#that’s so nice. like. Sarah and Cesar get it as a fun jokey kinda thing
shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
okay the concept of cesar giving seth a mug was too sweet to pass up so plz accept this little drabble
Cesar and Sarah walk into the supermarket, Sarah scanning her eyes over the shopping list, Cesar warily watching the people to make sure no one recognised them. They might be on the run, but they did need food every once in a while.
"Aight, I'll go this way and you in the opposite direction, and we'll meet in 10 minutes. Stay low alright?"
Cesar nods," 10 minutes, got it" and then they go to their respective ways. Cesar picks some pasta, some milk and cereal, and dumps into the cart, feeling nostalgic and sad at the same time, remembering how he used to shop with his mother. He contemplates in silence, unconsciously walking into the gift aisle. His eyes fall onto a "#1 DAD " cup, and his lips quirk into a smile as a light bulb clicks in his head, chasing the sad memories away. He picks it and places it in the cart, and goes to meet Sarah.
"I'm going to give it to Seth on father's day, see how he'll react", Cesar told Sarah on the way home. Sarah's eyes widen, and she bursts out laughing. "Oh god, go ahead, I'd love to see how it plays out"
Later at night after dinner, Cesar plops the mug, words hidden in front of Seth. He gives him a weird look, smoke spiralling out of his cigarette.
"What's that? Pretty sure my birthday passed a couple of months ago." said Seth, sitting up.
Cesar grins and walks away without answer and he can hear Sarah giggling.
Seth turns the cup, finding the "#1 DAD" etched on the cup and a card inside with "Happy Father's Day, you old grump" with a hastily scrawny Cesar and Sarah beside it.
He stubs the cigarette in the ashtray, feeling his throat slightly tighten and faint tears sting his eyes. These silly kids were going to be the death of him.
sorry for spamming u with these drabbles I couldn't stop myslef lol
That’s. So sweet, holy shit
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