#that shit HURTSS馃槶馃槶馃槶
speedlimit15 7 months
wow im getting old i got my first hemmorhoid馃挒
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miusato 6 months
I was wondering, do you have a ranking for Kotone ships? I assume Shinjiham is number 1, but I'm curious since you mentioned you liked them all
HMMMM maybe? I mean like I pretty much like all kotone ships since I'm biased and I like her althoughhh honestly some ships I just see more on platonic side but I salute anyone that ships her with a rare pair (provided its just not something entirely weird or borderline illegal lol)
Anyway, here's pretty much my ranking and thoughts for each ships lol:
1) Shinjiham - First of all, god Atlus doesnt FUCK AROUND with his SL route and it's so out of their fucking mind for Atlus to not let the girlies write for the romances in other persona ever again cuz WHAT THE FUCK???? They really fucking cook with his and Ryoji's SL its fucking sweet yet so tragic I just cant fucking take it anymoreeee 馃槶馃槶馃槶 and it fucking hurts me that even when you ended up not dating him, you can clearly see just how in love he is with Kotone like fuck man it hurtss
I am just such a sucker for the broody bf x cheery gf trope but they had me in my tits when they laced it with angst it had me bawling by the end of it. I really appreciate how in femc's route we finally get to see his true character like god before P3R we really only know him as that mean looking guy with a tragic broody past and he tries to make things right before its too late but we dont also see him trying to be better other than tiny mentions of it so when he is gone we dont feel bad other but P3P hooo boyyy shits fucked me up I miss him I miss my wife and even when I get to save him, even when he finally gains the reason to survive and have meaning to live, when the person that gives him that reasoning is gone, it fucking hits me like a truck man and that truck decides to reverse and run me over again. Absolutely spectacular shipping 11/10 dont fucking do that ever again Atlus I have inherited hypertension from my dad
2) Akiham - This is actually my initial otp before I blasted and fried my brain with foolmoon content. I was actually surprised to see this side of Aki where instead of him looking like he gets thing under control and cool all the time, he is just so clueless socially and every rank of him had me go "Holy shit he's autistic he's just like me frrrrr" like I didnt expect him to have awful social cues like me hskskssksk I also love how really cute the entire rank is like this boy is 18 and never dated anyone yet he is so sweet and thoughtful I almost forgot he probably learned this from the seventeen magazine in his room lmfaoo I love them they're the most tamed yet cute pair but also bittersweet and sad thinking that he lost everyone that he loves even after he proclaimed he will protect her ugh im in painnn
3) Theoham - I love how silly the entire route is! Its fun and relaxed and oh god what is up with everyone with white hair has autism in this game??? His lines are fucking bonkers it had me in tears and I cant even believe this man also manage to make me feel things about exposing one's hand after seeing it gloved for so long. Again Atlus please let the girlies cook again for the new persona i am begging you
4) Hamugis - idk if it was Atlus intention or not to make her pan but god I love this so much! Her entire route is her adjusting to being human and gaining human emotion gradually and I just really think its so beautiful when she said she doesnt even care if Kotone's a girl or a man she will still love her (Im sure she really meant it to be platonic and she pretty much mixed romantic and platonic but also that confession at the roof doesnt help at all I genuinely think she's in love with femc) and towards the end when she cried I can hear how human she is briefly like oh god I cant believe Atlus invented yuri
5) Yukaham - they're besties and she mentioned she wants a bf before okay whatever BUT I just refuse to believe she's into men honestly and she probably just wants a bf because thats what she believes girls should be (like obsessing over boys and such) and shes a girly girl so she should like boys, right?
Im not forcing anyone my HC at all so just ignore this if you want. Im writing this because the worm in my brain tells me to do it and i am also projecting myself here but like I just like the idea of Yukari feels conflicted about her sexuality because she's a girly girl and her liking girls doesnt fit the status as a girly girl but when she meets Kotone and she is feminine and likes girls stuff too but also a tomboy and doesnt really care much about the identity of being a girly girl and finds herself enamored towards her, she admits to her one day that she's having conflicted feelings about her and the other girls she finds oddly attracted to and Kotone's probably like "You should try to kiss me and see if you feel anything about it" and AKXHEIQPAUSQPAJQL oh god the thought of Yukari not knowing she's a lesbian and struggling to accept her identity as a lesbian is just so AAAAAAA i need more Yukaham content maybe I should draw them together
6) Mitsuham - I totally understand people's vision with Mitsuham. Actually at this point, you guys can see how Kotone brings impact to everyone in the team and towards the end of the game, everyone either finds a meaning to live or finally able to open up to each other but anyway shhh lets ignore the overall grim lore of this game and just focus on Mitsuru as a person instead. I really love the idea that Kotone introduce a lot of new things to Mitsuru since despite how rich and influential she can be, due to the responsibility and burden she has to hold at a very young age, she didnt get to experience what life is as a normal teenage girl so I just love the thought of Kotone teaches her what it feels to be a normal teenage girl like and gives her a glimpse of what it feels if she wasn't a Kirijo in the first place. Again, just a HC but like I think it would be so fun of Kotone and Mitsuru just sneaks out at night after she convinces her to forget her responsibility for a moment and loiters around town until it's the dark hour and Mitsu just freaks out because she was too distracted by having fun and being distracted by her duty and she was like I cant afford being normal, not in this world and not when she bears the name of Kirijo and oh god did I accidentally turn this into angst???? ANYWAYS yes I understand Mitsuham
7) Ryoham - Okay I have to admit, as much as bittersweet and tragic their whole relationship is (like the fuck as going on in Atlus' HQ when they wrote "Please touch me. Make sure I exist." Like ????) I'm just not into Ryoji much because of a personal reason but also like I love it when people draw them in an alternate universe where they meet again like I really believe in another life, they really do would fall for each other again ;w;
8) Juntone - Honestly I just see them as platonic but I saw this one Juntone shipper on twt before and I cant stop thinking of them whenever I have to think of this pair. Like okay shh imagine if Kotone isnt dead in the end but both of them still lost Chidori and Shinji, I know they both understands the pain but like if lets say they find confort in each other and down the line they do fall in love, I just think its really beautiful. Maybe not immediately but when years later theyre reunited and open up about their grief and still having a hard time to move on, I know they would clung on to each other just to feel absolutely alright because nobody can understand the circumstances they fall into.
Anyway, that's pretty much my ranking. I really do love and understand why people would love her with other pairing like I am all game but the ones I am pretty much very obsessed with is Shinjiham and Akiham while the others are more of an afterthought to me.
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codecicle 1 year
HELLO YOUR STORY ON THE SORRY BOYS IN THE APOCALYPSE???? as someone who is so VIOLENTLY hyperfixated on any zombie media, and then slimecicle as well, seeing someone so correctly portray what I thought of the character(s) made me go even more fucking insane /pos.
I do think sb!slimecicle (sorryboy! = sb!) knew he wouldn't, or just couldn't live with himself after 'what he did' to Wilbur. Even if sb!wilbur's fate was already decided the moment he was bitten. Slimecicle knew he couldn't live on so he let himself die, it was a suicide because he couldn't live on with what had happened to one of his friends. I think it was the fact it was with his bare hands that he snapped wilbur's neck! And yet even in the end he died once more thinking his friend(s) successfully escaped, only for them to die horribly. (like generation loss!slime and generation loss!ranboo all over again guys 鉂わ笍)
I'm so glad you liked my little angst post I didn't think it would escape containment the way it did LMAO but also!! YOU YOU YOUUUU UNDERSTAND EXACTLY鈥硷笍sb!charlie couldn't live with himself after what he had done him staying behind at the gate ABSOLUTELY doubles as both a self-sacrifice to keep everybody alive and a suicide from the grief of killing wilbur. AND HIM DOING IT WITH NOTHING BUT HIS BARE HANDS ABSOLUTELY CONTRIBUTED DUDE I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT :0 he spent the whole video killing with quick and efficient weapons but now he actually had to use his hands to kill the man he was closest too like OUGGUHHH 馃槶馃槶 THAT SHIT HURTSS
the generation loss parallels can and will kill me btw. charlie died both times being devoured while his arm was outstretched and the camera followed it. he died while sacrificing himself to let the people he cares about most escape and put an end to the torment both times. killing murdering maiming rn im so so SOOOOO fucking normal about that actually its fine everryyythings fineee we are fine im NORMAL
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tojikai 2 years
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH i just read the new PM chapter and first of all, it feels so freaking good how miserable Satoru is 馃槶馃槀馃槀 cry harder boi 馃槇馃槫馃槀 but save your strength cause im sure there still more waiting for you just ahead 馃槑馃槈 ive been waiting for this tf 馃拝.
Okay, so Rie is actually not as bad as we thought she was but still, like one of the nonnies said, i don't think she's a very good person judging by how she celebrated in her head how she managed to get together with Satoru despite being the active reason why he broke up with his ex 馃槖馃槕. The audacity is unreal 馃拃. I already saw the signs of how this relationship might not last that long 馃檲馃檴. That sting, pain, jealousy, etc. in her heart will probably build up over time until one day when she cannot contain it any longer, and it WILL get messy. Hehehehe 馃槇 the hater inside me just jumped out, okay?
But srsly tho, I hope Y/N will wake up soon 馃槩. Her dying will create more angst, but it will be even more satisfying to see her wake up, heal and live on. Brain swelling may lead to amnesia too but I hope she can move on with her memory intact.
Actually, yk what will give this fic more suffering for everyone involved 馃槇? Due to brain and psychological trauma, Y/N went blind 馃拃. But tbh, I'd rather see Y/N go blind than making her witness Satoru being lovey dovey with his new hoe again. It's good for her too but that's just my opinion 馃槫. And the stupid couple will probably know better than to approach her casually now. Rie also better figures own her shit out with Satoru herself than bothering Y/N again.
I also got this idea of when she became blind, while learning to navigate around, she learns self-defense or martial arts too to better protect herself and who is the one perfect for the instructor role? It's Daddy Toji obvi 馃槣馃憖馃構馃槅. I feel like this relationship will feel much more natural than with a doctor/therapist bc not only Y/N is trying to heal, she also learns to overcome adversity so there won't be much coddling like if she's a patient and she won't be too dependent on the person who helps her. Yes, life gives her brain trauma and blindness, but it also gives her a somewhat rought yet fresh start where she learns to stand on her two feet again and I think that would be so beautiful and fitting for her. Dating Toji is just a treat on the side 馃槈馃槀(yes, i used him for y/n character development. not sorry) but then again, after what she went through, Y/N deserves all the treat she can get 馃槈.
Ik I ramble way too much but Ive been waiting for the new chap to come out so I need let all of my thoughts out. Pls bear with me. Love this chap sm. Im looking forward to the next one 馃槝 Pls don't rush yourself and take your time ^v^
HHIIIII OMGGG I LOVE THISSSSS !!! when you mentioned yn going blind , the song I'd rather go blind started playing in my head and ohmygoshh IT HURTSS馃槶 the song's abt how the woman would rather lose her sight than see the man she loves walk away w someone else AND I CAN SEE YN SAYING SOMETHING LIKE THAT :'((( i really like that idea !!! AND YOU'RE RIGHT. things will get messy *evil laughs* JFJDKKSSKSK thank you so muchhh omg it makes me very happy that you took the time to analyze the story and characters 馃ズ ilyyyyy
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saintobio 4 years
ai!!!! I was about to scream in your inbox about how the teaser was even after the time skip??(that shit hurtss pls come back iwa..) but then I saw your face reveal(kinda?) and now I'm just here to tell you that you look so gorgeous and just!!! I love your makeup too omgg!! How perfect can you get? Your personality on here, your writing, your ideas and your whole vibe!! Ahh tbh you (and haji) have my heart 馃挊馃挊馃拰馃拰 (sry I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable I just wanted to let you know馃憠馃憟)
your plan is to make me cry !! 馃槶馃ズ pls you鈥檙e so sweet and kind i don鈥檛 deserve youuu and thank you very much omg <33 you have my heart too anon (wish u weren鈥檛 on anon skskd) ilysm you鈥檙e the kindest ever 馃挄馃挆馃挐馃挀馃挊馃挒馃挅
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