#that movie is a macroagression
yourarkon-blog · 1 month
I've been argueing with the great minds found on threads about Miles Morales, otherwise more well known as Spiderman, and I've realized that people really don't get or understand what makes their dislike of Spiderman racist.
Most of the arguements form from "poorly written" and "underdeveloped," which not only 1. clearly shows they haven't watched the movie, nor have they read the comics (Ultimate Spiderman has been the best running spiderman comic since Mephisto) and 2. they don't realize that they are being racist.
BECAUSE HERES THE THING: the people being objectively, cartoonishly racist are a thing of the past, and rather uncommon. No one talks like that. Most racism is subtle and often the racist doesn't even realize that they are being racist.
Racism is so instilled into american culture that more often than not the microagressions we use in our daily language go by unoticed, except by the reciever. Common examples include "where are you from (you're not from here, you're not like me so you must not be local)," "you probably wouldn't know (obviously, I have a higher ammount of knowledge than the person I am talking to)," and of course, "the charcter doesn't work (he's not the previous version of the character, who was white, so this change must be bad)."
Most people don't catch on. I took a race and racisms class for college, and it shook me to my core. The shit I say to people made me realize that I had internalized racism, and I needed to work on it. I do believe if people are called out on their shit that they will change, but they need to be aware of it first. My racist behaviors and language came from my parents behaviors and beliefs, and they had no idea! None! and they're leftist to the core.
And they will get defensive about it. Who the hell want's to be seen as a racist? I sure as hell don't, yet I have to acknoledge that it's there, and I need to be aware of it. I need to change. I am changing.
This is why critical race theory is so important. This is why the acutal macroagressive racists are scared of it, because they weaponize that ignorance to their advantage. Trump said in one of his previous press conferences that "they (an unknown enemy, but very obviously talking about minorities) will bring crime and will take up all the homes and lower property value" not an exact quote, but I'm really not in the mood to hear his drivel again. But he doens't need to say black or hispanic, it's a "they." They will bring bad things. They are evil. They, them not we. People who don't realize that they are talking about black people will internalize that and repeat it without knowing the consrquences, and when they find out them = minorities then they become more justified.
Critical race theory teaches exactly how we internalize racism, how we can combat it, and how we can gain more empathy for minorities. It makes us aware of racism in our communities and in ourselves. Thats why trump wants it gone, he want's us to be Macroaggressive.
This is why I defend Spiderman so much, because it teaches kids that heroes can be more than just the average white person. They can imagine themselves as heroes saving the day, rather than being portrayed as the common crook. We need more heroes like Spiderman, because they create heroes, they teach us how to be beter people. Everyone deserves to be a hero. Because everyone, not just one race, deserves to do everything a spider can.
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997 · 5 years
cant even reblog a come and see photoset without shedding a couple tears jfc
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corvussy · 6 years
I want a diverse movie with NO white main characters (not even a token white girl) that makes no mention of politics or racism or whatever, BUT when theres the inevitable micro/macroagression done by a minor white character that usually results in the characters of color having to go into a whole spiel about commenting on race & educate the white person, it's just 5 minutes of close ups of the main characters faces as they all look at each other having a mental conversation of "lol this dumb bitch huh" & then move on with the narrative
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