#that photosynthesis quip---banger no. 67546 from my favorite coach xD
hoarsedevours · 3 years
so 2521 team really did that cliffhanger and expect me (us) to go on our days completely sane?????????????? ??????? when I am trying so hard into not reading their relationship as romantic????? convincing myself that they're just an example of a hetero wholesome relationship???? ??????? i actually succeeded quite well...ahemmm. Indeed, their relationship is very wholesome and btw a loud shout-out to yijin for not making things weird that would make things kind of creepy. i've seen it happen in age gap kdramas👀 and heedo i'm sorry if i am not taking your crush on yijin very seriously. it's cute but your bond with him is much more more more more special <3 kinda jealous ngl
..........👀 not to sound like a very much super gay person who projects on pieces of media on main but heedo and yurim is really going all out with their lesbianisms. the full extent of their LGBTQIA+ power! wew you go girls!!!! I think the majority of this episode is dedicated to the kinda alternate universe of 2521 where it is a lesbian coming-of-age drama and the leads are starting to come out from their rival era and gradually inching to the long-awaited lovers period. is this queerbaiting...or am i just projecting? my brother who is watching over my shoulder told me there's nothing to be giddy about in the whole lovery-dovey documentary shoots.... lollll
however, our favorite hetero couple would not permit their moments be outshined by the sword-wielding bisexuals whose one half of the latter duo is ironically also the other half of my favorite hetero couple. wowwwww a screaming shout-out that can still be heard in outer space to the 2521 team, especially to the screenwriters who wrote this drama!!!! you ma'ams and sirs deserve a kiss on the mouth, platonically of course. i am in aweeeee of the main lead's dynamics. there is no gaudy love triangle involved! (except the one that i've created in my head; a bisexual loves both girl and boy and the girl she loves also loves (?) a himbo and the himbo loves her in return and also his bestie who is with him since birth and the bestie respects the first bisexual's boy and the main boy loves them all btw. wow i don't trust my mind) a very organic webs of relationships! legitimate friendship! besties forever! ohhhhhh the next episode will be so much funnnnn!!!! focusing the spotlight again on my favorite hetero pair, heedo and yijin's relationships in this episode is slowly blurring the line.....however, it is done in a way that feels very natural. and cute. don't forget the cute that i have to pause the video to scream my lungs out or to slap the table like i'm in a rowdy bar to bet on something or someone. poor table and poor lungs but for yido i would destroy😞
---"You said to had to have me and I was wondering how." 😆😆😆😆😆 banger #1
---"Don't you have any faith in me?" "What am I to you?" "Have faith in me" bangers # 2, 3, and 4 but also yoooooo yijin's lines remind me of the questionable tv and radio dramas that I grew up watching and listening😆in which that lines are usually uttered by an unrepentant fuckboy who is deceiving yet another innocent victim in the game of love or a main male lead who is promising his lady love of being faithful to her always wherever he goes ksdjlkjslkgjdlksjg
---"Don't avoid me again, I won't forgive you"
"I guess you hated it."
"The word "hate" doesn't even begin to describe it"
hall of fame #3667 in the 2521 investigation department for making my mind drown with thousands of theories🤡 who left who? who left first? who's the "heartbreaker"? what the fuck actually happened???? lots of question markssssssssssss
---when he said "her left side"sososososo quickly👀 keeping an eye on her more than often, bro? memorizing her face? just in case? you leave? for good?
---the "look at me" one 🥺
---the heedo living in yijin's head rent free exhibit #3
---their moments in heedo's living room 😍🔫 won't start thinking of the logistics of their relationships now when heedo is even more confused and yijin is of no help. not that i want him to help though. the responses he's been giving is perfect until he said that damning "It's love. I love you, heedo. I don't need a rainbow." asfadsfgsadjhasbdbajshvdja jfshjgah😍😍😍👀🤡💀😭😬🤩💕❣ i don't fucking know what to do with myself that i called out lord many times!!!! lord or whoever is in charge in the sky must have crossed out the tally under my name several times and said "this girl seems to be excited of being reunited with her creator once again" i know this is so christian of me, i'm sorry non-christian or atheist citizens of the world. if it helps, i only draw on the religious teachings for non-religious purposes most of the time, if not always 😂
--- the color grading in that last scene in this ep is so pretty!!!! i suddenly remembered the near-death scene in the Black Butler live-action film. loooooordddddddddd. and yijin have to say that "you have a knack for leading me to a good place" and not expect me to interpret this as a death foreshadowing. hello? it's called rest in peace for a reason💀 nonetheless, the yijin is still alive in 2022 agenda is still solid in my mind but i am also open to possible...... realities👀💀
---"you made me do what was right for a reporter to do"👀 uhmmm....is this....it? heedo committed something realllllllly bad that yijin must report it? ???????? ????????
---the feral yijin mode when heedo was injured?????? (top notch! one of my favorite tropes everrrrr!!!!!) 🥺 that he went up against the producer?! not going to lie, i am expecting a "you're fired" or you're out" line from the producer but I guess i just had too much melodramatic and frankly exaggerated mexican and spanish and sometimes indian dramas😭. Him insisting that they must go to the hospital? them riding together in that red sports car again? natural wonders of or world #9832
diverting from my favorite homo and hetero duos, this episode shows why i don't hate yurim. i remembered writing that "i feel for her" in episode 7 and i still stand by that. she is relatable...to me... to the children who are raised as a member of an economically-challenged household. who have learned to ignore their wants because the money is to be used for something more important. to strive harder because failing is never an option. not when you don't have any fallbacks. it's like that when you're a poor girl btw guys in case i am reading opinions from rich people. middle-class counts as rich😡 of course her emotional outburst is not really acceptable but at this point i'm becoming more of a yurim apologist so i won't elaborate...... and feeling for yurim doesn't equate to disliking heedo or not sympathizing with heedo. our society grew past the need for looking at things from a binary glass. unless i tell it so.
yurim's mother......wow i am such a judgemental bitch when I WAS READY TO THROW HANDS WHEN SHE ASKED HEEDO IF SHE WAS THE ONE WHO BEAT HER DAUGHTER AND TOOK THE GOLD AND WHEN SHE SUDDENLY HUGGED HEEDO I FELT LIKE A STRAY CAT WHO'S BEEN TREATED WITH LOVE AFTER A LONG TIME!!! AHHHHHHHH😭 mrs. ko adopt heedo pleassseeee and ms. shin would just send the child support.....loll....just kidding....unless??? yes, so they showed ms. shin with that kinda undignified pose as an act of making amends with her daughter...whatever she's still in my hitlist🙄🙄🙄
Presently, i am very much tempted to try divination in knowing what is the ending but i have to stop myself. maybe tomorrow i'll run 2521's natal chart😭😭😭 or do tarot. i actually already tried shufflemancy which has been mostly accurate for me. i asked if yijin and heedo's married currently btw and the songs are positive. but idk it's for a show and it's not my energy so i won't put a significant weight on it😭 if u read this part, no u did not
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