#that no one understood I wasn’t a girl but sure gave me a loaded baggage for characters like that ajdjdjdd
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asexualjedi · 12 days ago
All I think about now by the pixies you are commander cody coded or I’ll make you 🔫
#couldn’t figure out a good way to word vibes fit it fits even if it doesn’t exactly#commander cody#commander cody posting#I ever tell you guys about how I’m a triplet and when the clone wars cgi show came out we were like wow there are three main characters one#for each of us cody rex ashoka. Anywyas I didn’t really like ashoka as a kid bc she felt very the girl tm added for the girls tm tm not much#character she’s the girl and like yeah but she gets better but like it made me so mad that I was supposed to like a character bc I was#allegedly a girl and they were too so they had to be like the sort of pink power ranger thing idk if it was me being mad about feminism or#that no one understood I wasn’t a girl but sure gave me a loaded baggage for characters like that ajdjdjdd#anyways like so as I kid I would say I liked cody or rex the most depending on which brother I was mad at/bc I was basically saying that the#brother whose favorite was cody/rex was my favorite ajdjdjd like taking their side#and I got into fights all the time with Robert so I think I just said cody all the time bc that was Bradley’s favorite anyways I later just#really liked his character but that is the true origin ajdjdjdjdjd#to be clear ashoka is fine I liked her ok i jsut hates always having to play the girl characters when we played pretend I did not understand#why I could not be luke skywalker tho Bradley did like like baby luke so I’d give him that#I was going to vaguely reference this hidden sibling lore or maybe make it its own post but then I thought it’d be far funnier to drop it#here in the tags of this random ass post#sorry commander cody for high jacking your post but the story was about you so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#sw
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chipsandscones · 6 years ago
I’m not exactly sure I should be covering this because it’s obviously not London, but I still think it contributed to my overall European experience. So here goes:
Myth: The French are a classist, nationalistic people who are rude and won’t speak to you if you don’t know French.
I had already busted that myth in 2005 and again in 2015, but I can now dismiss it with full certainty since I’ve collected enough interactions over the course of a weekend. The French are actually some of the nicest (and best looking) people I’ve encountered in a very long time. I’ll get back to that in a second…
But yes, speaking French would obviously have helped, but I didn’t feel that anybody hated the very essence of my very being because I didn’t speak their native language. If I’m being honest, I actually prefer Paris to London, language barrier and all.
In real tourist fashion, I tackled the Eiffel Tower, Palace of Versailles, Notre Dame, the Louvre, and Disneyland Paris in the span of a whirlwind weekend. It’s been a week and I’m still tired.
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Eiffel Tower
I don’t want to say that I didn’t care about it beforehand, but I never quite understood the romantic allure. It’s a building…except that it’s not. It really is breathtakingly gorgeous. Literally. I gasped when I came up from the Metro and saw the top of it over the buildings near me. And then to see it lit up at night really was something I don’t have anything to compare it to. I’ve seen the New York skyscrapers and none of them did it for me like this one did. Well, One World Observatory was close, but even that was different. We didn’t pay to go inside/up it, but honestly, I think the better view was from the ground.
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Palace of Versailles
I didn’t particularly care about this one. Opulence just isn’t for me. I would hate to live in an estate like that. People regard palaces as a place of power, class, and a symbol of “winning,” but all I see is a sterile environment where nothing is comfortable. We spent 1.5 hours in line (on white pavers with the sun beaming down from a sky with not one cloud in it) and about the same amount of time inside and I was not moved. It’s a shame because I really thought I would’ve been. 
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Notre Dame
I would’ve loved nothing more than to have toured this cathedral. I remember reading about the fire in April and feeling my heart drop. We were at least able to see it, but I do wish the experience would’ve been different.
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The Louvre
A lot of people told me that this wasn’t worth the visit. I’m glad I didn’t listen to them. This was the thing that I enjoyed the most, and I’m not usually big into museums, especially art! The best part about it was that on the first Saturday of every month, it’s open late and free. If it’s free, it’s for me. We waited for about an hour and ten minutes, but dammit if it wasn’t worth it! The art was astonishing, especially the statues. Don’t get me started on the baby choking out the swan. I can’t think or look at that picture without smiling. Aside from the greatness of the baby wrestler, I really was starstruck by being in the room as some of the most famous statues in art history. I’ll never forget that.
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Disneyland Paris
I must preface this by saying that I’m extremely fortunate to have grown up in central Florida and to have always known someone who worked for the Mouse. I’ve been to all of the theme parks umpteen times and almost all of them were free. Not many have that experience, so I fully understand that I am incredibly lucky.
As a (somewhat) theme park connoisseur with a (kinda) specialty in Disney World, I will say that DLP was a nice park. I didn’t expect it to be a carbon copy of DW, and I’m really glad it wasn’t. There is some borrowing of themes and rides, but I see DLP as its own unique entity.
Some rides were better (and by rides, I really mean lines. The wait times were nowhere near as bad as they are in Orlando); some were different. The biggest takeaway is that the rides’ setup (where they pitch you the story) really can’t be taken as seriously in French. Darth Vader just doesn’t have the same power over me if I can’t understand what he’s saying.
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I’ll say it: Paris gave me life. It’s never been a bucket list city, but I genuinely enjoyed my time there. I don’t necessarily plan on returning, but should the opportunity arise, I would absolutely take it.
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Random bits
The train
Call it an American romanticizing an oddity, but a part of the trip that I really liked was taking the train to Paris. Yeah, we have trains in the US, but for certain geographic regions, they just aren’t a valid mode of transportation. Call me a sap if you will, but I enjoyed waiting on a platform, loading onto a train, and getting my ear drums blown out under the English Channel.
 The people
Back to the people I mentioned before. What I loved more about Paris than London was the fact that people approached me. Not that I feel uncomfortable in London (I don’t), but people haven’t initiated contact with me here like they did in Paris. After just 3 hours in Paris, an older French man held out his arm, encouraged me to take it, told me all about our future life together (2 kids and a beach house), and let me go after gently giving me 2 French cheek kisses (not to be confused with French kisses). I loved it. An older shop owner saw me marching toward him on the way to the Louvre and made a point to get in my way and dance with me. I can’t get enough of that, and sadly it hasn’t happened here. It may sound weird, but in most social settings, I feel like I’m viewed as a black girl, with all of the social apprehension and baggage that accompanies that. These interactions—the ones in Paris—make me feel human.
 PS. The food was waaaaaay better in Paris than it was in London.
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pankows-girl · 7 years ago
A Cursed Blessing - Tom Holland Part 1
Summary: After the unfortunate loss of a childhood best friend, Y/N, Tom, and Harrison are brought back together to remind them all of the friendship that they once shared.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Mentions of death, lack of Tom
A/N: There isn’t a lot of Tom or Harrison in this chapter, this is more of an introduction to the reader. Italics is flashbacks.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
After only a year of living in America, Y/N finally returns back home to England. She wished that the purpose behind her return was under better circumstances. It came as a shock to Y/N to hear that her childhood friend, Taliah, someone that Y/N had once considered her best friend, had passed away so suddenly. Only a month ago she had been planning a trip back home to visit her family and Taliah, the reality that she would never see Taliah again sinking in at once. The funeral was set to be in one week.
Y/N had booked the first flight available as soon as she had received the news. Her flight would be over soon and she would be back in London, where her father, would be waiting for her at the airport. Y/N fiddled with her hands nervously, trying to relax in the restricted space that was her seat. She hated flying, which now that she thought about it it was dumb considering she moved to a different country overseas.
Digging through her small carry-on bag, Y/N pulled out her earbuds and the book she was currently reading: The Last Time We Were Us by Leah Konen. The relationship between the two main characters reminded her of her and someone she used to know. After a few minutes Y/N sighed, closing the book and instead choosing to just listen to her music. Not long after she heard the pilot announce that they would be landing soon. Y/N exhaled in relief, she couldn’t wait to be on the ground again.
Once the plane landed Y/N quickly gathered her belongings and exited the plane as soon as she was told she could. She sent her father a quick text letting him know that she would be at the baggage claim. She would then meet him at the arrivals area. The airport was busy, people milling around making it difficult for Y/N to get anywhere. Arriving at baggage claim, Y/N easily spotted her blue suitcase as the carousel made its way around with everyone’s belongings.
Y/N grabbed her luggage and made her way through the crowd of people to meet her father. Her suitcase was rather heavy, having jam-packed almost all of the clothes she owned into it, something that Y/N was now regretting. Pulling the suitcase behind her, Y/N stops once she reaches the arrivals area. Looking around for her father, Y/N sees him standing close to the exit with her name on a sign. She smiles to herself and makes her way towards her father, moving faster with each step.
“Dad,” Y/N calls out to him. Y/N’s father turns to look at her, a smile lighting up his face as he drops the sign in his hands and pulls her into a long overdue hug. He smells like home, Y/N thinks.
“Y/N It’s been so long, darling,” your dad says, happy that his daughter is home safely. “Your mother and I have missed you so much.”
She knew the feeling. Sometimes she regretted moving so far away but she also knew that she needed a fresh start. She tightens her grip on her dad, relishing this moment with him
“I missed you guys, too, dad.” Y/N whispers into the crook of her father’s neck.
A minute passes before the two pull away from each other. Y/N s eyes are filled with unshed tears, not realising how much she missed her father and being home until now. Wiping her tears with the back of her hand and taking a deep, shaky breath of air, Y/N grabs the handle of her luggage and nod towards the exit. Her father nods in agreement, taking the suitcase from her and rolling it behind them as they leave the airport.
“Let’s go home,” Y/N says.
Y/N’s dad leads her to the car parked outside the airport and loads her luggage into the trunk as she gets into the passenger seat. The drivers side opens and he climbs into the car. He starts the engine, the car roaring to life, and peels away from the airport. The drive home is short, the father and daughter duo making small talk about Y/N’s time in America. Y/N loved America, but she would always love England more, it was her home.
“What’s wrong?” Y/N’s father asks, not hearing anything from here for a few moments.
Y/N sighs. “Nothing. I’m just nervous to be back is all.” He father nods, turning onto their street. They would be home in less than a minute.
“We’re here!”
Pulling into the driveway, Y/N sees the home she had lived in ever since she was a child. Memories come rushing back to her, running around outside, playing with Taliah. Y/N remembers what she actually came back home for and frowns. She couldn’t believe that Taliah was gone, a hollow ache fills her heart. Y/N unbuckles her seat belt and practically jumps out of the car. She opens the trunk, pulling out her suitcase then slams it shut. Hurriedly, Y/N walks to the from door to be greeted by her mother before she can even think to knock.
“Y/N, dear! I missed you so much, my love. Come inside and get settled.” Her mother says, dragging Y/N into the house. Inside its clean and neat, just as she remembered it was when she left.
Her mum ran around the house attempting to tidy up the invisible mess, leaving Y/N to think that she had gone mad while she was away.
“Mum!’ Y/N yelled. Her mother stopped and looked at her, mouth slightly gaping. She opened her arms, inviting her mother in for a hug.
Her mother stepped forward, engulfing her daughter in a hug that they both needed very much.
Stepping back, Y/N’s mother took in her appearance. She had changed a lot over the year she had been gone. Her hair was longer, body slimmer, and she was more tan than before she had left. Not only had Y/N changed physically, but mentally, as well. This was why Y/N had been so distracted during the drive. She wasn’t the same girl who grew up in Kingston. But she was still her mother’s daughter, and her mother knew that she probably needed to get some food in her after her long trip.
Y/N’s mother gave her a kiss a the cheek, glad to see her daughter after such a long time. Taking her Y/N’s hand, she led her to the kitchen where there was what looked like a mini feast. It smelled really good, Y/N thought. She had missed her mum’s cooking, not having had a home cooked meal in a very long time. She saw that her mum had made her favorites: Bangers and Mash and Fish and Chips.
“Are you hungry, love?” Her mom asked. “I’ll make you a plate.” Truthfully, Y/N’s mom missed taking care of her.
“Yeah, Mum. That’d be great, thanks.” Her mum set a full plate of food in front of her and she immediately dug in. She was hungrier than she had originally though.
After Scarfing down a few bites of food, Y/N asks, “Where dad? He should have come in by now.”
Y/n’s mum looked at her, “Your father is probably talking to Dom.” She said.
“Oh,” The food Y/N had just devoured threatened to come back up. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know the answer to the next question she was about to ask, asking anyway.
“Does that mean Tom is back then?” Tom. The boy who’d broken her heart. The boy whose heart she’d broken.
“He’s flying in tonight, should be back early tomorrow morning.” Her mum answered. “Are you alright, darling?”
Y/n didn’t know the answer to that. There was too much going on at once and nothing at all. She remembered the moments her and Tom had shared as a child. He was her best friend, as well as Taliah and Tom’s best mate Harrison. Too much had changed growing up and now things were so different, Y/N wasn’t sure that they would ever be the same. Maybe that was a good thing, though, she could start over. But she wasn’t so sure if she was ready.
Mustering up enough courage to reply, Y/N let out a tiny, “Yes, I’m fine.”
Her mum nodded in understanding, stroking her daughters head with love. “Ok, sweetie. Why don’t you finish up and then take a nap. Harrison will be by later, you two are still friends right?”
Y/N nodded. After not speaking to him for a long time, she had decided to man up and text him before her flight home. She would need at least one friend while she was here and why not someone that was once one of her best friends? Harrison had messaged her back suggesting they meet up when she got home. Y/N thought it would be awkward, but agreed. It was a step towards mending the friendship she had ruined by pushing him away when he was one of the few who understood what she was going through. He had once said to her, “Don’t let the loss of one love stop you from letting others love you.”
It was a quote she had replayed in her mind a million times the first few months after she left. One of her biggest regrets was pushing away Harrison and Taliah. She had lost them both and now one of them was gone and Y/N didn’t know how to fix everything. She was determined to try, though.
Y/n pushed herself up from the kitchen table and hugged her mother, thanking her for the meal. “I’m going to go try to get some sleep until Haz gets here later. Wake me up if I’m still out when he arrives. Love you, mum.”
“Alright. I love you too, darling.” Y/N’s mum replied, beginning to clear the table.
Y/N shuffled along the familiar hallway that lead to her old bedroom. Opening the door, she saw that the bed was freshly made with clean sheets and a duvet. She could have fallen asleep just looking at it. Crawling into bed, memories of her and Tom played through her head.
 As the two of them lay on Y/N’s bed, Tom couldn’t help but think, “I wish we could stay like this forever.” It was wishful thinking. 
Y/N looked up at him, staring into his deep brown eyes that she’d been in love with since they were kids. She wanted to stay like that forever, too. Tom caressed Y/N’s side. Small giggles escaped her lips, Tom realising something.
“Oh, Are you ticklish?“ Y/N shook her head, lying. Tom started to tickle her sides, Y/N laughing like crazy the more he continued. “Tom- Tom, stop ple-please.” She begged.
Tom flipped the two of them over, now hovering over Y/N. “Fine.” He says, pecking her on the lips. Y/N leans up and kisses Tom again. The two continue to kiss until Y/N’s mum opens the door and unexpectedly catches them. Y/N and Tom jump away from each other, embarrassed. They were mortified when Y/N’s mum called Nikki, Tom’s mum.
Things were good back then, the two of them were happy. Y/N laughed at the memory, cuddling deeper into the bed and pulling the covers up to her neck. The memories of her and Tom slowly eased her into a peaceful sleep that she very much needed.
Y/N woke up around two hours later, hearing laughter coming from down the hall. She got out of bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. At some point someone must have dragged her suitcase into the room because it was now at the foot of the bed. She opened it up and pulled out some clean clothes to change into. Slowly opening the door after changing, Y/N peeked out of the room. She decided to go see what all the commotion was about. Walking into the living room she met eyes with a tall blond, blue eyed boy.
Feedback is appreciated!
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smokeybrand · 4 years ago
The Fallacy of Education
I think elementary school is necessary to an extent but everything I've ever learned after probably the third grade, was during summer break at the library and then all of the time when my family got a computer. I never really learned anything “new” in a classroom setting, from probably the fourth grade and forward. Sure, it's dope to have someone bounce ideas off but you can do that with anyone. You can do that online. Hell, I DO that online now. SO what the f*ck is the merit of going through the tribulations of “school?” Capitalism. Capitalism is the “merit.” School is designed to break your spirit as a youth and train you to be a drone in the workforce. The structure of how education here in the US has been built, is designed to acclimate you to a forty hour work week early on. It's built to make you yearn for holidays and the weekends. It grooms you to raise your hands to ask questions and punishes those who deviate from the assigned tasks. Free thinkers are shunned and the arts are almost always removed in one form or another. Creativity is killed in service to conformity because capitalism needs that in order to function. The second it's removed, the second people questions the status quo, is the second they understand the terrible conditions in which they've been forced to exist. But, if you're not smart enough to ask the right questions, then there is no threat to the current class system.
When i got to fifth grade, i went to a substantially sh*ttier school than before. We move into a worse ghetto than the one I grew up in for he majority of my life and that was reflected in this school's curriculum. These kids were morons. That wasn't there fault, the system had failed them because it was assumed they weren't worth the investment. We'd all end up being thugs and criminals because that was what our zip code dictated. When I got there, I kind of f*cked all of that up. These kids were reading well under their grade, the “smart” one rad at a high school level if I remember but i could read at a college level. Indeed, I was well into checking out Shakespeare and Dante by this point. That was too much for my teacher. He graded on a curve because the kids were so stupid and, after that fist test where everyone failed but me because I got such a high mark, told me flat out that there was nothing he could teach me. I became kind of a TA in that class and never turned in another assignment for the entire year. He just gave me As on everything and apologized profusely for not being able to adequately challenge me. It was difficult to see because I would tell this dude loved teaching and he had an opportunity to rally flex his passion with me but the system in which he had to work wouldn't allow him to do any of that. Because the system, itself, isn't built to educate. Imagine being an educator trapped in that cage? Now imagine being a student trapped in there, too, oblivious to the handicap you've just been saddled with.
When i got to the seventh grade, i was put into remedial courses against my ill. We moved back to my old neighborhood ahead of my sixth grade year so I was able to return to my previous school where it was understood that myself and a handful of others were WAY too smart for our own good. They got us more advanced materials from the surrounding high schools and basically told us to teach ourselves. My then principal drove us over to a separate middle school because it was supposed to have better materials and more advanced courses than the neighborhood one. Our principal and the one in the middle school spoke, we all demonstrated our intelligence, and it was agreed we'd be placed in advanced courses in the coming year. When the new year started, I was not placed in those agreed upon courses. My zip code reflected the ghetto and not the bourgeois neighborhood this new school was in. They assumed i was an idiot, even though i was enrolled specifically for the more challenging curriculum, and dismissed my previous academic accomplishments without a word. My elementary school principal literally drove me over there and introduced me to that school's principal because she wanted to make sure the staff understood that i was wildly intelligent "for my age." Didn't matter. They saw a Meadowview zip and i was put into classes with a bunch of idiots. When i protested, they refused to change my schedule. It didn't take long for most of my teachers to realize I wouldn't be in such pedestrian classes but the administration refused to budge. I was ghetto trash and they didn't want to hear anything else, even if it was coming directly from the teachers in charge of me education. My science teacher literally had us coloring f*cking pictures as work assignments. I refused to do such ridiculous busy work, demanded that he teach me some sh*t and, instead, he suspended me from his class and threatened to fail me.
When i got to high school, i was wildly disillusioned by education and basically coasted my way through. I understood that i could learn more on my own and pushed to be home schooled. The way the that system works is you show up for in-class check-in on Monday and pick up a packet of schoolwork. You complete the school work through the week and turn it the following Monday. No classroom. No teachers. No fuss. All of my credits, and then some, and none of the the everyday baggage. I could excel at my own pace, which we have established far outstripped whatever the f*ck the curriculum is at any given time. Plus, I could return to proper coursework at any time. My plan was to knock out about three years worth of credits that first year and try to get into the off-campus internship with the State. It was called the Regional Occupation Program. I'd be paid to work for the State part time while accumulating proper work experience, and still have time to take some college courses at the local Community College. I'd still be able to come back and participate in all of the social sh*t like dances and games plus, I'd be able to walk the stage with my proper class. I'd be able to challenge myself, build toward my future, and still have that high school experience. But my mom refused. Everything i said here, I said to her, and she still refused. She's a slave to tradition and tradition dictated that i HAD to go to class everyday. The system HAD to be maintained. So i did and, as the years progressed, i went less and less. By senior year, i went just enough to keep the cops of her back and still graduated with a 3.8. I never one applied myself in high school and literally just showed up because cops, gym, and girls. Most days, i left early because f*cking why not? I wasn't learning anything. I wasn't being enriched in anyway. By my senior year, I had two Teacher's Assistant classes, two gym classes, Government and a creative writing course. I never went to that one because it was the last class of the day and Transformers came on halfway through it so I skipped it everyday. In order to pass, I just printed out a novel I wrote when I was in the eighth grade. He gave me an A, even though I was only there in person around thirty percent of the school year. I was writing high school level sh*t when I was thirteen. That's the story of my whole life and it didn't get any better when I got to college.
I thought it was going to get better when i got to college. It did not. I had toured a few campuses around my neighborhood and even sat in on a course or two. I went to a few College Fairs and even got accepted into a couple of HBCs. After a I graduated high school I opted to go to a community college that was near by. I' m poor so I couldn't afford a proper school and the scholarships available to me were all partial. I didn't want to have to split time between working and college so I figured if I got the core courses out of the way early, I could lighten the load and have an Associates to take into a part time gig or something later. I had actually gotten into Stanford and wanted to go but the cost of living was WAY too staunchy so this Community college plan was the best option. I lasted a semester. That sh*t was like going back to high school but i had to pay for it out of pocket. I had dreams of debate and lecture, of challenging a professor who could challenge me in return What I got was more of the uniform apathy that has dogged me my entire education career, only now it was driving me into f*cking debt. I love learning. I love reading. I love thinking. None of that I was even conducive to school here in the states. Often times, it was objectively frowned upon. From kindergarten to literally college, I was always under the gun in that sense. To this day, my curiosity is insatiable and I research everything. I want to know all of the things and the big sh*t like theoretical physics or the math necessary to infer the universe before the big bang, is absolutely tantalizing to me. I was frustrated with the stifling rigidity of school f*cking twenty years ago. I can't even imagine what it's like for kids nowadays.
The education system in the US is f*cking ridiculous. It's not meant to build intelligence or free thinking, it's an assembly line method designed to acclimate you to a forty hour work week. It's supposed to get you used to sacrificing the majority of your life in service to capitalism, busting ass just to get to the weekend or next holiday off, because that's how you'll live the rest of your adult life. They're not in the business of education or teaching life skills, they're in the business of manufacturing more cogs for the great machine that is the “economy.” Why the f*ck do I need to know Algebra 2 when I can't do my own taxes? Why the f*ck do we have to spend three weeks studying the Crucible when I don't know how compound interests works? Parents should play a part in this, for sure, but how difficult is that for them to do? They are victims of the same system and have to sacrifice their liberty in order to pay bills, after being bludgeoned with that same aggressive system necessary for them to abandon their hopes. A smart person is a difficult person to manipulate. When people understand, or even have the ability to comprehend, the scales fall from their eyes. We're seeing that now with the “Employment crisis” and how no one wants to go back to being underpaid and overworked after a the Pandemic showed the world for what it was. It's in capitalism's best interests to make sure the masses are smart enough to produce but dumb enough to never understand that they control the means of production. Why do you think everyone wants the kids to "get back into the classroom" when it's obviously easier to "teach" kids over zoom? When it's obvious that they learn more and understand better at home? When entire grade averages have increased considerably, over the entire country, since kids have been studying at home? Because that structure is more important than the learning. Every kid has a phone, computer, or tablet at this point. Internet is everywhere. There's no reason to have in-class learning, especially considering how many f*cking classrooms get shot up around these parts. Especially considering that there are more kids like me thanks to the ready-to-consume inf oration at our fingertips. This one got away from me but i really, really, hate the "education system" here. It's so boorish and archaic, f*cking obsolete, especially in the age of the information, so why go back to that broken system? Because capitalism needs drones not dreamers. It needs conformists, not thinkers. It needs ignorance not education.
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slapshotsandoneshots · 8 years ago
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Chapter Three
Player: Tyler Seguin – Dallas Stars
Prompt: You and Tyler have been best friends for years and you are finally dating.
Mentions: Jamie Benn
Warnings: Slight Cursing, Cheating
Preview: The doubts suddenly rushed your mind. Why had Tyler lied to you? What was he doing?
Characters: 1832 words.
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It had been almost two months since you had seen Tyler. You had gone back to school to start the fall semester and Tyler had begun training for the approaching hockey season. You and Tyler had not gone a single day without texting, calling, or facetiming. He assured you every time you spoke of his never-ending love for you. But the doubts still crept into the back of your mind from time to time. Even when he was with you, Tyler was still the party boy star hockey player and being back in Dallas, you were worried he would slip back into his old ways.
But as far as you know, he never faltered.
It was finally October and you were beyond excited to be sitting on a plane making its way to the lone star state. You had missed Tyler so terribly and just couldn’t wait to be in his arms again. Even if it was for just a few days, anytime with him was treasured.
You were flying in for the season opener of the Stars season as you did every year but this time it was even more special.
The plane landed and you gathered your things quickly, rushing to get off and see your boyfriend. You walked from your gate and started to scan the crowd. Reaching for your phone to call Tyler, you spotted him. There he was by the baggage claim holding a sign that read “Honeybee” in one hand and a bouquet of sunflowers in the other.
 You immediately ran to him and jumped into his arms, taking in his familiar scent.
“I can’t believe you’re finally here” he whispered into your ear while stroking your hair.
 “Me either, God have I missed you Segs.” You pulled back to see his face.
 “You have no idea” Tyler smiled and kissed you.
 You left his embrace to grab your bags but he insisted. You took the flowers from him and repositioned the carryon on your shoulder. You followed him to where he had parked the car.
 “You’re sure I can’t convince you to move here?” He smirked as he loaded your bags in the car.
 “Already Segs? We went over this before, I want…”
 Tyler interrupted you, “I know, want to finish your senior year at your school” he rolled his eyes.
 You sighed disappointedly in how the quick trip was starting. “Tyler, I missed you so much but I can’t just drop everything and move to Texas. Honestly, you’re being a little ridiculous.”
 “I’m ridiculous because I want my girlfriend here with me?” He huffed and got into the driver seat.
 “Tyler I am only here for a few days and I don’t want to fight with you over this.” You pleaded looking over at him from the passenger seat.
 You were met with a huff once again and you decided to leave him be for the moment. You had been looking forward to this trip from the moment you left home for school but now your feeling was quickly deflated by the tension sitting in Tyler’s jeep. You rode in silence to his house, with only the soft mumbling of the radio you couldn’t make out.
 When you got to the house you got out and went back to the trunk to get your bags but Tyler had beaten you there. You suddenly heard happy screams and turned to see Candace and Cassidy running towards you followed by two excited dogs. You smiled and were attacked with hugs and kisses from all four.
 “We missed you Y/N!” Cassidy said as she dragged you inside followed by Candace, Cash & Marshall.
 “I missed you guys too” you smiled and looked back to find Tyler but it looked like he had already gone inside.
 “Girls, will you give Tyler back his girlfriend?” Jackie smiled and pulled you into a hug. “Good to see you, Hun.”
 “You too Jackie, speaking of my boyfriend did you see which way he went?” you asked her pulling from her hug.
 “He went upstairs I believe” Paul answered.
 You gave him a quick hug and headed up the stairs. You went to go towards the guest room you normally stayed in but you quickly turned toward Tyler’s bedroom and opened the door.
 Tyler had put your luggage next to the closet and was now sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. You slowly approached him and sat down next to him. He looked up at you the moment he felt the bed shift with red-rimmed eyes.
 “I’m sorry” you both blurted out followed by soft giggles.
 “I am though, I should not have pushed you moving here, I know how important you finishing your schoolwork is. I just miss not being with you. Summer made me spoiled.” Tyler looked at you with such sincerity.
 You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Let’s just enjoy the time I am here”
 He kissed you quickly and you both headed back downstairs to spend time with his family.
 The next morning, Tyler was off to practice early to prepare for the big game. He had tried so hard not to wake you. You had felt bad watching him tiptoe from one side of the bedroom to the other so you pretended to still be asleep. You didn’t pry yourself from the comfortable mattress and the Tyler scented comforter until you heard the front door open and close.
 You slipped into one of Tyler’s t-shirts and a pair of leggings quietly padding down the stairs not to wake anyone else up. You smiled seeing a cup of coffee in your favorite mug waiting by the machine. You shook your head and brought the cup to your lips smiling as the warmth met your throat.
 You bent down to pet Cash who was now anxiously sitting at your feet waiting for some loving from you. You started looking around for Marshall when you eyed a white box with a neatly tied green bow sitting on the dining room table in the next room.
 You walked over and saw the note that was addressed to you.
I know what you’re saying “I already have one, why do I need a new one?” Just shush. It’s a new one, just accept the gift.
See you later 
 You giggled as you opened the box. You recognized the victory green immediately. You just rolled your eyes as you pulled the number 91 jersey from the box. You smiled as you ran the familiar feeling of the material through your fingers. That’s when you saw it, sitting there on the sleeve was a patch that read “Girlfriend”
 Even with no one watching you, you blushed and ran your fingers over the patch. You cleaned up the mess you made from opening the thoughtful gift and headed back upstairs.
 After you had breakfast with the rest of Tyler’s family, he had texted you to let you know that the coach wanted the boys to stay at the rink and he wouldn’t see you before the game. You were a little disappointed that you basically wouldn’t see Tyler for the entire day but you understood.
You hung out in the backyard with the Seguins until it was time to get ready for the game. You went upstairs and slipped into a pair or black jeans and the new jersey. You wore your hair down and tied up a pair of white converse. You and the girls applied some Dallas stars tattoos Tyler had lying around to your cheeks. You were all laughing over some silly joke Paul had made as you piled into the car Tyler had waiting to bring you to the rink.
 You took in the sight of the American Airlines Center, this place was like a second home to you. You smiled taking in the familiar sounds and sights of the arena. You, Candace and Cassidy decided to go down to the glass to watch warmups.
 You face lit up as soon as you saw the group of victory green clad men flood the ice. A few of the boys, recognizing you girls, tapped the glass with their sticks sending you three into a fit of giggles. Finally, Tyler skated over when he got a free moment smirking when he saw you wearing your new jersey. You mouthed him a quick “Thank You” and he smiled skating off to continue practicing.
 The game was one for the books. Every goal Dallas scored, their opponent matched quickly after. You felt as if you spent more time on your feet then in your seat. You were happy you opted for converse and not heels. The game was tied 4-4 with 30 seconds left in the third, the shot was set up and Tyler scored his third goal of the night landing a hat-trick. You jumped to your feet hugging Jackie as hats rained down on the ice.
 After all the commotion of a victory had calmed down and Tyler had been named the first star of the game, you and the Seguins were headed down to meet Tyler. The room was crowded with family and fans. You saw Jamie first, he came up to you and wrapped you in a bear hug.
 “Good to see you Captain!” you smiled
 “It’s good to see you too Y/N. I was quite disappointed when Tyler refused to share you after practice.” Jamie replied
 You looked up at him confused. “Wasn’t he with you?”
 He matched your confused look. “I thought he was with you, and that’s why he left out of here so fast.”
 The doubts suddenly rushed your mind. Why had Tyler lied to you? What was he doing?
 The color from Jamie’s face suddenly drained. “Everything okay cap?” you asked following his gaze. And you saw it. There was Tyler standing with a girl dressed scantily clad. He had his back against the wall and the girl was standing way too close for your comfort. You were about to go over there and drop your metaphorical gloves when it happened. She leaned in quickly her lips finding his. He looked shocked at first but then his lips matched hers.
 Your world had suddenly stopped spinning and the walls seemed to be coming down around you. Everything seemed to now move in slow motion. You watched as Tyler pushed the girl away but it was too late the damage had been done. His eyes met yours just as they filled with tears.
 You turned and ran, ignoring the calls from Jamie, the Seguins and most of all, Tyler. You didn’t know where you were going but what you did know is that you just lost your best friend and the love of your life all in one moment.
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