#that poor child; she literally saw her mama getting used like a sex toy
witchofthesouls · 5 days
More Dad! Megatron but this time with some heavy angst.
As kids, I think we can all agree that we stumbled upon something our parents didn’t want us seeing/knowing about but did anyway no matter how careful they were.
Maybe one night, when she was supposed to be alseep, Megatron’s kid (who is young at the time like 6-10) sneaks out of bed for some reason or another and sees her dad doing something very bad and it scares her so much that she runs as quietly and quickly as she can back to her room and pretends to be asleep. The next day she is distant and fearful of her father, actively avoiding him.
Maybe Megatron knows she saw him that night or maybe he has to piece it together when she suddenly becomes distant and skittish with him afterwards but either way, their relationship probably won’t ever be the same.
Megatron knew exactly what his daughter had witnessed when she refused to meet his gaze, making herself small and quiet, even in her root-mode.
At first, he was going to leave it alone and just wait for her mother to return, but Soundwave had cornered Megatron because she had been tentatively asking the Cassettes not-so-innocent questions.
Megatron has no idea how to handle this. None of the parenting datapads and books had a chapter dedicated to navigating what to say to your traumatized child when she finds her creators in throes of rough passion and hard kinky role play.
He defers to his usual tactic: straight to the throat.
"Treasure," Megatron says and frowns when his daughter refuses to look up, field tamped down. "Look at me."
Never will he say it, but his spark breaks a bit when he sees the tears gathered in those optics, mouth quivering as her plating is closed off.
"I'm sure you have questions about what you've seen between your carrier and myself."
There's a loud sniffle, and Megatron wipes away those tears, fetching a spare rag from his subspace, coaxing her to blow her nose. Thankfully, she does, and he sets the wet rag aside.
"Adults," he begins, trying to formulate an age-appropriate response, "enjoy playing adult games. And those games can be very rough."
"Mommy said to stop..." And his spark really does break at her tone, confused and afraid at the sight of her sire dominating her fragile carrier in an extremely unkind way.
"Your carrier and I were playing pretend. You like pretending with your dolls, yes? It's like that. Because it's pretend, we have a secret code that really means stop."
She looks less tearful and more curious at that point, her field cautiously mingling into his as she begins to relax.
Mission accomplished.
"Do you have any questions?"
"What's a fleshlight?"
At that very moment, Megatron desperately wishes for a surprise Autobot attack.
(Surprisingly, the universe answers it.)
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