#that second photo.............. what even is that look on your face pato and why is it so................. interesting?????????
op81s · 4 months
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💧 wet boy 💧
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Colour Me In (Part 7)
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Calum had his head down and earbuds in when he slid into the booth at the coffee shop. Eliza was supposed to meet him here so they could plan a strategy for dinner with her family. They had two days until Calum had to meet her mother, and he was dreading it.
A flash of movement across from him caught his attention and he looked up, his smile turning to a look of confusion, not recognizing the girl sitting in the booth.
“Nice to meet you Calum,” she signed as she spoke the amusement clear on her face.
“Maggie?” He blurted out as he recognized her from countless photos Eliza had shown him. The sisters had similar features. Both round faced, with full lips and slightly wide set eyes, but Maggie was thinner and taller which accentuated her high cheekbones and long neck. Where Eliza's eyes were gold flecked topaz, Maggie's were burning obsidian. Her hair was cut short, with springy dark curls escaping the white bandana she wore pin up girl style. She talked fast, rapid fire, with the ability to sign almost as fast as she spoke.
Maggie explained, “I knew Eliza would run late, and I wanted to meet you without my sister around. I think it’s  terribly unfair Kevin got to meet you first, but considering he basically busted you that wasn’t your choice really. Still. I can’t believe I’ve had to wait this long.  Eliza’s gonna be pissed when she gets here, but I don’t care. I’ve heard way too much about you, and I  had to make my own decision. I know you’re coming to dinner to meet our mother, and yes I know your scared, and yes, you probably should be. Do you know you're  the first adult boyfriend that either of us have brought home to meet the family? Eliza is not going to be able to help you. She’s going to be an absolute nervous wreck, even though mom goes so much easier on her, out of guilt or whatever.”
Calum felt breathless just listening to her, and then she stopped narrowing her eyes at him and Calum almost laughed out loud, “whatever it is, just ask Maggie” he told her. Her eyes went wide with shock.
“Your sister makes the same face when she's about to ask me something she doesn't think I'll like,” he told her and she sat back with a grin.
“Ok fine, what do you want from my sister? Why Eliza? What's your deal?” Maggie leaned forward looking him dead in the eye as she spoke, still smiling but not quite as friendly.
Calum didn't flinch or hesitate, “Eliza is the first girl I've met who likes me for who I am not what I do. She has no agenda or ulterior motive. She's not chasing fame or clout, not trying to break into the music business, or anything like that. She's just beautiful and smart and clever and looking more pissed than I've ever seen her.”
Eliza stormed up to the table greeting Calum briefly with a kiss before turning to her sister. Calum was instantly lost as they started arguing. They seemed to talk in code, using multiple languages and using a form of shorthand ASL developed just between them. This went on for a minute until Maggie told her they were being rude to Calum and Eliza turned back to him apologizing. Calum shook his head and kissed her, pulling her into the booth next to him.
“Don't be sorry, that was interesting to watch,” he signed, not yet confident in his abilities yet.
Maggie nodded in approval, she already preferred Calum to her sister's last ex, Patrick, who knew how to sign when he met her but always acted like it was such a hassle. Calum watched her so intently, trying to learn every movement and nuance. They were so obviously smitten, Maggie was thrilled to see her sister so happy.
“Mom's going to eat you alive” she told Calum, breaking the spell. Eliza glared at her and she repeated herself.
“Mom's going to take one look at you two love birds and go in on you. Who are your parents? What exactly do you do? Did you finish school? What is your relationship to God?” Maggie mocked her mother's sharp almost unplaceable accent. “Lucky for both of you,” she continued in her own voice, “I have a plan.”
“First of all I'm personally inviting Duke because I want to meet him, and Mom is a sucker for dogs. As for you Calum, you need a haircut and wear a long sleeved button up. Mom's not a fan of tattoos and she knows you have them, but you don't have to have them out right away.” Calum glanced at Eliza when Maggie stopped for breath. She nodded at him, annoyed but clearly in agreement.
“What else Maggie?” Calum grinned at her. “Tell me all the secrets I need to know.”
Calum rang the doorbell, his heart racing and in his throat. He'd followed Maggie's instructions arriving with bakery fresh box of Beatriz's favorite cookies,  and Duke.  Maggie managed to beat Eliza to the door, greeting them enthusiastically before taking Duke from Calum. Oliver came barreling into the room almost tripping Eliza. The sisters introduced their step brother Alex, who played bass guitar in jazz band at school, and was quite starstruck with Calum in the house.
“I'd love to see you play sometime, Maggie told me you were really good,” Calum shook his hand and Alex beamed, nodding like a bobblehead.
“So you're Calum Hood,” Beatriz came into the room behind him, “I'm glad I get to finally meet you.” Calum noticed the slight emphasis on finally as he turned to face her.
He almost giggled at how tiny she was, shorter than Eliza and more slender than Maggie, but she radiated strength and Calum understood why her daughters were so intimidated.
“Thank you for welcoming me into your home, Mrs,” Calum was interrupted
“Beatriz is fine,” she told him.
“Miss Beatriz,” Calum finished, “I'd like you to meet Duke.” Calum clicked his tongue and Duke came scurrying over trailed by Oliver. Duke sat right at Beatriz's feet his head tilted up patiently waiting to be acknowledged. When she bent down to pet him he flopped onto his back for a belly rub, and Cal relaxed a bit when she chuckled and played with Duke for a second.
When she stood up she noticed Calum reassuring Eliza that he was fine, just nervous.
Eliza had told her he was learning ASL, which Beatriz wanted to see for herself. He was still very clumsy, but he was trying.
He'd brought her favorite cinnamon cookies, so he was getting advice from Maggie. That her youngest daughter, so fiercely protective of her sister, was taking such a shine to Calum intrigued her. She watched for a minute as Maggie and Alex both peppered Calum with questions about the zoo trip.
Calum was getting flustered between his nerves and trying to remember all the signs for the animals without and Maggie going too fast for him.
“Acalme-se” she snapped signing calm down at the same time, “he's just got here let him breathe. Thank you for the cookies Calum, they'll go perfectly with my tea before bed tonight. I hope you can handle spicy food?”
“Yes Miss Beatriz” speaking slowly so he could find the words with his fingers. Maggie had made him practice, but he was sure he was blushing. It felt so much more awkward in front of her family, they were all so much better at it. “I can eat just about anything, and Eliza has told me what a great cook you are.”
“Really?” Beatriz was unimpressed with compliments, “what did she say her favorite dish was?”
She glanced up expecting him to freeze but he turned to Eliza “how do you say, the fish, salt, potatoes, onions,?”
“Bacalhau a Bras?” Maggie asked, knowing from her mom's face Calum was scoring points.
Calum nodded “I think so, I've only seen it in text.” He glanced at Eliza who was being oddly  
Eliza thought she was going to faint at any minute, and was concentrating on acting calm. The second Calum walked in holding Duke her heart had exploded and she hadn't caught her breath yet. He'd gotten a haircut but left the top long enough to still have the dark curls she loved. He was wearing a white button up contrasting against his tan throat where he'd left only the top button undone, tucked into tight black dress trousers that fit in all the right ways. Eliza kept thinking back to what was underneath his clothes, and it was distracting her completely. Thank God Maggie never shut up, and she and Calum hit it off immediately.
“What's gotten into you girl,” Beatriz pulled Eliza aside. “He's doing just fine, why are you sweating?”
“I just wanted you to like him Mama,” she responded her hands shaky.
“I haven't made up my mind yet, but he's doing well so far. Having this little guy at my feet doesn't hurt.” They looked down to Duke parked patiently in front of Beatriz's shoes, as if he'd known her for ages.
“It's a good opening move” Eliza laughed, relaxing.
They sat down to eat starting with caldo Verde a Portuguese soup made from onions, potatoes and kale, cooked with garlic and olive oil served with cornbread. After that he was served olives and cheeses, bolinhos de bacalhau, salted cod and potato fritters fried golden brown with fresh lime, spicy shrimp skewers and finally Arroz de Pato, duck meat simmered in rice with brandy, peppers and spices.
Calum loved all of it and tried to keep up with the conversation. “So you're still close to your parents?” Beatriz asked him and he nodded, “I'm surprised they let you leave home so young.. Eliza told me you were what? Sixteen?” She was clearly shocked that his parents had let him leave home at such a young age. He sensed her disapproval, and Maggie had warned him this would happen. He fought back the urge to get defensive.
“It was really difficult at times,” he admitted “and I made some really dumb mistakes, but I'm glad my parents let me make those mistakes because I learned more from my failures than my success” Calum answered and Beatriz nodded. Maggie winked at him and Eliza smiled, he was holding his own.
“What is your relationship with God?” Beatriz asked him but he was already prepared.
“It's a work in progress, I wasn't raised religious but I'm learning a lot from Eliza and I've been reading more. I think it's something that takes a lifetime to truly know.” Calum hoped that was enough and she just nodded not satisfied but not willing to press at the moment.
Maggie told Calum about the internship she had applied for. It was at the U.N. and would take her to New York for six weeks in the summer. She'd gotten top honors at her last two debate tournaments and even had a letter of recommendation from a retired US senator, so she was feeling pretty confident.
Her step brother Alex interrupted asking Calum for advice on music and being in a band which irritated Eliza. Calum thought it was cute, he saw himself in Alex and invited him to come to rehearsal in a few weeks.
Beatriz watched Calum handle the questions, frequently having to turn to Eliza to ask how to say something, but she noticed her daughter could often answer before she was asked. The way he only had to lightly touch her wrist to get her attention, the way she leaned into him to watch his lips move, it was easy to see how captivated they were by each other and how comfortable they were being close.
Beatriz hated to admit she liked Calum and how happy her daughter looked in his presence. She didn't trust him, not yet at least, he was in a rock band, left home way too young, and has done God knows what with God knows who. She was unsure of his moral foundation although his close family ties and the way he spoke of his parents with nothing but love and respect was a plus. He had patience and determination, one didn't succeed in the music business without both. Calum was kind and sincere, he didn't talk unnecessarily trying to lay on the charm or give empty compliments.
“I do hope you'll come again for dinner soon Calum,” Beatriz told him as they were enjoying their after dinner coffee and biscuits.
“Anytime Miss Beatriz” he replied.
“Ah good, let's say two weeks. My husband will be back in town and he's been wanting me to make chorizo. The girls won't eat it because I've raised them their father's way and I always make too much. We'll invite Kevin, maybe you bring a friend.” Beatriz clapped her hands and Maggie laughed.
She leaned over and whispered to Calum “I don't know whether you should laugh or cry,” Calum just grinned, food drunk and happy, he squeezed Eliza's hand earning him a kiss on the cheek, a reward for when he got something down perfectly.
@kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @wildhearthood @cal-puddies @biba3434 @calumh-excess @babygirlcashton @angelbabylu @itstheholls @5sos-ficssmut @cal-pal-cuddles @1dthewantedlove @calteahood
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Come on, pull on.
Come on, get stuck. It starts with La Rochelle and Clermont in the Challenge Cup on Friday night, which – if they bring their yellow armies to the show – can be an amazing spectacle of color and skill.
Then it is the turn of the blue and black bulldozers to hit each other, well, black and blue on Saturday the Saracens and Leinster meet in the final of the Champions Cup.
Stop drooling at the back, it's unpleasant. Just read Scrum & # 39; s the Word yeah?
This is your guide for the weekend and more. Go there.
St James & Park in Newcastle United will host the European rugby final this weekend "
Park will host both European rugby finals this weekend "
St James & Park in Newcastle United will host the two European Rugby Finals this weekend
Well, then.
Here we have Saracens – four domestic and two European titles since 2010 – against Leinster – four national and four European titles since 2008.
Solid then. Leinster could win a record fifth European Cup, Sarries could be the first English team to win three of these crowns.
Interestingly, Saracens players played 325 minutes more than the squadrons this season – but not
Scrums that Sarries says are obscured, but as if to prove how much talent there is in this competition, view our combined XV!
The players of Saracens played 325 minutes more per squadron this season "/>
The players of Saracens have played 325 minutes more per man in the squadrons this season
Apart from James Lowe (who could eventually play for Ireland) and Sean O & # 39 Brien (who goes to London Irish) who may not be too far away for Lions XV in 2021 …
15 Alex Goode (Saracens) 14 Liam Williams) 13 Garry Ringrose (Leinster) 12 Owen Farrell (Saracens) 11 James Lowe (Leinster) 10 Johnny Sexton (Leinster) 9 Luke McGrath (Leinster) 1 Mako Vunipola (Saracens) 2 Jamie George (Saracens) 3 Tadhg Furlong Maro Itoje (Saracens) 5 James Ryan (Leinster) 6 Michael Rhodes (Saracens) 7 Sean O & # 39; Brien (Leinster) 8 Billy Vunipola (Saracens)
In short, if you are none of ide teams support, let's hope for a belter to match some of the amazing football this week.
Rugby's turn to step up. This competition should define a decade.
Alex Goode can win a lot this season.
Saracens have two types – one to & # 39; pull & # 39; style system, another is the classic type where transfers are used
The rest of the team was happy in the design (the Jackson Wray team is even called Everyone vs Goode) when Goode was the last to choose … but the full-back went to Liverpool & # 39; s Sadio Mane.
Sadio Mane has proven this season to be an inspired fantasy contest by Alex Goode
Sadio Mane has proven to be an inspired fantasy football player from Alex Goode this season
With 20 goals and two assists, Mane has accumulated 216 Fantasy Premier League points behind Mo Salah this season ( 256), Eden Hazard (237) and Raheem Sterling (229).
A clever coup for Goode, who played a child for Ipswich, and someone who is likely to spend a few pounds on spending the late summer drink of Saracens.
& # 39; People don't seem to like it. I won, & he said.
& # 39; Maybe I am a little too smug. I'm not smart. I don't have a family, which probably helps you get started! "
SARRIES MR WHIPPY-IED UP They always do things differently, from Saracens.
Ironically the idea of ​​bringing the truck in came from the nutritionists .. but the kit-
Clermont is not the Challenge Cup team. probably winning on Friday, after having had a terrible season last year and entering the second-class competition, but if you look at their back line for the La Rochelle game, you simply fall in.
Morgan Parra, Camille Lopez, Alivereti Raka, Wesley Fofana, George Moala, Damian Penaud, Isaia Toeava
Oh, and Pato Yato, Greig Laidlaw and Tim Nanai-Williams are on the couch. Terrifying.
Clermont is not a challenge
Clermont is not a Challenge Cup team and will probably win the competition on Friday night Cup team and will probably win the competition on Friday evening "
Clermont is not a Challenge Cup team and will probably win the competition win on Friday evening
Scenario! You have a ticket for Anfield on Tuesday evening. Liverpool is leading 3-0 against Lionel Messi & # 39; s Barcelona and stares at a horrible Champions League-exit in the face.
You are a fan of Liverpool, but your work has a lot to offer where you really should be. It's a big black tie and you even host the thing.
So what are you doing?
Well, of course if you are Danny Care, you stay on the Stoop to participate in Harlequins & # 39; end of the season awards night
It is clear that Liverpool has no chance to make one of the biggest comebacks ever by scoring four without answering the Catalans and making the final …
Do you think the Danny Cipriani saga will end? Of course not.
The Fly half of Gloucester was named the Player of the Rugby Players & Players Player of the Year this week and would – if the judges are healthy – take the double place in the Premiership Rugby prizes on May 22.
Still does not play for England.
We have heard all the reasons why he was chosen and they will all reappear in the next few months – but let's just add some interesting information to the mix.
Safe to say – at least true.
Safe to say – at least true. Jones is worried – there is a striking club that he keeps coming back to.
Gloucester star Danny Cipriani cleans up in the prize season, but cannot earn a call from England "
Gloucester star Danny Cipriani cleans up in the prize season, but cannot earn a call in England
Most viewed teams by English coaches this year:
1 Gloucester, Bath, Exeter – 15, 2 Harlequins – 13, Saracens – 12, 4 Northampton – 11, 5 Leicester – 7 Sale – 7, 7 Bristol, Wasps – 6, 8 Worcester, Newcastle – 4.
Totals of Eddie Jones: 1 Gloucester – 8, 2 Harlequins – 6, 3 Northampton, Bath, Saracens – 5, 4 Worcester, Leicester, Wasps – 4, Bristol, Sale, Exeter – 3, 6 Newcastle – 2
When you put those numbers in black and white, d It seems like a strange obsession, and yes, it might be a convenient location to go to, and he might happen to the opposition or other players (answers to that on a postcard), but when Jones goes to Gloucester in eight of the fifteen weeks and two.
Kieran Read (Toyota Verblitz), Ben Smith (Pau), Waisake Naholo (London-Irish) , Ryan Crotty (Kubota Spears) and Kubota Spears.
This is a list of New Zealanders leaving New Zealand next year.
Owen Franks (Northampton), Nehe Milner-Skudder (Toulon), Liam Squire (TT Docomo Red Hurricanes), Matt Proctor (Northampton), Jeff Toomaga-Allen (Wasps), Jackson Hemopo (DynaBoars), Luke Whitelock Melani Nanai (Worcester)
Add this to these already outside Kiwiland: Jerome Kaino (Toulouse), Liam Messam (Toulon), Victor Vito (La Rochelle), Aaron Cruden (Montpellier), Julian Savea (Toulon), Charlie Faumuina (Toulouse), Malakai Fekitoa (Wasps), Lima Sopoaga (Wasps), John Afoa (Bristol), Steven Luatua Piutau (Bristol), Ben Franks (Northampton), Francis Saili (Harlequins), Tawera Kerr-Barlow (La Rochelle) ), George Moala (Clermont), Charlie Ngatai (Lyon), Tamanivalu Arrow (Bordeaux), Colin Slade (Pau).
Ok, some of them are a thing of the past, but that is thousands of caps worth of overseas experiences now. The All Blacks do not choose players who play abroad.
How long will that take?
So James Haskell is retired
So James Haskell is retired.
In the midst of the testimonials, one gesture would mean more than most, we are embarrassed because he desperately wants to do a final hurray in Japan with England, and a shame for the game because it will miss him.
The Barbarians must invite Haskell to play for them on June 2.
One of the things Haskell wrote in his statement in which he announced that he would leave the game after the end of this season was that he regretted that he never had the chance to play for the iconic side.
<img id = "i-83938a4f98d84cda" src = "https://dailym.ai/2CYdfvj 2019/05/10/16 / 13345834-7015461-image-a-89_1557501011725.jpg "height =" 402 "width =" 634 "alt =" forward Northampton
Unfortunately, Haskell & # 39; s dodgy teen means he is not fit to play, but as the flanker
And if Haskell is selected, god will help the social media channels of everyone and the bars of Soho.
] Come on Pat Lam, do the right thing. Haskell deserves a dear goodbye. ] – Leinster has never lost a European Cup final, winning the Heineken / Champions Cup in 2009, 2012 and 2018 and the Challenge Cup in 2013.
5 – Johnny Sexton, Cian Healy and Devin Toner were able to achieve their fifth European victory Both Saracens and Leinster have scored 32 attempts to go to the final.
[2] – European Cup wins as captain for Brad Barritt – Martin Johnson (Leicester), Fabien Pelous (Munster), Lawrence Dallaglio (Wasps), Jonny Wilkinson, current coach, has won it three times as a skipper.
Johnny Sexton (photo), Cian Healy and Devin Toner could win their fifth European Cup "
), Cian Healy and Devin Toner could win their fifth European Cup.
Johnny Sexton (photo), Cian Healy and Devin Toner were able to win their fifth European Cup
0 – Saracens have never had Leinster in Europe The teams played four times and the English lost them all
2 – Challenge Cup titles won by Clermont – in 1999 and 2007 – so another victory and they would end up right away with Harlequins as the most successful team in the competition.
15 – Several sides have won the Challenge Cup and seven have won it from the Top 14. This is the first all-French final since Biarritz defeated Toulon in 2012.
CLERMONT v LA ROCHELLE St James & Park Friday 7:45 PM LIVE BT Sport 2 from 7:00 PM
Clermont: Toeava; Penaud, Moala, Fofana, Raka; Lopez, Parra (c); Ulugia, Kakabadze, Zirakashvili, Jedrasiak, Yato, Laidlaw, Nanai-Williams, Naqalevu,
Replacements: Ulugia, Kakabadze, Zirakashvili, Jedrasiak, Yato, Laidlaw, Nanai-Williams,
La Rochelle: Rattez; Retiere, Doumayrou, Aguillon, Andreu; West, Kerr-Barlow;
Replacements: Bourgarit, Pelo, Joly, Jolmes, Kieft, Bales, Sinzelle, Botia
Prediction: Clermont
SARACENS v LEINSTER St James & Park Saturday 5:00 PM LIVE BT Sport 2 from 4 PM and channel 4 from 4:30 PM
Leinster: R Kearney; Larmour, Ringrose, Henshaw, Lowe; Sexton (capt), McGrath; Healy, Cronin, Furlong, Toner, Ryan, Fardy, O & # 39; Brien, Conan
Replacements: Tracy, J McGrath, Bent, Ruddock, Deegan, O & # 39; Sullivan, R Byrne, O & # 39; Loughlin.
Saracens: Goode; Williams, Lozowski, Barritt (c), Maitland; Farrell, Spencer;
Replacements: Gray, Barrington, Koch, Isiekwe, Burger, Wigglesworth, Tompkins, Strettle
Forecast: Saracens
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