#that said Gos had been beating up bullies to follow in Darkwing's footsteps
outoftheirdifferences · 5 months
@askrossiel / continued from (x)
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"Some of them do, for sure."
Duck girl huffed, glaring across the park at the other kids. Not just any other kids of course, Gos wasn't the kind of girl to be mean to others just for the sake of it. No, these were bullies who she'd scuffled with several times at school while trying to follow in Dad's footsteps, and who, she was sure, were just waiting for their next victim to wonder past.
Dad would hate to hear that she was planning this; he rather thought she shouldn't go stirring up trouble until she was older. Fine words from Mr. Let's Get Dangerous, of all people.
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"See that lot? Bigger jerks even than Tank, all of them. If they go for even one more defenceless kid, I'm not gonna be responsible for my actions."
By which she meant... said rock throwing. They'd been asking for it for too long already, in her book, and Gosalyn hefted her first potential projectile experimentally.
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