#There was a line in one of the DWD comics I found online
outoftheirdifferences · 5 months
@askrossiel / continued from (x)
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"Some of them do, for sure."
Duck girl huffed, glaring across the park at the other kids. Not just any other kids of course, Gos wasn't the kind of girl to be mean to others just for the sake of it. No, these were bullies who she'd scuffled with several times at school while trying to follow in Dad's footsteps, and who, she was sure, were just waiting for their next victim to wonder past.
Dad would hate to hear that she was planning this; he rather thought she shouldn't go stirring up trouble until she was older. Fine words from Mr. Let's Get Dangerous, of all people.
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"See that lot? Bigger jerks even than Tank, all of them. If they go for even one more defenceless kid, I'm not gonna be responsible for my actions."
By which she meant... said rock throwing. They'd been asking for it for too long already, in her book, and Gosalyn hefted her first potential projectile experimentally.
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What got you into Darkwing duck? :0
Originally, it was something that was always fun to enjoy when I was a little kid. Apparently, legend has it, my birth mother claims that my first word was some attempt to say "Darkwing", as I was still a baby when the series started airing and it was one of those programs she'd run on the TV and recorded some on tapes. But at that time, the appeal to me was probably the fact that it was just something queuded up to entertain me.
When I was 7, I had a tape of "Comic Book Capers" that I would play so often, my mother's (eventual ex) boyfriend absolutely hated it. Especially because I loved the "Kickin' in the Groove" music video at the end of the tape, so naturally, I would play it far more than I probably should have.
My cousin had a tape of "Just Us Justice Ducks" that now resides in my collection, and I never really got tired of the tape, but due to some junk my mother's boyfriend did, he kinda made me feel like for years that there was something inherently wrong with the level of enjoyment I had for the series, so I unfortunately did have a period of time where I was embarrassed for no reason at all over having liked the series.
Then one day, a I spotted a Robot Chicken skit that included toys of Darkwing and Gosalyn (a rather horrifyingly dark skit in which Darkwing ends up cooked alive at a restaurant, but that's beside the point), which reminded me of the Justice Ducks tape my cousin had, so I would eventually get the tape because he didn't care much for it anymore.
Years later, I would go to San Diego Comic Con 2011, and spot a comic booth that was advertising a then-upcoming comic continuation, and it sparked a memory in the back of my mind that would probably not take root for a few years. Never did see my local shops sell the comic, so it eventually faded from my mind.
Then eventually, I got my hands on the DVD set of the entire run of "Batman: The Animated Series", and decided to share the series with my Mom (my grandma who adopted me, different person than my mother), who found it to be a really interesting show, but remarkably dark for a kids program. She asked me if I knew of something similar, but more light-hearted, "like Disney-ish", and I immediately thought of Darkwing
So I went online and found the DVD sets for $10 each, and decided to queue that up as the next show viewing, thinking to myself how fun that would be to revisit this old series that I remember enjoying enough as a kid that specific lines from the show were a near permanent feature of my jargon. Gosalyn was a favorite of mine, especially because I also was an adopted child, so I have a soft spot for this character as well (got several figurines now, too)
The DVDs aren't in official chronological order, but airdate order instead, so I should note that the moment QuackerJack arrived on scene in "Days of Blunder" was the exact moment my deep buried memory of the franchise awakened like sleeper agent and I was officially into the series.
This moment. This exact moment.
It probably also helps that Michael Bell is one of my favorite voice actors to listen for in lesser known movies and cartoons, even before I knew he did QuackerJack. The man's range and resume is awesome.
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Actually, the whole voice cast itself is just all star choices for the 1990s, this is definitely a fun series.
I bought the comics, I bought toys, made my own stuff, basically just a whole floodgate of 20+ years of backlog repression exploded and I realized that thanks to one jerkwad, I had felt unnecessarily ashamed of one of my first interests in life, and now that I was an adult and could pay for my own stuff, no one was going to tell me how stupid it was for me to be into what was originally called a fad.
So it was a long journey to this point, but I'd say that about two years ago, seeing and hearing QuackerJack again was the moment I was able to truly say that I was into "Darkwing Duck" as a fan instead of a kid just watching cartoons on the TV
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((I haven't made an updated total picture yet including Negatron Duck's Pop figure, so that's why he's included in a different photo))
That said, my DWD/Ducktales collection looks pretty good for only being something I've been going at for less than two years. I make it like a treasure hunt, and pay the lowest possible price I'm willing to part with. 😅
The most I've paid for one item is probably $25, for the Definitively Dangerous omnibus, and I only got it that cheap because the cover had a crease in it, but otherwise, the book is easily $75+ on the market. 👀
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