#that’s what Four times Aizen tried to have Momo killed
rukia-writes · 4 months
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I had forgot that Aizen had masterminded Izuru and hitsugaya to take out Momo, that didn’t work. Then Aizen stabbed Momo…that also didn’t work.
Then Aizen had used KS to have Soi fon, Hitsugaya, Shunsui, and Hirako to attack Momo..
And she survives! 😅🥹
So like I wonder what Aizen would say when he finds out that Momo is still alive! After all that!
It’s official Momo is immortal.
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misc-headcanons · 5 years
Hey! you could do Aizen, Tōshiro, Kisuke (bleach) as protector / jealous. Thank you :)
Urahara would still have the same breezy, laid-back attitude he usually has around his s/o even when he’s being protective of you. 
He’ll put a reiatsu tracker on your phone so that you can tell if something potentially dangerous is nearby, as well as a few other gadgets that will keep you safe. He’d probably add a function where at the touch of a button/entering a short passcode would open up a portal to the shop for you to escape to if you were in danger.
He’s not the kind of guy to tell his s/o not to go places without him or anything like that, but he will always ask where you’re headed in a casual way and offer to come with. If they want to go by themselves, he can always detect where you are with the trackers on his phone in case something happens. Kisuke’s a sweet guy, but he’s not above monitoring where you are without you knowing it. He’d only go that far if you were in imminent danger, ie. Aizen or one of his subordinates had tried to kidnap/kill you recently.
He’s also a bit more clingy when you’re together, and he’ll always have an arm on your shoulder or around your waist. He’s usually pretty handsy anyways though, so you probably won’t notice anything out of the ordinary.
Urahara isn’t really the jealous type, but if he sees someone flirting with you he’ll subtly show that you’re taken for by putting an arm around your waist when he joins the conversation. Nothing too aggressive, but just enough to show he knows what they’re doing.
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I hope you like constant surveillance without your knowledge or consent! Aizen will want you to be escorted everywhere by subordinates that he trusts to keep you safe, and he’ll be monitoring where you are all at times in Las Noches with the various cameras Szayelapporo has installed. 
To be honest, he would do this even if he wasn’t feeling particularly protective of you. Aizen seems like the kind of guy who just has no problem invading your privacy and being possessive. 
When you have a God-complex as extreme as Aizen’s, you’re really above things like jealousy when it comes to an s/o. Still, if an Arrancar or subordinate tried to approach you if they didn’t get permission, they’re going to be punished. He doesn’t view them as a threat or rival in the slightest, but the fact that they would forget their place and address his lover as if they were equals is not going to stand. If they aren’t just killed by a small increase in his reiatsu, he’ll make sure they’re demoted and made an example of.
If there’s an imminent threat that’s arrived in Hueco Mundo (even something he underestimates and won’t think will be a problem, like when Ichigo and the others arrived), he’ll sequester you to your shared chambers in the palace and you won’t be allowed to leave until the issue is dealt with. It’s not that he genuinely thinks some random humans and Shinigami would be able to take you or hurt you, it’s just out of principle--you’re his, and there’s no way he’s leaving one of his treasures out in the open like that.
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Toshiro would constantly be on-guard when you two are out together, and he’ll insist on escorting you everywhere himself. He’d also train with you a bit to improve your combat skills so that you’re prepared in case of a fight or threat and he’s not able to help you in time.
He’d constantly chide you for potentially putting yourself in danger; if you forget to lock your door, he’ll come in the middle of the night and make your room fucking freezing before lecturing you about being responsible and locking your damn door. 
“What if I was a kidnapper, or a Hollow, or a robber?”
“Well none of those things would’ve frozen half of my house just to lecture me, so I’d actually prefer that to you right now!”
He’s also protective of who approaches you, so whoever tries to better have a good reason for it or else he’ll stare them down. If he can tell you’re uncomfortable with whoever’s nearby, he’ll just coldly tell them to leave the two of you alone; it doesn’t matter that he’s like four and a half feet tall, that icy stare of his will get them to leave.
He’s a bit frosty (geddit, because he’s the ice boy) towards everyone around him when he’s jealous, you included. He knows it’s childish to be jealous of someone flirting with you, and he hates feeling like a child; unfortunately, that makes him pull away from people and want to isolate himself so he doesn’t act like a fool in front of you. If someone’s flirting with you in front of him, he would wait for you to stop it; if you didn’t, he would just come up to you and pull you away while coldly telling whoever you were talking to that he needed to speak to “his partner” privately for a moment.
When you two are alone together, he’s also a bit clingy like Urahara. Unlike Urahara, this isn’t a common thing for him, so if he starts to hold you close and take your hand more often, you can tell it’s because he’s being protective. He doesn’t like PDA that much, but if he’s feeling protective of you he’ll show it by constantly holding your hand; he thinks it’s a way to make sure he can keep you close...Rangiku and Momo just think it’s adorable.
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darisu-chan · 6 years
More IR goodness for y’all. Hope you like it!
You can also read it here. 
Prompt: a future or futuristic au
Summary: As the world goes to hell, Ichigo and Rukia must battle robots just to stay alive.
Rukia groaned as she shoot another robot in the face. Although it had been a scary ordeal at the beginning, after the first week it soon turned boring. Once you learned the gist of it, killing robots intent on overcoming humans wasn’t as difficult as movies made it look like. Just a few shots on their metallic head, and they would drop to the floor like flies. By this point, it was just bothersome. Or maybe that was just her case, for her paranoid brother had made her train to survive an apocalypse since she was five. For Rukia, robots infesting the Earth was just a little less annoying than a zombie invasion. Demons conquering the world would have made for a much more interesting turn of events.
“That was the last one.” The voice of her companion brought her out of her reverie.
It was Ichigo, her partner and boyfriend? She wasn’t sure of the last part. Their relationship was complicated as it was without adding the fact they were living in an apocalyptic environment. When the robot invasion started, they had been hanging out at his place. It didn’t take long for them to figure things out, and grab the many guns they had stored for precisely this scenario. Ichigo’s family was as eccentric as her own (although Byakuya would have died ten times over by the hands of a vampire before admitting this). They had followed everything they had learned. Taking Ichigo’s armored car, they had left the chaos of the city. Given the fact the robots and whoever was controlling them had hijacked all transmission towers, they couldn’t contact their families and friends. Rukia knew there was only one place their crazy families would have gone to, and that was the series of bunkers called Seireitei, which had been built for such a scenario. There were more crazies out there who founded an organization called Gotei for precisely such an event.
“Let’s get out of here before more come back.” Rukia said, putting her guns away. Ichigo did the same thing and together they walked out of the building they had been in.
They had a very clear mission. Killing as many robots as possible until reaching Seireitei. Although it wasn’t like they had any other options. Wherever they went, there were pesky robots hell-bent on killing them. Reasoning with them was out of the question. They were programmed to shoot anything that moved. Battling them was the only thing left to do. It would have been better to defeat the person responsible for this mess, but, sadly, they had no idea who could it be. Fighting that person between just the two of them was out of the question. They needed to regroup and fast. Thankfully, they were sure the other members of Gotei would make it. Some, like Rukia’s brother, lived very close to the place. Others, even if they lived far, possessed the same weaponry as they did. Everyone had been trained in battle. Together, they would be invincible.
“What are you thinking about?” Ichigo asked as he drove.
It was quiet. The moment they had left the city and headed to the countryside, the less robots they encountered. It was unnerving.
“I’m wondering if they already made it to Seireitei.” Rukia answered. “And I’m also thinking about how long it’ll take us to get there. We have resources, but we rarely get any sleep.”
“We were trained for this.” He retorted. “I’m sure everyone made it. And we will make it.”
“How long until we arrive?”
“Twenty four hours.”
Damn it all! Why did the bunkers had to be so far away? Between fighting robots and looking for people and resources, they had lost seven days already. Rukia felt good that they had been actually decimated large quantities of the robot army, however she couldn’t help but feel angry every time they arrived somewhere and found out all the people around had been killed. With each corpse they encountered, she wanted to scream.
“Hey.” Ichigo’s soothing voice called out to her and made those terrible images vanish.
“Yeah?” She said, turning to him.
“We’ll get whoever did this. Don’t worry.”
She smiled and took his hand. It was warm.
“I can drive if you want. That way you can sleep.” When Rukia saw that he was about to shake his head, she added, “I’ll promise I’ll wake you up if I feel too tired to drive.”
It was around seven in the morning when Ichigo woke up. Rukia had driven all night. She couldn’t help it. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the dead bodies of the people she hadn’t been able to save. She knew that weighed Ichigo too. She had seen him moving restlessly in his sleep. The situation was taking a toll on them and, even with all the training, Rukia didn’t know how long they’d last like this. She contemplated all of this as she looked out of the window. After realizing she had stayed awake the whole night, Ichigo had naturally scolded her and told her to sleep while he drove. He had had around six hours of sleep and was ready to go. Knowing he’d get pissed if she didn’t do as she was told, Rukia fell asleep. Somehow she had managed to sleep around five hours when Ichigo woke her up to eat something. He had parked in the countryside, very close to the bunkers. By nighttime they’d be there.
“Here you go.” Ichigo said, giving her one of the cans they had.
“Thanks.” She said, as she started eating her noodles.
“We still have enough gas to last us for another two days.” He said, slapping the hood of his car. Given the fact it all happened so fast, and Ichigo’s care wasn’t exactly big, they had taken only the indispensable.
“It’s good we’ll get there today, right?”
“Most likely. And there we’ll get more supplies.”
“I wonder if nii-sama’s making preparations.” She said, eyes turning sad at the thought of her older brother. Last time they saw each other, they hadn’t been in the best of terms. He hadn’t wanted her to move to the city just in case of an emergency. He had been right.
“Knowing Byakuya he must’ve rallied the Gotei by this point.” Ichigo said.
Rukia hummed noncommittally as she ate the rest of her soup. She stopped when she felt a presence too close to her. Looking up, she found Ichigo, who had already cornered her in the car. His hands trapped her from both sides and his face was close to hers.
“Stop worrying so much.” He said, his breath mingling with hers.
“I can’t help it. I want them all to be save.”
“Me too. But there’s not much we can do yet.”
Rukia nodded and mustered a small smile. “At least we have each other.”
“I think that’s more than enough.”
Soon his lips were over hers. Rukia sighed in happiness and grabbed his face, pulling him closer. He responded by sucking her lips, making her moan. This was new. They had been friends for a while now, and Ichigo had been the reason she had moved to the city. She had always felt that they went beyond normal friends, for their bond was incredibly strong. However, she couldn’t say they were romantically involved. Not until some days ago, at least. Just before the world went to hell, they had kissed and made love for the first time. It happened so fast. In a month, they were already attached to the hip. They thought this was the beginning of something new they hadn’t bothered to name yet. Then, in the blink of an eye, they had been fighting for their survival. Life wasn’t fair. But at least Ichigo was there. Had she been alone, Rukia would have become insane. It was the same for him.
“Easy, tiger.” Rukia joked, pulling away from him. “We need to get to Seireitei today.”
Ichigo grumbled, annoyed that their bonding time had been interrupted. “The moment we get there, we’re not leaving our rooms for a week.”
She laughed, knowing he wasn’t being serious and suggested they continued driving. Somehow, even with danger looming ahead, Rukia couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach.
Ichigo and Rukia stared at the place in shock. They had managed to arrive to Seireitei at ten, but even before getting there, they could see something was wrong. There was fire, people running around, and robots everywhere. They had gotten there first.
“No.” Rukia whispered in denial. How had this happened? Nobody knew about Seireitei except for the Gotei.
Ichigo didn’t say anything. Spurred into action, he jumped out of the car and grabbed his guns and ammo. “Aren’t you coming?” He told her.
She nodded and imitated him, following him to where they could see the chaos coming from. It was the main building, where the higher-ups would normally hold conventions and planned ahead. Thankfully, other bunkers hadn’t caught on fire yet, but robots were swarming from them. Not even needing to speak, they both nodded and entered, shooting robots here and there. They saw a lot of their companions already there, guns in arms. Rukia started shooting on one side, and Ichigo in the other. As she moved, she found a person slumped on the ground. Her eyes widened when she recognized her. It was Hinamori Momo, another member of the organization.
“Hinamori-san!” She said, kneeling down and protecting her. “What happened?”
“Rukia-san?” The girl said in a weak voice. She was injured in the stomach. “You made it.” She said smiling.
“How did this happen?” Rukia tried again, gently shaking her.
Hinamori cried. “It was Aizen-san! He betrayed us! At first I couldn’t believe it, and I denied all accusations. But today I found out it’s true.” She said as tears rolled down her cheeks. “He attacked us. He’s behind everything!”
Rukia cursed. “We need to get you out of here.” She said, assessing the situation. If she could get her to the car…
“No.” Hinamori cut her. “It’s too late for me. But not late for them. Please, help them!” She pleaded, clutching Rukia’s hands in hers.
“We’ll save them.” Another voice interjected. Turning around, they found Ichigo kneeling down next to them.
“Thank you, Kurosaki-kun.” Hinamori said, eyes starting to close. “With you two here, I know everything will be alright.” She didn’t say anything else, for her eyes closed forever.
Rukia stood up, tears already falling down her cheeks. She felt furious. Aizen Sosuke, member of their organization and one of the higher-ups had betrayed them. He had betrayed the whole world. He had caused this mess and countless of people were dead because of him, including Hinamori, his assistant. The girl had trusted her superior more than anyone, and he had killed her. Next to her, Ichigo cursed loudly. He was as pissed as she felt.
“Come on. I secured us a door.” He suddenly said, starting to walk away.
Without a second thought, Rukia followed him. They shot more robots and kicked them out of the way until they found the door they were looking for. It led to one of the conference rooms. As they entered, both almost threw up. Around forty people were there, unmoving. They had bullet wounds and their blood pooled on the floor.
“What’s going on?!” Ichigo yelled, enraged.
Rukia pursed her lips. “I hear sounds on the other side. No doubt there’s were the other robots are.”
They nodded and moved to that door. It was even more chaotic there. Robots swarmed everywhere, while other members of the Gotei tried to shoot them. There were bodies on the floor. It was difficult to see which ones were robots and which humans.
“Rukia! Ichigo!” A voiced called to them. “Thank God you’re here!”
“Renji!” She exclaimed. It was Abarai Renji, her childhood friend.
“Are you unharmed?” A new voice added.
“Nii-sama!” It was her brother. Other than tired, Byakuya looked fine.
“We’re both alright! What about you?” Ichigo answered, not even once stopping shooting.
“We’re fine but the robots are getting the best of us!” Renji answered.
“We need to kill these ones and move to the ones below!” Byakuya added.
“But with you here, I’ve no doubt we’ll do it in no time!” Another person said.
“Dad?!” Ichigo exclaimed, looking at his father dressed in protective gear and wielding two guns. “Where are Ka─”
“Your sisters are safe! Right now we need to focus on this fight! Can you do it, son?!”
Ichigo grinned. “Che. I’ve been dying to see if you were actually right about your crazy theories, old man.”
Rukia chuckled and covered Ichigo as he jumped and shot a few robots on the ceiling.
“Third daughter! Glad you’re safe!” Kurosaki Isshin told her, moving to be closer to her.
“Thanks! You too!” She told her father-in-law, using the opportunity to kick a robot from behind. Isshin immediately shot it.
“With you two here, we’ll definitely win!”
The battle went on. More people joined them from outside. Apparently most of them had been dealt with. The real problem was inside the main building. More robots kept springing up, and nobody knew from where. Urahara Kisuke, one of the most knowledgeable members, inferred Aizen had hidden them in the lab. He asked Ichigo and Rukia to join him and his friend, Yoruichi, to look for the lab and end thins once and for all. Together, they walked to the lab, only to find it even more infested with robots. Cursing, the four didn’t waste time and started shooting all of them.
“Kisuke, we need to split!” Yoruichi exclaimed, realizing they couldn’t get right to the machine which produced robots if they were all busy killing more of them.
“No!” Ichigo yelled. “We need to stick together!”
“I’m afraid Yoruichi-san is right!” Urahara called after shooting a robot. “We will stay here, while you two go and destroy the machine! I’ll leave things to you, Kurosaki-san, Kuchiki-san!”
“Let’s go, Ichigo!”
The two left their older friends and navigated to the farthest end of the lab. They kept shooting and creating entries between robots so they could move easily. However, it felt as if they hadn’t killed a single one even if many already lay on the floor. Rukia felt fear. This could be it. Their short lives ending because of a mad man.
“We might not make it!” Ichigo called to her.
Even if she was feeling that way as well, she felt the need to ignore him. “We won’t! We can do it!”
“Rukia! Listen to me!” He suddenly said, his back crashing against hers. “This might be the last time I’ll be able to say it!” That puzzled her. What else could there be left to say after they had known each other for so many years? “I love you!” Ichigo said, turning around and looking right into her eyes.
Rukia felt all air leaving her. She gasped.
There definitely was something left to say between them after all.
“I love you too!” She proclaimed, smiling at him.
“Great!” He said, then shot a robot behind her. “So, now that we’ve established that, you won’t mind me asking you this, right?”
Rukia changed places with him and shot other two robots. “What is it?”
“Will you marry me?”
Questioningly, she turned to look at him. Ichigo stood tall and proud. Rukia searched into her eyes and she found many things. Fear. Worry. Anger. And above all else, love, directed to her.
“Yes!” She exclaimed.
Rukia ran and leapt into his arms, her lips crashing into his. After all this time as friends, and the short period they spent as a couple, had taught her many things about the man in her arms. He was kind, noble, brave, and her best friend. She wanted to spend all of her life with Ichigo, be it seventy years or only five seconds.
“This is not time to be kissing!” Yoruichi complained behind them.
“Sorry, but it was now or never!” Rukia yelled back.
“Ready?” He asked her, gesturing to the machine.
Together, they ran to the machine, intent on destroying it and ending this mess once and for all. Rukia didn’t feel fear any longer. She knew that as long as she was with Ichigo, everything would be okay. They would both survive. She was sure of it.
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