#that proselytizing was a Positive And Good Thing You Should Do. dont talk about wanting to control the world.
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snekdood · 7 months ago
ive literally never understood antisemitism and i dont think I ever will. literally 0 basis for any of the conspiracy theories. its always just projection from christians.
#'you want to drink blood and control the world' baby girl you ritualistically drink the blood of your god all the time and convinced ppl#that proselytizing was a Positive And Good Thing You Should Do. dont talk about wanting to control the world.#DONT TALK ABOUT WANTING TO CONTROL THE WORLD- WHEN YOU LITERALLY WANT TO DO IT LIKE YOU MAKE IT BLATANTLY#CLEAR I'VE ALWAYS BEEN AWARE OF THIS YOU CAN JUST SMELL THE AUTHORITARIANISM OFF YOUR SUIT#AND THATS EVEN BEFORE WE GET INTO THE ACTUAL POLITICS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!#YOU WANT TO CONTROL WOMEN! YOU WANT TO CONTROL PEOPLES SEX LIVES! YOU WANT TO FORCE WOMEN TO GIVE BIRTH!#YOU WANT TO ERADICATE TRANS PEOPLE! YOU HATE PEOPLE OF COLOR! YOU WANT TO CONTROL WHAT BOOKS PEOPLE READ#AND WHAT PEOPLE LEARN IN SCHOOL#YALL L I T E R A L L Y OUT IN THE OPEN SAY YOU WANT TO TURN AMERICA INTO A 'CHRISTIAN NATION'#SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT NEW WORLD ORDER AND TRYING TO CONTROL THE WORLD AND STOP FUCKING PROJECTING#IF ANY POLITICIAN HERE SAID THEY WANTED TO MAKE AMERICA A JEWISH NATION YALL WOULD LOSE YOUR SHIT#BUT SUDDENLY ITS FINE WHEN ITS YOUR CAMP???? IT'S ALMOST LIKE YOUR ISSUE ISNT ACTUALLY BEING CONCERNED#ABOUT JEWISH PEOPLE SOMEHOW NEBULOUSLY EFFECTING AND CONTROLLING SOCIETY AND MORE ABOUT YOU WANTING#TO CONTROL SOCIETY AND NEEDING A SCAPEGOAT TO ATTACK SO PEOPLE DONT SEE YOUR ASS FOR WHAT IT IS#i think yall assume that just bc you want to control everything that so does everyone else and you just dont like what values other ppl hav#you should really live and let live. do some fucking shrooms you square. stop trying to control everything and everyone around#you. worry about you. lord knows you aren't being a perfect little christian like you probably tell yourself- not if you're openly#advocating for tearing away peoples rights.
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months ago
look a lot of us dont even think "proselytizing bad". We think "proselytizing dangerous to vulnerable people" and we think you are not well equipped to handle it in a nuanced manner when youre so god damn self righteous about it. you are talking to a community of vulnerable people and whether you want to admit it or not you are casting too wide of a net to hide behind "well it's a neutral action!" you Have to understand that using that kind of language is going to Accidentally do what anti-endos think you're trying to do on purpose: pull someone into tulpamancy that might actually seriously get hurt by it or needs some other kind of help
and like, i can only assume this isnt your intention, and yeah you can't control everything that happens to everyone. but idk it seems like youre just being intentionally dense about this specific issue. ofc proselytizing is neutral, like everything else in life. but the way youre doing it is like blind firing from the hip in a community half shared with people who have severe problems with dissociation.
your refusal to budge on this has honestly finally made me unable to agree with you on this one. it really looks like youre more interested in winning an arbitrary argument rather than face the fact that "Join The Plural Cult~" isnt even the kind of activism we need or want. Like the fuck is that even gonna do. Do you think it's a sheer numbers game and once we outnumber singlets/medical systems We Win or something. I thought the future is plural Didnt literally mean "make more plurals"
like at this point youre stirring the pot, on one website, for fun basically, right? like, doing a bit of trolling? it's just that it's pissing off like, way more than just antis and neutrals now
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The post that started this wasn't even supposed to target anti-endos.
It was a hypothetical asking how conservative Christians would feel if we started using the same tactics they do. The funny thing about the post that started this was that it was really them that I was trying to piss off.
Or at least... experiment with. See what happens if I introduce the fear of tulpamancers planting tulpas in the heads of some conservatives. How would they react?
Sadly, none were biters.
While I wasn't serious about it though, I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a topic I've considered a lot. Both the negatives and the positives.
Do you think it's a sheer numbers game and once we outnumber singlets/medical systems We Win or something. I thought the future is plural Didnt literally mean "make more plurals"
Yes. Of course it's a numbers game. If you live in a Democracy, then numbers matter. Whether it's the actual numbers of plurals or just allies, having a majority is going to be important, eventually. I don't expect a majority of people to make tulpas, but it is true that the more people who do, the better it will be for us.
Mostly... People who make tulpas from pressure or without fully thinking things through can actually damage the reputation of tulpamancy if things go poorly, which is one reason I won't go full-out on using the exact tactics as mainstream religions. (The other being the moral issues of leading to more abandoned tulpas in the world, which is the opposite of why I started this blog.)
Either way, making more plurals IS part of "the future is plural." Acceptance requires numbers. And even if it didn't, awareness would inherently introduce the idea of plurality to more people who will try it out.
And I firmly believe that's a good thing.
And regardless of people's feelings on the matter... I think the idea of spreading tulpamancy should at least be a discussion on the table. Using the word proselytize is intentionally provocative. But I think the idea behind it may still have merit.
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jewishconvertthings · 6 years ago
Should one study and research first before talking to a rabbi about wanting to convert? To know if its right for them? Or should you talk to a rabbi first? I want to make sure i really want to do this and not waste anyone's time if theres a chance i dont go through with it.
Hi anon, 
Yes and no. I would aim for a balance. There are some basic, preliminary questions that most rabbis will want you to be able to answer if you come to them wanting to convert. If you don’t have complete or even partial answers yet, that’s usually fine, but you should at least have an idea. Spend some time learning basics about Judaism, Jewish theology, religious practice, and thought. Have some clear ideas about what draws you to it, what you might find challenging and how you intend to approach those aspects during your learning. 
Here is a good starting point for things you’ll want to go into that meeting knowing: https://jewishconvertthings.tumblr.com/post/169712638033/bneiruth-some-questions-you-may-be-asked-at. 
And hey - worst case scenario, if the rabbi thinks you don’t know your foot from a hole in the ground, he or she will likely just encourage you to come to services and/or events for a little while to get a better feel for things before approaching the question of formal study again. 
What I don’t recommend is putting a ton of pressure on yourself to be totally committed, completely decided, and able to write a full-length scholarly article about Judaism and Jewish practice before you ever step foot in a shul. That’s not only not necessary, but in my opinion usually hinders the person from learning in a more natural, authentic, and useful way. Guided study within community is always going to be way more informative than trying to plumb the depths of the internet on your own, you feel? 
Don’t worry about wasting anyone’s time - rabbis take on students for conversion knowing that it may be a very long time before they’re ready, and/or that they may never be ready. Plenty of people go, realize it’s not for them, and walk away - even after years into the process! Because Judaism isn’t a proselytizing religion, we don’t care if you finish. We’re just happy you’re here, that you’re interested in learning, and that you have a positive view of us. If you walk out that door ultimately as a gentile who is simply better educated on Judaism and who can be a good ally to the Jewish people? That’s a win for us.
Of course, if you do decide to join us, we’ll welcome you home. It’s your choice, ultimately. Best of luck to you in your studies!
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leeoliver · 8 years ago
5, 8, 14, 19, 39 iunia and/or ezra
(char dev)
5. how do they dress? what styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor? why?
tbh itd be much more interesting to talk abt how iunia used to dress bcos now shes either wearing armor or her pharasma robes (which are like fancy funeral wear) she and wesviz were honestly like. fashion icons who wore an embarrassing amount of matching couples outfits. she really likes wearing like coral and salmon and peach bcos she feels like her skins too pale but those sort of warm pink and orangish tones bring color back into it. and shed do like dramatic bright makeup, especially eyes (lips were usually a solid tone bcos she and wesviz would match their lip colors to each others shirts) but stopped wearing makeup when she got pregnant bcos she remembered hearing like 10 years ago that wearing makeup when pregnant was bad for the kid. also her hair used to be really long like almost waist length and she cut it really short after wesviz died and kept it short while she was looking for cens and is only just now starting to grow it out again.
(human) ezras got like. a meticulous aesthetic going on that probs takes way more effort than they care to admit in the wasteland. they keep their clothes really really clean, though that starts to get hard after a while, and know enough basic sewing to mend any rips that occur moderately well. anyway its generally like cream/beige/brown/sometimes like yellow or like burnt orange turtlenecks and then prewar dress slacks and loafers. occasionally they wear like a white button down and like dark yellow sweater vest and bowtie, but thats for like special occasions. they definitely shine their shoes. as a ghoul the kind of start to let themself go, wearing this really big cloak w a hood so they can hide their face and stuff but it turns out that a six and a half ft tall figure of ambiguous species in a long menacing cloak and hood draws more attention than a six and a half ft tall ghoul in a tan prewar suit, so theyre doing better now.
8. where and when do they seem most and least at ease? why? how can you tell?
iunia knows a delivery table like the back of her hand. she can get like kind of intense when shes in the birthing zone, really barking orders but you definitely get the sense she knows what shes doing and is in total control of the situation. like shes super deep in her element. its pretty impressive. def uncomfortable in like wilderness or survival areas, prior to the events of coct shes never in her life been outside city limits. constantly looking around her and over her shoulder, holds her gear really tight if shes carrying any.
ezras really good in really pristine, regulated places like the vault. a lot of ppl would consider something that like regulated and controlled dystopian or monotonous but they fit really well into the machine. ezra as a person can get into fanatical territory really really quickly so like all hail the overseer and that sort of thing is something they really get into. so they of course like really have no idea how to act in a lot of more like rough and tumble sort of rugged wasteland towns. it was the first time theyd sort of been in a situation where a lethal fight or something breaking out was an actual possibility, and it scared them half to death.
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
mm iunias really conflicted here bcos she always feels like the temple and stuff should be her number one priority, that her past life is exactly that–in the past. but at the same time i feel like if theres a situation where she has to choose between her goddess and her son (and knowing how devious avery is, im fully expecting there will be) shed go with the latter. no matter what. in terms of more like general talk on faith and spirituality, shes definitely very devout and she can absolutely come off as like im blanking on the word like pushing OH proselytizing she can come off as proselytizing but i feel like so much of it is unconscious? like even if shes not actively trying to like convert someone her faith is such a huge part of her identity and it bleeds into a lot of how she interacts w the world.
lmao iunia and ezra just happen to be like my two most religious characters so good question. ezra is like unbearably classic lawful good they just really want to help people like definitely in terms of humanitarian aid but also smaller stuff like being really nice to people, making themself available as a shoulder to cry on, things like that. wrt religion ezras definitely very devout but they feel. super uncomfortable discussing faith w anyone other than their dad (and i havent finished fo3 but if theres another character whos very into like faith and stuff them too) so for them its more below the surface, esp compared w iunia
19. how do they behave within a group? what role(s) do they take? does this differ if they know and trust the group, versus finding themselves in a group of strangers? why?
iunia is definitely really like cold professional, but the best way to work w her is to give her a job and then just dont interfere w however she does it. i dont think id consider her a leader, but shes good at like timetables and organization so its definitely helpful to have her in a position where she can keep everyone on track in some capacity. i think the only change were the group to go from strangers to friends is that shes a little more flexible and willing to get input from friends whereas if a stranger (who often times would be 15~ yrs younger than her) did anything to imply that she wasnt competent shed be like. like you shouldnt do that. iunias so many things but incompetent is so incredibly not one of them.
ezras definitely gonna work better in a small group where theres not a lot of variation in goals and morals (theyre pretty flexible on specific means and stuff of getting a job done, with some hard rules on violence and stuff) and a lot of the time w/o a definite leader. if there is a leader theyve gotta play into that like zealous god-worshipping side of ezra and be like larger than life if they want unwavering support.
39. what sort of questions or thoughts recur in their lives, either specifically or as a theme? why are these never answered, or answered permanently to their satisfaction?
iunia wants to know why everyone leaves her. and given that her ongoing story is yet to start, i cant quite answer the second part of that question.
ezra deals a lot i guess w sense of self and identity? they definitely struggle w navigating life w/o their dad, both when he leaves the vault and after he dies. they define them self a lot thru how other ppl view them, and their dad is pretty much like. idk if i want to use like medical terms but id call him their fp. and so w/o him to sort of reassure them and tell them who they are, they have no idea.
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