gym she has been eager. She wanted to know everything, even though you barely knew yourself. All you knew was that they used sex to workout at this gym. Steph knew that too, she was to one who referred you. Which is how you knew it was safe, referral only. You could only sign up if you got a referral from someone you knew. And from your understanding, not everyone was actually allowed to refer people to sign up. So, you were counting yourself lucky to even be a part of this at all.
“I’m not sure, let me put my bra on and then I’ll look at the email.”
First you tapped your speaker phone on, then wrestled your sports bra on over your head. After checking to make sure that your sports bra and legging combo looked okay, you grabbed your phone. Steph was going on and on about a few different trainers. A Mickey, a Bob, a Nat, and others that you eventually tuned out for now. You went to your starred emails, clicking the one at the very top. You skimmed over the email, eventually finding the name.
“It’s Jake S,” eyeing the rest of the email, confirming the other general information of your session. You squinted as you noticed two lock codes.
“No way! How did you get so lucky?” Steph's tone had you pulling the phone back from you a little farther.
“Steph, calm down.”
“No, you don’t get it. That’s one of Blooms best trainers, a real treat if you ask me, or at least that’s what I’ve heard. I’ve actually never trained with him before.”
“Never?” You questioned with a playful tone.
“Never.” Steph sing-songed back to you.
A smirk formed on your face.
“Well, I’ll make sure to update you about it,” you turned your speaker phone off, slipping the phone between your cheek and should as you head to the front door.
“Please do, I will have to know everything about it.”
“Oh, Steph, gross,” you slipped your tennis shoes on, not bothering to untie them first.
“What? I’m a woman, I have needs, and this need just happens to be knowing what Jake’s di-”
“Nope, Nope, I’m hanging up now!” You hung up quickly, not wanting to hear the rest of Steph's words.
After tracking down a baggy zip up hoodie, zipping it up only half way. You found your small side bag, checking to make sure your keys and wallet were in there. After you doubled checked, you grab your keys from your bag and slip your phone in your hoodie pocket. You locked your apartment door then headed down the stairs of your building. The place wasn’t fair from your apartment, maybe a fifteen minute walk on a bad day.
When you got to the building, you double checked the address after not seeing any obvious branding outside. After deciding it was indeed the correct building, you punched in the first code. A delightful chime played, signaling it was the correct code and unlocked. The hallway was short, but you noticed another keypad on the next door. You got another delightful chime after putting in the second code, finally letting you into the gym.
It was a very welcoming space. Bright colors complimented by neutrals to even it all out. There were ellipticals, treadmills, bikes, and many other machines neatly placed throughout the main open area. There were people using the machines, some others were chit chatting happily. There was a section of the gym that had a lot of doors, two closed and three open. You assumed those were the ‘training’ rooms.
There was a gorgeous woman behind a short counter greeting you. Her skin was tan, dark brown hair pulled into a loose low ponytail. She had a matching pastel pink legging and sports bra set on. Your heart fluttered a little bit when she smiled at you. It was as if an angel was gracing you with their presence.
“Hi,” you awkwardly said.
“Do you have a session today?” She asked.
“Yeah, a two forty-five with Jake S.”
“You must be the new client,” she offered her hand out over the counter, “my name is Natasha. I’m one of the other trainers here.”
“Thank you, I’m glad to meet you,” you shook her hand, trying to match her smile and energy.
“So, I’ll check you in so Jake knows you’re here. For now you can go get a little bit of a warm up on a treadmill or elliptical, whatever you prefer. There are also locker rooms before the Bloom Rooms. Jake will come get you when he is ready.” Natasha smiled, marking something in the computer before looking back up at you.
“Okay, thank you,” you hated how awkward you were being.
“It’s my pleasure,” a sultry tone was laced into her words.
Heat flared in your cheeks. You nodded then turned, briskly walking towards the locker rooms. After entering the female locker room, you quickly placed your bag and hoodie into a locker. You kept your phone in the pocket of your leggings, not wanting to be completely bare without it. You found your way back to a treadmill, starting it up at a low pace. It was maybe five minutes before someone came up next to you, tapping your shoulder to grab your attention.
He looked like a living ken doll. Square jaw, blonde hair, green eyes, and fucking built. If this was the magical Jake S, you now understood what Steph was going on about. His biceps were hard to ignore, every minuscule movement noticeable. The black sleeveless shirt was hugging his torso and abdomen, not leaving anything to the imagination. You stopped your eyes from traveling lower, wanting to leave at least something to the imagination. At least for the time being.
“Nat says you’re my new client.”
A Texan drawl? Could he get anymore intoxicating?
“That’s me,” you hit the stop button, coming to a slow stop.
Jake came around the side to met you when you got off the treadmill. He offered you his hand for the small step down. It was surprising how soft his hand were despite the callous’.
“Let’s get headed to a room, I’ll explain more in there.” Jake said. His hand let go of yours, finding the small of your back as you headed to the room. He directed you into one of the ‘Bloom Rooms’.
The walls were covered in a soft pink color with forest green floral. One wall was an entire mirror, a rail for balance along the entire mirror. There were balance balls, cubes, wedges, a Bosu ball, and many other items along the wall. A nice dresser was along the same wall, a nice vase with flowers sat on top. You watched Jake close the door in the reflection of the mirror.
“So, how does this,” you motioned around the room, “work?”
“Well, I’ll direct you on what to do. Positions, reps, stretches, all the technical stuff.” Jake explained it so plainly, making you wonder if there was a catch.
“What do I do then? Besides listen and get fucked?”
“Oh no, sweetheart. I’m not goin’ to fuck you, you’re goin’ to fuck me.”
A smile was plastered on his face. Heat encapsulated your entire body, every nerve ending on fire from his words. No wonder he was a favorite, especially with this demeanor. You shifted your weight on your feet, crossing your arms before speaking.
“What’s the plan?”
“Well, today is going to be a leg day. You will be riding me in a squat-like position, working your glutes, quads, hamstrings, along with many other muscle groups. Since it’s your first workout here, I won’t make it too intense. But that’ll also depend on how much you can take.”
“How much I can take?” You asked in a surprised tone.
“Yes,” Jake brought a hand to the back of his neck, “everyone is different.” Jake stared at you for a moment, then clapped his hands together and took a few steps forward. “Let’s get started with some stretching.”
Jake strode over towards the wall with many items, retrieving some yoga mats, one for the both of you. You met in the middle of the room, taking the mat from him. You two laid your mats out, leaving a decent space in between them. You watched as Jake toed his shoes off, following suit before sitting on your mat.
“On your back, I’ll help you stretch.”
You nodded, laying on your back and watching Jake move towards you. His green eyes were raking over you, observing all of your movements. Jake had you prop your knees up. The soles of your feet were flat on the mat, Jake’s thumb hooked underneath your knees. His eyes were locked with yours, gaze not wavering.
“Let me know if anything is too much or not okay.”
You nodded.
Jake started to ease your knees towards your chest, folding you in half. You could feel the backs of your thighs and glutes being stretched. Jake’s body was impossibly close to yours already, his crotch was almost pressed to your ass. Heat was radiating from his body, covering yours entirely. Your knees were practically pressed into your chest, cheeks hot, his gaze making you burn.
“Is it okay if I open your legs up?” His grip on the back of your thighs was making it hard to focus.
“I- yeah, that’s okay.”
Jake nodded, hands adjusting to under your knees. His gently eased your legs out, keeping them bent at the knee. You brought a hand up to your mouth, pressing the back of it against your lips. It had become so sensual so quick. His crotch was now unbelievably close to your clothed cunt. All he would have to do is roll his hips and he would be pressing against you.
“I’m goin’ to move one leg up to stretch your calf,” he informed you.
You nodded, relaxing all the muscles in your legs. His right hand moved to the ankle of your left leg, extending it up inch by inch. You could feel all the muscles along the back of your leg stretch. He placed your ankle on his shoulder, keeping your leg propped up. The stretch felt euphoric along the back of your leg. An audible gasp escaped you, catching Jake’s attention.
“Feel good?” His voice had dropped a little this time.
“Yeah,” it almost came out as a whimper.
After a moment with one leg propped up, he switched to your other leg. A thin layer of sweat was already starting to form on you. It was hard to avoid with Jake being this close to you, practically folding you in half with his body. His firm muscles pressing onto your own, his weight barring down on you more and more. Not after long he released both legs, guiding them down on either side of him.
“Let’s get your back next,” he said while moving back to his own mat.
You sat up, following his movements. He got on his hands and knees, pushing his back out then letting it drop into an arch. You mimicked the movements, muscles in your back alternating between taut and loose.
“Nice, right?” Jake looked over at you, a smile on his lips.
“Yeah, never realized what all these motions stretched.” You added.
“Everything stretches something. You’d be surprised at what all sex stretches out,” his smile turned into a cheeky smirk.
“Well,” you hesitated for a moment, “I’m excited I get to find out.”
Jake showed you a few more stretches, legs primarily. Soon the two of you were sat across from each other. You were waiting patiently for what was next to come, a tinge of excitement running through you. Jake leaned back, palms flat on the floor keeping him up right. He had one leg casually stretched out, the other bent close to his body.
“We can start this two different ways. One, we start with a little bit of foreplay and massage work, or two, you take the lead and do whatever you want.”
“What do most people choose?”
Jake gave you this look, one that said ‘really?’. A shrug tugged on your shoulders, not sure why he gave you the look. He let out a noise that sounded like a chuckle mixed with a sigh.
“Are we really gonna play that game?” Jake’s look had a small amount of playful annoyance in his gaze.
“What?” Embarrassment started to creep into you, not sure about the next steps.
Jake’s words weren’t really comforting either. He was nice but there was this bite to him. A playful energy that was hard to read sometimes. You pulled both of your legs closer to you, soles of your feet planted on the floor. Again, you mimicked him.
As you were leaning back onto your palms, Jake was starting to move towards you. He got up on his knees, closing the small space between the two of your mats. It was like watching a cat play with its food. Inch by inch the gap between you closed. Your legs spread open, allowing room for him to move between them. He reached out to your jaw, cupping it while his thumb rubbed a part of your cheek. There was something playful in his green eyes. A smile covered his lips as he leaned in, lips next to your ear.
“This is about you, not anyone else,” the words were hot against your ear lobe.
Without a second thought you grabbed him, hand wrapping around the back of his neck, fingers threading up through his well trimmed hair. Soft lips melded with yours, dancing in synchronicity. A smile formed on his lips as he kissed you, slowly working you down onto your mat. Hands roamed up and down your sides, snaking down to cup your ass. His chest was pressed to yours as his hips started to slowly rock against yours.
“Does this count as a massage?” It was cheeky, but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Full body if you ask me,” Jake nipped at your neck, trailing kisses down your skin.
He pulled back for a moment, hand moving from your ass to your chest. Even though your sports bra was tight, your nipples were starting to become visible through the material. A whimper left you as he started kneading your breast, thumb occasionally coming up to run over your nipple. You arched your back and relaxed, pressing your breast tightly into his hand. You heard a snicker come from Jake.
“Most clients aren’t this pliant when they come in.” Jake said, tilting his head as a gesture towards your body.
A moan left you as he rolled your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. A smirk was plastered on his face now. You knew it wasn’t personal, but you took it personally. You hooked a leg around his waist, and put all your weight into it. A huff was all Jake let out as you flipped the two of you. You were straddling his hips now, ass pressing tightly to his crotch.
“That’s better,” Jake quipped, enjoying his view of you on top of him.
Slightly calloused hands traveled your sides, kneading your flesh every now and then. You kept rolling your hips down against his, sighing at the pressure. His dick had started to harden, becoming obvious as it pressed against your ass. As much as you wanted to just fuck, you had to remind yourself of the actual reason you were here.
“So, do I just ride you or..?” It was an honest question.
“Normally, we have a female client get off once prior to a penetrative workout. We like to make sure that they are ready to take whatever the trainer gives them.” Jake raised his eyebrows playfully at the last sentence.
Thumbs hooked into your leggings. You helped him take them off you, removing your underwear in the process too. Jake immediately noticed how wet you were, looking at the wet patch on your panties as he slipped them off you. Those calloused hands pulled you back into his lap, sitting up to meet you. Your hands gripped his shoulders, tugging at the fabric of his workout top. Fingers moved towards your cunt, finding your clit quickly.
It was obvious he did this regularly, knowing almost the exact motions to get you going. The sturdiness of his body kept you up right, his free arm wrapping around your back to keep you close. Wet kisses were littered all over your skin. The fabric of his shirt balled up in your fists. The hot breath on your skin was starting to be overstimulating. It was all so much at once. A hot trainer fingering your while leaving wet trails of saliva on your chest was not what you were completely expecting from today.
Jake changed the motion of his fingers in the slightest, making your body quiver into his. You weren’t sure exactly what he did different, but whatever it was made you feral. Your legs had started shaking, body slumping closer to his. You could feel the curve of his lips, that classic smirk appearing again. Within moments you were coming.
A whine was all you let out. You didn’t even pick up on Jake’s own heavy breathing. The arm around your back tightened, keeping you close to him. He bit back a groan as he felt you quiver against him, his fingers not stopping their motions on your clit. Your hands tugged at his shirt viciously, hips not being able to control themselves. Jake hadn’t expected you to have such an intoxicating effect on him. But he couldn’t get enough, deciding he was in fact going to fuck you himself.
And with that his fingers were gone.
“Change of plans, I’m gonna fuck you.” Jake pressed a kiss to your cheek.
Jake laid your body down, sitting up for a moment to take his shirt off. You marveled at his body, reaching out to ghost your hand over his abs. He reached in his pocket and grabbed a condom. Your hand trailed down to the top of his shorts and boxers, helping him ease them down. He took them off, haphazardly tossing them somewhere off to the side.
Finally, all the puzzle pieces had snapped into place, showing you the complete picture of why he was one of the most sought after trainers. His cock was fucking gorgeous, just like the rest of him. His dick was already making your cunt yearn, wanting to feel the stretch it was going to give you. He tore the condom packet and rolled it down his length. Even though you knew it was what needed to be done, a part of you wished he could fuck you raw.
Jake’s hands grabbed your legs, placing your ankles on his shoulders, then slowly easing them out. His hands were lightly holding the outside of your thighs, holding them in a wide V shape. The head of his cock prodded your entrance, your cunt clenched with anticipation. A breathy moan left you when he pressed into you. The stretch was everything you were hoping it’d be, maybe even a little bit more.
“You feel better than I anticipated,” Jake’s words were breathy, chest rising and falling with each breath.
All you did was clench around him, watching as he closed his eyes tightly. You felt him pull out, only to push back in with a groan. A moan fell from you as he repeated the action. He found a decent rhythm, nailing into you while keeping your legs in the wide V. Your hands fumbled around your body, grabbing at your sports bra clad chest. The tight material bunched under your grasp. Your finger started to slip under the top of your sports bra, pulling it down to show your tits to Jake.
“Hold your legs still,” Jake commanded.
“Yes sir,” your words slurred with pleasure already.
Jake groaned at the name. His hands moved from your legs and up your body. Calloused hands removed yours then tugged on your sports bra. The material became tight against your skin, straps digging in until they started rolling off your shoulders. Your sports bra was holding your arms next to your body, leaving you restricted. Jake’s hands engulfed your tits as he fucked into you. You planted your hands next to your hips, pushing your tits out for Jake.
The backs and insides of your thighs were starting to burn. Jake’s thrusts were starting to make holding them up hard. Each thrust felt more powerful than the last. Once he found that sensitive spot inside of you, you whined. You tried to close your legs, both of them burning from the position you had held them in. Jake’s hands left your chest, grabbing your legs and forcing them back out into the wide V position.
“Legs out.” Jake commanded.
You hesitantly put your legs back out, holding them in place as they started to shake. With every thrust you felt a surge of pleasure. There was a burning that started to develop in your abdomen, a mixture of pleasure and tightness. You knew that a majority of the burning was because of the ‘workout’ aspect of this situation. Your legs were on fire, all while your nerves were starting to sear themselves with pleasure.
“That’s it, I know you can feel it,” Jake said, wide grin on his face.
One of his hands moved down between your legs, thumb circling your clit. Within the matter of seconds you were coming again, cunt clenched tightly around Jake. Your legs were starting to shake uncontrollably, your body becoming way too sensitive to the pleasure. Jake grabbed your legs quickly, wrapping them around his hips now as he fucked into you. He only lasted a few more thrusts before coming, filling the condom while inside of you.
Heavy breathing filled the room, both of you trying to catch your breath. Jake placed an forearm by your head, balancing himself as he looked at you. There was something soft in his eyes. He reached down and ran his thumb over your cheek. His thumb traveled further, down your neck and eventually his hand cascaded down your neck and chest. His hand stopped over your left tit. Your heart was hammering against your rib cage, Jake feeling it flutter in your chest.
Jake kissed your forehead as he pulled out. A moan leaving you at the sensation, now feeling empty inside. Your legs felt like jello, falling down from around his waist. Jake retracted from your body, stood up and moved towards the trash can in the room. You slowly and awkwardly pulled the straps of your bra up, adjusted them and sat up the best you could. Jake threw the condom away then headed back towards you.
“You good?” Jake asked.
“Yeah,” you grabbed your underwear and leggings.
The both of you got dressed before talking again.
“Sorry, about the change up for the session.” Jake slipped his shirt over his head.
“So, you’re telling me you don’t do that with all of your clients?” You joked, chuckling a little.
Jake smirked, shaking his head no.
“No, only the special clients get that treatment,” Jake held a hand out to you.
“Special? After our first session?” You accepted his hand, standing up with his assistance.
All Jake did was nod, not knowing exactly what to say. The two of you stared at each other for a moment. That soft look in his eyes had spread to the rest of his face. You gave him the same look, understanding that there was just now this unspoken thing between the two of you.
“There’s just something about you,” Jake finally said, “and I hope that the other trainers here get to experience it.”
A heat built up in you from the compliment. It was one of the most special compliments you had ever received.
“Until next time?” God, you were hoping there would be a next time.
Jake nodded with a smile.
“Until next time.”
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moonydustx · 5 months
Law or Zoro (maybe both separately 🙇‍♀️?) with their s/o secretly being a kunoichi 🤭
Thank u 🙏
Hi Hi! I'll start with: I'm sorry. I didn't know much about the term and I tried to research it, but to be honest, I don't think I got the best of it. I used the point of view in which the character actually became an ally. Maybe I got a little carried away with Law.
After all, how can you disappoint them? (I mean, look at these two happy just seeing Raizo)
requests | one piece masterlist
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Warnings: blood, use of swords, the two like each other but are unable to deal with it maturely.
"Leaving friendship aside" you shouted, dodging the blow. "You're too slow, Zoro."
" What did you say?" He tried to attack you again, but it only took a few steps for you to dodge his attacks. "What the hell!"
"I said: slow." You stopped the sword with your forearm, turning it and letting it rest against the swordsman's skin. "And sloppy."
"How can you do that?"
"A lady doesn't tell your secrets." You laughed, letting him go.
The sun streamed through the crow's nest windows, illuminating the entire space.
Occasionally you and the swordsman would take time out to train. Your excuse was always that you needed to improve your skills and his was that he needed a punching bag. You knew there was a lot behind it - the hours wasted together, the accidental skin-to-skin touches. Those workouts were your favorite part of your schedule.
A crash caught the two of you's attention as well as the uneven rocking and some screams coming from beneath you.
"We are being attacked." Zoro looked out the small window seeing the reason for the small chaos that had formed. "Stay here."
He disappeared from your field of vision in a few seconds. You were determined to follow his orders, not that you owed any kind of obligation, but returning to fight seemed like a distant choice.
Your eyes narrowed at the edge of the window, trying to understand the scale of what was happening. Three pirate ships surrounded the Sunny, each with a flag. Probably a group has allied together to try to overthrow you. Ignoring it no longer seemed like an option.
You practically jumped halfway down the stairs, finding the ship full of enemies. Everyone fought as best they could, but the number of people interested in taking down the Straw Hats seemed too much for you.
Using the same technique you had used in previous training, you dodged each attack, trying to take as little damage as possible. On the other side, you saw one of the men suddenly throw Nami's Clima-tact stick away. Your eyes quickly searched for the best and closest alternative within your reach.
Dodging two guys, you didn't bother asking for permission to take out the third sword that Zoro still kept in its sheath, only seeing him look at you sideways without much room to question.
Before the bullet hit Nami, you positioned the katana blade and watched the fragment turn into two. Ignoring your friend's screams, you threw blows at the first man who had attacked her. A cut in the middle of the chest was enough to knock him down and make room for other enemies to find you.
The sharp blade paraded across the deck of the Sunny, arms fell around you, enemy blood splashed on your clothes and the floor. The presence of the other companions was a memory in the fog, you just needed to help everyone get rid of the little problem. Losing your balance when you saw the ship accelerate in the opposite direction to the enemy ship, it wasn't long before you were just contemplating the blue horizon in front of you.
The absolute silence took a few seconds to bother you until you realized what it was. All your companions looked at you curiously, probably the blood that dripped from the katana and that also stained your clothes was what attracted most of their attention.
The words came to the tip of your tongue and died for a few moments, you were fully aware that you owed your friends satisfaction, it was just difficult to bring the story to light.
"Since when did you know how to do that?" Nami was the first to ask, without any type of ceremony.
"There's been a good, good time."
"But you weren't just an expert in languages, I mean, for someone who has their face buried in books translating those strange things, you know your way around a katana very well." Usopp pointed out, making clear all the curiosity - which was probably in the others' minds.
"I was trained for a long time, longer than I would have liked." you declared, walking to the edge of the ship and leaning against it.
The crew's swordsman did the same, stopping next to you and the others practically circled you. Your hand nervously squeezed the blunt end of the sword in your hand.
"I was taught to infiltrate, to go unnoticed, to kill. I never had much of a choice in the meantime."
"And how did you end up here?" Chopper asked almost adorably, his curiosity leaning more toward admiration than anything else.
"I had a mission." your eyes found Robin in the background. "I needed to infiltrate and take Robin away from here, a high price for someone with high qualifications."
"This is getting interesting." the archaeologist smiled almost understandingly. For some reason you seemed to have given up on the plan and she had already found herself in a similar position. "What made you stop?"
"You, all of you." the answer sounded obvious coming from you. "You all welcomed me so well, I felt like part of a family. So I never answered the calls again and decided to stay here, to be honest, if I had any other choice I wouldn't have done all this." you gestured towards the blood on your clothes. "I understand if you want me to leave, a secret this big..."
"No." Luffy responded immediately. "You're not going to leave."
"The captain decided, you're still a Straw Hat." Sanji completed, leaving room for a brief drag on his cigarette. "And with all that blood you're still beautiful."
"Shut up idiot" Zoro grumbled. "But I agree with Luffy, it's decided, you stay. Now everyone, let's get these scraps out of here." the man pointed to the downed enemies.
Without much desire to continue arguing, one by one you saw your companions move away and begin to clean the deck. Zoro however remained there, standing a few meters away.
"I bet you hate me for my petty theft." You turned to him.
"Are you feeling good?" His calm voice broke your expectations. "You didn't seem comfortable telling all that."
"It's a past that I wanted to leave behind, you know? Being a linguist is much cooler than having to scrub clothes dirty with enemy remains, but now I don't have much choice."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I've already proven that I can fight, I believe that in the next battles it won't make much sense for me to try to escape." a dejected smile crossed your lips as you approached him.
"Only if you want." Zoro replied as you parked yourself in front of him, your feet aligned with his. "If you want to fight, I'll be happy to help you get a katana. If you want to continue just being you, I promise I have enough strength and swords for both of us."
The promise implicit in his voice gave you goosebumps, as well as warming your cheeks in a certain shyness.
"And leaving friendship aside?" he started and you just nodded. "You look beautiful using my katana to take out idiots."
"Leaving friendship aside..." you replied, taking the opportunity to reduce the small space between you.
Without taking your eyes off Zoro's eyes, you slid the sword back into his sheath, completing the trio that now rested after the battle.
"I'd love to be able to do both. Maybe you can help me." your faces were just a short distance away, ignoring the entire world around you.
"Meet me tonight, upstairs. I think we can take some time to train."
"You two make this mess, come help!" Nami's scream broke you both out of your little trance, but the promise still hung in the air.
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Warnings: cute, brief hint of something hotter at the end, pre-established relationship. Law is a super nerd in this one.
Something was out of place. Something felt like it was about to go wrong, you just didn't know what. Following the corridors of the submarine, you made a point of looking room by room, corner by corner, in search of what you didn't even know what you were looking for. The Polar Tang, despite being moored on an island, was occupied by all the crew. Almost all, the captain was absent.
"Bepo?" you entered the room he was in, hitting the switch sharply.
With nightfall and no longer sailing, there weren't many tasks left to be carried out inside Polar Tang. The bear - who was apparently taking a brief nap - rubbed his eyes, trying to understand where the call was coming from.
"Sorry to wake you up. Did you have any news from the captain?"
"He just said he was going to leave for a few hours and that if possible, we would be ready to leave." If it weren't for the worry you would definitely be teasing Bepo and his habit of making mini roars instead of yawns.
"Taking a nap is being ready, mister furry?" the bear's grumbling filled the room. "I don't know Bepo, I have a bad feeling."
"About the captain?" he rose to his feet, more alert than before. "He said he had things to sort out."
"I don't know." you murmured, thinking about possibilities, perhaps the worst possible ones echoed in your mind. "From what I remember, Law was alone for a long time before he went, am I right?"
"Yes! He said he needed to focus on something."
"Okay, let's go through his desk."
Papers hung on the wall, notes spread out on the table, a large web connected the information he had gathered so far about Doflamingo. Occupying his chair, you didn't hesitate to turn over some pages, finding names and positions written down and a map of the island. An X marking a specific point next to a photo attracted your gaze, making you search your own memories to understand the familiarity with such a situation.
"Flander..." you brought the photo of the man with white hair and a black suit closer. You remembered the man but even so, your brain burned trying to remember why and it gave you a bad feeling.
"Do you know him?" "An idiot tycoon who's also a mobster. Last time I bumped into him it was to recover a stolen devil fruit. He craves power, so he uses the black market to sell them and also use... oh, shit!"
"What happened?" the bear tried to keep up with you as you ran back to your room, thankful to find it empty.
"Get everything ready for us to escape. Also prepare the defenses." you pulled out a large hidden brown box. "Law may have been ambushed."
In other situations you would even ask him to leave, but while the bear screamed and ran from side to side you didn't hesitate to throw your overalls and in seconds put on the suit. The minutes lost in getting dressed would certainly be recovered with help in camouflaging.
"Wait, what is this?"
"No questions Bepo! Go now!"
You adjusted the cloth that covered part of your face. Ignoring the curious stares, you crossed Polar Tang in seconds, finding a full moon shining all over the pier that night. That costume, that story, you had chosen to leave behind, but the thought of someone hurting your captain was too much for you to ignore.
Following through the trees it didn't take long to find Flander's compound. Trying to avoid the presence of the security guards, you followed their movement pattern, finding a small gap to climb onto the first floor of roofs. Even though the rooms that were within reach of your eyes seemed empty, you still chose to go outside. Leaning on the gutter and avoiding any noise as much as possible, you didn't have much difficulty finding the next floor.
This time, coming across some lights on in the indoor area, you could feel closer to your goal. Using the noise of voices and the distraction to your advantage, you managed to peek inside the room.
Flander was sitting in one of the chairs, three huge men accompanied him and Law was sitting on the floor. A trickle of blood ran from his eyebrow and his hands were tied together. You hated being right in your suspicions.
Using the point of illumination to your advantage, you opted for the lack of it, throwing your dagger towards the lamp. The sound of breaking glass attracted the attention of everyone there - including Law.
"Where did that come from?" one of the men bent down picking up the small gray object.
The moonlight might still be an advantage for them, but it wouldn't be a problem for you. Rolling into the window, you took advantage of having fallen in a crouch to cut the ankle of the first man within your reach and joining a trip, he soon found the ground.
The other two gathered around you and using the ratio of size to speed, you managed to dodge them, reaching Flander and putting your other dagger through his leg, leaving it stuck between his thigh and the upholstery of the expensive bench he was sitting on. One of the other men managed to hit you, making you lose your balance, but it only took a few kicks and both he and the other man were on the ground.
"Who are you?" Flanders shouted, probably not only trying to clear the doubt but also trying to get the attention of more henchmen.
Before he could continue shouting, you slammed his head against the expensive wooden table in front of the man.
"Cap... Trafalgar." you corrected yourself almost at the last second. "Do you know where your handcuff keys are?"
"In my left pocket." your eyes - which were one of the few things discovered on your face looked in pure disbelief at him. "I knew he would try to trick me, I changed all the handcuffs here to regular versions."
"I do not believe that." despite the relief in knowing that in a way, he already knew what awaited him, it didn't stop you from staying alert.
"You're Shadow Moon, right? The konoichi who helps Sora in magazine 147 of the regular story. From Yushe Island?" He stood up, approaching the table and picking up a small brown notebook, leafing through it quickly. "Am I right, Shadow Moon?"
"Law, we have time to sort this out later." you pulled the cloth away, revealing your face. "Is this the only notebook you need?"
"Are you Sora's Shadow Moon from the Yushe Islands?" for the first time you saw Law's voice rise a few decibels in pure surprise. A slightly more serious version of a child who just got the doll he always wanted. "You?"
"We really can... Shit!" you felt your arm burn as more men appeared in your field of vision. Before you could prepare to fight, the blue dome enveloped you and the bodies lying in the room were replaced by the trees of the island's small forest, the same one that had helped you camouflage your arrival.
"Well, it was a graze." you checked your own arm and it didn't take long for Law to take the job for himself.
"Yes, you almost don't need stitches. A bandage should do the trick, Shadow Moon."
"Are you really going to call me that all night?" Law decided to back off the subject when he noticed the irritation in your voice, but you knew the subject wouldn't remain quiet for long. "When we arrive at Polar Tang, I'll explain. I've already got everyone ready for us to set sail."
You were never so happy to be back in the little metal cocoon, or at least that was the affectionate way you called the yellow submarine. After reassuring everyone, you followed Law to his room, knowing that he must have doubts about everything that happened.
"How did you know I was there?" he asked as soon as you slammed the door behind you. Taking advantage of the small peace to catch your breath, you leaned against the wall.
"I had a strange feeling and when I found Flander's photo, I knew something was wrong. I already knew his history with Devil Fruit users."
"I understood." Law seemed distracted by something on his stand. "I knew he would try to catch me, I wanted to make the most of my time to extract information."
"Next time, please let your girlfriend know." you murmured, crossing your arms and watching him walk towards you. "No way."
Law placed a small doll next to you and you knew what it was without even looking.
"Shadow Moon, I knew it!"
"I'm sorry I kept this from you." You asked and saw him nod. The same hand that held the action figure pulled you closer to the bed.
"How did you end up in Sora?" he sat down, giving you space to sit next to him or in it.
"Long story short, I helped one of the comic's editors, it was his way of thanking me." Law's eyes sparkled as you adjusted yourself over his hips.
"My girlfriend is Shadow Moon. Do you have any idea how badass that is?" he again looked at the doll and placed it aside. "Although you look a lot hotter in the real version."
"Is this serious? I took down several idiots at once to save you and you're impressed by this?" You pointed to your own clothes.
"This? You mean the legendary Shadow Moon responsible for taking down enemy armies and who can disappear into the shadows?" Your loud laugh also brought a light laugh from Law. "Shadow Moon herself came to save me. Where were you hiding all this?"
"Kind of wanted to put that story behind me." you bent down and pushed him against the bed, using the gap to lay on his chest. Just a few hours apart along with the adrenaline in your body made you miss Law's contact. "It was really lucky they left my suit in Sabaody."
"If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay." Noticing the hesitation in your voice, Law tried to steer you away from that subject. But his presence was comforting, it was as if the old memories were just that: things left behind.
"After my parents died, these women took me in. They gave me a home, food, but in return they trained me. They did this with different types of girls."
"You know why?"
"A lot of us went on missions for them, but the purpose was always to teach us how to defend ourselves." You smiled when you felt his fingers caress your skin, encouraging you to keep talking.
"I started to stand out, taking down many of the enemies until the mission where they discovered me infiltrated. I was pretending to be a doctor for one of the pirates who stole them."
"So that's why you already knew how to deal with everything here."
"Exactly, it was almost like a vocation, or destiny" a provocative smile dared to cross your lips, soon disappearing. "After finding out, they locked me up for a while. When they got tired of my presence, they sold me into slavery."
"You're lucky that a guy with a good heart was there, right?" Law's cynicism was something almost immersed in him. You quickly took the man's lips.
"They say he was very handsome." you murmured, catching his kisses.
"Babe, please." his tone was strangled when he felt your hips press against his. "But it's okay if you say no..."
"Trafalgar!" You lightly patted his shoulder when you saw him blush - like you hadn't seen in the time you were together. The way his gaze roamed your body made it clear what he wanted. "Okay, the costumes are still on my body."
"Hm.. my beautiful little konoichi." he turned you over on the bed, pinning you beneath him. "This time you won't be able to hide."
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igotanidea · 1 year
Medicine: Jason Todd x fem!reader
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„I’m home Ja…..”
The sentence dies on her lips before she can finish it, just because of the view in front of her eyes.
“Jace? What is all this?” she turns around looking at the freshly cleaned apartment and her boyfriend in an apron, standing by the oven, making pancakes. “My birthday are like a month away….”
“Y/N!” he smiles “you’re home….”
“Yeah, I…. um….What?” she frowns in confusion
“I thought I could make you some comfort food. You’ve been working so hard lately and I gotta take care of you.”
“… I..um…” she’s struggling to find words “Thank you… I guess?”
“Come sit, baby. Let me serve you.”
“serve me? Jason, what is going on here?”
“Can’t I just spoil my girl?”
“You can, it’s not like I’m complaining, but…..”
“No buts, baby…. Let me take that…” he takes the grocery bag from her and put it on the counter, grabbing her hand and leading her to the table “and greet you properly” he leans forward and kisses her softly, gently, caressing her cheek.
“Shhh….” He put fingers on her lips and kisses her again, wrapping arms around her and pulling her closes. She doesn’t understand a single thing of what is happening, but melts into his touch and ministrations.  Her palms land on his chest, feeling his heartbeat and warmth. But she can also feel something… desperate, longing, coming from him.
Of course, the easiest way to find out would be just to ask him, but Y/N know Jason well enough to not do that. Todd was never known to be straightforward when it came to feelings. She would just have to wait and see, probably using some of the girlfriend tricks.
“How was your day princess? Work still kicking your ass?”
“I’m all better now…..” she smiles “you did all this just for me?”
“all the best for my pretty girl…” he caresses her side gently, looking deep into her eyes “do you like it? Do you want to try some pancake?”
“Of course I do, baby…. In fact, I didn’t have time to eat the whole day, so….”
“You what?!” Jason is appalled by what’s she saying  “My poor girl, you must be exhausted, let me……”
“Jason Todd!!!” she cried out when he lift her off the floor, picking her  bridal style and carrying to the table “put me down, I can walk!”
“No you can’t.”
“Can’t risk you fainting on me, baby. I want to take care of you. Let me….. please?” he pouts and stops in the middle of the room “please?”
“You’re using the puppy eyes on me?” she laughs “I invented that technique Jason!”
“pretty please?”
“You’re crazy….” She chuckles “but ok, I’ll let you carry me to the table. Just beware the moment when I get used to it…..”
“I can carry you whenever and wherever you want.” He sits her down on the chair gently making sure she’s comfortable. “just stay here. I’m about to bring you dinner.” he rushes to the oven and brings her a ton of freshly made pancakes, putting them on her plate.
“You sure you’re ok? This is not how you normally behave…..”
“Normally?” his eyes widen “I don’t know what you mean. I am acting completely normal. If you don’t want my pancakes………….”
“I do! Damn, Todd. You’re not taking those away from me! I love your pancakes!”
“you do?”
“Of course I do! I love everything you made for me!”
“You do?” his whole face light up
“Mmm….” She mutters taking the first bite of the dish and rolling her eyes at the taste. “So delicious….”
“I have more!” he almost jumps on the chair, super excited like a little kid.
“Ok. Enough, Jason.”
“Why? What? What did I do?”
“We need to talk.”
“Talk?” he says this word as if someone punch him in the face. “Can I hug you first?”
She smiles at him. Oh, she knows what this is about. He just gave himself away.
“Come here….” She moves towards the couch, patting the spot next to her. “Come on Jason, don’t just stand there looking at me like I’ve grown a third eye. You wanted to cuddle, didn’t you?”
“Yes…..” she rushes to her side, wrapping arms around her tightly. Too tight….
“Yes?” he holds her like a giant, talking teddy bear
“You… um… you’re kind of crushing me…..”
“Oh, oh! Sorry…I’m sorry….” He loosen the grip almost completely, then holds her more again and then loses his composure completely.
“Jace….” She sighs “what is with you today? What’s with the insecurity and doubts?”
“What!? I’m not….insecure…..” he mutters looking down on the ground
“Look at me” she grabs his chin and make him look up into her eyes “talk to me. No bullshit Jace. Talk to me.”
“Maybe…. I am a bit insecure…..”
“Why?” he looks down again “Why, Jason? Come on, it’s me…talk to me.”
“I don’t want you to leave me……” he admits
“You what now?!” to say she’s dumfounded would be an understatement “Why on Earth did that come into your pretty head?”
“I’m……” he trails, but instead of finishing the sentence he captures her lips again, the kiss conveying all his neediness and desperation. And as if that wasn’t enough, both his hands circle around her waist pulling her closer to his chest.
“Jason Peter Todd…….” She tries to pull back, but he doesn’t let her, his lips not leaving her. She’s so soft, so warm, so perfect and he can’t let her go. Never. And if that requires kissing and holding her for eternity he’s more than happy to do that.  
“I love you so much, Y/N…..” he mumbles kissing her cheek, softly, It’s not easy for him to put that feeling into words, and he hopes it would be enough to make her stay ”Please don’t leave me…..”
“Ok, wait, hold back, rewind…” she pulls back again, this time successfully “Leave you? Have you been talking to dick again? Did he made you doubt yourself? I swear I’m gonna kill the Nightwing.”
“It wasn’t Grayson. I was just …. Thinking…..”
“Oh no, dammit. That never ends up good for you….” She laughs brushing hair out of his face. “come on, tell me what have you been thinking about?”
“Why are you with me?”
“Why….. “ she sighs “Jason…. I love you… just because….You don’t just love someone for something. You don’t have to make me pancakes or clean the whole apartment or carry me around. It’s nice, really, but you don’t have to do this. I’m not gonna leave you…..”
“You’re not?” he looks at her with vulnerable eyes, almost begging her to say it again
“Do you see that look in my eyes?” she asks and he nods, a bit confused “Good.” She grabs his hand and put it on her chest “do you feel that? My heartbeat?”
“Yeah…. But….”
“It’s pure love Jason. I only have eyes for you. My heart beats only for you. Don’t ever doubt my love.”
“I’m sorry……”
“Don’t be sorry, baby…. There are so many people in this life, in Red Hood’s life that will try to use us against one another, turn us against one another, break us… you cannot doubt me, cause sure as hell I don’t doubt you. Ok?” she asks softly
“Ok….. Y/n? I love you too, can we stay like this some more? I just want to keep hugging you.”
“Are you less insecure now?”
“Might have to get some more of my medicine for that….” He smirks and falls onto his back dragging her with him, so she lays on top of him. He holds her tight, one hand on her back, the other caressing her hair and kissing the top of her head repeatedly “Yeah, I think it’s working. It definitely is working.”
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐝𝐮𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴘʀᴏᴡʟᴇʀ! ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ᴠᴇɴᴏᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: you and miles are vigilantes, theft, venom symbiote, mentions of death, mentions of getting shot, Symbiote being a little shit sometimes, murder?
A/N: Since I don't really know much about earth 42 Miles, I just came up with an idea on why he is the Prowler.
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The first person to know about your Symbiote was your boyfriend Miles, you knew that he was the one and only Prowler, sure he was a vigilante, but he did more than the police had ever done, it all started when his father died. His dad was a good cop, but sadly he was killed while on a patrol and the police station did nothing, so Miles had decided to take matters into his own hands.
You had no idea how the alien had got to you. One day you just woke up and bam, you had an Symbiote on you. Miles could not believe it, he has seen weird shit, but not this weird. Your Symbiote on the other hand, was a little shit, who was always hungry or would just flat out fuck with both you and Miles for its entertainment.
But as time passed, you and your Symbiote got along well, it would still mess with Miles, but your boyfriend was cool with the creature. Then one night that you were walking home late back to your apartment complex, you nearly got shot by a mugger. He had wanted everything that you had, but refused to give him any of the money Miles had given you, then you heard gunshots.
Except, your body had been consumed by a black liquid, almost similar to a shield, then you felt a lot of anger and all sorts of things going through your body, next thing you new, the guy was dead. Ripped apart on the ally. You went back home straight away, wondering what just happened.
You had bumped into Miles, and basically told him what happened. How you were nearly mugged and you basically killed the guy. Miles wanted to kill the guy himself, but he was already dead. Then that was when your Symbiote had told you both its abilities.
Now this caused interest, you basically had some kind of weapon on you. And that's how you began to help Miles and his Uncle, they both helped train you so that you didn't get your ass kicked, sure you had your Symbiote, but it was good that you knew how to fight. You didn't have to help, but you choose to help both Miles and Aaron. At first your Symbiote wasn't convinced, but once you told it that with the extra money you got, you can get them as much junk food as they wanted, they agreed.
Thanks to you and your Symbiote, you manage to get more money, but majority of the money would go to Miss Morales, she worked hard as a nurse, but she wasn't getting paid enough, you believed that she dissevered the money due to her hard work. Besides Bounties, you also stole from the rich and helped the people from your community. Since no one cared about your people, you and Miles made it your mission to help them as much as possible. Sure it was dirty work, but you didn't care, if this was how to help the community you grew up in, so be it.
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You and Miles had been on a mission, you as Venom and him as the Prowler. You had stolen some money from this Rich's guy's home, after you got both your shares, you went to drop it off at the orphanage that was near your apartment complex, afterwards you got a call from Aaron, there was a situation and he needed both of you to see what it was. "What do you think it is? Another bounty?" you asked, your face had been uncovered to be able to speak and look at Miles. "I don't know, but it sounds important. Lets go." That was all he said, then you both hurried back to the hide out.
Once you arrived, you crawled in through the window, then you saw someone tied onto the punching bag while Aaron was messing with some stuff. You wanted to get a better look, so with your spiderlike abilities, you crawled on the celling. As soon as you saw the guy, he looked identical to you boyfriend, except he had his hair in an afro and he was wearing some kind of suit, spider suit in particular. Now you were above the person tied up on the punching bag, then your boyfriend made himself present. You also spotted someone else, tied behind him, when you set your eyes on them, you couldn't believe it, it was you! Except, the fake looked more nice and sweet, very unlike you.
He then got down, while you stayed on the ceiling. Aaron then tossed him one of his gloves in which he caught. He looked very intimidating when he got closer to the imposter. "Your dad is still alive?" he asked, making the imposter respond in confusion. "What?" he asked, making your boyfriend repeat himself. "You father, you said he is still alive." he said, this time the imposter whispered. "Yeah.." he said, making your boyfriend let out a small hum. "Who are you?" he asked, a whole minute passed, then your Miles reveal himself to the other one by removing his mask from his face. Your fake couldn't really see any of what was happening, except hear everything, she could feel how everything was happening all at once.
"I'm Miles Morales, but you.. can call me the Prowler" he said, making the other Miles have a look of shock. "If I don't get home, our dad is going to die-" he tried to reason with him but he was cut off by your Miles. "Your dad" he said coldly, making the other more scared. Then this was when you decided to make yourself present. You slid upside down using your web, now face to face to the imposter Miles. Your face had been covered, so all he could see was your sharp rows of teeth and your wide white eyes, making him even more scared.
You smirked and licked your teeth with your long tongue. "I didn't know you had a twin brother, I thought we didn't keep secret from us Babe" you teased, in your demonic voice. You then got a hold of the other Miles face, lightly pressing your sharp talons on his cheeks, causing him to be even more scared. "He isn't my brother" your boyfriend said. You continued to have a good look at the fake. Impressed on how similar he was to your boyfriend, except he looked more dorky and soft. "W-who are you?" he asked again, still frightened.
Just like your boyfriend, you showed your face to him. This caused him to let out a small gasp. "I'm Y/n L/n" You said then you turned the bag around, now face to face to your other you! Just like Miles, she was terrified, even more terrified than Miles. "But you can call me Venom" you said with a smirk, showing her the fangs that you developed over time. It made her even more scared, you saw how she was shivering by the fear.
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Taglist?: @sorryi-mtrash
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Back to black
John Egan X Pilot! Reader
Summary: The relationship of Y/n and Bucky when they're both at their lowest.
Warning: Toxic relationship/ manipulation/ cheating/ mention of sex/ swearing/ use of Y/n/ abuse of alcohol/
Word count: 1.2k
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He left no time to regret
Kept his dick wet
With his same old safe bet
Me and my head high
And my tears dry
Get on without my guy.
Their relationship was toxic, they would fight and make-up all the time. Their arguments would always end up with them being naked in the bed. She was a female pilot; he was a pilot too. They were on the same base, so they always saw each other. Some of the other pilots grew tired of them always fighting, but no matter what happened, they’d still be in love with the other, they were addicted to the thrill and the highs and lows of their relationship. It distracted them from the horror they saw all the time, the sex was an occasion to let everything out, it was often raw and real, they tried to get a grip on reality. But when he drank, he could be really mean. Y/n tried to get out of the situation, but she was like a drug addict, always needing more. So, she would cry in her room, her tears represented all the things she couldn’t have with him; a walk in a park, slow dancing together, going on dates and having deep conversations with him. She had to face the fact that the relationship she was in wasn’t the one her mother described, it was the one her father warned her about.
You went back to what you knew
So far removed
From all that we went through
And I tread a troubled track
My odds are stacked
I'll go back to black.
‘’What do you mean you’re going to London?’’ she asked as she looked at him packing his bags. ‘’I need a break from all this, I need to drink, to get out of here!’’ he said, putting his shirt in his bag. He was going to drink in London, getting back to his old coping habit, or he was going to find another woman to have sex with, his ladies-men reputation was well known by the woman. ‘’Right, cause running away is easier than stay and talk about your feelings’’ she chuckled, but it was filled with anger in her voice. He clenched his jaw as she gritted her teeth. There it was, the anger building up in her stomach, she wanted to punch the wall, choke him and hit him, but she contained herself, like always. ‘’I’m going to London, so whatever you say, won’t change my mind’’ he mumbled, with hint of frustration in his voice. Talking to him was useless, he was going to get drunk, probably going to cheat on her, come back with flowers and do it all again. She felt her throat squeeze, she didn’t want to cry in front of him. ‘’Why did I come here, anyway.’’ She whispered. Bucky looked up at her. ‘’Have fun in London, you know where to find me when you come back. Or I’ll probably be rotting in a potato field in Germany, enjoy your weekend, John’’ she said as she slammed his door. The idea of her being dead didn’t sit well in his mind, but he needed to get out of here, he was starting to lose his mind.
We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to
I go back to us.
She coiled up against her door, crying again. They had a fight, she looked at the letter in her hands. A woman named Lexie wrote to him; saying how much she enjoyed the night they spent together in London, and it went on with details of their steamy night. He cheated on her many times before, but it was never confirmed, now, to hold a letter, she felt like her heart was shattering with each word she read. Tears fell on the paper as she continued to read it. Bucky could hear her cry when he entered the building, since she was a woman on a base filled with men, her and the other woman had a private building. He knew that she was crying because of him. She thought she was dying, her heart was painful, each breath she took was hurting her lungs, her head was pounding from all the crying. It wasn’t the first time she ‘died’ it happened multiple times before. When he knocked at her door, he didn’t expect her to open it that fast. ‘’What the fuck do you want?’’ she tried to yell, but her voice cracked, showing all the pain she was in. ‘’Darling, I’m truly sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I feel so fucking bad right now, please let me in’’ he pleaded. She didn’t have any energy to fight with him, she let him inside her room, he closed the door, slowly, as he looked at her. She looked so tired, in pain and hurt. ‘’I know you won’t forgive me, and I’ve said it before, but this time, I promise you that I truly fucking mean it, she meant nothing. It’s really hard for me to talk about my feelings, I was about to go crazy, the second I kissed her I regretted it. Y/n, please look at me’’ she didn’t want to hear him, but he sounded so sincere. ‘’How do I know this time is different?’’ she whispered. ‘’I don’t know what to tell you, but I swear on everything I have, I’m going to change, no more messing around, I love you, and I can’t keep hurting you.’’ His eyes filled with tears. ‘’Y/n, I love you and I’m begging you, please you have to believe me, you can ask Buck, I’ve thrown away all my alcohol, and I – ‘’ Y/n cut him off, placing her hands on his. ‘’Just shut up and kiss me’’ she said, her voice filled with pain, again. Bucky kissed her, putting his both hands on her cheek. He tenderly kissed her lips. ‘’I love you so much’’ he praised between kisses.
She didn’t know if that promise was true, but she was going to take whatever he was willing to give, because they needed each other, one couldn’t live without the other. The adrenaline, the love; they craved each other. So whatever he gave her, she was going to take it, or she was going back to black…
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