#that one poem of a tweet about the subway rats
priceprime · 1 year
I want to be
Made for the romance
Of the subway rats.
I want to be one of those,
Small and many and exuberant.
Like the woman across the room
Like the androids of the undead earth;
I want the perfect satisfaction
Of whole cloth beings.
I want my suffering
To be the glittering kind.
The way vampires
Are eternally damned.
Who chose to beleaguer me
with this verity.
Who did not let me
Be simply the story of a human.
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mxflintoldblog · 3 years
I've been thinking of that two line accidental poem ''his wife has filled his house with chintz/ to keep it real i fuck him on the floor'' for like a week, and i think that with the ''yes. YES. The tiger is out'' and that tweet about subway rats asking a person to slide under the railroads with them when the train comes so that they can ''feel it rumble over us like a warm thunderstorm'' is one of my favourite pieces of art. I love the fact that these are all spontaneous. One is literally made by a 6 years old. Everyone values different things in art, and i really love these in particular.
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