#that image is so cute.........and that Rika feels like she needs to 'look out for' her....made me smile
kibibarel · 9 months
Indigo Disk furthering the "Geeta and Rika are Pokémarried" agenda and giving Geeta a Chesnaught......kind of swag, i must say
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dark-mnjiro · 4 years
‘cause i want you [on your knees]
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Theme: wet dream, sexually explicit dream, sexual fantasy, 707 x f!mc/reader
Warnings: language, sexually explicit, voyeurism, f!masturbation
Author’s Note: I have no idea where this came from but here it is. I low key snorted at the ending though. I hope you all enjoy. It’s been a while since I wrote anything remotely “sexy” so I’m sorry that its terrible.
Fixed lines of green text filled the screen as Seven’s fingers typed vigorously, glancing up every so often at the long lines of code. He had been at this job for hours it seemed. A sigh fell from his lips as he leaned back in his chair, using his hand to brush back the loose strands of hair from his face. He felt as though his head was going to explode from this work… and he knew Vanderwood would be stopping by soon to make sure he was completing his duties to the agency. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbled, rubbing his temples. “I need a break…”
His gaze fell on the other screen on his desk, which flooded with smaller angles of closed-captioned security footage of Rika’s old apartment. His lips curled into a smile as he caught you walking by the hallway camera and glancing up and giving him a small wave and a smile. It was one of the few highlights of his day, seeing that wave and that smile.
He almost caught himself waving back to you.
“Damn,” he groaned, leaning back in his chair. “What the hell am I doing?”
Seven had played out numerous scenarios in his head of what if between the two of you. And while he knew nothing could come of it, it was still fun for him to fantasize about the strange relationship he had developed with the stranger who had stumbled onto Rika’s apartment one day. He found himself slipping further and further into his imagination every time he saw your smile light up the small screen.
Chewing on his lower lip, he sat up, grabbing the mouse and double-clicking on the camera in your bedroom. His honey-colored eyes observed as you danced around the room in an almost playful fashion. He could roughly guess that you were playing some upbeat music as the corner of his lip curled up in a lopsided grin. 
“She’s too cute,” he commented, resting his chin in his hand as a content sigh fell from his lips. “...too cute.”
Moments like this almost made him forget the danger you were both in… the hacker that had caused you to stumble upon the application that introduced both of you. The bomb that Rika had planted in the apartment…
“Oh shit,” Seven hissed as he tore his eyes away from the screen and back to his work. “I have to work on the hacker… who knows if he would just show up at the apartment and hurt her…”
But his gaze slowly caught you moving around the bedroom again. “Oh fuck…” he whispered when he noticed you were slowly undressing in front of the camera. He felt his embarrassment creeping up the back of his neck before blossoming over his cheeks. He watched as you slowly turned your back to the camera before slipping off your oversized sweater. 
His eyes widened as he leaned into the screen. “I shouldn’t do this…” he mumbled, chewing on his lower lip more. He couldn’t believe this was happening as he watched your hands move behind your body to unhook your bra. “She has to know—”
You turned to gaze over your shoulder before your eyes playfully narrowed at the camera. You took your bra and tossed it aside before giving Seven a wave through the camera. 
“...she does know…”
You slowly moved to push down the black leggings you were wearing, revealing the white pair of cotton panties underneath. Covering your breasts, you slowly turned back to face the camera before backing onto the bed. Laying back, you peeled your hands away from your breasts. 
Seven sat back on his computer chair. “God, forgive me,” he mumbled before taking the mouse and clicking a button to zoom in on you. His eyes narrowed as he spied you, reaching for your phone. “Oh, no. She isn’t—”
Your name lit up on the screen of his cellphone. He slowly grabbed it, sliding his finger over the screen. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Seven hissed into the phone. 
“I know you watch me all the time, Seven,” you teased back. “Maybe I want to give you a private show.”
“This isn’t-”
You merely giggled in response, the sound alone was enough to make his face flush bright red once again. “Don’t act like you haven’t watched me undressing before, Seven,” you whispered.
“I-I,” he stuttered as he felt a lump growing in his throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Seven,” you said gently. “It’s okay… you can watch me. Just look at the screen.”
His eyes slowly moved back to the image of you laying back on the bed with a coy smile plastered on your face. He could feel his heart beginning to race as your hands moved down your body, revealing your breasts on screen. This couldn’t be real, he thought as he nervously chewed on his lower lip while he watched you slip off the cotton panties before tossing the clothing haphazardly onto the floor. 
“Like what you see?” you asked as you spread open your legs for him as your hand slipped between your thighs. 
Seven swore under his breath as he could feel a bulge in his pants beginning to harden. “That’s not fair… any man would,” he mumbled into the phone before hearing a small moan from you. His eyes darted toward the screen as he watched your fingers move to tease your clit. A shudder moved down his spine as he heard another breathy moan escape your lips. This was becoming too much… and if you didn’t watch yourself - he would be unable to stop himself. 
“Please, Seven. I want to make you feel good,” you whined, your hips moving against your hand as two digits dipped into your core. 
Swallowing hard, Seven couldn’t find his own words to respond. God, how much he wanted to rush over to that apartment and take you as his own… your teasing was only fueling his desire… “Fuck,” he groaned as his hands slipped to the bulge, begging him for release in his jeans. “You have no idea how bad I want you,” he cried. 
“How soon can you be over here, Seven?” you whined again. 
He shifted in his computer chair, weighing the options in his mind. Was it worth it? Could he keep denying you much longer? “Te-ten minutes,” He said quickly as he jumped to his feet. “Ten minutes tops.”
“Hurry Seven~”
He moved to hang up the call before feeling a sharp pain in the back of his head before his forehead slammed into the desk. He shot up and stared at the security footage. “Oh-oh no…”
“What the hell were you doing sleeping at your desk!” Vanderwood shouted at him. “You’re supposed to be working!”
Seven felt his heart drop to his stomach. “Just a dream,” he mumbled as he watched you sleeping soundly on the footage in your room. “Jesus Christ…” He could feel red hot embarrassment blossoming over his face and prayed that Vanderwood didn’t notice the erection in his pants. How could his imagination get so out of control?
“707!” Vanderwood yelled again, trying to gain the red head’s attention. 
Shaking his head, he stood up before walking away from his desk. “I-I’ll be right back!”
“Where are you going?!”
“...I need to pray.”
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devilinsheepswool · 4 years
My First Impressions vs My now thoughts on the Obey Me! Babes + Luke
Because I did one for mysme some time back. Spoilers for season 2 and images (not related to the spoilers) ahead, tread with care
First Impression: Jumin Han, but make him a demon
Season 1: *after the attempts on MC's life, and over all ambiguity of his feelings and thoughts on MC* proceed with caution
Season 2: *after Arcadia, Luci being a smug lil shit but such a sweet heart when MC returns to Devildom, the amnesia situation, and willingness to sacrifice himself for MC and his brothers* LUCI, LISTEN TO ME LOVE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU WITHOUT HESITATION BABE
Overall thoughts: listen, I tend to like subs but Luci bae you got me like 💋👀❤👀❤👀💋
First Impression: He kinda reminds me of the guys that used to bully me when I was a kid
Season 1: *always protecting MC and caring for them, being basically attached to their hip* You're the only bitch in the house i ever respected.
Season 2: *Mammon being Mammon* I am proposing 👀💍❤
First Impression: I found my new bottom 😏
Season 1: *Levi still being a gigantic tsundere for a majority of the game, even post pact* Levi, sweetie! 💕 Pspspsps! 💗 Levi, darling! 💖 Come here, baby! 💘 Pspspsps! 💓
Season 2: (plus devilgrams) I'mma have all his sea demon babies, and that's a promise ❤👀
Overall thoughts: Fuck me in your ocean monster demon form
First Impression: 16 year old me's dream man, tbh
Season 1: Such a dapper Cat man~ So posh and chivalrous... Wait, oh?! He gremlin too?! Such gap moe,
Season 2: Any demons here? Got any demons out tonight? Any HORNY 😏 boys? Satan, I know you there babe, pspspsps
Overall thoughts: "Season 2 is over, so I cut off all my shirts sleeves." Why? "Satan was my self control."
First Impression: Okay, now this is interesting... not normally an archetype I'm fond of... but I'm kinda diggin him
Season 1: uhm, excuse me waiter? This season lacked a bit too much Asmo's character development for my liking
Overall thoughts: *Asmo getting cheated out of screen time and MC's love by Solmare* where are my cuddles, where are my kisses? MC, is... evil? MC is unyielding? MC is incapable of love? I am running away. I am packing my rusack and going out to explore the world like a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this house hold.
First Impression: kinda scarey... 😟
Season 1: *after the whole Luke situation* I think we're married? But I don't remember a wedding. We might have adopted Luke too, sooo...? I like him, tho, so it's all Gucci with me tbh A REALLY SWEET DEMON MAN
Season 2: Puppy! Gigantic puppy man! BEELzeBABE sweetie I love you, baby! You're doing amazing sweetheart
Overall thoughts: I've had Beel for two seasons now and if anything ever happened to him, I would kill everyone and then myself
First Impression: ❤👀 Hey there Miss New Booty 👀❤
Season 1: *after he kills MC and there's no development or elaboration on their relationship*
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Season 2: (+ Devilgrams) Listen, everyone gets at least one homicidal psychopathic bad boy, and I've chosen him.
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Overall thoughts: Hello, fellow gremlin should we duel to the death for title of "ultimate sarcastic bastard"
First Impression: *Looks down at Diavolo's chest and then quickly back at him* I am looking respectfully 👀👀👀 *internally though vvvv*
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Season 1: He's cute, it's a shame we didn't see more of him 😔💔
Season 2: *towards the end, when Diavolo keeps trying to get MC alone* oooooooooh, bet? 😏
Overall thoughts: This man brings out the bottom in me like I have never experienced before
First Impression: I know we just met, and I know I hardly know anything about you but do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
Season 1: Listen, you can't give me a man that insanely HOT and then only sprinkle him every here and there in the game!!! That's not right! Gimme the whole slice Solmare!
Season 2: Barbatos, mon cher, they continue to keep us apart, don't they love? But fret not, fate shall not keep us a part for long, I know you'll come for me and I promise I shall be ready for when that day comes
Overall thoughts: He knows how to bake and cook!? Sold, I'm sold! Get me a white dress and him a suit~ 
First impression: He radiates pure bastatd energy, he just looks so pleased with himself... I feel like he's hiding something... I like him tho, I'd be his friend.
Season 1: *when the fandom theorized he was evil and shady* "STOP SAYING HE IS EVIL AND SHADY, you don't have all the facts!!!" and those are? "I LOVE HIM 🥺😭"
Season 2: *revealing he's been working hard to come up with a solution to MC's and the 3 realms problems, being protective of MC in Lesson 38* I KNEW IT, I KNEW YOU WEREN'T GOING TO BE EVIL 🥺😭☺️ THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE U ❤❤❤
Overall thoughts: I would die for u tbh
First Impression: Oh dreamweaver~ 💕❤💗💘💓💖👌💍🥺😏😚
Season 1:  oh holy shoulders give me strength for I know he is a forbidden man, but rather than give me strength you only seem to test my resilience to reach for the forbidden fruit and test my already crumbling sanity
Season 2: *Simeon alluding to feelings for MC with subtle actions and text messages* *high pitched shrieking only audible to dogs*
Overall thoughts: Have you ever seen a man so perfect you cry? Like, God, his beauty is unbelievable!!!
First impression: Yes, operator? I would like the custody of child forms... yeah, I'll hold 💅
Season 1: *when Luke is obviously still afraid and uncomfortable of being in Devildom, and any demon looks at him funny. Especially that one lesson when Lucifer tries to attack him in that catacombs looking place*
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Season 2: *watching Luke get more comfortable and even miss Devildom, watching his relationship with Barbatos and Solomon develop* that's growth
Overall thoughts: *after Luke accepted being MC's guardian Angel*
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First Impression: I know she's supposed to be good... but what if she turns out to be like Rika??? I'm sorry but I can't go through this again, dude
During Season 1: *towards the end when Lilith reveals all the truth to MC* I AM SO SORRY FOR EVER DOUBTING U MAMA LILITH 😭😭😭 U DIDN'T DESERVE THAT I'M SO SORRY
Overall thoughts: Mama Lilith, it's me your bastard great great great descendant. Can you hear me wherever you are? Mama Lilith, I need u girl... come help me again pwease 🙏
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bgyuus · 3 years
"ı Ɩơ۷ɛ ყơų"  
suna rintarou x fem! reader 
i just wanted to write some fluff but it got bad :( 
cw: badly written fluff, some smut in the end, soft sex, public sex, angst (?), fluff, suna is kinda like the quiet type in here, just two teenagers dealing with their hormones, unedited writing. 
"Hey y/n, he's staring at you again," 
Your blonde friend, Rika, leaned in to whisper into your ear. You took a glance behind your seat. Both of your eyes widened at the sudden eye contact. You quickly turned your face away, praying that he didn't saw your cheeks burning in embarrassment and shyness. 
"Is y/n blushing? Wow, never thought you'd be flustered over something- or someone," a very familiar voice rang from the right side of your seat. You turned to face him and nearly yelped at how close your faces were. You felt your face burning up again. Ugh, how you hate this one cocky bastard. Atsumu smirked at your flustered face. "Staring at Rin-rin again, aren't 'cha?" he asked with a teasing tone, the smirk still not leaving his face. "What?! I wasn't staring, he stared at me first," you stated, crossing your arms. Atsumu laughed at your outburst. He opened his mouth to say something but the bell cut him off. "Y/n, let's go eat outside for today!" two of your female friends came and dragged you away, without giving you any chance to say goodbye to Atsumu. (not that you wanted to anyway lol). 
"So, I heard Suna likes you, y/n," the blonde said, nudging your side playfully. "N-no, you've must be mistaken, plus Yuri likes him, don't you, Yuri-chan?" you asked, trying not to sound nervous. Yuri glances at you from across the table. "The hell- why would I like him, I like his friend, Osamu better," she shrugged as she continued to eat her lunch. "Well, he's not my type," Rika said, stuffing her face with some bun. The two started to talk about who's taste in men is better. You sat there, listening and debating with your two friends. 
Sooner or later, the school period was over. You were packing up your things when you felt a presence standing beside you. The height and the soft smell of his cologne made you tense up. Slowly glancing up to face him, your eyes widened. Ugh, how you hate making eye contact with him.  The both of you stood there, staring into each other's eyes until you cleared your throat, breaking the awkward silence. Suna raised an eyebrow at your action. Your cheeks were tinted with red hues (he can see that y'know) and your hands were fiddling with the hem of your skirt. Were you feeling uncomfortable with him? Probably all of that staring caught her off guard and now she thinks I'm a pervert, he panicked silently. 
"Wanna go back together since we live nearby," he said, rubbing the nape of his neck. Your cheeks continued to burn up, which is definitely not helping you to calm down. Without saying a word, you nodded as an answer. Suna's expression softened but quickly tensed up when you looked up to face him again. You both walked down the stairs in silence- it was a different type of silence now. It was a nice type of silence, the comfortable one. Your heart was still beating fast, you swear that it could burst any moment now if there isn't any way to escape this. "Oh, Y/n! Suna! Can you help carry these back to my table?" a sensei called out. "I'll do it!" you quickly volunteered, leaving Suna's side. The taller boy looked at you, telepathically asking "need a hand?" You smiled and waved him off. "You can go now, Suna. I've got this," you smiled as Suna nodded and walked in the opposite direction. 
As you were carrying the books back to the teacher's lounge, you breathed out a sigh of relief. The rapid heartbeats began to calm down, now thumping at their own normal pace. Your heated cheeks finally cooled down. After placing the books and exiting the office, your heart started to quicken its pace again. There he was, leaning against the lockers, eyes glued to the screen of his phone. Your cheeks started to heat up again as the boy's eyes trailed towards you. "Finally, it took me a year to wait for you," he teased, making you cross your arms. "Well it's not my fault this school has many pathways," you shot him back. Suna stifled a laugh at your remark. With only that made your stomach burst with a thousand butterflies. "Hey, come on now, let's go home," he said, handing out his hand for you to take. 
Your eyes widened at his action. Suna cocked an eyebrow at you. "If you don't want to then fine," he said, bringing his hand back to his side. The hurt tone coming from his voice made your reflexes act up. You quickly grabbed his hand and rushed out of the school grounds. The both of you walked in silence as you reached the station. Suna glanced at your interwinding hands and smirked. "You like me that much, huh?" he asked in a teasing tone. "Wha-," with widened eyes, you swiftly let go of his hand, cheeks burning up in embarrassment.  Suna laughed, gaining attention from some of the people nearby. "Aw, they sure do look cute together! They've gotta be a couple!" a lady gushed to her friend. Upon hearing that, you stomped on Suna's foot, making him yelped in pain. "Shut up," you said, annoyed and embarrassed at what had happened. 
As you both were waiting for the train, the previous lady's voice rang through her head. "They've gotta be a couple!" You lowered your head as your cheeks burned up at the thought of you and Suna being one. Glancing towards the taller boy, you took in his image. He was definitely tall, just the height that you've always wanted for a boy as your boyfriend. His posture is- isn't that bad. His brown hair shining in the sunset evening. His shoulders were broad and you silently bet that he has abs, he's the school's volleyball player after all. His hands, oh my god his hand. They were even bigger than yours. His skin looked so smooth, you didn't realize that you were holding his hand right now. Suna gave you a puzzled look as you quickly let go, bowing many times and saying that you were sorry for being such a weirdo. 
The boy chuckled in response. You were about to stomp on his foot again when he suddenly pulled you closer to his chest, hands placed on your back, trapping you against him, not wanting you to let go. Your cheeks were now heating up at an alarming rate, your heart was as if it was racing in a 100-meter race. He was hugging you. The light smell of his cologne surprisingly calmed your rapid heartbeats and your burning cheeks. You slowly wrapped your arm around his body, hugging him back. A smile plastered across Suna's face. He didn't know how he got himself into this mess actually.
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"She's cute," Atsumu said to his group of friends, which Suna is in it too. The brunette glanced at the way his friend mentioned. There she was, y/n, the well-known polite girl of his grade during middle school. You were walking with Rika and Yuri, chatting away. You both locked eyes for a moment when you shot him a smile and walked off with your friends. At that moment, Suna didn't really quite understand why his heart was beating fast. When he explained this to Atsumu, the blonde only said "You have a crush on her! Go on ask her out or something!" he excitedly said. Suna winced at the thought of you turning him down but you wouldn't know if you don't try, right? 
One evening, he walked up to you, but you were occupied with none other than Atsumu. He waited for you to deal with Atsumu when he heard the blonde said: "Will you go out with me?" Suna's stomach dropped. Why would he- "Oh, I'm sorry Atsumu, but I'm busy for the rest of the week," you answered honestly, bowing lightly and walked away. Suna was about to call out to you but you turned into another hall. 
Honestly, he really wanted to confess to you but there was always something bothering the chance for him to do so. Like how you're always surrounded by your friends. You're always in everyone's attention. It's not like Suna can blame you though, you were popular back in the days anyway. But that doesn't stop his feelings from liking you. Now that he's in the same high school- and in the same class, he can finally confess. 
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The boy let you go with his hands now cupping your cheeks. His green olive-like eyes stared into your (insert eye color lol) ones. His thumb caressed your cheeks gently wiping away a tear. Wait, what is this feeling, you thought. Suna's eyes darted from yours to your lips. Your heart skipped a beat as he closed his eyes and leaned down towards you. You closed the gap between you and as your lips were on his, everything started to move in slow motion. The sakura flowers moved around in the breeze making the scene as if you were in a movie. Suna bit your lower lip gently, making you slowly opening your mouth for his tongue to explore. 
His left hand moved down under your skirt, gripping your ass ever so gently. You yelped softly, pushing Suna off of you rather harshly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Suna apologized over and over again. You looked at his flustered face. His eyes were clouded with want and need. And you couldn't help but slowly look down towards his pants. Ah shit, you cursed silently. There was a tent growing in his pants and you couldn't help blush at the dirty thoughts going through your head. "Oh, y-you don't have to worry about this, I'll just handle this myself," Suna laughed it off as the doors off the train opened. Your cheeks burned red again. Suna laughed as he grabbed your hand and entered the train. You frowned at his actions and dragged him out from the train to the nearest bathroom. 
"I'm sorry, y/n, it's just-" he got cut off by your lips smashing into his. Both tongues fighting for dominance. Suna pushed you, your back hitting the nearest wall. A breathy moan left your lips, hands reaching and gripping his hair, deepening the kiss. Finally letting go in need of oxygen, Suna rested his forehead against yours, saliva connecting at both of your mouths. "I can't," he panted, breathing oxygen back into his lungs. Your hand caressed his cheek. "It's okay, I- let me help you,"  you offered in a small voice. The boy's eyes widened. "Eh? No no, it's okay! You don't have to!" it was his turn now to be flustered. 
Never would you thought you'd be in a position like this. Never at all. Skirt hunched up to your stomach, back placed against the bathroom mirror, and Suna's dick deep inside of you. Not to mention that your first time was with your crush and in a public bathroom. If someone found out, you both will be in deep trouble, no shit. "Y/n, 'm gonna cum," the boy panted after multiple times thrusting into your pussy. He pulled out and released his seed onto your thighs, slowly panting for air. He kissed your sweaty forehead, lovingly. 
"I love you," he said and he did. 
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
Ray’s AE Live Reactions
Right lads, I’m gonna do a daily commentary on Saeran’s AE because damn I gotta vent lol
I think it goes without saying, SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT! Long post ahead. And lot’s of screenshots (did not know there was an image limit on tumblr post lol had to whack the collaging app). A lot happened guys, and I have a lot of feelings.
Day 1!
First, a few initial thoughts
I forgot about the pure anxiety of picking the right chat choices lmao. This is not a game for over thinkers lemme tell ya
Really REALLY appreciated the current lack of 3am chat rooms lol. It went from 12am to 9am and it was GLORIOUS
Saeran is an absolute cherub and I will be watching him like a hawk
Now onto live reactions!
Well at least SEVENSTAR DRINK is thriving. It’s what he would have wanted.
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Zen excuse me this is not your AE you cannot be this cute bACK OFF SIR
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Big bro Zen has made another appearance. We do not deserve this man. STOP BEING CUTE
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Look at this man. Look at this absolute fucking bean sprout look at him I just wanna rip my face off he’s so cute jfc
he also keeps calling everyone by their full name and i can’t handle it. every time he says ‘Jumin Han’ i want punch myself in the face he’s so. damn. precious.
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Ummm Yoosung?? That’s my boyfriend thank you very much BACK OFF SIR
cough #Yooran4ever cough ah did you hear something? Nah me neither
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SAERAN LMFAOOOOOO HE FUCKING SAID IT. Bean sprout is a savage bean sprout hot damn.
Zen I’m sorry my love but it was going to be said eventually.
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what. the. FUCK. ARE YOU SHITTING ME? My jaw dropped like are you having a laugh?? what’s happening when did you turn all creepy and scary I mean look at that CG I hate it bring back the soft mint man I don’t trust this one 
For real though I am baffled and afraid pls let this all get sorted out :(( now I'm worried for Saeyoung and V’s safety wtf wtf wtf
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I actually want to scream
Sir that’s my emotional support hacker i need you not fucking do that
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smiley face of death
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i’ll tell you what Cheritz, you are incredible
i actually did giggle and yes i hate me for it too
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it’s not even been a full day and i’m already emotionally drained send help
and on today’s episode of ‘mc being thirsty for anyone but the person whose route your on’:
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cheritz you do make me giggle
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JUMIN🥺😭 ffs can you stop making the characters say nice things about me or be super cute to me in every chat/call because i will fall in love with them again and IT’S SAERAN’S TURN OKAY STOP IT
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sorry everyone i will be stepping down from my position as Party Organiser to become mr chairman’s personal therapist thank you for your time
literally had one conversation with this guy and now he’s telling me all about his failed love life. you know what i respect it well done mr chairman for being open about your feelings.
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Saeyoung, i have been waiting to save you for literal years and now your telling me not look for you? lmao as if
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I could actually shed a tear.
I’m so proud of you baby, you tell her boo.
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I am SCREAMING. V why you gotta absolutely decimate her like that?
Honestly though this chat was so uncomfortable. Something is just very off with these two (more than usual). Like it’s so eerie how casual and ‘normal’ they’re being i hate it here
We're counting on you Vandy pls don’t let us down
Okay, some general thoughts about day 1:
This suspense with Saeyoung is genuinely killing me. Like I NEED him to be okay in the end. The panic from his visual novel was so real. I actually can’t think about it too much without getting upset lmao
Seriously concerned about V’s character. I'm praying that they don’t villainise him and he can have a happy ending. Saeran got a happy ending in V’s ae, and it’ll be so upsetting if V doesn’t get the same from Saeran’s.
Rika is straight up pissing me off. I’m sorry to say it, but she is. I don’t know if I’m just moody today bc usually I can either just brush her off or find a way to sympathise for her (not excuse her actions, just make an effort to understand her) but today I just couldn’t do it. It’s not even like...genuine anger she’s just annoying me hahah (pretty sure I’m just hormonal or something, but we’ll see lol)
And if she brings up Saeran’s mother and tries to push the idea that she herself is like a mother to him I will personally twat her round the head.
Oh, or if she talks about Jumin again. I will protect my bois if it’s the last thing I do.
The call from Driver Kim was the only saving grace of the day. What a wholesome man.
Seeing V and Rika be all domestic and ‘normal’ in some chats/on the spaceship thing was...unsettling. It makes me even more concerned for V...
Basically, I am afraid of what’s going to happen next.
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rayneul · 4 years
Ray Route Bad Ending 3 Guide
(donʼt/never answer messages it give good heart so i suggest dont answer it :))
Day 1 & 2: skips days
Day 3: (100%)
00:31 – Under the Shimmering
Selection 1 I wanted to chill out more and then go to sleep. (Nothing)
Selection 2 I think your biorhythm will break living like that. (Nothing)
Selection 3 God, finally we’ll have some peace and silence.
Selection 4 Are you in a motorcycle gang? (Nothing)
Selection 5 Share with me some photos of your driver’s license, if you have some. (Nothing)
Selection 6 Wow! It’s you when you were younger! (Nothing)
Selection 7 You’re here to see me!! (Nothing)
Selection 8 Aren’t motorcycles dangerous? (Nothing)
Selection 9 When you’re feeling frustrated and all, playing games are the best! 0% accidents! (Nothing)
Selection 10 Tell me what happened back then. (Nothing)
Selection 11 V, you’re quite persistent. (Nothing)
Selection 12 Trying to deny it by myself is too hard. I need some help here. (Nothing)
Selection 13 Zen, what were you like back in the days? (Nothing)
Selection 14 You still look promising. (Nothing)
Selection 15 I lie low for a while. (Nothing)
Selection 16 V, do you normally clock in such late hours? (Nothing)
Selection 17 V, you go well with wine! (Nothing)
Selection 18 Good bye! (Nothing)
Selection 19 You have a lot to worry about. (Nothing)
Selection 20 I’m going to stay up late. (Nothing)
02:46 – Paradox of the Survival of the Fittest
Selection 1 I was testing the game you gave me. (Ray)
Selection 2 If you have something to say, come over yourself. (Nothing)
Selection 3 Then it’ll bloom twice as much flowers! (Nothing)
Selection 4 I feel sad for the weaker stalk… (Ray)
Selection 5 There’s nothing you can do, it’s nature’s way of survival of the fittest. (Nothing)
Selection 6 You’re right. The weaker stalk was the one that sacrificed! (Ray)
Selection 7 Wow…I’ll look forward to it, Ray! (Nothing)
Selection 8 It was fun. With hidden morals and all…. (Ray)
Selection 9 Ray, when are you going to sleep? (Nothing)
07:00 – Take Care of Your Health
Selection 1 Change your glasses into sunglasses lol (Nothing)
Selection 2 Huh. The name’s even suspicious for a start. (Nothing)
Selection 3 Isn’t that just a bunch of powders and not a drink? (Nothing)
Selection 4 Reports to police right now☆ (Nothing)
Selection 5 Send in an ingredients review documents as well. (Nothing)
Selection 6 You don’t even know the prices at the convenience stores? You must be joking! (Nothing)
Selection 7 Throwing it out down the drain…of something oyu made with great difficulty… T_T (707)
Selection 8 In other words, you’re distracted. (Nothing)
Selection 9 Tell me more of this cleaning fairy. (Nothing)
Selection 10 Awesome! Why don’t we learn its secret cleaning methods at the party? (Email from cleaningfairy)
Selection 11 Jaehee, good morning! (Nothing)
Selection 12 You are very persistent. (Nothing)
Selection 13 You just came in. Are you already leaving? (Nothing)
Selection 14 You really have only two friends? (707)
Selection 15 1011011…… (707)
Selection 16 It wasn’t too far. It was way way too far. (Nothing)
Selection 17 Stop getting distracted and get to work. (Nothing)
09:13 – Back in the Days
Selection 1 Did you get your license renewed? (Nothing)
Selection 2 I’m actually tired of seeing it since I’ve seen it numerous times. (Nothing)
Selection 3 Oh! I suppose the roads were familiar to you – (Nothing)
Selection 4 You must be happy. (Nothing)
Selection 5 It must have been worthwhile! (Zen)
Selection 6 Zen, I invite you to the room of mirrors. (Nothing)
Selection 7 I wanna be – most very best – (Nothing)
Selection 8 Great! I’ll catch Backpack Monsters by inviting him to the party. (Email from bmonster)
Selection 9 My eyes are screaming out with joy! (Nothing)
Selection 10 Welcome! (Nothing)
Selection 11 I want to see that performance- (Nothing)
Selection 12 AI role….?It must have been easy for an AI to play an AI role. (Ray)
Selection 13 Skin conditions are alwayd better when you’re young… (Nothing)
Selection 14 I want to know whom he’s having the meeting with – (Nothing)
Selection 15 It’s my father-in-law^^ (Nothing)
Selection 16 He would have received some hardcore education. (Nothing)
Selection 17 They have few things in common, but they’re also different – (Nothing)
Selection 18 A virtual world of their own… (Nothing)
Selection 19 Enjoy your meal- (Nothing)
Selection 20 Are you worried? (Nothing)
Selection 21 It kind of bothers me that there’s a secret V keeps even from his friends.
Selection 22 Bye- (Nothing)
12:22 – My Best Friend
Selection 1 I did- (Nothing)
Selection 2 Of course! Friends are really dear. (Nothing)
Selection 3 You’re friends with flower^^ (Ray)
Selection 4 I like lily-of-the-valley! (Nothing)
Selection 5 You can! Though more time would be needed. (Ray)
Selection 6 I’m jealous… (Ray)
Selection 7 I don’t think you’re obsessed with me. I’m just glad that you seem to care for me a lot! (Ray)
Selection 8 Who is this person? (Nothing)
Selection 9 I want to be with you…! My mind will not change. (Ray)
Selection 10 I want to see you today, Ray! (Ray)
14:09 – Small Cute Adorable
Selection 1 Is something wrong? (Nothing)
Selection 2 What’s your real job? (Nothing)
Selection 3 I secured your portrait of the deceased. Thanks. (Nothing)
Selection 4 I understand her. She must’ve been surprised to learn that your mission is a dangerous one… (Nothing)
Selection 5 I pray for your successful mission. (Nothing)
Selection 6 Such a delicate plot… This messenger is truly awesome. (Ray)
Selection 7 Is 3 days enough? Won’t you need a week? (Nothing)
Selection 8 …Let me hear it out first. (Nothing)
Selection 9 I was about to recommend the first one!! (707)
Selection 10 Seven! Sell your car to me! (Nothing)
Selection 11 Since it’s largely influencing the national economy…I think it’ll be larger than what we imagine… (Nothing)
Selection 12 Okay…Good bye. (Nothing)
Selection 13 I’m a person with a fragile wallet that gets billed with withholding tax. (Nothing)
Selection 14 Wouldn’t V’s mother’s hair color have been mint? (Nothing)
Selection 15 I wish a dragon would come to the party…. (707)
Selection 16 Let’s make an equal world for everyone together! (707)
Selection 17 Whoa… (Nothing)
Selection 18 Okay! Let’s invite it! (Email from dark dragon)
Selection 19 Wow- (Nothing)
Selection 20 You’ve put your effort in trying to find the most ordinary person! (Nothing)
Selection 21 We’re already too ordinary, and I don’t think we need to invite this person! (707)
Selection 22 What are you talking about? I’m sure you’re not really flying thorough the sky…. (Nothing)
Selection 23 Sounds dangerous…. (Nothing)
Selection 24 I don’t think it’s a good idea to trust all of Seven’t words. I mean, we’ve seen him playing tricks a lot….(Jaehee)
Selection 25 The party might become more interesting! (Jumin)
Selection 26 You don’t think V told those two to recommend only the weird guests to pretend to be holding a party, do you? (Ray)
Selection 27 I should pick up and finish up the work I was doing- (Nothing)
16:32 – Precious friend
Selection 1 V! Hi! (Nothing)
Selection 2 I think it’ll be fun! (Nothing)
Selection 3 Two friends gathered in a chatroom ^^ (Nothing)
Selection 4 Did you exchange any secrets? (Ray)
Selection 5 Is it a humiliating secrets that you can’t share with me? (Nothing)
Selection 6 V, you have a lot of secrets… What kind of secrets are you hiding from your father? (Ray)
Selection 7 I think it’ll be a good occasion to get together. (Jumin)
Selection 8 I think it’s was Jumin’s way of being considerate of you- (Jumin)
Selection 9 Do you have any stories…like secrets regarding V? (Ray)
Selection 10 Church…? I don’t think that type of religion can heal people. (Ray)
Selection 11 Who sang better? (Nothing)
Selection 12 So, who won? (Nothing)
Selection 13 Yes…Sometimes an emotional decision can worsen the situation. (Ray + Jumin)
Selection 14 Don’t you think this sadness isn’t something you can overcome? (Ray)
Selection 15 Bye. (Nothing)
Selection 16 I think Rika was more unfortunate. (Ray)
Selection 17 I’m going to take a break now! Take care! (Nothing)
18:24 – Explosion of Emotions
Selection 1 Yes, I did. (Nothing)
Selection 2 Doesn’t it feel like everyone is hiding something? (Ray)
Selection 3 Welcome, Zen the Gorgeous – (Nothing)
Selection 4 We were talking about Jumin. (Yoosung)
Selection 5 You should be nice to your relatives. (Nothing)
Selection 6 Whoa….isn’t that harsh? It was their daughter’s funeral…. (Yoosung)
Selection 7 Rika was adopted? (Nothing)
Selection 8 I didn’t know since Rika had a bright image… (Nothing)
Selection 9 It’s not easy to trust someone with secrets. (Nothing)
Selection 10 I think having someone next to you would help ^^; (Zen)
Selection 11 Yup. It is a heal-all-potion, the panacea. (Zen)
Selection 12 Don’t treat Yoosung like a child. He’s an adult. (Nothing)
Selection 13 I don’t think it’s a good idea to enforce your method. (Nothing)
Selection 14 Everyone might become more light-hearted when everyone reveals the truth! (Ray)
Selection 15 Seven maybe has a heart made of steel? (Nothing)
Selection 16 You can right through the wind with a VR game. (Nothing)
Selection 17 I hope you’re not taking your motorcycle for a trip around your neighborhood! (Nothing)
20:11 – Reason Behind the Curiosity
Selection 1 You’re on your way here? Wow… (Ray)
Selection 2 I’m not in my room yet…. (Nothing)
Selection 3 How much do you like me? (Ray)
Selection 4 I actually feel good. (Ray)
Selection 5 I acted naturally, not trying to pry out secrets. The AIs felt really natural…. (Nothing)
Selection 6 Yes! (Nothing)
 Story Mode – Going to the Garden… And She Doesn’t Make a Run For It
- Aren’t you busy? (Nothing)
- You talked about a garden. (Nothing)
- I want to go to that garden fast. (Nothing)
- It’s a little chilly. (Nothing)
- But…just what is this place? (Nothing)
- Already? I don’t want to go back. I feel trapped in there… (Nothing)
21:49 – Powder of the Coordinator!
Selection 1 Hi-ho (Nothing)
Selection 2 Yes-I went for a walk in the gardens. It was great. (Ray)
Selection 3 I don’t know….  (Nothing)
Selection 4 This time it’s an insurance scam? (Nothing)
Selection 5 I’m holding the phone right now. (707)
Selection 6 What else did you find out apart from that? (Nothing)
Selection 7 You really didn’t come in very often before lol (Nothing)
Selection 8 A tad later, please. (Nothing)
Selection 9 I don’t know… Perhaps he’s not sincere about it. (Ray)
Selection 10 Can I change the channel? (Nothing)
Selection 11 Yes, I’ll order one box, please… There’s someone here who needs it… (Nothing)
Selection 12 Bye, Mr. Advertiser. (Nothing)
23:07 – Another Level of Salvation
Selection 1 Hell, Jaehee! You’re up late! (Nothing)
Selection 2 Troubled times, these times… (Jaehee)
Selection 3 I have a bad feeling about this…. (Nothing)
Selection 4 Yes…I hope they stop before they create more victims. (V)
Selection 5 Yoosung, what have you been up to? (Nothing)
Selection 6 Was it effective?
Selection 7 Are you ordering Sevenstar Drink!?
Selection 8 Isn’t that a virus…? (Nothing)
Selection 9 Sniff..I smell something….the smell of a spaceship burning… (707)
Selection 10 I’m thankful that he’s became brighter… (Jaehee)
Selection 11 Go back to the game.
Selection 12 Sounds like good words, but it’s always better to do an adequate amount of good deed. (Nothing)
Selection 13 It may be happiness to those that want to be saved by force…
Selection 14 Why don’t we, the RFA, inherit and continue that!?
Selection 15 Yoosung, it might be time for you to look for professional help. (Nothing)
Selection 16 Whoa, interesting! (Nothing)
Selection 17 Let’s invite him! I wonder what his next costume will be after the leopard. (Email from neuropsychiatry)
Selection 18 Yoosung, you’re leaving in a speed of light. (Nothing)
Selection 19 I think he just needs a way to vent out like that for now. (Jaehee)
Selection 20 I think I should get some rest too.
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roninhunt0987 · 3 years
The Birth of Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori and Gen'ichi Jr
The Birth of Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori and Gen'ichi Jr
By: Roninhunt0987
X3 a fic I promised to do for Neko and takes place where Gen'ichi is married to Ninjara in my headcannon since Neko's oc Suzuki is involved and where Gen'ichi and Ninjara have their 7 kids which is 6 girls and boy which are named are Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori and Gen'ichi Jr.
:3 enjoy
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
-at the kato/prower residence-
Ninjara: -throwing up in the toilet when Suzuki and everyone came to visit-
Gen'ichi: -worried- aw man... she was okay when we got here I dunno whats wrong
Merrick: -checks in on Ninjara and stops a moment as he senses life within inside Ninjara in 7 kits in a litter which are 6 girls and a boy-
Mikey: Dude is She okay?? Merrick: O.o I think we need a trip to Dr. Seraph...
Ninjara: ugggh.....
-at Dr. Seraph's office- Suzuki: -with Gen'ichi-
Gen'ichi: -sitting down with Ninjara-
Dr. Seraph: -smiles as he walks over with a photo after a test and such- alright... do ya wanna see the first picture of ya kids
Ninjara: huh??
Dr. Seraph: -shows it to them- ^^ it seems ya gonna be parents of 6 kids and 1 boy
Ninjara: -smiles- Gen'ichi: -looks of wtf and jawdrop at the same time anime style-
Suzuki: XD YAHOO I AM GONNA BE AN AUNT!!! Ninjara: uhhh... gen??
Suzuki: -pokes Gen'ichi-
Gen'ichi: -falls over fainting-
Suzuki: -looks to the screen- O_o;;;;
-a lil later at the house-
Gen'ichi: ugggh.... -wakes up- who turns off the sun
Ninjara: X3 were gonna be parents of 6 girls and 1 boy
Gen'ichi: so we did it?? Suzuki: XD ya bro ya gonna be a daddy
Master Splinter: -smiles means he is gonna be a grandpa-
Mikey: ^^ hehe congrats bro
Raph: heh ya... with 6 girls and 1 boy running around the lair... -from inside his head: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!-
Merrick: .w. Raph quit screaming from the inside ya gonna get a headache
Raph: sorry... -feels a headache now- crap...
Merrick: .w. see tried to warn ya
Raph: oi...
-first 3 months-
Ninjara: -listening to calm japanese music and has earphones on her tummy- ^^
Naga: ^^ hehe
SP Vector: hey have ya got fatter than usual
Ninjara: -growls under her throat and throws a freaking coffee table at him-
Coffee Table: -smacks SP Vector- WHAP!! SP Vector: MY LEG!!!
-second 3 months-
Ninjara: -eating sushi with peanut butter on it-
SP Vector: .w. how ya eating all that
Ninjara: I'M NOT FAT I AM PREGNANT!!! -cries-
Suzuki: -is behind SP Vector as she is doing that creepy smile Alastor gives out in creepy looking shadows- how do ya want ya tombstone crocface
SP Vector: .w. oh crud...
SP Vector: -screaming behind the screen- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
-final 3 months: The birth-
-at the hospital later that afternoon-
Gen'ichi: -getting his hand squeeze from Ninjara and in his mind: OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!!-
Ninjara: -screams-
-2 hours later-
Ninjara: -comes out in a wheel chair holding all 7 of her kits-
all 7: -asleep- zzzzz
Gen'ichi: -smiles- everyone say hello to our kids
everyone: -gathers round-
Suzuki: X3 oh my god so cute what are they're names
Ninjara: well.. the first one there that is Ran, the second child is Rei, the third child is Reiko, fourth child is Rika, fifth child is Miwa, the sixth child Nori, and our seventh child who is a special one there... =3 Gen'ichi Jr.
Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori and Gen'ichi jr: -all 7 wakes up and sees their family for the very first time and has the look of hu on their face-
Suzuki: -sees Gen'ichi Jr is looking to her as he is a spitting image of Gen'ichi but also happens to have 3 tails which is very rare- X3 awww ya so cute
Naga: hey what did ya mean he is very special
Suzuki: -sees his 3-tails- ^^ he's a 3-tailed
Naga: X3 oh wow
Gen'ichi: X3 hehe
all 7: -purrs as they paw on Gen'ichi-
Gen'ichi: -chuckles- ^^ hehe
-6 years later-
Gen'ichi Jr: -now 6 years old like his sisters as he watches Suzuki and Raph play MK11-
Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori: -age 6 and doing the same-
Raph: NO NO NO NO!!!
Suzuki: -wins as she carries out a Brutality-
Raph: AHH CRUD >_<
Suzuki: XD hehehe
Gen'ichi Jr: -looks to Raph cute to let him know to calm down-
Raph: -chuckles- okay okay for ya sake kiddo
Gen'ichi Jr: ^^ hehe -looks to see Jared coming in with Pizza- ^^
Jared: X3 hey got some pizza for everyone
Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori and Gen'ichi Jr: XD PIZZA TIME!!!
Raph: hehe finally -opens the box to see it empty- O_o wha
Jared: what the heck??
SP Vector: -burps-
Suzuki: -gets in SP Vector's face- YOU GREEN IDIOT YA ATE ALL THE PIZZA!!!
SP Vector: .w. so what if I did what are ya gonna do Break my arms
-later at the hospital-
SP Vector: -broken arms- .w.
Vector: -rolls eyes and leaves-
Espio: =w= you really shouldn't given her any ideas
Espio: -karate chops SP Vector- WHAP!! SP Vector: -screams- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Scene: -screen blacks out with a small fart noise-
TFS Nappa: .w. the end
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But what if runaway mc was kidnapped by unknown when they visited rika’s apartment to collect some paperwork. Mc has been living with jumin and is finally doing much better now that she has the rfa, the therapy that jumin made her go to is really helping her, and how she is so close with everyone in the rfa. Now imagine all of that getting ripped away from her. Just when her life was getting better and she felt safe and happy it all got ripped away once I know breaks into the apartment, disabling the security system. Image the look on zen’s face when he realizes that he was too late. Him looking at the broken glass on the floor, the blood smeared on the floor showing a struggle. Knowing mc is still only a child having such a rough start to life, knowing that the rfa truest made her happy, and now he is thinking about how all of that was ripped away. Zen thinking if he was only a few seconds earlier mc would be there with zen. Now imagine him having to call seven, barely able to speak from crying. Telling seven how the person they considered a little sister, was kidnapped. Imagine Yoosung hearing the news, he feels sick to his stomach, thinking that if he’d just asked them to hang out today this would t have happened. Jaehee getting a call from zen, having a good day working at her coffee shop, then hearing those fate full words. Telling herself that mc will be okay, that seven will find her, and that her and mc will have many more nights of watching zen’s movies, but the tears don’t stop rolling down her face. Seven blocking out anything and everything that isn’t finding mc, not even bothering to eat his honey Buddha chips, solely drinking dr. Pepper. Not even Vanderwood can distract seven. Seven feeling like he is loosing another person he loves. Now imagine jumin getting the call from zen. At first he thinks this is just a prank, but the pit of dread in his stomach is rising to his throat, making him want to throw up, there is no sound, only a paralyzing fear of never seeing the girl who worked her way into his heart, the girl who helped him get in touch with his emotions, the girl who he considers his daughter. The thought of never seeing her smile when he got home, never seeing her asleep cuddling with Elizabeth the third on the couch, only to gently cover them both with a blanket and take a picture, never hearing her stupid jokes, or hugging her and telling her “good job” when she did well in a hard test. Jumin drops into his seat, crying. He calls in every person he can to get his daughter back. Mc isn’t found for one month. One month of zen tearing himself apart for being too late, one month of seven barely surviving off of dr. Pepper, and only using the bathroom when he has too, but he is hacking on his phone. One month of Jaehee feeling more and more helpless, desperate to see mc again. One month of Yoosung throwing himself into his schoolwork, trying to distract himself from the guilt of not asking mc to hang out that day. One month of jumin, slowly becoming emotionless, him becoming fiercely protective over Elizabeth, not wanting her to get ripped away like mc was, one moth of anger, trying not to cry, and the feeling of desperation.
One month of hell for mc, just wishing she could be back with the rfa, laughing as seven lovingly calls her duckling.But one day, the group holding her captive made a mistake, one tiny slip up. Mc slipped out through the window in her room, even though she is considerably weaker than before, she manages to make a run for it.mc keeps pushing herself to run to the nearest town, hoping seven would see find them. Trying to find her way home, and old lady working in a mom&pop diner offers mc a hot dinner for free, and offers if mc needs a cab or to call someone. Mc begins to cry from relief when Jumin answers the phone, hearing his voice is like music to her ears. Immediately jumin orders to be driven to where mc is right away, while bringing a change of clothes and a blanket for mc. Pulling up to the diner, jumin steps out of the car only to have a tiny figure rush out, practically falling into his embrace, and jumin wrapping his arms around his daughter, a wave of happiness and relief washes over him and he wraps her up in a blanket and buckled her into the car, even when mc falls asleep curled up against his arm, jumin doesn’t stop smiling. Jumin alerts seven and the rest of the rfa that mc is with him in the car, everyone begins to blow up the chat room with questions about mc. Zen is the first, besides jumin to get a hug from mc, apologizing to mc about how it’s his fault, that if he were a few seconds earlier this wouldn’t have happened, but mc shuts that down immediately. Everyone is so relieved that mc is back home.
Mc isn’t in a good condition mentally, nightmares every time she falls asleep, anxiety attacks are common now, no matter how hard she tries to pretend to be okay, that she isn’t having an problems sleeping, denying that she alway flinches, reverting to keeping stashes of food in her room. Even Elizabeth is protective of mc,if a maid even tries to shake mc wake her up to move her to her bedroom, Elizabeth will claw and hiss. Jumin and the rfa are there every step on the way to mc making a recovery from this, every setback, every triump, the rfa is there backing you mc.
Sorry this is so long, I just had an idea and next thing I knew it’s been 1 hour and I wrote almost a whole assed fanfic. ( my at is @jessie4098 ) - submission
Never apologize for sending me something that is both long and very much A Thrill Ride to read to myself. You perfectly captured and conveyed the amount of utter pain, angst, longing, and desperation that they would be feeling as they do not know if the person that they care about most is safe and sound.
Although, MC is going to have to talk about what happened. They are going to talk about Unknown. I can only think that in this case, he really wanted them on his side with the Savior to convert the RFA. MC could be the adorable little messenger to the gospel of paradise.
His cute little sister.
As the Savior would tell him. Even if MC did escape and get free, I feel like they would have spent a lot of time getting to know him and realizing that as scary as he is... he needs help to get out of that place too.
But, MC is going to have a lot to work on before they can admit all of that. The RFA is so worried about them... its...
It hurts.
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foxyotomelady · 5 years
It wasn’t supposed to be, Chapter XIII (JuminxOC/Reader)
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Chapter VI | Chapter VII | Chapter VIII | Chapter IX | Chapter X | Chapter XI | Chapter XII | Chapter XIII (You are here) | Chapter XIV | Chapter XV | Chapter XVI | Buy Me A Ko-Fi Have a nice reading!
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Jumin did not sleep well that night, unable to stop thinking about what he saw... In the morning he forced breakfast bites to his mouth, his stomach clenched. All these emotions... He should be a robot, right? That was how everyone saw him. He doesn't care, nothing hurts him, doesn't make him sad or worried. So he wondered why he feels so awful... Why in his head it was rumbling with anxiety. "Jumin?" Only when he heard Riyu's voice did he realize that he was staring at the coffee cup for a long time without blinking. He slowly looked up at the girl. She wrapped herself in her bathrobe, avoiding his eyes. "Breakfast..." He said, barely able to form a constructive sentence now. He really didn't recognize himself. "I ordered it for you too." "Thank you..." They sat at the table in silence, both clearly lacking in appetite. Riyu, just like him, without a conviction tapping her fork on the plate. "Riyu..." Jumin spoke again. "I would like to apologize to you again. For my behavior." The girl shook her head but said nothing. "Forgive me if I scared you. When I saw these scars..." "Jumin..." "I thought I would lose my mind."
Before his eyes the image of her back appeared again - and on them, scars like after whipping. "Please, Jumin, let's leave this topic..." "How could I-" "Please..." Jumin sighed, rubbed his closed eyelids with his fingers, "I don't know how to deal with all this, how to deal with you..." "I feel lost too. And I regret that the first relationship you have entered into must look like this. Because of me." "No, don't blame yourself for anything. I'm trying to understand that you have your reasons for all of it. You actually let me understand a few things about myself... I kept lying to myself. " "What ... What do you mean?" Riyu looked at him sadly. "You see... I think that with your sensitivity and love for animals, you should understand this... For a very long time... I thought that Elizabeth saw all the threads choking me, understood me like no one else... But recently it has occurred to me she's just a cat. " "Maybe she can't understand everything, but she definitely loves you," Riyu assured him. "I got her from Rika. When she was alive... I thought about her similarly, I thought she understood me. She was the first woman who didn't want anything from me. That's why I believed she could understand me." "Oh... So I can't match her," Riyu put down her fork, didn't look at him again, her lips thinned. Was she... jealous? Jumin rose from his seat, walked along the table and squatted beside her so that he could look her in the eye. However, she effectively avoided his eyesight. He grabbed her hand. "Why do you think so?" "I appeared in your life as your father's next woman. Another one who wants something." Jumin pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it, "You never wanted anything from me. You don't even want to accept my help, though I really want to give it to you. More importantly... I don't know if Rika actually understood me. Maybe I told it myself, the same as with Elizabeth, because of loneliness. " "And what about me, Jumin? All I give you is suffering." "No, you give me a lot more. That's why I don't even want to think about you leaving me... As for Rika, I've never even bothered to understand what my feelings for her were. But with you... I'm sure how I feel." Riyu finally met his eyes, "And how do you feel about me?" He cupped her cheek and smiled at her, "I think you know that. I think you are the one I was looking for my entire life... You are the one who can truly understand me." "Why do you think so? In this whole situation..." "You were the only one who never judged me. Even though I judged you. You are so soft and compassionate... You are perfect to understand my darkest thoughts. Even if you’re deepening them now." "Jumin..." He felt her hands on his chest and only then he realized that he rose slightly and leaned toward to kiss her. Her fingers tightened on his shirt, he loved it when she was doing it. He could feel how desperate they clench then, how her hands trembling sweetly. He loved to closes her mouth with his own when she tried to say something, swallowed her words, her breath, soft sighs. He put his arm around her waist and held her back so that she would not fall off the chair, its legs creaking on the floor. With his free hand, he leaned on the table to keep his balance. His heart was beating pleasantly. "J-Jumin..." Oh, if she just knows what her trembling voice saying his name was doing to him. "Work... You have to leave... to work." He smiled at her lips, "I took a day off today."
"So you leave all the work on Jaehee's shoulders?"  "Jaehee also has a day off. We always did that after these parties. I think everyone deserves a break after the effort we put into the preparation. So you don't have to worry about anything. I can devote all this day to you," Slowly he directed the girl so that she rests her hips on the table and lifted her gently. The dishes knocked as he slid them out of her way, "So how would you like to spend this day? I feel responsible for ruining our last night... So maybe we could continue where we left off..." When he bent to kiss her again, she covered his mouth with her hands. He blinked and looked at her, taken aback.  "If I say that your offer is not tempting, I would lie, but... Can we just spend this day as we used to?" Riyu moved her hands at his shoulders, then wrapped them around his neck and clung to him. "I don't want to be only the reason of your darkest thoughts. I'd rather be the reason to get your threads to untangle." Jumin's heart leaped. These kind and caring words washed over him, touched him. Of course, he wanted to own her, to make her week in her knees, but when she was saying these kind of stuff, he couldn't help but get attached to her even more - in a way he never got attached to anyone before, not to Rika, not to V or Elizabeth. These feelings were on a different level. It was new, it was scary, but also... so nice. He put his arms around her tenderly. "You're the reason for many good things..." He said softly to her ear. "No, it rather impossible in our situation for me to be a reason for anything good... and I don't know if it'd ever be..." "That is not true." "You're just too kind to me, Jumin. And the only thing I can do to thank you is to spend time with you in a way that makes you happy and relaxed." He withdrew a little and began to play with the stroke of her hair, "I'd love to see you with these puppies you adore so much." Riyu chuckled, "This is a way I like to spend my time. It supposed to be for you, not for me." "And what makes you think it's not for me?" "Huh?" Riyu looked astonished. "I love to see you so calm... And with these puppies in your arms, you looked almost angelic." Riyu laughed and kissed his forehead, "You're cute. Would you like to take a walk after visiting the puppies? And maybe watch some movies at the evening..." "Yes, that would be very nice…"
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They spent a day on walks and watching TV, of course after visiting the puppies. Now, they were laying together on the sofa in the living room, just enjoying free time and silence. Riyu was on her phone, spamming the chat room with puppies photos. Yoosung: they are adorable Yoosung: 
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Riyu: the one on the right will be mine ^^ Riyu: I mean when he’ll grow enough Yoosung: they look so happy Jumin Han: of course, they happy because Riyu's holding them Jumin Han: it's a known fact that animals are able to sense good people 707: I want to be held like that 707: by Riyu 707: 
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707: I just imagine how warm and soft her embrace must be~ Yoosung: 
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Jumin Han: then stop. Riyu: um... ^^' 707: lololol, why? Jumin Han: I thought I made myself clear already Jumin Han: I don't like it when you speak of her this way. 707: lolololo, jealous? Yoosung: why Jumin should be jealous? Yoosung: I think he's not liking the way you speak about Riyu because she's about to be married to his dad, right? 707: you're so clueless Yoosung, lololol 707: but isn't mister Chairman coming back to Korea next week? 707: then she'll end up in his arms 707: what you're going to say about this, Juju? [Jumin Han has left the chat room] 707: 
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Riyu: Seven -_- Riyu: you better prepare your apologies 707: I'm sorry? T-T Riyu: that won't do Yoosung: Why am I always the only one who doesn't know WHAT IS HAPPENING??? Yoosung: 
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707: would you like God Seven to explain all this to you? 707:
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[Riyu has left the chat room] "Jumin?" Riyu turned on her belly to look at Jumin who was laying on the sofa between her and its back. He was resting his elbow on the sofa's arm, not looking at her. "I'm fine. You don't need to worry." Riyu clung to him and buried her face in his chest. She knew well that he wasn't fine at all. Jumin put his arm around her waist, "Would you like to spend this whole week with me like we spend this day?" "But what about your work?" "Assistant Kang can do without me." "Jumin, that's not fair. She'll end up having a lot of work." "I am aware of this. I'll double her payment for this week. But please... I want to spend as much time as possible with you before I lose you." Riyu clenched her eyelids and nodded, "All right..." As they promised each other, they spent a week together doing completely ordinary things, devoting every moment to enjoying each other presence. Only Jaehee and Zen knew why Jumin decided to stay at home with Riyu. Of course, Zen was extremely worried and tried to convince Riyu to tell others what was happening in her life and try to get help. She refused. Jaehee sometimes sent her messages because of which Riyu felt more and more guilty, now not only for Jumin's suffering but also for Jaehee's trouble. Please, can you convince Mr. Han to return to work? I appreciate that he pays me twice, but I would prefer the lowest salary and less work. I'm sorry, Jaehee. I really can't. Everything will return to normal when I return to Mr. Chairman's house. Then Jumin will return to work and the whole complicated situation will end. Riyu... I know that what is happening between you is not my business, but I think Mr. Han takes you very seriously and when you get back to his father... His condition will only get worse. Please, keep your eye on him when this happens. And I'm sorry for everything... The end of the week came sooner than they both wanted. Finally, there was the last evening of Riyu's stay in Jumin's apartment. Mr. Chairman was supposed to return to Korea that night and she would go to his home tomorrow morning. They tried to spend the last day like the previous ones, without thinking about parting, but it was impossible. They just finished watching the movie, now they both sat in silence on the sofa. Riyu pulled her legs to her and put her arms around her them. Jumin leaned his elbows on his knees, leaning forward slightly and looking at the floor. "So you're leaving tomorrow..." "Yes..." They both didn't dare to look at each other. "Riyu... This is the last time I am asking you. Consider talking to me about your problems. Consider accepting my help." Riyu pressed her cheek to her legs, turned her head so as not to see even Jumin's figure. She couldn't stand looking at him now, "I have to refuse, Jumin." Still, she would rather have him suffer and hate her than be hurt or even killed. She knew what her parents and the people who worked with them were capable of. Jumin stood up so abruptly that she couldn't help but looked at him. He started circling the room, his hand in his hair. "Why..." Jumin mumbled then took a deep breath. He stopped, straightened and turned to her. The way he looked at her made her shiver, "Maybe I should just keep you here against your will." Riyu blinked, raised her head and dropped her feet to the ground, "You're not serious." "Do you want to test me?" Riyu got up from her place, frowned, "You won't do anything like that." Jumin's expression didn't change, "I'm seriously considering it." Riyu slowly approached him, Jumin did not take a step back, still looking at her coldly, piercingly. She raised her head to look into his steely eyes. "Do you remember what I said the other day?" She asked. "I don't want to be the person through whom your dark thoughts are awakened." "If you don't want it, stay." Riyu embraced herself with her arms, bit her lip and looked away, "I can't." "So this is our last night together..." Jumin touched her chin with his fingers and when she glanced back at him, he stared long into her eyes, intensely. "Would you like to drink wine with me?" After this question, he passed her and headed for the kitchen. He didn't even wait for her reply. She stood there in the middle of the room and knew exactly to what outcome all this is leading. And she wasn't going to stop it. Tomorrow she was to be far away, far from Jumin, alongside his father... Did she not deserve to be happy for one night at least once?
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Hi, I love your posts and I love spending hours reading. I'm sorry for the bad English because it's not my native language. you can do about what it would be like if yoosung, jum, zen and jaehee need to go to seven and while they are waiting they look at the screen of the camera and at that moment the MC comes out of the bathroom with only a towel, how will they react?
Thank you so much for being so kind! I tried to make these longer but hopefully they don’t sound too repetitive. But thank you for the request and I hope that you enjoy! ^^
Seven had invited Yoosung over to his home to help him relax and play LOLOL together
With you joining the RFA, Yoosung’s emotions about you and his cousin were becoming confusing and Seven noticed
So when Yoosung came over, Seven greeted him warmly and led him to his main computer room
Just as the two of them were getting set up, one of Seven’s computer’s crashed as he let out a sigh
“Ah this stupid old machine. Wait here for a minute while I find a connector.”
The younger man sat idly while Seven left, glancing around at the monitors until his eyes laid on the one watching you from Rika’s apartment
Yoosung instantly felt his cheeks heat up and his hands clenched into his pants as he saw you walk out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel
He gulped as he leaned in closer to try and get a better view of you but jumped when he heard clicking, seeing Seven smirking at him
“My my Yoosung, since when did you become such a perv~ Would you rather watch MC than play LOLOL with me?”
Yoosung’s blush never left that day and the teasing from Seven seemed neverendinng
But the whole incident did help Yoosung get a better understanding of his romantic feelings for you so the embarrassment wasn’t too bad
With his acting career’s success skyrocketing, Zen needed Seven’s assistance to help manage the media
The rising popularity meant rumors and scandals so Zen asked Seven to hack into the sites to get rid of any negative stories
But the help of the Hacker God wasn’t cheap so Zen had to deliver his friend a bag of Honey Buddha Chip and PD Pepper
Seven was busy in the kitchen was Zen came by but told Zen to wait in his main computer room
Zen looked around in aw at all of Seven’s equipment until he noticed the camera watching you
Seeing you stepping out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel made Zen at a lose for words and a newfound tightness in his pants
“Hey I thought we were here to work and not to peep on our precious MC?”
Seven’s voice startled Zen as he quickly tried to compose himself
But Zen’s thoughts kept wondering back to you, he would have to contain the Beast until he got him as he felt himself smile seeing just how cute you were even without clothing on
Going to Seven’s house was always an interesting adventure for Jaehee
With the stress of a new hacker and keeping you safe, Seven had a lot on his plate
So Jumin suggested his assistant go visit him to make sure he was doing okay
Jaehee felt awkward as she sat in Seven’s computer room, watching as h tiredly typed away
“Gahhh I can’t look at this screen for another second! I’m off to get some chips be right back!”
Jaehee sighed as she was left alone as her eyes glanced at his computers
She gasped when she saw footage of you stepping out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel on
Adjusting her glasses, Jaehee kept nervously looking at the screen, not wanting to invade on your privacy but she also couldn’t resist seeing you in this state
“Wow, I never would have taken you as someone into voyeurism Jaehee!”
She jumped in her seat as Seven smirked and laughed
And while the entire ordeal was completely embarrassing, Jaehee kept imaging what you would look like without the towel on as she smiled to herself
Normally, Jumin would never bother physically going to see Seven for help
But after some convincing from V, he agreed to go in order to get some advice on new security equipment
Jumin couldn’t believe just how disorganized Seven’s home was, telling the young hacker to hire an entire cleaning crew to help him
But Seven only laughed and told Jumin to wait in hisi computer room, the least messy room
While Seven was gathering equipment, Jumin watched the monitors on Seven’s screens
His eyes widened slightly as he saw the camera watching Rika’s apartment showed you stepping out in the hallway in nothing but a towel
Jumin kept a cool, calm composure on the outside but on the inside, his heart felt funny
Not daring to ask Seven what this feeling was, Jumin was content with keeping that little secret to himself as he never spoke of it to anyone
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alexandria-selina · 5 years
Into the App
(This is a Mystic Messenger AU thank decided to write. Hope everyone like it!)
"…and after all the hard ships, they all lived happy lives," a woman, Alex, finished typing on her laptop. "I guess that's the end of It, huh? Looks like I can write them all a happy ending, even after giving them hardships to face!"
After figuratively patting herself on the back for writing her Mystic Messenger fanfic, Alex how late it was on her clock and had a protein shake before bed. Making herself comfortable under the covers, Alex closed her eyes and slipped into a dream.
"You think you made yourself a wonderful world inspired by mine? How would you like to live in the world you've created," a smooth, disembodied voice asked. "You might have to give something up for it though…"
"The one where everyone has a happy ending? I don't think I'd mind," Alex answered without hesitation. "Do I get to choose what I have to give up?"
"How about your memories of your life here? But, if you forget who you were to become the woman, Kia, you wrote about in your story, you might have an empty feeling inside of you," the voice warned. "A hole in your heart that will never be truly filled… A happy ending for all but you will never fully be. Are you prepared for that?"
"I'm definitely prepared for that if I get to live in a world where I know there will be a happy ending. I'm prepared to have a hole in my heart and I will make sure it doesn't drive me into sadness. I promise, I will gladly exchange my memories to switch places with Kia."
"So be it… I will give you your wish, but remember that it was your choice."
Alex wakes up to see a notification on her phone from the app at simply said, "We have good news!"
She opens the app to see a note:
Due to your wish to find the best possible ending and even writing about it yourself. The Wizard has granted you the power to make a world in your own image to have these characters. Though there will be a feeling of emptiness in your heart from the loss of your past life's memories, you will have your happiest ending. This honor is only awarded to certain people, so will you seize the opportunity?
And there were two options:
"I would, but I can't leave my life... So, I'm saying no."
"Yes, I will accept the consequences. I'll leave my life behind."
Alex chooses the second answer, having forgotten about her dream, she thought it meant she'd get her own DLC, but as soon as she tapped the option, Alex blacked out.
She woke up to her name being called, by an excited voice:
"Kia, hey! Kia! Rika to my daydreaming friend Kia!"
Snapping out of her thoughts about the photograph in front of her, Kia turns to the bubbly blonde next to her and grabs her by the collar. With venom in her voice, the short haired blonde speaks:
"How dare you address me like we're friends, you crazy, sociopathic bitch?! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Kia, it's me, Rika," the long-haired blonde said while struggling to get out of the grasp. "I was just trying to give you your coffee."
"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry about that, Rika," Kia said immediately releasing her good friend. "I need to stop watching psychological horror before my pistachio-rose latte with 3 shots of espresso," she admits, taking a sip of her drink and turning her attention back to the photo.
"Otherwise, might you might accidentally kill me," Rika added.
"Yeah, that's why... Not cuz I would be arrested and definitely not get into a good school if I committed murder," Kia said with a nonchalant glance away from the photograph in front of her.
"You scare me sometimes..."
"Good, it teaches you to be nicer to me and take me seriously," she said jokingly. "Why don't we get sone lunch?" As Kia finished her question, a man with Turquoise hair walked up to the two women.
"Hello there Miss, I noticed you've staring at this piece for quite a long time. Would you mind if we talk about it further over lunch," he asked in a suave, confident tone.
"Well, I wouldn't mind at all Mr. Kim, but my friend and I are actually-" Kia began to say before turning to find Rika wasn't beside her anymore.
"Wait, where did she go?"
"Where did who go?"
"My friend, she was right here..." As Kia trailed off, her phone chirped and she saw a text from Rika to have fun on her date. "Actually, it looks like I'm free right now. I'd love to take that offer."
"Your phone is set to chirp for notifications, Miss? That's really cute," Mr. Kim complimented with a chuckle.
"Thanks, but you don't have to keep calling me Miss. I'm Kia Barker," she said, giving her hand for him to shake.
"My name is Jihyun Kim, but you already knew that," he introduced as he placed a kiss on the back of her hand.
"Oh, of course, I know what the famous V's real name is. I simply adore your work," she assured with a small blush.
"You seem to love this photograph quite a bit more than the others. What drew you to it?"
"I feel like it's a piece that captures the essence of determination and willingness to brave the harshest of conditions to survive. A bright light shines upon the violet flowers as they stick together through the harsh wind that threatens to blow them apart. Supporting each other against the odds to grow beautifully, with vibrant and healthy color."
"That's quite the analysis. Why don't we continue it once we're seated at the restaurant around the corner?"
"I don't see why not. I'd love to continue this conversation," Kia said, giving V the okay to lead the way to the restaurant.
Kia and V were seated rather quickly, at a nice table for two. The server took thier drink order and brought bread for the table. The pair began dicudssing thier order, V saying that he would pay for everything, so they agreed on a 3 course dinner for two and then went on to dicuss more with each other.
The conversation began with Kia telling V how much she loved his photos and why she enjoyed them so much. Then, they moved on to talking more personal subjects. The usual, 'where are you from', 'how old are you', turned into 'there was this funny thing that happended to me when I was a kid'. By the end of the meal, they were laughing happily with full stomachs and bright smiling faces. V paid for the meal and the two walked out the restaurant holding hands. Kai was the first to speek after they left:
"Wow, it's already 3 o'clock," she noticed looking at her watch. "We sat in there for a good 3 hours."
"We definintely had pleanty to talk to each other about. Especially with those stories of you and your brother," V chuckled as he recalled Kia's childhood stories.
"Your adventures with Jumin were actually rather interesting. I never thought the two of you would get into trouble like that. How cute," Kia commented.
"So, what's the plan now?"
"I'd love to stay and talk somemore, but I should get home so I can read up for my class tomorrow."
"That's right, you're studying to be a councelor and Professor, aren't you?"
"And for that exact reason, I need to make sure I don't fall behind. Maybe we can meet up later, how does that sound?"
"I have a photo shoot this weekend. I don't see why you and your friend couldn't join me on sight. My friend Jumin's going tot be there so I don't see why I can't invite two more. Bringing her might help make up for her leaving so we can enjoy ourselves?"
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Here, let me give you my number and you can text me the location of the shoot. I'm sure my friend Rika won't mind coming with me and properly meeting you and Jumin."
V and Kia exchanged numbers and V offered to walk her home. Kia appreciated the offer, but she had her car to drive and Rika to find and take home. V then offered to walk her to the car and she agreed, and they walked hand in hand to Kia's car. V made sure Kia and Rika were safe and he watched them dirve off, happy to know he'd be seeing Kia again soon.
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(This is Kia)
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tadakixd-blog · 6 years
Rika Kihira, 3A, Quads and Goals
Qn: What was ... ... your most regretful moment of your skating life?
It might be the All Japan Juniors 2 years ago ... ... At that time too my condition wasn't good, but I was too pumped up, and thought that it was better to focus completely on definitely landing my jumps, and focused my energy in the wrong way. I didn't understand my own self. In the actual competition I panicked, and that was the competition that was the most shocking one for me.
~*~ Now that Rika is moving to seniors, there is certainly a lot more mainstream interest in her. Much thanks to @jumpitwithashuulanditwithapa​ for pointing me in the direction of this very interesting interview by Sports Navi. 
Rika Kihira talks about the relationship between the 3A and the edge of the blade, and the reason to continue competing even though "adjusting is difficult" 
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Caption: Rika Kihira, successfully landing the first 3A-3T in the history of Women's Figure Skating. We asked the anticipated 15 year old to look back on a season of great progress. (Photo by Kiyoshi Sakamoto)
The one who broke into a shy smile the moment she faced the camera, was that 15 year old. A 3rd year student in middle school, she made an appearance at her first All Japan Championships [t/n: aka Nationals] held at the end of last year, and placed 3rd on the podium. Rika Kihira (Kansai University KFSC), who wedged herself in amongst the senior level skaters who were aiming for the Pyeongchang Olympics, had an extraordinary presence about her. On top of that, at the Junior Grand Prix Final held just 2 weeks before this competition, she accomplished the incredible feat of becoming the first woman to successfully land the 3A-3T combination jump in competition.
To Kihira, the 3A is a jump she can "challenge [herself]" with, and is something she "will not let go of in the future either". Each time she changes her boots, she must readjust the edge (of the blade) to the best position, and it seems that she is keenly aware of how difficult that is.
The 3A and its rising success rate
Full Translation under the cut
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Caption: Placing 3rd in her first All Japan Championships. She showed her efforts by wedging herself in amongst the senior level skaters [Photo by Kiyoshi Sakamoto] Qn: This season was one of great advancements, such as placing third in your first All Japan Championships.
If I were to sum up the whole season, it was one where there were both good and bad times. It was my first time at the All Japan Championships so I did feel nervous but inside the rink both my condition and my feel (for the ice) matched and I was glad that I was able to skate as I usually do in practice.
Qn: You became the first woman to ever land the 3A-3T successfully in competition at the JGPF.
Before that I had landed that jump in local competitions and such, but those are not recognised by the ISU, so I was very conscious (of the fact that it would be recognised if landed) at the JGPF. And, even with that on my mind, it was good that I was still able to land the jump.
Qn: Comparing this season with all the seasons before it, what areas do you think have changed?
The success rate of my jumps has increased, and with skating practice my skating skills have improved too. However, out of all of that, I think the best (part) is that the success rate of my 3A has increased.
Qn: What do you think is the reason why your 3A success rate has increased?
Up until the year before last, even though I could jump it when I was in good condition, it felt like once I took 2 days off I'd have to start again right from the beginning at the next practice, and in that one day it would take everything I had just to get the feel (for the jump) back. For the rest of the jumps, even if there was a break in between practices it would be find, but for the 3A, the moment there was a break, the timing of the jump would change in accordance with the condition of my muscles, and that was very difficult (to deal with). But since about last year, I've begun to know the timing, and it may be that I've come to remember the form of the jump with the number of times I've practiced it in training. I think that's how my success rate has increased.
Qn: Are you now able to jump the 3A normally even if you take 2 days off?
Yes that's right. When I can't land it, there are many reasons such as when I've changed to a new pair of boots. Like I said earlier, up until around the year before last, my condition was up and down. But recently even with a break in between trainings, I'll spend one day readjusting, and the next day I will be able to jump with a good sense (of it) right from the very beginning (of practice). So even if, for example, I spend a long time travelling on flights during competitions, (my feel for the jump) won't change.
The feel that changes with the position of the blade's edge
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Caption: During Junior Worlds in March, she had a fracture of her left ring finger, and was not able to adjust (the position of) her edges before the competition. She was not able to land the 3A either. (Photo by Joosep Martinson - ISU via Getty Images)
Qn: It seems like you've really made the 3A your own haven't you?
But once I change my boots, the feeling changes with the position of the edges. I have been making a lot of adjustments to the edges, and attaching them at the position where I feel "this is it". So there is still that problem when it comes to my boots.
Qn: Once you've changed your boots, how long does it take before you are able to land the 3A properly?
If I get a good edge (position) then I can jump it within that day itself. However, after around a week the boots are broken in, so I have to shift the position of the edge just a little. And then as I use them for about just under 2 weeks, I shift (the edge) bit by bit, and then it feels like I've finally found the right position. When I can't find that position it's really tough, so in order for that not to happen I need to take the competitions into consideration in order to match them up with the timing of my boot changes. Recently I've been paying attention to that.
Qn: Has there been a competition where your 3A has been affected because of a change of boots?
Actually, at Junior World (Championships) in March, the boots were new and the edges in a bad position. I had changed the boots about 1 month beforehand but because of the fracture in my left ring finger I hadn't been jumping the 3A...... I was landing the other jumps so, I thought I might be able to land the 3A too, and forgot about the edge position (strained laugh). I think the edge was in a position that wasn't good for me personally, to jump. I had realised it only 3 days before I was supposed to leave, so (I thought), in any case I had no choice but to jump with the edge in that position and left it as it was, and as expected it didn't go well. One week after I came back from Junior Worlds, I still couldn't land the jump so I thought "Just change the boots already" and changed them, and then I was able to land the jump right away...... Actually my condition improved so much that I thought "so this is how good my condition can become" (laughs). It was my own mistake, but through this experience, I thought that I want to be able to perfect the condition of my boots. From now on, I want to start considering when I should change my boots for the next competition, and the timeframe to change them, even when I am still able to use my current pair.
Qn: Do you adjust the position of the edges yourself?
There are many things that I pay attention to only for the 3A so I'll tell my mother "I think it's a little off" and she helps me change them, and Mr Kosugi Skate* (a shop inside the Kansai University Ice Arena, her training base) helps me to adjust the position of the edges. If I think it's hard to land the jump, then I'll jump it many times and see. If I think the issue lies with the boots, then I go about changing (either the boots or the edges) quickly.
[*t/n: The shop name is just Kosugi Skate, so yes, Rika added a -san to the name and hence the Mr Kosugi Skate. It's quite cute, but also a very normal thing for girls to do, especially girls of her age]
Qn: While there is a "best" position for the edge to be in order to land the 3A, but for the other jumps is that position alright too?
Yes that's right. If I shift it slightly, I don't realise it when doing the other jumps, so even if the position is slightly off for them, I can jump them. But, for the 3A, the timing becomes very important, so I always pay super close attention and change the edge of the position (as needed).
Currently, she is practicing the 4S and 4T
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Caption: She's already declared that she will challenge the quad jump. Currently she is said to be practicing the 4S and 4T. [Photo by Yutaka/Afro Sports]
Qn: You are becoming known for the 3A. What thoughts do you have and what are you particular about?
Recently, changing the boots and adjusting the edge position is extremely difficult. Even now there are still competitions where, depending on my condition, I'll think "maybe I shouldn't jump (the 3A)". But in a situation where most skaters don't jump the 3A, by adding it in I can challenge myself, and I can accumulate the experiences that can only be had by adding the jump in, so from here on I think I will not be leaving it out.
Qn: You have also declared that you will be challenging the quad jumps. Are you actually practicing them now?
Right now I am attempting the 4S with a two-legged take off. There are 2 styles of jumping the Salchow, and Skater Yuzuru Hanyu (ANA) and Skater Nathan Chen (USA) both have different ways of jumping it. Hanyu is the type who takes off with both feet on the ice, whilst Nathan is the type who takes off with just his left foot on the ice, and the right foot kept as it is, floating (just above the ice). I think other skaters mostly fall into one of these 2 patterns. I tried to see which of the 2 was easier to jump, but the two-legged take off doesn't really fit well with me, so now I am thinking about going back to taking off with just the left foot. I still have not been able to perfect it yet, but when I jump it with one leg, if I can take off right at the start then I've just about come to the point where it's mostly fully rotated.
I am practicing the 4T a lot, and it has gotten better than it was last year, so I think I hope to perfect it within the season.
Qn: You also have a reputation for your skill in expression.
The senior level skaters definitely have wonderful skill in expression, and especially if you compare the skating to the junior level, it's completely different. I do think that I myself might also be getting better year by year, but compared to the senior level skaters it's absolutely inadequate. Since I have plans to move to seniors next season, I want to improve my expression through ballet and dance, and make changes as I watch videos (of myself) during on-ice practice.
Qn: It seems like in April, you received choreography from Mr Tom Dickson for next season's free skate.
It's a piece of music called "Beautiful Storm", and there are sounds of thunder, sounds of waves. It's a piece that gets better and better as you listen to it. Rather than calling it a pretty (program), it's more like it's been done with a sort of cool feel to it, that's how I feel it's becoming.
Qn: Is your jump layout confirmed?
There are rule changes so it's not confirmed yet but, I'll start with either the 4T or the 3A+3T, and then the 3A, 3Lo, 3Lz+3T, 3F, 3Lz+2T+2Lo, and finally the 3S, something like that. It's only recently been created so from here on I want to be able to make it a wonderful program.
Qn: What about your short program?
I will be receiving the choreography from Coach David Wilson. The music has not been confirmed yet but I have suggested a piece that I like so we will be deciding whether or not to use it.
Winning at the Beijing Olympics is her current goal
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Caption: Winning at the 2022 Beijing Olympics is her current goal. In order to achieve that, Kihira will devote herself as a competitor from here on too. [Photo by Sports Navi]
Qn: Please tell us about a time in your skating life thus far where you felt you had matured.
I failed terribly (11th place) at the All Japan Junior Championships 2 years ago (Nov 2016). When I think about it now, while I had been practicing the 3A a lot, my Lutz and all had not been well established yet, and I wasn't able to skate the program through properly. It had been my goal to participate in the All Japan Championships that year, but I was not able to in the end.* However, I was able to gain a lot from that experience, and it was a good practice for me as well.
This season, during the JGPF, I participated while running a fever. As the competitions were late in the evening, having to perform with my muscles in a different condition from usual was also a new experience for me. Now, I'm more conscious of needing to wear a mask on the plane so that I don't catch a cold. I can't pinpoint a competition and say "this one" was the one I matured in, but in all my competitions, there are at least 2 points to learn from, and with all these competitions I've gained quite a bit of knowledge. I can feel that I am maturing (as I take part in) these many competitions.
*[t/n: You must be 15 years old to participate in Nationals, but the top 6 junior skaters in the Junior Championships will be allowed to participate even if they are under 15, as Rika was then]
Qn: What was your happiest moment, and your most regretful moment of your skating life?
The happiest was last year's  All Japan Championships when I placed 3rd. The most regretful was...what was it (strained laugh). It might be the All Japan Juniors 2 years ago that I mentioned earlier. At that time too my condition wasn't good, but I was too pumped up, and thought that it was better to focus completely on definitely landing my jumps, and focused my energy in the wrong way. I didn't understand my own self. In the actual competition I panicked, and that was the competition that was the most shocking one for me.
Qn: A new 4 year cycle towards the Beijing Olympics has started. What are the areas you are thinking of improving on?
I can't narrow it down to just one area but, (I want to improve on) the stability of my jumps, and I want to add on new jumps too. And also, my expression and my skating skills too. I think it would be good if I could perform a program where every component gets positive GOE, and up until I participate in the Beijing Olympics I want to improve every component to the point where I can say there is nothing left undone. Being able to participate in the Beijing Olympics is my first goal but, if I do get to participate then I must be at the level at which I can aim for a medal. Till then, I want to steadily gain experience, and be able to think "there is nothing to be afraid of in competition".
Qn: Do you have a goal as a competitor, as a skater?
I have practiced this much with the goal of one day winning the Olympics. Winning the Beijing Olympics is my current goal so, I'd like to continue forward with that in mind.
I was surprised at intensity with which she stated her goal for Beijing. After a light hearted and slightly self-conscious interview, she certainly wasn't shy about her ambitions hahah Very excited to see her next season. Stay injury free Rika!
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hotarutranslations · 7 years
Tsubaki Factory's Ogata Risa's "20 Questions 20 Answers" Haro Puro Love Talk!
In 2018, we’re having a celebration of the Hello! Project 20th Anniversary (Hello Love). For the members who belong to Hello! Project, their thoughts on the 20thanniversary activities and enthusiasm for 2018, thoughts of an everyday idol, we had a passionate “20 questions 20 answers” talk~ This time its Tsubaki Factory’s Ogata Risa!!
Ogata Risa = Born November 5th 1998, 19 years old. From Tokyo. Blood Type A. Sub-leader.
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Q1: Tell us the meaning of your name!
The sounds Risa is used overseas, so my parents gave it to me since it would be passable in other countries. It’s in katakana so I get asked all the time ‘is that a stage name?’, but it’s my real name! I don’t know the fine details but, when my grandpa was thinking of names, my parents said “Isn’t Risa good?”. Then when it was time to name me, they asked how will she write the name down? At that time my grandpa wrote Risa in katakana, and that was how it stayed is what I heard.
Q2: What senior do you admire?
Former Angerme’s Fukuda Kanon-san. She is my ideal idol. Her performances feel perfect and she is able to sing in various ways. Fukuda-san learned ballet, so her dancing expressions are cool. She can also do pretty dances, and sharp dances. I love that about her! When Tsubaki Factory is performing, we have gotten to sing songs written by her, it would make me happy to someday get a song on a single written by her!
Q3: Who would you want to be reborn as?
Former Angerme’s Fukuda Kanon-san. Fukuda-san is, extremely cute, she has my face type (that I like). If I were a man, I would ask her out since she is my ideal!
Q4: What do you think you are the best at in Hello! Project?
There isn’t anything where I think ‘I wont lose!’…I’ve been told I’m a strong A-type, so perhaps I can’t lose in that I’m methodical. Of course when doing activities normally, when standing on stage my position will be accurate, and I don’t think I can lose to properly doing choreography details. I think I also have a clean dressing room. Actually, I’m the only A-type in Tsubaki Factory. Therefore, I think I’ll put out a proper A-type-likeness!
Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project!
Hello! Project is amazingly all-mighty. With idols, there is singing, dancing, and appearing in cute photos the most I think. But for Hello! Project, this isn’t just it. We also star in plays and appear on media. It feels like ‘Can other idols not do that?’. We can act and talk. And we’re cute. Moreover, we can also sing and dance, so that is something amazing about Hello! Project.
Q6: Who would you want to be in a special Hello! Project unit with?
I’d like to be in a group with seniors I liked in the past! Former Morning Musume’s Ishikawa Rika-san, Tsuji Nozomi-san, Kago Ai-san, Sayashi Riho-san, and former Angerme’s Fukuda Kanon-san. When I was little my dad brought me to Morning Musume-san concerts, I love Ishikawa-san such that we were an Ishikawa-fan-household. The first person I liked the most was Ishikawa Rika-san, next was W (Double-You)-san. The members could sing any song well (laughs). I want everyone to decide though, not me deciding!
Q7: Tell us a Tsubaki Factory song you like!
For me it’s the song “Hitorijime”. Its Tsubaki Factory’s first, and it’s also a Tsunku-san song. It’s different now, with Hello! Project, the songs and lyrics have the image of Tsunku-san afterall. When we received Tsunku-san’s “Hitorijime”, I was really happy. Tsunku-san-like songs have a really packed feeling, so to be able to sing that kind of thing upon hearing the demo tape, I thought ‘that’s Tsunku-san afterall~’.
Q8: What is a Hello! Project song you like?
It’s a song from S/mileage-san’s (Now Angerme) album, I really like the song “Odorou yo”. It’s not a part where the members are singing but, there is a rap within the song! The rap lyrics hit you, its impressive. Every time I listen, it has the feeling of pushing me forward. Before joining Hello! Project I liked the group S/mileage, I listened to a lot of S/mileage songs but out of them “Odorou yo” I think it’s the song I thought “I like it!” upon first hearing it the most.
Q9: What is the difference between previous and current Hello! Project?
As a whole Hello! Project has the impression now of a kind image. Before you could closely watch them on TV, the seniors were tough, like the teacher would say “Go home,” if you couldn’t do a bit of the dance. Everyone is tough but, I think many people will take care with love. Recently it’s not like we are not strict but, how they teach is different. Before joining I would watch videos, and with the reality since joining, the image I had of seniors and teachers has changed.
Q10: Other than yourself, who is your oshi in Hello! Project?
Concurrent Member of Country Girls/Angerme Funaki Musubu-chan. She has an amazing Hello! Project feel. I think that she has been doing Hello! Project activities since she was small; although her body is small she dances powerfully, her singing and dancing are really snappy and tight. Other than Hello! Project, there isn’t anyone like her is there? I’ve thought. Every time Funaku Musubu-chan performs or talks it’s in a Hello! Project feel. Although she is small, she’s like ‘I can do anything myself!’. It’s not from a parents point of view, I admire her like she was my senior.
Q11: What do you want us to see most from yourself?
When Tsubaki Factory was formed, none of the members really expressive, we were often told we were a conservative group. But recently, it feels like the members have become rich with expressions. I want you to look for the differences in expressions.
Q12: What is work you want to challenge?
I want to be able to speak better. I want to become a better partner to speak with. Angerme’s Wada Ayaka-san’s blogs sentences are pretty. I think that she is saying what she thinks from the heart, Recently I’ve been studying the words on Wada Ayaka-san’s blogs. I’d like to communicate the things I like about myself to everyone. Also, since I like taking photos, I want to have a book of photos I’ve taken!
Q13: What do you wants to see from Tsubaki Factory the most?
In Hello! Project, there are groups that have cute and cool songs, in a good sense Tsubaki Factory has both cute and cool songs. From now on I want to express the differences in the songs.
Q14: What will you be doing in 20 years?
I don’t think I’ll be an idol but since I like standing on stage, I’d like to continue on being an actress like former Morning Musume’s Kudo Haruka-san.
Q15: Since it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
I may have said this somewhere before but, actually, I don’t have back teeth. My wisdom teeth haven’t grown at all! Before, when I went to get maintenance from the dentist and they took x-rays, I was told my two back teeth were not there.
Q16: After the 20th anniversary what do you want to do?
I want to become more detailed in music. I don’t know if this can actually happen but, I want to become familiar with using recording and mixing equipment. If I could become familiar with the fine details, I’ve thought that I would have more confidence in singing, wouldn’t I? With the equipment details and such, I want to have a deeper and deeper knowledge about music. Recently, I’ve come to know what my dominant ear is. When that ear hears the sound understanding the rhythm is easy, I’ve been able to make adjustments for it. It’s very easy for me to hear in my left ear. I think I know because if I have an earphone in, I can hear clearly in my left ear. Therefore, when recording I try to hear the rhythm with my left ear. It’s very easy to sing!
Q17: What would you do if you weren’t an idol?
I’ve really liked standing on stage since I was young so, I would be going to local dance schools or join local plays. Therefore, if I wouldn’t have chosen the path of an idol, perhaps I wouldn’t be standing on stage? Since I really like acting, if I weren’t an idol I think I would be on stage as an actress.
Q18: What are you into right now?
Recently, since I bought a single lens reflex camera, I’m into taking photos of night time landscapes. When the music video for “I Need You ~Yozora no Kanransha~” was shot, I brought my own camera and took a lot of offshoots! The other day on the lunar eclipse as well, I took photos outside with a tripod and a long distance lense. They were very pretty photos, I took a photo right when the moon was uneven. Rather than people, I like taking photos of buildings or scenery.
Q19: Who do you get along with in Hello! Project?
Morning Musume ‘18’s Ishida Ayumi-san. I think that Ishida-san’s face is cute personally, she was originally a senior I liked. Last year around the new year we started talking, we’ve gone to the movie; Kudo Haruka-san and Haga Akane-chan also came and they slept over. Also behind the scenes at Hello! Project concerts, we got to talk a lot. We can normally talk in private, and I’m able to discuss performances. I’ll ask ‘what do you think would be good for me to do here?’ and since she gives me a very detailed response, she is a senior I respect. I’m able to feel at ease with her
Q20: What is an idol to you?
I think that idols are not just cute. This is particularly the case for Hello! Project. I can’t convince myself to like idols that are just cute and nice at handshakes…          When they’re not able to dance or sing properly. In addition, idols show off cool or cute expressions. For me, rather than being told I’m cute or cool, it would make me happy to be told ‘your performance was amazing!’.
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myuntoldstory · 7 years
Mystic Messenger | Storge
AO3 | FF.net
An old story that I thought should finally see the light of day. This story is N O T based on Saeran’s route. I set this story months after the secret ending so there will be details that are not aligned with Saeran’s route. I have additional notes in FF.net/AO3 so if you’re interested, do give either pages a visit.
Now, on to the thing!
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: 707 | Luciel | Saeyoung Choi/Main Character; Unknown | Saeran Choi and Main Character
Warning: Mentions of suicide
Word Count: 3,997
The ringtone distorted the calm Saeran made around himself. He barely recognised it at first… until it rang clear and persistently in his pocket. He opened his eyes with reluctance. Glancing up at the sky, he asked the clouds why the world was hell bent on breaking his peace. It was tempting to ignore it, but it could be Saeyoung calling. The last time Saeran ignored his call he persisted until Saeran answered. Questions shot out of Saeyoung like a bullet: how was he? Where was he? Was he okay? Was he happy? Was he safe? Saeran remembered his voice being high, rushed, stressed in a way that made him feel pain in his chest.
After that he just answered every time his brother reached out to him.
He retrieved the phone. It wasn’t Saeyoung’s name on the caller ID. But it was close enough.
“Saeran!” Lux’s singsong voice floated from the speaker. “Let’s play a game.”
The way she talked sounded as if every sentence ended with a heart or tilde. Saeyoung’s much the same. It was a wonder that such people existed in real life. “A… game?”
“The ‘spot the cute redhead sitting in the park’ game!”
He felt a gentle poke on his cheek. “I win.”
Saeran sighed and ended the call. “Do you even know how games work?”
“LOLOL counts, right?” she sat next to him and beamed when he looked at her. She did that often… smiling. There was never a day when she didn’t smile. Even after knowing that he was the one who made her and her beloved RFA suffer, she still smiled at him. Was that even normal for a person? “How are you today?”
“I’m okay.”
She was staring at him. He held her gaze. “I am.”
“Good,” she chuckled and looked at the sky. “Today’s weather is good, isn’t it? The sky’s the bluest I’ve ever seen in a while! I was thinking… oh, Saeran would love to paint that.”
“I… never noticed.” Did she really think of such things? Why would she think about him? She must have something more important than him to think about. He appraised her before looking up at the sky too. “Now that you mentioned it, though…”
“Right? Let’s take a photo!”
“I don’t need it.”
“You never know. The sky’s such a unique colour.”
“Whatever,” he sighed and watched her take photos. She tilted her phone this way and that, fiddling with the zoom and focus to get the best image possible. When he was younger, in the rare days V and Rika picked him up, he’d get to see V do the same things. He’d put that complicated camera of his in weird positions to get the photo he wanted. At times, to Saeran and Rika’s amusement, he would put himself in silly positions—lie on the ground or dangle from tree branches—to capture that perfect moment.
“What do you think?”
She shoved the phone underneath his nose. Saeran leaned back, lowering her wrist to a safer height, and flicked through the images. Some were in strange angles, some had either the sky or the park cut off. However, toward the end of the line-up was a photo that showed the perfect amount of both. From the top it looked like a never ending cascade of blue. However, as his eyes continued to travel down the sky was greeted by an expanse of green with smatterings of vibrant reds, purples, and yellows with the fountain in the middle as if to hold sky and land together.
“This,” Saeran said, showing the photo to her.
“Oh, nice! This one’s my favourite!”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “Do you really think that?”
“Of course.”
“And if I picked something you didn’t like?”
“… I would tell you that I didn’t like it.”
The pause she took before answering spoke volumes. So did the way her smile turned just a bit sheepish. He sighed. This one was too easy to read. He thought the same thing the first time they spoke, though they had a chatroom between them. At least Saeyoung provided some challenge. But he supposed her kind of openness was what changed his brother. “You’re an idiot.”
Lux chuckled, defeated, and bowed her head. “Yes.”
“I hate liars the most.”
“Understood, sir, sorry.”
Saeran frowned. “What’s with the ‘sir’?”
Suddenly, she straightened and looked him in the eyes. “Okay, so I do like the ones with the strange angles more, but the one you picked was my favourite too, honest!”
“Fine.” He returned the phone to her. “I’m sticking with my choice.”
“As you should,” she laughed and glanced at her watch. “Shall we go? Let’s pick up your supplies before we go to lunch.”
He stared at her as she rose. The conversation was over. He took his stance, told her about it, and she accepted it. Just like that. Because that’s the way it should be. It’s been eight months since Magenta… but it was still a novel thing, how people easily accepted his words and actions and who he was as a person. They opened their arms to him, embraced him without criticism—but with condition. That condition being that he didn’t hurt himself or leave this world. They wanted him to stay—stay and be happy.
Living with such attitudes, going forward seemed easier nowadays.
Sometimes, though…
Lux held her hand out to him. He stared at it before taking it. “Let’s go.”
“Welcome—oh, you’re back!”
“Hello again.” Lux waved at the shopkeeper with a bright smile. Saeran followed her without a word of greeting. The shopkeeper walked into the back as they approached the counter. There were some pamphlets for upcoming exhibitions on display. Saeran inspected them and pocketed a few. Would he have a chance to hold an exhibition one day? Would the world appreciate who he was, what talent and skill he possessed? It would be nice if that were the case in the future.
“We have it all here.” The shopkeeper emerged with a neatly packaged box in her hands.
Saeran watched as the box was opened and the contents revealed. He leaned in close and rummaged inside carefully. It seemed that everything he ordered was there: acrylic and oil paints, brushes, palette knives, primers, retarders, and mediums.
“Everything there?” Lux murmured.
“Good.” She nudged him gently.
Saeran closed the box and faced the shopkeeper, heart lurching. His face felt hot. “Uhm… thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” She beamed.
“Thank you!” Lux said to the shopkeeper. “All right, let’s go to lunch.”
She moved to pick up the box, but Saeran swatted at her hands so he could lift it himself. “I want to look around a bit more.”
“Oh? Okie-dokie. Then let me hold—”
“No.” He made for the books aisle before she could reach for the box. He heard Lux rush behind him, but paid her no mind. His tutor recommended a theory book on the psychology of art; it sounded like an interesting read, but locating it in ordinary bookstores was hard. Perhaps a specialised arts supplies shop would have them.
“What is it?” he glanced at Lux and saw her examining the books.
She looked at him and smiled. “Painting makes you happy, right?”
“Happy?” he stopped walking. That question was sudden. Sighing sharply, he cradled the box underneath one arm as he rubbed the back of his neck. He had to think about it; the answers that came to him were complicated at best and would require some time to untangle. Only one thing was clear, however: “I suppose… I feel peaceful when I paint.”
“That’s good.”
“But, uhm…”
“Though I love painting the sky…” he dropped his hand, “I want to paint more things.”
He looked at her and… he’d never seen someone’s eyes sparkle so much—no, he had never seen someone’s eyes sparkle at all. So such things were possible. Or was that one of her special talent, to look impossibly bright? “Then, how about a road trip?”
“Road trip?”
“A RFA road trip.” Lux clapped her hands together, hopping on the spot. “Then you’ll see things you want to paint, right? It would be good for Saeyoung to go too; he’s in need of a break for a while now—oh, hang on.” She retrieved the ringing mobile from her bag and tapped on the screen. She held the device in front of her face and waved. “Speak of the devil. Hello, my love!”
“My princess, I missed you so, so, so much!” Saeyoung’s voice boomed throughout the aisle. Saeran cringed at the kissing noises he heard next. “What are you up to?”
She laughed. “I am on a date!”
“D-date!?” Saeyoung choked. Saeran watched from the sidelines as his brother tried to speak, but the words came out of his mouth in stuttered and confused bursts. “W-what? A d-date? B-but—what? With who?”
Lux, giggling, looked at Saeran and waved him over. Oh, good. He’s getting roped in this too. He shuffled over and stood behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder so he could get into the view of the camera. He breathed deeply and said a very monotone: “Tada…”
“Saeran!” the extreme relief on Saeyoung’s face was too obvious. He laughed. “I see. You’re finished with class, then. Are you okay? Having fun with Lux?”
“She’s all right.”
“Wow, Saeran complimented me.” Lux leaned her head against his and stroked his hair. It… wasn’t unpleasant.
“Aw, I’m jealous. I want a compliment too—”
“Are you calling someone!?”
“Shit, busted—” Saeyoung looked over his shoulder as footsteps reverberated out of the speaker. The video shook. Saeran glimpsed a purple collar and a leopard print lined jacket. “Whoa—wait, Miss Vanderwood! I’m talking to the two most important people in my life right now!”
“I don’t care if you’re talking to God himself! You put that phone down and get to work!”
Saeran scowled. This idiot… “You’re not done with work?”
“No.” The video stabilised, showing Saeyoung’s sheepish, but unapologetic expression. Just behind him was Vanderwood’s torso. He was crossing his arms, fingers tapping impatiently. “I can’t stop thinking about Lux and I can’t focus… so…”
“So, you’re procrastinating right now.”
Saeyoung winced. “Well—”
“You’re procrastinating.”
“Turn the phone off!”
Vanderwood swatted at the phone and the video shook again. “Fine—back off, I will! Just let me say goodbye!” the video straightened, showing Saeyoung once more. Though he looked resigned, he was grinning as he waved. “Well, I have to go. I love you, Lux.”
“I love you too.”
His grin widened and he turned to Saeran. “Have fun, Saeran. Bring Lux back home safe, okay? Counting on you.”
Saeran narrowed his eyes and said nothing. Without a shadow of a doubt he knew his brother would call Lux again in the next hour with another useless reason. Then he’d do it again… and again, extending his work hours well into the late night when he’d stay up and not sleep because he had to finish the work he put off. It’s counterproductive, a waste, and unhealthy. He glanced at Lux, an idea forming in his mind.
Well, he’d put a stop to that behaviour right now.
He leaned over and kissed Lux on the cheek.
One second passed. Two. Saeyoung’s face was frozen in shock. Lux, meanwhile, seemed to have transformed into a statue. God, he wanted to crack a smile. The two looked so similar in their surprise that if he were to overlap their faces he wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. He remained silent and waited, wondering who would crack first.
“Ohhh!” Lux cried, cheeks reddening as she touched where he had kissed her.
“S-Saeran!” Saeyoung gasped, looking betrayed.
“She’s cute.” Saeran smirked at his brother, putting his hands on Lux’s shoulders. “So… I won’t bring her back home.”
“You won’t bring her back—?”
“Unless you finish your work.”
He scowled. “Finish your work.”
“I—okay! I’ll work.” Saeyoung straightened, arranging his glasses with a determined look on his face. “I’ll work. So give her back to me.”
“Don’t call again.” Saeran reached out and ended the call. He stepped from Lux, blowing hair out of his eyes as though he hadn’t just threatened to kidnap his brother’s girlfriend. Not that he would, but… jolting someone into finishing their work was not a bad tactic sometimes.
“Forceful Saeran is scary.”
He turned to Lux with a snort. She no longer looked shocked—rather, that sparkle returned in her eyes. “Idiot. Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that.”
She stuck out her tongue. “A little bit.”
He rolled his eyes, but the corners of his lips twitched up slightly. “Come on. I’m hungry.”
“Let’s go!”
The café was nearly at capacity. The patrons consisted mostly of young people in couples or groups. Saeran recognised some people from university. There were families there as well, spending time together, and workers on their lunchbreaks winding down. Saeran walked in first, his stomach fluttering at the bell tinkling as the door swung open. He released the door—then remembered that Lux was with him. Startled, he looked back and saw that she caught the door. She was smiling at him… again.
“Sorry,” he said.
“It’s okay,” she chuckled. “Lead the way.”
The exchange was over. He didn’t have to repeat his apologies. It wasn’t forced or beaten out of him. He didn’t have to atone for his mistake—in fact, Lux seemed to have forgotten about it already. Confusion overtook him as pieces of his past and present clashed against each other. His mind oscillated fast between what should and should not be, creating a muddled ball of discomfort in the pit of his stomach. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. When he opened them again he caught Lux peering at him with worry. Clearing his throat, he avoided her eyes and led her to an available table next to the window.
“Are you okay?” Lux asked as she sat across him.
“I am now,” he answered, placing the box on the empty chair next to him.
She stared at him again. This time he held her gaze. She smiled. “Okay.”
He sat back as she looked at the menu. The fluttering in his chest returned as he looked around—just looking. It wasn’t as though he was specifically searching for something or someone. What other reason did he have other than to observe? He glanced at Lux and saw her staring at him, still smiling. “What?”
“I’m just honoured you took me to your favourite place.”
His brows furrowed. “This isn’t…”
She chuckled. “How did you find it?”
“It’s… close to university,” he said, adjusting the collar of his shirt.
“Ah. You come here often with friends?”
“I’m usually alone.” His face warmed. Why was that? “Sometimes with classmates—not exactly friends. Saeyoung comes along too at times.”
“That’s wonderful. I hope I get to meet your classmates one day—”
“Saeran! Knew I wouldn’t mistake that hair.”
Saeran’s heart stopped at the voice. The heat on his face crept down to his neck. It was a bad idea to come here—to bring Lux here. Half of him wanted to hide deep, deep in the ground. The other half, for some reason, wanted to bounce around like some hyper rabbit. Both of those feelings were not ideal to act on, surely. It’d make him look like a moron, wouldn’t it? No. He had to act as normal as possible. As normal as possible. Saeran sighed and faced the owner of the voice. “Jinun… hi.”
“Hi? Don’t be a stiff—come here!”
In one second he was being pulled out of his chair. In the next he was enveloped in an embrace tighter than Saeyoung’s. His nose pressed against a shirt that smelled like cologne, fresh laundry soap, and slightly burnt pastry. His face was now burning hotter than the sun… and the thought of Lux witnessing this made it supernova. He had the urge to reach out and cover her eyes from this embarrassment, but his arms wouldn’t listen and simply hung by his sides.
“How are you? All right?” Jinun finally released him.
“Fine,” Saeran replied, voice tight. From the corner of his eye he noticed Lux’s shocked face.
“Good.” Jinun patted his hair. “You know, I feel better now that I’ve seen you.”
“Ah…” what’s he supposed to say to that? “Oh.” He turned to Lux. His stomach felt like it was doing backflips. Why was it doing that? It’s distracting him, scrambling his mind into malfunctioning goo. “This is… uhm… this…”
“Hello, I’m Lux,” she held her hand out.
“I am Jinun, Saeran’s classmate.” He took her hand and inclined his head to her.
“It’s finally good to meet one of Saeran’s classmates.”
“Well, it’s finally good to meet you.”
Lux beamed as she released his hand. “You know me?”
Jinun nudged Saeran gently. “He’s told me about you.”
Her cheeks pinked and eyes sparkled as she glanced at Saeran. “Really?”
Saeran avoided her eyes. He didn’t know what to think. He was certain that electricity had exploded from the spot where Jinun’s shoulder brushed against his and it was paralysing him right now. “Just a passing mention.”
“Still, I’m flattered!”
“Now that’s the whole family, isn’t it?” Jinun said, nudging him again.
“Sort of.” It was just a nudge—a simple, sometimes annoying bumping of one appendage to another. Why was Saeran feeling electricity from the same spot every time Jinun nudged him?
“Sort of? Then, you’ll let me meet the rest, right?” Jinun winked at him. Saeran’s face heated up again and he looked down as he sank back into his seat. He didn’t know what to say anymore. Embarrassment flooded his whole body when he heard Jinun chuckle. He wasn’t being made fun of, was he? “So, what will it be?”
Saeran kept his head down. Lux and Jinun started talking; they were talking about the menu. With his thoughts turned inward, Saeran realised that his heart was pounding. He couldn’t stop replaying what Jinun had said and done in his head. It was illogical—why was he focusing on these things? It wasn’t particularly important or memorable, but he couldn’t get it out of his head. Why was that?
“What would you like, Saeran?”
That. Nudging Again. He jumped when the menu slid underneath his gaze. He looked at Lux and she was smiling at him… again. Though this one seemed loaded… as if she knew something he didn’t. He squirmed and quickly opened the menu, quickly perusing it for something simple. “Uhm… roast beef sandwich… and coke.”
“Right. I’ll take this order to the kitchen. Your drinks will be right out.”
“Thank you!” Lux said.
Saeran closed the menu in time to see Jinun smile at him before walking away. He watched his classmate disappear into the kitchen. With a relieved sigh, he looked away—only to see Lux still smiling at him. “What?”
She giggled. “This place… is really nice, isn’t it?”
He blinked. “Huh?”
In no time at all, Jinun returned carrying a tray of drinks and a small crystal vase holding a single red rose. He stopped before them, took a tall glass full of pink liquid and placed it in front of Lux. “Pink lemonade for the lady and a coke for Saeran.” After placing the glass in front of Saeran, Jinun then planted the vase right next to it. “And a bonus—because it matches your hair.”
Saeran choked.
“Your food will be served soon.”
“Thank you!” Lux sang.
Saeran stared at the rose Jinun left. He was certain he was being gawked at because of that display, but he couldn’t bring himself to verify. It matched his hair? Really? The reason was silly, but… for some reason it was making Saeran feel all sorts of warm inside. Should he reciprocate? What should he give? A flower as well? But it would be embarrassing if he gave a flower to another man, wouldn’t it? He didn’t know. Perhaps he could ask Lux about it.
“Uhm… hey—” Saeran looked at Lux—she was still smiling at him! “W-what now?”
“He’s cute, isn’t he?”
Saeran’s face reddened. “H-how would I know!?” he blurted. “W-what’s with that question!”
She laughed. “So cute!”
He sighed irritably. “Stop with the cute stuff or I’m really not taking you home.”
“No, please return me to Saeyoung!” still chuckling, she produced her phone from her bag. She fiddled with the screen before pointing it at him. “Smile!”
Saeran scowled. “What? Why?”
“Because your face is so red it’s matching the flower too!”
Saeran’s eyes widened. He reached across the table to swipe at the phone. “O-oi—don’t—”
“Got it!” he heard the unmistakeable click of the camera. She lifted the device to her face and began typing furiously. “Everyone in the messenger will be happy about this—”
“Don’t put that in the messenger—!” Saeran tried swiping at the camera again, but Lux lifted it out of his reach.
“Too late!” laughing, Lux showed the screen to him. The chat bubbles from the messenger scrolled up quickly as the RFA members sent one message after another. Horrified, Saeran took the phone and nearly pressed it to his face. God, they’re making fun of him, aren’t they? They’re disgusted by him, surely. This type of humiliation suited him; after everything he had done, he didn’t deserve to have anything normal in his life—
ZEN: Saeran’s got a crush on someone!?
ZEN: Unfair!
ZEN: You’re supposed to let your elders go first!
Jumin Han: Then, should I be complaining more than you?
Jaehee Kang: ;;;;;
ZEN: Robots don’t count lolol
Yoosung★: He is blushing!
Yoosung★: So cute!
Jaehee Kang: I believe this is the first time I have seen him flustered. ^^
Jaehee Kang: Congratulations on finding someone!
They’re… they’re not making fun of him. They seemed to be happy for him. The tension that stiffened all of Saeran’s body left, making him slump against the chair in sudden exhaustion. The messages kept coming, becoming more ridiculous as the RFA now started throwing courting suggestions at him. As  he continued to read a peculiar, uncontrollable feeling began to bubble from his chest. “They’re… actually happy about it?”
“Well, of course they are—” Lux stopped as a snort escaped Saeran. They came unbidden, followed by chuckles that he couldn’t control. It wouldn’t stop. The chuckles turned into laughter. It was rough, husky, and strained—as if he hadn’t used this part of him in forever. “Wow… Saeran’s laughing.”
“It’s because—” he chortled, holding his stomach. God, it was beginning to hurt… but it was the good kind. “You’re all weird—so weird!”
Lux quickly grabbed her phone out of his hands and he let her retrieve it as he concentrated on getting his laughter under control. It was surprisingly hard. The more he thought about what they said the more it made him want to laugh. He bowed over and pressed his forehead against the table, shoulders shaking.
“Well, you’re stuck with us weirdos.”
Finally, his laughter calmed and his mind cleared again. Stuck? Would he like that? At first all he thought about was being stuck. Here. In this life. He didn’t like it. He wanted to leave it. He wanted freedom as soon as possible. Earlier today he thought how living was easier now, but at the same time he was aware that the darkness within him could return one day to drag him down completely.
But right now, somehow, everything was bright. It was as if the sun had burst into his life and made permanent residence there. In the moment he was certain he could live another day. And the day after that… and the day after that. He wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled gently at Lux. “That… wouldn’t be so bad.”
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Cardcaptor Sakura – 09 – Once More Unto the Brooch
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Sakura is feeling low after her humbling encounter with Syaoran Li. Tomoyo assures her she’s doing her Cardcaptor duties beautifully, but Sakura isn’t entirely sure she’d have fared as well against Thunder without Syaoran’s advice.
When she inevitably has to face him in class, she thanks him for his help and also mentions that she saw his green robes in a dream. Confirming Kero-chan’s later accurate assessment of him as a “despicable brat”, Syaoran demonstrates how he can turn any nicety into an opportunity to viciously neg Sakura.
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Both Tomoyo and Rika want to cheer Sakura up, so they take her to a new shop that sells all manner of cute knickknacks, and the three girls end up buying brooches before going to Sakura’s house for tea and homemade pudding (which looks delectable BTW).
The pleasant decompressing takes a turn when Rika puts on her sword-themed brooch, her eyes go blank, and the brooch turns into a rapier with which Rika starts attacking Sakura and Tomoyo. Clearly, it’s a Clow Card, and Kero confirms as much when he comes down (but is also pissed about not getting any pudding!)
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Kero warns Sakura that anyone with Sword card in their possession becomes a master swordsman. Thankfully, Sakura is able to dodge her strikes with her not inconsiderable agility, but Rika’s attacks are so fast all she can really do is defend.
That’s where Syaoran comes out of nowhere to insert himself into the battle. Worried he’ll hurt Rika in pursuit of the card, Sakura grabs him and uses Jump to keep him away from her friend. Sakura has let this kid get away with a lot, but when it comes to her friends, she’s not someone to be trifled with!
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All that’s needed to break Rika from Sword’s spell is for her to momentarily drop the sword. To accomplish this, Sakura employs Illusion to conjure the image of their homeroom teacher on whom Rika has a crush. While she’s distracted Sakura knocks the blade out of her hand, then successfully secures the Card…all without Syaoran’s help.
Kero-chan makes sure Syaoran doesn’t interfere by biting him repeatedly, but when Yukito suddenly appears, it isn’t Sakura’s staff or Kero or the unconscious Rika that catch his attention; it’s the bite mark on Syaoran’s finger. When Yuki asks if he’s okay, Syaoran blushes like a beet and scurries off.
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When Sakura arranges to meet up with Yukito the next day to give him a thank-you gift, Syaoran is already there, and quickly produces a gift of his own. As Tomoyo makes clear to her, Sakura now not only has to deal with a rival in her Clow Card capturing, but in romance too, as Syaoran seems as smitten with Yukito as she is. Unfortunately for both of them, he’s already spoken for…
Nine episodes in CCS has proven adept at shaking up the weekly formula. Sakura may not have had a battle costume this week, but she did use Illusion for the first time. Her friend Rika had a larger role, while her multi-vector rivalry with Syaoran developed further. We’re also introduced to Yamazaki—he of elaborate invented stories.
Finally, Kero-chan’s post-credits omake segment is always a delight, with him pointing out some detail of Sakura’s costume, or in the case of this week, Syaoran’s. His justifiable hostility towards “that kid” shines through brilliantly in the terse rundown of his ceremonial garb.
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By: magicalchurlsukui
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scummy-writes · 7 years
MM New route spoilers for days 2 and 3 under the cut!
Here’s Day One thoughts and then some thoughts on a Yoosung Call!
I hope you guys don’t mind me doing this, I really like just putting my thoughts in one space. But, as a disclaimer, as theories or ideas I have are NOT meant to be enforced on anyone, nor does it mean that it’s exactly what’s happening and I’m ignoring the canon in the route. I’ve seen a few people doing this, some who haven’t even played the new route themselves...? So I wanted to just make that clear first and foremost. I mean, after all, as I’m typing this I’m barely on day five- It’s obvious I don’t know what the endings are and such.
Anyway! Day two picks up with even more fun, but I a weird glitch that made me a little sad, since I’m trying to avoid any CG’s! You know when you don’t look at the pictures in the gallery, so it keeps that ‘New!’ alert on the icon for it? Well...I had a shitton of those, and I kept getting excited to see a notif only to see it was that, so I decided to clear it and-
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Random CG?? I clicked on it (I don’t want to show the full image) and it was something that never came across any chats or VN’s for that day (Or Day three, for that matter.) I don’t know why it popped up, or exactly when? It could have slipped in on the first day.
I’m not mad at cheritz for it, not at all, I was just confused on if I didn’t get a Vn or something like that. I haven’t heard anyone else mention it in my friend group, so I’m hoping I didn’t miss a VN!
And...There’s still chat errors, so be on the look out in case something seems confusing, it seems like some chat boxes get swapped!
Another glitch I got was when I tried calling V on Day Three, and it wouldn’t let me pick any dialogue options. Instead, V replied to each and every one, it seemed like, before the rest of the call took place. :( It was a little bit of a bummer, since I couldn’t tell what he was responding to, but it’s nice to hear his voice nonetheless.
Speaking of V, this is the day where we get VNs of him in Mint Eye, pretending to be some random member. And....It’s a little scary.
So, not only does his code suggest there are a shitton of followers, but there’s some weird as fuck cleansing process they go through. Which...Seems very obvious, I would imagine, but just having it confirmed is just---AAAAAA
It's worrying what the process is? And that 'Ray’ takes care of it. Though….Rika joining in?? Aaaaaaa scary.
It does confirm that V isn’t entirely sure what exactly Mint Eye is doing. And...Jesus ;;; It’s scary that he’s going through it all and trying to hide.
Another interesting thing is that Saeran doesn't recognize V?
(The bg is a full cg akhdkf forgive me for not posting the full picture)
I wonder if its from drugs or...something else...
And, another note from this VN is that Saeran seems to mainly go by ‘Mr. Ray’? To the point where other cult members normally call him that? There’s a few theories that he has a split personality, but I don’t want that to be true ;;; I’m worried about it not being presented well at all. And, from how it’s usually presented, I don’t think the other identities share a past? I don’t know. Right now, my idea is that he’s going by Mr. Ray because, like Seven, he went through a period where he couldn’t stand his real name, and/or needed to change it for a little bit of extra safety. Plenty of room available for me to be completely wrong on that, tho.
And while I love the chats with V, it's hard getting hearts for him ;;; I just assume one style of answering might offend him, but sometimes it actually gets a heart? Saeran, on the other hand, is so so so easy to give hearts to because it’s hard being mean to him orz Until he says something pretty creepy of course. I think it's mainly hard because I really like Saeran.
Let's see, the only other main thing I can think about for day two is the VN with Yoosung and Rika’s first meeting. Yoosung seems like he wasn't always a sweetheart, LOL, but another thing is that Rika did something that kind made me :// BUT….it was just a really small thing, and I'm hoping its innocent, but due to the type of person she is, I feel like she came off pretty manipulative in the VN for a moment, before trying to say some kind words.
I'm leaving it a little vague because I'm still on the fence of calling it manipulative or not, my main reason for it is because I used to have people do small itty bitty things to get me to do what they wanted as a kid, haha, so I am having a little bit of an issue on just if it solely rubs *me* the wrong way. If others point it out, I'll feel a lil better!
So for Day Three, the earlier chats are a little bit hazy for me, since I woke up and did them when I was barely awake. Thankfully it just seemed to be some basic chatting with Zen and Yoosung! I do distinctly remember dropping the phone on my face while playing the first few because I was so tired, so I’m excited to replay later and see what I kept missing T_T. (I’m not saying the chats were boring! I was just too tired ;_; )
This day had a lot of content, though! A lot of it was a few funny things, like this... thought from Jumin
And just a few hilarious things from chats! There was a very cute chat centered around Jumin and V, and I can't begin to say how much I love the chatrooms with those two. It's so cute hearing about their past and how they interact.
Another thing of mine I didn't enjoy is how sometimes some of the options can be pretty harsh. Here's an example I nabbed from a convo of Zen, where he's talking about one of his pictures:
Does it feel like to anyone else its either A- Super rude option, or B- Weird option guaranteed to get a heart? orz sometimes I wish there were medium options, to where you can avoid getting a heart, but you don't have to be so rude to do it.
It seems to start getting better later on, and I don't think its anything new, its just hard to be so mean to them sometimes.
(A side note though, since we're talking about Zen, he finally introduced a play I would probably be willing to check out LOL. Unfortunately it was done when he was younger, but I'm always a sucker for the part he had to play!)
I think two major subjects for this day is a few members mental health, and something related to Mint Eye.
First- I'm dying scoob 😭 not only do we get this sad call from V, where it sounds like he's being haunted by the recent past:
We also learn that, as of right now in the chat, Yoosung apparently never went to go see a therapist, and...spend a hot minute trying to drink some of the pain away??
I was really hoping he managed to get just a little bit of help, but he says he didn't think he needed it when Jaehee mentions it…. But then does this mean Jaehee went to therapy for a bit??
They're all hurting so much ;;;;;
And, while we're on the topic of Jaehee, she brings me to some notes I wanted to make about this encounter she had.
She had tried to help out some confused people, then found out they were religious and trying to convert her to their religion. But...pair this up with the weird call with Yoosung, where he complains about his friend talking about some religious cult, and Jaehee encountering some cultist seeming people as well...Were these Rika's attempts at getting Yoosung and Jaehee into Mint Eye? Or just a coincidence that the cultists ran into them?
Yoosung's doesn't seem like a coincidence, but Jaehee's does, unless she normally walks home or something like that.
If it wasn't a coincidence for either of them, I wonder that's why Rika is so against the RFA later on? If I remember that correctly… aaaaaa they all have to deal with so much.
Annnnd speaking of Mint Eye, here's a screenshot of Saeran breaking my heart ;;;;;;; He needs better habits, and some other things he said this day were pretty worrying too...
My notes for this day are short, because those were some major points I wanted to touch on, and the glitches are starting to die down and not be as harsh! I am also getting sick and not finding much time to do these, so in the future I might just write notes without pictures, haha.
Gonna close this with a cute Saeran emoji I got (after having to be harsh to him 😭)
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