#that is all. i can't wait to see where the story goes from here
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accirax · 2 years ago
Nene’s Role in Wonderlands x Showtime
The release of The Miniature Garden’s Coral seems to have confirmed some things I’ve recently speculated might transpire in future Wonderlands x Showtime events-- namely regarding Nene and how she may actually be the most important member of the troupe-- so, let’s talk about them! I’ll be using zui’s lyrics video for my translations, so hopefully they’re accurate.
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With the past couple of WxS events in mind, it’s easy to see that this 3DMV is also about endings. While the MV begins in a sunny blue afternoon light...
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...the characters and set eventually bask in a beautiful sunset orange, signaling the end of the day. The lyrics even mention being “between the end of the blue sky and the beginning of the night sky,” further emphasizing that we’re in the middle of the story. When the sky is blue, the troupe expresses uncertainty: Rui mentions that he feels lost, and Tsukasa, scared. But eventually, Nene admits that, in this beginning period, she was “spoiled by the sound of the waves,” AKA that the commotion surrounding WxS’s formation led to a troupe that became a source of comfort for all of them.
Once the sun sets, there are a lot of “even ifs.” Nene sings about how she’ll continue to sing this song, even if things are starting to look unsteady and she’s not sure if she should proceed. However, by the end of the song, she resolves to "still sing this song” while keeping up a smile.
I think that the fact that Nene says she will sing this song is incredibly important, because, as established, this song is about endings. Meanwhile, back in Mr. Showtime, Tsukasa firmly didn’t want WxS to end, and was holding out until closing time. Rui’s What Sort of Ending Are You Wishing For? and Emu’s Starry Sky Orchestra seemingly both acknowledge an ending as well, but it’s not at all easy. Rui seems to fall into a resigned depression at the thought, keeping a whimsical facade up when the very thought of separating kills him inside. The thought haunts him, MV riddled with hourglasses that he can’t get out of his head. Emu can only tolerate taking the first step towards a breakup with tooth-rottingly sugarcoated promises of eternal togetherness and literally holding hands as they go (I love her btw this is not Emu slander). She never even says the word “end,” only “tomorrow.”
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Rui, Emu, and Tsukasa are basically Denialx3. Rui tries to deny his emotions regarding disbanding, Emu tries to deny that the ending is coming at all, and Tsukasa tries to deny that there’s nothing he can do to keep them from inevitably drifting apart. And that’s where Nene comes in again.
Rui’s dream is to perform technically complex shows that will resonate with an audience. He can do that from Phoenix Wonderland. Emu’s dream is to keep the Wonder Stage up and operating forever. She has to do that from Phoenix Wonderland. Tsukasa’s dream is to become the number one world star and make everyone smile. While this would likely take him away from the park, in another story, I could see it being possible that, in the end, Tsukasa decides that making the people in his local community happy is more important than trying to change the entire world. Thus, he could also follow his dream from Phoenix Wonderland, even if it’s not ideal.
But then there’s Nene. Her dream is, and always has been, to perform in Broadway musicals. Broadway is a live performance in New York City. There is no possible way for Nene to get what she wants while staying in Phoenix Wonderland. And that is possibly why Wonderlands x Showtime’s ending is the easiest for her to process.
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Now, I’m not trying to say that Nene doesn’t love her friends. She adores them. Her three previous commissions have proven that. It’s the amount of love she has for them that will propel her to make what is actually the best choice for their dreams. Nene is the little mermaid, both when swimming freely the oceans with a beautiful, unstoppable song, and when enduring pain herself to stand with and for the ones she loves. Her friends, in this situation... are coral.
Remember that coral, “blurred” and uncertain in the water and “stained orange by the setting sun”? The miniature garden is Phoenix Wonderland; the coral is Emu, Rui, and Tsukasa; and that coral is stained orange by its desperation to keep rereading the final chapter instead of closing the book for now and putting it away to revisit in the future. Coral, while a beautiful living organism, is also completely static.
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Static like stone statues which, at least by my interpretation, is what the rest of WxS turns into at the end of the 3DMV. The three of them (and Kaito) are paralyzed with the fear of the suffering an ending would bring. Only Nene is alive and human to be the one to show the group the benefits it can bring as well.
There are a lot of aspects of this song and Nene’s entire personality that lead me to believe that she will be the one to bring about change in WxS. First, she most often “has the braincell,” so to speak. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she performs this song with Kaito, the most mature of the WxS vocaloids, either. During April Fool’s 2023, she was put into the Solid Heart class. One might think that troupe leader Tsukasa should be the Solid Heart, and that shy Nene should be the Cautious Heart, but they (accurately) sorted it the other way.
Nene is a very strong-willed person. In other stories, it might be seen as a negative that Nene is always the most hesitant one to get into shenanigans, or that she would even dare to be the one to suggest a WxS split in the first place. What an ungrateful wet blanket Nene is, willing to throw away her friends for the sake of her own selfish dream. But in this story, staying at Phoenix Wonderland isn’t really what will make Rui or Tsukasa happy, and even Emu may have to graduate to focusing on the entire company instead of just one stage someday.
Nene’s friends brought her out of the darkness and into the light of day, and she is so grateful for that. She knows how amazing they are, which is how she knows that they can make more friends and continue to do even more amazing things in the future if they can bear to leave their high school part-time jobs behind and enter the real world, just like her.
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So, Nene’s role is to be Wonderlands x Showtime’s guiding light. She’ll tell Rui what sort of ending she’s wishing for, and then console him when he can’t repress his tears. She’ll be the one to hold Emu’s hand while they take that next step into tomorrow. Her three best friends helped her to grow from the loner who operated a robot from the theme park bushes, and she’ll help them step out of that theme park and be who they truly want to be.
There is one other thing I wanted to mention, though...
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As I mentioned previously, while all three of Rui, Emu, and Tsukasa are in denial, Tsukasa is the most actively in opposition to an ending. He’s also the troupe leader, and the sole creator of the Wonderland Sekai. If someone is going to actively try to stop Nene from suggesting separation, it’s definitely going to at least start with him. But as Nene has already stated in The Miniature Garden’s Coral, despite any opposition that makes her question whether or not she should proceed, she already plans to continue singing her beliefs about a bittersweet yet timely goodbye.
And, their conflict is something that’s basically been foreshadowed from the beginning too, right? Nene has always roasted Tsukasa, giving a counterpoint to his blindingly bright worldview. In upcoming chapters, however, I believe that may start to transform from simple fun banter into a genuine conflict with clear sides drawn...
And THAT’S why ColoPale gave them Childish War.
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Nenekasa nation get ready, ‘cause I don’t think this is the last Nene and Tsukasa fight we’re going to see.
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rosenclaws · 9 days ago
Over and Over Again || DOFP!Logan x Reader
Summary: Logan wakes up in 2023 in a brand new timeline. In this world you're still alive and you're married, but he doesn't remember a thing.
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending
wc: 3.5k
a/n: damn bro these song fics keep getting longer and longer lmao. Anyways here is my third instalment of a fic based on “Would You Fall In Love With Me Again” from Epic the Musical. I hope you like this one too! If you wanna read the other two you can find them here and here
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Yesterday everything made sense. Yesterday you woke up next to your husband Logan, made coffee, graded a few essays, trained with Logan in the danger room, and then went to dinner. You kissed him good night and turned out the light to go to bed. Today? Your whole fucking life is being flipped upside down.
You knew something was wrong the moment you saw Logan standing barefoot in Charles' office. He had this look on his face. A mix between confusion and grief. A longing in his eyes that just didn't make sense when you had kissed him good morning only a few hours ago.
"You're alive?" Logan says breathlessly, his eyes widening as the words leave his mouth.
Realizing his mistake immediately. But he couldn't help himself. Not when the last memory he had of you was holding you as you died.
"Charles, what's going on?" You asked in a panicked voice. Logan, this Logan, your? Logan, reached out for you but you stepped back. You don't know why but you just did it. Though it's hard to see the hurt in Logan's eyes when you do.
"My dear," Charles says softly, his eyes darting from you to Logan.
"I think you should sit down for this."
You aren't the only one to be called into Charles office. Standing around you was Ororo, Jean, Scott, and Hank. Before you stood Logan with his arms crossed as Charles weaves a wild and frankly impossible story.
This Logan is not the man you knew.
He's from an alternate timeline where the X-Men were being hunted and eradicated, the world being over run by these things called the Sentinels. How everyone in this room was dead in Logan's world. The last chance they had was sending his consciousness back in time to stop the chain of events and according to Charles he had done it. He had saved the world and everyone in this damn mansion. But at the cost of his own memories, his own life in a way.
"Jean, please stay. I want you to help in attempting to get his memories back. The rest of you thank you and please do not tell anyone else about this." Everyone starts to move but you.
You stay seated in your seat, unsure of what to do. Do you go up to him? He's still your husband after all, but is he? You feel his eyes staring into your head as you finally make your move and get up. Walking right up to him.
"Hi, Logan." You say softly.
"Hi." You bite your lip nervously as you try and think of something to say. There's this awkward tension between the two of you. Something you haven't felt since you first met. Though you guess this is technically a first meeting. It's really confusing.
"Logan, shall we begin?" Charles cuts through your thoughts. You don't want to leave, in fact you have a million questions that will pour out once you figure out how to talk to him. But it's going to have to wait.
"I uh...I'll find you after." He mumbles, his hand moves to cup your face but he stops before he can actually touch you.
"Yeah, I'll see you after." You smile awkwardly and gently grab his hand, giving it a small squeeze before leaving. Logan wants so badly to hold on, to tighten his grip and never let you leave his side. But he can't. So he just lets you go.
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You waited. Hours passed and you heard nothing from Logan or Jean or Charles. Every hour you'd pass by the office, hearing muffled voices coming from the other side of the door. It was tearing you apart just waiting for them to be done. But that's all you can do.
By the time the sun goes down you give up on waiting for Logan. Slinking to a small corner of the mansion. What if something horrible happened? What if they can't get his memories fixed and he'll never remember what your life was like together. How you met, how you fell in love, how he proposed, your first dance. Did he truly forget it all? You rest your head in your hands as you listen to the grandfather clock tick and tick.
Or...does he remember it all. Does he remember it and regret it? You're dead in his timeline. So what if you two were never meant to be together, what if he remembers both timelines and...he doesn't want you anymore.
You trudge back to your room, wanting to just sleep. Maybe when you wake up tomorrow this will all be some insane dream. Unfortunately you forgot that you share a room with Logan. As you open the door you see him sitting on the bed. A cigar in his hands as he stares out the window. Though he quickly turns around when he hears you.
"Hi, again." He says, snuffing out the cigar.
"Hi." Fuck can you say any other word but hi to his man?
"How did it go with the professor?" You ask, wringing your hands together behind your back. Logan shrugs and the look on his face doesn't give you much hope.
"Not great." You just nod, unsure of what to say next.
"I um, Chuck set up another room for me so...I'm gonna sleep there tonight." Logan winces as he sees your face fall. He doesn't want to be apart from you but it's what's best. He needs to sort out his...well everything. Besides, he's practically a stranger to you now.
"Oh." You squeak out.
"If that's what you want." It's not.
Still Logan just nods his head and stands up, grabbing a few things and silently slipping past you.
"Room 246. I'm in room 246." He tells you, staring at you one last time before leaving you alone in your bedroom.
You sleep like utter shit. You're so used to having Logan by your side that being alone just fucking sucks. You miss him so much. You contemplated going to his room but you didn't think he wanted you there. Logan has another session with Charles in the morning. You only see a glimpse of him before he disappears into the office. You wonder if he feels just as miserable as you do.
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The next week is filled with the same tension and unbearable awkwardness. It's like he's a ghost. Only there when you turn around, out of the corner of your eye. You hated it. God it was awful, you longed to be next to him. For him to hold you again, kiss you. You don't even know why he's avoiding you. Logan had always been difficult when it comes to opening up but Logan, your Logan was getting better at it.
It's well into the night and you're still sitting in an empty classroom. You don't really sleep in your bed anymore. It reminds you too much of him. There's a couch near your desk anyways. With Logan in memory recovery you have been covering his classes. You sit in silence as you grade the latest test when you hear heavy boots approaching you.
"It's late," You look up to see Logan leaning against the doorframe.
"I know, but I need to get this done." You gesture to the stack of tests next to you.
"You need to sleep, I've noticed you haven't been doing that much." Your heart skips a beat, has he really been keeping tabs on you like that.
"I'll be okay Logan, really." You say gently. But your answer isn't good enough for him. You watch as he walks over to your desk and grabs half of the tests and a red pen.
"Logan It's fine really," You argue but he doesn't listen.
"What if-" You stop yourself before you finish the question.
"What if my history is different? Don't worry sweetheart I went back to the 70's not the civil war." The nickname rolls of his tongue with ease, he doesn't even realize he said it until he sees you get shy.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Logan apologizes, silently kicking himself. He never should have come here. He just. He just really misses you.
"Don't apologize, It's just been a while since you called me that." You try to hide the soft smile by propping a paper up to block your face. Time passes, the only sounds being the scribbling of pens.
"Damn, Was I that bad of a teacher?" He asks as he crosses out a whole paper in red pen. You giggle and Logan looks up, a smile on his face as he hears that sweet sound.
"You're not a bad teacher, you're the favorite actually. Though sometimes you play favorites with your students." You tease, remembering how easy Jubilee could get out of being late just by bringing Logan coffee in the morning.
"Favorite? I doubt that." He snorts, Logan isn't exactly the fresh faced happy go lucky teacher that you bring an apple to. In fact he never considered himself much of a teacher of anything.
"It's true, you're tough on them but they just love you." "That doesn't sound like me." Logan jokes, though he quickly regrets his word choice when he sees your eyes cloud with sadness.
"I..." He sighs, great he fucked this up already.
"It's okay, sorry I just, I'm still getting used to all this." You offer him a small smile but he can see right through it. You're still his wife after all and he knows you.
"How are you? This must be a lot for you." You ask, turning the conversation away from you.
You've been so focused in your own grief that you hadn't given what he must be feeling much thought. You start to feel guilty, I mean this can't be easy for him either. Logan sets the red pen down. Sighing as he runs his hands through his hair.
"I'll be alright sweetheart," He doesn't want you to worry about him.
"Please, talk to me." You reach your hand out.
Your left hand. The one with the wedding band still sitting on your finger. Logan's breath hitches as he recognizes that ring. It's a little worn from the years of wear but he knows it. He bought that ring for you a long time ago.
"I feel like a ghost. I remember my old timeline and Jean and Charles have been able to unlock bits and pieces of this one but it doesn't feel real." He admits.
"Do you regret it? Changing the timeline?" You ask and Logan shakes his head.
"No." Not at all. In fact even with all this confusion he would do it again in a heartbeat. Anything if it means you're alive. You start to ask another question but a yawn cuts through your words.
"Alright, it's bedtime now." Logan says with little room for argument. He gets up and heads to the door but you don't follow. He turns around to see you laying out a blanket on the couch.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" You jump at the harshness of his voice.
"I've been sleeping on the couch the last couple nights." You say casually.
Though to Logan it's like a knife to the heart. Not on his watch. You roll your eyes seeing the look on his face, that protective grumpy look.
"It's comfortable and my room is too far, I'm just going to take a short nap. You grumble. You always were stubborn and Logan knows there's no changing your mind.
"Fine." He shuts off the lights and walks over, sitting on the edge of the couch putting a pillow on his lap.
"Come on, just a nap right?" You're too tired and if you're honest too selfish to pass this up.
To be this close to Logan again is a dream. You settle down with your head in his lap groaning as your head sinks to rest on his big thighs. Logan drapes a blanket over you, his hands coming to rub your back in a gentle soothing motion. It doesn't take long before you're out like a light. Drifting to sleep faster than you have all week.
When you wake up you're not in your classroom anymore. In fact you're in a bed with the covers tucked in and the sunlight streaming through the window.
"Just a nap right?" You mimic in a high pitched voice as you get out of bed. It becomes very clear the moment you spot the clothes in the corner of the room that this isn't your bedroom.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out who's it is. You take one of the pillows and hug it to your chest. The smell of Logan's cologne wraps around you. Fuck you missed waking up next to him. You gently set the pillow down and swipe one of the shirts sitting on the floor before darting back to your room.
"Good morning sweetheart, sleep well?" Logan asks as you walk into the kitchen.
"Yeah, I haven't slept that well in a couple days." You sigh as he hands you a cup of coffee.
You take a sip and to your surprise it's perfect, just how you like it. Before you can say another word Logan is already gone. The hope in your chest deflating just a little bit. But last night was the closest you've been since he came back. It's a step in the right direction.
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It's another week of dancing around each other. You talk more, laugh more. He still sleeps in a separate room but you find yourself spending more time together. It's little things that you notice first. That he still hates pop music and he drinks black coffee. His favorite brand of beer is still Molson. In small ways it's like you have him back. But then you see that he picks the salt and vinegar chips over plain and it all comes crashing down again. How stupid is that? Heartbroken of his favorite chip flavor? But to you it's just a reminder that he is different. But does that even matter?
You find yourself drifting to sleep in your bed this time, holding onto Logan's shirt as a way to soothe you to sleep. But you're quickly pulled from dreamland by a loud knock on your door. It's frantic and quite startling. You throw the covers off and stumble to the door, throwing it open to see who's bothering you so late.
"Logan?" You ask half asleep, rubbing your eyes as you see him standing in front of you. You notice the fearful look in his eyes and it seems to snap you awake. You step aside and let him in.
"I didn't mean to wake you. I just needed to see you." He's tense and his eyes keep darting around the room, like he's waiting for an attack. Seeing you is slowly helping his brain but every time he closes his eyes his nightmare replays in his head. He looks down at his hand and swears he sees blood.
"Logan, come here." You take his hands, covering his palms with yours and guiding him to the bed.
"I don't want to bother you sweetheart," He mumbles, his resolve breaking pretty quickly as he lays his head next to yours.
"Tell me about it, your nightmare." He furrows his brows in confusion, how did you know?
"I know that look." You cup his face and smile. It feels so right to be next to him right now. Logan sighs, his hand covering yours as he just soaks in being next to you. That nightmare felt so real, probably because it was.
"It was the day I lost you. In my timeline."
"The sentinels?" You ask but he shakes his head.
"No you...you died before they were even created. Probably for the best. It was a mission. A simple one that went to shit so quickly." It was all Logan's fault. He woke up every day knowing that if he had been faster, been better. You would still be alive.
"They took advantage of my super senses, they overwhelmed me with noise and smells. I tried to fight through it I really did, but I was too weak." Logan feels you wipe his cheek, a tear he didn't even realize was falling.
"By the time it was over, you were fatally wounded. I held you in my arms. I begged you not to go. Not to leave me but it was too late." Your eyes cloud with tears as Logan tells his story.
The absolute grief in his voice, god how horrible. You don't know what you'd do if Logan died, how you'd even continue on. Yet this man kept fighting, kept saving peoples lives. Even when he wanted to give up and walk away.
That's the Logan you know. He'll always be the hero he never thinks he is. So what if there's a few differences. At his core Logan will always be the man you fell in love with.
"I'm so sorry," You whisper, you crawl onto his chest and hug him tightly.
Your face buried in his neck. He holds you tight. Breathing in the smell of your shampoo. He holds you for a long time before loosening his grip on you. The urge to stay like this forever is strong but there's a nagging in the back of his head. He's over stayed his welcome.
"I should get back to my room." He gently lays you back on the bed and moves to get up.
"What?" You ask in disbelief, scrambling to grab onto his arm.
"Please don't go Logan. Please the last two weeks have been horrible without you. I miss you, I miss my husband." You beg, tears falling down your cheeks.
"Sweetheart I'm not the man you married." He wipes away your tears.
"I miss you too. So fucking much. But it's best I keep my distance."
"Logan please! What do you mean you're not the man I married?!" You grab his shirt and pull him close to you. Logan grabs your wrists firmly but gently.
“You were my guiding light, the only thing that kept me going in the right direction. When I lost you, It felt like I lost myself." He tries to pry your hands off of him but you stand firm.
"I stayed with the team, I fought and killed and maybe they called me a hero. But it was never the same. I lost my way."
"But you saved the world, you're still my hero." Logan just chuckles sadly.
"I didn't give a fuck about the world." He confesses. He did care. Sort of. He knew that he was the X-Men's only hope when he got sent back. But his real motivation, his true motivation was you.
"Sweetheart, I may have saved the world but I did it for you. It’s always you.” He did it for the chance that he could save you, that somehow going back to 1973 would undo everything, that you'd be alive. He would sacrifice everything if it meant you got to live another day.
So when he woke up and saw that it had worked, he had never felt such relief. But the way you looked at him, you were scared. So uncertain. He couldn't just pick you up in his arms and kiss you like he had dreamed of. You were married in this world but he understood that he had essentially replaced the Logan that you knew.
So he kept his distance. The more he learned from Charles the more the other Logan sounded better. This Logan never had to stab Jean or watch his friends die one by one. How could he ever compare? He'd rather you be alive, even if it breaks his heart.
"I love you Logan, I love you so much." The words flood out of your mouth, unstoppable as you finally get the chance to see the truth about Logan.
"You're mine. Always. We belong together. Our love transcends timelines, universes, and all that bullshit."
"Don't you love me?"
"Of course I fucking love you don't you ever doubt that." He snaps.
He pushes you away because he loves you, he doesn't think he's worthy because he loves you so fucking much. He'd kiss the ground you fucking walk on if you asked.
"Then listen to me Logan." You grab his face and smash your lips on his, kissing him desperately.
Logan groans as he wraps his arms around your waist. You fall onto the bed, Logan propping himself up with his elbows. You tug on his hair, messing it up as you comb your fingers through it. You pull apart breathlessly, almost brought to tears from just getting to kiss your husband again.
"You're it for me Logan, forever." You mumble as he rests his forehead against yours.
"I love you too sweetheart, I missed you so much." He cradles your face in his hand, legs interlocked as the sheets become a tangled mess.
"How long has it been since you saw me?" You ask, Logans eyes filling with tears as he listens to your heart beat against his chest.
"Over 50 years." As the moon shines through the window the only thing on both of your minds is how lucky you truly are to have found a love like this.
To be destined to be together in every timeline, every world. It's you and Logan.
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buckyalpine · 9 months ago
I've always had this acting AU idea where you and Bucky are co-stars in a movie/tv show and your characters are enemies. It makes people feral because you're both so crazy attractive but you just hate each other so much on screen and your story lines have you at each others throats.
Now the part I love with this idea is the press actually thinking you don't get along with him whatsoever and thinking there's drama between the cast because you're never around with them. Whenever they hang out together, literally everyone by you is there. There are so many rumors about how Bucky can't stand working with you and how the cast leaves you out. Natasha even had a thanksgiving dinner recently and the Instagram photo she posted has literally everyone present but you.
Things heat up even more when you barely update your own socials after filming wrapped up. You basically disappeared and it confirms everyone's suspicions. The only time you post here and there is when you're at home alone, doing your own thing. You're never present in any of the interviews. No one ever comments even when they're directly asked about you. There has to be drama.
It's been over a year of near radio silence and people anticipating for the release of this movie.
I love the idea of the movie premier day being full of anticipation and people buzzing over if Bucky would bring a date, if you'd even show up, wondering how you'd interact with everyone else. No one's even seen you but you're one of the main characters so you have to show-
A large black SUV rolls up.
Then Bucky steps out.
Everyone screams. He looks stunning in his all black suit, with his scruffy beard and chestnut locks. Instead of making his way down the red carpet, he stays in place waiting for someone to join him.
Confused murmurs start among the screaming.
And then.
He holds his hand out to help you out.
And everyone goes absolutely wild as you step out, seeing your very round baby bump and that ring on your finger. He makes a show of kissing you deeply before walking you down and of course the cast showers you in love and hugs as if you're all in your own little bubble.
They already knew all long. The secret, low key relationship with you and Bucky. You didn't want people to know because it would bring on so much speculation and scrutiny. When everyone bombards you both with what's going on, Bucky only answers one reporters question with a simple "I'm here with my wife"
Seriously, people can't handle it.
A few days after the reveal, Bucky, you and the rest of the cast including Sam, Steve, Nat and so many others post all the outings they had where you were actually present. The "thanks giving dinner" was actually your baby shower. So many pictures where they're holding your bump with "aunt" and "uncle" sashes tied around them. Pictures from the secret wedding. The honeymoon. The cutest pictures of Bucky cuddled up with you; wholesome intimate moments with you and him. Moments with getting mani pedis with Nat and Wanda.
No on can understand how this was all hidden so well. No one would have guessed.
Weeks later you have your babies and this time everyone posts pictures, all of them surrounding you in the hospital.
Seriously, this reveal breaks the internet in a way you'd never imagine.
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aliceoseman · 3 months ago
what were the messages on the card for charlie when he was in the clinic? i couldn’t work them all out. ps- as someone who had ocd and had a bad way of coping your writing really is so incredible, i count myself lucky everyday to have those stories and a friend group like i see on your show, seeing scars on screen healed the ashamed 16yr old in me 🌸
I'm so glad to hear that Heartstopper has helped you!! ❤️
So the situation with the card was that we realised very very shortly before we shot the scene that we didn't have any content for the card, so a crew member from the art department asked me on set if I could very quickly write the messages, which I did in my notes app, and then sent that as a screenshot to him where he (or someone on his team, I can't confirm) wrote them into the card itself. I didn't get a photo of the finished card because it all happened very fast and suddenly we were shooting the scene! I don't think I even saw the card interior until it was literally on set. But I do still have the note on my phone with all of the messages written out. It's a shame they didn't all appear on screen but hey, sometimes not every detail makes it into the final thing! Here they all are:
Hi Char,
You are so strong and you will get through this because you’re amazing.
I love you so so much and I’m always here for you. I miss you and I can’t wait for you to come home when you’re ready to. I love you.
Love Nick x
School is so weird without my bff. I miss you so much little guy. Please look after yourself or I will be very cross. Love you so much Charlie. And hope you like your present, I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Tao xxx
Dear Charlie,
We all love you so much and can’t wait to see you soon. I’m so sorry things have been so hard. Things will get better, I know it. I can’t wait for Christmas movie nights with you and the boys!
Hi Charlie,
Sending you so much love and strength. You’re an incredible person and we all care about you so much. I really hope you feel better soon. Love you lots and lots.
Tara xx
Hey Charlie,
Life can be so shit sometimes but we will always fight back!! You’re one of the coolest people I know and you’re gonna come back more powerful than ever.
Love you!!!
Dear Charlie,
Love you so much! You’re an incredible and inspiring person and what you’re going through now will only make you stronger.
Lots of love,
Imogen xxxx
I miss my music buddy! I miss our chats about good bands. I really hope you’re doing okay and starting to feel better. Love you loads pal!
Sahar x 
Hey Charlie,
Miss you so so much. I’m so sorry I didn't try and help more, but the fact that you asked for help yourself just goes to show what a strong person you are. I love you. Get back here soon so we can watch Emma again.
Love Isaac x
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 5 months ago
Wait, I was reading your posts and came across something I've found confusing. How is Adrien asking Ladybug wth she is doing in Volpina a bad thing? From Adrien's perspective, Ladybug's a celebrity tracking down a middle schooler with zero clout and humiliating her for lying about meeting her before. That's, uh yeah? Imagine if that happened irl lmao. Millions of teenage girls would perish at 1D's hands. My middle school would be a horror story. And it's made clear multiple times in the episode that her motivation is jealousy. It's one of the few episodes where the lesson Marinette gets makes sense I think, because she was genuinely spiteful in shitting on this random girl in front of her crush. That's significantly different than Ladybug just asking for a retraction from the Ladyblog. It's also one of the few times when Adrien's celebrity background actually affects how he acts, and it makes sense that Marinette doesn't make the connection between superhero=celebrity=not allowed to scream at middleschoolers in public. If half the kids in her school didn't lie about meeting Ladybug before, my suspension of disbelief is gone.
I've seen this argument before and it makes no sense to me, especially in the context of the lie that Lila actually told and the way the Lila confrontation actually goes down. A lot of people who have this take seem to think that Lila's lie was, "Ladybug saved me," and that Ladybug made a big public confrontation which is not what canon actually gave us. The confrontation was done in a mostly private setting and, while we never see Lila's full Ladyblog interview, this is how Ladybug sums up the interview in Volpina:
Ladybug:(sarcastically) Well hey Lila! How's it going? Long time no see. I saw your interview on the Ladyblog, awesome job. Oh sure! I remember our instant connection when I saved your life and we've been really good friends ever since! Practically BFF's! Uh actually, when did I save your life again, Lila? I don't recall. Oh yes! Of course, now I remember. Never! And we're not friends either! Miss Show-Off here was trying to impress you and everyone around her.
Lila didn't just lie about meeting Ladybug, she lied about having an ongoing, close relationship with Ladybug, two very different things. And Ladybug isn't just a celebrity, she's a superhero who is fighting an active terrorist. If I had to rewrite this confrontation, I'd keep it pretty much the same and just change the "Miss Show-Off" line to something like:
Miss Show-Off here was trying to impress you and everyone around her, putting herself and all of you at major risk! You know that Hawkmoth would do anything to get these, right? (gestures at her earrings) Did you even stop to think about what he'd do if he learned the identity of my supposed best friend? Of course not. You were too busy trying to look cool to stop and think things through like an actual superhero! We keep our identities and relationships secret for a reason!
Is this the kindest, most gentle way to confront someone like Lila? No, but it's very in character for Marinette to be filled with righteous fury when she sees someone using her name for their own personal gain. I really can't blame her for getting incredibly angry at this total stranger presenting herself as a Ladybug authority and using that authority to manipulate Marinette's friends. As I've said before, take away the crush complication and Marinette's actions still make total sense to me.
I'm not a huge proponent of virtue ethics. That's the idea that you need proper motivation for an act to be morally justified. If you do the right thing for the wrong reason, then the act is bad no matter how good the results and vice versa. If you view the world that way, then sure, you could possibly argue that Marinette's actions were wrong just like you can also argue that Gabriel's actions were totally fine, but I don't view the world that way. Switch Marinette's motivation from jealousy and a little righteous fury to pure righteous fury and almost nothing changes. She'd still need to confront Lila, the words would just be a little different.
It's not like this confrontation stops Lila, either. Chameleon gives us this:
Lila: (in flashback) Not only did Ladybug save my life, we've become very close friends. Marinette: She lies with every breath. Nino: Wait. You eavesdropped on Lila and Adrien? That's not cool. Alya: A good reporter always verifies her sources. Can you prove she doesn't actually know Ladybug?
Quick mini rant before I give the next Chameleon quote: this isn't how verifying your sources works, Alya! You should be verifying that Lila does know Ladybug, not the other way around! Right now, Marinette and Lila have equal authority on the topic as far as you know and there is no evidence to support either claim, so you should be looking for proof that Lila isn't lying! Proof isn't a first come, first serve problem even though a lot of people fall into that trap. This is especially true since Lila goes on to make claims like this:
Lila: Of course Ladybug saved my life. She never misses an opportunity to rescue her best friends. Max: Didn't your tinnitus give you vertigo when you went up the Eiffel Tower? Lila: Oh no. Ladybug knows me so well that she brought me an earplug to stick in my right ear.
So Lila keeps right on lying about her relationship with Ladybug, presenting them as close friends, making it even harder for me to get on the "Marinette was in the wrong for privately confronting Lila" train. If anything, Marinette was too tame! She needed to go full scorched earth and have Alya post a public retraction that included a message about the dangers of claiming to be personal friends with someone you don't actually know.
If the show went that route and had Ladybug give an equally furious smack-down and Alya posted it without a second thought, THEN I'd probably be on team "Marinette needed to tone herself down because she went too far" because that isn't a heat-of-the-moment reaction. It's something Marinette would have time to think through. But Volpina didn't go there. Instead, we just get Marinette reacting live to someone using her name to flirt with her crush. Remember, this is the setup to Marinette transforming and jumping in to stop Lila:
Lila: Not only did Ladybug save my life, we've become very close friends because we have something very special in common- it's what I wanted to tell you about. I'm the descendant of a vixen superheroine myself, Volpina. Adrien: Volpina? Marinette: Volpina? Adrien: Wait a minute! I think I read about her in my book. Lila:(stopping him from grabbing the book) Of course she's in your book. She's one of the most important superheroes. More powerful and more celebrated than Ladybug. Between you and me Ladybug doesn't even make the top ten. My grandma gave me this necklace. [Marinette runs off to transform] Adrien: (holding Lila's necklace) Are you telling me this is a Miraculous?! (Ladybug lands in front of them)
This wasn't a planned confrontation. It was Marinette reacting live to some pretty massive lies. If Ladybug had been swinging by and just overhead this, then the scene once again wouldn't change much. That's why blaming Marinette for confronting Lila in the "wrong way" feels so victim blame-y to me. "How dare Ladybug not be perfectly poised at all times and react with grace when someone lies about being her close friend and teammate!" is not a take I'm ever going to agree with. And if you want to use the middle schooler defense? Then it applies to Marinette, too. She and Lila are the same age. Why the different standards just because Marinette has fame that she never asked for or sought out?
I've never been much of a fan of holding celebrities to an "always on" standard where their every interaction needs to be done with poise and grace even if the interaction happens out in the wild and not at a planned even where the celebrity can be mentally prepared for dealing with fans. That's extra true for accidental celebrities like Ladybug. Marinette didn't take up the earrings for fame and they certainly haven't brought her fortune, plus she has no PR training. Expecting her to be a PR master who knows how to handle her accidental fame is, once again, a little too victim blame-y for my tastes. Ladybug is here to save the world, not sign autographs. You can hold her to politician standards when you start paying her for risking her life on the daily.
There's a version of Lila where I would have a different take. A version where the lie really is minor and Marinette really did "overreact", but even there my lesson wouldn't be "Marinette was totally in the wrong" because I genuinely think that sends the wrong message to kids and kids are the show's target audience. Think about what you're actually saying here, "Because Marinette is famous, she needs to accept that people will lie about her and just ignore them even if people believe the lie."
While that isn't exactly a wrong take, it's still really messed up. It's not okay for people to use Marinette's name like that just because she's famous. The reason she needs to learn to let it go is because that's what's best for her mental health, not because her fame makes her lesser than others when it comes to things like personal privacy. The lies are not magically okay just because she's well known.
Remember, Marinette is a fictional character, but the kids watching this show are very real and they're way more likely to be Lilas than Marinettes. And the kids that do relate to Marinette in this episode? They'll be kids who have dealt with the rumor mill spreading lies about them or their friends without the celebrity complication. The show should not be telling either set of kids that Marinette is the one in the wrong here. That is the wrong moral and why I hate this episode so much. I might feel differently if the intended audience was teens and if this plot was allowed to be more complex, but none of that is true. The show is aimed at kids ages 5 to 12 and every episode is supposed to teach its own moral with Volpina's moral being "Marinette was explicitly and totally in the wrong here."
This is the age of internet personalities where there are more easily-accessible celebrities than ever and where many of them do not have the wealth needed to protect themselves from fans nor the PR training to know how to handle extreme fans if there even is PR training for that! That means that it's honestly really important for kids to learn to view these individuals as people who it's wrong to lie about and who deserve the same respect as non-famous people. Treating celebrities as public commodities is how we get things like the Kit Connor scandal where an 18-year-old actor felt forced to publicly come out because the internet wouldn't shut up about his sexuality. Oh, and since you brought up one direction, I'll also note that the band members have publicly stated that online shipping discourse has negatively impacted their relationships. So, yeah, I'm never going to agree that kids should be told that it's okay to lie about celebrities or treat them as fictional characters to play with and that the celebrities are the ones who are wrong if they get upset about that behavior. That shit is toxic.
If we go the "minor" lie route, then my version of this episode would be a very sad one where Marinette learns that people are going to ignore her boundaries and lie about her and there's nothing she can do about it. A lesson in mental health training that will hopefully help kids who are dealing with bullies, but that does not present Marinette as totally in the wrong. It just teaches her when to pick a fight and when to let it go, which is a very important skill to learn even outside of lies about your own person. There will be many times when you hear people say something that you vehemently disagree with and it's important to learn when to pick a fight and when to just let it go, knowing that no good will come from speaking up even if you're 100% in the right. It's a very sad, but also very necessary skill.
I think Adrien has a place in that story. A place where he still tells Ladybug to let it go, but it should NOT have been played the way it was in canon where he acted like Ladybug was totally out of line. He needed to be way more compassionate and understanding of her very justified anger. I've written Adrien giving advice on this topic before and it's always presented as, "people are going to be assholes and you have to learn to ignore them for your own well being," not as, "you are wrong to be upset about strangers telling lies about you. You agreed to deal with this when you decided to be a hero" because what kind of asinine lesson is that?
You could also keep Adrien's canon reaction and have the lesson be him learning that it's okay to have boundaries. That his fame doesn't negate his bodily autonomy and right to be treated with dignity. That people chasing him down, invading his personal space, and otherwise preventing him from living a normal life is wrong. I love it when fanfics take this approach to Adrien's part in the Lila conflict. It's very cathartic to see his friends supporting him and protecting him from Lila.
I really have tried to see Volpina from the "Marinette was totally in the wrong" perspective because I've come across it several times, but I just can't wrap my head around it. If you've got a counter argument, then feel free to try to change my mind because I've given you my full thoughts here, but know that I'm probably not budging on this one. You'd have to make some pretty dramatic changes to canon for me to feel like this take has a point. I think the only way that I'd be on Lila's side is if it was very clear that no one believed Lila and Marinette still had the same reaction that we see in canon as that does feel like going too far. But everyone believed Lila so that's not a solid argument and I'm just never going to agree that people have to be cool with others lying about them just because they're famous. I honestly despise celebrity culture so much and hate that people are basically forced to deal with that bullshit if they want to be successful in certain artistic fields.
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runnning-outof-time · 1 year ago
Change His Ways | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Summary: In which Tommy falls for a woman out of his reach and does whatever it takes to get closer to her.
Warnings: Tommy’s certainly not canon here, language, smoking, religious themes (Tommy goes to church)
Word Count: 4025
A/N: I dusted this WIP off because I was itching to keep writing after I finished my celebration blurbs. The idea has Tommy ooc, but it was one that I just had to write down while reading a book - I’ll share a bit more about it down below for those who are interested (it’s based on a true story). Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in stories similar to this one!
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Tommy's world stopped the second he saw her. She was in Polly's main room, gathering her cleaning supplies as he stepped into the home. He watched from the doorway as she tried, but failed, to take them all into her arms, the bucket and broom falling to the ground. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Gray," she quickly apologized to the woman standing next to the fireplace for the commotion, crouching down to - try and - gather it once more. Polly didn't say anything, only watching on as the younger woman struggled.
"Let me help you, miss," Tommy spoke up, balancing the cigarette he was smoking between his lips before he stepped over to her, leaning down to grab the stick of the broom before she could.
"Oh, thank you, mister," she smiled over at him, her (y/e/c) eyes instantly mesmerizing Tommy. He almost forgot what he was doing.
"Where do these need to go?" he asked after clearing his throat and pulling himself from his thoughts.
"Just outside. My father's picking me up," she responded, smiling over at him gratefully. He felt like she had knocked the wind out of him.
"Alright then," he nodded, standing in time with her and taking a bucket from her full hands so that she'd have less to carry. He then let her lead him out to where an older looking farm-typed truck was waiting. The man sitting in the driver's seat just glared at Tommy, who ignored his presence altogether. "Should be it," he remarked as he sat the broom and bucket into the back of the truck.
"Thank you, really," the woman smiled at him.
"You're welcome," Tommy nodded politely before she got in the truck and he walked back up the path to his aunt's house. Polly was standing in the entryway with her arms crossed when Tommy re-entered the house. "What, Pol?" he questioned, brushing past her into the main room.
"She's a good woman, Thomas," she heeded a warning. A warning that Tommy disregarded completely.
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Tommy showed up at Polly's every day for a week until he figured out what times the unnamed, beautiful woman was present at the house. And each time she was, he would help her with the things that she needed to carry out to her father's truck.
He didn't quite get to his destination today because the very person he was looking forward to seeing was walking along the sidewalk about three blocks from his aunt's house. He slowed down his car with his brow furrowed, and bent his head down to look at her. "All ok?" he asked after he watched her take a few more struggled steps. "Your father coming to pick you up?"
"Not today," she shook her head, the tone of her voice showing how much she was struggling to keep everything in her arms. "He's been held up at the farm."
Tommy was out of his car the second he heard her answer. He walked around the side of it with a quickened pace before he took the bigger cleaning supplies from her arms. "I can take you home," he offered, already opening the back door of his car before she gave him an answer to set the supplies he'd taken inside.
"Oh I can't bother you like that," she tried to decline his offer politely, but Tommy didn't want to hear it.
"I insist," he stressed, his eyebrows raised slightly to show his seriousness. He held his eyes on her and saw her weary expression form into a smile. She nodded her head in agreement before he opened the passenger's side door for her to get into the car. Once she was in, he shut the door and walked back around to the driver's side.
"Do you have a name, sir?" she asked him almost immediately after he'd sat in the front seat, "because I feel like I should know the name of the man that has so kindly offered me a ride."
"It's Thomas Shelby," he said, clearing his throat before adding: "you can call me Tommy though."
The woman smiled at him. “It’s nice to meet you, officially, Tommy. Thank you for driving me home," she spoke politely. “My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N)," she added, her cheeks heating up slightly when she realized that she hadn't formally introduced herself to him.
"It's nice to officially meet you as well, (Y/N)," he couldn't help but smile as he tried her name out for himself, "and there's no need to thank me...the pleasure's all mine here," he concluded his sentence by turning his car back on and pulling away from the sidewalk so that he could take her home.
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There was an older man leaning up against the side of a rusted farm truck as Tommy pulled into the driveway that (Y/N) said was hers. He looked rather intimidating standing there, and if Tommy wasn't in the line of work that he was, he definitely would have been put off by him.
"Hi, daddy," (Y/N) smiled as she got out of the car so that she could grab her supplies from the back. She was too slow, however, because Tommy already had it in his hands.
"Where do you want this?" he asked her.
"Just by the shed over there," she answered as she motioned to said shed, "I can place them where they need to go later." Tommy nodded and then walked the short distance so that he could rest the supplies against the wall of the shed. "Thank you, Tommy," she sent him a bright smile once he'd finished.
"You're welcome," he nodded, deciding that being paid in her smiles would be better than any lump sum of money he could ever receive.
"You Thomas Shelby?" (Y/N)'s father then came into the situation, his voice making Tommy's expression go serious as he turned to face the older man.
"I am," he nodded, extending his hand.
"What are your intentions with my daughter?" her father got right to the point, glancing at the hand but not shaking it.
Tommy found himself feeling like a young boy again, and it made him wonder just how interested he was in (Y/N) for him to be feeling like this. "I brought her home. She was struggling with carrying the supplies," he explained himself.
The older man looked Tommy up and down before nodding slightly. "Ok," was all he said before he turned and started to walk over to one of the barns on the property.
"Thank you, Tommy," (Y/N) sent him another smile, pulling him out of the confused stupor that was brought on by the previous conversation. "I hope you make it home safely."
"You're welcome, (Y/N)," he responded, loving how her name sounded coming from his mouth. He then returned her wave before he walked to his car and got into it, backing down the driveway and away from the beautiful woman who was standing and watching him leave.
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"I think you're a bloody idiot for coming up with that idea," Polly spoke her mind after Tommy had finished explaining to her where he'd gone a few days ago.
"That's why I'm doing it properly," Tommy tried to work a different angle.
"Properly or not, the (Y/L/N)'s are a God-fearing family, and I can't remember the last time you stepped into a church with the intent of speaking to the Maker," she remarked, quirking an eyebrow in his direction. Tommy sighed in response, shaking his head as he brought the cigarette back up to his mouth. He and Polly then stared at each other for a few moments before the woman sighed and hung her head, "but you'll still give it a try anyway," she stated in defeat, knowing just by his glance alone that her nephew's mind was made up.
Tommy cleared his throat as he stood from the chair in Polly's living room. He grabbed his coat and pulled it over his shoulders so that he was ready to leave the house. Polly tried to call after him, but he wasn't listening to her words as he opened the door and exited the dwelling. After getting in the car and starting its engine, he began driving to (Y/N)'s house with the full intention of winning her father over.
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"You cannot court my daughter," (Y/N)'s father spoke firmly from where he sat across from Tommy in the front room.
"She's a very lovely woman, and I will be a gentleman to her," he tried to sway the older man, laying on the Shelby charm in full force, "all I am asking is for a date with her." If only his family could hear him now.
"If you want to see my daughter, you'll see her at church," her father decided, nodding his head once to show his decision was final.
"Mr. (Y/L/N)..."
"Save it, Shelby," the older man cut Tommy off, standing to leave the conversation. Tommy watched him walk, knowing there was nothing more that could be done. He also stood, showing himself out. He looked to the farmhouse after opening the door to his car and saw (Y/N) standing in one of the second floor windows. A sigh escaped his lips. He knew what to do.
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Tommy met the (Y/L/N)'s at their church that Sunday. No one bothered to question how he knew where they worshiped, and he was thankful that he didn't need to explain.
They all sat in the same pew, Tommy to the right of (Y/N), of course, while her father sat on her left. He didn't listen much to the sermons, or participate in singing along with the choir.
He did, however, try to get even closer to (Y/N). After a few glances down, he slowly inched his hand closer to her lap. At first he attempted to take hold of her hand. She moved it away the second she felt his fingers brush hers. But she didn't look his way though, still focused on what the preacher was saying. So he let his hand stay there. Instead of holding hers, he flipped his palm down and draped his fingers over the curve of her thigh.
His hand had just started to warm from her body heat when he felt a sharp, but silent, smack land on the back of it. It made him remove his hand and quickly look her way. She was still looking straight ahead. Tommy kept his eyes on her, his brows furrowed. He was sure that he hadn't imagined that; she'd just smacked him.
The feeling of his eyes on her made (Y/N) glance to her right. She knew he wouldn't look away until he addressed her. But her father would instantly know that her attention had been taken off of the message being told. Ever-so-slowly, she leaned closer to Tommy, getting close enough so that he could hear her whisper. "There should be no touching in the Lord's house. It's considered blasphemy."
Tommy couldn't respond because she sat straight again the second she finished speaking. He took one last look at her before looking straight again, his hand resting on his thigh once again.
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Tommy continued going to church with (Y/N) and her family every Sunday, and eventually they got into a routine of him walking her back home.
Every Sunday, they'd stop at the beginning of her dirt driveway, and she'd thank him with a kiss on his cheek. They'd then say their goodbyes and she'd begin walking to her house. Tommy would stay and watch, waiting until she was on her porch before he left.
This Sunday was different. (Y/N) was unusually quiet on the way home. The walk that was normally filled with her sweet laughter and entertaining stories was now overruled by silence.
They stopped at the end of her driveway, and (Y/N) turned so that she could face him. Tommy's eyes were immediately on her, and he noticed that she was looking at the ground. "I won't be in church next Sunday," she finally spoke, playing with her fingers in hopes it'd give her something to focus on. She glanced up at him through her eyelashes then, seeing that he was looking out at the fields for a moment. Thinking now'd be the best time to say goodbye, she lifted her head and leaned in to press her lips to his cheek.
Tommy turned to talk to her at that same moment, and he was met with the most rewarding accident he'd ever been given in his life when his lips met hers. The kiss was soft, quick, and innocent. Too quick for his liking.
(Y/N) pulled back with a gasp the second she realized what was happening. She looked at him then, her eyes now opened wide; looking as if she'd just seen a ghost, or a horrible crime be committed. I've fucked this up, Tommy thought to himself, the breath caught in his throat. The worst part about it was that he didn't quite know what to say that could make the situation better.
So he just stared at (Y/N), watching as her eyes searched his for what seemed like eternity. Then, after what felt like forever, (Y/N) leaned in and pressed her lips to his again. She kissed him more soundly this time, and he took hold of her waist to make sure that she wouldn't leave him too soon. When she eventually moved to pull back, he let her, keeping his eyes closed when she stayed close and rested her forehead against his.
"Why?" he asked once their breathing had returned to normal.
"Huh?" she was clearly confused by his sudden question, and she finally pulled back to look at him once more, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Why won't you be there, love?" he asked with a soft laugh, squeezing her waist softly as he remembered that he was still holding onto her.
Realization struck her and her confusion melted into a sheepish smile, remembering what they were talking about before the kiss happened. "My family and I are traveling to see my grandparents. We'll go to the service at their church since we'll be staying through the weekend," she explained the reason behind her initial statement.
"Should I find you there?" he asked her then, wondering if he could still make things work. He'd been seeing her every Sunday for a month and a half now, and he'd be lying if he said that he didn't look forward to it every week.
"There's no need for that, Tommy," she giggled, her stomach filling with butterflies at the sweetness of his voice. "I'll be home before you know it."
"Then I'll be waiting," he nodded, showing his sincerity as he squeezed her waist once more, his actions making her smile. His eyes flitted down to her lips then, their closeness and inviting nature becoming paramount in his mind again. "Can I?" he asked permission before doing anything, something he never could have imagined himself doing weeks ago.
"Please do," she smiled at him, her hands finding his collar as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers once more.
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"Fuck," Tommy huffed, pressing his fingers to his eyes in frustration.
"So what do we do, Tom?" Arthur asked his brother, clasping his peaked cap in his hands. "He's there. He's for the taking. We could just..."
"No," Tommy cut him off abruptly, leaning forward so that he could rest his elbows on the desk and put his head in his hands, "no, there'll be problems if we do that."
"Then what?" John chimed in, a bit of an incredulous look present on his face. "We know he did it. He shouldn't get to even think he got away with it."
"We do it another way," Tommy insisted.
"What way?" Arthur asked.
"I don't know yet," Tommy huffed, finally looking at his brothers before he continued, "but you fuckers better not try anything." He accented his direction by pointing at each of the two men as he spoke, his eyes wide to convey his seriousness.
Silence fell in the room then. John and Arthur shared a look before focusing back on their brother. They were both thinking the same thing...but who was going to be the one to say it?
Arthur looked to John again. "Seems like our brother's gotten himself a new perspective," he commented aloud, seeing Tommy's eyes snap to him from the corner of his.
A grin formed on John's face as he heard his older brother speak. Arthur was the one to cast the first stone. Now the floor was wide open. "I think it's because he's been going to that bloody church each weekend," he shared his thoughts on the situation.
Arthur shook his head. "Nah. The only reason he's going there is so he can give that girl a quick shag. You think it'll be worth it, Tom?"
Tommy was now seeing red. "What the fuck are you two going on about? Eh?!"
"That girl from Pol's place. (Y/N), was it?" John answered, even though the previous question was meant to be rhetorical.
"Yeah, yeah. That's her name. She's real pretty," Arthur commented, a smug grin now present.
Tommy couldn't take the comments anymore. He slammed his hand down on the desk, commanding their attention immediately. "Enough!" he bellowed, his eyes wide with anger. "You're not going to talk about her like that. In fact, you're not going fucking to talk about her at all. Understood?" He let out a heavy breath then, looking between the two of them before he swiped at his hair, returning the strands that had fallen over his forehead back to their resting place.
Neither John nor Arthur responded verbally to their brother's statement. Arthur let out a grunt of agreement and John merely nodded, both surprised by the show of emotion they'd just witnessed.
Tommy nodded in response to the silence. "Good. Now go out and figure out how we can get this guy. We need to do it cleanly," he gave them an order, one that made the two of them nod before turning and heading to the door.
John exited without another word, but Arthur stopped with his hand on the door's handle. He looked back to his brother, who had both of his palms placed flat on the desk as he finished recollecting himself.
"She really means something to you, doesn't she?" he broke the silence hanging in the room. His question made Tommy look up. They held eye contact for a few moments. Not a word was said. Arthur got his answer though; he could see it in Tommy's eyes. So instead of prolonging the staring contest, he nodded and exited the office.
Tommy let out a huff as the door shut, closing his eyes and tipping his head back against the chair. (Y/N) came to mind then, and he relished in the thought of her as it made his stresses wash away.
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Tommy just happened to be sitting out on the floor of the betting shop when the most out of place looking person entered the building. He clocked the man speaking to Scudboat and continued working on the papers in front of him as he tried to listen into the conversation.
"Is Mr. Shelby in?"
"He's busy. You'll need an appointment. That can be arranged with his..."
"I just need to speak to him for a moment."
"You'll need to arrange an..."
"He's fine to speak with me, Scudboat," Tommy cut into the conversation, coming over to where he and (Y/N)'s father were standing by the door.
"Yes, Mr. Shelby," Scudboat bowed his head as he left the conversation, knowing he was no longer needed.
"What can I do for you, Mr. (Y/L/N)?" Tommy asked (Y/N)'s father then, his eyes trained on the man who still looked so out of place.
"I'm not here to spend any money," the older man quickly replied, a rather sour look present on his face.
"I never thought you were," Tommy responded, hoping that his level voice would ease the other man's inhibitions. "Has something happened to (Y/N)?" he asked then, his brows furrowing as a feeling of worry washed over him.
Mr. (Y/L/N) looked around the room for a moment before his eyes found Tommy's again. "Can we speak somewhere more private?" he requested, the inflection of his voice not giving Tommy any concrete answer to his question. He hated that.
"We can," the gangster nodded, then moving towards one of the private offices - a little too quickly for his liking. "Has something happened to (Y/N)?" he asked again once the two men were behind the closed door.
(Y/N)'s father sucked in a breath and let it out slowly, shaking his head every so slightly before he began speaking, "I know what you do...and I know that it's not right, nor good..." he started, his eyes darting around the room so he wouldn't have to hold Tommy's stare. "But I've seen you with my daughter, how you've tried to open up and let God into your life..." he paused again, taking another deep breath. Tommy wished he'd say what he needed to already. "She sees something in you that I can not, Mr. Shelby, and I hope that you see something in her that goes beyond physical desire."
"Way beyond, Mr. (Y/L/N)," Tommy was quick to tell him, "she's...she's changed me in ways I'd not thought possible."
"Good," the older man nodded, looking pleased with the response he'd gotten. Silence hung in the air then, and both men stared at each other. It was almost like one was waiting for the other to crack; for the other shoe to fall. Mr. (Y/L/N) was the one to speak first. "You have my blessing. You can court my daughter."
Tommy exhaled the breath he didn't know he was holding upon hearing the other man's statement. He immediately extended his hand. "Thank you, Mr. (Y/L/N)."
"Treat her well, Thomas," her father sternly said, accepting the handshake Tommy had offered.
"I will."
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Tommy and (Y/N) arrived at the road to (Y/N)'s home, and (Y/N) turned to face him like she always did. She smiled at him, sweetly thanking him for walking her home from church. Tommy smiled at her, tipping his hat and making her giggle - like he usually did. (Y/N) then leaned in and pressed her lips to his, giving him the quick kiss that she'd always leave him with. This time, however, Tommy's hands found her waist and he held her close to him when she pulled away.
"Be mine," he whispered against her lips, pulling back slightly so that his eyes could find hers.
"Tommy," (Y/N) breathed in response to his statement, "my father..."
"He gave me his blessing," he assured her, "will you be mine, (Y/N)?" he asked this time.
A smile spread across (Y/N)'s lips as butterflies erupted in her stomach. This is what she'd been waiting for. Everyone had told her that Tommy Shelby was a man who was to be feared, but that was not the Tommy Shelby that she had the pleasure to know; to get close to. And now he was asking her the question she'd hoped he'd ask ever since the first kiss they shared.
"Yes, Tommy," she answered with a slight nod, excitement bubbling up inside of her, "yes, I'll be yours."
Her words made a smile form on Tommy's face, and instead of saying anything in response, he leaned in and kissed her, showing her how happy he was to hear her answer through the passion he put into the kiss. She was the only person who'd get him to change his ways...and now she was his.
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**a little bit about the background: this was based off of a vignette that I read in a book about America in WWI — a man, who was rather rowdy, into no good things, took interest in a woman, and the woman’s father told him that the only way he’d get to court her is if he came to church. The man essentially changed his lifestyle around for her because he was so interested in her and they eventually got married — so just like Tommy, he got the girl.
Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @garrison-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @red-riding-wood @everythingelseisextra @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife
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skzdreamer13 · 5 months ago
Omg I NEED size kink with hyunjin. I bet he's so long. it's been living in my head
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You got it my love :)
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Size Kink with Hyunjin 🧡
The first story of Kinktober :)
This is only my second Smut writing so I'm sorry if it is bad in away. Practice makes perfect.
Warnings: Size Kink, Smut, Oral (M & F recieving)
18+ MDNI!!
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You spent the day at home. The snow is coming down hard, the windows frosting slightly with the difference of how warm it is inside and the freezing winds outside.
Your boyfriend in the kitchen making hot chocolate, you sitting in bed curled up watching your favorite comfort movie waiting for him to come back.
After begging him over and over to make some hot chocolate he finally caved. He really loves me. You think while curling up tighter and sinking into the pillows.
"Alright, love. Here's your hot chocolate, I put whipped cream on it." He walks in, two steaming mugs in hand. His hair is long and messy, from having been in bed all day because of the snow storm ragging outside. He's got on a plain white t-shirt that looks like it's one size too big for him.
Though you can still see his upper body clearly through the semi-sheer material of his shirt. His shoulders broad and with every step he takes the muscles in his arm flex to keep the mugs steady. God this man can't do anything in a non sexy manner, he just oozes sex appeal.
At this point your gawking, eyes slowly drifting across him. His hands and how big they are, too large for the mugs in his hands, making them look small almost child sized. His long legs and how the black sweatpants cling lowly on his hips, drawstrings untied. Your eyes lock on his pelvis, his pants loose which you think would be a problem for visualizing but because of their looseness his cock sways freely in his sweats, no underwear to keep himself locked into place.
You gulp. Of course you know what he looks like. You've been together so long. But you will never get enough of how big he is. You feel the heat rushing to your cheeks as you openly stare.
At this point you've done little to hide where your eyes, and now your mind, was focused on. Hyunjin sets the mugs down on his nightstand, bending slightly. He stands up straight, his buldge pressing up against the front of his sweats with the movement.
Hyunjin looks at you, a smug smirk playing on his face, "My eyes are up here."
Your eyes shoot up to meet his, wide like a dear caught in headlights. Your face goes even warmer and you go to say something, your mouth opening but the words caught in your throat.
"If you want something, just ask." He says, his voice dropping to a soft sensual teasing tone. He then gets on the bed and climbs under the covers and goes beneath them, head dipping below into the darkness.
He taps your thigh for you to spread your legs as he crawls between them. Your breath gets caught in your throat as he pulls your pajama pants down, underwear going with and tosses them to the side.
You feel his breath on your core as his large hands massage your thighs, He's playing with you and even though he's barely touched you, you're impatient and needy.
"Please..." You say breathless, there's no time to be embarrassed about how wet you know you already are as he dips his head down and licks a long strip up your pussy.
The moan that leaves you is one of relief that he is finally touching you, tasting you.
His tongue flicks at your clit up and down, you arching your back at the feeling.
He pulls the covers off of both of you, so you can see him as he sits up on his knees, He towers over you. You love how big his entire body is, like he can shield you from everything but at the same time he can do whatever he wants to you and you love that.
His eyes are dark and clouded with lust, his hair even messier than before. His shirt has risen slightly and you can see his happy trail dipping down below the him of his pants. And without warning or hesitation you bring your hand up and palm him through his sweats.
His head falls back and he lets out the sigh of a moan as you rub up and down his massive dick through his pants. Bringing your other hand up you pull the waistband of his pants down and let his cock fall out.
It's right in front of you, huge. and you know there is no way all of it it is going to fit in your mouth, it never has. But that doesn't change how you love to choke on it.
You wrap both hands around his shaft and run your tongue in a circle over the tip of his cock. His hands fisting at his sides as you take as much of him in your mouth as you can. His hand fall into your hair and you look up to meet his eyes.
Hyunjin's eyes are glazed over his mouth slightly open and his breathing is heavy as you keep your eyes locked with his, you start to pull back off of his dick and sink your mouth back down onto him, your hands jerking off the rest of his shaft the doesn't fit in your mouth.
The moans that come out of him are heavenly. You can't get enough and you start to pick up your pace wanting to hear him more.
He hisses, "If you keep this up I'm going to cum and I want to feel you around me first." You ignore him, if he comes in your mouth that would make you incredibly happy and you have no issues with that, so you continue to suck him your head coming up and down quickly, your hair falling in your face.
He pulls you off and up, gentle but you can feels his urgency.
"Please, let me fuck you first." You look at him and know you feel just as needy as he looks.
You nod your head, words escaping you as pulls both of your shirts off and lays you down. He lines himself up with your entrance and pushes into you, agonizingly slow.
His arms beside your head holding himself up and he has you trapped between his body and the bed.
"God I love how small you are, you're so perfect for me." He says and lays his body flush to yours. You wrap your legs around his hips and bring him deeper, still not all the way. you're pretty much screaming with the speed and strength behind everyone of his thrusts.
With every thrust from him you feel like you're closer and closer to your orgasm. Your nails digging into his back with the tightness that coils in your belly.
"Hyunjin... I'm close." The desperation in your voice gives him motivation to keep going and you feel his cock twitch, he's close too.
His hand slips between your bodies and he finds your clit with his fingers and rubs at it, clumsily and quickly. That's enough to bring you over the edge and you are clenching around him so tight the feeling is enough to bring on his orgasm.
Falling half on top of you, half on the bed, you're both sweaty and breathless. He's still inside of you, shrinking with each breath, his cum threatening to spill out with each lingering throb of your pussy as you come down from your orgasm.
"I love the Winter." He says to you and kisses your cheek and you giggle.
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seobinghard · 5 days ago
[ ☆ ] summary: apparently, all it takes is two wisdom teeth, one foul oyster and a fuckass bedtime story to end your decade-long beef with your arch-nemesis, jeong yunho.
pairing: arch-nemesis!yunho x fem!reader. tags: enemies-to-lovers au, fluff, crack, witty. note: yuyu's a bit mean mwahaha. slight yungi x reader. best friend!mingi mentioned. yunho and reader's beef is not intense but long-standing and petty. mingi loves you both tho. wc: 1.5k i think. warnings: mentions of anaesthesia, vomiting, and swearing.
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the instructions were plain and simple.
mingi was supposed to pick you up from the dental clinic after your wisdom teeth removal appointment at two pm sharp because god knows you'll be high off your head from the anaesthesia to even comprehend traffic lights. but lo and behold, things don't go quite as planned because some guy in a grey hoodie shows up instead of your best friend. how d'you know?
he's got naked fingers.
"you're not wearing any r-rings–" you slur at the unidentifiable stranger, decoding his face with your half-lidded eyes before realising;
"wait, you're not mingi!"
"no shit, einstein." yunho rolls his eyes, scoffing at your accusation. you're barely standing up straight.
yunho's your arch-nemesis, your best friend—mingi's other best friend (which is why he's your arch-nemesis), and your ex high school class president who caught you cheating on your physics finals in junior year and almost got you expelled. whatever, you think he's just conceited and has no life, that's why he goes around policing the free-willed like you. acting all high and righteous like he knows it all (he actually does know it all but you'd rather swallow a lava rock then admit it).
"man, you're so cooked," yunho laughs mockingly, snaking an arm around waist to hold you upright.
although he can be petty and leave you here for the flies (it's summer), yunho's a man of his words and great time management.
the plan was plain and simple.
he promised mingi to pick you up from the dental clinic after your wisdom teeth removal at two pm sharp because mingi decided it was a great idea to slurp a two-day old raw oyster straight from the fridge that san had forgotten to throw out which sent him straight to the emergency room for food poisoning at ten in the morning. who escorted him? that's right. yunho. after all the barf hysteria mingi's put him through, yunho only got a 'bro, can you pick y/n up? also wear rings so she doesn't freak out.'
the fuck, yunho thought to himself.
but now it all makes sense.
you identify mingi by the rings on his fingers when you're feeling loopy and not quite there; like when you're drunk from the club or high off your head from anaesthesia.
yunho thinks that's kinda cute; your habit. you're kinda cute, now that he's gotten a closer look at you.
"can someone please remove this man from my sight?"
yeah, fuck that. yunho shoots you a glare you probably can't even see. "enough. we're going home."
"um, no. the fuck," you hiss, prying his hands off your arm before turning to your assigned nurse with tears in your eyes, "n-nurse yoon, this is not my guy– mingi's supposed to pick me up and he wears loooots of rings. this–"
"y/n, look at me." yunho steadies you with both hands, looking you straight in the eyes. "mingi's got food poisoning and he's at the er right now. so, i'm, me, yunho," he points at himself, "i'm gonna take you home, okay?"
there's a moment of silence.
nurse yoon finally excuses herself and hands you over to the tall man in the grey hoodie, advising him to watch you until the anaesthesia wears out from your system. he sounds so familiar yet you can't quite wrap your head around where you've seen him. the only thing you recognise, though, is his scent—soft, clean and musky like freshly hung laundry in the summer sun.
"yunho?" you mutter weakly, finally regaining a bit of clarity.
"yeah, me, dumbass. who else?" yunho replies flatly, though if you squint hard enough, you might just spot playfulness on the curve of his lips.
getting you home was a journey. not that you live far from the clinic but you couldn't stop bursting into fits of giggles and asking yunho to tell you funny stories so much so that he had to stop three times on the road to fix up your seatbelt.
"no more funny stories," yunho shuts you then your apartment door with a firm 'bang'.
you're standing in front of him like a kid in time-out, lips pursed in fear and excitement. maybe it's the anaesthesia, maybe it's your first time being this close to your arch-nemesis, maybe it's the sternness in his voice and the intensity in his gaze when he tells you to "behave" while gently grabbing your chin. something is definitely different about yunho, and you can't quite say you hate him as much as you did before.
"can i get a bedtime story then?" you bat your lashes.
"sun's still up."
"you're actually so lame, you know that?"
yunho never left you.
the sun has long set and you're fast asleep in your room, softly snoring under a pile of pillows after a bowl of chicken soup he made you and two tylenols. he kept the nightlight on—a small miffy lamp on your bedside table and made sure to refill your humidifier once every few hours. you're in deep, deep sleep, as expected. nurse yoon had advised him to keep an eye on you for two to four hours post-op. it's now half-past nine. why is he still here? he doesn't even know.
mingi's still at the hospital with a guilty san though he can now text. they'll probably let him go tomorrow morning if his conditions improve tonight. this is good news, yunho tells himself. he feels a great relief that his best friend's recovering, yet a part of him is filled with utter dread because if mingi gets discharged tomorrow morning then that means he's no longer your primary carer; that means he's ... leaving you.
what the fuck, yunho thinks.
is this what he thinks it is? no ... there is no way he's crushing on you. you? the chronic academic cheater? the spoiled crybaby? no way. yunho is genuinely crashing out in your little pink kitchen. before he can string together another mental smear campaign against your name in an attempt to 'un-crush' you, a shrill cry breaks from your room.
rushing over, yunho finds you uncontrollably sobbing in bed, eyes shut, brows knitted in utter distress. you're having a nightmare. his heart softens.
"shh, shh, it's okay," he coos, "it's okay, now." slowly, he slips into your bed and under your sheets, holding your trembling body close to his chest, cradling your head in his arms as he gently rubs circles on the skin of your lower back, steady and slow.
yunho glances down at your half-awake face, wiping away your tears with his thumb. "mhm?" the circles on your back don't stop.
"can you tell me a bedtime story?"
"no," he replies flatly, swallowing the urge to smile. but when he sees your teardrops double-up in size, he immediately switches up. "alright, fine, fine. let me think of something." he coughs, "once upon a time, there were three best friends–"
"is it us?"
"no questions," yunho mutters, restarting, "once upon a time, there were three best friends who lived in a small cottage by the woods. one was goofy, one cried a lot, and one was super smart. they would go fishing by the creek and spy on the neighbours–"
yunho pauses.
he looks down and finds you snoring on his chest, hand still gripping onto his grey hoodie. a content sigh leaves his lips as he takes in the features of your face; your pretty lashes, pretty nose and pretty pink lips. you're so pretty, he thinks. why are you even beefing?
"goodnight, crybaby," he murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. before he knows it, sleep creeps up his sleeve and you're both fast asleep in each other's arms.
you and yunho jolt awake, whipping your heads to the doorway to find a freshly discharged mingi, frozen and wide-eyed, staring at you with horror and bewilderment dripping from his face as if he's just seen a ghost.
"while i was puking my life out in the er, you're here cuddling up to each other like– bro, what– you betrayed my moral loyalty! the both of you!"
"just say you're jealous and jump in," yunho groans groggily and throws throws a pillow at his best friend. he dips back into bed, pulling you into his chest.
you giggle when the bed dips behind you, followed by an arm around your waist, cold rings pressed against your skin.
"i need a proper explanation after this," mingi murmurs in your hair, eyes drooping as the post-food-poisoning fatigue starts to hit him.
yunho only hums in response and swats mingi's arm away from you. "did i say you can touch her?"
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© seobinghard 2025 . all rights reserved. / m.list
a/n: one of the best shit i've written so far. also it's 2:44am n i need to sleep. but peep possessive yunho at the end mwahaha fuck i need him bad
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lalalovejay · 1 year ago
|| NDA || ~ Lee Heeseung
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♤Pairings: idol!heeseungXfem!fangirl!reader
♤Synopsis: Attending the New York show for Enhypen's first world tour, you find yourself in quite the predicament when a man approaches you and your best friend with a question that leaves you absolutely flabbergasted.
"Would you be willing to sign an NDA?"
♤Warnings: just straight up smut with a little plot, dom!heeseung, sub!reader, protected sex, cunnilingus(f!receiving), p in v, use of pet names (good girl, sir, princess, angel), use of derogatory names (slut, whore), blowjob(m!receiving), fingering(f!receiving), hair pulling, choking, I think that's it
♤Author's Note: This is 1000000% delusional and not based on any true stories. This is my first time writing smut on this platform, so please give me some feedback to help me do better next time! I would really appreciate it:) Also, this has been in my drafts for monthsssss so I finally finished it lol
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"Hey, you ready to go?" Lucy asks you as she pulls on her boots.
"Yeah, one sec." You say before applying lipgloss over your red stained lips.
Grabbing your bag and lightstick, you follow your best friend out of your hotel room. Lucy skips down the hallway as you laugh at her giddiness.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna see them live! I'm so fucking excited!" Lucy squeals as you both reach the elevators.
Pressing on the button, you look over at her with an excited smile on your face.
"I can not wait to see Jake in real life. I'm so down bad for that man." You sigh at just the thought of him.
Lucy giggles and agrees.
"I need Sunghoon to read my sign and send me a kiss. After that, I can die in peace." She jokes along with you.
The elevator doors ding open before you both step in. Pressing the button for the lobby, you both patiently wait for the elevator to reach the ground level before stepping out.
"What if during Polaroid Love they come up to our section?! Please! I need Heeseung to sing to me!" Lucy groans as she imagines the man staring deep into her eyes as he serenades her.
You giggle at your friend who begins to daydream of concert scenarios.
"If they do come up to our section, I hope I can get Jake's attention." You say as you look down at the Jake photocard that hangs on your concert bag.
"I mean, we're hot. We're bound to get someone's attention, right?" Lucy jokingly says as you two exit the hotel doors and walk to the subway station.
After taking the subways to the venue, you both get in line as the time for the show to start inches closer. You both were able to get your hands on some freebies and banners while you waited.
Going through security and finding your seats, you two excitedly take pictures and videos of the venue and other fans in the crowd as you all wait for the show to begin.
"Holy shit! Holy shit! We're actually here!" You squeal at Lucy, who matches your energy as she holds your hand.
"Please! I need one interaction, and I'll be the happiest girl alive!" She says as she stares at the stage a few feet away from where your section was.
You two were able to find fairly good seats with an amazing view of the stage on the right side of the venue. Only a few rows up and at the end of the row in the aisle. Praying that the boys would come up to your section when they performed Polaroid Love.
Soon, the intro music began to play as the lights dimmed. The VCR begins playing as everyone screams. Lightsticks waving in the air as the screen begins moving. The 7 members of Enhypen on stage ready to give a performance of a lifetime for their loving fans.
You and Lucy scream as your biases face pop up on the big screen. Their stares are very intense as they each get into position to perform their opening song.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT! JAKE MOTHER FUCKING SIM!" You scream as he pops up on screen once again.
The concert goes on as planned. Each performance leaves everyone in awe. You and Lucy fangirling like no other. On this particular night, the fans had come up with a project for Heeseung as it was his birthday. While the members had their talking moment, the fans began singing Happy Birthday when the screen showed Heeseung. His smile was wide as he listened to the fans and members sing him a happy birthday.
In that moment, something switched in you. You always knew that Heeseung was a very attractive man. He was everything a girl wanted. Tall, handsome, funny, sweet, and good at everything.
"I think he just bias wrecked me with that smile." You tell Lucy as your eyes stayed glued onto Heeseung, who laughs slightly as he says his words.
Lucy laughs as she follows your line of sight to the man. His hair had been styled to show his forehead. He was absolutely glowing on his birthday.
"Don't tell Jake." You jokingly threaten Lucy as she shakes her head with a knowing smile on her face.
"Little Miss, I only want Jake Sim, is finally joining the dark side. Lee Heeseung will eventually have you wrapped around his finger. It's a canon event." Lucy says in a matter of fact tone as she goes back to ogling over Sunghoon, who began speaking.
For the rest of the night, your eyes tried to stay on Jake, but you found yourself searching for Heeseung every now and then. His stage presence was very overwhelming, and had you wishing you could see his beautiful face up close.
When Polaroid Love began playing, you and Lucy sang along, not really getting your hopes up of them coming to your section. The moment they ran off stage and began roaming the crowd, you and Lucy screamed in happiness.
Suddenly, the spotlight was shown in your section. You and Lucy look at each other with wide eyes.
"No.fucking.way." She says as you both look back at the group of boys making their way to your section.
You and Lucy scream, even louder, as they get closer. Jungwon leads the way as Jake, Niki and Heeseung follow behind. You and Lucy both stand next to each other as they walk by, Jungwon giving you both a kind smile and a high five. Jake smirks slightly as he sees the 'Jake' sticker on your lightstick. Lucy records the whole thing. Jake sends you a flying kiss before walking further up. Your eyes were too focused on the man to notice that Heeseung was standing directly in front of you after Niki passes by finishing Lucy's hand heart. Lucy pulls on your shoulder to get your attention, her own mouth agape as Heeseung stands in front of you both.
You swing back around and come face to face with a pair of dark eyes, a glint of playfulness swimming in them. You gasp as Heeseung smirks, bringing the mic to his lips as he begins singing to you. Your eyes widen as his eyes stare deeply into your own.
He sends a wink before following after the other boys who begin making their way back to the stage.
"OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?" Lucy screams as she shakes your shoulders.
"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" You scream back as you both fangirl over your interactions.
"I GOT IT ON CAMERA!" Lucy realizes as she looks down at her phone in her hand.
"Send it to me!" You say as you look back to the stage where they continued performing.
As the night goes on, you could have sworn that Heeseung had been glancing at your section for the rest of the concert. He interacted more with your side, and his eyes found your own a few times throughout the night.
"He wanna fuck." Lucy jokes as she catches Heeseung looking over again.
You chuckle as you enjoy the moment. Trying not to feel super flustered at the whole interaction you had with Heeseung knowing that he was just really good at fan service and you didn't want your delusions to get the best of you.
As the concert comes to an end and you all sadly have to say your goodbyes, the screen closes on the members as the lights turn on once again. You and Lucy stay seated as everyone around you picks up confetti and takes pictures or videos.
"I'm shook. Sunghoon sent me a kiss. I can die happily." Lucy dreamily says as she rewatches her concert videos.
"Let me see the Heeseung interaction again, I need to relive it." You ask Lucy as she scrolls through her camera roll to find the video.
Just as she was about to press play, you felt a tap on your left shoulder. You quickly look up to see who it was that had tapped you. A young Korean man stood before you both. The staff lanyard hanging around his neck.
"Yes?" You ask curiously.
You hoped you hadn't done anything wrong for the staff to come to you personally.
"Hi, I'm part of the staff traveling with the artists. I was asked by their manager to come get you both. He has a few questions and would like to talk." He tells you in a hushed voice so no one else could hear.
Lucy looks at you confused. You look back at her with the same expression.
"Uh, sure?" You say as you get up.
He leads you both towards the exit and into a door that says, 'Employees Only'. Lucy looks over at you nervously as you walk down a narrow hallway bustling with staff cleaning up. The man leads you to a door that says 'Management' and knocks twice.
"Come in!" A voice booms from inside.
He opens the door and steps to the side to allow you both to enter. You look over at Lucy uneasily but step in anyway. There were a lot of people around, so if anything happened, you would be able to scream for help. Lucy follows behind you hesitantly, and the man shuts the door once you both enter.
Two men sit on the couch and chair of the room as you both stand there awkwardly. You notice that the two men were Enhypen managers. Recognizing them instantly because of airport photos.
"Hello! I'm Sejin. Please, sit." The older man introduces himself and gestures to the two chairs across from them.
You look over at Lucy, who just shrugs and takes a seat. You follow her move and sit in the chair beside her.
"Are we in some sort of trouble?" Lucy asks as her eyes glance around the room nervously.
"Not at all! This discussion has to be private in order to protect our artists' image, so we asked to see you in private without the prying eyes and ears. My name is Woobin, by the way." Another manager tells you both.
"So what is this about?" You ask curiously.
Your eyes narrow in on the papers and pen sitting on the table in front of you all. The big letters, 'NDA', are boldly printed at the top. Your eyes widen slightly as you realize what's about to happen. You had only heard stories of this type of thing and never expected it to happen to you.
"Before we discuss any further. Would you be willing to sign an NDA? We can not disclose the topic of this conversation unless we have your full trust that you will not leak, speak, or even hint at having this conversation with us." Sejin asks the two of you.
You look over at Lucy, who looks back at you with wide eyes. Both of you realized exactly what they wanted to talk about.
"Before you make any decisions, may I ask your age and for your ID to confirm?" Woobin asks.
"I'm 21, and she's 20." You say as you and Lucy pull out your own IDs to show them.
Woobin looks it over before handing them to Sejin, who examines them as well. He nods his head before handing them back to you.
"So, will you sign? If you don't feel comfortable with it, it is understandable, and we'll have another staff member walk you two out safely." Sejin reassures you both of your safety.
"I'll sign." Lucy is the first to speak up.
You look at her in bewilderment.
"Lucy." You say her name to gain her attention.
"What? I want to know what they want to talk about. Besides, it's only an NDA. If you read the fine print, you should be fine before signing." Lucy says as she grabs the papers that lay on the table.
You sigh and grab them as well. Reading through the pages, eyes scanning over every printed word down to the page number that is printed on the bottom corner.
"Are you seriously gonna do this?" You ask Lucy.
"When will we ever get the chance to sign an NDA contract with an idol groups manager that we stan? Never. So, yes, I'm doing this." Lucy says as she gives the two men a small smile and picks up the pen to sign her name on the contract line.
You sigh as you contemplate for a little longer. You don't want Lucy to go through this alone. Worried about her safety you stupidly sign your name on the contract as well.
Handing the two contracts back to Woobin, he and Sejin sign their own names and place the contract into a small folder.
"Perfect. Now we can get to talking. The reason for this conversation is that 2 of our artists have asked to meet you both. If you agree, we will have a staff car pick you up from your accommodations and bring you to the artist hotel where you two will meet. Whatever happens between you both must be consensual, or it will be a breach of contract. It must be kept secret and hidden from others, or it will be a breach of contract. Do you both understand?" Sejin begins explaining.
"Yes." You and Lucy say.
"Good. If you would like to meet the 2 artists, you can give us a call at this number, and we will send a car to pick you up. This is all with your own consent, of course. If you decide not to, this conversation will stay between us, or it will be a breach of contract. We will not force you two to do anything you do not consent to. Our top priority is the safety of our artists and of you if you choose to meet with them." Sejin continues and hands you both a small card with only a phone number printed on it.
"Can I ask who the 2 artists are? And which of them asked for who?" Lucy asks them.
"Our artists Sunghoon and Heeseung. Sunghoon has asked for you, Miss Lucy. And Heeseung has asked for you, Miss (Y/N)." Woobin informs you both.
Lucy looks over at you in shock. Her bias had asked to meet with her. While you, on the other hand, had your bias wrecker of the night asking to meet with you.
"Oh 100% I am A okay to meet with Sunghoon." Lucy squeals as the information settles in.
You couldn't believe this was actually happening. Lee Heeseung had asked to meet with you. You. Of all the people he saw in that crowd tonight.
"Well, we have Miss Lucy's consent. How about you, Miss (Y/n)? If you still need time to think about it, we completely understand and will be a phone call away awaiting your answer." Sejin says.
"Okay." You whisper.
"I'm sorry?" Sejin asks, not hearing you properly.
"I said okay. I agree to meet with Heeseung." You tell him a little louder.
Your heartbeat drums in your ears as you continue to let the information sink in. Lucy squeals happily beside you as the two men give you both a reassuring smile.
"Great! You're more than welcome to return to your accommodations. The 2 should be back in their hotel rooms right about now. Since today is Heeseung's birthday, he will be doing a live before meeting with you. Will you both be okay with meeting the two around 12:30 am?" Sejin asks.
Lucy quickly nods her head.
"Yes! We'll be ready by then." She answers for you both.
Sejin smiles.
"Perfect. Just call the number when you're ready. Woobin will escort you ladies out. It was nice meeting you both." Sejin says and reaches his hand out for a handshake.
You take his hand and give it a firm shake in gratitude as Lucy does the same after you. Woobin gestures for you two to follow him out of the room and back into the once bustling hallway. The staff had cleaned up pretty much everything, and the hallway was now empty. He leads you towards the exit and allows security to walk you out the door.
Once you two make it outside, Lucy jumps up in excitement.
"Oh my god....that just happened." You finally realize the situation you were both in.
"I'm gonna get dicked down by my bias. This is fucking wild." Lucy laughs as she wraps an arm around your shoulders.
"I knew Heeseung wanted to fuck when he came up to you with that look in his eyes. He wanted you so bad, I'm telling you." Lucy says as you both walk back to the subway station.
Getting back to your hotel room, Lucy quickly rummages through her luggage for something presentable to wear for Sunghoon.
"Good thing we got waxed for this trip." Lucy jokes as she pulls out an over-sized button-up and a pair of biker shorts.
"I'm gonna rinse off the sweat from the concert. Feel free to look through my clothes if you don't have anything." Lucy winks at you before walking into the bathroom.
It was currently 11:56pm. Your weverse notifies you that a member of Enhypen was now live. Unlocking your phone, you click on the notification that brings you to the app and into the live. On the screen pops up Heeseung with his birthday cake. He's dressed in a black hoodie with the hood up. His dangly earrings sway every time he moves his head.
His bare face takes your breath away as you realize that you will be meeting with this man in less than an hour. You quickly rummage through your luggage for something to wear as the live continues playing in the background. Opting for something casual yet easily accessible, you pull out a pair of spandex and a hoodie. Opting for the only matching set you brought with you, the lacy white set begs for you to wear it and finally get some action. You weren't even sure what possessed you to bring a lingerie set in the first place, but you thanked the gods you did.
Lucy comes out from the bathroom dressed in her button-up and shorts. Her hair had been recurled slightly to give it a little more volume. You could tell she had retouched her makeup as well.
"Heeseung is live right now. I'm gonna rinse off as well and change." You tell Lucy as you walk into the bathroom with your clothes.
Lucy immediately snatches your phone and watches the live. Giggling as she realized the other members had entered and began celebrating with him.
After you get ready and make sure you have all your things, Lucy dials the number on the card. It was currently 12:23 am. The person on the other line asks for the hotel name and says that a car would be ready for them in 10 minutes.
Nerves settle into the pit of your stomach as the time inches closer and closer.
"Am I really about to have a one night stand with Lee Heeseung?" You ask Lucy who only laughs at your question.
"Yes. You're about to get a taste of South Korea." She winks at you before pulling you out the door and towards the elevator.
The entire ride to the hotel had your stomach in twists. Nerves eating at you as you enter the hotel Enhypen and their staff were currently staying in. You play with the hem of your hoodie as you both ride the elevator up to the floor the members are currently staying on.
"Sunghoon is in room 70G, and Heeseung is in 72G." The staff member informs you both as you reach the 7th floor of the hotel.
"Thank you." You say to the staff member as you exit the elevator.
Lucy holds your hand tightly as you walk down the quiet hallway towards the rooms. Your eyes scan the numbers on the doors, searching for the one that currently occupies the idol who had asked to meet you. You both reach 70G first. Meaning Lucy will be leaving you alone for the rest of the night.
"Have fun." Lucy winks at you before knocking on the door.
A moment later, the door is being pulled open by none other than Park Sunghoon himself. His eyes glance over at you for a second before going back to Lucy.
"Hi." He says quietly as he opens the door a little wider for Lucy to enter.
Lucy gives you a thumbs up before stepping in. Sunghoon bows his head slightly to you before shutting the door behind Lucy.
You mentally curse at yourself as you awkwardly walk to the room with 72G plastered on its door. Taking in a deep breath, you bring your hand up to knock on the door. You hear shuffling and the sound of someone walking over before the door is being pulled open. Heeseung stands before you with his hood still on the way you had seen it when you were watching his live earlier.
"Hi." You manage to squeak out as Heeseung's eyes look you up and down.
A different look in them now compared to the sweet eyes you had seen on his live. He smirks slightly.
"Hi." He says back to you before stepping aside and pulling the door open wider to allow you entry.
You nervously step forward and enter the hotel room. Heeseung closes the door behind you both and leads you further into the room. You see the partially eaten cake sitting on the desk and the fallen balloons on the second bed.
"Uh, I just ended the live not too long ago, so don't worry about the camera." Heeseung reassures you as he points at the camera that sits on the tripod in front of the cake.
You already knew that because your phone had been playing his live the entire time you were on the way over. He had ended the live before you reached his door.
"No worries!" You smile up at the man before you.
His height towering over your small frame as you awkwardly shift from leg to leg. Heeseung chuckles before taking your bag from your hand and setting it on the table behind him.
"So, what's your name?" He asks you as he sits down on the rolling chair and gestures for you to take a seat on the edge of the bed.
You follow his lead and sit down before stuffing your hands in your hoodie pockets out of nervousness. Heeseung was wearing a pair of gray sweats along with his black hoodie that looked so good on him. His face looked 10 times better bare. His smile sent arrows into your heart, whereas his smirks sent a chill down your spine.
"My name is (Y/n)." You tell him as your eyes dart around the room.
Heeseung finds you cute as you try not to make eye contact with him.
He chuckles before getting up from the chair and standing in front of you. Your eyes widen as you look up at him from your seated position. The tension filling the air quickly. His eyes hooded as he looked down at you with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
"You're very pretty." Heeseung compliments you.
He brings a hand up to cup the side of your face. Thumb pressed gently on your bottom lip.
"Is this okay?" He asks you.
You can't speak. Only nodding your head slightly.
"I need words, princess. Can I touch you?" He asks.
His voice two tones deeper than usual. The arousal clear in his eyes. You feel the butterflies swarming your stomach at the pet name.
"Yes." You say as you continue looking up at him with slightly wide eyes.
Heeseung smirks.
"Good girl." He says before pressing his thumb past your lips and onto your tongue.
You raise a hand up to wrap around his wrist gently. Closing your lips around his thumb, you suck on his finger. Heeseung chuckles at the sight of you.
"Are you gonna let me ruin you tonight, angel?" Heeseung pulls his thumb from your mouth to allow you to answer him.
"Yes, sir." You find yourself falling into submission for him rather quickly.
Heeseung's eyes darken at the name given to him.
"How do you like it, baby? I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable." Heeseung asks.
Reassuring you that he won't take advantage of you and will abide by your consent.
"I like it rough, sir. Wanna cry for you. Wanna make you feel good, sir." The confidence rising in you as Heeseung's eyes eat you up.
"Fuck." He groans before leaning down to crash his lips against your own.
Your hands find their way into his hair, gripping at the roots as one of his hands wraps around your throat gently, and the other slides up your hoodie to grip your waist. Pushing you down on the soft bed, lips smacking, teeth clashing, tongues colliding. The kiss is heated and messy as you both move further up along the bed to get into a more comfortable position.
Heeseung has his knees on either side of your hips, trapping you beneath him. His hand that grips your waist moves up slightly to touch the underside of your right boob. You sigh at the feeling of his some what rough hands on your skin.
"Take it off." Heeseung commands, gesturing to your hoodie.
You waste no time sitting up slightly to pull off your hoodie and toss it to the side. Your white lace bra cupping your tits perfectly on display for Heeseung to see. He moans slightly at the sight, his hands coming down to grope them.
"You look so pretty in white, angel. Is this all for me?" Heeseung asks.
You moan at his touch. Heeseung places kisses from your jaw down to your neck. Sucking harshly and leaving marks down your clavicle to your chest. One of his hands pulls down the lacy cup of the bra and frees your left breast. Nipples hard as your arousal kicks in. Your hands grip the sheets beneath you.
"Yes, sir. All for you." You moan out when he begins teasing your nipple.
Heeseung wraps his lips around the free breast, sucking and biting on your nipple while his other hand continues groping your other one. Giving both of your boobs plenty of attention. You feel the wetness pooling in your panties at the stimulation.
"So good, sir." You moan.
Praising Heeseung for the pleasure he's giving you.
Heeseung pulls away to slip off his own hoodie. Staring down at you with lust filled eyes. You admire his body. Lean and fit. His abs faintly showing and his v-line directing your eyes to his achingly hard cock straining against his sweatpants. Just the outline alone had you drooling. He was big. Long and thick.
Heeseung smirks down at you as he catches you shamelessly gawking over his naked torso.
You gulp slightly as you meet his dark eyes once again.
"You can touch me, angel." He chuckles.
Your hands move on their own accord as they roam down his chest. Feeling his hot skin beneath your palms. Every dip of his muscles. You were in absolute shock that you were touching one of your idols in this way.
Heeseung places a hand on your own, guiding you further down to where he wanted to feel you the most. Palming his hard on with your own soft hands, he groans at the contact.
"Was thinking about this the entire time I was performing. Saw you screaming so prettily for us. Wanted to hear you scream my name only." Heeseung tells you.
You gasp as he wraps your fingers around his clothed cock. Your thighs squeezing together underneath him.
"Wanna see you, sir. Wanna have my mouth full of you, please." You whine.
He smirks at your words.
"Anything you want, princess." Heeseung says before sliding off the bed to help you down on your knees.
You stare up at him through your lashes as you slide his sweatpants further down his hips and past his mid thigh. Dragging his briefs down with it. His aching cock springing up to gently slap at his lower stomach. The tip red and leaking with precum. His dick print did nothing in preparing you for his actual bare cock. It was a pretty pink with a few prominent veins from the base to the tip. He was long and fairly thick.
You lick your lips as you look up at Heeseung for permission to continue. He chuckles before pulling on your hair and holding it back for you.
"Go on, angel." Heeseung gives you the go.
You wrap a hand around his base, squeezing slightly to get a good feel of his weight. He hisses through his teeth when he finally feels your soft hands wrapped around him. His dark eyes never once leaving your dirty ministrations below him. You collect some saliva into your mouth before spitting on his cock. Using it as a lubricant to move your hand quicker up and down his dick. He groans as you wrap your lips around the head of his cock. Sucking lightly and licking his slit. Your other hand comes up to grope his balls. Toying with them as your lips move further down his hard length. The feeling of your warm mouth wrapped around him has Heeseung in a daze.
"Fuck. You're not an angel at all. You're just a filthy cock whore aren't you? Letting someone you don't even know fuck your mouth like this. I'm gonna fuck you so hard and ruin you for anyone else. Not even Jake would be able to please you like I will." Heeseung harshly says as he takes over and thrusts his cock down your throat.
You gag slightly at his sudden move. Not prepared yet to take him so far. Your eyes water as he pulls out of your mouth with his tip resting on your bottom lip. Heeseung smirks before slipping his cock back in your mouth, fucking your face for his own pleasure. You said you liked it rough so Heeseung was gonna give you just that.
You obediently sit on your knees and let him fuck your throat. Trying to relax your muscles as much as you could with him slipping further and further down. Your hands grip onto his flexed thighs, nails leaving an imprint on his fair skin as you try and breathe. The sounds of you gagging and Heeseung's groans fill the room entirely. You stare up at the man before you, looking god sent as he basks in the feeling of your mouth.
"Fuck me." He curses as he feels his orgasm approaching.
He looks down at your teary eyes, cheeks red and lips puffy. God, you looked so beautiful.
"Gonna cum for my cock whore. Are you gonna take it all, baby? Be my good girl?" Heeseung asks as his thrusts slow down slightly to grant you some mercy.
You nod your head, greedily sucking in as much air as you could before Heeseung decides to slip down your throat for much longer this time. Tears fall from your eyes at the sudden move. You couldn't breathe but you tried your best to get Heeseung to cum quickly.
He groans as he feels his orgasm washing over him. Releasing his cum down your throat.
"Fuck!" He moans out, throwing his head back at the feeling of his high.
He pulls out of your mouth, his cock still semi-hard as he watches you swallow his cum. A few drops dripping down your chin. Heeseung swipes his finger across your chin to pick up the rest of his cum that dripped past your lips. He slips his cum coated finger into your sore mouth, letting you suck the rest of it off. Opening your mouth, you stick your tongue out to show him that you had swallowed it all like a good girl.
"What a dirty whore." Heeseung smirks before pulling you onto your feet and crashing his lips against your own.
You whimper against his tongue that intrudes your mouth. Tasting you and his own cum on your tongue. His hands snake around your body and greedily unclasps your bra. You gasp against his lips at the feeling of your bare chest meeting the cool air of the room.
"The most perfect pair of tits I've ever seen." Heeseung compliments.
Pushing your body gently onto the bed, your back against the soft sheets. Heeseung pulls your shorts down, leaving you in nothing but your lace panties.
"I wanna taste you, baby. Will you let me have a taste?" He asks you as he lays in between your open legs.
Kissing up your soft thighs closer and closer to your needy core. You moan at the feeling of his soft lips against your warm skin.
"Yes, sir. Want you so bad. Please. Please. Please." You give him consent to eat you out.
Heeseung wastes no time in diving in. The sweet smell of you intoxicating his senses. He kisses your wet slit through your lace panties. The embarrassingly wet patch soaking through the thin fabric. Bringing his fingers up to your clothed pussy, he slips the thin material to the side allowing him to see your pretty pussy up close. Blowing slightly on your sensitive core, teasing you to wrap your thighs around his shoulders.
"Don't tease, sir. Please. Been so good for you." You beg him.
"Wanna take my time with you, angel. I don't know if I'll ever be able to have this pussy ever again." Heeseung says before licking a stripe up your folds to your clit.
Sucking on the sensitive bud, you moan out loud at the pleasure that travels up your spine. Your needy pussy finally getting the attention it wanted. Your right hand finds solace in Heeseung's hair, gripping harshly making Heeseung moan against your cunt. Your left hand grips onto the pillow you're currently laying on. The sweet pleasure sending you into a state of euphoria. You've never been the biggest fan of someone eating your cunt but the way Heeseung absolutely makes out with your pussy like it's the only thing he lives for has you on cloud nine.
"FUCK!" You scream out when you feel Heeseung's two fingers enter your tight hole.
His fingers curling just right against your warm walls. Lips sucking and tongue licking your pussy like a man starved. Heeseung watches your every expression. The way your eyes roll back and clench shut every time he sucks on your clit. How your head is thrown back when his fingers reach deeper inside of you. He probably enjoyed this more than you were. His cock already achingly hard once again at just your noises alone. The way you moan out curse words and his name.
He wasn't sure how he was supposed to let you go after this. He was drunk on you and your body. The way it reacted to him had him praying he'd see you again after this.
You feel the knot in your stomach tighten as Heeseung sucks harshly on your clit.
"DON'T STOP! OH GOD I'M GONNA CUM!" You tell Heeseung.
His fingers pump in slightly quicker to get you to reach your high. Heeseung is messy as he laps at your cunt. It only takes him one last pump of his fingers to have you tipping over the edge.
"FUCK ME!" You moan out as your legs shake around his shoulders.
Locking him in as he licks you through your orgasm. Your cum dripping out and around his fingers, staining his chin and the sheets below you both.
You whimper as the overstimulation settles in. Unlocking your weak legs from around his shoulders and pushing his head away from your sensitive pussy.
"Too much, sir." You weakly tell him.
The aftershocks of your mind blowing orgasm leaving you hazy.
"Tastes so fucking sweet, baby girl. Could eat you for the rest of my life." Heeseung says, sucking on his cum soaked fingers.
You bite your lip at the sight of him. His eyes are hooded and dark, his face filled with pure pleasure.
"Fuck me please, sir. Wanna feel your big cock stretching my pussy. It's all yours, sir. All for you, Heeseung." You whine.
Sitting up from your position, lips attaching to his once again to taste yourself on his tongue. Heeseung slips out of his sweats and briefs. Pumping his hard cock and pushing you back down on the bed. His lips never leaving your own as he pushes your knees up to your chest.
"Gonna fuck this pretty pussy until you're cumming around my cock, princess. Wanna see you cry for me like you promised. Make me the happiest birthday boy, yeah?" Heeseung teases you.
"Yes, please. Wanna give you the best birthday gift, sir." You tell him.
Heeseung pulls out a condom from the nightstand beside the bed. Ripping the wrapper with his teeth, he rolls the condom onto his hard cock and aligns himself with your tight hole. You both gasp as the tip of his cock slips into your wet pussy. Not wanting to waste any more time teasing. Heeseung stares deeply into your eyes. Pushing your knees further down against your chest, he slips into you deeper. Moaning at the feeling of your tight and warm pussy wrapping around him, Heeseung slips a hand around your neck and lightly squeezes.
He bottoms out in your pussy, pushing all the way in in one swift movement. You whimper when you feel the tip of his cock push past your walls and kiss your cervix. He was definitely the biggest and thickest cock you've ever had. The slight pain quickly turning into pleasure.
"Please fuck me, sir. Want it rough. Wanna cum on your cock so bad." You say breathlessly as you stare into Heeseung's eyes.
"Fuck." Was all Heeseung could say before pulling out of your pussy and slamming back in to you roughly.
His hips move mercilessly as he thrusts into your soaking cunt at a pace that has you seeing stars. You weren't even sure where all this strength came from. He had just finished an almost 3 hour concert yet he was fucking into you like he had all the stamina in the world.
Heeseung's hand squeezes your neck tighter. His cock brushing against your womb with every thrust.
"So. Fucking. Tight." He groans out the words between each quick move of his hips.
The sound of skin on skin and your moans fill the hotel room. You completely forget that your best friend was also in the room next door probably also getting her back blown out by Sunghoon.
"Oh shit. Oh fuck. Yes, yes, yes!" You can't get a proper sentence out.
Heeseung was fucking you too good. It had been a while since you last got laid, but none of your past sexual partners could ever compare to Heeseung.
He truly was ruining you for anyone else.
"My dirty slut. Pussy so wet and welcoming for me. It's all mine. Say it. Say this pussy belongs to me." Heeseung let's his possessiveness run wild.
He knew you weren't his, but hearing you say it would push him closer to the edge. He needed to hear you say you were his.
"Fuck! It's all yours. This pussy is only yours." Your mind is hazy as the words spill out.
The tightening knot in your stomach about to break away. Tears fall from your glossy eyes as Heeseung tightens his hold around your throat.
"I can feel you clenching around me so tightly, princess. Are you gonna cum? Go ahead and cum all over me, baby. Wanna feel you cream my cock." Heeeseung says as he rests on his knees and pulls your hips higher to fuck into you at a different angle.
The change in position has the tip of his cock hitting your g-spot head-on. A loud moan rips from your throat at the new feeling.
"FUCK! I'm cumming." You let him know before you completely let go of the tight knot.
Your second orgasm washing over your body in waves. Thighs trembling by Heeseung's sides as both his hands move down to grip your waist tightly. He wasn't far behind you as he fucks you through your high and into overstimulation.
"Cum for me, sir. Please." Your eyes glossy, lips parted, and hair a beautiful mess against the white sheets.
Heeseung wishes he could take a picture of just how good you looked at this moment all fucked out on his cock.
"Shit." He moans out as he finally tips over the edge and cums into the condom.
His thighs clench tightly as he shoots his cum into the rubber. It flows out around the base of his cock and slides down the back of your thighs and to your ass. He couldn't believe he came so much that it leaked out from the condom. It's never happened with anyone else he's been with.
Letting your waist go, he leans down to connect your lips once again. This time, it was a little slower and more sensual. Not hungry or needy.
"Thank you." Heeseung says as he pulls away from you to stare at you.
You finally feel the shyness creeping back up on your face as you come out of your sex haze.
"For what?" You ask him after a few seconds of silence.
He smiles his dazzling smile down at you and pecks your lips.
"For giving me the best gift this year." He tells you.
You cover your face with your hands as the heat creeps onto your cheeks. Heeseung chuckles at your embarrassment and presses soft kisses to the backs of your hands and wrist. Gently prying your hands away so he could see you again.
He was still soft inside you, and you felt very sticky between your thighs, but you didn't mind because having Heeseung close to you like this was something you could only ever dream of.
"Let's get washed up, yeah? Then we'll figure out what to do next." He suggests.
You look up at him in slight shock. You expected him to just ask you to leave quietly after this, but his words insinuated he wanted to spend more time with you.
You agree to the washing up part, so Heeseung slips out of you and throws the used condom away. Heeseung asks you to join him in the shower, and so you do. He gently washes you and pampers you with soft kisses against your shoulders and neck. Making you cum for the third time that night on his fingers. Heeseung really couldn't get enough of you.
When you both finished and you were dressed in nothing but one of his large clean shirts, you two lay on the other bed in the room and get to know one another better.
You tell Heeseung about your job back at home, your family, your best friend that was currently still next door, and how you got into Enhypen.
Heeseung tells you stories of his life when he was a trainee, his time on I-Land, the other members, and even about his family.
You two were really getting close, and you hadn't even realized it was nearing 3 in the morning. Talking to Heeseung came easily. He wasn't judgemental and had a comforting aura that just made you feel welcome. You didn't feel like a fan and their idol.
Just you and Heeseung.
Two regular people.
"I don't think I can let you go after this." Heeseung tells you honestly as he looks over at you.
He had been playing with your fingers while you told him about a childhood story.
You feel your heart stop at that moment. Your eyes finding his own to see if he was just saying it to fuck with you or not. A nervous smile plays on his lips as he adverts his gaze to the ceiling. Butterflies swarm in your stomach as you fully observe the actual beauty that makes up Lee Heeseung.
"I think we'll get in trouble if we keep in touch." You tell him.
He sighs and nods his head.
"I know. But.....you can keep a secret, right?" A mischievous look dances in his eyes as he finally looks over at you.
You smirk up at him.
"I didn't sign an NDA for no reason." You joke.
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kyri45 · 4 days ago
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 25/02✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
@esmailsadeh ha chiesto: Kyri I have a question...please don't end your amazing masterpiece (LMK AU) there are literally a ton of people that love it , so why must you end it? please reconsider for your fans >.<
The question is... why must I end it? Well cause it's a story and I don't like unfinished fics ahah.
@oddogoblino ha chiesto: Sorry, random dumb thought Think that Wukong or MK would go "kachow" when they're tryna look attractive for their respective partners? 😭 Imagining Macaque or Redson being really into admiring their partners just for their idiot to go "aha, ✨ Kachow ✨ " when showing off intentionally LMAO
haha well they could!
@meisawkwardashecc ha chiesto: Are shadowpeach switches?
Macaque is mostly the top
@anidiotkid ha chiesto: So, does Wukong or MK ever get cramps? And if so, how do they deal with it? (...totally not projecting here 😭)
yes they do! Wukong is a drama queen. MK will neglect his meds until he faints. (and then proceed to be scolded by Mei)
@captain-space-kin ha chiesto: Okay so, I happened upon the Shadowpeach bio parents au update today and then binge read the whole thing instead of doing college work. And I just wanted to say watching your art grow and change is really encouraging to me as an artist. I often times get stuck thinking my art isn’t improving “fast enough”, but seeing the progress you’ve made over the course of comic is really cool! And it also kinda making me want to try out making comics finally. Anyway! Love your art, and I’m very excited to see how the rest of goes!
Thank you!!
@itzlilith32 ha chiesto: Hello kyri, I just came here to say that I really love your Au. Lmk was already consuming my life since I discovered it like a year and a few months ago. And now I also have your Au consuming my everyday, but I wouldn't have it any other way. :3 I've discovered your au like between part 2 and 3 I think, so a while ago. And it's been the most fun rollercoaster of emotions I've been on. I like everything about it, from your art to the storytelling, I honestly can't put into words how much I love it ^^ Since we're in part 9, and the final from what you said, I wanted to say this. These past months have been wonderful, from discovering this au and seeing how it evolved, to now, where we're near the end. Although, correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a tiny bitty feeling that this is just the end of a big chapter. And I can't wait to see what happens next. :D 🫶
Awww thank youuu!!
@virtualjellyfishcolor ha chiesto: uh kyri…. did macaque hear all that…?like uh mk and redson..
Luckily his powers were still too weak. He most likely WILL hear what might happen in the future
@busterwarrior2099 ha chiesto: So what's going to happen to Li Jing and heaven now? Because I bet mk and the others are not going trust them again after the stunt they try to pull by kidnapping the guy who defeated the bull demon king,the lady bone demon,azure lion and prevented the world to end all because they learn about his heritage so yeah not a good impression at all
I have... plans.
@kid-of-chaos ha chiesto: Kyri will we get to see the mini monkeys at the Coronation or just around in general again I miss my gremlin friens :d
aww we can bring some of those little guys yes
@blairjojo ha chiesto: yo Kyri are u gunna make this into a full comic and publish it edventioaly (I need to buy it) @amyrosewithoutshadow ha chiesto: Hello! Brazilian fan here! How are you? First of all, love your art. Really, it makes me fell so safe and happy when I see it. Second, do you plan on doing a book or a web comic book with all the parts together when you end the Bio Dads au? I Would die for having the comic in hands and read it when I want and can. Thank you 💕
maybe, not now though (I don't have the time). I need mods and people who help me with the logistic first and a lot of planning
@lordmushroomkat ha chiesto: Your art is so genuinely great that I accidentally got invested in these fictional characters that I don't know just so I could see more of it. So like yeah, good job. I stumbled into it a few days ago and have re-read it like at least 3 times now and every time I get to the giant-kaiju Shrek 2-reference song-sequence I just feel an emotion that is very intense but that I have no idea how to quantify. I think the emotion is positive but there's also such a deep incredulity to it. It is glorious and unhinged and I am absolutely here for it. Loving whatever the hell this whole AU is, you have made me care very intensely about characters from a show I did not know nearly anything about. I've pieced together enough lore to understand enough of what is happening but you have made me want to actually watch the show.
awww tysm!!!
@gtuguzbuzbu ha chiesto: Will Wukong ever know what happened down there? Like he sorta knows that Mama got himself hurt but he doesn't know what exactly happened.
yeah Macaque eventually told him everything and he was condemned to 2 days in the hug-prison
@lordmageofart ha chiesto: Wait.. this instantly hit me but I have to ask! Is Macaque gonna Courtnap Wukong again? Will Wukong try yet fail to courtnap just to show Macaque he loves him? Or is it just going to be like a normal conversation like their normal people? (Probably won't be the last one but I still have to ask)
nah this time they just want to go straight to the point
@metalheaded-freak ha chiesto: Kyri, I just wanted to say… thank you, for creating the Bio Parents Au, it’s been such an emotional journey and honestly? If it wasn’t for you then I wouldn’t have gotten into the fandom the way I did. I guess what I’m trying to say is, you were the gateway for me to fully embrace this fandom and not be afraid to show what I do, so once again thank you!
Thank youu!!!
@classystudentmugdonut-blog ha chiesto: Hello I just want say I love your work I keep rereading it from the beginning even though I should be resting I got sick but anyways I want to who is YOUR MOST favorite in this lmk
MK. he is baby
@cranberrychaos ha chiesto: Considering you now got red bubble merch of the shadowpeach au... would you ever consider us paying to you to color in our favorite scenes from the comic? I got a couple I'd like to see colored and have in my house or wallpaper 😭
I don't take commissions
@redsontheredbull ha chiesto: Do you have a lady bone demon design?
mmm not really.
@astro-lmk-enjoyer ha chiesto: Do you think Red (or DBK) would get offended if people used cow/bull terms? Like bullshit? Or if they are driving and pass by a cow farm? Stuff like this pops into my head a lot and I wanted to know what you would think because all I can imagine is Red Son come face to face with a cow and it being so awkward 😭😭 Bye <3
mmm i think so.
Anonimo ha chiesto: I honestly think it would be funny to see how confused people would be if they just started being nice to each other, with no context as to how or why (Not like all their problems are fixed nice but just treating each other a bit better after their talk)
LOL i think everyone is either confused or glad they finally resolved their sexual tension
@roseltelle ha chiesto: Since Wukong is trans can he get pregnant too?!? Is this something he and Macaque have to worry about?!?
yes he can get pregnant.
@vivian-devoid ha chiesto: "kilani-123 ha chiesto:Does Mk know that Wukong and Macaque are still engaged?👀" WAIT WHAT?! I nearly choked on my water(stay hydrated) when the hell did this happen!?
the day before the brotherhood tried to take over heaven
@sleeo-goos10 ha chiesto: Hi kyri! Thank you for everything?! Just wanted to ask if you have other comics you plan on making once lmk is over aside from sky❤️
first i finish the sky comic, then I'll see
@violetcookie2007 ha chiesto: Do you personally have anymore nicknames for Shadow peach or Spicy noodles? I like all the ones you have in the comic and think they are all very cute and was wondering if you have any more. Also I love you art!
mmm not really. im open for suggestions
@gaybirdlovescrackers ha chiesto: How does it feel to singlehandedly keep a fandom afloat. To keep it trending by pure gay.
it feels illegal to hold this power
@steadylandface ha chiesto: Are we gonna get a Spicynoodles child in the future 👀
Yes, go watch Ninjago Pilot episode 1
@lonelydarkrai ha chiesto: Is there anyone dubbing your comics?
lots of folks are dubbing my comic.
@lordmushroomkat ha chiesto: I suppose now is as good of a time as any to wonder if this means Red Son has accidentally left his jacket with MK. Just like, as a concept.
oooohh yes
@nocturnaldaydreamer ha chiesto: Oh no, realized this a little while ago... But MK is not only the son of the Monkey King, but is gonna be crowned a Celestial Prince. Red Son and MK better be careful, there might be some crazies out there trying to Courtnap him...
Red son will be hissing like a cat to anyone who tries to come closer
@leve4ever ha chiesto: If season 6 comes out will you make more shadowpeach bio parents au?
yeah why not.
@nomadiclegends ha chiesto: 四耳孫小天 ...so is it pronounced "Sì'ěr Sun Xiǎotiān" ??? my mandarin's pretty weak sauce and I'm curious 😶
@this-one-gay-person ha chiesto: For the LMK bio parents au is there like a specific post schedules?
every other day at 1Pm ET
@anxiety-beans ha chiesto: I need you to know that this comic is what converted me into a Shadowpeach shipper. It altered my brain chemistry, I swear.
let's goooooooo
@bonbonfoxyton ha chiesto: A little late asking this buut I'm curious, how did courtnaping go between macaque and Wukong exactly? Is it okay if you'd explain it, it's a 100% okay if you don't want to since I read your boundaries thing and everything to make sure your good with this question
I'll let the fans picture how it happened
@cutvdo ha chiesto: Have you thought of putting your fan comics ISAT: Sky CotL AU and LMK: ShadowPeach Bio Parents AU, on a different website? like tapas
you can't publish fan-comics on Tapas
@the-immortal-restless ha chiesto: Do you think that Macaque or Wukong’s hair ever falls forward? Like MKs does on purpose because style but like… Wukong and Macaque both have the longer fur so does it stay out of their face or does it fall forwards something in your au/opinion? (Petition for Wukong and Macaque to be Mukong… because if sun Wukong is swk then Mukong is MK!)
I think it could, maybe they use gel?
@wolfsbanex-x ha chiesto: KYRIII!!! Hello, I love your art so much. I just want to say that stream where you talked about motivation was very inspiring! I LOVE your comic so much, it’s been a shoulder for me whenever I have had a rough day. I hope you continue to gift us with even more amazing art (sorry if I’m rambling here). YOU CAN DO THIS!!! WHOOO!!!!☺️🥳
Thank you!!
@eneska31 ha chiesto: so we know when MK got his court napping thoughts, when did Redson get his? and can we see what happens in his POV in like a small comic at some point? p.s I absolutely love your art and this comic has brought me so much joy ☺️💛🐵
After MK called him beautiful
@factmeegg ha chiesto: Okay question, When first made this fan comic or whatever. What were your thoughts on this when you first started up to now?
that it would have been a really short and silly thing
@mischiefmelody ha chiesto: Question! Will MK be in his monkey or human form for his coronation? Either way he'll be gorgeous but I wanna knowwwww
He'll be in monkey form
cherrummi ha chiesto: After reading the latest update, I made an animation, but apparently asks don’t support video sooo here’s some key frames instead (I’m going to post my full animation in my blog, so if you’re interested you could check it out): Also: Will something like this happen in the story? 👆 How traditional is DBK and PIF would you say, comparing them to traditional human families? Could you give more insight on demon etiquette or courtnapping? Thank you so much for making art! It’s incredible! ❤️
uhh yeah in a way
they are very traditional, but they know when to put some traditions aside in sake of Red Son happiness
Courtnapping rooms are a must, old schools courtnapping usually last around a year but now days it's at best 2 weeks. The courtnapped person must consent and if not they can leave. The courtnapper must provide everything for their partner, including their hobbies, favourite food, family visits, etc… (it's basically a pre-dating very complex honeymoon
@huntershyperfixation ha chiesto: Your art is beautiful and the lmk fandom adores you ☆
@ithinkimprobablyweird ha chiesto: What is mk in the au? Like gay bi pan or something else?
Demisexual, trans masc, bi.
@cryptoknightpatch ha chiesto: Hi lol I’m curious did you come up with the court-napping idea by yourself or was it actually anything referencing Jttw?
it's a fan headcanon of the LMK fandom
@axtonorian ha chiesto: First up, I LOVEE YOUR ART Its really fun to look at and aesthetically pleasing in my opinion. Second I know Wukong had/has nightmares about Mk but what about Mac? And even if it all worked out in the end would his nightmares about those two get worse after everything that just happened?
he sometimes dreams of hurting him. a lot of cuddles ensue everytime he wakes up with wukong close by
@jinxdrawsstuff ha chiesto: Hi Kyri! Just wanted to pop in real quick and say thank you for your Shadowpeach AU <3 it’s getting me through my first college year, every update makes my day a lot better!
you're welcome!
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lovemebutleavemewild · 8 months ago
Rugby player Soap gets so pent up after a match. And, after they win, the whole team is expected in the pub, no exceptions.
Johnny finally finds you at the bar where you're trying to order a drink. Kisses you immediately while shepherding you into a corner or alcove so he can grope you unashamedly.
I mean, hands on your ass through your jeans, rubbing up and under your jersey (a copy of his with his name on the back, of course), hand roaming over your hip, stomach and further up, all the time with a thigh shoves between your legs.
When he cups your boob under your shirt, you pull away, gasping and push at his shoulders.
"Johnny, stop, people will see," you hiss.
He just grins and acquiesces, keeping a hand on your lower back as you get drinks and go back to the table. When he sees there's a shortage of chairs, he pulls you down on his lap.
Pretty much behaves himself for the first while, regaling his teammates with stories from the match, reliving the highlights.
But as the night goes on and he gets drunker, he starts whispering, not so quietly, in your ear.
"Look so fit in my shirt, hen. Can't fuckin' wait to get ya home, get ya on your knees for me."
You squirm and he groans.
"Keep movin' like that and we're not gonna get home."
Actually cups his hand over your pussy through your jeans in the middle of the pub.
You slap his hand away and glare at him, scandalised.
And you're partly annoyed because this shouldn't turn you on this much; annoyed at yourself for being wet through your jeans.
Johnny just laughs, pulling you back against his chest with one hand and grabbing his pint with the other. Leans into your ear, hand a little lower than it was a second ago, but not much, resting on your upper thigh.
"Dunno why you're acting so shy, love. Everybody here knows what I'm gonna do to ya later."
(If anyone wants a pt 2 of what happens in the taxi home orrrr what happens when reader meets Johnny's rugby captain, Ghost, lmk 👀)
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looulouv · 28 days ago
first meeting — epic!telemachus x reader
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pairing: telemachus x gn!reader synopsis: telemachus hopes that this new guard has everything they need to keep the suitors at bay, someone who exudes fear and respect, who can intimidate them with just one look. but when the ship arrives, he quickly realizes he should have kept his imagination in check. yet, he can't wait to see where this goes. genre: fluff warnings: none ig, maybe one joke about offing oneself word count: 1.5k author's note: lil guard and lil tele !!!!! i was just thinking of making little parts of them interacting, kind of just building their relationship to the ithaca saga and maybe after that. have a nice reading, and please keep in mind that english is not my first language, i apologize for any mistakes ! part 1: here!
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At fifteen, Telemachus was still an imaginative boy.
His mother had been vague when she told him about the new addition to the palace, only saying that they would be arriving today from Pylos, sent from Nestor himself, and that it would be his duty to escort them from the docks. He hadn't thought much of it at first, assuming that it would be a strong individual—a hardened soldier, someone experienced, someone who could keep the palace safe from the growing number of suitors infesting their halls.
The more he thought about it, the more his expectations grew. He could picture it, a real soldier—a warrior, the kind who loomed over men like an unshaken pillar of war, the kind whose armor groaned with the weight of its own history, the kind that had fascinating stories from gruesome fights and countless kills on their book. Perhaps an older man, one of Nestor’s veterans, weathered by years of battle, with a face carved by scars and a voice like grinding stone. That was what Ithaca needed. That was what his mother needed.
Instead, the figure stepping off the ship looked like they had just come from weaving garlands in a meadow. The first thing that registered was that they were… small. Not in the sense of frailty—there was something too controlled about the way they moved, too precise. But they were young, maybe his age. And their features— Gods help me, they're beautiful—were delicate, almost angelic, like a marble sculpture of a very beautiful, elegant noble.
For a brief, horrifying second, Telemachus thought they might be a companion for his mother, a royal from Pylos. Then—gods forbid—his future betrothed. His heart seized in panic. But when they finally reached the dock, standing at full height, they squared their shoulders and spoke with calm, unfaltering precision.
"My greetings, Prince Telemachus."
Voice smooth, measured, utterly professional—and completely at odds with their face. He was staring. He knew he was staring. He could not stop staring.
For a moment, he forgot how to breathe. He barely managed to keep his reaction contained. He must have looked ridiculous—stiff-backed, mouth slightly open, blinking like an idiot. His hands twitched at his sides as he forced himself to snap back to reality.
"Uh—Yes. Welcome." He cleared his throat, struggling to gather whatever dignity he had left. "Of course, hello."
They didn’t react to his awkwardness. If anything, they barely regarded him at all before shifting their focus to the steward beside him, awaiting further instruction. And that's when it clicked.
They weren't a noble. They weren't some delicate thing come to weave at his mother’s loom. They were the guard.
This was the new guard? The one meant to keep his mother safe? The guard sent by Nestor of Pylos, sent to protect them, to make them feel safer over the looming shadows of the suitors.
His eyes flicked to the sword at their hip, the careful way they carried themselves. Now that he was looking properly, he could see the truth of them—disciplined, well-trained. The confidence in their stance wasn’t that of a teen used to courtly mannerisms, but of a soldier used to command.
Telemachus finally managed to force his mouth shut, though his brain was still playing a losing game of catch-up. His expectations had been torn to shreds, and now, as he walked alongside the newly arrived guard, he was scrambling for something, anything, to say that wouldn’t make him sound like a complete idiot.
“So… uh, you have a name?” he asked, attempting casual conversation. He regretted it immediately, his face scrunching up with embarrassment. Of course they had a name. Everyone had a name. What kind of question was that?
The guard turned their head slightly toward him, eyes unreadable. "(Y/N)."
Oh. A nice name. Not that it mattered. Not that he was thinking about that. Not that he was kind of reciting it in his head, his mouth itching to repeat it...
"Right. Good." He nodded, as if that somehow helped. "So, uh… you came from Pylos? How was the trip?"
(Y/N) didn’t hesitate. "Pleasant, my prince."
Pleasant. That was all. No complaints, no small talk, no elaboration. He had never met someone around his age who spoke with so much restraint. It was almost unsettling. Almost impressive. Intimidating, he dared to say.
They reached the stone steps leading up to the palace, and just as Telemachus was about to say something else—anything to fill the unbearable silence, probably something stupid again—a servant carrying a heavy amphora stepped out too suddenly from the side, directly in (Y/N)’s path.
Before Telemachus could react, they shifted. A small, precise movement, nothing flashy, but enough to pivot neatly around the servant without so much as brushing their tunic. The servant, oblivious, continued on their way.
Telemachus, however, was left blinking. He had seen plenty of people stumble in similar situations, caught off guard by sudden obstacles. But (Y/N)? Not even a second of hesitation. Their footing had been steady, controlled—like avoiding a collision was second nature to them.
The guard barely acknowledged the servant’s near collision, continuing up the steps with the same measured stride. Meanwhile, Telemachus forced his mouth shut before he embarrassed himself even further. He had been staring again, and judging by the brief flicker of attention (Y/N) gave him, they had noticed.
He cleared his throat and picked up his pace, gesturing vaguely as they walked. “Right, so, uh—this way.”
They followed without question, as silent as a shadow. It was unsettling. Telemachus found himself talking just to fill the empty space between them, pointing out the stone archways, the flickering torches casting long shadows across the walls, the occasional glimpse of the sea from a high window. He fumbled with his words, surely talking more than necessary for the both of them, letting out a few nervous chuckles and internally dying every single time (Y/N) answered with less than ten words.
“This will be your home now, I suppose,” he said, chuckling awkwardly. “Not that you’ll have much time to enjoy it. Lots of standing around, glaring at people, that sort of thing. Sounds fun, right?”
(Y/N) said nothing.
Gods help him, he should stop talking.
“Uh—what I mean is, uh, I’m sure you’ll, um… do well. Not that you need me to say that, obviously…” Another nervous laugh. “You probably know exactly what you’re doing.”
A beat of silence. Then, they finally spoke.
That was it. That was all they gave him.
Telemachus had never wanted to fling himself into the sea more in his life.
Finally, after a few moments of silence —silence that made him want to scream or just jump out of a window— Telemachus took the new guard to Penelope's chambers, informing that it was less likely for his mother to be out in the day, as she preferred to keep her sanity, and that meant to stay away from the suitors that roamed the halls, infesting the place with their stupid faces.
"Welcome," Penelope greeted warmly once they made it through the wooden doors, her voice as soft as it was strong. There was no distance in her tone, no royal stiffness. Only kindness.
(Y/N), to their credit, straightened even further and bowed their head. "My lady."
"Oh, my dear. Nestor spoke very highly of you," Penelope continued, stepping forward. "We are grateful for your presence. I trust your journey went well?"
They hesitated, but only for half a second. "Yes, my lady. It was… comfortable, thank you."
A small pause. Then, Penelope smiled—a true, open expression, one meant to ease tension rather than demand respect.
"I imagine Ithaca must seem a bit different from Pylos," she mused, her tone light. "I do hope you’ll find it welcoming."
For the first time, the new guard's carefully composed expression wavered. It was subtle, but Telemachus caught it—the slight shift in their features, the way their shoulders, previously held so stiffly, lowered just the tiniest bit.
And then, to his complete shock, they… smiled.
Not much, just a small, barely-there curve of the lips, but it was real. Genuine. "Thank you, my lady."
Telemachus stared. He had barely gotten more than a handful of words out of them, but his mother? With just a few kind phrases, she had already coaxed out something warm, something human. He could understand it, though. His mother just had that energy that screamed kindness and warmth, and made every soul that met her feel at ease.
He quickly looked away, focusing instead on the blue, clear sky outside the window while his mother kept easily coaxing words out of (Y/N), getting to know them like he hadn't tried to do that for two hours straight. (Y/N), despite their small moment of softness, had already returned to their professional demeanor, yet their words to Penelope were soft, gentler than when they had arrived. Telemachus had seen it now—the glimpse of someone who wasn’t just a guard, but a person. And he prayed to the gods above that he could be the one to make them smile again.
He had a feeling that he would make that his favorite hobby.
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girlhoke · 2 months ago
There's this fantasy I keep having…
After years of saving up, I'm finally able to move out on my own. I pack up my things and move as far away as I can afford, hoping to have a fresh start to my life where no one knows that I was born a girl.
Everything goes swimmingly. I eventually have to find a job, and I do. It's a rickety gas station, and the only availability they have open is the night shift, but I'm fine with that. It pays the bills, and my coworkers respect me as a man, so I’m happy.
A few months pass, and I grow comfortable. The stress of moving subsides, and I finally feel at peace. That's until you come into the gas station one night.
I'm the only one on shift, which is usual for this time of night. I don't pay you any mind at first, restocking some of the items behind the counter. Eventually though, I feel a presence behind me and turn to see you on the other side of the counter. One hand bracing yourself against the counter as your other hand fists your cock, all the while staring me down.
Before I can even open my mouth to threaten you, you stop me in my tracks. My dead name falls from your lips, and you smile as my mouth hangs open. You explain that we used to go to school together, though I don't remember ever seeing you. Then, you cum all over my counter.
I'm appalled, but more than anything, I’m afraid. You hold power over me, knowing my secret. That isn't lost on you as you tuck yourself back into your pants, assuring me that we will see each other again. Very soon.
Like hell we will.
I try to evade you. I come up with some sob story and recite it to a coworker, asking to switch shifts for just a week. They're reluctant but give in because I’ve helped them on more than one occasion. I feel relief hit me as I get to work on day shifts for a week. It's only a week, but at least I don't have to be paranoid about being alone and getting cornered by you. There's no way you'd try anything funny in broad daylight.
I realize I’m wrong as I watch you stroll in among a few other customers one afternoon. I don't think you've seen me yet, so I quickly excuse myself to the other person on shift and make my way to the walk-in freezer in the back. It'll be cold and a bit miserable, but I can wait in here until I’m sure you've left.
Five minutes drag by, and I hear the door begin to open. I assume it's my coworker coming to check on me, but it's you. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. I don't understand how you even got back here.
It doesn't matter. I know I can't fight back when you know the truth about my body. My breaths come out in white puffs as your cock stretches out my virgin pussy. It's so painfully freezing in the room that it's almost a relief to feel the warmth of you shooting your cum deep into my abused hole.
You leave, but not before warning me that if I don't get my schedule changed back, you have no issue with using me in front of others. That night, I have to text my coworker, saying I'm good to take on the night shifts again. My fate is sealed as your personal sex toy.
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rainystarters · 7 months ago
💫 love is cosmic ! a collection of dialogue + action prompts inspired by red velvet's album cosmic. some prompts usfw. add +reversed for the muse receiving the meme to perform the action instead. adjust as necessary.
dialogue :
meeting you as the stars would have it.
i can't get you off my mind.
what did you do to my mind?
i want to know you.
how about you stay a little longer?
perhaps we're travelers searching for orphaned dreams.
come with me.
discover things no human eyes have seen.
i just can't say goodnight.
your love is cosmic.
you got me hypnotized.
i saw you hiding.
what are you? my god.
honey, i give you my all.
i'll find you in my dreams.
summer, autumn, winter, spring: the whole world is you.
my memories are floating away.
the beautiful times are leaving me, stealing you away.
this isn't the end ...remember.
i will gladly stay by your side.
it's you who kept me through the long nights.
no one knows where a fading star goes.
and i'll fly light-years to find you.
to you, my universe, the only reason i exist.
i'll always be here for you.
is it love?
i remember the first moment i saw you.
you feel the same way, right?
we can't play no game the right way.
it doesn't matter 'cause you're my prize.
i saw the same moon.
i want to dream every day.
i want to whisper in your ears the things i couldn't say.
we're not that young anymore.
i still remember the summer days when i first saw you.
believe in us more than anything.
i don't mind staying up all night, my love.
let's talk like we did when we were young.
i'm your friend. i'll be there.
take my hand and run.
sweet dreams, my love.
our story continues even in dreams.
when the moon shines bright, i'll tell you my story.
close your eyes and lean on me, my love.
oh, you've grown so quickly, kid.
we were always young and fearless.
we're together and we have the same dream.
actions :
crash-landing. sender chases a falling star but finds receiver where it fell.
stargaze. sender lies down next to receiver to stargaze.
daisy chain. sender weaves flowers into receiver's hair.
hypnotize. sender falls under receiver's spell, hypnotized.
zodiac. sender asks for receiver's sign.
bubble. sender blows/magically creates bubbles that surround receiver.
string. sender sees an invisible string of fate tying them to receiver.
chase. sender chases receiver through the woods.
arcade. sender loses a game to receiver while at a neon-illuminated arcade.
last drop. sender pours a drink into receiver's mouth.
hallucinate. sender finds receiver hallucinating and talking to inanimate objects.
memory. sender steps into one of receiver's memories.
sunburn. sender kisses receiver's skin and leaves behind a burn mark.
far-flung. sender wakes in another world to receiver staring down at them.
funny story. sender watches receiver trespass on a fairy ring and join the dance.
sunset. sender kisses receiver against the setting sun.
peek. sender doesn't notice receiver watching them dress through a hole.
honey. sender sends a bee to sting receiver.
stars align. sender fails to stop receiver from completing a ritual.
cosmos. sender and receiver feel each other's heart beat despite being apart.
night drive. sender and receiver drive through the night in a convertible.
butterfly. sender catches receiver transforming into [magical girl/werewolf/etc].
long-lost. sender reunites with receiver who has no memory of them.
sunflower. sender tucks a flower into receiver's lunch/purse/etc. to find later.
tarot. sender draws a card and waits for receiver to reveal its face.
flight. sender bridal carries receiver as they fly.
sweet dream. sender and receiver snuggle in bed below glow-in-the-dark stars.
may queen. sender crowns receiver queen of the spring festival.
turbulence. sender trips receiver, sending them falling.
carousel. sender grabs receiver's hand as they ride on a carousel.
moonlight. sender and receiver bathe naked in the moonlight.
astral. sender astral projects to receiver's location far away.
cat's cradle. sender performs a spell with receiver using cat's cradle.
night. sender and receiver walk through an illuminated night festival/market.
ride. sender sits on receiver's lap, straddling them.
see you. sender kisses receiver before they part forever/for a long time.
electric. sender teases receiver, brushing their lips across intimate skin.
cosmic love. sender and receiver break the bed during sex.
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w2beastars · 6 months ago
Waezi2′s thoughts on “Beast Complex” chapter 25
So, I know we were all disgusted by the freak South who dated a lizard who was the same species as him(ewww). So I am happy to tell you all that we are going back to some good ol' freaky furry romance.
Better yet, this chapter is about Haru and Legosi!
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The main couple of Beastars now practically live together since their universities are pretty close to each other. Haru is doing her third year in college and Legosi, now with a clean criminal record, is doing his first year in college, studying entomology.
Good for you, Legosi :) It is never too late to get back to school!
So, the wolf and the rabbit has been together for three years now and (for the most part) live together. You know what that means...
Oh yeah! They sleep together!
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... In separate beds! There is no sex whatsoever!
Haru asks the same question as the rest of us: HOW?!?!?
Well, the first night Haru spent at Legosi's place, the ussual happened:
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Like most wolves, Legosi makes small bites when he gets overly exited. Haru didn't get hurt, she got a scratch behind her ear, it's not the end of the world.
But afterwards, their relationship has been... well, casual.
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There is no sexy atmosphere between them since the biting incident. They still spend their free time together, but it is almost like they are a middle-aged married couple where they brush their teeth together and everyday stuff like that. It bothers Haru a great deal since she is a college girl and it makes her feel old, makes the two of them feel old. She would like to get wild while she is still young... But to be fair, don't you think you had plenty of fun already, Haru?
I'm not slut-shaming or anything, just saying.
Anyways, Haru contacts Juno. Yep, everyone's favorite queen wolf is back!
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Two things I noticed is that Haru now calls her "chan", implying a bit more friendly relationship between the two of them. Second is that even though Juno is here to give Haru input and advise about wolves, we don't get to learn anything about what her life is like right now.
As I was saying, Haru wants Juno to give her advice to kick Legosi's wolf instincts into high gear. Juno is unsure if that's such a great idea(no duh!) but share what would normally make a male wolf... excited.
There is just one problem... Legosi is... well, Legosi.
He is a terrible mix of extremely polite, concerned and dense.
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Nothing Haru does triggers Legosi, he misreads the signals completely and Haru starts to wonder if they have simply lost their spark.
Then, one night as Haru goes to bed disappointed that she haven't unleashed the beast so to say, she sees that Legosi is awake.
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It's full moon, and Legosi can't help it but to stay up and watch it. Even if it is bogus that the moon should somehow affect wolves, Legosi and his fellow canines are still emotionally attached to it. Haru says she can relate to this to some degree, probably because rabbits have a religious connection to the moon.
This is possibly the first thing their species have in common. So the two of them goes for a late night/early morning stroll, enjoying the beautiful moon.
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The two of them just enjoy each other's company, it's nice and quiet. They are not tired from class or trying to study or doing everyday tasks, meaning they can actually connect on a emotional level.
And then we get the twist:
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As stated earlier, Legosi accidentally scratched Haru's ear when he got "excited" and Haru assumed it killed the vibe between them. But this seems to imply that he was waiting for the wound to heal completely.
Or maybe it is because they are both relaxed that Legosi feels less anxious.
Either way, they don't spend this night in separate beds.
I'm gonna be honest, it was not the best Haru x Legosi story I read, I would have liked a bit more of the classic Paru insanity. But I very much enjoyed it, and this specific story shouldn't have that much crazy because it is about the lack of insanity in the wolf and rabbit's life. We get to see that Legosi can finally get a real career and even achieve his dream of working with insects and how much they have evolved as an actual couple, not just furry angst and tension between the rabbit and wolf. It also feels like Paru is ending Beast Complex for real this time to focus more on her other projects, and if that's the case then this was a nice way to end it.
I'm Waezi2, and thanks for wasting time with me.
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prettypinkporkchop · 4 months ago
Two Weeks
Seth x fem reader
Description: you're Kim's cousin. You come stay with her and Jared as she has a baby. Seth imprints but you live far away.
Warnings: language, sexual ish
A month ago, you decided to stay with your cousin Kim, who is now married to Jared Cameron. They have a baby on the way, and of course, this happens while you are alone with her, and Jared is off at work.
You're driving fast in your car but not too fast, trying to keep her and the baby safe. Kim is squeezing your free hand and breathing hard, screaming at random times.
"You're doing so good, Kim." You say softly. You're dealing with the pain in your fingers.
"Damn it! Call Rachel!" She screams, taking her phone out and putting it in your lap.
"Love, I can't look away from-"
"Fine!" She cries out and calls Rachel.
You've never met any of her friends, but you've heard of them from the stories she has told you. Her and Jared are good people, so if they like them, you know you will.
"Rachel, please, I'm in the car on the way to the hospital. Get Paul. My cousin is driving." She yells.
You sit outside the door on a chair to wait for whoever is about to show. You can hear Kim screaming. Two women and men run up to you. They catch your attention.
"I just got a hold of Jared." One guy says.
"Is she in there?" A woman with scars on her face asks.
On que, Kim screams in pain.
"Does that answer your question?" You cringe at her screams, feeling awful for her. "She said she only wants Jared in there." You say.
"I'm here!" A panicked Jared runs in.
You notice three other guys with him and a girl. A nurse comes over.
"Sorry guys, but there's too many of you right here. Can some of you sit in the main room?" She says.
You look around and catch eyes with one of the guys. He pauses and stares at you. You stare back because you're surprised by how beautiful a man could be.
One of the guys leans over and whispers in his ear. He nods and walks into the waiting room. A few others follow him. Jared talks to a doctor and goes into the room. A doctor tells you that she's almost ready to push. You sit outside the door with the couple you learn to be Emily and Sam.
You got to see the baby. So far, she just looks like a goblin but with Kim's nose. But they're staying the night, so everyone is leaving. You ended up meeting everyone else including Seth. Yup, the one you locked eyes on. But his sister, Leah, keeps watching you like a hawk as if you're already dating him, but you literally don't even know them.
You walk to the car, fumbling with your keys. It's dark, so you pull out your phone and shine the light on your keys to unlock the car.
"Hey," you turn and see Seth. "It was nice meeting you. You should come to the beach with us when we go." He smiles.
You smile and softly laugh. "Yeah, I can. But I won't be here much longer. I have to go home in like two weeks."
His face loses the happy smile. "Oh. Where do you live?" He asks.
"(Your state)."
He looks down and then begins to smile again. "Two weeks is all I need."
"What does that mean?" You awkwardly laugh. No, for real. He's cute, so you'll have to let the weirdness slide.
"It means that these next two weeks, you'll have a good time."
"So, the boy is back!" You cross your arms and lean on the doorframe. Behind you inside the house is Kim and Jared. They're loving on the baby and taking care of her.
Seth smirks and then grabs your wrist, pulling you out of the doorway.
You close the door behind you and look at the tall man.
"I told you, two weeks is all I need." He smiles showing his perfect teeth.
"Yesterday was more like interviews." You walk down the steps toward his truck.
He follows behind you. "Now that we know a lot about each other, I was thinking we go on an adventure."
You get inside his truck, and he gets in the drivers seat. He starts the truck, and you watch him. The way his arms look. His cheeks, his hair. Shut up, y/n.
"Do you enjoy car rides?" He asks.
"Yes." You smile at him.
"I want to hear your music."
You guys ended up staying on the road for two hours, screaming lyrics. You've learned that the guy can lowkey sing well. He also has the same music taste as you. You guys have been having a really fun evening, and you're already so addicted to his company.
He turns off the music and looks at you. "Want to park somewhere and chill? I think we've almost hit every good scenic road." He chuckles.
He ends up pulling into a trail in the trees. He gets out of the car and walks around to open your door.
"What are we doing?" You slowly get out of your seat.
"Trust me! You'll like it." He softly nudges you with his shoulder.
You only trust him because of Kim. Plus, he's hot, so...
Midway through walking, your shoe starts to hurt the back of your feet. "Oh, shit." You stop and lean against a tree. Your shoe is broken.
"What is it?" He asks, concerned.
"My shoe is hurting me." You giggle and take off your shoe, showing your sock. Your sock is SpongeBob.
Seth can't help but burst into laughter.
"Hey! Leave SpongeBob alone." You roll your eyes.
"It's cute." He says and looks over you.
You look at him and then look down, leaving out a breathy laugh. "Thanks." You take off the other shoe.
"Here." He steps closer and then turns around, slightly bending. "Jump."
"Uh, no, no, no. I think I'm a bit too heavy for you to walk with." You laugh.
"Jump." He repeats.
You hesitate, but put your hands on his shoulders and jump. He lifts up, hooking his arms under your knees. You wrap your arms around his neck, and you realize he's holding you effortlessly. Yeah, he do be built.
You lay your head on his shoulder and look over the side of his face. The sun that's lowering shines through the trees which makes his brown eyes golden.
"You're beautiful." You whisper to him.
Every day has been full of Seth. You've completely fallen for him. You have two days now. Two days until you go back home.
Seth lives on his own in a small camper. He has kept it all fancy and cute. You've decided to go see him tonight, surprise him. Even though you guys spent all of today together, it's night and you dont want to be away from him. You're thinking about just kissing him, but at the same time, you don't want to because you'll just have to leave after. You can't do long distance. You're honestly depressed that you're leaving behind Forks.
You knock on the camper door, and Seth answers the door. He smiles when he sees you. As usual, he's shirtless. His hair is stringy showing that he has gotten out of the shower.
"Couldn't get enough of me, huh?" He giggles.
You grab the back of his neck and pull him closer. His breath catches, and he looks down at you. His hands rest on your sides.
"I want to kiss you so bad." You whisper.
"There's a lot you need to know before we do that." You whispers.
"What do you mean?" You ask. You two remain in this position.
"If I tell you everything, will you stay here?"
"Where will I stay? I doubt Kim would-",
"Trust me. She would. She knows." He backs up and looks at you.
You are confused as hell. Curious and nervous, too. "I'd have to go back home and pack everything." You reply.
He smiles widely. "Does this mean you'll stay?"
"I'll ask Kim." You smirk and step forward.
His hands grab your hands and he smiles down at you. "I hope I don't scare you off."
"You couldn't." You look into his eyes.
"Let's go inside."
----- (he tells you everything)----
Your fingers touch his tattoo. He watches your fingers trace the lines. You're sitting in front of him on his bed. The bed feels like a cloud underneath you. He has his LED lights on. You can still see every perfect line in his face.
"Am I crazy for moving here to be with you?"
"Yes. But what's even crazier is shifting and imprinting." He chuckles.
"You're right." You giggle. You stop and look at his face.
His eyes roam around, eventually landing on your lips. You may or may not have gone a bit crazy. You quickly push him back and crawl on his lap, pressing your lips on his. He kisses you back and holds on to your waist. He leans up, holding onto your back and kissing you harder. His lips feel so good against yours. You part lips, playing with your tongues and kissing over and over, having a heated Makeout session. Your hands roam on his abs. His hands stay on your back, remaining respectful. You quickly notice and use one hand to guide his lower to your ass. He squeezes roughly before switching you two around and pinning you down. His lips attack your neck, leaving bites but no marks. You moan in his ear. He breathes out when you get loud letting you know that your moans are turning him on.
---- (you guys didn't go far. He was quick to stop.)
You both go into his kitchen area. He scratches his head and looks around. "Want something to eat?"
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"I should head back to Kim's. It's late and I want to ask her before she goes to bed." You reply.
"Gotcha. When you leave to pack, let me come with." He steps forward and kisses your cheek.
Kim shushes you as you close the front door. She has on a robe and looks miserable, poor lady.
"Sorry." You whisper. "I have a question."
She smiles and mixes some milk in a bottle. "I think I already know. Do you know about the big secret?" She looks at you.
You nod your head in response.
She smirks. "Hmm. I do like having you here. Jared will be proud and happy for Seth." She closes the lid to the bottle. "What about your old house? Your old job? Are you for sure wanting to start over?"
"Are you saying this is a bad idea?" You ask.
"It's reckless and stupid if we were regular people. Thing is, we aren't. I'd do it for Jared." Her eyes shift to behind you and she giggles.
You quickly turn around and see Seth standing at the door.
"Like I told you, all I needed is two weeks." He tells Kim.
"Oh, you're right, you wolfie stud." She jokes.
"Cringe." You laugh.
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