#that it's much easier to curate your feed on this site than others
magnetic-dogz · 2 years
I feel like a lot of people are still stuck in 2016 with the way they view Tumblr tbf
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labs · 10 months
Hello again, Labs here with a recap of our test of Collections! We introduced this prototype back in September and then handed the feature to a handful of volunteers sourced from the notes on that post. Thank you again to all volunteers! 
We got so much useful feedback, and wanted to share some of that here, and reveal some next steps we’re taking. There are a couple of big projects cooking in Labs, and Collections has taken a backseat lately, but it is important to us to not leave y’all hanging. We very much want to build things with you here.
Our goal with the volunteer-based super-early phase of Collections was to see if those volunteers actually use the feature, watch what they come up with, and check whether anybody they invite to Tumblr signs up and becomes a regular user of the site. Turns out, nobody did sign up — it’s not as useful of an onboarding strategy as we thought it could be.
However, one piece of feedback we got is that Collections make great custom feeds, which people on Tumblr have been asking for a lot over the years. We hear you loud and clear: you want to supplement the standard Following / For You experience with more intentional control over feed content. That’s really important to us.
With that in mind, for those in the prototype, we’ve moved the Collections list to the left sidebar / mobile navigation as an expandable area like Account, for quick access. We like this better than putting them in the dashboard tab bar, but it’s still something we’re mulling over:
Tumblr media
We also heard the need for more filtering options beyond just blogs and tags. What about only including a blog’s posts that use a certain tag, or excluding posts using a certain tag? Or list tags with a boolean AND operator (“posts tagged [tag] and [other tag]”), not just the OR operator we’re using now for sourcing tagged posts. Lots of ideas on how to further customize what shows up in the feed, and better define what the feed is “for”.
There were other fun, tangential bits of feedback, too, like the desire to make these Collections a collaborative feature, so that more than one person can help build a Collection. There were also several usability issues that came to the forefront, which we’ve addressed. And there were some well-articulated thoughts and questions about etiquette, such as how to seek a blog’s “permission” to be included in a Collection – that’s something we care a lot about, to help prevent this kind of feature from being a source of abuse.
Another piece of feedback we heard repeatedly is the desire for Collections of posts. This is not really what we intended with what we built, but it’s not too far afield either. We totally agree that having better, easier ways of collecting and curating individual posts would be useful, so we’re going to investigate that as a separate project.
With all of this in mind, we’ve split the work on Collections into two separate tracks:
Shaping this feature as a “customizable feeds” solution, away from an “invite others” tool.
Building a new thing for saving and curating static posts.
Stay tuned here on the Labs blog for updates on when/if we’ll be moving these Collections tracks of work to more people on Tumblr. (If you are one of the volunteers who helped us with Collections, you’ll still have access to it for the time being!)
Thanks for reading! And please reach out to us via Support, the replies here, or your reblogs, if you have any more feedback, as always.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 6 months
Oh, the Lure of Emily
I've been withdrawing.
Not for all that long, I don't think, but social media goes so fast, so that means letting a lot of opportunities to be "social" disappear into the ether. I shouldn't. I need to practice connecting with people and it used to be so much easier for me to do that on the internet, but I really hate just about everything about it now. It's hard to put what I mean into words fast enough, and it seems like that's hard for a lot of people, but we're doing it anyway. That's a lot of what I don't like interacting IRL, and it's here now. I haven't found a place that's not like that.
I entered into this level of interaction at the behest of a soulless corporation that doesn't care about any of us (clearly) and I'm being asked to pay more than I wanted to give (ex. curate an ever-lengthening feed of more people who want to be seen, help train AIs who'll render me and others invisible, accept a certain amount of increasingly heinous ideas with no pushback to be polite/for my own mental health/to keep my interaction from being nothing but that stuff), in return for much less than what I wanted to get. Mainly, it's so strangers can click a button that says they "like" something I did, and never interact with me, or any other aspect of me, ever again.
It's like that on my site, too, except I disabled the "like" and comment functions out of frustration. The interface became unsustainable and It's mainly bots using it. I've improved my ratio of "recorded clicks that were probably a human being" vs. "probably a webcrawler or spambot" for the privilege of seeing how few people are interested.
And social media isn't helping. I mean, why would it? It's getting all it wants out of me on spec, and it does not have to deliver visibility. It never did. That was always something I needed to "earn." It just seemed to be easier to do that in Web 1.0. I had a message board, once. It survived a move from one dying host to another (which, I think, is also dead now - everyone's on Discord) and I picked up enough people to write and have fun, with very few jerks I needed to ban, and no bots. Wow. If someone was being a total bastard, they were made of meat and I could yell at them and register an objection like a person. Does anyone out there remember that?
A big part of me wants to be a postmodern Emily Dickenson. You can have my work after I'm dead, if you want it. I'll "publish" by printing it out and putting it in a box. Even the fanfic stuff. Interacting with fandoms hardly seems worth it for me, they've got their own issues. And, as for social, you may have one garden party a year, and maybe I'll exchange emails with one guy who says "this stuff is good". We live small enough, and we're doing well enough, that I could probably hide and keep making art uncompensated. Unless something happened, and then I'd probably wind up on the street or in an institution of some kind. Not the nice kind.
And, as much as you [as in, anyone who trips over this] would protest the loss of me to my face - out of some feeling of human solidarity or philosophical devotion - were I to vanish, it wouldn't matter where. You'd get used to not seeing me. You'd read something else. Maybe I'd be happier, maybe I wouldn't, but that wouldn't involve you, so you'd move on.
That big, dumb jerk Nietzsche (who was, at least, made of meat) posited that Sisyphus must be happy, because he knows he's doing what he's supposed to and what's going to happen next, forever. But, really, the only thing you'd have to do is say to him, "Every time you put one iota of effort into pushing this rock, there's a small chance it'll take off and fly. If you're really doing your job, it will, it's just a matter of time!" And then it doesn't. Not just for his whole life, for eternity.
I'm not being punished for cheating death. I'm being punished for cheating corporations - not even cheating them all that much, I don't think, but it's enough. I don't look profitable, because that wasn't why I started pushing this rock. I wanted to make a difference. I'd like enough money to live and keep creating, and to pay some people to help me, but all that's just some boxes to tick on the way to making a difference. And I can't tick those boxes for a corporation or for myself.
The only thing that's gotten me attention is when someone bigger than me gives me a namecheck. I could just keep begging creators I love to do that, but a lot of people do that, and I don't think creators like it. They didn't ask for that responsibility. They don't have time to vet every person and see if their work is actually good or just AI generated garbage. Or delusional garbage from someone who thinks they can create, but can't, really. I'm losing the confidence to keep begging people to understand that I'm not delusional. Maybe I am, ya know? That would explain my situation too.
At least, if I kept it all to myself, I'd be dead when someone found my boxes and boxes of papers and chose an excerpt for their treatise on hypergraphia in freaky recluses.
Thoreau got it twisted. People make pretty baskets so someone will use them. If it has no use, it's neither a basket nor an art object. Someone has to pick it up and use it for it to be either of those things, and hopefully both. I use my baskets. I think other people could, but I know I use them. It would be a lot easier for me to do that if I didn't keep leaving them outside when I've finished weaving and hoping someone will pick them up.
But, I typed this into a window on Tumblr, so it's going outside with the rest. As will the others, for the time being. My words will probably be used to train an AI, and already have been. Yours too. Self-determination is reserved for the Emilies. I do want it, but...
Not enough to give up this painful hope that a rock might fly.
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chacusha · 9 months
My tips to new users to make Tumblr more usable
This is kind of random but I think Tumblr is one of those websites that hides a lot of its functionality from users and comes with default settings that makes it kind unusable (at least for me). So I've decided to collect some suggestions about things to do immediately in order to make Tumblr a much more usable website:
Most important: Put the content you actually opt into on your dash. First, go to Settings > Dashboard and turn off "Best Stuff First." In general, (1) I don't think it's good to let social media sites curate your content feed (they're not very good! you can curate your own content feeds!), and (2) chronological ordering is much more helpful for making sense of information. I don't know why you would want posts on a site to be presented in any other way. Please save yourself and make your dash chronological by toggling this monstrosity OFF. Also for the love of god, turn off "Include posts liked by the blogs you follow" and "Include 'Based On Your Likes!'" too. Other people's experiences might be different from mine, but when Tumblr first introduced this feature and I tried it out for a while, it was so predictable that every time I came across a post that made me viscerally angry and think, "How the HELL did this get on my dash?" it was always always some random post from someone I wasn't even following… So yeah, get rid of that.
Second, make the "Following" tab your default, instead of the "For you" tab. How to do this is not particularly obvious. From the Tumblr homepage (not settings), you need to find the tabs at the top of your dash (For you, Following, Your tags) and then click the toggle/settings icon to the right of those tabs. This will allow you to reorder your tabs. In particular, what you need to do is click the pin icon to the right of "Following," and this will set Following to be your pinned and first tab. By default, when you open Tumblr, your dash will show the posts of people you have actually opted into following rather than what Tumblr suggests to you.
Next, make sure timestamps on posts are on. This should be the default (despite what Tumblr says?), but if you don't see timestamps at the top of all posts, I highly recommend turning this setting on (under Settings > Dashboard). Knowing when a post was made is hugely helpful for understanding the context of the post, and I don't know why websites would allow you to hide this, really, unless they want you walking around with no sense of time or context, which uh… I don't recommend that social media experience!
Turn off endless scrolling (under Settings > Dashboard): Websites like endless scrolling to keep people from leaving the site. I recommend turning this off to make it more obvious how many posts you've scrolled through on Tumblr, to make it easier to find your place in older posts, and also to make the website just lighter to load. When I last used it, the Tumblr mobile app does not allow pagination, which is pretty typical of social media apps in general. Honestly, I recommend just not using the Tumblr mobile app at all. I've uninstalled it and aside from missing the convenience of being able to attach photos from my phone onto Tumblr posts, I really don't miss it…
Things that you may or may not be interested in:
Enable custom theme on (each of) your blog(s): So fun fact: If you don't have a custom theme enabled, then when people visit your blog when not logged into Tumblr, they will only be able to scroll through a few of the posts on your blog before being prompted by Tumblr to log in if they want to see more. This popup cannot be gotten around, and so people without Tumblr accounts or who are browsing on a device/browser without a login session just won't be able to see your posts. Personally, I do not like this behavior -- I like my blogs to be archives with useful permalinks that can be browsed by anyone. Anyway, you can get rid of this annoying prompt by going to Account > (select blog) > Blog settings and toggling that "Enable custom theme" slider. It doesn't really matter what theme you use (although there are a lot of options to choose from), just use a custom one!
Turn off "Shorten long posts" (under Settings > Dashboard): YMMV, but I personally don't find this setting very helpful as the maximum length for when it starts cutting off posts is pretty short and falls far short of what I would consider a "long post" that is inconvenient to scroll past. Instead, you may want to turn off this setting and create a filter for the tag "long post" (under Settings > Account > Filtered Tags).
Mature content: If you're interested in possibly seeing mature content, you may want to review your mature content settings (under Settings > Account) as by default, Tumblr is set to hide it entirely and doesn't tell you that it's hidden posts from you and so you probably just will not be aware this setting is a thing! Personally, I use the "Blur" setting.
Hiding content from users you don't want to see: As far as I can tell, if you see someone's posts in (e.g.) tag searches and would prefer not to see any of that person's posts in public places like that tag or appear on your dash by people you follow reblogging their posts, you should block them. Official Tumblr documentation does not say that this is a feature of blocking, but it is.
When Tumblr's functionality isn't enough… External tools such as XKit Rewritten provide a whole lot of QoL fixes to Tumblr's interface like making it easier to reply to replies, hiding posts you've already seen, showing how many new/unread posts are in tracked tags, showing all tags on posts by default rather than requiring you to click "See all," etc. For me, one thing I needed in order to make Tumblr semi-usable for me is hiding notes in tag searches (because I don't really need constant reminders that my tastes aren't aligned with wider fandom's tastes lol). I couldn't find a tool that does this, so I wrote a simple Tampermonkey script to do it for me.
Hope this helps new users of Tumblr, and feel free to add other helpful tips if you have them!
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omg i just found your podcast and it’s incredibly cathartic to listen to as i have felt the loss of fandom spaces over the past few years (tumblr dying and twitter being hard to use for that). livejournal sounds so nice. I wish there was another social media site that would allow that sort of community again for art and fandom and connection.
Thank you so much for listening and writing in! The loss of fandom spaces is always so hard and sad -- I (V) still mourn the landscape of individually run HTML fansites that ran all the way to the horizon back in Web 1.0. I miss fun layouts! I miss image galleries! I miss fandom mailing lists! (And I highly recommend The Rec Center if you don't already subscribe to them).
I actually think that Tumblr isn't dying so much as accepting its size and scope -- it ISN'T a social media site, and it's never been something that was going to be able to compete with social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for mainstream, everyday-Joe users. People who don't have a hyperfixation or a fandom want to see a variety of content and are easy for The Algorithm to feed. Tumblr users... are not.
Tumblr may have started out with the goal of being a hub for Srs Bsns Photographers & Poets/Writers, but everything about its format makes it the perfect site for fandom to flourish.
I'm really happy that Tumblr itself is embracing that now! AFAIK their actual slogan on the Apple App Store is "Tumblr: The Home of Fandom." Fandom is a niche subculture. We're just not gonna have the numbers of a Twitter or a TikTok. (And honestly, thank fucking god. Can you even imagine the chaos. I shudder to think.)
Tumblr is a microblogging site. It's for people who write too much for Twitter and whose images aren't the vibe of Instagram. It's for gifsets, which are an art medium unto themselves that social media sites wouldn't have any use for, really. And it's definitely not for Norbert in Accounting to connect with his grandma on like Facebook.
The anonymity of Tumblr is antithetical to modern social media sites -- even though IT IS INSANE TO ME THAT PEOPLE PUT THEIR REAL NAMES AND PHOTOS ONLINE, DID WE NOT LEARN ABOUT STRANGER DANGER??? -- and the fact that Tumblr is inherently ABOUT transformational, shared, "yes and" content, rather than mostly original pithy content like Twitter and IG and TikTok, makes it attractive to people with the hyperfocus of fans more than people who want to scroll and scroll and just see Stuff. I mean, obviously on Tumblr we're all looking at Stuff, but you can CURATE your feed on Tumblr in a way that you can't on social media. Curation is the enemy of The Algorithm. And Tumblr users fucking hate The Algorithm.
And honestly? The Algorithm hates fandom, because it's really hard to market things to someone with a hyperfixation. I don't CARE about your product, and seeing it instead of the thing I want to be looking at makes me HATE your product. The Algorithm really needs to be able to feed you a lot of different types of content to see what you're interested in. If you go into a site already knowing what you're interested in, then... ::shruggie:: Sucks to suck, Algorithm.
All of that said, yes -- community is definitely an aspect of Web 1.0 that feels like it's missing, or very hard to find, on Tumblr. I know a lot of people are finding great fannish communities on Discord these days, but I am elderly and don't know how to find Discord communities in the first place and also I'm painfully shy, so. I just Tumbl.
But I think that the loss of a sense of community is also part and parcel of Web 2.0, from the formats of websites to their function. It was easier, in Ye Olde Days, to feel connected to other people who found your fandom online because... not everyone WAS online. There was a sense that if you loved a thing enough to find your way to a fansite, or to LJ, or whatever, that was already taking the first step towards opening yourself up to friendship. Now, with social media and with smartphones and whatever else, literally everyone is online all day long. It isn't already a little club of nerds, yk?
I don't know. The internet as a whole has changed its shape and scope so much in the last ten years, let alone the last 20, that it's a whole different arena than it used to be. I don't really have any solutions or suggestions. Maybe once we get our Patreon up and running or something we'll start a TWIFH discord that people can join and make friends on.
But all of that is to say --
tl;dr, Fandom itself is antithetical to "social media" sites, and it needs blogging sites like Tumblr or LiveJournal or hand-coded HTML fansites to BE ABLE to exist. /opinion
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just gonna go through the @staff update post.
"Tumblr is not easy to use"
Create a tutorial for new accounts, or an official, up-to-date, easy-to-find FAQ and guidelines. Both would be good.
"Historically, we have expected users to curate their feeds and lean into curating their experience. But this expectation introduces friction to the user experience and only serves a small portion of our audience."
Nearly everyone using Tumblr for the longest time had been praising the site's commitment to user-curated feeds as one of its advantages over other social media sites. Listen to them. Listen to your users. They are not just "a small portion". Do not repeat Coke trying to taste more like Pepsi.
"For example, users from search engines often land on pages within the blog network and blog view—where there isn’t much of a reason to sign up. "
Highlight the site's customization ability - Tumblr is one of the few remaining sites that allow this level of customization - and encourage your users to use it, so that logged-out visitors can be enticed to join in.
"Improving Tumblr’s search engine optimization (SEO) practices to be in line with industry standards."
That will probably also improve user experience and increase user activity, so it's good for everyone.
"We need to ensure the highest quality user experience by presenting fresh and relevant content tailored to the user’s diverse interests during each session. If the user has a bad content experience, the fault lies with the product."
Listen - Tumblr is great exactly because it shows me only the things I decided I want on my dash. It is great even if I'm getting bad content, because that means it is within my power to remove that bad content from my Tumblr experience.
Again, no one wants algorithm-determined content. We want 'better' content in the form of images actually loading and being easy to zoom in, videos loading in and being easy to pause and seek, minimal format fuck ups, and not losing our place in the dashboard scroll.
I understand wanting to show relevant interests to new NEW users (saw a few people complain that there's nothing on Tumblr, not knowing you have to fill the feed by yourself) but we'll probably better off by letting the users select interests from a broad variety of topics, and then recommending posts and blogs based on their choices.
"Make it easier for users to follow the various conversation paths within a reblog thread."
This is good! I think this will actually improve discussion somewhat, and prevent OP from repeatedly receiving the Same Points when they've already addressed it in a different reblog chain.
"Explore the feasibility of removing duplicate reblogs within a user’s Following feed. "
There are people who view this as a feature - so might be better to give people the option of collapsing them, instead of removing it for everyone.
"However, we haven’t always had a consistent and coordinated effort around retaining, nurturing, and growing our creator base.  "
Improve the search and tagged functions of the site. Focus on the development of multiple dashboards - so we can group our interests, especially those from slow updating blogs. Focus on the development of followed tags, because I swear to the gods above and below, it does NOT update properly. The followed tag dashboard usually tells me the most recent post was one week ago, when in fact more than 10 posts had been created over that time. Remove that weird feature where posts with links do not show up in either reblogs or search or tags - plenty of artists like to link to their other accounts or personal sites in their post.
"Build mechanisms to protect creators from being spammed by notifications when they go viral."
This is a good thing lol I only had the misfortune of having my dashboard unusable (2010s) / having my activities unusable (2015s) like thrice and. Never again.
"Push notifications and emails are essential tools to increase user engagement, improve user retention, and facilitate content discovery."
This could be good opt-in feature, especially if we get to choose which blogs it applies to. Slow-updating blogs often get lost in the dash. But again, this is only good if it's a feature people can choose to use, and not use. I think a lot of people want to separate their e-mails from their social medias, or have a hard boundary between Tumblr time and Other Things time. This is also something a multi-dashboard feature / better tag-tracking can easily solve.
"Our messages should keep users in the know on the latest activity in their community, as well as keeping Tumblr top of mind as the place to go for witty takes and remixes of the latest shows and real-life events."
Send emails when a user has push notifications switched off.
Again, NO.
If someone has their push notifications off they likely just straight out do not want to ANY notifications about it, especially e-mails, which are typically already clogged to begin with.
I am begging you guys to actually listen to your user base.
Principle 6 atm is the only point I have no issues with.
"You deserve a digital home that works for you."
Then do not focus on algorithm-determined feeds. Let your users build their own homes. Provide them with the tools to do so.
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captainvegas · 2 years
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lightsintheskye · 4 years
Tumblr media
Ahhh I have a lot of messages in my inbox right now (over like ...2000; ) but this one just jumped out at me from yesterday and I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’m sorry if this is a long long response (l’ll screenshot it as a textpost so it doesn’t clog someones feed) but I just, with how hypercritical social media makes us about ourselves and others its important to acknowledge bullying and how exposed we are to it. If anyone reading this is also struggling with this topic right now please read below. Remember I’m not a licensed therapist but I’ve had a lot of experience with bullying so read below if you like-
For the most part, the big two are finding a positive support network and focusing on things that make me happy. I’m not unscathed, I have clinically diagnosed MDD, Anxiety, and PSTD, but I’ve learned to manage these things. If you need to take a break from social media, do it- do your best to be your own curator of positivity. If social media is one of your few solaces, create a special account for yourself that just follows what you love. Remember that YOU are the one in control of your social media feed and are responsible for what you see.
1. Support Network:
Find a group that you can trust, and do you best to talk about your feelings and experiences in a constructive way(see no 5). That being said respect your support network, always ask if it’s ok to vent to them and don’t treat others as emotional dumping grounds. I know trusting people is incredibly hard, I still struggle with it (my own support network is literally two people but I also practice a lot of behavioral therapy since a lot of medications unfortunately don’t work for me) but you can not go through life second guessing every action (fuck you, anxiety). If your situation is such that you don’t think you have friends you can talk to, your college might have a therapist you can talk to for free. There are also online sites and hotlines that offer the same free services. Sometimes it takes a few therapists to find one that works for you, but sometimes its easier to talk to a friend rather a stranger- and therapy might not always be available to everyone. Google is your friend for finding constructive options.I know it’s hypocritical since this is a tumblr post, but do research on your own from reputable sites and sources for healthy coping.
2. Don’t bottle it up: I used to be incredibly quiet about any sort of stress or bullying I received in the past. I used to lie about never being bullied or harassed after middle school, but the only person that ended up hurting is myself. I don’t think I’ll ever be perfectly fine, but talking about it helps more than you think. I’m not saying to blast it out to everyone exactly how you’re feeling 24/7 but take time to trade woes with a close friend every week or so. Just don’t forget to celebrate the good when and where you can- this world has so much that makes it suck, but there’s also a lot that we can enjoy- too.
3. Bullies seriously suck, but don’t become one:
In my experience, very few bullies ‘grow up’ if they’re still bullying people in college, they just kinda get better at hiding it. This usually manifests behind passive aggressive comments, and or just talking behind someones back and hiding behind a screen to say things. Even in grad school I’ve witnessed "adults” being shitty to each other twitter, on insta, on discord, on tumblr, on A03- you name it. Bullies can come from anywhere, and be anyone, and bully for any reason. People who were bullied sometimes become bullies themselves in a way to gain back sense of power- but their own abuse doesn’t make abusing others right. In the past I’ve had comments and emails telling me everything from childish bullying to literally telling me to kill myself. Negative comments about my appearance, the way I talk, the way I draw, my hobbies,my choice of schooling (which ??????),  harassment about my choice of friends and the people I associate myself with. People who seek negativity will find any reason to slight another. But know that harassment is harassment regardless of why, so even if you’re angry bullying someone back really wont change much. I can think of nothing more toxic than willingly engaging with your bullies in order to find ways to ‘get back’ at them. The beauty of being online is that you can just leave a site, hit a block button, and even make a new name for yourself. Do your best to limit interaction with them. Do not put yourself in situations that involve them. Do not cyber stalk them (yes, repeatedly checking their tumblr/fb/instagram to criticize and mock their every post, or find every person they talk to “whistle-blow” on them is a form of defamation of character and cyber-stalking). Doing this will only invite negative emotions and make you start to hyper fixate. It’s an easy two way street that will invite people to do the same to you- and unless you’re the next coming of Christ someone will inevitably find out something negative about you. Do not hold people to standards that you yourself cannot achieve. You may be more morally inclined than your bully but no one one is perfect. You will never be able to please everyone. It is not your job to do so. 
4. Report, Put Away, Ignore: If these people are saying things to you that can be documented and reported to your school (assuming these are classmates that you can prove have done things) then take a screenshot if possible and report it. It’s a gamble to have anything done about it, some schools are shit about bullying, but some schools aren’t. Recently in my case, in grad school there was a bullying incident and we were incredibly afraid of what the bullies would do if they found out who exactly reported them, but thankfully I had friends help us report it- so multiple reports from anonymous sources made it hard for them to pin point it was someone finally standing up. Some colleges will take defamation of character (which, as an adult, is really what a lot of bullying is) very seriously and amazingly- that bully completely changed. I would not call them a friend, but for now their apology seems sincere and they’ve worked towards being a better person. So, if you choose to report it, after reporting, put that shit away and don’t keep looking at it, find a way to make it really hard to look at over and over. Put it in a folder within a folder within seven folders if you have to BECAUSE- 5. You HAVE to work towards moving ON or it will consume you.
Way, way easier said than done. I’m not saying so much ‘be the better person’ as to just ...seriously remove yourself from that shit as fast as you can. You owe nothing to the people that hurt you, but giving them more of your time over and over if you have the option not to is only going to end in you getting angrier or more upset yourself. The first time something hurts you, put a warning label on it, if it continues to hurt you, do not engage.
The internet can be so toxic- a lot of bullying is masked as “call-out culture” from minor things that happened years ago, it validates the worst forms of “coping” possible. It creates such a bad system of alarm fatigue for when real issues are happening, and creates a hive mind of abuse and hyper criticism where everyone is looking for the next target. There’s an extreme difference if a “bully” disagrees with your favorite ship or show and harasses you about it, or if someone is literally harassing you as an individual by telling you to self harm or worse. Treat your emotional scars like an actual wound; if you keep picking at it and ripping off the band aid to see if its still there its never going to heal. The scars might still be there and will still be visible on some days, but you’ll no longer be bleeding at the slightest brush. Learn to grow, learn to let others grow. Learn to trust again, and learn to try and be happy with who you are and who your friends are as you know them.  A big reason why I stepped away form the internet is that I found myself looking to validation in terms of popularity. And when i finally had it- I realized how toxic it ended up being for my health. I’d spend hours just to make a comic even at the cost of sleep or food, and 100 positive comments couldn’t stop my brain from fixating on ten that were negative or downright harassment. Even as I step back on the internet, I’m doing it from a much better place internally. It’s so so important not to get lost in numbers and online “validation.” Please just know eventually things will get better, and those that matter will stick around to be there to see your growth. People will always find something to give you shit about, but only you can determine how much it affects you. Recognize your emotions, process them, and take responsibility for them. Let your self-worth be determined by your own actions and words, not the actions or words of others.
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crafxstudio · 4 years
The 6 Best Social Media Platforms For Your Business in 2021
Some of the best social media platforms for business, like Facebook and Instagram, have become essential tools in the modern marketer’s toolbox.
More and more consumers are using these channels to find new companies and engage with their favourite brands. However, most companies can’t be everywhere at once, especially small businesses with tight marketing budgets. That’s why it’s vital for businesses to be strategic about which social media platforms they work to build a presence on.
The key to successful social media marketing will be choosing the best social media platform for your business. This is based on a number of factors, including the type of business you have, what audience you are trying to reach, your specific goals, and much more.
Below, we’ve put together a quick and simple guide to choosing the best social media for business in the new year.
1. Facebook
2. Instagram
3. LinkedIn
4. Twitter
5. Pinterest
6. YouTube
How to Choose the Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business
Before we start listing the best social media platforms, it is important that you know we curate such content often connect with us for more!
Here are the 3 biggest things you need to keep in mind.
#1 Choose Social Media Platforms Where Your Audience is Located
In order to choose the best social media platforms for your business, you need to understand your customers. Specifically, you need to understand who they are and how they spend their time online.
Ask yourself:
• What social media platforms are they using?
• Why are they using those social media platforms?
• How do they prefer to receive information about your type of products and services?
If you do not already know this, then we recommend mapping out a customer avatar first.
A customer avatar is simply an outline of your customer demographics, goals, preferences, challenges, and other psychographics.
The more you understand your customer, the better you can select the best social media platforms to reach and engage them.
#2 Choose Social Media Platforms That are Specific to Your Content Type
There are two types of content – macro content and micro content.
Macro-content is BIG-picture, long-form content. The 3 different types of macro content consists of Video, Audio, and Written content.
Therefore, if you have macro content, the best social media platforms to publish that content would be YouTube for video content, Apple Podcasts for Audio, and WordPress for long-form blog content.
Micro-content, on the other hand, is short-form, easy to digest content. Think of micro-content like the pictures you find on your Instagram feeds while you’re scrolling, or short witty tweets on Twitter.
Now, there are several different types of micro-content social media channels, like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and so on.
So, in order to choose the best social media platforms for your business, you need to pick the ones where your audience is located.
Also, when it comes to Macro vs Micro content, you should keep in mind that Macro content has a much longer shelf-life than Micro content.
For example, a single blog post that we published has been generating 300-400 views per day at LYFE Marketing.
If people continued to search for that all year, that single blog post would drive over 100,000 views in 1-year’s time.
Whereas a single Instagram post would be here today and gone and forgotten tomorrow. But at the same time, this content is much easier to create and push-out on a consistent basis.
So keep this in mind as your choose which social media platforms you want to specialize in.
#3 Limit the Number of Social Media Platforms You Choose to be On
Don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to be on every single social media platform that exists.
Each social media platform is like an art. You should master the art of 1-2 social media platforms before you consider adding more to your strategy.
It’s not necessary to be on every platform in the world. Facebook has 2 billion users. Instagram has 1 billion users. If you can do just one of these platforms very well, then you can have astronomical business results.
It takes a lot of work and money to develop a successful presence on these social media platforms. It’s not as simple as setting up a profile and pressing “publish” on a post.
No, in most cases, you will need to set aside some money to promote your content. In addition, you’ll need to review the analytics to determine if your content is effective or not.
So in short, as a small business with a limited budget, put all of your eggs in 1 or 2 baskets max to start. Then, consider expanding into other channels.
Alright, so that’s the criteria you need to keep in mind as you select the best social media platforms for your business.
Now, let’s go over some specific platforms to help you choose the best platforms for your business.
Here are the Best Social Media Platforms for Business
Platform #1: Facebook
Facebook is not the newest and coolest social media platform.
But the fact is that it is still the largest social media platform by far in terms of users.
It has over 2 billion monthly active users!
To know more about this in depth join our page!
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3/4 of Facebook users visit the site on a daily basis. Half of Facebook users visit the site several times per day.
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Oh and if you thought teenagers aren’t using Facebook, think again. Over half of teenagers use Facebook. And nearly half of people above the age 46 use Facebook!
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A better question would be, who doesn’t use Facebook?
Here’s a counterargument we hear a lot from our clients.
“I am targeting a high-income, highly educated, professional affluent audience. I don’t want to advertise on Facebook. How about LinkedIn?”
Well here’s the truth – According to Pew Research, 74% of people who have college degrees and are making above $75,000 per year have Facebook accounts. Only 49% of people making over $75,000 per year have LinkedIn accounts.
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, .
Best Features for Your Business
In addition to providing you the ability to connect with a great number of people from diverse backgrounds, there are a few unique features that Facebook can offer your business. What makes Facebook one of the best social media platforms for business is its digital advertising program . With Facebook ads, you are able to target those who are most likely willing and ready to purchase your products or services. This ensures that your business gets your ad content in front of the right users at the right time.
Another reason why Facebook is one of the best social media platforms for business is their e-commerce integration. Facebook makes it easy for users to purchase from your company through the social media platform. Making a purchase is as easy as clicking one button. Now that Facebook has allowed brands to interact with customers through Facebook, you can also provide shipping updates and other order notifications through the Facebook platform as well!
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Here you can see just how easy it is for users to shop on Facebook, save items they are interested in, and head straight to the company’s website to make a final purchase.
Platform #2: Instagram
Instagram is another platform that feels like it’s non-negotiable.
Maybe it’s because it’s owned by Facebook, or maybe it’s because it also has another 1 billion users.
To determine if Instagram will be one of the best social media platforms for your business, let’s look at the demographics.
If you’re targeting a younger demographic, Instagram will be great for you.
72% of all teenagers use Instagram and 67% of all young adults under the age of 30 use Instagram.
You will also find about half of the people under the age of 50 years old on Instagram, and even a quarter of people between the ages of 50-65 on Instagram.
Because of the younger demographic of Instagram users, there are fewer users with college education and high income compared to Facebook.
Only 43% of people with college degrees use Instagram, and only 42% of high-income earners use Instagram on a daily basis.
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Because of the younger demographic of Instagram users, there are fewer users with college education and high income compared to Facebook.
Only 43% of people with college degrees use Instagram, and only 42% of high-income earners use Instagram on a daily basis.
Because of this, some professionals believe that while Instagram is an exciting platform, you will often find yourself competing for “cheap attention”.
Basically, people are mindlessly scrolling on Instagram and in order to be successful, you’re going to have to be very engaging to capture people’s attention.
Ultimately, Instagram is a great platform to reach consumers at large, but it may not contain the most sophisticated audience for specific industries, like engineering or information technology, for example.
Best Features for Your Business
Instagram’s unique social media platform can provide some powerful benefits for your business. One of the best benefits of Instagram is that it allows you to tell your brand’s story with unique and engaging visual content. Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram is heavily focused on visuals, both images and video. No matter what industry your company is in, you can use Instagram to showcase your products and tell your brand story in a way that’s visually appealing.
One interesting feature that can be useful is Instagram stories. With Instagram stories, you can take live video and share it with all of your followers. With this feature, you can easily provide behind-the-scenes footage of your business and share important news and updates with your followers.
Like Facebook, Instagram also allows you to message users directly. This can be a great tool for customer service. For instance, if a consumer finds you on Instagram and has a question about your products or services, they no longer have to navigate to your website or pick up the phone to ask. Instead, they can direct message you through Instagram, which allows you to answer questions and address concerns instantly. If this excites you, Instagram may be your best social media platform for business.
Platform #3: LinkedIn
LinkedIn got its start as a business and employment-based social media platform.
It’s full of professionals across a wide-spectrum of industries, especially B2B companies.
LinkedIn currently boasts just over 300 million users are active on a monthly basis.
So, in terms of audience size, it’s 4x smaller than Facebook, and 2x smaller than Instagram.
However, this fact is actually correlated with a major strength behind LinkedIn – it’s news feed.
Because LinkedIn’s newsfeed is not as competitive as other giants like Facebook and Instagram, businesses are able to reach more of their connections and followers without paying for advertisements.
For context here, because Facebook and Instagram news feeds are so crowded, they rely on specific algorithms and rules to determine if they will actually show your content to your followers.
I know, crazy right? I mean, you’d think that people who chose to follow you would automatically see your content. But no, it simply increases their chances of seeing your content on those platforms.
Anyway, the cool thing about LinkedIn is that it is not as stingy with its news feed. Not yet anyway. Which provides businesses and professionals an opportunity to build massive awareness and engagement on their platform.
Now regarding LinkedIn’s demographics, here are some noteworthy things.
LinkedIn is mostly used by professionals between the ages of 30-49 years of age. However, about a quarter of professionals above the age of 18-29, which I’d really say 22-29 use LinkedIn. As well as another quarter of people between the ages of 50-64 that use LinkedIn on a daily basis.
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As mentioned earlier, LinkedIn does have a high-income audience. About half of people making over $75,000/year use LinkedIn on a regular basis.
In addition, about half of people with college degrees use LinkedIn on a regular basis, probably searching for their next job opportunity or seeking to consume professional content.
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Best Features for Your Business
One of the best qualities of LinkedIn is that audiences on this social media platform are business-minded. This means that they are often open to networking opportunities and hearing about ways to improve the way they work or make their job easier. This provides an excellent opportunity for B2B brands that would like to connect with business decision-makers across different industries.
Another feature that makes LinkedIn one of the best social media platforms are the digital advertising opportunities. Though digital ads on LinkedIn may be more expensive than ads on Facebook, this ad opportunity allows B2B brands to reach individuals from the specific industries that they are targeting. Similarly, LinkedIn allows you to deliver ad content to those with the job roles that are involved with making purchasing decisions related to a company’s B2B offering.
LinkedIn also has groups that users can join and participate in based on their industry, job function, or career interests. This provides an excellent opportunity for brands to drive real engagement with influencers and decision makers across different industries.
Ultimately, if you serve businesses or professionals, then Linkedin Marketing should definitely be in the running as a top-contender for social media platforms to choose for your business.
Platform #4: Twitter
With an average of about 330 million active Twitter users worldwide, this channel is yet another one of the best social media platforms.
Twitter is a real-time social media platform. It’s like sending text messages to the whole world.
And it’s one of the only social media platforms where you don’t necessarily have to a bunch of videos or photos to stand-out.
Tweets can be up to 280 characters, which allows you the ability to craft a short, sharp, and concise message.
And because it’s limited in characters, it forces you to be creative with what you have to actually say.
So what are the hard stats on Twitter? Here they are:
Twitter has over 330 million active users, so about the same as LinkedIn and once again nowhere near Facebook and Instagram.
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In terms of age, Twitter’s biggest demographic consists of people between the ages of 18-29. 38% of people in their category actively use Twitter, and surprisingly 32% of all teenagers use Twitter as well. You can also find about 26% of its users between the ages of 30-49.
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In terms of income and education, Twitter is not the highest on our list here. Only 32% of high-earners use Twitter regularly, and likewise, only 32% of people with college degrees use Twitter regularly.
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Best Features for Your Business
When it comes to Twitter, there are a few valuable features that may help it qualify to be one of the best social media platforms for business. Brands can use Twitter to reach and engage their audience. Hashtags allow you to follow and participate in conversations about trending topics in your industry. You can use hashtags to reach new audiences who might be interested in your content. Your brand can also take advantage of topics that are trending to expand your reach.
Twitter also offers advertising opportunities for companies that want to deliver digital ads to their target customers on the social media platform. They have multiple options for ad formats, depending on your unique digital advertising goals. You can promote your account, which will show up in the left column or promote a tweet from your brand, which will appear in the user’s Twitter feed. There is also the option to promote a certain trend that your company may be using to start a conversation among target users.
It’s also worth noting that Twitter is well-known for its search engine. Twitter’s search engine gets over 2 billion search queries per day, which may also help your demographic find your business while it’s searching for specific keywords and content.
Platform #5: Pinterest
Pinterest is a great social media platform with major search engine capabilities.
Most people use Pinterest to find inspiration or helpful content. For example, if you wanted to try a new cooking recipe, you could jump use Pinterest to find a food you’re interested in cooking.
While this is just an example, it’s really how most people use Pinterest. Pinterest is full of home decor, fashion, food, and most importantly, shopping.
Now, here are the stats.
Pinterest has over 322 million monthly active users.
And here’s a new stat we haven’t talked about on gender. Pinterest is mostly used by woman. In fact, there are 3x more women on Pinterest than men.
This shouldn’t concern you if your business fits. When it comes to purchasing decisions around fashion, home decor, and so on, women are the normally the predominant decision makers.
This is backed by the high-income profile that Pinterest has. 41% of people with high incomes use Pinterest on a regular basis.
And 38% of people with college degrees use Pinterest as well.
So if your business primarily targets consumers, especially women, then Pinterest is a hard platform to avoid.
Best Features for Your Business
One of the greatest aspects of Pinterest is that it has a significant reach among women across different demographics, including age, income, education level, and location.
This makes it the perfect platform for any brand with products or services that are targeting women. The image-focus of the platform also makes it ideal for brands in the fashion, home décor, art, food, or fitness industries.
The Pinterest Buy Button makes it easier than ever to sell products directly from your Pinterest page. Users can now conveniently search and pin products on Pinterest, and then, with the click of a button, they can add their favourite items to their shopping bag. This feature makes Pinterest another way for brands to gain visibility and increase sales.
Platform #6: YouTube
Last but not least, YouTube.
YouTube is arguably the best social media platform that exists.
For one, over 1.9 billion people use YouTube on a regular basis. This puts YouTube above Instagram and almost eye-to-eye with Facebook in terms of usage.
But not only is YouTube widely used, but it is also the 2nd largest search engine behind no other than Google.
So not only do you have the ability to reach a broad audience, but you are also able to reach people searching for you.
If we add all of this to the simple fact that video is the most preferred type of media amongst consumers, then YouTube becomes even harder to avoid.
So we have…
• Roughly 2 billion people use YouTube
• You can reach people searching for your content
• Video is the most preferred media format today
Then, what could possibly be wrong with YouTube?
Well, nothing is fundamentally wrong with it. But it takes a ton of work to get it work.
Not only do you need content, but you need an entire video setup with a camera, lighting, microphones and video editing.
YouTube is very effective, but production can be quite expensive if you want to stand out.
With that said, let’s look at some YouTube stats.
In terms of age, people of all ages use YouTube. 85% of teenagers and even 38% of people over the age of 65.
In terms of income, YouTube is heavily used by high-income search engine optimization individuals. 83% of people earning over $75K a year use YouTube regularly.
The same is true for education. 80% of people with college degrees use YouTube.
So in terms of the benefits of YouTube, is arguably the best social media platform for businesses. However, again, there is an astronomical amount of work involved to produce video after to video in order to be successful.
Best Features for Your Business
Perhaps the greatest perk of YouTube is that it allows brands to access an unlimited amount of video hosting. This makes it an affordable way for businesses to publish video content that can drive more engagement and influence conversions. YouTube content can also be easily integrated onto your website or shared on other social media platforms for greater reach.
Not only does YouTube allow you to reach a wide audience of viewers across the globe, but it can also help with your The content that you post on your brand’s YouTube channel is searchable in both YouTube and Google.
That means that Google may just serve your Youtube video content in its search engine results page for keywords that you are trying to target. Remember, it’s important to make sure that your Youtube videos are optimized if you want to get the most out of this helpful feature.
Need Help with Your Social Media Marketing?
Still not sure which channels are the best social media platforms for your business? That’s where we come in. Our social media knows just what it takes to help you grow your brand online. Through our social media we will help you plan and implement a social media management strategy that allows you to develop your brand awareness, build relationships, and increase website exposure through the social media that are right for your business.
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status200us · 4 years
What is a Bot? Advantages of a Web Scraper & Crawler?
What is a Bot?
A bot is a software application that is programmed to perform a specific task. The bot is automated. That is, it will follow the instructions without the need for a human user to launch the bot. Bots often mimic or replace the behavior of human users. They usually perform repetitive tasks and are much faster than human users.
Bots typically operate over the network. More than half of Internet traffic is bots that scan content, interact with web pages, chat with users, or search for targets. Some bots are useful, such as search engine bots that index content for search and customer service bots that assist users. Other bots are "bad" and are programmed to break into user accounts, scan the web for contact information to send spam, and perform other malicious activities. I will. If you are connected to the Internet, your bot will have an IP address associated with it.
The bot looks like this:
A bot that simulates human conversation by responding to a specific phrase in a programmed response.
Web Crawler (Google Bot):
A bot that scans the content of web pages across the Internet
Social bots:
bots that run on social media platforms
Malicious bots:
bots that scrape content, spread spam content, or perform credential stuffing attacks.
Web Scraper & Crawler:
Without web scraping, the internet you know wouldn't really exist. This is because Google and other major search engines rely on advanced web scrapers to retrieve the content they index. These tools enable search engines.
Of course, crawl software is used in many other applications. This includes extracting articles from websites that curate content, extracting business listings for companies that build a database of leads, and various types of data extraction, sometimes referred to as data mining. For example, one of the common and sometimes controversial uses of web scrapers is to reduce airline prices and publish them on airfare comparison sites.
An example of the power of web scraping
Some criticize certain uses of scraping software, but they are neither good nor bad in nature. Still, this technology is very powerful and influential. One of the most frequently cited examples is the accidental leak of Twitter revenue by NASDAQ in early 2015. A web crawler found the leak and posted the information on Twitter by 3 pm.
The company intended to post a press release after the market closed that day, but unfortunately, Twitter's share price had fallen 18% by the end of the day. NASDAQ, an organization that accidentally published data, admitted that it was a mistake to publish this information early. Companies that used website scraping software did not violate any conditions by scraping publicly available data.
Typical web crawling software issues
There is no doubt that web scrapers can be a powerful business tool. However, common web crawl software is very difficult to maintain and can cause problems. These are some traditional scraping and extraction tools and user problems.
RSS Scrapers:
These are usually the easiest to program and maintain. The problem is that many feeds contain only a small sample of information from the page. This solution often fails when a site moves a feed, stops updating, or updates the feed infrequently.
HTML parser:
The problem is that they rely on pages that maintain the same format. Every time the website layout changes, whether it's A / B testing or redesigning, the scraper fails and needs to be manually reprogrammed.
In other words, old-fashioned web scrapers rely on programming and rules. Best of all, they rely on the assumption that Internet files remain static. This assumption is inherently dangerous because the Internet is so dynamic. When a scraper fails, it causes downtime and requires costly and time-consuming maintenance.
Crawlbot-Alternative Web Crawler and Scraper
After wrestling with a typical internet crawler, many companies come to Diffbot for faster, more reliable, and easier solutions. Crawlbot provides a smarter solution for the dynamic and extensible web. Users don't have to worry about the structure of the site, nor do they need to specify rules using CSS selectors or XPath. This data extraction technology provides a set of tools for automatically extracting web content as structured data, either through the UI or programmatically. This tool can crawl millions of different URLs incredibly fast.
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Hey I’ve been watching your GR replies and I have a genuine question from someone who has never engaged with fandom in that space: What is the benefit of using GR as a place to store and review fic? Or linking to fic there rather than curating bookmarks on AO3? I keep seeing people say they don’t want stuff there, but why do others want to add things there? What is the piece I’m missing? I’m legit curious.
DW: Honestly, probably not much now since so many fics were removed. 
But basically, it was like the bookmarks on AO3 but better, because you could sort by author name, or by tags you input yourself on your bookshelf, or by your reviews (which could be kept private if you liked) or your ratings (which were also private if your review was). You could keep your bookshelf private, or share it with your friends. 
You kept track of fics you had read, fics you wanted to read, fics you were saving up to buddy read and anyone could join in with you. 
You could also share your reviews publicly if you wished, and if you were friends with a lot of fandom people, you’d get fic recs and reviews in your timeline, so you could check those out too, and discover more fics. 
You could even nominate the fics you loved for “best Sterek fic of 2014″ or whatever, and add it to lists of Sterek fics, or TW fics, or general fandom lists that were based on tropes. 
The value in collating the fics you loved on GR was in sharing them with your friends and fellow fans, but that’s largely vanished now because so many fics have been taken off GR – also removing them from bookshelves and lists, and removing their reviews and the sometimes hundreds or even thousands of comments in the discussions afterwards. 
In its heyday, you’d get a whole bunch of new fic recs every day right there on your feed, and you could see at a glance which of your friends had read it and loved it too, so you’d have a pretty good idea about whether or not it was your cup of tea. You didn’t have to search out fics, or ask for recs, because they were already coming thick and fast as a whole bunch of people shared the fics they loved. 
That all got shut down when fics were pulled from GR. 
The GR fandom groups are more like Discord these days. There are conversation threads where fics are mentioned, but no more public links and no more entering them on bookshelves, because they no longer have GR entries. 
The GR lists for people’s favourite fanfics used to be huge–but now you won’t find a lot of the “popular” fics there because authors had them pulled from the site. 
GR is a fanfic ghost town now compared to what it was like. New readers would find it very difficult to find their way to new fics now, because everything has gone underground into private, hidden groups. 
TLDR: Like the AO3 bookmarks, but 100% better and easier to rec and find recs.
Seriously, go and join and try it for a while with regular books, and then imagine how great it was for fics. 
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babystorekidsshop · 2 years
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When you have a newborn it can seem like your lifestyles is full of latest selections to make. From breastfeeding to choosing baby soaps you just want the exceptional to your little package deal of pleasure. A little cautious studies and the use of legit resources — sponsored through your pediatrician’s advice — allow you to confidently pick out secure toddler products. The Coronavirus pandemic brought with it numerous headaches. From keeping off stepping out of the residence to nervously sanitizing your palms, the state of affairs has been a as a substitute tricky one for maximum of us. And things are glaringly 10 times more hard if you have a younger child at home. Given the no longer so normal supply of commodities and the regular crippling worry of ways safe it's far to truely step out, it’s herbal for a young mother to be confronted with the catch 22 situation of whether or not she ought to exit and buy that product or simply do with out it, for the time being. So, in case you’re additionally one of these moms, be anxious now not, for we’ve in particular curated a list so as to store those baby products from while sitting within the comfort of your home with out setting the toddler or yourselves at hazard by means of going out!
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amistytown · 2 years
tbh, as much as I'm very "of course I'll be a nuisance on my own blog," I still get days where I feel as though everything is a lie and there's no point to me being online or talking about anything or my oc or trying to socialize when I'm dogshit at keeping up with people, and those times I get the strongest urge to delete my blog too. I've come close a couple times, and while sometimes I'm able to distract myself from thinking about it with stay off the site a bit, I find that... the most helpful thing for me is to remind myself that there are people who really do seem to enjoy my presence?
And while it's very easy to give in to the voices that tell you that you're annoying, unwanted, and that everyone could be lying to you about how much they like you, idk it just seems like the evidence points to no, you're not nearly as bad as you think you are. This is my thought process:
If I really were as unbearable as my mind makes me think I am, then more than half the people I'm mutuals with would've either unfollowed me or blocked me straight up already. They're not lying to me about liking me because that's just so much effort on their end when again, it really would just be easier to be rid of me. If I were unwanted, they'd have curated their feeds to where I am no longer around for them to be annoyed at. We're on Tumblr for a good time, why would anyone put themselves through the hassle of faking liking someone? This isn't Twitter lmao (and if people here are faking, well. That's on them. It's much more convenient to just block someone. What are you hate-following someone for?)
And even then, there's considering the fact that the people who do find that they don't enjoy my presence have already done something to filter me out. The people still around want me around. Perhaps it's on some level parasocial, but it's not as if we're random fans in someone's comment section having one way conversations; there's actual dialogue, a sharing of experiences on and one-to-one level. Internet friendships really are a Thing.
I think taking certain things into perspective helps as well. Simply knowing that the feeling comes and goes helps remind me that the feeling does come and it will go. And it reminds me to ask myself; if I delete my blog and cut myself off from the things I enjoy here, how much will I regret it once the feeling has passed? Would it be better for me in the long run to not have this outlet for sharing my experiences and finding others who enjoy the same things I do?
Which will sometimes bring up the question of "perhaps I should delete my blog for my better health?" and you know what? That's fair! If you really think you need to cut yourself off from it, then sure. In the end, it's still a blog and you can easily remake. (Or you can just leave it inactive and delete the app, that way if you ever change your mind, everything is still here)
I know I'm like, annoying when completely unfiltered lmao but another thing I think to myself is that there is are whole communities of people here who are fucking unbearable and whose ideals and content actively harm others, and I think they should all delete themselves off the internet but they're still here.
If TERFs, transphobes, racists, and all the like get to freely have their presence on here (and even actively intrude upon others' spaces to spread their agenda), why can't you? When you're literally just here enjoying your blorbos with your friends?
You've got every right to be here and have a good time.
But yeah. Tl;dr I kind of try to ground myself in some way by considering the external since like, I get the impulse to delete blog at least once a week yet I know it's an intrusive, unwanted thought. Hope some of this helps even just a little; I like having you around. We can be annoying together <3
That's exactly how I feel! You described everything really well, and I'm sorry you have those thoughts and feelings too. They can be difficult to deal with. Though a part of me is relieved I'm not alone lol. I think there are a lot of people who share our worries, but don't want to voice them because they're afraid to. I love reassuring and comforting others when they need it; your feelings are completely valid, and you shouldn't be ashamed of them. I know I enjoy you and your blog, and Tumblr wouldn't be the same without you!
Yeah, sometimes my mind goes to a place where it convinces me I don't matter to people or I'm a burden. I've been better at controlling those feelings, but my therapy session seemed to make me relive some of my darkest moments, and I felt very anxious and dissociated after. Maybe it's something I should mention to her, but I imagine talking about those memories becomes easier over time. I'm feeling a bit better today after getting out of the house at least. I hope you're doing well!
I really like your thought process, and I'll have to practice changing my way of thinking when I spiral. It's crazy how your own mind can pit you against yourself! I know I'd regret deleting my blog because it brings me more happiness than anything. My anxieties seem to seep into everything when I get in that frame of mind, but I need to stay positive and think things out logically. And this definitely helped and put things in perspective. I really appreciate you reaching out and being supportive! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here ♥
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