#that our legal and psychiatric systems didn't constantly needlessly strip people of autonomy for stupid reasons
eisthenameofme · 23 days
legitimately might have dysphoria about not being a terrible person/monster/etc but the issue is that i obviously have a vested interest in the world/society not being terrible because like. I live here. And also none of the irl Realistc reasons that people are terrible (read: bigotry) actually make any sense. And like yeah there are people who enable that sort of thing/terrible systems for personal gain but like i have Standards for one thing and also it would drive me crazy to pretend to be that pathetic, besides. And also, again, i live here, and all that shit is interconnected, so it would still ultimately not be in my best interests in all but the most immediate abd short term sense, regardless.
I would be so so good at being a heartless evil bastard it's just Not In The Cards for entirely practical reasons and it's. Like for one thing a weird and annoying position to be in that in most situations you absolutely Should Not talk about for several reasons. And also like i fully recognise that thought crimes aren't real and i'm not actually causing any harm and have no intention to do that so it's like. Well yes i'm evil but like. In my heart. To me. But like no yeah i'm aware it doesn't actually work like that and i don't really want to encourage that kind of thinking in real life because for one thing it causes Actual Problems and for another it's Deeply annoying when people so badly and unironically misunderstand the concept of material harm. Like i'm the Exception but specifically because i want to be and like it's not because that's actually how anything works. Kind of like. In a similar way to how you should never use it/its pronouns for people who haven't explicitly okayed it but also if they have then yes it's totally fine obviously and what you Should use.
Can i opt in to being an evil monster please, is what i'm saying. No i'm not actually going to Do Anything because i have Priorities and it wouldn't make any sense. But like i feel like i deserve to be able to do that anyway. Like honorarily.
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