#that luo wenzhou can manhandle and tie up and gag and smack and punish his lover whenever EVEN over
mejomonster · 1 year
Shen wei would kill to have Luo wenzhous set up (take me with a grain of salt though cause I've only got Drama Shen Wei to compare and the knowledge he's a bit Extra possessive in the novel)
Shen wei: he texts you where he goes, how long, and when he'll return?
Luo wenzhou nodding: of course
Shen wei: Zhao yunlan only answers when I call, but he is a bit messy on organizing, and I'd prefer to just not have him go into danger in the first place
Luo wenzhou: fei du stays home if I tell him to
Shen wei: !!!! How did you manage that?!
Luo wenzhou: ...not entirely sure. Actually I. I think maybe fei du just doesn't want to break my heart when he can tell I want him badly to be safe, maybe?
Shen wei: but he's less mature than you, presumably more selfish, and he still...?
Luo wenzhou: well does your lover not?
Shen wei: -.- he doesn't like directions. Very mouthy
Luo Wenzhou: haha I've been there. We love to argue ToT
Shen Wei: so anyway, I don't think we quite mean the same thing... I mean... my lover is a brat in bed
Luo wenzhou: oh, fei du is too. But he's good for me uvu or else he doesn't get any
Shen wei: ...so. how do you get him tied up? How do you prevent him from getting scared off?
Luo wenzhou, smiling and about to blather away happily then blinking: um. You're a...professor right? Or a... a member of the Special Investigation Division right?
Shen wei: I assist them, yes.
Luo wenzhou: then you should know better than most, it's not a good idea to forcefully restrain someone against their will... You're lover is... the Chief right?
Shen wei, nodding primly: that is correct
Luo wenzhou: right... so he probably would look the other way if you broke the law a little... (shen wei coughs) my point is though, you really shouldn't be tying Anyone up in a way that might "scare them off." Like... an illegal way
Shen wei, trying not to twitch about being a "monster" and how that might Scare people off anyway but it's not worth the argument of comparing himself to this human: I'm not... I... you tie your lover up though. How is that different?
Luo wenzhou: ...
Fei Du, coming in from the bedroom where he'd been eavesdropping (cause Luo wenzhou probably thought the conversation was too "inappropriate for fei du." Luo wenzhou blushing in shame when he notices fei du heard him bragging and being a Bit of a Prick when he really means it in a loving way or at least... he was being a dick acting all proud of how possessive he is ToT): Yes, shixiong, how IS what you do different?
Luo Wenzhou, fighting desperately to restrain the urge to snap "if it wasn't different you would've taken me to court already brat" but also knowing the way he just put it with shen wei he does come off as a bit of a hypocrite. It's different cause fei du is HIS person, and his responsibility to take care of and protect and Fei Du is okay with it or Luo Wenzhou really would notice fei du emotionally hurt and back the fuck off. But that's all not easily explained to an Intense Acquaintance with weird energy lol.
Fei Du, crooning in mischief when Luo Wenzhou fails to respond: oh, shen wei, I'll tell you how it's different. When he does it he's teaching me a lesson, just daddy scolding me
Luo wenzhou: *chokes* stands up and knocks a tea off the table on accident trying to figure out what the fuck to say to fix this or distract, ends up shouting "motherfucker! Oh, excuse me" when he sees the broken glass and starts Agressively Cleaning it up
Fei Du, absolutely giddy, smiling at the edges of his eyes: unless of course you're punishing Your lover, and he's into that. Then I'm sure you can also play daddy~
Luo Wenzhou, turning red, starting to say "Fei Du!"
Shen wei, also turning red: I ah... don't think my lover is as okay with being punished in... the same way...
Fei Du: I see uvu (Luo wenzhou physically trying to drag him out of the room now) so he prefers punishment during sex right? I wish shixiong would try that with me instead~
Luo Wenzhou: I think you should rinse the vegetables for prepping for dinner! While I clean up the glass! Now!!! (Shoving full body his scrawny ass lover fei du through the kitchen doorway and out of line of sight with shen wei who's turned full on tomato colored now)
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