#that wasn't very ca$h money of you
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today i got everything i needed to finish up my ai hoshino ita-bag (that i've lovingly been calling my hoshino aita bag, lol) i think it turned out really cute!
i imported a lot of it using buyee, but picked up a few things at local cons, too. everything seen in the picture is official merch!!
i have a few itabags, but this is the first one that's dedicated to a single character. i'm excited to take it out with me!
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Is this what Bethenny Frankle meant by "they can't stand up in Frogmore Cottage?"
“‘I had a very A-list person call me when I commented on Meghan Markle before the Oprah interview and said to me: "Can you please take down what you said, they can barely stand up in Frogmore Cottage and they can't afford their security,"' Bethenny recalled.”
Nottingham cottage was good enough for Kate, William and baby George. It was certainly good enough for Meghan BEFORE the wedding but subpar post- wedding. Meghan and Harry also rented a house in the Cotswolds so why are they now complaining about Harry's bachelor pad?
If Harry was a man's man, he would have taken his own money and purchased a home for his bride. No doubt Meghan enjoyed the prestige of living on the grounds of KP. Wait, I thought Meghan came into the relationship with $5million dollars of her own money? 🤔
As for Oprah, we all knew she was invited to the wedding because she and Gail expected to hear "stories"---like Fergie.
Oprah was in London for British Vogue, perhaps that's when they had her over for tea. The BRF is not a celebrity lifestyle, and both Meghan and Harry wanted "celebrity."
That look on Serena's face at polo suggested that Meghan had definitely complained to them about her sub-standard housing and lack of "help."
The Queen told Meghan to continue working as an actress. King Charles also informed Harry of the circumstances before they rushed into the wedding.
It's good that the palace withheld things from M & H because the world now sees their ungrateful attitudes.
Prior to the wedding, Oprah entertained Doria in CA. After the wedding, Oprah & Gail entertained Doria. Gail & Oprah are still angry because the palace denied them the "royal baby" exclusive story.
Now Meghan has changed the story to say it was the palace who wouldn't allow her to present the baby at Portland Hospital. Somehow Fergie and Andrew managed to show off Princess Beatrice to the press outside of Portland Hospital.
You know who wasn't invited to the wedding? Thirsty Tyler Perry who makes his money on what we call the "chitlin circuit" where he dresses up like a woman. Tyler certainly wasn't good enough to be included like a Reese Witherspoon who exclaimed, "I don't even know them!"
So how did Madea respond? He appealed to Meghan's narcissism and penned her a congratulatory letter where he offered to help. He will also be repaid. More on him at another time.
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Copycat: Agent Zero —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: The cartoon rendition cause u guys know I hate the one from the movies -Danny
Words: 2,049
Phase Four Masterlist
Previous chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘You Signed Up For This’ -by Maisie Peters
xvii: Getting Better
Cat responded to Peter's comments and questions coldly, but this time he didn't take it personally. The young hero kept walking next to her as if all was okay.
"MJ!" Peter exclaimed when they saw the young girl approaching. "Hey!"
The girl wrapped her arms around him and held onto him, the abrupt display of affection took Cat by surprise, she stumbled to a stop and stared at them with her mouth slightly open.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm okay. You okay?"
"Yeah..." MJ noticed her, she blushed but she didn't let go of Peter. "Cat."
The mutant smiled a little. "Hey, Jones. Where's Happy?"
"I— I left him back there," MJ pointed over her shoulder. "Sorry."
"It's okay, I should go check on the rest..."
"I'll go with you—"
"No," she gave him a look. "Let me, please."
The boy nodded, Cat noticed he was still shorter than both girls, but he matched MJ way better.
"Well, I'm glad you're alive. I guess the coded message worked."
"Appearances can be deceiving'— Heh. I'm surprised you didn't just wink in the camera."
"It worked."
"Only because I had serious doubts about Beck from the beginning."
"Not true. He had zero doubts."
Cat snorted, Fury looked at her and then at Happy, and he frowned.
"Where's Parker?"
"With his girl," Cat replied.
"I thought you were his girl?"
"I'm just a friend." She was a shitty one, but Cat was starting to believe that maybe that had little influence on other people's reasons to love her.
"I need to speak with him."
"He'll call you," Happy replied with a serious face.
"He'll ca—?" The man cackled. "Okay. Great. Well, he better. Or it's your ass." He pointed his index finger at Happy's face. "And don't even think about ghosting me."
"Talking about ghosting..." Cat gave a step forward and stood next to Happy with her hands behind her back.
Talos, who was now an expert at mimicking Fury, quickly tilted his head in suspicion and squinted his eye.
"After this mess, I've finally realized something," she glanced at Happy, who encouraged her to finish her sentence. "It doesn't matter if you trained me to be an agent, I don't want to be one."
"I can't follow orders from an organization I don't trust. It's a thing Peter just taught me. Actions are what really matter, and yours showed me you don't care about doing the right thing, you only care about having control."
Fury and Hill shared a look, they knew that speech wasn't directed at them, so Hill shrugged and Fury pretended to get very serious.
"You're aware this means you'll no longer have access to things? Like money."
"Oh, I'll figure that out. I've had boring, plain jobs before," she smirked. "I know people."
"Very well," Fury nodded at Happy as a goodbye. "Clear your desk before next Monday, agent."
Once he was away, she turned to Happy. "How was that? Was I too much?"
"I think you got your point across."
"You don't think they'll put me on a wanted list, right?"
"No, you're fine," he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and patted them in a fatherly way. "Tony and Pietro would be proud."
"Nat would be exasperated, though, and Steve would be thinking of a ted talk to lift my spirits and assure me he's there for me."
"We should have dinner at Pepper's place. Let's call Rhodey, I'm sure they'll want to hear the news..."
"You call Harley as well."
She groaned, leaning her forehead on his shoulder. "I hate having to keep my social life, well, alive."
The virtual conference she held with Fury was far from pleasant. There would be no protection for her in case she screwed up, and she would have to save her own ass from whatever bad guy decided to chase after her.
It was hard to feel guilty when she knew friends and family were expecting her at the other side of the scolding, all of them with open arms and ready to help her crawl out of the hole she'd been stuck in since her brother's death.
The first person she visited, was Harley.
Cat knocked on his door not knowing if he'd be there, he could be back home spending time with his family, but then she heard his long, sort of dragged steps approaching, and then she had him right in front of her.
"You're here," he stated unfazed, Cat had shown up unannounced so many times before he was used to it. "I thought you were supposed to keep your identity a secret, but now you're out there flying around with your ex-boyfriend in a flashy blue suit—"
The mutant interrupted his rambling by giving him a hug. Harley kept his arms hovering over her, he was definitely not used to her initiating affectionate gestures out of nowhere.
"What's going on?"
"I'm no longer a S.H.I.E.L.D agent."
"I don't think I'll stand aside if someone I care about is at risk. I don't think I'm the kind of person who can follow orders no matter what."
"Yeah, no shit," Harley frowned. "Last time we hung out you crossed the street without even looking!"
She smiled. "I don't need to look, Harley. I have enhanced hearing!"
"Is your body enhanced too? Because you'll get run over one day and I won't be able to get your life insurance if you fuck up!" Cat stepped away from him, and Harley got even more alarmed when he noticed she was crying. "Holy shit, Stray, what did they do to you?"
"What, just cause I don't cry often it means I'm going through something?" She scoffed.
Cat shook her head. "I'm just letting myself feel what I didn't after I buried my friends. I'm sorry, I was scared. I thought that if I made you hate me then you wouldn't care if I didn't come back. I was wrong, I can't make you stop caring unless it's your decision."
"I think that's the wisest thing I've ever heard from you," he raised a brow. "Is this Spider-man's doing?"
She shrugged, a loving smile on her face. "I'm just... I'm starting to believe in my worth again."
Harley adopted a teasing grin. "Does this mean you're back together?"
"Oh God, no," she cringed. "I fully believe I did the right thing when I broke things off, he's dating someone else now."
"Really? Who?"
"My first best friend."
Harley whistled lowly. "And you're not upset?"
She shook her head. "I can't think of two people who deserve happiness and love more than they do."
"What about us?" He pointed back and forth. "I could use some comfort."
"Well, I can help you pack before you go to your family... We can have a movie night?"
"Is that supposed to be enough?"
"I'm hardly enough," she sighed. "But you decided to be friends with me, so you get what I can offer. Take it or leave it."
Harley put an arm around her shoulders, closing the door with his foot. "I'll take it."
Cat had enough money saved but she would run out of it at some point, so she needed to find something that would allow her to patrol the city.
She was contemplating giving Matthew a call to see if his office needed a secretary, given that Karen had been promoted. Cat grabbed her phone and, as if her brain had reactivated old muscles she hadn't used in years, her first instinct was to text Peter.
'You guys have any plans for tonight?'
P.P: MJ and I have a date :)
P.P: but Ned broke up with Betty. I can give you his number if you want to hang?
Cat imagined herself texting another teenager and asking if he wanted to play video games... it didn't matter if they were still friends, her old habits felt out of place in her adult life.
'Nah, it's fine. Have fun with MJ!'
She walked around the living room for a while, cleaning up the place. Felix the white cat sneaked through her open window and bumped into her legs. It was true that she wasn't built for a domestic existence, her body was asking her to run around, to find a new adventure. Her brain, though, was only asking for some company.
"How about we go out for a while, boy?" She asked the cat.
Her phone buzzed to notify her of Peter's reply, but that wasn't the text that got her attention. She had three chats: one from Fury giving her instructions to finish her mission on the illegal auctions, the other was some funny video Happy had sent, and the last was Kurt, most likely something about an argument he'd gotten himself into with one of the nuns.
She left her apartment but Felix didn't follow her, he jumped onto the couch to have a long and cozy nap.
Matthew's mother guided her to Kurt's room. The woman said he'd been grumpy the last few days and that she believed the loneliness was starting to weigh on him. She hoped Cat could get him out of his bad mood.
The young mutant stood at the entrance and knocked softly, Kurt was laying on his bed with an arm covering his eyes. "I'll go in a minute, sister, I'm having a headache."
"I didn't know devils could suffer from a heavy conscience," she joked.
Kurt sat up abruptly, his yellow eyes widened and even though they had no pupils, she imagined them growing a little at the sight. "Mimi!"
He teleported from the bed to her side and lifted her up in a bear hug. She chortled, giving him a playful punch so he would put her down.
"You sure are lively for a guy in pain," Cat teased.
"I said it to keep them away. They've been all over me as if I'm some kind of dying creature..."
"Maggie said you're grumpy."
"You would be too if you weren't allowed to take a walk around the city," he made a face.
"But they let you stand on the roof during the night! You make a pretty cool gargoyle..."
"You're in a good mood," he pointed out. "Gonna tell me why?"
"You'll stop sulking?"
"I'll be a perfect sunshine."
Cat told him all that'd happened, and Kurt was really happy to hear she was back to being an Avenger. Truth be told he sucked at cheering up people, and he feared that his company would not be enough to help her.
"That spider-dude... he really knows how to get to you, huh?"
"I mean, he's one of the few that knew me as this sweet girl, part of me likes to be treated as such even if it's no longer true."
"Yeah, and insults are good fuel, but they don't carry you through hard days, do they?"
"Is that the word of the lord?" Kurt enjoyed giving her religious lectures, and even though she didn't make fun of him for it, she couldn't help but find his change of heart amusing.
"It's common sense. Maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you'll get more acquainted with it." He trapped her with one arm and ruffled her curls. "So... Goodbye Zero, she had a short life. Now you are..?"
"No no, I'm no longer doing that," she pushed her hair back. "I'm owning up to my mistakes. Zero is me, it'll always be me. I'm also Cat Maxwell. I'll be Cat Maxwell until I die."
"Unless you find a cooler name and decide you like that one better," he replied knowingly.
"If I don't enjoy the little pleasures in life, then what's the point?" She grinned.
They laughed, but Kurt's voice turned serious. "I know you hate it when things don't work out the way you plan... but you're okay, right?"
"I'm fine."
Kurt nodded, then he frowned. "Sure-sure?"
"It's just—" He shook his head. "I don't want you to start bar fights again, please don't ignore life..."
"That won't happen again. I've learned my lesson and I'm not hanging out with any particularly bad influence. Just you and Harley— and Happy... and company."
He smiled, and she knew it meant trouble. "So when am I meeting your old high school friends?"
She pretended to hear someone. "Oh, sure Maggie! I'll be right up!"
"I'm sorry, Smurf, I gotta go convince them to take off your leash— that's what you want, right?"
Kurt crossed his arms and scowled. "Little shit."
"Yeah, but I'm your little shit," she smiled, it was nice to feel like she belonged somewhere again. "What was that thing you said to me all those years ago? 'I'll do whatever you want'? "
The mutant huffed, a lock of fluffy blue hair briefly lifting from his forehead only to land back in place. "Maybe I should get acquainted with common sense, too..."
Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae @ieatpanicattacksforlunch @jesuswasnotawhiteman @siriuslysirius1107 @greengarsstuff @itsyagirl01 @23victoria @espressopatronum454 @jkthinkstoomuch
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Don Giovanna thinks that wasn't very CA$H MONEY of you. 💸💳💰💵💎
#this is so stupid lol#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventure#art#golden wind#vento aureo#jjba part 5#giorno giovanna#giogio#Giorno#hold my beer
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Headhunters Nigeria - How To Order A Job In Nigeria To Earn Money
This bit of article discusses the lifetime of a young fellow, named valentine whom individuals and companions will allude to as VAL202. Conceived on March 31st 1984 this first tyke in the group of seven creates to be someone brought into the world with uncommon competency. He could be portray as what the world would call an absolute man. At composing, perusing, relational and open abilities he ensured score 101%.

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Headhunters In Nigeria - 15 Uses for Nigeria
Despite the fact that nobody went up against me and clarified along these lines, I read it on their countenances. How might anyone be able to in his correct faculties leave a well-paying obligation of a dangerous undertaking like beginning a distributing business in a dubious economy like nigeria was in the time [and still is today, did I hear you proclaim?]? What's more, when it ended up evident I didn't have anybody ordinarily the foundation that will bankroll the business, individuals who thought something wasn't right without anyone else were presently certain that I go round the twist.

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Nigeria Headhunters - 13 Ways Nigeria Could Help the Cubs Win the World Series
Watch to check whether the name of man or lady you're having changes all of a sudden. A portion of these folks work with a bundle of nom de plume names and they generally overlook which with the assumed names they're utilizing. Exceptional name upgrades made on who you're speaking with is a red standard.
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Head Hunters Nigeria - Why Nigeria is Worse than Not Getting a Rose
The Sea Islanders can be taking measures to ensure that their way of life is continued. Saunders said in 1989 that, "there is loads of network concern and meeting up" (Saunders 226). This worry and mindfulness has started a cognizant exertion to support the Gullah social personality. Bligen says that, "we're binds to pass it on to the more youthful people so one of these can convey the old customs over. Our people instructed america. . . what's more, they might want for we (sic) to take it on through and they like we (sic) passing it on to the youthful age" (219).
Looking For Headhunter Nigeria - How To Improve At Nigeria In 60 Minutes
Frequently going out for a stroll round battle areas a few people think what the mischievous heart of could do. It gives you a chance to do disclose to you what the demon may likewise utilize the core of kinsfolk to give. You can never envision the a larger amount savagery or brutishness in like manner permits welcome you as consider an unmistakable view related with war-torn region. Envision seeing crisp carcasses littering different spots. I have been welcomed by such a bloody sight of an executed body. When I saw the disconnected yet headless body lying together with corner in the street my stomach actually rose to my mouth.
Frequently we see whom God is, not understanding His actual nature or His full quintessence that is His Glory. Observation isn't really reality. Because you see something in certain way doesn't mean it's Headhunters Nigeria extremely that . Your view of God will perceive how you compare with Him. To know this reality all the more plainly, lets analyze the story of the abilities by method for book of Mathew. The steward with one ability sees ( accepts as a component of his heart) that his lord is unforgiving, eager, and unjustifiable man (Math 25:24) However, the holy book doubtlessly expresses that the ace in this illustration establishes an and liberal Lord. see Mathew 25:14-18.
African Presence already Carolina and Georgia Sea Headhunters In Nigeria Islands: Sea Island Plant roots. altered by Mary A. Twining and Keith E. Versifier, VII-XI. Trenton, New Jersey: African World Press, 1991.
Gathering G is the group of onlookers of mortality. Either Portugal or Ivory Coast will head your home. My wager would be on Portugal slamming out. Having drawn 0 - 0 against the might of Cape Verde Islands two or three weeks back, it would seem that a plausibility that means the stuns of the competition.
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Everyone would agree complete picture of the is power and it's foolish to let your guard down especially in a situation like a chat room where people routinely use anonymous screen names. For have an amusing feeling someone complain about or think someone is spying in order to it's probably true.
ABC Transport brought innovation to road transportation, aiming for passengers comfort and safety, a company that every Nigerian end up being proud related to. But back to the point I wish to drive to your home. Would Frank Nneji take offence if you called him a driver today? Not very likely! Why? Because he recognises that his company is driving people and out of cities and across the Nigerian border all the method to Ghana and also beyond! Yet, Frank would most likely not have gotten help to take up a transportation business if he didn't be given the experience he acquired as the student in the university.
Get enough sleep nightly. Some pride themselves in being able to operate on five or less hours of sleep a day. Sleep studies show of us will gain from seven or more hours of sleep each and every day.
If in order to all these and a lots more or let's imagine you not have a. 1 absolutely no.4 you are okay to obtain started. Now that you wish to get started making money online as a freelancer another thing of doing is to sign-up for the list of freelance job/service provider websites below. Try as much as possible to learn all their policies, their rules and regulations-their dos and don'ts. Once you understand them well go ahead to enrol with the parties. Some of them will call for undergo a short test anyone decide to are permitted to start bidding for jobs on their network. Because are acquainted with all slightly go ahead and start bidding.
We help customers benefit from the best through deal day nigeria which includes almost all the products and services you'll like decide on in their local room.
Stoddard, Albert H, trans. Gullah Animal Tales from Daufuskie Island, S.C. as Told by Albert They would. Stoddard. by Will Killhour.
In another article I just wrote, we should instead use every tool at our disposal to protect ourselves acknowledge that what is going on in Nigeria at Gate 2 might happen anywhere
Author Name:- Shreya Mehta
Address:- 104 Esplanade ave 120,
Pacifica, CA
Mobile No:- +1 917-668-8461
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finally got around to moving all my oshi no ko stuff into the Glass Container i think it looks pretty nice! : D there's one figure on the way and another that i'd really like to get so... maybe this will get updated again in the future!
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i think there's something wrong with asuna - my cat - mom and i are gonna call the vet but... i'm so worried about her. she's my baby, she helped me through so much...
...i don't want her to die.
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only three shifts until i'm finished with my current job and get to start my much more fun job that will give me better hours and pay me more. : )
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having to mourn the loss of a 10+ year friendship today ama.
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i know i shouldn't be surprised but my god are the twitter spaces for some gacha fandoms absolutely VILE.
#that wasn't very ca$h money of you#just wanna retweet art of my favorite characters in peace my LORD.
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solo judged a pokemon 1K today!!! nothing went wrong and everything went smoothly!!! yippee !!!
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the new oshi no ko chapter oh my god.
(thoughts swirling in my head)
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me after reading the newest oshi no ko chapter like ; yes i still like oshi no ko and the series as a whole, no i don’t like any of the weird stuff happening between aqua and ruby and think it’s…. weird and uncomfortable. but also i think it's SUPPOSED to be uncomfortable. we're not supposed to be thinking this is a good positive thing that is happening right now.
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my back pain has been gettin so much worse recently feels like pure shit just wanna cry.
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started work two weeks ago - it's just something small over a few days of the week. lost my usual days to play pokemon but like.... i'll take making money over pokemon every day LOL. the job is at a card shop, too, which is ever better bc it still involves my hobbies.
....i just didn't realize working would make me feel so goddamn TIRED !!!!!!!!! girl help.
#that wasn't very ca$h money of you#it's not MUCH like it's 180-200 after tax but it's better than nothing!!!!!!
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one of my friends that went to the card shop yesterday tested positive for COVID today, i got the updated shot so i SHOULD be fine but if i get COVID and can't go on my vacation with javi for our 7 year anniversary i will be so, so incredibly pissed off.
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