#that increases your chances of encountering an octopuff
beantothemax · 1 year
Hikari, I’m his most serious voice ever, telling the party that no, they cannot kill the merchant Octopuff they just found. That’s his son now. Parsquishio. Partitio you wouldn’t dare harm our son would you?
So now they just have a merchant Octupuff trailing after them because Hikari keeps feeding it. Partitio also gets roped into feeding it. Because what kind of parent would he be if he let their son starve?
Parsquishio is the best fed most pampered Octopuff that ever lived.
PARSQUISHIO,,,,,,,,,,,, I am goin to CRY that is ADORABLE
I have seen lots of hikari art where he has a octopuff and I’m glad that we as a fanbase have just accepted this as fact. hikari’s got a lil octopuff son and I am all for it.
parsquishio and his two dads who love him very much.
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