#that silly fic you wrote at 14 might be on someone's bookshelf because they loved it so much they had to print it to have it forever
anqelbean · 2 months
I love love love reading fics from older fandoms because WOW these fandom elders knew their shit!! Weird shit, fun shit, crack shit, disgusting shit, yum yum yum, you guys were fed so well
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whereisthefood123 · 7 years
Writer Questions
Tagged by @theolddarkmachine and @nocturna131 thank you for the tag sweeties! I swear I’m not procastinating at work but if you want to send asks or distract me from my responsibilities I’m not going to complain lol
1) How many works in progress do you currently have?
Not counting the ones I just have the main idea or the outline? 14 works in progress that go from having just one paragraph already written up to 28 single-spacing-pages (and the 28-pages fic won’t be coming to light any time soon since there is so much editing to do!). Including outline or main idea: 32 (but some are very old, so I’ll probably just drop them but I still have them in a gdocs just in case). These include at least 6 multi-chapter fics that I haven’t been brave enough to finish or publish lol.
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
Yeap! I love writing fanfiction! I would have started years ago if I knew it was a thing lol. When I was a kid and got obsessed with a show or a movie, I tended to create all this alternative follow ups or side stories and I just enjoyed replaying them in my mind until I found something else to get myself busy with. So I don’t think I’ll stop writing fanfiction for a while. I might try to write an original story but not in the near future.
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
I’ll go with ebooks. I love the feeling and smell of paper books but for some odd reason, whenever I buy a new book I just store it away in my bookshelf and never open it lol kinda like I’m just hoarding books but never reading them xD Then I would look for the electronic version of it and read it in my phone or my computer lol. So, in a way I prefer both but I just read ebooks.
4) When did you start writing?
When I was 10 I used to write songs with a childhood friend (they were super silly cheesy friendship songs and we found the lyrics’ notebook like 8 years later and cringed and throw the notebook to the trash lol). Then, when I was 13 I wrote a small original story for a school contest and won two tickets for a concert. After that, I only wrote school related essays (engineering and environmental essays for the most part). A year ago I discovered fanfiction.net and I started writing my own fics for Cyborg 009 fandom and then for Fairy Tail fandom.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
I’ve shared my work with some of my tumblr friends when I’m doubting about triggers or I’m not too sure about my writing. But I don’t do this too often. I’m super insecure about my work and too proud to ask for help (lol worst combination ever) so if I’ve ever shared my work with you before posting it, it’s because I trust you so so much that I’m able to swallow my pride and my fears (if I haven’t shared it with you it has nothing to do with you but with my personal issues lol). I just tend to reread my work over and over and over again until I feel enough confidence in it to make it public. Honestly, that’s why I have so many WIPs. Some of them are practically finished stories but I didn’t feel that confidence in them so I just stored them away. 
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
I always get the best inspiration at work. Like, when I have a shit ton of reports to do, that’s when I feel the words flowing and the story taking shape real nicely that I just have to write everything down. Though I’m in dire need to change my writing environment at home. I can’t seem to focus any more in my room, so I might move to another place in my house or rearrange some things in my room to feel a different vibe. I might follow through @theolddarkmachine advice and start taking a notebook and a pen and write somewhere outside for a change. 
7) Favorite childhood book?
Honestly? I was never one to like books too much. I read some when I was a kid but I prefered watching tv or going outside. But I do remember one that I liked very much called “The Knight in Rusty Armor” and I think I still have it somewhere around my house. “Looking for Alaska” is another one I liked a lot that I read a bit older (though it had the fate described in question 3 lol).
8) Writing for fun or publication?
For fun definitely. I don’t think my writing is publishing material. Though if I ever get to the point where I deem my work good enough, I’d like to publish something I enjoyed writing.
9) Pen and paper or computer?
As of now, computer. But I’ll get my hands back to pen and paper to get my inspiration going! Though my handwriting is so awful that sometimes even I don’t understand what I wrote down (this was a big issue back in college when I wanted to study from my notes lol)
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
*nervous laughter* I haven’t haha. I took the normal classes in college on how to write a research paper and how to use references and that sort of things (both in english and spanish) but I never took any class on creative writing or something similar. I had the chance to take a creative writing class in college but I chose another class instead thinking I would fail creative writing lol. If I’d known it would be this fun I would have taken it haha. It probably would have helped me improve a lot lol well, live and learn.
11) What inspires you to write?
It highly depends on what I’m writing. Some fics are inspired by songs, other by prompts, other by posible canon divergences, and others by pure stubbornness of my mind to not let me sleep until I write that fic!! So my inspiration can come from any place actually.
A fine Life was inspired by @bluuesparrow‘s art and by the movie “Tales of an Immoral couple”
Sun was inspired by a tumblr post
To the beat of my song was inspired by the song “93 million miles” by Jason Mraz
Broken was inspired by @neen-writes one-shot 
Auto-da-fé (coming soon) was inspired by that stubbornness I mentioned
Yes, I took the opportunity for some self-promotion time and to throw you the name for my newest upcoming fic (so it won’t be left into my pile of wips)
I’ll tag: Let’s tag a bunch of people, if you were tagged before or just don’t want to do this you can ignore it lol @ranunculus-fox @snowmadien @spikerr @writingissues @xambedo @moonbeammadness @sketcher1994 @aya-eisen @capaleran2 @mangaguitar96 @neen-writes @littlemumu and anyone else that wants to do this!
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