#that this bozo was in debt to Jabba and just
this-acuteneurosis ยท 2 years
you know something that is hilarious for canon ish is that Leia? out of all her extended family and the like had THE most reasonable tastes and actions in romance out of all them. Anakin being the disaster who he is who REALLY could have done with a few dates or relationships before Padme, and Padme Anakin, and Luke oh ill date an Ex Assasin of the Emperor ordered to kill me it be cute, and the tragedy and disaster of Obi Flirt, she picks Han. who once committed is just a SOLID dependable Guy.
See, the problem with this is that Han Solo is not really Just Some Guy. Just Some Guy doesn't sneak around a moon sized space station to rescue a princess, even for a lot of money. Not when he knows her planet has already blown up. He doesn't come back to help blow up said space station. He doesn't stay for months and years, fighting a war that should be unwinnable. He doesn't go into a frozen wasteland in temps that kill local wildlife and shove his buddy into a cooling animal carcass. Just Some Guy doesn't see Darth Vader in the dining room and just shoot first ask questions later.
Han gets away with pretending to be Just Some Guy by dint of standing next to a princess and the last Jedi. By not having a special title, or old money, or magic. But remember, he chose to be there. He had lots of chances to leave, many opportunities to get out. And without any Force powers or political obligations, Han stays.
Leia infiltrates Jabba's palace disguised as an alien bounty hunter and strangles a galactically feared crime lord with the chain he put her in to save her boy. This is the same man she previously taunted by kissing Luke full on the mouth in front of Han rather than admit she had feelings for him (and whoops isn't that funnier in retrospect). Leia is 0% reasonable about love and relationships.
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