#that small strip of her exposed bikini bottom makes me feel things
heda-in-the-clouds · 3 months
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Leave it to Alycia's friends to post her bikini pics
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superspookywombat · 4 years
Spirit Falls {j.h}
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One-shot request by @xo-sophiemae-xo 
Request: “Can I request an imagine with the Cullens where they go on a huge hike and eventually y/n gets too tired so someone has to carry her back and then just some fluff around the campfire please! (Preferably jasper or Emmett x reader) Thanks xx”
A/N: so spirit falls is a real place and that’s what i had in mind when writing this. also, this is way longer than i originally meant on making it, but i kinda got carried away. anyways, enjoy :)
“You brought bug spray, right?” You ask Rosalie, who sits in the passenger seat of Emmett’s Jeep. She holds up the bottle in response and you settle back into your seat. Jasper sits next to you, your hand in his as the Cullen crew zoom down the foggy Washington roads. The Jeep is followed by Edward’s Volvo, which hauls Edward, Bella, Carlisle, Esme, and Alice. One of the Cullen’s favorite past times was hiking, and you were adamant on them taking you. Jasper was reluctant, because they also had the tendency to hunt if the conditions were right. He didn’t want you to see that. In the end, it was Rosalie who convinced him to let you go, even if she was less than enthusiastic about you being alive when you first met. Now, she was your best friend.
Your heart races in anticipation to arrive at the destination, Esme had planned a whole day out. She packed a picnic for you, and you brought a book and an outdoor blanket just in case Jasper decided to hunt.
“I spy something red.” Emmett says. You look around outside the window, nothing red, just a whole lot of green. Inside the cab of the Jeep, no red either. Jasper wears all neutral colors, Emmett wears white and blue, and Rosalie made it very clear that Emmett was to exclude her from the ‘childish game.’ 
“I don’t see any red, I give up.” You sigh. The game had been going on for about thirty minutes already, yet you hadn’t gotten one yet. 
“You suck at this game.” Emmett says.
“That’s not fair! You see like triple the colors I see!” You complain. “Are we even close to being there?” 
“We’d be a whole lot closer if Jasper didn’t set a speed limit.” Rosalie says. Emmett gives an agreeing nod to her statement. 
“Humans are fragile, Rose.” Jasper says calmly. You roll your eyes, and lean your head on his shoulder. 
“Come on, Jazz, you’ll protect me.” You say, trying to convince him. 
“I can feel that you’re anxious already with how fast he’s going.” He says. You glare at him, folding your arms.
“Traitor.” You frown, but he smiles at you and brings your hand to his lips, placing a cool kiss to your skin. You pull his arm so that it hangs around your shoulder, and you nestle your head into his shoulder. Unfortunately, you don’t have a blanket in your reach so the hardness of his shoulder bone hurts your head. “You’re too hard.”
“Said no girl ever.” Emmett chimes in. Rosalie smacks him on the shoulder, and he whines out an ‘ow.’ You focus on Jasper’s breathing and soon enough your eyes flutter shut.
The slamming of car doors wake you. Jasper retracts his arm as you sit up straight, stretching your neck. You unbuckle your seatbelt and exit the Jeep, your feet hitting the mossy ground. You walk over to Bella, who’s talking to Alice. They look up as they hear you approach. 
“What’s the plan?” You ask them. 
“First we’re hiking to the waterfall, then when Esme and Carlisle go hunting, we’re going swimming.” Alice says, her eyes lit up with excitement. 
“I didn’t bring a swimsuit.” You say. Alice playfully rolls her eyes, placing a hand on your arm. 
“I brought one for you- and trust me, Jasper will love it.” She says with a wink. Her mischievous smile tells you that the swimsuit doesn’t cover much.
“Alice..” You groan. She throws her hand forward dismissively. 
“You’ll thank me later.” She says, walking away and leaving you with Bella. You sigh and take a look at the girl, who looks at you and chortles. 
“You should have seen what she packed for my honeymoon.” She says, her lips pulled into an amused smile. Before you have the chance to respond, Carlisle calls out to the group that it’s time to start the hike. You and Bella walk over to join them, and soon you’re walking along an uneven path. 
“Why did I talk you into letting me come?” You ask Jasper as you trip over yet another exposed root for what seems to be the hundredth time.
“It’ll be fun, just wait ‘till you feast your eyes on that waterfall.” He says, grabbing your arm gently to keep you from falling.
“I prefer this view.” You say, smiling at him. He looks away bashfully. Everyone had broken off into small sub-groups by now, Esme and Edward identifying birds, Rosalie and Alice were chatting, Carlisle was leading the group and reading from a map (even though he’s walked the trail a million times), and Bella and Emmett were racing to different landmarks while scouting ahead for any humans that would interfere with hunting. You and Jasper stayed at the back of the group, mainly because you were slower than everyone else. Beside you, Jasper looked deep in thought.
“Whatcha thinking about?” You ask, holding onto his hand. He doesn’t look at you, but ahead, and smiles.
“You feel very.. Content. It’s peaceful, being around you.” He says. You walk in silence for a moment, unsure of how to respond.
“It’s because of you, you know. You make me feel safe- and I feel alive around you.” You softly respond.
“I sure hope you feel alive, otherwise the blood I can hear pumping through your veins has some explainin’ to do.” He chuckles. 
“Oh, real funny. I’m trying to be sentimental here.” You playfully scold him. He kisses your hand, then turns to face you.
“My apologies, ma’am.” He says, his face split with a smile. You smack him on the arm and you both go back to walking in a comfortable silence. 
A few hours later, you can faintly hear the roar of a waterfall. You look to Jasper, your body buzzing with excitement.
“Oh, I can’t wait. Can’t we just run there?” You ask him. He sighs, looking around to see that everyone is occupied, then bends down and picks you up bridal style. You know the drill, so you tuck your head close to his chest and he takes off. You feel the wind whip your hair around, and you find comfort in Jasper’s tight arms that hold you to him. You smile, inhaling his fresh, woody scent as he runs effortlessly through the forest. When he stops, you open your eyes to find yourself at the top of the upper waterfall. He lets you down onto the mossy surface. He holds your waist to steady you as you look over the edge of the smaller waterfall, the turquoise water swirling mesmerizingly where it hits the surface of the pool. 
“Wow.” Is all you manage to say. The view takes your breath away, and a moment later, the rest of the Cullens appear behind you.
“This view never gets old.” Esme says. Bella watches it the same way you do, this being her first time seeing it also. A pang in your stomach, followed by an embarrassingly loud gurgle disrupts your serenity.
“Food time for the human.” Alice says, reaching for the stylish backpack latched to her shoulders. She pulls out the outdoor blanket, handing it to you as you spread it out in a patch of sunlight on the soft, mossy, forest floor. You sit down as Jasper hands you a water bottle and peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Bella goes to investigate the water with Edward while Rose and Emmett sit down on nearby stumps. 
“I saw some mountain lions a few miles north.” Carlisle says as he and Esme prepare to depart from the rest of the group. After they leave, the remaining Cullens (except Jasper) take off their clothes to expose the swimwear underneath. After finishing your sandwich, Alice hands you a swim top and bottoms for you to change into. You hold the black two piece to your chest as you hide behind a large rock, stripping off your clothes and underwear. After putting on the bikini bottoms, you try desperately to untangle the strappy top. 
“Alice!” You groan. After a second, you hear her approach you. You hold an arm to your chest while thrusting out the swim top. “I can’t figure this damn thing out.” 
After a while of configuring and arguing, you finally get the top on and wrap a towel around yourself. Looking up at the waterfall, you see Bella and Edward swimming in the water, and Rosalie pushing Emmett off the cliff. Alice jumps in after Rosalie. Jasper waits for you on the blanket, his bare chest sparkling in the sunlight. You approach him and he quickly stands, seeing the towel wrapped around your body. 
“Never let Alice pack me clothes again.” You say.
“Are you ready?” He asks. You don’t respond, you just take a breath and drop your towel, looking away as his eyes swiftly glance down at your exposed cleavage. He picks you up again, like earlier, and soon you’re at the top of the waterfall.
Looking down at the seemingly thousand foot drop, your stomach does flip flops. “Actually, you know what? You’re not supposed to swim thirty minutes after eating. So, I’m just gonna- woah, okay.” You’re cut off as Jasper dangles you over the edge, teasing you. You grip on to him tight, making him laugh more. “Not funny, Jazz. Put me down!” 
“It’s just a small drop, darling. I’ll keep you safe.” He says, a smile not leaving his face. You close your eyes and nestle your face in his smooth chest as he jumps, your senses overwhelmed by the sound of air whooshing past your ears and Emmett whooping and cheering. Your bodies hit icy water, stopping your heart and then jump-starting it again. You push away from Jasper as you propel your way to the surface, breaking through and wiping water from your face. Jasper surfaces a moment later, his hair wet and slicked back, and his skin sparkling. He looks so hot you almost forget that you’re mad. Almost. You shove water at him, trying to put on your best mean face.
“I’m gonna remember that. You- I- I’m so mad at you, you jerk!” You scold him. He can’t keep a straight face for long, because after your outburst, Emmett’s booming laugh fills the clearing.
“No you’re not.” Edward chimes in. You look to see that everyone has now swam to the shallow parts as Rosalie wrings out her hair and Alice and Bella lay back against the mossy rocks. 
“Can it, Cullen.” You glare. He laughs and retreats back to Bella as Jasper reaches his arms around your torso and leans in to press his lips to yours.
After about an hour of splashing around and jumping off cliffs, Esme and Carlisle return. Edward, Bella and Alice take off on their turn as you and the remaining Cullens return to the hiking path, the next destination being another small clearing with a fire pit.
“This place is so pretty.” You say, taking a deep breath and inhaling the mossy scent. Beside you, Jasper nods and takes a glance around.
“The game is good out here too.” He says. His eyes are black, letting you know that he’s hungry and it’s getting harder to be so close to you.
“I’m sure you can still catch up with Edward if you’re really thirsty, I’ll be fine.” You assure him.
“I’m okay. I’ll take off with Emmett and Rose when we get to the clearing.” He says. You nod in response and return talking with Carlisle about the history behind your destination. 
After forty-five minutes of walking, your feet start getting sore and your legs strain to keep up with the speedy vampires. 
“My legs hurt. Are we almost there?” You whine, tugging on Jasper’s arm like a three year old. 
“I told you this was going to be a difficult hike.” He says. You groan, trying to focus on anything but the stretching in your limbs. 
“Why would I be worried about a ‘difficult hike’ when I have a big, strong, vampire boyfriend to carry me when I get tired?” You say with pleading eyes. 
“Would you like me to carry you, y/n?” Jasper says, his eyes filled with a mischievous glint. 
“Please?” You smile. He kneels down and you climb onto his back, resting your head on his shoulder. “Ah, I feel better already.”
“Anything for you, darling.” He says. You kiss the side of his neck, earning a soft moan from him. 
“Hey, keep it PG back there, kids.” Emmett teases. You give him the finger and he feigns offence, but soon returns his attention back to Rosalie. You yawn as you lay your cheek against the soft fabric of Jasper’s shirt, forcing yourself to hum a song in order to not be lulled asleep by his rhythmic walking. 
A little while longer, you reach a clearing where pieces of wood sit piled up into a bonfire. After letting you off his back, Jasper reaches into his pocket and pulls out an old lighter. The wood lights up as you lay out the blanket and sit on the ground, leaning against a tree stump. Soon Edward returns with the girls, Jasper takes off with Rosalie and Emmett. Alice sits by you as everyone finds a good spot around the fire. Esme leans against Carlisle and Edward sits by Bella, their legs intertwined as she watches the fire and he watches her. 
Thirty minutes pass of Carlisle telling you about vampire history, when Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie return. Everyone’s eyes once again golden, putting you back at ease. Jasper lays down next to you, resting his head in your lap as you stroke his hair. He fiddles with the lighter, and with the small light from the fire, you can barely read the name “Jasper Whitlock” engraved in the shiny metal.
“Thanks for taking me here.” You say to him, enjoying seeing everyone in a different environment. He smiles and you lean down and kiss him, then sit back up and watch the warm glow of the fire as you comb your fingers through his soft hair. “It’s amazing- seeing something so beautiful with your own eyes.”
He smiles, staring up at you. “You are more beautiful than any waterfall, and I get to see you everyday. Imagine how amazing I feel.” 
“Oh, you’re such a cheeseball.” You chortle, pushing his shoulder. “But you’re my cheeseball, and I love you.”
He grins. “I love you too, darlin’.”
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anonymous0writer · 4 years
Pretending (Part Two)
Author: @anonymous0writer
Summary: When a tourist won’t leave you alone at a party in the Boneyard, you go to John B. for help. But something’s changed.
Warnings: Swearing... nothing else (I think) Alcohol use. Mentions of sex. Like twice.
A/N: This is a long one- but it’s finally here. I loved hearing the feedback! Thank you. :) Also, I might make this a slow burn. Idk. Let me know. Also, I’ve never had a hangover, and Idk how to write it.  Also, if you want to be tagged, let me know!
Part One here
You groan, keeping your face tucked into the pillow. Your head feels like it’s been split open. Your hangover is bad. Whatever was in that drink did the trick. You can barely remember where you were last night, but unfortunately, it didn’t wipe away the thing you hoped it would.
You didn’t want to face the day. Or John B. Or Pope, or Kie’s questioning eyes and her uncanny ability to know what you were thinking. And you certainly didn’t want to face the hangover that was going to kill you all day. 
But you’d have to face it eventually, right? You hoped it was something that’d go away with time, but you were never a very lucky person. 
“Y/N!! Are you up?” 
John B.’s voice carried through the room, reaching your ears. Conveniently, you stomach flopped at the familiar voice. God, you had butterflies. Butterflies. And this time, you weren’t able to blame it on the alcohol. You silently cursed yourself. 
You felt the couch you were currently sprawled across dip as John B. sat down at the end of the bed. You shut your eyes tightly. You did not like John B. This was some weird faze. John B. was your best friend. No romantic feelings involved. You didn’t like John Booker Routledge. Not one bit. Not ever. 
You jumped as a hand gently touched your shoulder. 
“Y/N?” He asked, hand still warm on your shoulder. “I know you’re awake.”
You groaned into the pillow again, and flipped over, lying on your back. You didn’t realize it, but your shirt slide up, exposing your stomach, and the bottom of your bra to your best friend. Your stomach was tan from days in the sun, and your bra was a lacy, white thing. You were too busy grumbling and throwing an arm across your eyes to protect yourself from the blinding sun to notice how John’s eyes flickered to your stomach. He licked his lips, eyes landing on the peek of the bra and bare stomach. But it was so quick, that even if you were staring right at him, your hungover brain wouldn’t have caught it. 
“John, leave me alone!” You heaved a sigh. You removed your arm from across your eyes and rubbed them. “God, it’s fucking bright in here.” 
He laughed, a sound you’ve always loved, but now it brings a flutter in your stomach. Fuck. You really had a crush on him. Your stomach did the classic teenage high school romance movie flip flop. And you hated it. This crush would easily turn into something bigger, knowing yourself. You spent all fucking day with the boy. How could you look at him in a platonic way again? Your feelings would grow and it’d fuck up your life. And you hated the way you fell like those cheesy high school movies. You never thought it was that realistic, and the cheesiness was like salt in the wound since you didn’t have much luck with boyfriends. Your total was a grand one of: one. Yes, one. And it was pretty bad. It was freshman year, and you were somewhat friends. You dated for a couple months and then you lost your virginity to him, and after that, you never talked. It wasn’t a great track record. But having you stomach flip like in the movies made you hate it all the more. This was a little too realistic.
“You gotta get up. There’s coffee and some breakfast in the kitchen. You should eat.” 
You squinted at him, from your spot nestled in a blanket on John B’s couch. For some reason, he seemed to talk to you more gently, and he was nicer. Wasn’t he? He seemed to treat you differently than he would normally. You hoped it was just your imagination, because you couldn’t deal if you had said something last night. Last night came back to your in fragmented pictures and hazy snap shots. 
You were begin chased by the cute tourist, Julian. You had finally got him off your back when you went to John B. And you convinced him that John B. was your boyfriend, and kissed him to prove it. Holy shit. You kissed John B. Oh god. 
You try to remember what happened after. You went to talk to Kie, and got crazy drunk. Then at an absurd hour, all five of you stumbled back to the van. And thank god to Pope for keeping the signal clear all night and refusing a drink, because you were sure that if you all got as drunk as you remembered, you’d all be dead in a ditch. 
You and JJ passed out on the couch, Kie going to the guest bedroom, John B. in his room and Pope on his usual spot of the couch on the porch. Those were your regular spots, though JJ usually had a touron and was giving it to her in a more private spot like the guest bedroom while you and Kie giggled on the couch. And that’s how you ended up, tangled in a blanket on John B.’s couch. 
“Where is everyone?” You asked, voice hoarse. 
John B. looked surprised. You didn’t acknowledge his comment about food, when usually, when this hungover, you would kill for food. He ran a hand through his hair. You sighed at the sight, sitting up. God, that hair. John B. would be the death of you.
“Um. Pope went home. He’s in lock down for a couple days after ditching his dad.” I winced. Poor Pope. “Kie’s up- I don’t she got as wasted as you did. You went fucking crazy with the drinks.” He studied you, and you shifted uncomfortably under his eyes. He was trying to figure out why you drowned the night away with hard alcohol, and you weren’t ready to give it up. You shrugged, and he sighed, continuing. “JJ’s passed out on the couch on the porch.” 
You nodded, running your hands through your hair. Maybe a shower would wake you up and clear your throbbing head. You swung your legs over the side of the couch, and immediately felt like you were going to throw up. “Shit.” You murmured and gagged. 
“Woah! You okay?” John asked, hand on the small of your back. You tensed. 
You nodded, the feeling of throwing up easing. “Yeah.” You stood on shaky legs. “I think I’m going to take a shower. Is that okay?”
He nodded. And watched as you slowly made your way to the bathroom, rubbing your eyes aggressively. A cold shower would clear your confused mind and wake you up. However, you didn’t catch the small glance down to your butt from the boy on the couch. You wore a big T-shirt Kie gave to you and small cut offs. 
You shut the bathroom door and looked at yourself in the mirror. Messy hair, wild eyes and a frown. You looked bad. And hungover. If your mom caught you like this she’d freak. Though you doubted she was sober enough to notice her daughter. She used to be a good mom, but dad left, and then she started to get rocky. You were eight when your father left, and it took two years until your mother teetered off the edge of her addiction. After that, she was going to work, halfway sober, coming home and drinking the day away. She did have good days, where she cleaned up, made you lunch and promised she’d quit. But her last good day had been three months ago. And you saw no hope for her to have another one. 
You started the shower, making sure the water was cold. You stripped, leaving your clothes on the bathroom floor. You slid under the wake of freezing water. 
“Holy fuck!” You squealed as the water hit your skin and chilled you to the bone. You took shaky breaths, fully awake. You moved, getting your hair wet and slowly getting used to the chilling water. You washed your hair and body and climbed out. 
You wrapped a towel around yourself and shivered. Realizing you had no clean clothes, you gathered your dirty ones in a ball and tiptoed out of the bathroom. 
“Kie!” You hissed, trying to wake the girl sprawled on the bed. You peered around the corner of the guest room. “Kiara!”
She grumbled as you entered the room. You closed the door and called your friends name again. She finally got up, opening her eyes.
“I need clothes. Do you have a bag?”
Kie nodded. Whenever going to the Boneyard, she packed a bag of clothes for herself, and usually you(because you always forgot) so you’d have something clean to wear. And something that didn’t smell like beer, vodka and fire. You’d long since perfected the lies and ways to convince your parents that you’d just been having fun at John B.’s. Definitely not getting shitfaced drunk and hooking up with random guys.
She unzipped a backpack and flung clothes in your general direction. A bra, underwear and shorts hit your body as Kiara flopped back on the bed. She mumbled something about letting her sleep and pulled the covers back over her body. 
You quickly slipped on the underwear and the shorts but frowned when no shirt appeared. “Kie, what? Where’s a shirt?” 
“God, Y/N, you know how to annoy someone.” 
You mumbled an apology as your best friend sat up, and stretched. She stood and sifted through her bag. Kie frowns. 
“Whoops. I only packed myself a shirt. I’d give it to you, but I smell like booze and a bonfire.” She looked up at you. “My parents would kill me.”
You nodded. “That’s fine.” 
But now you were left in just a bra. And it was a black, showy one. You groaned. You were going to have to ask one of the boys for a shirt. Shit. You didn’t want to ask John B. Especially not in your bra, so you quietly exited Kie’s room to find JJ. 
“JJ?” You called, crossing your arms over your chest. 
He was in the living room, looking for his hat. He had shorts and a long sleeve on. He looked up, and his blue eyes traveled appreciatively over your body. You rolled your eyes. You didn’t feel uncomfortable even now. This was just JJ.
“Damn, Y/N.” JJ smirked at you. 
“Keep it in your pants, Maybank. Do you have a shirt?” You scoffed, uncrossing your arms to flip him off. He’d seen you like this hundreds of times when you were in just a bikini on the beach. 
JJ shook his head. “Sorry, babe.” He paused. “Maybe, John B. does.”
Your eyes widened. Oh shit. But it was too late. JJ was already yelling his friends name. You closed you eyes briefly, pinching the bridge of your nose. John B. opened the front door, wearing a one button shirt that showed off his tanned and toned chest. You swallowed. His eyes widened at the sight of you in shorts and a showy, black bra. A small smile tugged on his lips. 
“Do you have a shirt for Y/N?” JJ asked. 
You bit your lip, hoping the answer was yes, because you really hoped you didn’t have to parade around in a bra all day. You’d done it before, with a even smaller bikini top, but you didn’t want to when you got butterflies every time John B. talked and he was looking at you like that.
“Uh, yeah.” John B. smiled at you as he passed you. As he did, you got a whiff of his scent. It smelled nice. He smelled like salt water. The smell was soothing.
JJ frowned, confused, at you. “Why are blushing?”
You eyes widen. Fuck. “I’m not blushing J.”
JJ smirked, making his way towards you. “Oh, yeah you are!” He laughed, and cupped your face, examining the red blooming on your cheeks. “You’re fucking blushing, Y/N!”
You glared and swatted his hands away. “I am not!”
JJ laughed, leaning close. “I bet you have a crush on John B.”
Jeez. Were you that easy to read? Deciding it was no use to deny it, you pressed a finger to your lips, begging him to keep it a secret. He did the motion of locking his lips and throwing away the key. You sighed in relief. 
“Here you go.” John B. said, holding out a shirt of his to you. You spun on your heel and grabbed the shirt, thanking him. You slid it over your head and tucked the front into your shorts. You felt better and smiled at John. 
John ran a hand through his hair. “We should get breakfast and head out to surf. There are good waves today.” 
You nodded. “I’ll grab Kie.”
After eating breakfast and downing coffee, you, JJ, Kiara and John B. arrived at the beach and started surfing. Sadly, Pope couldn’t get out of helping his father, even for an hour, so it was just the four of you. 
The boys called out, yelling and cheering as they raced for the next big wave coming towards you. Without thinking, you dropped on your board and raced after them. Kie was on your heels. 
You got the wave, coasting freely. You did a couple tricks, and a new one JJ taught you. You caught JJ’s eye and he clapped. 
“Nice job!” 
“Thanks!” You yelled back. You’d been working on that one for weeks, and you finally mastered it.
Kie appeared at your side, and you both sat dormant in the water, not yet ready to chase another wave. She smiled at you, lifting a hand to block the sun. 
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah, of course.” You smiled. “What’s up?”
“It’s not about me. It’s about you.” Kie said, catching you by surprise. About you? “What happened at the Boneyard last night? Something was on your mind.”
You blinked. Oh. Right. Kie asked you what was wrong, and you didn’t want to talk about it. That was when you were confused about the kiss and feelings exploding in your gut, and right before you got shitfaced. 
“Oh.” You struggled to find words. “I guess- I like someone who I shouldn’t.” 
It felt like getting something heavy off your chest, but it wasn’t like you’ve been building feelings for John B. and have finally confessed. You weren’t even a hundred percent sure you liked him liked him.
Kie’s eyes widen. “Shit!” She narrowed her eyes. “You’re not fucking a Kook are you, ‘cause-”
“No! Kie! Of course not!” You shivered at the thought. 
Your best friend frowned. “Then who do you like? Oh!” Her dark eyes shot up to meet yours. They were as wide as saucers. “Holt crap! You like a pogue. Like a one in the crew!” Her hand flew to her mouth.
You bit your lip and nodded. Kiara leaned closer. “Who?” She frowned. “JJ?”
“John B. You like him don’t you?” She guessed. 
“I think so.” You groaned, putting your face in your hands. “I don’t know. We kissed last night- we were pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend because this guy wouldn't leave me alone.” 
Her eyes widen, and she pulled your board closer. “Shit! But we have the no macking rule.” She frowned.
“Is Y/N macking someone?” John B. asked, smirking as he paddled over on his board. 
You rolled your eyes, trying to play it off. “No. Kie’s just joking.”
Kiara rolled her eyes. “We should head back. I’m craving a beer.”
“I could go for a beer!” JJ whooped as he joined your cluster of surf boards. You guys laughed and made your way back to the beach. Once you settle down on towels and had cracked open a couple beers, you noticed the looks Kiara and JJ were giving you. They looked at you and used their eyes to motion for you to sit next to John B.
You shook your head. These two idiots would give it away. You took a sip of your beer, suddenly needing the alcohol. JJ jumped up, sending sand flying. You flipped him off, glaring. You brushed off your shirt and pushed your sunglasses over your eyes. It was four o’clock, yet the sun was still burning. 
“We should play truth or dare!” JJ proposed, grinning wildly. Your stomach dropped. Oh no. Kie nodded animated, and voiced her agreement. What were these two up two? You had a bad feeling, and knew this wouldn’t end well. For you. 
Before you could decline, John B shrugged and sat next to you in the sand. You glanced at him, the sunlight lighting up his eyes. “Sure.” 
You closed your eyes. Holy god. 
“Alright!” JJ clapped, still standing before you, John and Kie. “Let’s get started. Kie- truth or dare?” He pointed finger guns at her, fake shooting. She laughed, and picked truth. 
JJ sat down, crossing his legs and resting his arms on the tops of his knees. A beer hung loosely from his hand. He met your gaze and winked his baby blues at you. You looked at him, pleading that he just let the game drop. But he smirked a wicked smile and you knew there was no hope. You took another sip of the beer. 
“Last time you had sex?” JJ asked, eyes on Kie. 
Kie thought, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “Month ago.”
You laugh. You remember the boy. Kie was trying to talk to him about the turtles and he only listened because he thought she was hot and wanted to fuck. He was an asshole. 
“My turn right?” Kie asked, eyes dancing with mischief. “John B.” 
He looked up, “Shoot.” They seemed to unanimously pick truth. You prayed this game wasn’t just going to be truth.
“If you had to kiss a pogue, who’d you choose?”
Oh lord. You’re cheeks burned, ready for the embarrassment of him rejecting you. You licked your lips and rested your head on your knees, trying to hide. 
“Oh, easy.” John B. grinned. “Y/N.” He pulled you close. “She’s my girlfriend.”
You were pressed against his side, arm thrown over your shoulders. You curled into his warmth without realizing it. Despite yourself, you laughed and smiled. 
You pulled out of his grasp. John tapped his fingers against his chin. “JJ!” The blue eyed boy looked up. “What was the name of the last girl you fucked?”
JJ smirked. “I have no clue.”
That spouted a round of laughter between you. The game continued, Kie and JJ laying off on the questions of you and John, but they still heavily hinted. As the game continued, so did the alcohol. You were all a little drunk, but JJ had knocked a couple more back, fully drunk.
He stood up abruptly, raising his hands in the air. “Alright! John B.would you-” 
“JJ, it’s not your turn,” You rolled your eyes. 
“-date Y/N?” He yelled, catching your eye. Fuck. Did he just ask if John would date you? That’s not a typical question. 
John B.’s eyes went wide. “What?” His brows furrowed. “Why’d you ask me that?”
Your cheeks burned. He was going to reject you. This was going to be so bad. You didn’t think it could get worse. 
JJ laughed, “’cus she fucking likes you man!” 
You heart skipped a beat. You were wrong. It could get worse.
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baseballbitch116 · 4 years
Hot Encounters
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader
Prompt: Y/N and some of the others try to cool down on a particularly hot summer day - until someone ruins it
Request: Hello again ^O^ Can I request Daryl fluff where the reader says I'm so in love with you now shut up and kiss me? ( 35 and 34 prompt) maybe have Daryl be a bit pissy and jealous and the reader thinking hes adorable and says the prompts?
Word Count: 1777
Warnings: Confrontation, slightly jealous/protective Daryl, tiny bit of suggestiveness - sfw
A/N: Hey babe! Sorry this took so long to get to, I’m the worst! I really liked writing this, I hope you enjoy it!
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It had to be nearing a hundred degrees out today. The sun was beaming down relentlessly, not a cloud in the sky - making it the hottest day of the summer yet. You were busy most of the day, and just your luck it was all outdoor work. Everyone was dripping in sweat as you worked in the crops and on building up weak spots in the fences. Your hair was matted down to your face by the time that you finished. Rick decided to call it a day, seeing as it was unbearably hot and sunny. One of the woman from Alexandria mentioned that she was planning on swimming in the pond at the center of the community, which sounded like an amazing idea to you.
“Do you guys have any bathing suits or anything?” You question as you follow her alongside Tara and Maggie.
“Of course!” She exclaims, acting as though it is absurd of you to assume that they did not. You exchange a look with your friends, catching Tara’s smirk and Maggie’s eye roll, but remaining silent as you continue to follow the woman.
Apparently the community had some sort of “clothing bank,” where they kept any clothes that someone may want. There were dresses, shorts, bathing suits, socks, all kinds of miscellaneous stuff. Eventually you found a bathing suit in your size, a plain black bikini. The four of you changed and headed out to the pond with your clothes and towels. It felt very odd to be walking around in so minimal clothes - you hadn’t worn a bathing suit in so long now. You felt a little self conscious being so exposed, not missing the bewildered look Rick shot you guys when you passed him at the house.
You chuckled bashfully as he shook his head at you guys and headed inside the house.
You wished that Daryl would join you in the pond, but you knew that all the begging in the world would not get that man in there. You carefully dipped your feet down into the water, the mud squishing under your toes as you inch into the pond. The water was not as cold as you were expecting, but it was still very refreshing. The woman, Maria, dove into the water, splashing all of you in the process. “Oh my gosh!” Tara exclaims, jumping up and down in the water as she wiped her wet face off. You and Maggie laugh as she dramatically rubs her arms.
“It’s not that cold!” You taunt your friend with a smile.
“Oh really?” She counters, stalking toward you with an evil grin.
“No!” You shout, attempting to run away from her in the waist-high water. The four of you ended up in a splashing war, laughing hysterically and drawing the attention of the other residents. Eventually, Spencer Glenn and Carl joined in, stripping their shirts away instead of changing into suits. You were oblivious to some of the residents sitting out on their porches or stopping as they walked by to watch you guys.
After a while of splashing and dunking, Spencer suggested playing chicken. You were a little apprehensive at first but ended up agreeing. It was supposed to be Maggie and Glenn versus you and Spencer, with Tara, Maria and Carl sitting it out off to the side. You couldn’t deny that Spencer was a good looking young man, and his body certainly was nice - but you weren’t entirely comfortable climbing onto his shoulders. You worried what Daryl would think if he saw you in the compromising position, making you hesitant to play the game with him. You wouldn’t mind if Tara was your partner but Spencer was insistent - which made you even more uncomfortable.
“Oh come on Y/N,” He insists once again. Maggie exchanges a look with you, sensing your discomfort.
“It’s fine, we don’t have to play.” Maggie starts.
“What? You think I’m gonna bite?” Spencer asks, seemingly offended.
“It’s not that, it’s because I’m with Daryl.” You explain, hoping he will back off and understand. Instead, he rolls his eyes and catches an attitude.
“So? He won’t let you play a game?” He remarks. You raise a brow at him, not pleased with his tone. Glenn moves forward in the water closer to your side to face Spencer until he is interrupted.
“Hey!” You’d recognize that voice anywhere. “She said she don’t wanna.” Daryl growls, approaching you guys at the pond. He is wearing his vest and a black button down with the sleeves cut off, his hair greasy and body sweaty. Despite looking disheveled, he looks incredible sexy as he approaches you. You move to step out of the water and he reaches his hand down to help you out, which you graciously accept. You step up the slight hill, his large hand helping you up easily as his other holds your exposed back. You face him as you stand beside him, the humid air already heating your body back up.
“Chill out. It’s not that serious.” Spencer says. You don’t miss how he is clenching his jaw and tensing his muscles. You wonder whether he is flexing to try to look intimidating or if he’s just tense. Daryl moves to take a step forward but you react quick, grabbing hold of his bicep and shaking your head at him.
“Seriously, man? And you wonder why she didn’t wanna?” Glenn comments, shooting Spencer a look as he leads Maggie and Carl out of the pond.
"Well, it was fun while it lasted.” Maria mumbles as she exits as well. Spencer looks pissed off and you decide to get out of here before Daryl gets too angry. You give his large bicep a tug before leaning down to grab your clothes and the towel.
Daryl shoots Spencer one last glare before placing his hand on your lower back, leading you over toward the house. He takes the towel from your arm and wraps it over your shoulders, covering up your body as you walk. You smirk up at him and he only rolls his eyes, remaining silent. “I don’t trust that prick.” He mutters hoarsely as he steps up the porch, grabbing the door and waiting for you to walk inside. 
You only smile as you walk ahead of him into the kitchen, tossing the towel over a stool before opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of tap-water. You turn around and lean against the cool counter, eyeing Daryl as he stands there, shifting his weight and chewing on his bottom lip. You take notice of his eyes on you, nearly hidden behind his long hair. A smirk breaks out on your face as you set the water down, motioning him to come over with your finger. He stares at you for a moment before striding over to you, stopping a step away. You take his hand and pull him in so that he is standing directly in front of you.
You wrap your arms around his torso and look up at him with a smile. “I’m in love with you. Not him.” You say, looking up into his blue eyes, your arms holding him close. He stares at you for a long moment, a smile toying at his lips that he tries to fight back before dropping his eyes from the tension building. He does not touch you but does not pull away from your arms either.
Despite your time together, he would still hesitate in intimate moments like these. You remove your arms and grab onto his, wrapping them around your bare waist before placing your arms back around him, leaning your head into his warm chest. He leans his chin against your head and moves his hands to hold your waist more securely, hugging you back.
“He just wants to get into your pants. Ain’t no reason he needa be touchin ya.” He mutters in your hair. You roll your eyes and let out a laugh before leaning back to look up at him again.
“You’re the only one with that privilege, hun.” You respond, grinning when you see his gaze drop again and cheeks turn slightly pink. Daryl raises one hand to brush your wet hair out of your face, relaxing in your arms as you lean into his touch.
“Damn right,” He mutters after a moment, shocking you when he suddenly lifts you up by your bare thighs and places you on the counter-top, bringing you eye to eye with the archer. You grin and let out a giggle, taken aback by his burst of confidence. Daryl smiles lightly, a sigh for sore eyes, and you recognize the content on his face - goosebumps raising over your skin as he holds one large hand over your exposed hip. You lazily toss your arms over his wide shoulders and lean in slightly, a shy grin toying with your lips as you tempt him.
“You’re cute when you’re possessive,” you whisper, your face inches from his own. His blue orbs drop to your lips before looking back into your own eyes. He shrugs his shoulders before taking a small step forward, his body heat radiating off onto you. “Now, please shut up and kiss me.” You mutter with a playful grin, leaning in close enough that your lips are nearly touching, but not quite. You feel Daryl’s hot breath on your own lips, your heart racing in your chest as you look up into his eyes. You spot his lips curve back up into a content sideways smirk before he closes the gap between the two of you, finally pressing his warm lips against your own.
His lips are soft, unlike the rest of him, and move slowly against your own. You lean into his touch, melting into the slow, sweet kiss, his beard lightly scratching at your face - but you enjoy the combination of feelings. Your fingers tangle into his messy mop of hair affectionately, emitting a low groan from his lips that your own mouth captures. His fingers leave a trail of goosebumps as they climb up your bare hips to your waist, holding you close as he stands between your legs.
Daryl pulls away before things can get too heavy, resting his forehead on yours. “Yer gonna be the death of me, woman.” He mutters, making you giggle as he moves away enough for you to look up at his flustered face, brushing his hair out of his eyes. The way he looks into your eyes and leans into your hand is enough for you to know exactly how he is feeling. You know how much Daryl loves you...
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amoosewritesfanfic · 5 years
✦ 24 - swimsuit
[Shouto Todoroki X Fem!Reader]
[Warnings: body praising, kissing, vanilla sex, condom, some self conscious thoughts.]
[I don't own any characters or art, all credit goes to the original creators]
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"I dunno Mina... I'm not as confident as you are to wear something like this..." you breathed out heavily.
"You'll be fine, you'll make all the boys and girls drool~" she said hugging you from behind as she gave your cheek a soft kiss.
You sighed with a small smile on your lips.
"Fine... but only because I trust your judgement." You breathed out.
"Baby trust me you'll look hot! Don't you think Kiri?!" She glanced over to Kirishima and Katsuki who were sitting and texting on their phones.
Kirishima looked up and gave a bright smile.
"Y/N you actually look good! Don't you think Katsu?" Kirishima looked over to Katsuki who glanced up from his phone and gave a nod and a grunt.
He promised to be on his best behavior today so it was odd seeing the loud blonde... not being loud.
"See! Don't stress out!" Mina said and you just gave a nod and another sigh.
The two of you finished getting ready and grabbed your stuff before heading out to Shouto Todoroki's party.
The both of you were invited after your rather awkward exchange and accidentally spilling coffee in his lap, which he brushed off rather calmly.
He spoke to you for a few minutes after that and then gave you and Mina, who was trying her best not to laugh, an invite to a party he was holding for his birthday.
Katsuki and Kirishima happened to be friends with Shouto and they wanted to travel in one care to make it easier and save on gas so they told you and Mina to drive with them.
When the four of you arrived and instantly Katsuki and Kirishima were dragged away into the crowd sharing drinks already.
Half of the party goers were in board shorts and bikinis and your heart was beating fast you were...
All of these girls looked so pretty. You had a few insecurities, you hated how your body looked in a bikini or any kind of lingerie it's why you barely dated in fact.
Not that guys particularly liked lingerie, it was an added bonus for them it was just your confidence.
Mina had dragged you to the bathroom so you two could strip down... after all what was a pool party without bikinis.
Minas was a purple, green and black, the top bit was strapless and the bottom bit was a plain black colour, hugging her curves perfectly, exposing that belly ring she got in high school.
She said she never regretted it.
You on the other hand...
Gods it was embarrassing, you themed your bikini around Shoutos hair, Mina's idea obviously.
Although it wasn't exactly a bikini, it was a one piece swim suit.
It was red and white, the colours were ombre, it started off as white at the bottom half and it was three different shades of red.
The darkest red exposing your cleavage to anyone who would look.
"You ready baby?" Mina asked as she fixed your hair up as you stared at yourself in the mirror, were you ready?
Not really but you were gonna act like you were without being too flustered around everyone.
So you gave your pink haired friend a bright smile and a nod.
She gave you a pat on the back and led out back outside towards everyone.
Mina specifically took you over to the bar to get you two shots of tequila to help calm your nerves and it helped somewhat.
"I'm glad to see you two make it." A male voice came from behind you as you downed your second shot.
You almost choked as you turned around to look at the male.
He had a buttom up shirt that was left loose exposing his toned chest and he had on black board shorts.
"Hey Shouto!! Party is looking really good." Mina said giving the male a big grin, you on the other hand were blushing and you couldn't form any words.
"Thanks, uh to be honest with you I forgot your name. I'm really bad with names so don't take it to heart." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
He was so cute...
"I'm Mina and this is Y/N." Mina said pointing to you, who had an extremely red face.
"Are you okay Y/N?" Shouto asked and you gave a nod.
And Mina... gods you were gonna kill Mina later but some how she tripped you forcing Shouto to catch you.
Your hands gripping onto his forearms and he looked down at you.
"Y/N what happened?" He seemed genuinely concerned by it.
And you shook your head trying to stand up.
"It was nothing... I'm just clumsy... I'm sorry..." you panicked and Shouto reassured you it was okay.
In fact he decided to pick you up bridal style which only made your face even more red than it originally was.
"Where are you taking me Shouto...?" Your words were a bit muffled due to your hands on your face to hide the embarrassment.
"You look overwhelmed. I'm taking you upstairs. It's quiet." He answered and he did take you upstairs.
It was a room that had a perfect view of the party, but no one could see into the room.
It was decorated like any other standard rich boy room, one of those large white couches and a bed with a few ornaments here and there as though no one had lived here.
He went over to the closet and grabbed a shirt for you.
"Here..." he said.
You just took the shirt and held it to your chest.
"I... I'm sorry. I just..."
"Hey don't apologize." He said as he sat next to you. Looking out the window.
"You look nice in that swimsuit." He said glancing over at you.
The alcohol had started kicking in, you felt that familiar buzz which helped you a little with your confidence.
"Ah thank you... I honestly wasn't." A pause.
"I wasn't all too sure about it. I never have the confidence for this kind of thing..." you spoke.
"It's pretty... you shouldn't be self conscious about it. I know it's not easy, but your body shape suits it." He answered as he lifted his hand to push a stray piece of hair out of your face, you couldn't help but lean slightly into his touch.
"I suppose that helps... with my confidence." You joked, but it did help.
Hearing such a compliment from such a handsome man... it set your heart on fire.
"Here." He said as he stood up holding out his hand.
You took it without hesitation and he led you over to a mirror. He stood behind you.
You stared at yourself for a moment, you stared at your thighs but your gaze immediately shifted to Shouto who had this happy look on his face.
"I like how it looks... when I saw you walk out dressed in this I honestly almost caught on fire but my friend saved me from almost combusting." He laughed a little, it sent goosebumps along your body, his finger tips trailing along your arms now too.
"You should be confident... see... I like how it makes your hips look. They look soft but it also shows your curves." He mumbled as his fingers trailed along your hip now, his head had dipped down so he could talk into your ear.
And honestly it made your heart skip a beat.
"Here too... it makes them look so pretty." Both his hands now came up to cup your breasts, sending shivers up your spine.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
"Do you want me to stop?" He mumbled against your ear and you shook your head.
He took that moment to nibble on your ear as he kneaded your breasts in his palm.
It made you moan quietly and lean back in his touch.
With half lidded hues you watched him as his hands groped at your breasts and rubbed your curves. You were letting out quiet whimpers and he found them to be adorable.
"Your body deserves all the praise... it's so perfect... every inch.. every stretch mark, every scar, every little hair that you hate.. it's perfect it defines you for you..." he mumbled as he kissed your neck after pushing your hair out of the way.
His free hand still trailing along your body.
For some reason... gods knew how or why.
But you felt a heat building up in between your legs.
Watching him touch you like this aroused you...
It was a little embarrassing.
His hands moved back to your breasts now pulling down the costume to expose your breasts.
"Are you becoming aroused baby girl?" His voice was so raspy, especially when he saw your breasts.
"Yes..." you answered truthfully.
"Such an honest girl..." his fingers started pinching your nipple as his other hand trailed down your chest and your stomach to dip between your thighs.
Fingers rubbing you through the swimming costume which made you moan quietly.
"Your moans sound so pretty baby girl..." he whispered.
You were struggling to stay up straight your body was on fire from the teasing of his fingers and from the lewd words he spoke into your ear and you knew he felt the same because you felt his arousal against your ass.
And watching it all unfold in front of you only aroused you more.
You broke eye contact with the mirror the moment he tilted your head to kiss you.
The kiss was passionate, deep and loving, but oh there was a bit of hunger too.
He was so eager to please you, to give you more.
He broke the kiss as he stripped off his shirt and his pants before he carried you over to the bed now, laying you back as you stared up at him with that needy flustered expression.
His eyes drank in that lewd expression on your face.
He cursed under his breath and he leaned over to grab a condom from the night stand.
He tore the foil open and slid the condom on, oddly enough a scent of strawberry filled the room.
"Scented?" You couldn't help but laugh.
"Gotta smell good I suppose." He laughed a little as he pushed your costume to the side, exposing your slick.
"Did someone give them to you...?" You were distracting yourself for a moment and he gave a nod.
"Yeah... Kaminari. That blonde with the lightning strike in his hair." The male spoke and you smiled.
"Not a bad choice I suppose."
"Are you ready?" He asked looking down at you as he rubbed himself against you, the feeling of the rubber against your slick made you whimper quietly.
You gave a slow nod and he positioned himself at your folds before he slid himself in.
He gave out a groan feeling how tight and wet your cunt was.
"Fuck... baby girl..." he mumbled burying himself in the deepest parts of your cunt making you moan his name.
"I'm gonna start moving..." he grunted and he did, his movements were slow and gentle at first, allowing you to get use to his size.
Your moans filling the room as he hips moved.
It wasn't until the words;
"P-please move faster Shou...~♡" escaped your lips in a needy desperate moan, that he shifted slightly, lifting your legs over his shoulders as his hips started moving faster, hitting the deepest parts of your pussy now.
Sounds of skin smacking against each other as well as moans and grunts filled the room.
Gods it was such an amazing feeling...
"Theres... a good girl... are you gonna cum for me?" He coaxed as one hand reached and started rubbing your clit as he moved his hips a bit faster.
"Y-yes!" You moaned out your head tilting back into the pillow, your legs tensing up as you neared your orgasm, you knew Shouto was close too especially from how erratic his thrusts had become.
With a few more intense thrusts you had both started cumming.
Shoutos load spilling into the strawberry scented condom.
Both of you took a moment to come down from your high before Shouto pulled out and disposed of the condom.
Of course you got comfortable in his bed.
"Do you need a few moments?" He asked as he pulled on his board shorts before sitting on the bed and stroking your cheek as you laid on your back.
You leaned into his hand, tilting your head slightly to place a soft kiss on it.
"I think... I'll be okay." You said resting you hand on his as you looked up into his different coloured hues.
"Thanks by the way... no one." A pause.
"No one has ever done that before it makes me really happy." You breathed out smiling and he gave a nod.
"Anytime Y/N, I'll be sure to remember it for next time... come on we should go back down. I'm sure everyone is looking for me." Shouto said as he helped you up and fixed your swimming costume.
Perhaps it wasn't a complete embarrassment, after all you were praised and you now have slightly more confidence.
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hartigays · 4 years
How about #9 as a prompt, please? Maybe something post Starcourt??
9.  “I missed you so much.”
every second leading up to steve knocking on the apartment door that looms before him was, initially, filled with excitement. but now that steve is finally here, soon to be face-to-face with the person who’s only lived in his dreams for the past year and a half, he hesitates.
it’s just nerves, but it feels like it’s eating away at steve’s core. leaving him exposed and raw, like a nerve.
what if things are different? what if nothing feels the same? what if steve’s dreams are better than reality? there are too many questions in need of answers. but steve doesn’t have the luxury of taking another few months to figure them out.
so he knocks.
steve takes a deep breath, steeling himself. willing his hands to stop shaking and his heart to stop feeling like it’s beating in his throat. it takes a moment, but finally he hears the sound of distant footsteps, growing closer and closer until the door swings open.
it isn’t billy. steve doesn’t know whether he should feel relieved, or concerned.
“you must be steve,” the woman in the doorway says, giving steve a dazzling smile.
it’s then that steve is confronted with recognition. she has the same smile as billy, the same bright blue eyes and sharp jawline.
she has to be billy’s mother, sandy. the person steve knows only through stories and shared memories. the person who had to leave billy behind years ago, when neil fought dirty for custody and painted her as some sort of evil criminal, stripping her of her parental rights.
billy is 18 now. billy can live with whoever the fuck he wants. billy is here, now, in california. and this is billy’s mother, the person he never should’ve been taken from, giving steve a smile bright enough to rival the sun.
steve isn’t expecting the swell of emotion that bubbles up inside of him. it has him surging forward, flinging his arms around the woman that he’d met mere seconds ago.
it’s a thank you, of sorts. a thank you for coming back, for welcoming billy back into her home, for giving billy a safe place to rest his head while he heals and recovers after the trauma and near-death of starcourt.
for letting billy love whoever he wants, and for letting steve stay here in her home, just for a little while, to love him right back.
“sorry,” steve says when he pulls away, clearing his throat. he wipes his eyes on the back of his hand, stepping back. “didn’t mean to bombard you like that.”
“come in, sweetheart. let’s get you something to drink,” is all sandy says, stepping aside to let steve in. “billy’s just hopped in the shower, he won’t be long.”
steve doesn’t say it, but he’s grateful for the extra time to collect himself. he’d turned into a blubbering mess after speaking little more than two words to billy’s mother - he doesn’t need to fall apart the minute billy walks through the door.
billy has had enough to deal with. it’s the least steve can do to not turn into a gigantic crybaby today.
“was the flight okay?” sandy asks from where she’s rummaging around in the fridge. she returns with a bottle of water a moment later, and steve accepts it gratefully.
“oh, yeah. it was fine,” steve tells her, his leg jiggling nervously. he’s seated at one of the barstools at the kitchen counter, his elbows resting on the cool marble. “getting a cab here from the airport was the hardest part.”
sandy chuckles, nodding. “i imagine so. sounds like your flight came in at one of the busiest times of the day.”
steve just smiles. he picks at the label on his water bottle, trying to come up with something to say. nothing seems to fit, but in the end he goes with, “i, uh. i want to thank you for letting me stay here for a bit. with billy, and - um. and stuff. i know that it’s not - it’s not usual. but i appreciate it a lot.”
“everything and nothing is usual. it’s just a matter of perspective, or circumstance,” sandy says. she huffs out a soft laugh when steve just blinks. “billy can love whoever he wants. it doesn’t bother me one bit - i just want my son to be happy. i think you and i are alike in that respect.”
“has he been?” steve asks, relief flooding through him, warm and comforting. “happy, i mean?”
“he’s been well. healing. he misses you, though. i think he mentions it about five times a day,” sandy says, a small smile playing on her lips. “writing to you has helped him take some important steps in his recovery.”
“i’ve kept them all, the letters. didn’t know if i’d ever get to come out here,” steve explains, his voice soft. “it was nice to have that little piece of him while he was gone.”
“not gone, just a little out of reach.”
steve whirls around at the sound of billy’s voice, accidentally knocking his water bottle onto the floor in the process. it spills all over the counter and the hardwood, and steve curses.
“shit- i mean, sorry, that wasn’t- i didn’t mean to do that,” steve says, rushing to find something to soak up the water with.
sandy just shakes her head, resting a hand on his shoulder. “go on, i’ll take care of this. it’s just water, honey, don’t worry about it.”
billy is standing in the entrance to the hallway, leaning against the wall with a fond smile on his face. steve gives sandy a grateful look, before moving around the counter to put himself directly in front of billy.
it isn’t until they’re in billy’s room, with the door cracked at sandy’s request, that steve pounces. he has billy in his arms in a split-second, burying his face in billy’s hair and breathing in deep.
“i missed you so much,” steve mumbles, his voice muffled and strands of billy’s hair getting stuck to his tongue.
“missed you too, princess.”
billy smells like the beach. like coconut shampoo and sunscreen and saltwater, even after his shower. he’s squeezing steve tightly, and steve knows it means that billy has missed him just as much.
they stand there for a long time, holding each other. it doesn’t feel right to speak, so neither of them do. they just cling to each other like their each other’s lifelines, their hearts beating in sync.
“do you want to sit down?” billy asks after a while, rubbing soothing circles onto steve’s back.
“no, i want- ” steve stops short, pulling back just enough to look into billy’s eyes.
then, he’s kissing billy with enough force to make them both sway a little. billy nearly topples over and steve eases up, but their lips never separate. steve kisses billy desperately, chasing the taste of weed and nicotine and toothpaste on his tongue. billy kisses him back just as desperately, one hand grabbing a fistful of steve’s hair, the other holding steve steady by the small of his back.
“you know, we could’ve done that sitting down,” billy says when they break apart, panting just as hard as steve. but he’s grinning from ear to ear, and steve is suddenly struck by just how much he looks like his mom.
“didn’t want to wait,” steve murmurs, leaning in to press another kiss to billy’s lips, this one quick, but tender.
then steve pulls away, taking a moment to look around the room. he’d been in billy’s room in hawkins once before when neil was out of town, but it’d felt like it belonged to someone else. there were posters of women in bikinis everywhere, playboys stacked on almost every surface, beer cans crushed and tossed around the room, almost like they were staged that way.
here, steve feels like he’s resting comfortably in billy’s mind. there are still posters hung up, but they’re of the movies steve knows are billy’s favorites. billy’s got two big bookshelves, filled top to bottom with worn books that have steve’s lips twitching into a soft smile when he spots them.
there’s also a hell of a lot of art all over the place, hanging on his walls and even tacked up on his ceiling. all pieces steve knows billy painted or drew himself, because whenever he and billy were alone, billy’s nose would always be buried in some sketchbook or another. he’s always struck by billy’s talent, rendered speechless at the depth to it all.
steve spots a small drawing resting on billy’s nightstand, propped up against his lamp. it’s a simple piece done in black ink, but steve can’t see what it’s of until he steps closer. his breath catches in his throat when he sees that it’s a sketch of him, perched on the hood of the beemer, smiling with a cigarette in hand.
“you drew me?” steve asks, picking up the drawing and cradling it delicately in his hands.
“i draw you a lot,” billy says, shrugging. he comes up behind steve and wraps his arms around his middle, hooking his chin over steve’s shoulder. “i can show you the rest later, but first you have to let me draw you again. it’s been a while.”
billy doesn’t let steve go, but he does maneuver around him to open the drawer of his nightstand, pulling out a faded polaroid. it’s the photo billy’s drawing is based on, and the memory of the night it was taken hits steve like a train.
they’d been out at the quarry, drinking beer and smoking, shooting the shit. the sun was starting to set, and steve knew they were days away from graduating and everything was about change. he remembers his heart feeling so heavy he thought it might fall right out of him. but billy had been all smiles, staring at steve as he leaned up against the beemer, the sun setting behind him.
billy had said something stupid to make steve laugh, and the moment steve smiled billy had taken the shot. the memory has steve smiling down at the polaroid, his smile a little watery.
“i can’t believe you kept this,” steve says, twisting a little in billy’s hold to try and look at him. “it feels like this was so long ago.”
“i carry it around everywhere,” billy tells him, pressing a gentle kiss to steve’s shoulder. “carry these in my wallet, too.”
billy digs in his pocket and pulls out his wallet, producing a torn photo strip. it’s from the time they’d taken pictures in the photobooth at starcourt, before all the pain and devastation that came soon after. the booth had only printed one set, so billy took half, and steve took the other.
“i ever tell you that you’re kind of a softie?” steve jokes.
billy huffs a soft laugh, unwinding himself from around steve so he can take his hand and pull him towards the bed. he flops backwards onto it, and pats the spot next to him. steve curls up next to him immediately, resting his head on billy’s chest.
steve hears the click of billy’s lighter, and smells the smoke soon after. the window behind them is cracked, and steve can only hear the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore, seagulls, and billy’s soft breathing. he passes steve the cigarette a moment later and steve accepts it gratefully, taking a long drag.
“how long can you stay?” billy asks after several beats of silence, taking the cigarette from steve’s outstretched hand.
“‘bout a week. that’s all they’d let me take off,” steve sighs. “wish i could stay forever.”
“wish you could too,” billy says, his voice almost inaudible.
steve tilts his head up, pressing a kiss to the underside of billy’s jaw. “one day. i promise. i’ll be here to stay.”
billy just combs his fingers through steve’s hair, humming softly. they end up falling asleep like that once the cigarette is finished, dozing off to the sounds of the ocean and the city, the evening breeze ruffling their hair. but not before steve looks up at billy one last time, struck dumb by how much he loves him.
and for the first time in a long time, everything just feels right.
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connordavidscamera · 4 years
Conscious Love | Connor Brashier
A/n: this is a repost from my Shawn account!! This is my piece and is not stolen.
Summary: you’re a little insecure lately and Connor has taken notice.
Warnings: mentions of body shaming, self loathing, slight eating disorder, also alludes to smut, there’s some angst, and there’s fluff
Word count: 2.5k
This isn’t new. It’s happened only a handful of times before, but this was the first time that it happened over something I had partial control over. The video I posted was nothing but y/n and a few shots of me, too. It was just random times during tour, like her jamming out to Alessia, side stage. And her in a big hoodie attempting to beat Brian at FIFA. (Spoiler alert: after 3 rounds, she did finally win, but between us, I think Brian let her.) Then there was us, slow dancing on the bus at three in the morning when the guys were being way too loud. And us walking hand in hand down the streets of Paris until I take her by the waist and twirl her around, and she’s a giggling mess and she looks so beautiful. Or at least I think she does. The comment section, however, went in on her. Saying nasty things about her weight, which has never been a problem for me - and I don’t know why it is for anyone else. 
At first, I didn’t think much of it. I thought maybe she hadn’t looked at the comments. I could only live in that fantasy world for so long though. It was a subtle change, I almost didn’t notice it at first. But I’ve caught her staring disdainfully at herself in the mirror three times this past week, and the second she sees me the smile that’s always plastered on her face takes over - only now her eyes don’t meet her lips. 
I really started noticing when we went to look for swimsuits and shorts earlier in the week. She had something bad to say about them all, but it wasn’t what she said about the suits that stuck with me. It was the snide comment about how the high waisted bottoms she had on accentuated the “pudginess” of her stomach. It was the barely audible utterance of how the regular bikini bottoms made her hips look “wider.” It was the remark about the strapless top that dug into her side boob and showed all the “extra skin” under her arm. It was the claim that the shorts she tried on barely went up her “massive thighs.” Or how another pair showed how her “legs jiggle” when she walked, and how her “cellulite was on full display.”
And then, after deciding that nothing she tried on was worth it, we went out to lunch, where she ordered something small and just barely picked at it, moving some of the food around to make it seem like she’d eaten more than she really had. I didn’t push, though. I knew she would tell me when she was ready. And when she was, I would do everything in my power to make her feel beautiful and loved. Because the girl I fell in love with all those years ago didn’t dwell on the thoughts other people had about her. She knew her worth, and she made damn sure you knew it too. But, I guess, watching her now… I’m starting to see that maybe that strong, immovable demeanor is just an overspray and isn’t so immovable after all.
“Wow, so we’re just gonna cling to my stomach, right?” I hear her mutter when she’s getting ready that morning to go out with a couple friends. She thinks I’m still asleep, which is why she’s trying to be oh-so-very quiet. Through the corner of my eye, I see her going over to our dresser, rummaging through her side for something that would make her comfortable. But she finds nothing on her side, which is why I finally break my silence after she lets out a loud huff.
“You can wear something of mine, pumpkin.” She hates that nickname. Or so she says, but I see that slight blush on her cheeks every time I use it. She thinks it was just a random name I picked out one day, but I put so much thought behind it. On our first date, which was in October, three years ago, after a long lecture in our English class, we went out to this 24 hour diner just down the street from campus. She ordered a slice of pumpkin pie and hot chocolate. 
I laughed then, not at her, just at how her order seemed purely aesthetic, what with the leaves falling and changing color outside, and then the too big cardigan that adorned her figure. She told me that day that fall was her favorite season, and with that, pumpkin stuck. 
“No, no. It’s okay.”
“You sure? That flannel you love so much is hanging in the closet.” I roll onto my back, glancing over at my beautiful girlfriend with a smirk.
She hums and leans over, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”
“Hmmm…” I take hold of the nape of her neck and bring her back to my lips. “Must have slipped your mind.”
“Well in that case, I love you…” another peck and I swear I am melting, “and thank you.” She pushes herself away and makes her way over to the closet, no doubt to grab the flannel.
I’m running a bath for us now, the whole shebang. Candles and dim lights, tall glasses of red wine, and the music playing low - Halsey - because that’s somehow her calming music.
“Con?” She calls from the door. 
“In the room, baby!” I say, throwing in one of her bath bombs and dusting my hands off before walking into our bedroom, a smile plastered on my face. 
Y/n saunters in, her eyes widen slightly when she sees me. “Whoa there, big boy. Why do you look so eager to see me?”
I take in her appearance, my flannel fits her a little big, so seeing as she didnt button the first two buttons, it’s kind of falling off her shoulder. It doesn’t take me another second to wrap my arms around her waist and breathe her in. “I missed you.”
She giggles, running her fingers through my hair. “Well I missed you too.”
“And you look really good in this shirt. I know I tell you every time, but god, you do. But I kinda just want to rip it off you." 
"Well what’s stopping you?”
I press a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I ran you a bath.”
“Oh? What’s the occasion?”
I shrug, “Just wanted to show you I love you.”
“Aren’t you just the cutest thing?” She presses her lips to mine, and I pull her with me to the bathroom, working on the buttons of her (my) shirt. I have her rid of everything before I pull away from our heated kiss. She rests her forehead against mine. “You getting in with me?” Her fingers crawl up my chest and I whimper.
God, this girl will be the death of me. “If you say I am.”
She nods, “It seems only right. Now strip for me, blue eyes.” She says with a laugh and I can’t help but laugh with her, obeying happily.
With her head resting on my bare chest, I softly rub the sides of her body, starting at her calf and making my way up to her side boobs and back down again. Goosebumps litter her skin the second I touch her and I revel in knowing that even after all this time I still can get this reaction from her.
“Y/n…” I say against the cool skin of her exposed shoulder.
“Connor,” she says back.
“I love you. Like a lot… maybe - definitely - more than I’ve loved anyone ever. You have no idea,” I nibble on the soft spot of her neck and she melts into me. “You have no idea just how much I crave you.”
“I might have an idea,” she mutters and turns her head to face me, she takes my chin in her hands and our lips mould together. My hand cradles the underside of her jaw and she smiles against my lips, pulling me closer. My free hands makes its way between her legs and she lets out a soft moan, giving me optimal access to slide my tongue against hers. We remain this way for a while, mouths and bodies lazily connected. She pulls away much sooner than I would like her to, but it’s only to say, “The water’s getting cold. Maybe we should take this somewhere warmer.”
I smile softly at her, but nod eagerly. “Yeah, I think so too." 
And so, without another word, I lean forward to drain the water, but neither of us wait for it to start draining before we’re up, wrapping towels loosely around us, knowing full well that they’ll be discarded in only a matter of seconds. Truthfully, I don’t know why we even bother with them in the first place. I have her panting beneath me only minutes after we drop them, but I slow down. Leaving lingering kisses on her stomach, thighs, arms, chest. She has a few stretch marks, new, because I’ve never seen them before and I’ve had her in this position many times. Enough to have memorized every curve, every dip, ever scar, everything. So I pay extra close attention to those.
"Faster,” she begs when I’m right where she needs me the most. 
“Slow,” I whisper against her warm skin. I take my time with her still, until I’m just about as frustrated as her. She’s shuddering against me as she presses sloppy kisses to the side of my neck and I press mine to her bare collarbone, muttering sweet ‘I love you’s’ with every kiss.
Our normal, post aftercare, naked cuddles are cut short when I say one thing that makes her tense up. 
“God, you are unbelievably perfect.” This one sentence results in an almost immediate squirm away from me. And then she’s across the room, ruffling through her drawers, finding panties and some leggings and one of my hoodies that’s thrown over a chair in the corner. “What are you doing?”
She shrugs, “I’m cold.”
“Well I could warm you up some more. Take it off and get back into bed. Please?” I pat the empty spot where she previously laid. 
“I’m gonna make some tea. Do you want some?” She asks, wrapping her arms around her middle - her most obvious tell, and I frown. 
“No, I’m okay.” I sit up, the blanket still around my waist. “Pumpkin,” I say before she can walk out on me.
“Come here,” I hold my hand out to her, but she sighs. 
“I really just want to go make my tea,” she says and I see the pain hiding behind her eyes, so I nod.
“Okay.” I watch her walk out of our shared bedroom and sigh when she rounds the corner. I sit there only for a minute before I get an idea. I shoot up from the bed and grab a pair of boxers and some sweat pants that hang low on my waist. She’s staring out the window while she waits on her tea and I grab a sharpie from the cup of pens by the fridge. 
“Y/n,” I mutter against her clothed shoulder. She doesn’t shudder at my sudden appearance, so I know she heard me come in. “I’m sorry.”
She shakes her head, “It’s not anything you did, bubs.”
It is. “Can I do something?" 
"What is it?" 
I turn her around and take her face in my hands, "Do you trust me?”
“Course I do.”
“Then let me do this, okay?”
She’s hesitant, but nods anyway, closing her eyes. “Okay.”
“Don’t look until I say, yeah?”
She agrees, “Okay.”
I press a kiss to the tip of her nose and drop to my knees, uncapping the marker in my hands. She watches me as I lift the hoodie and hold it against her chest while I write awfully, but as legible as I can on her skin, littering her with more and more kisses. When I’m done with her stomach, I move to her chest, the sides of it, her collar bones. I rid her of the hoodie for a moment and take both her arms before she can hide herself from me. I write on her biceps and then shuffle back to my knees, slipping her leggings down. 
“Connor, what are you doing?”
“You’ll see in a minute. Just trust me.”
“I’m half naked in our kitchen, babe. Come on, can you please tell me what you’re doing?”
I look up at her through my lashes with a wicked smirk. “You say that like I haven’t had you fully naked in this kitchen before.”
She flushes pink as I put the cap back on the sharpie. “Okay, now follow me.” I take the hoodie from the counter and bring her back to our room. “Close your eyes.” I say before we get in front of the full length mirror.
“Close them.”
She sighs, “You’re so demanding.”
I place her in front of the mirror that’s been taunting her non stop for over a week now and I stand behind her, hands on her hips. “Okay, open." 
When she does, she squints a little, trying to read my writing on her stomach, which roughly reads the word "beautiful.” And then she gets closer, reading her thighs, “my favorite place to rest” pans over them both. “Stunning.” “Flawless.” “Mesmerizing.” “Adorable.” “Exquisit.” “Heavenly.” The words are littered all across her body. Because she may not see it now, or ever. But this is what I see when I look at her. This is what I have felt since the moment I met her. 
“What?” She looks at me through the mirror and my hands find her hips once again.
I rest my head on her shoulder. “I know you saw the comments on the video. You’ve been putting yourself down like crazy.” I shake my head, “I just hate seeing you like this.”
“Connor, I’m fine.”
“I know,” I say, even though I know it’s not true. “But that doesn’t change the fact that this is what you are. This is what I see every time I look at you. And not a single soul can tell me that you aren’t good enough for me. Because let me tell you, you are so tremendously, outrageously out of my league. And I think you’re beautiful, and stunning, and heavenly, and ravishing.” Her eyes prickle with tears as I speak. I wipe at one that falls astray. “Why are you sad, love?”
She shakes her head vigorously. “No. I’m not sad. I just,” she wraps her arms around me and buries her head in my neck. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but if I could go back and do it a hundred times over, I would. Because you,” she takes in a shuddery breath, “you are amazing.”
I hold her tighter against me, “No. Oh, no, y/n. You. You are… well, you’re my everything.”
A/n: I know we all struggle with learning to love our bodies, trust me, I am still learning. But just know, that what you feel now is not necessarily how you will feel later on. It’s okay to not like everything about yourself, just try not to dread too much about it. Allow yourself to find things you like about yourself. And if there’s something you want to change, that’s fine, do it - but ONLY if you’re doing it for you, and not for other people. Not for aesthetic purposes. And another thing, gaining or losing weight is not a definite key to happiness, because these negative thoughts you're having toward yourself are not going to change just because you lost/gained weight. Your brain is still your brain, and it’s your job to challenge those negative thoughts before they take you down dangerous paths.
I hope you enjoyed (again)! Please, like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
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bluebird722 · 4 years
The Second Gift
Setting: AU!Teen Titans College
Pairing: Victor Stone + Rachel Roth/Cyrae
Rating: M
Author’s Note: Cyrae was my ultimate OTP back in the day, and I appreciate it as either romantic or platonic across fanfiction, the comics, and animated form. If you guys have more NSFW prompts, please let me know! I’d be happy to write more!
Victor leaned back on the couch and watched Rachel open her present. Her eyes widen when she pulled out the Lily Silk flannel pajamas. “Vic…” she whispered. They were navy, the same as her hair dye, with white piping. “H—How…How did you…”
The quarterback grinned and folded his hands. “Some of the other cheerleaders—not saying who”—he added— “saw you add that to your ‘favorites’ on your computer, and I thought that was a nice splurge.” Then he went still. “I hope you don’t mind, but I went up a size, since they say that’s usually more comfortable—”
Rachel shook her head. “No, no, this is perfect!” Her smile widen. “I’m going to wear these tonight!” She noticed Kori, her best friend, nudge Dick and motion with her head to the pajama wear, and bit her lip.
All of her other presents were wonderful, and Rachel made sure that her guests knew how much she appreciated the gift cards and a hardcover book on the history of Wicca. The party ended at one in the morning, after eight hours, and Vic, Kori, Dick, and Garfield stayed behind to help clean up. Then the head cheerleader, her boyfriend, and the campus prankster left, and Rachel locked the front door so no one would suspect that her secret boyfriend had his arms around her from behind, his face in her hair. “Did you have a good time?” he whispered into her neck.
Rachel leaned her head back and arched her backside against his crotch. “I did,” she murmured. She felt his hands’ desire to slide under her dress, fondle with the waistband of her lace bikini, and draw small circles over her sensitive skin. “Hold on—let me change, and we’ll get ready for bed.”
She kissed him over her shoulder and hurried into her room, coming out five minutes later in the silk pajamas. “I love these,” she said, rubbing her cheek against her shoulder.
Vic, already in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, walked over. “I’m glad,” he said, “but I also forgot—I got you another present.”
Rachel’s smile shifted from affectionate to lopsided. “Vic…”
He shook his head. “Nope. Come on. I’ll show you to your room.” He turned out the living room and hallway lights as he followed her into the bedroom. The purple satin sheets were his favorite. He sat behind her and took a deep breath. “You know, one of the things I love most about you is how devoted you are to abstinence until your thirties.”
Rachel nodded with a hum. Even though she tried not to care, she hated how people would make fun of her for not wanting to lose her virginity until marriage or at least her thirties. She was an unplanned baby between two unmarried people and was aware since childhood of the tension between her parents although they loved her unconditionally and never spoke negatively of each other. Fortunately, Vic understood and never questioned her boundaries.
“I’m glad,” she said timidly, though her heart beat faster. She didn’t mind Vic pushing her hair from her face.
“I do remember,” he continued, “when you asked me about sex and all, what it felt like, orgasms…” He reached to his back pocket. “So…I have a treat.” He handed her the small rectangular box with a red ribbon. She glanced nervously at him before she pushed off the ribbon and opened the box, and her eyes widen when she saw its content. “Oh God…” She looked up at him. “Vic…I—I don’t know…how to use it…”
Before Vic could comfort her, she swallowed. “Wait… Do you—Are you saying…now?”
“It’s your birthday,” he reminded her. “Do what you want.”
Rachel closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. “Hold on…” Vic watched her crawl to her nightstand and obviously gulp down a sedative, which she took every night before an exam or cheering competition. Then she slowly made her way back to him and sat up on her knees. “Yeah. I…I’ll try this.” She turned her head bashfully. “Will…Will you help me?”
Smiling, Vic kissed her cheek. “Of course.” He turned around to kiss her and lowered her onto the bed. She still tasted of spearmint and smelled of Opium. He planted kisses down her jaw to her throat and suprasternal notch. “Well, first, I think we have to take this off first.” He supported himself by his elbows and slowly unbuttoned her pajama top, kissing the sternum and skin he exposed.
Rachel arched her back and already missed the feeling of silk against her bare nipples and breasts. Her eyes closed, but even though Vic helped her arms out of the sleeves, he didn’t kiss or suck on her breasts or nipples—which he usually did when they made out. Instead, he kissed her, and she hazily watched him bare her bottom half.
Vic pulled out the vibrator and turned it on, first at the lowest setting. It was so calming and therapeutic. As he kissed her even slower, he traced the tool down her throat, around her left breast, and then circled her nipple, watching it slowly harden.
Rachel choked and arched her hips, but Vic didn’t stop. Instead, he increased the setting as he moved on to her other breast, her nipple already erect. “Feel good?” He knew he did; the more elongated her nipple became, the more he could feel it under his pants.
His partner swallowed, which he took as permission to move the vibrator down her abdominal line. Her fingers flew up to grab the fabric of her pillowcase in reaction, and the tip circled around and inside her navel. Her hips shifted, and her chest arched. “Oh…Oh God…”
He stroked her hair but left her side. “Relax,” he whispered. He trailed the vibrator up the bottom of her thigh to spread her legs. As much as he wanted to go down on her, which he was planning for winter break, he instead slid it up and down the junction between her crotch and leg, and on to the other side. Her forehead was already shiny, and he grinned. Then he slowly rubbed her clit in careful circles, holding her down by her stomach. She smelled wonderful. He wanted to taste it.
“I promise, we’ll go slow,” he reassured her.
“Just do it already,” she pleaded through clenched teeth.
Vic treated it as though he was penetrating her with himself. First, he guided in the tip, listening for any discomfort. When she didn’t give any, he moved in slow as she tried sucking it in. She gripped her thighs, and her hips rose from the bed. Her moaning increased even after he filled her. She wouldn’t stop whispering, “Oh”, “Oh God”, “Oh Vic”. He teased her for a few minutes and then twisted the vibrator to the left. Her teeth nearly pierced her lip, and her fingertips pushed into the tops of her thighs. When he fully turned it, he increased the setting, and she threw herself back, only to tighten up again.
“Harder,” she whined as she grinded her back teeth.
Vic knew what she wanted but didn’t have the heart to pretend that he didn’t hear her. With the vibrator at the highest setting, he pushed in and out. “Does this feel good?”
Rachel rocked her hips with him and grabbed his shoulders. “Yes…”
Vic carefully went faster. His arm ached, but he envisioned himself as the one in her and between her legs, using his own anatomy to go in and out of her, giving her pleasure while creating his own. He increased the setting to the third level of intensity. Her breasts rocked with each thrust, and her toes sank into the sheets. Her legs widened even more as the pleasure started to grow under her navel. She panted and squealed, and winced repeatedly, and her toes curled. She was on the edge, like she was standing tiptoe on the edge of a cliff. Vic went harder until she couldn’t even feel the liquid escaping her body and streaming down her backside.
Rachel didn’t scream, but she made a loud grunt and squeal at once, and she twitched between gasps and grips on her bedsheets. Flashes and sparks blinded her, as though she had entered a whole new realm of being.
Watching a woman have her first ever orgasm gave Vic satisfaction, but for some reason, watching Rachel’s own increased his sense of importance. As her eyelids fluttered and her chest heaved, he stroked her wet hair and lowered the setting to the first level without removing it from her. He waited for her to catch her breath and then pulled it out. She shivered, and her legs jumped.
“Oh God,” she whispered with closed eyes. “Oh Vic…”
Grinning, he supported himself on his elbow. “Well?”
Her glassy eyes slowly moved to his direction. “Do you…” She swallowed. “Do you want me to say, ‘best birthday ever’?”
Vic chuckled. “Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting, but I can go with that! I gave you, the gift…of pleasure.”
Rachel sheepishly smiled and reached for him. “I’ll say it anyway. At least I’m not celibate—not that there’s anything wrong with that.”
Vic kissed her forehead and hurried to the bathroom to clean the vibrator according to the directions, and came back to find her already under the covers, her arms encircled around her pillow. She was still naked. To be fair, he stripped down to his boxers and crawled into bed beside her. She turned and pulled him in for a kiss. “You know why I’m glad these sheets aren’t real silk?” he whispered.
Her voice, as silky smooth as her bare back and hip, led to him lying her on her back and kissing down her neck. She laughed until she heard a familiar hum but felt it against her leg before she heard it. Then it was against her labia and clit.
“Come on, Rachel,” he purred with his tongue lapping at her nipple and the vibrations feeling for her entrance at the same time. “All night long…”
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Conscious Love | Connor Brashier
A/n: this was a struggle to write, but I really do like how it turned out.
Summary: you're a little insecure lately and Connor has taken notice.
Warnings: mentions of body shaming, self loathing, slight eating disorder, also alludes to smut, there's some angst, and there's fluff
Word count: 2.5k
This isn't new. It's happened only a handful of times before, but this was the first time that it happened over something I had partial control over. The video I posted was nothing but y/n and a few shots of me, too. It was just random times during tour, like her jamming out to Alessia side stage. And her in a big hoodie attempting to beat Brian at FIFA. (Spoiler alert: after 3 rounds, she did finally win, but between us, I think Brian let her win.) Then there was us, slow dancing on the bus at three in the morning when the guys are being way too loud. And us walking hand in hand down the streets of Paris until I take her by the waist and twirl her around, and she's a giggling mess and she looks so beautiful. Or at least I think she does. The comment section, however, went in on her. Saying nasty things about her weight, which has never been a problem for me - and I don't know why it is for anyone else. 
At first, I didn't think much of it. I thought maybe she hadn't looked at the comments. I could only live in that fantasy world for so long though. It was a subtle change, I almost didn't notice it at first. But I've caught her staring disdainfully at herself in the mirror three times this past week, and the second she sees me the smile that's always plastered on her face takes over - only now her eyes don't meet her lips. 
I really started noticing when we went to look for swimsuits and shorts earlier in the week. She had something bad to say about them all, but it wasn't what she said about the suits that stuck with me. It was the snide comment about how the high waisted bottoms she had on accentuated the "pudginess" of her stomach. It was the barely audible utterance of how the regular bikini bottoms made her hips look "wider." It was the remark about the strapless top that dug into her sideboob and showed all the "extra skin" under her arm. It was the claim that the shorts she tried on barely went up her "massive thighs." Or how another pair showed her "legs jiggle" when she walked, and how her "cellulite was on full display."
And then, after deciding that nothing she tried on was worth it, we went out to lunch, where she ordered something small and just barely picked at it, moving some of the food around to make it seem like she'd eaten more than she really had. I didn't push, though. I knew she would tell me when she was ready. And when she was, I would do everything in my power to make her feel beautiful and loved. Because the girl I fell in love with all those years ago didn't dwell on the thoughts other people had about her. She knew her worth, and she made damn sure you knew it too. But, I guess, watching her now… I'm starting to see that maybe that strong, immovable demeanor is just an overspray and isn't so immovable after all.
"Wow, so we're just gonna cling to my stomach, right?" I hear her mutter when she's getting ready that morning to go out with a couple friends. She thinks I'm still asleep, which is why she's trying to be oh-so-very quiet. Through the corner of my eye, I see her going over to our dresser, rummaging through her side for something that would make her comfortable. But she finds nothing on her side, which is why I finally break my silence after she lets out a loud huff.
"You can wear something of mine, pumpkin." She hates that nickname. Or so she says, but I see that slight blush to her cheeks every time I use it. She thinks it was just a random name I picked out one day, but I put so much thought behind it. On our first date, which was in October, three years ago, after a long lecture in our English class, we went out to this 24 hour diner just down the street from campus. She ordered a slice of pumpkin pie and hot chocolate. 
I laughed then, not at her, just at how her order seemed purely aesthetic, what with the leaves falling and changing color outside, and then the too big cardigan that adorned her figure. She told me that day that fall was her favorite season, and with that, pumpkin stuck. 
"No, no. It's okay."
"You sure? That flannel you love to steal is hanging in the closet." I roll onto my back, glancing over at my beautiful girlfriend with a smirk.
She hums and leans over, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. "Have I told you lately that I love you?"
"Hmmm…" I take the back of her neck and bring her back to my lips. "Must have slipped your mind."
"Well in that case, I love you…" another peck and I swear I am melting "and thank you." She pushes herself away and makes her way over to the closet, no doubt to grab the flannel.
I'm running a bath for us now, the whole shebang. Candles and dim lights, tall glasses of red wine, and the music playing low - Halsey - because that's somehow her calming music.
"Con?" She calls from the door. 
"In the room, baby!" I say throwing in one of her bath bombs and dusting my hands off before walking into our bedroom, smile plastered on my face. 
Y/n saunters in, her eyes widen slightly when she sees me. "Whoa there, big boy. Why do you look so eager to see me?"
I take in her appearance, my flannel fits her a little big, so seeing as she didnt button the first two buttons, it's kind of falling off her shoulder. It doesn't take me another second to wrap my arms around her waist and breathe her in. "I missed you."
She giggles, running her fingers through my hair. "Well I missed you too."
"And you look really good in this shirt. I know I tell you every time, but god, you do. But I kinda just want to rip it off you." 
"Well what's stopping you?"
I press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I ran you a bath."
"Oh? What's the occasion?"
I shrug, "just wanted to show you I love you."
"Aren't you just the cutest thing?" She presses her lips to mine, and I pull her with me to the bathroom, working on the buttons of her - my - shirt. I have her rid of everything before I pull away from our heated kiss. She rests her forehead against mine. "You getting in with me?" Her fingers crawl up my chest and I whimper.
God, this girl will be the death of me. "If you say I am."
She nods, "it seems only right. Now strip me, blue eyes." She says with a laugh and I can't help but laugh with her, obeying happily.
With her head resting on my bare chest, I softly rub the sides of her body, starting at her calf and making my way up to her side boobs and back down again. Goosebumps litter her skin the second I touch her and I revel in knowing that even after all this time I still can get this reaction from her.
"Y/n…" I say against the cool skin of her exposed shoulder.
"Connor," she says back.
"I love you. Like a lot… maybe - definitely - more than I've loved anyone ever. You have no idea," I nibble on the soft spot of her neck and she melts into me. "You have no idea just how much I crave you."
"I might have an idea," she mutters and turns her head to face me, she takes my chin in her hands and our lips mould together. My hand cradles the underside of her jaw and she smiles against my lips, pulling me closer. My free hands makes its way between her legs and she lets out a soft moan, giving me optimal access to slide my tongue against hers. We remain this way for a while, mouths and bodies lazily connected. She pulls away much sooner than I would like her to, but it's only to say, "The water's getting cold. Maybe we should take this somewhere warmer."
I smile softly at her, but nod eagerly. "Yeah, I think so too." 
And so, without another word, I lean forward to drain the water, but neither of us wait before we're up, wrapping towels loosely around us, knowing full well that they'll be discarded in a matter of seconds. Truthfully, I don't know why we even bother with them in the first place. I have her panting beneath me only minutes after we drop the towels, but I slow down. Leaving lingering kisses on her stomach, thighs, arms, chest. She has a few stretch marks, new, because I've never seen them before and I've had her in this position many times. Enough to have memorized every curve, every dip, ever scar, everything. So I pay extra close attention to those.
"Faster," she begs when I'm right where she needs me the most. 
"Slow," I whisper against her warm skin. I take my time with her still, until I'm just about as frustrated as her. She's shivering against me as she presses sloppy kisses to the side of my neck and I press mine to her bare collarbone, muttering sweet 'I love you's' with every kiss.
Our normal, post aftercare, naked cuddles are cut short when I say one thing that makes her tense up. 
"God, you are unbelievably perfect." This one sentence results in an almost immediate squirm away from me. And then she's across the room, ruffling through her drawers, finding panties and some leggings and one of my hoodies that's thrown over a chair in the corner. "What are you doing?"
She shrugs, "cold."
"Well I could warm you up some more. Take it off and get back into bed. Please?" I pat the empty spot where she previously laid. 
"I'm gonna make some tea. Do you want some?" She asks, wrapping her arms around her middle - her most obvious tell and I frown. 
"No, I'm okay." I sit up, the blanket still around my waist. "Pumpkin," I say before she can walk out on me.
"Come here," I hold my hand out to her, but she sighs. 
"I really just want to go make my tea," she says and I see the pain hiding behind her eyes, so I nod.
"Okay." I watch her walk out of our shared bedroom and sigh when she rounds the corner. I sit there only for a minute before I get an idea. I shoot up from the bed and grab a pair of boxers and some sweat pants that hang low on my waist. She's staring out the window while she waits on her tea and I grab a sharpie from the cup of pens by the fridge. 
"Y/n," I mutter against her clothed shoulder. She doesn't shudder at my sudden appearance, so I know she heard me come in. "I'm sorry."
She shakes her head, "It's not anything you did, bubs."
It is. "Can I do something?" 
"What is it?" 
I turn her around and take her face in my hands, "Do you trust me?"
"Course I do."
"Then let me do this, okay?"
She's hesitant, but nods anyway, closing her eyes. "Okay."
"Don't look until I say to, yeah?"
She agrees, "Okay."
I press a kiss to the tip of her nose and drop to my knees, uncapping the marker in my hands. She watches me as I lift the hoodie and hold it against her chest while I write awfully, but as legible as I can on her skin, littering her with more and more kisses. When I'm done with her stomach, I move to her chest, the sides of it, her collar. I rid her of the hoodie for a moment and take both her arms before she can hide herself from me. I write on her biceps and then shuffle back to my knees, slipping her leggings down. 
"Connor, what are you doing?"
"You'll see in a minute. Just trust me."
"I'm half naked in our kitchen, babe. Come on, can you please tell me what you're doing?"
I look up at her through my lashes with a wicked smirk. "You say that like I haven't had you fully naked in this kitchen before."
She flushes pink as I put the cap back on the sharpie. "Okay, now follow me." I take the hoodie from the counter and bring her back to our room. "Close your eyes." I say before we get in front of the full length mirror.
"Close them."
She sighs, "You're so demanding."
I place her in front if the mirror that's been taunting her non stop for over a week now and I stand behind her, hands on her hips. "Okay, open." 
When she does, she squinted a little, trying to read my writing on her stomach, which roughly reads the word "beautiful." And then she gets closer, reading her thighs, "my favorite place to rest" pans over them both. "Stunning." "Flawless." "Mesmerizing." "Adorable." "Exquisit." "Heavenly." The words are littered all across her body. Because she may not see it now, or ever. But this is what I see when I look at her. This is what I have felt since the moment I met her. 
"What?" She looks at me through the mirror and my hands find her hips once again.
I rest my head on her shoulder. "I know you saw the comments on the video. You've been putting yourself down like crazy." I shake my head, "I just hate seeing you like this."
"Connor, I'm fine."
"I know," I say, even though I know it's not true. "But that doesn't change the fact that this is what you are. This is what I see every time I look at you. And not a single soul can tell me that you aren't good enough for me. Because let me tell you, you are so tremendously, outrageously out of my league. And I think you're beautiful, and stunning, and heavenly, and ravishing." Her eyes prickle with tears as I speak. I wipe at one that falls astray. "Why are you sad, love?"
She shakes her head vigorously. "No. I'm not sad. I just," she wraps her arms around me and buries her head in my neck. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but if I could go back and do it a hundred times over, I would. Because you," she takes in a shuddery breath, "you are amazinging."
I hold her tighter against me, "No. Oh, no, y/n. You. You are… well, you're my everything."
A/n: I know we all struggle with learning to love our bodies, trust me, I am still learning. But just know, that what you feel now is not necessarily how you will feel later on. It’s okay to not like everything about yourself, just try not to dread too much about it. Allow yourself to find things you like about yourself. And if there’s something you want to change, that’s fine, do it - but ONLY if you’re doing it for you, and not for other people. Not for aesthetic purposes. And another thing, gaining or losing weight is not a definite key to happiness, because these negative thoughts your having toward yourself are not going to change just because you lost/gained weight. Your brain is still your brain, and it’s your job to challenge those negative thoughts before they take you down dangerous paths.
I hope you enjoyed! Like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
Tags: @curlyshawny @anamariel2301 @shawns-badreputation @bbellbagel @turtoix @ivegotparticulartaste @tomshufflepuff @dino-16-avocado @sleepybesson @lifeoftheparty74 @shawnssongs
Connor tags: @divinginfearlessly @adorluvr @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @bettroff @bringitttback @myyohmyuohmyy @madison-malfoy @shawnieeboyy @wickedgoddessy
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meggybetho924-blog · 8 years
Laxus and Lucy Ship Week 2017: Day 6
****WARNING!! THIS WILL BE RATED M!!**** Still not feeling the best. My hands are so stiff and swollen (Arthritis sucks). Gotta love being 21 and feeling like you're 83. Anyway, I did my best. It really hurts to type, but I am stubborn almost to a fault. Wanna know what else sucks? Trying to write while your brain whispers at you. I've told you all before how my brain likes to make things difficult. I managed to get 900 words into this prompt before I literally couldn't write anymore. In defeat, I deleted the whole damn thing and gave in. The words whispered? Write smut. Do it. Don't be a wimp. Smut. Smut. Smuuuuuuuut. This will be my very first lemon, so sorry if it sucks. Please be gentle.. Day 6: Falling. ___ He should have known that coming to the guild today would be a horrible idea. Not only was Magnolia experiencing record breaking heat, the woman he'd constantly fantasized about was working the bar in Kinana's place for the day. He'd heard the excited whispers. The perverted male members of Fairy Tail were absolutely thrilled at the aspect of the blonde bombshell serving them. To beat the heat, Lucy Heartfilia was waltzing around in one of the shortest yellow miniskirts he'd ever seen along with a bright pink bikini top. The triangles of fabric struggled to contain her ample breasts and the entire ensemble showed off more skin than the Dragon Slayer could handle at the moment. Slender shoulders, cinched waist that led to deliciously flared hips, thick creamy thighs, and every movement exposed the bottom of her perky ass cheeks separated by the lace of her stark white thong. Her golden locks had grown out over the years and now reached her waist were pulled into two low pigtails, creating an image of innocence that contrasted greatly with the raw sexiness of the rest of her appearance. The combination of everything, amplified by the fact that she was the star in almost every single wet dream he'd had since she'd joined the guild, left him with a semi-erect member throughout the entire day. Laxus never took his eyes off her for more than a few minutes, and his team had long since given up on interacting with him, instead moving to a different table where his heated stare didn't make them feel uncomfortable. Every once and while, she'd catch him watching her and send him a small smile, or his personal favorite, a playful wink. It was nearing closing time, and he was considering leaving for the night when the world around him came to a standstill. Leaning against the bar, Lucy was taking a break to help cool her overheated body. Never once had Laxus envied a popsicle more than in that moment. Plump, pretty pink lips closed around the frozen treat that disappeared inside of her sinful mouth. She slowly pulled it back out, and he nearly moaned as her little pink tongue poked out to gather the flavorful juices by gliding from bottom to top. He had to physically tear his gaze from the image, pressing his palms hard against his closed eyes. His member now throbbed with painful need, pressing uncomfortably against his pants. Time moved agonizingly slow as he tried desperately to will the evidence of his arousal away, when his sensitive ears picked up a conversation at the bar. "Thanks for the help today, Lucy! Why don't you go collect Laxus's empty mug and head home?" "Alright! It was no problem, Mira. I have no idea how you guys do all of this on your own." Lucy chirped, the sound of her footsteps growing closer. "Shit." He muttered to himself, straightening in his seat and hoping to whatever god was out there that she didn't notice his reaction to her unintentional seduction. She smiled sweetly at him as she grew nearer, and his heart stuttered a bit in his chest. He knew this would be a slightly awkward conversation on his end, but he was not prepared for what happened next. It all happened in slow motion to him. One dainty foot accidentally stepped on the back of her flimsy sandal as it was lifting to take another step forward. The thin material snapped easily, and her body went careening forward… …falling face first into his lap. A strangled groan tore from his throat without his consent as her hands pushed against his still aching member. With curious innocence, he watched as she peered down to where her face had been moments before, searching for the hardness she had felt there. At the pleasured grunt that left his lips when she adjusted her hands so that she could stand, the small blonde froze. Eyes growing wide with sudden realization, her entire body flushed in mortification when she met his hooded gaze. "Oh my…I'm so sorry I…I need to go…"She stuttered, ripping herself from his lap and exiting the guild so fast she was nothing but a blonde blur. But there was no mistaking it, the heavy scent that followed her. It was like warm honey that mixed gloriously with her usual strawberries and cream fragrance. Eyes darkening with the knowledge that touching him the way she had aroused her, he stood from his chair, determined to finish what she'd unknowingly started. }{}{}{ Lucy had just made it through the door, when a heavy body was suddenly pressing her against the wall. Before she could even make a sound of surprise, hot breath fanned against her ear, lodging the sound in her throat. "Did you really think I'd let you get too far after that little display?" A shiver ran down her spine at the low, husky quality of his voice. "Laxus? What are you – oh god." Her voice trailed off into a low moan as his hot tongue licked a path down her neck before trailing back up to nibble on the lobe. Heat pooled to her lower belly, further saturating her panties with fresh desire. Almost instantaneously, large hands were gripping her ass and hoisting her up so that she instinctively wrapped her thighs around his hips, and the door was kicked shut. His hands kneaded the firm globes, while hers found their way to tangle in his spikey blonde locks. Her grip tightened when pointed canines nipped at the sensitive spot below her ear, hips impulsively bucking as a low growl reverberated through her body. He hissed at the delicious friction the heat of her thinly covered core grinding against his strained arousal created. "If you want to stop, now is the time to tell me. If we continue, we're seeing this through to the very end." He said, thrusting slightly to emphasize his meaning. Dainty hands pulled his head so that they were gazing into each other's lust filled eyes. "Don't you dare stop." She commanded, and then her mouth was on his. The kiss quickly became a heated battle of moans, tongues, and teeth. He nipped at her lips and tightened his grip on her full backside as he blindly made his way to the pink bed in the far corner of the apartment. Dropping her unceremoniously on the bed, she giggled as she bounced a few times, but sobered immediately at the sight of the Adonis of a man in front of her stripping down to his boxers. Spotting the rather large tent in the undergarment, Lucy suddenly felt as though she was wearing too many clothes. Never before had she felt such need. Her sexual encounters were incredibly limited, only doing the actual deed twice. They felt nice, sure, but paled in comparison to the burning that flowed through her veins. And they hadn't even gotten to the good part. Laxus smirked at her blatant ogling, taking the opportunity to crawl over her on the mattress. No words were exchanged as their mouths met once again, the heat between them building up so fast it left her desperate. She broke the kiss, panting, rubbing wantonly against the hips settled against hers. "Please…" His mouth trailed openmouthed kisses down her throat, untying the bow between her breasts with a single tug, and sucking the newly exposed rose-colored bud between his lips. Arching into his mouth, she breathed his name. "Tell me what you want, Blondie." He growled, shifting to nip at the neglected mound. Lucy fought to form a coherent sentence, lost in the sensations he was creating. When he received no response, his hand slid down her supple skin, pulling aside her lace panties to lightly stroke her slick folds. Hips jerking into his touch, he smirked against her creamy skin. "Tell me." Slim fingers grasped his hair, forcefully pulling his face to hers. "I want you to fuck me, Laxus." And with that, his restraint shattered. The sound of tearing fabric echoed in the dark room, her skirt and panties rendered useless scraps of fabric. Dainty feet hooked into the band of his boxers, sliding them down until her legs could go no further, and he kicked them off the rest of the way. Lucy whimpered as his bare arousal slipped through her slick folds, coating the appendage in the natural lubricant her body was producing in spades. Thick muscular arms slid under her shoulders, grasping her tightly to his chest. Her legs wrapped around his tapered hips tightly, digging her heels into his firm cheeks in an effort to bring him closer. Just as she opened her mouth to beg him to stop fooling around, he lined himself up at her entrance and buried himself fully with one hard snap of his hips. Both blondes groaned simultaneously, and Laxus stilled for a moment, reveling at the way her walls clenched around him. "D-damn, you're tight." He hissed, pulling out nearly all the way before thrusting forward sharply. "Y-yes. Mmm…" She moaned, nails digging into his back as he set a grueling pace. He attacked her mouth with his, pounding forcefully between her thighs, and all she could do was hold on for dear life as the cord coiled tighter and tighter inside of her. Unfortunately for him, he had been sporting a hard-on for the majority of the day, and he felt his end nearing a lot sooner than he was proud of. Reluctantly leaving her mouth, but determined to give her an experience she wouldn't soon forget, he slipped from her warmth to kneel on the bed. A keening whine escaped her at the loss of contact, when large callused hands gripped her hips, pulling them up to enter her with one hard thrust. The new angle drove him in deeper and she screamed his name as his tip kissed her cervix, the mix of pleasure and pain tightening the coil inside of her so tightly that she could hardly breathe. Laxus grit his teeth as her walls fluttered around him, and he knew he had to work quickly. Reaching a hand between them, he found her clit and started rubbing hard and fast circles over the sensitive nub. The result was immediate. Her body went rigid and she clamped down on him so tightly his eyes nearly rolled up into his skull. "La…oh… yes… Laxus." She cried, undulating uncontrollably as she rode out her high. Her walls milked him and his rhythm faltered before speeding up until he was pounding wildly into her constricting heat. A pleasured groan left him as he gripped her hips tighter to him, burying himself to the hilt as he released. He thrusted gently, still deep inside of her, as white hot pleasure ripped through his body. When he finally came down from his bliss, smiling softly at her small moan as he slid his spent member out of her body, he collapsed next to her panting form. "That was…" She trailed off, and he pulled her into his chest. "Yeah." He chuckled, reaching down to pull the pink comforter over the both of them. The petite blonde nuzzled into his chest with a content sigh. "Remind me to fall face first into your boner more often." Laxus grinned into her hair. 'Cheeky little shit.' ___ Was it bad? It was bad, wasn't it? Oh well. Constructive criticism is welcome. How else does one learn? See you all tomorrow (Cough. Later today. Cough) for the final day of Laxus and Lucy ship week 2017!
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vintage-story-time · 3 years
Chapter 6
"Beth?!" he softly said in surprise. He felt Julie slide closer to him. "I think you'll like this, Jim. She really knows how to work a crowd." Jim pulled his eyes from his sister as she waved her gorgeous butt in the face of a front table occupant. Julie's face was very close to his and her eyes were searching his face. "Why did you bring me here?' he asked and licked his lips. Julie smiled. "You knew about us. Why not?....She can't see us back here...look at her. She's beautiful, isn't she?"
Jim looked again at his sister. She was pulling down the straps of her bikini top, shrugging her shoulders seductively as she leaned against a pole. He'd always thought his sister was cute but up there on the stage she was down right hot. Thoughts of the previous night when he'd imagined himself fucking Elizabeth stirred in his mind again. He, like every other male in the room, was imagining what it would be like to hold that sexy dancer, to squeeze her soft slender ass as you worked your dick into her..... "Lizzie's one of the favorites here," Julie said close to his ear, bringing him out of his fantasy, "she can make $700-$800 a night easy." Jim remembered Sheryl's pitch..$100...we'll go downstairs, whattaya say? 'Jesus, I wonder if Beth makes her money that way?!' Jim couldn't believe his sister would sell herself like that...but he'd never have thought she'd even strip. On the stage, Elizabeth pulled off her bikini top, kicked it into the crowd and cupped her adorable tits proudly. His sister had long fucking nipples; maybe an inch and a half long. And she knew how to use them. As he watched, she began twirling them with her fingers, her face swimming with pretended ardor as she leaned back against the pole. Several tables down front broke into cheers, the business men loving every minute of it. "Mmmmmm, I love her nips." Julie said hotly as her hand slid back over the lump in his pants. "Oooooo, I'd swear you're getting harder. Poor baby, does your sister excite you, too?" "No!" Jim protested quickly. "She's my sister, for Christssake!" "So?.....Your sister is a prime piece of ass. Shit, there's thousands upon thousands upon thousands of boys fucking their butt-ugly sisters in this country alone and you're going to tell me you wouldn't like to get it on with Liz?!" She made it sound almost conceivable; Jim knew it wasn't. He'd grown up with Elizabeth. They'd shared too much as brother and sister to take the kind of leap that Julie was...what?...advocating? "You may be right," Jim gave her, "but I'm not like that." He wished he could be more persuasive but Julie got off the subject. "Watch this!" she said and Jim focused again on Elizabeth as she untied seductively the knots on her thong bottom. To continued catcalls, his sister began using the thong like dental floss, pulling the flimsy material back and forth between her legs. Jim, even from the back of the room, could see some of his sister's dark pubic patch on either slide of the sliding material. 'Look at her! God, she's so.... so slutty!' Jim marveled to himself. 'It looks like she's really enjoying herself....stripping in front of a room full of strangers....OK, let me see it, Sis! Let us all see it.' Beth did let them all see. She released the thong in the back and whipped it up to her face as she spread her legs wide. She lewdly sniffed the bottoms before casting them off to an appreciative table. Then she began moving around the stage; falling to her knees with her legs open as men stood up to get a closer look or crawling on her hands and knees and offering a backdoor view of her sex. Jim felt weirdest viewing his sister's most intimate area. He, like everyone else, got a good view of his sister's neatly-trimmed dark muff. And like everyone else he was wondering what it would be like to tongue it or fuck it, God help him. Beside him, unknown to him, Julie watched his face, not Elizabeth. Jim struggled to fit the key in the door of the apartment as Julie pressed her tits into his back and slid her hands down the front of his jeans. "Having trouble putting it in?" she teased him as he finally found the mark and opened the door. "You won't be saying that in a few minutes," he countered as he ushered her in and closed the door. He hoped maybe it would come true. He'd tried to feel Julie up in the cab back to the apartment but she'd always moved his hands to her tits....she really liked to have her tits squeezed. "Have a seat,
Romeo," Julie said as she sauntered into the kitchen. Jim fell onto the couch and kicked off his sneakers. Julie soon returned with a frosty looking bottle and some small glasses. She sat on the couch next to him, turning her body and laying her long right leg across his thighs as she handed him a glass. "Ever had a shooter?" she asked. "Iced vodka?" "No, but I'll try anything once," Jim promised as she poured an inch of the clear liquid into his glass. His left hand dropped onto her leg and began stroking it as she poured herself a similar portion. Julie placed the bottle on the coffee table and they clinked their glasses together. "No sipping these." Julie said as she tilted her head back and threw the drink down her throat. Jim did the same, enjoying the cold nature of the shot. "Good job! I'll make a man out of you yet." Julie teased. She was always digging at him. Jim chose just to smile as he ran his hand slowly up her inner thigh, up past the bottom of her dress. "Hey! What did I tell you?!" Julie said as she swung her leg off him and stood up. "I told you no touching my pussy, didn't I?" she sounded truly angry. 'Great, way to go, hormone boy! Way to fuck things up!' Jim berated himself silently. "Look, Julie, I'm sorry ...... I just wanted to make you feel good. Most girls like it...." Julie seemed to calm down. "All right. Look, it's not you .... I made this vow that no man would ever again touch me there ...... all you got to do is promise to keep your hands off this particular area of my body and you and I will get along just fine." "Deal. Now come on and sit back down." Julie gave him that evil smile and sat back down, again throwing her leg over his. "Now where were we?" she said as she placed her hand on his crotch and began rubbing. "I think..." Jim said as he hooked a finger in the top of her dress and pulled it down, exposing more of olive-hewed breasts, "....we were about to get naked and do what boys and girls will do!" "Mmmmm, that sounds good .... but being naked is so ordinary ... you wait here, I'm going to slip into something that I think you'll like." Julie gave him a big wet kiss and headed for her bedroom. At the door, she turned and said, "When I call you, come on in. And I don't want those clothes on you." "Oh, yes, maam." Jim said to his thirtysomething seductress and she slid through the door and closed it behind her. Jim leaped up off the couch, made a boxing uppercut motion to express his derilious state of excitement and headed into his bedroom. He pulled off his shirt and went into the bathroom to brush his hair back into place as he unbuttoned and shucked his jeans off. "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy....oh you lucky motherfucker." He pulled off his underwear and began massaging his dick, wanting it to look as big as it could without being erect. He didn't want to appear to excited. Grabbing a washcloth, he swabbed off his member with some hot water and did his armpits just to be safe and then toweled both areas dry. Quick squirt of deodorant and into his bedroom again. Dropping to the floor, he did 10 pushups, enjoying the way his muscles tightened up. Back out into the livingroom, her bedroom door still closed, locked the front door even though his sister wasn't supposed to get off until midnight and it's only 10:45. Have another drink, hand keeping some blood in the old dick, feeling stupid standing naked in the livingroom especially since someone in a higher building might be able to see through the glass doors in the dining area. Think about Julie, think about that Penthouse body and that Hustler outlook on life....it doesn't get any better than this! "JIMMMMM! I'M READDDYYY!" 'Play it cool, man .... she's just another girl .... she wants it worse than you do ..." Jim psyched himself as he walked over to the door. Putting on his sexiest smile, he turned the knob and leaned in the bedroom. And about died.
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