#that took too long and nobody’s gonna care but that’s all the mahjarrat in order of appearance
stellarana · 8 months
Zaros assigning roles to the Mahjarrat be like:
(Please note that this is very inaccurate, I do understand the actual lore I’m just simplifying it for comedic purposes)
Zaros: Ok, so, Zamorak, you have the strongest psychopathic tendencies out of all the Mahjarrat, the right place for you is leading the army. You get to be in charge of Hazeel, Zemouregal, and the chubby nerd.
Wahisietel: Wait what?
Zamorak: *evil laugh*
Zaros: Sliske, you seem to be the troublemaker of the group so you get to be in charge of the secret police.
Sliske: *not listening, busy scaring Wahisietel and Jhallan with a large tarantula*
Zaros: Trindine, you actually have the skills that would make you best suited to the role I just assigned to Sliske. And you seem to already have a bit of a grudge towards him. You get to be his secretary.
Trindine: WHAT. NO. 
Zaros: Alright you’re not his secretary but you’re still going to be working for him and won’t really be able to do much without his permission.
Zaros: Let’s see… Ah, Bilrach. You seem eager to do anything to please Zamorak. You’re going to be under Azzanadra’s command.
Bilrach: What?
Azzanadra: MY command?
Zaros: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, you’re the Pontifex Maximus.
Azzanadra: The what?
Zaros: You get to wear a hat.
Azzanadra: *puts on the hat and some cool sunglasses* Let’s go.
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