#that’s also a real draw to want to be her bestie ig
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dellamortethelesser · 1 month ago
I’ve also been dipping into poe and I really like how obsidian handles companions! I’m playing my little godlike moon girlie and bc the companions have no real impetus to join you other than wanting to follow u bc ur the weird one in the group it’s very endearing. She’s their manic pixie dream girl. She’s weird and charming and definitely someone who led a failed rebellion and got politically tried and exiled for it. Four men shrugging and following her unwaveringly is the kind of duckling behavior she expects out of people. Oh Delfina
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viscountessevie · 3 years ago
How close are Simone and Jonny do you think? I feel like they're more work friends than real life friends. We never see them hang out together outside of the set but Jonny's been out with a lot of his other costars, the latest one being NC (again) 🙄🙄 It's really stupid I know but I'm sad that they're not really BFFs away from the show
Hello anon! Thanks for waiting and sending this in. Okay so you're not stupid for feeling this way and you aren't alone either - I've had to talk down multiple friends and mutuals from spiralling about their friendship. So if those friends wanna interact with this post and let anon know they can vent to yall about this too, go ahead shshsh.
It's easy to feel sad about this because their chemistry as friends off screen is JUST as compelling as it was on screen. Like the moment they were pictured together after Tadum at the cafe, you can tell how they both have such love and adoration for each other. Literally that's what best friendships are made of. I actually look at my besties that way - they just looked overjoyed to be in each other's company. Who doesn't want that? There's also a warmth to them that draws you in and you want to see more of them together!
EDIT: I was looking for pictures of her for my other ask and found the photo I was talking about! They are so soft I love them 🥺🥺🥺
Totally understandable but - and brace yourself for Rational Sanji- we have to accept that these two are hella hardworking and are constantly doing projects between their downtime for Bridgerton. They are also notoriously private. These two things are some of the reasons they get along so well which is great that they are so alike and understand each other on that level.
That being said, I honestly think they are really close, out of all the cast. Which is saying something because Jonny had a whole season with the rest of them and he seems the most in tune with Simone. Also going back to my second paragraph, you can see the admiration between them and how much they like each other as people. I think them not posting every little outing or interacting is due to 1) Privacy in terms of outings and also IG algorithms suck and 2) Yall they have phones, they probably text and call each other all the time. As for not hanging out in public very often - again due to their work and having conflicting schedules and being in different places before they come down to shoot for Bridgerton!
I wouldn't worry about it, anyone can see they are definitely set besties and hold each other in high regard and have a deep affection for one another. It's truly an amazing bond they have and one I share with my own best friends - it's wonderful to have people like that in your corner!
All this being said, it isn't our business at the end of the day and we should remember it is a privilege that they do let us into their personal lives every once in a while with their posts. But hopefully in terms of Bridgerton content we can get more BTS of them together!
[Also lmao I got so passionate about Jimone I couldn't be bothered to tackle the NC part of the ask kfjdkfjh but eh I wouldn't read into it I'm sure when the microaggressions aren't directed at her white costars she's not terrible company.]
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thermodynamiclawyer · 2 years ago
HAIII👋👋👋FELLOW PV ENJOYER I just wanna say I LOVE UR ART SM🥺🥺the way u draw pv is SOSOSOSOSO COOL N FUNKY I LOVE IT SMMM I usually don’t follow accounts that post purecacao not becauz i hate the ship it’s just not really my thing (also becauz my besties fav ancient is lily and we like making aus together a lot so it’s just easier 2 slam our faves together HSHSHD) but but BUT!! u are the EXEPCTION i just cannot resist ur pv art swagger. it is too pretty it is TOO MUCH OF. A LOT OF GOOD THINGS I DON’T WANNA MAKE A HUGE LIST RN BUTBUT ur gonna get spammed with notifs from me in a second becauz im going through ur pv tag and reblogging ur art of him. I actually saw ur art a lot earlier but. i didnt interact with it idk why I just didn’t feel like writing out a ton of tag compliment essays that day and then I just continued to put it off,, the wonders of having the disorder(s? I just recently got on meds for add but I’m not actually properly diagnosed yet) (also I’m autistic so disorders plural I think) I literallt have no other excuse for not interacting with ur art sooner other than. executive dysfunction sucks and also becauz I wasn’t sure if u were the type of real and TRUE!! purecacao shipper 2 still think lily is shippable or were one of the kinds of people to demonize lily insanely a lot. I had 2 unfollow some1 before becauz they made an extremely negative post about lily that made me kindof uncomfy but. seeing as u also ship hollylily(valid btw) I think it’s time I finally follow u becauz. I love ALL UR ART SM!!!! and I wanna eat it stuff it into my mouth like a chipmunk and run away with it forever it is so. ur style is soooososo unique but in such a visibly appealing way it boggles my MIND when people manage 2 make such unique art styles look SOSO GOOD especially since the only way I was able 2 make my art look okay was 2 make it look. less unique idk. no clue what spawned me 2 ramble on for this long idk I just. think ur art is cool okay. I see ur pv art and my eyes light up n go shiny like big sparkly anime eyes the way u draw is just so. sosososoososo. so. insert every compliment physically possible here I can’t possibly stress this enough just. art. pretty. and I’m envious that ur not even that much older than me I hope that. my improvement speeds up in the next 2-3 years it would b really cool if my art was just as cool as urs when I’m 19. idk. end of ask I’ve gone on for too long I’m sorry I hope u don’t mind. whatever this is ig
this means so much to me holy shit i’m so happy you like my art. and i’m very happy ur a lily enjoyer too!!! i totally agree with you, people demonize her way too much (probably because she “gets in the way” of ppls “gay ships” WHICH I HATE THAT EXCUSE). i still ship purelily, i like to imagine it as a relationship they had in the past. i’m not gonna ignore what they have in canon cuz it’s obvious they loved each other!!! (i’m not gonna freak out when i see other ships with the characters i like LOL). i still love lily and i want her to be happy, she has an incredible amount of depth to her character. she’s not heartless, but she’s not a shy damsel in distress like how other people depict her as well. she’s flawed and incredibly multidimensional, and i hope i have the opportunity to show that more often :D that makes me happy to hear you’re still open to other artists that ship different (normal) things, i hope you enjoy what i draw in the future as well!! i love the ancients a lot and i love other ancients-fans as well!!!
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myster-tea · 3 years ago
I hate Percy sm
That cake would suck- my guy, you cant bake I already know-
Every time they say Malkia or whatever her name was all I hear is IKEA-
At this point I may be able to memorize the credits-
I wanna pet the dog- and the dragon
I need to draw them-
I think something is going to happen-
“Tragedy, is for single people!! :D”
“Spoon is to death”
“We do have some very suspicious salad forks 😒”
Mm porridge will get some chopped fingers
A pan queen? Slay ig????
“It’s JOAN >:/“
Joan be tellin the truth-
I mean you are awesome-
“I DID IT IN H E E L S >:)”
%5 of the heart-land is homophobic >:T
I swear if it goes downhill again I’m going to go insane-
“Chamberlain >:0”
He w i l l be in their way-
“I don’t want to brag because that’s what these thighs are for-“
Him and double trouble would be bestie-
Yeah he’s mean-
He’s gonna betray u bestie-
Everything will go wrong
“Revenge of the Chad”
Amir shouldn’t have jinxed it
Bro u ain’t taking his fiancé-
Oh nooooooo the end of the world-
Not a good example of something “real”, kid-
Is this just that musical about hating musicals all over again?-
Sure you are-
“He’s not the only one 😒”
Omg dad?????????
Wow a piece of shit dad-
She’s never going to go with a pig farmer bro she has STANDARDS-
“I’m a vegetarian!! >:(“
No one would want to be your kid-
Wow mr. super spy over here
He found a map wow so cool
Is that charm or not-
He show da map
Yeah after HE LEFT-
Am I taking a break from this? Yes yes I am because I’m to stupid for all that information-
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years ago
hiya shannon! just so you know i came back on tumblr just for this ask game :) i’ll make it quick cos my last ask was looooong lol
could i request a moodboard for natia and joe toye please? (if you’re doing that i can’t remember if its just individual characters or not oops) i love their relationship so much 🥺 and possibly for george and natia? i’m obsessed with your moodboards honestly. i’d also be interested to know what playlist you have for agent mortem (still love him and hate him at the same time) and for natia as well. i imagine they’re pretty angsty 🤣 and lastly, what songs do you tend to listen to when you’re writing? i’ve been looking for some good music to get the creativity flowing and i’m drawing a blank at the moment :(
thanks again shannon! hopefully this ask won’t take up as much of your time as the last one 🤣
ROSE! HELLO MY FRIEND! how are you?!? i'm sorry this took so long to complete and finally get out (the semester, work, ya know the usual lol), but i am FINALLY getting to it today and i am *beyond* excited to! the second i saw it come in, i was extremely excited to get to work on it, so here it is! thanks again for sending this in (a few months ago haha!)! <3
[moodboard for natia and toye :D] this is more of a possible postwar perspective on these two, but i am beyond excited to write them again! (also, thank you sm for the love on these two, it means a ton!!!)
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[moodboard for besties natia and george] thank you for the love on my moodboards hehe!! i really enjoy making them and from the chaos of december, feel i lost my mojo a bit, but a nice long break has given me ample time to return to it! PLUS, i’ve had a bunch of pics for a natia and george moodboard for AGES i tell you! and these two really are like family to each other so :,)
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(Not to get long-winded, but here's a brief explanation!) Agent Mortem's top three songs for me are the ones listed below for multiple reasons. Sam Fender has a real Bruce Springsteen-like vibe to him, but it's more of a modern version of him ig(?), and a few of the slowed down versions have some really powerful emotion in the lyrics that really fit. Agent Mortem was still a teen, basically a child when the Great War took his parents and Bachrach took him under his wing, and that plays into multiple aspects of his life. Dear Wormwood is a song that I saw with a playlist that I listened to from Youtube and everything in it, even for different meanings, really encompasses the connection between Mortem and Bachrach; with how fractured and broken it became and honestly quite deadly, it really brings to light their connection. Achilles Come Down is just always really telling with Mortem, because in ways he does have that Achilles' Heel, in multiple aspects of his life.
- Seventeen Going Under [Sam Fender]
- Dear Wormwood [The Oh Hellos]
- Achilles Come Down [Gang of Youths]
(Another brief explanation!) Natia's top three songs listed below, from what I've listened to when writing her, I feel are representative of her as a character since I've created her. Eight I feel will always be such accurate representation of Natia as a character. There's so many lines throughout the song that just speak to her in a way and relate her with different situations she's had to deal with (the lyrics just really work for her!). Landslide, quite obviously is one of her top songs; it's the number one song inspiration for Landslide beyond anything! I grew up on Fleetwood Mac and this song I always loved, and I knew I wanted to utilize it! Natia's firmly connected to her parents, even if they have passed and she constantly reminds us throughout the story of that, and this song really discusses those connections of having to grow up, and maintaining that familial connection in many ways. Underground!! Cody Fry is an absolute *genius* - I mean his Eleanor Rigby cover was just fantastic! Underground I feel really represents Natia, especially when she is alone - alone with her feelings and her thoughts and ultimately how she responds and copes (which is never in an entirely healthy way I must say). But this feeling of loneliness and trying to get to this light really describes Natia's relationship with her current situation and just really matches her vibes (especially with where we are in the fic!).
- Eight [Sleeping at Last]
- Landslide [Fleetwood Mac]
- Underground [Cody Fry]
MUSIC I LISTEN TO WHEN WRITING. Okay I will be honest with you; my ability to line up songs with the mood of writing is subpar lol. I usually just hit a playlist on Spotify that I want to listen to and go with that and write! BUT, that does not happen *all* the time, as there are just those scenes where you can't just have this really upbeat song singing about joyful things ya know?
2WEI if anything has been my go to. Especially for Landslide, it's a fic where serious topics are discussed, there's some action as well, and a lot of dark themes. 2WEI always gives the impression that you can imagine your fic as a movie scene playing out or something and for me, that's really helpful. I know for probably other people, it's not their thing, but for me it helps me best! I'm also big into classical music and soundtracks. I played trumpet for 9 years and that really got me into classical/soundtrack music on Spotify more than anything.
Soundtracks I rec; Interstellar, any Harry Potter soundtracks, HTTYD, anything with Thomas Newman, Hans Zimmer, or John Williams (ie, things like Star Wars, Saving Private Ryan, etc...). Also big fan of James Newton Howard and his word. And war movie/tv soundtracks in general ALWAYS are a hit!
For classical/orchestral, I am a MASSIVE Holst fan (my best friend knows that about me lmao), I also enjoy songs with adagio - it gives that slowed tempo and a solemn and mellow mood for sad scenes. But I feel like there are MANY MANY classical/orchestral songs that will help with focus and stuff as well if you just need that! Just looking it up on youtube really works out for me usually! :)
HOWEVER, a lot of the time, truly, I just put on music that puts me in a good mood - lots of Springsteen, Fleetwood Mac, CCR, etc... - and it gets me going and in the mood!
THANK YOU SM FOR THE ASK MY FRIEND! <333 i was beyond happy to answer all your questions (this was super fun truly!) and i’m looking forward now to making more moodboards haha! ☺️ thanks again! have a great day! <3
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willowistic22 · 4 years ago
Ok so here are my famous!newsies headcanons from an a modern au i thought of if newsies were celebrities/famous yknow bcs I couldn’t get this idea out of my head and idk what to do with it other than making a headcanon list nabsnzbsvsnsbz anyways hope yall validate me after not posting any original content for like…. awhile now hehe
btw it got longer than expected. And I mean r e a l l y long. So if yall wanna read this better sit down and buckle up! 
He’s an artist on youtube
Like a modern day bob ross ig??
If yall know zhc on youtube just imagine that but not so rich (I don’t watch zhc btw but i do know that he does custom art on iphones and stuff and that is definitely not jack kelly)
Anyways Jack simply goes by Jack Kelly.
So jack does art challenges. Like does the weirdest requests from his fans left in his comment section and stuff
Or maybe challenging himself to make art from a specific theme or a specific media
Sometimes he vlogs too but his art videos are what his fans like the most
His merch is amazing because he designed the pattern/drawing/whatever yknow. It’s printed/sewed/whatever on the clothing and it’s good quality. It’s pretty lowkey for a youtuber’s merch bcs jack doesn’t like those merch that just smacks his logo on a hoodie
He’s a fantasy, YA, romance writer (he mixes it wisely ok?)
And goes by David Jacobs
Listen he’s a hopeless romantic and i’m pretty sure yall agree too
He wanted to stick to YA romance. The classic high school lovers yknow
But he wanted to challenge himself since he’s been writing about high school lovers since he was in high school
Thus the fantasy genre came in mind
So yeah he likes creating love in his own universe
Whether it’d be different worlds, universe, species, time periods, whatever.
He wanted to direct the movies based on his books, but he’s actually lowkey terrible at leading on his own. But he did stick to being the script writer and co-director (look idk how it works in the film industry i’m just making shit up)
He’s a solo jazz singer
Crutchie gives off Michael Buble and Jason Mraz vibes tho
And maybe a bit of frank sinatra? Yknow ‘cause he sings jazz
Also he riffs thank you very much :)
He goes by Crutchie Morris to everyone
He usually plays the acoustic guitar or piano on stage
Ok but he’s like really good with the piano
Makes the best jokes on stage too. Some are just sarcastic comments.
Crutchie asking through the microphone : “Oh, straight?”
A fan he’s talking to from the crowd : “Uhh… no, gay”
Crutchie : “no not you, the vodka”
Everyone at the concert : *laughs*
Crutchie, jokingly : “Oh, you’re drinking vodka! Straight? No gay”
(yes that was indeed inspired by that one video of Harry Styles and a fan in one of his concerts yall can’t stop me)
She’s a crime mystery writer
Think like the modern day Agatha Christie
Okok but she goes by Kathrine Plumber on her books :D
She chooses that genre bcs she’s a huge fan of Agatha Christie
Her favorite book from Agatha is Murder on the Orient Express
Oh and her books are sometime very gruesome alkjsfhakjsfb
Nobody check her browsing history, she’ll look like a murderer
Ok but I feel like she also has a youtube channel about books and stuff and sometimes like to vlog
She also has a writing tips series on her channel where she shares tips on some of the frequently asked questions about writing or her fans leave a specific question in the comment section and thought she could expand more to it in a full length video
Also she likes to vlog while she’s in a book convention
Her books are also turned into movies and she has done a great job directing it
Yall would be lying to me if you don’t think this kid would end up being a twitch streamer and youtuber (like vlogging yknow. I feel like his gaming stuff would strictly be on twitch)
And ik it’s widely agreed by everyone in the fandom that he’s a dancer of some sort so yeah he’s also simultaneously a dancer
I don’t think I need to explain any further bcs it’s just so in character
He goes by Racetrack Higgins
Ok so he likes to vlog on his youtube channel
Sometimes does stupid challenges
Maybe he’d drag Albert to do a challenge which he always says no
“I’ll just be your cameraman dude, dw”
Race : *angery*
Since Al and Smalls are the skateboard peeps™ race is the rollerblade dude™ bcs I say so
He has three cats named Racecat Higgins, Spot Clawlon, and Romeow (i’ve mentioned it before and I will mention it again hehe) and his fans loves them endlessly
You don’t think this kid would also end up being a twitch streamer and youtuber like his bestie up there?? Lmao you thought wrong (again, gaming is strictly on his twitch)
He just goes by Albert DaSilva on the internet
And yes he’s also a dancer because I say so
On his Youtube channel he also vlogs
Half of his vlogs starts with him riding his skateboard
“Hey, guys! Welcome back to another vlog-” *falls off his skateboard for not paying attention to a curb*
It happens way more often than he’d like to admit let’s be real. His fans make a compilation of it and memes on reddit
Always wear a snapback
Snapbacks are an important element to him so his merch store is really boosting his snapbacks
And just for the wormsie discord server he has one with the word ranga on it after it being born from a stupid inside joke he, race, and both of their fanbases combined share (@ my wormsie fam thank me later)
Oh yeah, his youtube besties are Race and Smalls just so we’re clear here :) (I’ll get to Smalls in a bit)
So I always headcanon Albert having two big dobermans. So his fans always want to see a doggy update because Zara and Zoey are everything to them.
Doggo vlogs are fun. It’s usually Albert taking the two good girls to Central Park for playtime or teaching them new tricks
He’s a solo rock singer
Is an amazing singer like wow none of the newsies expected him to have that sort of pipes to reach high notes
And he does it amazingly with no sweat
Also his instrument is the electric guitar to go with his amazing singing ajsfhasjfhajhf
Anyways he goes by Spot Conlon still
And his songs are very lyrical. Like very.
A lot of metaphors. No one knows what most of his songs means.
So basically Taylor Swift songs if it switched genres to rock. And not even like songs from speak now or red. But like if evermore and folklore songs were to turn into rock songs with a little bit of reputation vibes sprinkled on top. And his concerts has the reputation era vibes but make it spot conlon (hey non swiftie fans reading this i’m so sorry i’m pretty sure yall don’t understand wtf i’m talking abt)
That is also the only way i know to describe his vibe i’m sorry but i don’t really listen to a lot of rock alkjhfasjk
Anyways it’s a known fact that he wears tank tops daily that it becomes his signature look. And also an inside joke among his fanbase
Now just picture the merch booth from one of his shows and there’s like endless tank top designs for his fans to pick and choose
He’s also crowned to be the King of Brooklyn bcs of obvious reasons
But the joke is he’s a pretty tough hardcore guy that’s a cat person
She’s a badass female solo singer
Mostly does pop but the badass type of pop
Yes, she does go by Sarah Jacobs
Fans were really surprised Davey and Sarah are related
Because one is a hopeless romantic while the other is a total badass
Anyways she gives off Little mix, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, and Selena Gomez vibes
That is literally the only way I can describe it
She’s very lyrical, with a lot of metaphors
When she dances on stage, she d a n c e s
All while holding a mic to sing. And she hits all those high notes like it’s no ones business (a literal queen i tell you)
She and Spot are besties and has been known to have done a few collabs together
Their fans were hesitant about their collabs since their genre is pretty different from the other but they make it work and it slAPS
And among all her boppy songs with full choreography and backup singers, she always have a few songs she sings while only being accompanied by piano or guitar (Either electric or acoustic) which she plays on her own
He’s an indie pop artist with his trusted acoustic guitar by his side
Just think of music by Wallows and Lewis Capaldi were to be blended in together and Conan Gray for the cherry on top
But it has a little bit of Ed sheeran, Lorde, and Lauv vibes to it too
His concerts are simple but his songs are mostly very boppy so his fans still have fun either way
And it’s usually in small venues but there are times where he had a concert in a huge stadium
He goes by FINCH (yeah all caps btw)
Finches are a very on brand thing for him obviously
Has been known to collab with Crutchie and they actually make a very good team
Somehow was able to combined both genres to produce a few boppy songs
Ok ok but Finch and Crutchie have made a collaborative album (and maybe they went on tour????)
He’s a history fiction writer
Yes this is inspired by the fact that he’s 100% a history nerd (no one change my mind i love this headcanon aight)
And he explores a lot of different histories from different parts of the world
He actually helps a lot of students understand history even further for school through his novels
Anyways he goes by Specs because I say so
No one knows why that’s his pseudonym and Specs isn’t interested in explaining either. No one other than the newsies need to know it was born from a stupid nickname the newsies gave him :)
His research mostly comes from history books because of his genre which wouldn’t be a problem since he has loads and will voluntarily buy more if needed
Also yeah he makes a great director for the movies taken from his books
He’s a chef on youtube
Goes by Mush Meyers
So think if Gordon Ramsey and his youtube channel but make it mush
Yeah that’s it really
Ok but Mush is a jolly and friendly person
Other than just food vlogging he does cooking challenges and cooking tips too
Sometimes he does the cooking challenges with a friend (mostly henry but i’ll get to him later on in the list)
But he also vlogs his life
Which isn’t really often but he likes to sometimes
He’s that big of a foodie he has a food blog too
And also a seafood restaurant so that’s cool :D
Like Mush, he’s a chef on youtube
Goes by Henry on the internet and in general
Ajkfhajfjska I’m thinking about how ppl would address him as Chef Henry kajhfkjlashfjklasfjklsf
He mostly does the same thing like Mush actually
Food vlogging and cooking challenges (they do it together so) sometimes cooking tips
But Henry vlogs his life a lot
And instead of a food instagram he has a food blog
He has a sandwich restaurant
Yeah it is inspired by his pastrami on rye with a sour pickle line from KONY get mad about it why don’t ya (well if i’m not mistaken henry was the one that said it but idk i have horrible memory) 
He’s a youtuber
Ok so I have a specific headcanon that Blink majored in psychology but didn’t end up being a psychologist
So instead he becomes a psychologist on youtube
Who often vlogs jhgasjlfhs
The guy looks like he could cut you but his sense of humor once you get him talking is just *chef’s kiss* amazing
Which is why he also has a podcast because he’s also secretly great at talking
He just thinks mental health is very important, okay?
He’s an actor
Mostly on Broadway but has worked with Hollywood before
He’s usually a supporting character but has been known to understudy for main characters
Ok ik these bullet points are getting shorter and shorter but these are mostly bcs some of these stuff are pretty self explanatory since it’s very in character
Like are you telling me a kid named Romeo isn’t gonna be in some way very dramatic and end up turning that personality trait into his career?? Plus he’s very good at that?
Yeah you’re lying to me
Also he’s a pretty frequent vlogger on youtube
Look he’s a fun guy, what did you expect?
Just goes by Romeo on youtube
He’s an actor
Has done his fair share in Broadway and Hollywood but started in Broadway
He can dance but thinks he’s pretty average in it yknow
Which his fans has no idea what he’s talking about because on stage he can do flips and turns like it’s no ones business yknow
But he can sing really good and takes pride in it
Elmer would play characters that is really far off from his own personality that fans couldn’t believe that Elmer played that character
He has done his fair share in main characters and supporting characters on Broadway
In Hollywood he usually does indie and rom-com movies
He’s a fashion youtuber and basically an influencer 
Let’s be real this boy is a fashion icon
He’s not really a model but more like a fashion influencer and also kind of a fashion designer
His clothing line is very *chefs kiss* amazing
He designed it all and sometimes likes to design for his friends as well
He also does fashion tips on his youtube channel
His instagram game is god tier level (along with Tommy Boy and Sniper I’ll get to them in a bit) 
But yeah he also vlogs
And goes by Buttons Davenport
He’s an actor
Mostly on Broadway but has done a few movies in Hollywood
He radiates main character energy and he does become the main character most of the time (on hollywood at least)
On Broadway he mostly enjoys being apart of the ensemble because this boy loves dancing
But he does play a few supporting characters
He has released one or two albums too because his singing is top tier
But isn’t interested in doing a lot of live concerts with his albums
Since no one has the time to say Josephino Jorgelino De La Guerra he turned it into Jojo De La Guerra (so much for ‘a special nickname only for friends and family’)
Mike and Ike
They’re a pop boy band and bcs of my lack of creativity it’s called Mike and Ike
At the start of their career :
“My name goes first because I’m older than you!” - Mike
“You’re only older than me by 13 minutes, holy shit!” - Ike
But Ike slowly accepts the fact that it’ll be like this yknow
Anyways they’re pretty great singers
They have one direction and new hope club vibes
Tho unlike one direction they can dance (i love the boys alright but i really think it’s funny that they can’t dancelkhjjlh)
They like to switch from the guitar (electric and/or acoustic) to the piano
The amount of times their name is confused by the candy is too many 
But they like it like that lol
Anyways i’ve mentioned a headcanon where Mike has tattoos (not like from head to toe but it’s fairly noticeable to everyone) and Ike has piercings
So the only way their fans tell them apart is by that
But there are times where Mike has his tattoos covered or Ike took his piercings off in public alone. A fan mistakens them for the other twin but they still respond to the other name because they don’t feel like there’s a need to correct them since they’re mostly known by Mike and Ike anyways. When the fan posts it on instagram and tags the twin they thought it was the twin that was tagged would comment “wrong twin but nice pic you two”
Happens wayyyyy too many times. Their fans are officially scared to approach one of the two in public alone without their differentiating indicators on which is which
And yes it is widely known that they argue a lot when it comes to writing songs
Nothing out of the ordinary sibling squabble yknow but it’s a lot
But they do end up finding a solution to the topic of their argument and make a good team at the end of the day
He’s an actor
On Broadway, he’s one of those actor’s that is mostly good in just the acting and singing
He can’t dance to save his life sjdfghaf
So Jeremy Jordan yknow asj;oghajshf
No not really. He can dance a little bit
So he’s mostly the main character
But he’s widely known for his works in Hollywood
He does a lot of drama. Think stuff like Elite and Designated Survivor. Yeah those kinds of heavy drama (well idk i think those two are pretty heavy)
He wants to release his own music because he’s a pretty good singer but he can’t write songs to save his life either jgnjafjasf
And all the demo songs he was suggested by producers isn’t his cup of tea
So he’s no singer ladies and gents ://
The name Hotshot is used to name his social media platforms. He always adds a description in his bio’s that Hotshot is a nickname his friends and family use so his fans and the media refer to him with his name
I headcanon Hotshot’s real name is Tyler or some sort. No don’t ask me what’s his last name is because idk either lol
She’s a model, beauty and fashion youtuber (I’m pretty sure those are two different things tho idk i don’t watch youtube religiously anymore), and just an influencer in general
Instagram game on p o i n t
I know most beauty youtubers go by their names but uhh… i don’t think i’ve ever thought of a first name for Sniper but I really think she really would just go by Sniper Wah on the internet (Idk she seems like an Ashley in my head but feel free to recommend headcanon names to me)
Anyways she’s very fashionable
Tommy Boy (i’ll get to him just wait aight?) and Buttons are her fashion besties
The three of them pretty much appear in each other’s Youtube video not Tommy’s tho bcs he doesn’t have one lol
Sniper’s brand are huge sun hats
I have no idea how or why but that girl has sun hats vibes I can’t explain any further I’m sorry
Doesn’t have a clothing line but does have a make up brand of her own. She calls it Sniper. Yeah that’s it akjfhjf
She’s a twitch streamer and youtuber like race and albert
They’re a youtube trio everyone loves it
And yes she does go by Smalls
Oh and she also dances like her two stupid besties thanks for asking
Bubblegum is her brand (idk how to explain she just has the vibe)
She is skateboard chick
I’m imagining a video collab of her and Al on a skatepark doing stupid challenges
It’s her most viewed video
Tommy Boy
Ok ok he’s a model, influencer, and dancer
So think a male version of Gigi Hadid that dances
No he doesn’t have a youtube channel but frequently has made an appearance on Buttons’ and Sniper’s videos
Yes his instagram feed is also very amazing
He goes by Tommy Boy
People genuinely thinking ‘Boy’ is actually his last name and kinda think it’s strange but doesn’t complain
Tommy literally didn’t think people would think it was his last name. But they did anyways
Let’s just get straight to the point : he’s a famous tiktoker 
And yes, ppl are surprised at the fact that him, Davey, and Sarah are related to each other 
To the people that made it through this entire list. Congratulations and thank you for your validation. Have a wonderful evening and stay hydrated 
i will write at least one oneshot out of this au i promise!!
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silverlightqueen · 4 years ago
this one is gonna be short but let’s call this the insta edition! my notes on chapter 22:
1. chan about chanbin
all i can think about is the fact that cb had to buy that woody doll and after halloween?? what is finna do with that after huh??? 😐
but looks really cute 10/10 i wanna kith him 💞💘💓
thing that chan didn’t have to do:
chan that caption was anything but necessary everyone (me) is always on hjs ass for being too much but what the HELL is this hunny
2. minho about jisung
honestly i hadn’t put together that he was a witch bcs i wasn’t wearing glasses and didn’t notice his hat so i just thought he was being hot & accepted that 😌
still 10/10 tho cause he owns my heart <33
3. changbin about felix
why are they all so HORNY jesus
felix looks so pretty 10/10 🥺
the way stands reminds me of the fuck it up kenneth vine IM SORRY
4. hyunjin about chan
chan looks really good tho I WANT THOSE SHOES he’s on the rob list now too
he wore black clothes and a cape and called it a day and i respect that king LOVE the make up tho so 10/10
i’m not even surprised with the captions anymore at this point 😔
5. jisung about jeongin
his ass did not watch the movie huh 😐
joker is right ig because sir is a whole ass clown
ignoring that how DARE he???
this look is amazing and he owns all of us
6. felix about seungmin
is he gonna hit me with that cane or is he gonna tell me to have nice day no one knows
his facial expression is really funny lmao what happened while taking that picture bae 🥴🤲
the corny ass caption but for some UNKNOWN reason it’s cute def not cuz he’s felix and everything he does is cute
7. seungmin about hyunjin
r u tryna kill me with this combination????
the caption 😐 he sat on that one for a while like he gave himself a thumbs up on that one (how did u even come up with that omg 😳)
he looks so tinY u don’t expect him to be king of the fboys when you see that 🥺🥺
10/10 love the way he’s not facing the camera -3-
8. jeongin about y/n
i’ve waiting for dis one TURN IT UP🕺‼️
i’m considering simpin for myself at this point
she looks so fine i don’t blame everyone being whipped for her 😳
27289252727290167738190110 out of 10
i liked the caption 👉👈 😌
9. y/n about minho
u feeding dem y/n x minho stans huh ‼️ good for them (am i one of them or not not even i know at this point)
minho really BODIED that look 👀 10/10
he’s so fine omg 😔✊
the caption tho 👁👁
idk tbh i saw the movie i just don’t remember anything :)
10. the tweets
why am i not surprised it’s felix 😐
no he’s not felix 😐
homeboy got so scared he changed outfits
chan asking the real questions
homeboy does wanna do a car wash but drama students is where he draws the line 😐
JEONGIN vs everyone pt. 162782
Down atrocious.
turns out it wasn’t short 👉👈 i finally caught up yay! it was so great and funny the nurse came in my room to ask why i was laughing lmao, i love making this lists because it makes me feel like i appreciate your writing more lol 🤧
anyway here’s the daily emoji meme, inspirit of the captions:
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2. the whores of the group are really rubbing off on him 😭
3. NOOO NOT FUCK IT UP KENNETH 🥴 (tbh I got more ‘you know I had to do it to em’ vibes)
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6. he’s so adorable but he also did not want to be there like he looks so done 😭
7. honestly bestie it took me an AGE to do this part bc it was so hard to come up with the captions 🥴
8. she’s crazy fine, I’m a simp for y/n only ‼️💯
9. I gotta feed all of y’all bc the bliss is gonna be over soon 😈
10. ‘homeboy got so scared he changed outfits’ LMAOOOOOOOO 💀💀💀
I’m glad it could make you laugh bestie, and I love your lists so much!! thank you for putting so much effort into them 🥺💕
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themelaninmamifiles · 7 years ago
Can We Talk About Maternity Style (or the lack thereof!)?
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Seriously...can we have a very brutally honest talk about maternity style? Or should I say the lack of style in this category? As someone who’s spent the last decade plus working in and around NYC’s iconic fashion industry in straight sizes, I’m honestly very surprised by how bad the majority of mass (i.e. most easily available designers/brands/stores) maternity fashion is. I’m finally starting to grow out of my pre-bump wardrobe and I need to start buying maternity clothes. But so much of what is out there is disappointing (by my standards). Let’s discuss:
1. Why the hell are you giving bump fashion an empire waist?
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Seriously...this is such a counter intuitive design element because it ends up creating such a weird effect when viewed on a body with stomach curves. Empire waistlines are fairly mundane on straight styles, and a common tool in bridal fashion (of which I’m intimately familiar thanks to The Anti Bridezilla) because they can actually give the illusion of elongating the torso. But on a bump or anyone who carries a lot of weight in their stomach, it easily falls into “oh no baby what is you doin’” territory. It draws attention to your “problem area” or in this case your growing bump. Add in the fact that your bump may not hit in the same place as the fit model used to create the style...and your shirt/dress/coat might end up pulling or bunching in the wrong area.
2. And the belted styles too?
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Kind of piggybacking on the empire waist concept...most belted bump styles I’ve seen also hit the same off notes. I’ve seen this fashion faux pas the most in the outerwear category. I just want to find a nice parka style because I live in the Northeast. It gets brutally cold here and the remainder of my pregnancy is going to be in cold weather. Normally, pre-bump Dorian would be totally about a belted parka or military style coat. Bump Dorian is not interested in jacking a belt up over her bump so that she looks like Rob & Laura Petrie in their dance routine on the Dick van Dyke Show holiday episode (yes that’s the intro pic to this post).
3. Floral on extreme...
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I’m not a huge floral fan because I feel it’s an overused element (hey I survived ‘90s fashion) but I don’t mind it from time to time. But in the maternity category, it’s a print that’s quite frankly...abused. Perusing a website or store makes you feel like you’re being beaten by a field of wildflowers. Seriously, I feel like I fell out of a Laura Ashley showroom - but no shade to Laura Ashley tho because she does make a fab bedroom set.
So...what am I doing about it?
I refuse to settle for looking like a sad frump-a-dump for the rest of my pregnancy. And I really do need to get a new coat now that it’s starting to feel like Fall and pretty much none of my pre-bump coats fit me. The other reality is, I’m not interested in dropping car notes & rent on clothes that I’ll only be wearing for possibly the next 5 to 10 months (I’m a realist and know I want to give myself attainable goals to get back to my pre baby weight). So, here’s the strategy:
1. Sizing up in straight styles when possible.
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Now...this isn’t a strategy for staple pieces like jeans, leggings, undergarments or basics (tanks, tees, long sleeve, etc). For those things, I’m going to invest in actual maternity items so that the fit is right and comfortable for my growing belly. But for a lot of tops, sweaters and for sure outerwear, I’m just going to go up a size or 2 in styles meant to be worn loose.
2. Amazon is my bestie.
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Seriously, I’ve read this on numerous mommy blogs and pregnancy sites and it’s true. If you’re not interested in making every maternity style a splurge expense, you need to make Amazon your new best friend. And FYI...eBay also falls into this category. Especially for basics, this is a great way to score on tanks, tees, basic long sleeve tops and even name brand maternity jeans from mass brands like Motherhood Maternity, the Gap and Old Navy or even designer brands like 7 for All Mankind or Citizens for Humanity - all for a fraction of the in-store price. 
3. Embracing my inner Tokyo Street Style
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This is probably my core wardrobe concept...to literally “channel my inner Tokyo Street Style”. I am actually a huge fan of minimalist Tokyo Street Style which is not to be confused with Harajuku style which is more about channeling your inner kawaii or even goth/visual kei style. In general, Tokyo Street Style is often categorized as a looser fit top or overcoat that’s usually paired with a more fitted bottom. Although from time to time, you will see street style snaps showing someone in a completely oversized outfit.  I’m not trying to go that way...but more minimalist, just enough to be intentional and comfortable. ~_^ Thankfully I was naturally small pre-bump, so I can do oversized by going up a size (or 2) and still look intentional and fashionable. Real talk, I still have items I’ve bought from my very first trip to Tokyo almost 10 years ago that still fit bump Dorian because they’re oversized.
Note: I won’t be doing the platform shoes...I know my limits with my bump!
I’ll try to make sure to chronicle my evolving pregnancy style as I make it to the finish line - both on here and especially on Instagram. So if you’re not following me on IG (@talesofamommy2be) make sure you do!
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