#that gauntlet before ansem….
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pumpkinsouppe · 2 months ago
I’ve decided I really need to do research on summons and stuff when I get to kh2 bc tinkerbell really saved my ass during a fight and I didn’t even know I had her as a summon
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natsubane · 20 days ago
i ended up doing the world that never was all at once* without really saying much about it bc i was pretty excited to see what it had in store for me... (*the game crashed multiple times after boss gauntlets and i had to redo them but it wasn't Too bad at least except for the two times it crashed just before i got to the ending credits, which i have found is a very common issue?)
...and i was not disappointed.
honestly i'm not even surprised by the fact that i really enjoyed seeing sora meet xion and roxas and Yeah i think as a protagonist, sora is such a joy to see the world through. i really enjoyed how ansem the wise described him, as someone who has so much love and who believes in the love he gives and receives so much that he can make the impossible happen. and that love touches everyone around him in such a meaningful way... like, every time roxas shows up he manages to find a way to connect with him and give him worth when roxas doesn't even believe in his own worth... i enjoyed how, while everyone just conflates roxas with sora (to the point of even roxas himself believing it), sora is so insistent that they are different and gives him that agency that he wants -- and deserves -- to be his own person. i'm really looking forward to seeing how kh3 resolves this!! i want them to actually talk about it!!!! i want to see roxas accept it!!! y'know!! <- i have a soroku guy whispering in my ear all the time i think it's showing
i think it's also really sweet how riku softens up about sora when he isn't around and it really shows the trust they have in each other. i do suppose kh is about how many people sora can touch deeply and build connections with after all.
i really liked seeing riku's growth since com -> kh2 -> here about his struggles with darkness and his 'worthiness' of light and it was genuinely really satisfying to see him be named a keyblade master even though he expresses his doubts multiple times about whether he's worthy to face his friends or of the keyblade. and i like that it's not a story about fully eradicating all the darkness but accepting its presence and not allowing it to get to you, i feel like it's much more meaningful this way for riku to acknowledge those flaws and pitfalls and be able to move on from them.
anyway. i liked the setup we get here for what will happen next because. obviously they're setting up the stage for rescuing the wayfinder trio + roxas + xion (idk what's gonna happen with namine actually? curious.) but they're also building all this stuff with the 'real' organization 13 and splitting xehanort's heart into 13 vessels (shoutout to me going "are there any more xehanorts that i should know about?" in mage's dms like just before i found out that was actually what they were doing. making more xehanorts.) and that is certainly something i will be relatively confused by but looking forward to. hehe.
(i think i understand time travel though. stable time loops are still vaguely confusing to me but i understand the concept. whew.)
and speaking of which. i am still Very curious about the rest of the old org13 since we didn't get to see most of them after lea left and some of them we just don't ever see at all... and very curious about lea getting a keyblade as well. i will have to go through all the cutscenes again later just to make sure i have all my facts correct.
anyway!!! i am very excited to get on with the story, i will watch khdr next weekend. perhaps i will make it in time for my bet if i can start kh3 within the month. here's hoping...
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atomic-taco-muffin · 4 years ago
Can you make a part 13 to the “MHA x Fem!Reader: Kingdom Hearts”
Kingdom Hearts Part 13
Warnings: Angst?
Rating: SFW
(A/N: this took forever!)
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After Sora was able to save you and everyone else's hearts, he stood on the wasteland, his right hand clasped firmly in Kairi's left and your right hand in his left.
"You okay?" Kairi asked.
"Yeah. Thanks, Kairi," Sora said.
You and Kairi smiled back at him. When Sora looked around you all, he saw that all the others were there, too.
"it did work," he said. He felt the tight knot of emotions within him slowly coming undone. The despair had threatened to consume him--but it was thanks to all those he saw here now that he had made it back, including you and Class 1-A. Sora slowly released his grip on your and Kairi's hand. Everything was going to be okay. Donald and Goofy smiled valiantly.
"Of course!"
"Now point us back at those bad guys!"
The enthusiasm of you and everyone else filled Sora with relief, and he faced forward again.
"Right!" he said.
You all quickly agreed and got moving. Master Xehanort and his cohorts--the Real Organization XIII--awaited you all across the wastes.
Ventus was the first to catch sight of the figure up ahead amid the whirling dust.
“Terra!” he shouted, running off before you all could get a word in.
Aqua started after him, calling his name with a hint of apprehension. Ventus was unaware that Terra’s body was under Xehanort’s control. 
“That’s not him, is it?” Sero asked Denki, who nodded in response.
“Terra! We found you!” Ventus exclaimed as he took his friend’s hand. 
“Terra, please say you’re in there,” Aqua said in a more cautious voice. 
Instead of replying, Terra observed her quietly. His blue eyes seemed to stare right through her, and she placed a hand on Ventus’s shoulder to draw him away. 
“What gives, Aqua?” Ventus asked. 
“I know that you’re not him,” Aqua said as he placed herself before Ventus protectively. “Now, let our friend go!”
That was when Terra’s hair turned white, and his blue eyes turned to gold. 
“He is their thirteenth,” Mickey said softly. 
“Today is the day you all lose,” Terranort quietly told you all. 
“What?!” Aqua cried. A dark fog began to congeal behind Terranort.
“Before you even face the thirteen, every last one of you will be torn to heart from body. But fear not. The χ-blade will still be forged,” he said. 
He called his Keyblade to his hand. Beyond the dark fog, atop the cliffs looming above the wasteland, countless Keyblades stood thrust into the terrain like grave markers. 
“We’re not gonna lose to you,” you said. 
With a smirk at your challenge, Terranort launched himself at Ventus, closing the distance in a single moment, and dealt the boy with a devastating blow with his Keyblade--or he would’ve, if someone didn’t intercept the attack. 
“Who are you?” Terranort asked. The one who blocked and knocked away Terranort’s Keyblade was a man clad in armor. 
“Got you, Xehanort,” he said, forcing the possessed figure back. 
“Who is that?” Ochako asked. 
“Terra?” Aqua asked softly. That armor had once belonged to her friend. And what lay within it now...was Terra’s lingering will. Though there was no one physically in the armor now, the thoughts and desires dwelling within it were still fighting to protect everyone. 
“That’s Terra’s lingering will. After Xehanort possessed Terra, he was separated from his armor and that created the Lingering Will,” Denki said. 
“This is impossible!” Terranort said as he seemed panicked as the Lingering Will strode ominously toward him. 
“How I’ve waited for this moment.” 
Its Keyblade lashed like a whip and wrapped around Terranort’s weapon, and the Lingering Will yanked back its Keyblade with enough force to fling Terranort into the air. 
“Woah! That is so manly!” Kirishima said. 
“Stop saying manly, shitty hair! It’s getting annoying!” Bakugou said. 
“I ain’t gonna stop, Bakubro!” 
Terranort quickly let go of his ensnared Keyblade and adjusted his trajectory in midair so he could attack his armored foe head-on. But the Lingering Will’s Keyblade transformed into what looked like a giant cannon and released a blast of light. 
“Okay...That’s cool!” Sero said. 
“I need something like that!” Bakugou said. 
“You already have gauntlets, Kacchan,” Izuku said. 
“Shut up, you damn nerd!”
Terranort let out a cry of anguish as the beam sent him hurtling back. As soon as he had recovered his Keyblade, he was forced to fend off a furious assault. 
“Terra!” Ventus shouted. 
“No, Ven!” Aqua stopped Ventus as he tried to join the fray. 
“Them first,” Aqua said as she turned around. Ventus followed her line of sight to a vast throng of Nobodies, Heartless, and Unversed that practically filled the sky--and was coming right at you all. The ground shook as an inky darkness spread--and from it emerged the Demon Tide. 
“We’ll hold off the others.” Aqua and Ven charged toward the advancing army. 
“Okay. We got this!” Izuku replied, and then he, Class 1-A, you, Sora, Donald, and Goofy turned to take down the Demon Tide. Riku, Mickey, Kairi, and Axel readied their Keyblades for battle. 
Sora hacked away at the Demon Tide, which was like a tsunami composed of hundreds of thousands of Shadows. Goofy did his best to fend off any attacks on Sora, but whenever the Heartless managed to land a hit, you were right there to patch him up with your quirk. (Take some notes, Donald!)
Meanwhile, Riku and the king fought the horde of Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed while getting help from most of Class 1-A. 
“You two hanging in there?” Todoroki asked. 
“We’re fine! What about you guys?” 
“Eh, can’t complain. We’ve dealt with stuff like this before,” Kirishima said. Riku risked a quick glance on Kairi, who was fighting along side Axel. Ochako and Momo were also there with them. 
“I’ve got this!” Kairi called out as she parried an attack from a Nobody. 
“Nice one, Kairi!” Ochako said.
“Glad I got you girls in my corner!” Axel said. 
“Right back at you, Axel!” Momo said. Axel threw his Keyblade at the enemy. 
“I just wish I felt better about all this.” Across the battlefield, Ventus, Aqua, Iida, and Denki were going head-to-head with a giant Heartless. 
“Aqua!” Ven shouted as he dashed over to his friend to protect her from a punch by a huge Heartless that sent her to her knees. He caught the follow-up attack that was intended for her with his Keyblade. He took advantage of the recoil to rush in close and help Iida and Denki finish it off.
“Thanks, Ven! You’re my favorite!” Denki said. 
“Huh?” Ven asked 
“It’s a long story,” Iida said. 
“Now isn’t the time to talk,” Aqua said as she got to her feet and moved off to confront more Heartless. 
The Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed kept coming--no matter how many times you all struck them down, there were always more to take down. It seemed like the darkness was blotting out the sky itself. All the same, you all wouldn’t give up. 
“Let’s end this!” you shouted as you dealt the Demon Tide an attack so fierce that the whole shape of the mass shifted. 
“C’mon...” As you came back to the ground, you and Sora watched as the Demon Tide began swirling around itself in a vortex. 
“Something’s wrong,” Mineta said. 
“Look out!” Tokoyami shouted.
All the Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed were sucked into the winds it had stirred up, forming a colossal hurricane of Darkness. 
Soon, Riku, the king, Kairi, Axel, Aqua, Ventus, and Class 1-A were staring in awe as well. 
“What now?” Goofy asked as he edged backward, using his shield. 
“Sora?” you and Donald asked with an uncertain glance. 
“I’ll stop it!” Sora broke into a run, knocking aside any Heartless that got in his way as he made a beeline for the Demon Tide. 
“Sora!” you all shouted behind him.
Just as Sora sprang into the air and was about to come down on the Demon Tide with his Keyblade, a blinding light engulfed him. 
“Need some help?” Standing within the light was a boy Sora had never even seen before, let alone met. The boy had silver hair and a red scarf around his neck. 
“Huh?” Sora gasped, then found himself back on the ground again. When he opened his eyes, thousands of Keyblades were flashing through the air above him. You and Sora leaped onto the swarm of Keyblades and rode it straight toward the dark vortex. The Keyblades plunged into the Demon Tide and scattered it. 
The surviving Heartless of the Demon Tide came back together to form what resembled a black comet heading for you and Sora. But the Keyblades fanned out to shielded the two of you from the onslaught, and together with all of them, you and Sora became a ray of light and sliced the dark mass apart. 
Once you and Sora landed back on the ground, the two of you looked up at the thousands of Keyblades. Their purpose served, the proud weapons burst apart into glimmering shards. 
“Sora! (Y/N)! Are you okay?” Izuku called, running over. 
“Yeah,” Sora replied with a smile. You smiled too and gave Izuku a hug. 
“What the hell was that?” Bakugou asked, looking up to where the Keyblades had been a moment ago.
“Keyblade wielders...from long ago,” Aqua said. 
“It’s the light of the past,” Ven added as he, too, looked up at the sky. 
“Look,” Kairi said as she spotted someone and pointed. 
“Just send out the Big Bad,” Axel grumbled. 
“I can just tell that you and I would make good friends,” Bakugou said.
The one strolling towards you all across the empty battlefield...was Riku--a Riku that as a little younger than the one with you now. He snickered at you all. 
“You!” Riku shouted, taking a step forward. Mickey quickly stepped over to hold him back. 
“The Organization’s been using hearts. Ones Xehanort got to in the past and has influence over. So that must be you from when Ansem has control over your heart,” he said.
“Yeah. How could I forget?” Riku said half to himself, lowering his head for a moment. Amused by his chagrin, Repliku opened his eyes, bared his teeth, and laughed loudly. 
“I’d say that was our finest hour,” he said. Riku returned his gaze of his younger self.
“Wrong. My hour of weakness,” he said. 
“You sure? How about we find out?!” 
A black miasma billowed up from Repliku, and then, from behind him, a gigantic shadow shaped like Xehanort rose ominously. It extended its arms to the sides, filling the sky. 
“What is that?!” Mineta cried. 
“A real test for the Mark of Mastery!” Repliku cried. Xigbar chose that moment to make his entrance. 
“Dude, who the hell is that?” Sero asked Denki. 
“That’s Xigbar,” Denki replied. 
“We gotta make sure you’re not blundering your way toward a second failure,” Xigbar sneered. 
“Blundering? I’ll have you know we failed with style, chief,” Axel replied. 
“At least you admit it. Well, if you guardians think you brought the goods, you’ll have to prove it to the old guy one last time. Kid, take it away.” 
Repliku let out a bellow, causing the dark figure looming behind him to swell even larger. Several Demon Towers burst from the ground around you and the others. Repliku made a shadowy exit of his own, leaving the world shrouded in darkness. 
The Shadows were so great in number that it was hard to tell if they were a tower, a tide, or even individuals at all. One thing was certain: There were enough of them to consume the world. The creatures attacked haphazardly, and while you and the others dispatched any that came your way, there was no end in sight. It wasn’t just Shadows--or even Heartless--that threatened you all, either. There were also Nobodies and Unversed among the throng. 
“Form up! Now!” Izuku shouted. 
You all gathered in a circle, but you were all pressed back in on one another. Within the defensive ring, Mickey looked down at his Keyblade. He started to raise it--only to be stopped by Riku. Mickey looked up at him, but Riku shook his head quietly. 
“If you try to use time magic against these numbers, you won’t have enough strength for the final battle,” Riku said. Mickey lowered his eyes sadly. 
“I’ll try and break through,” Aqua called. “Everyone, get ready!”
“Alone? That’s crazy! I’ll help!” Ven said. Both of them struck at the Heartless, but no more than that.
“Two is no better,” Kairi said. 
“Yeah, splitting up is a bad idea!” Axel added, punctuating the statement with a swing of his Keyblade. 
“I agree with flamsi-locks there!” Bakugou said.
“Are you always like this?” 
“Hell yeah!” Even as you all argued, more and more Shadows were fallen from the sky like black rain. 
“There’s way too many!” Goofy yelped, dropping into a fearful crouch. 
“We’re finished!” Donald said as he quickly joined Goofy. Just as you were all about to give up, a feather like sword landed in front of Sora, taking down a Heartless. (you know I had to add our favorite bird man)
“Is that a...” he asked. Suddenly, an orb of light lanced through the gloom overhead and fell upon your foes. 
“Hey! Did we just missed the party?” someone asked. You and Class 1-A recognized the voice and saw Hawks swoop down to you all. 
“Hawks!” you and Class 1-A exclaimed. From behind him, pro heroes from back home arrived, including...
“Dad!” you exclaimed as you ran up to Aizawa. From next to Aizawa you saw Present Mic. “Where’s Eri?”
“Don’t worry. Shinsou’s watching over her,” Aizawa said. You smiled and watched as the light grew into a radiant column that sent the Shadows flying every which way, and you all has to shield your eyes against it. When you all opened them again to see what happened, there was Master Yen Sid, standing there in the flesh!
“Master Yen Sid!” you and the others exclaimed. 
The sorcerer, who was also a Keyblade Master, clapped his glowing hands together, then quickly held you all aloft, releasing a burst of light that destroyed any Shadow it touched and created a pathway straight through the horde.
“Go, my champions. I will hold them all here for as long as I can,” MYS said. 
“We’re not leaving you behind!” Mickey cried. Donald and Goofy looked at each other and then, with a nod, ran over to Yen Sid’s side. 
“You guys go on!” 
“Me and Donald will stay here. The two of us’ll back up Master Yen Sid!” The two of them readied their weapons to protect the sorcerer’s back. 
“Donald...Goofy...” Sadness filled Sora’s voice. They had stuck by his side through all his adventures thus far, and he hated to leave them. You ran up to Sora and gave him a comforting hug. 
“You’re a whole pint by yourself, Sora,” you said. 
“Don’t worry. We’ll catch up with ya in just a bit!” Goofy added. Sora and Mickey looked at their friends. 
“We’ll regroup later!”
“Make haste!” MYS shouted. You and the others, including the pro heroes, ran down the glowing path the sorcerer had cleared. 
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destiny-islanders · 6 years ago
So, I'm a little nervous bringing this up because it seems like it's something you strongly believe should've happened. But, I feel Sora totally obliterating Xehanort out of vengeance would've been out of character for him, and I feel it's projecting what we as players feel onto his character. Not to mention it feels kinda concerning, or at least wrong to me personally, to advocate violence over a peaceful resolution, even if he was really awful... Idk maybe I'm too much of a pacifist :')
The way my comic depicts Sora finishing off Xehanort was done for comedic/cathartic effect and isn’t what I really think should have happened at the end of KH3.
That said, I don’t think destroying his enemies is out of character for Sora at all, considering he’s done it in literally every single game before this one. He had no problem destroying Ansem SoD and every single member of Organization XIII even before he knew that doing so wouldn’t actually kill them– just let them return to their former selves. Sora has moments of empathy with his enemies– the moment that comes to mind is when he tries to appeal to Xemnas’s memories of having a heart before he disappears before the real final boss gauntlet. But he still wrecks their shit up in the end. You could argue that he dishes out the fatal blows to Xemnas in retaliation for what he does to Riku. 
I don’t think Xehanort deserved the ending he got at all. I think he deserved to meet the same end as Ansem SoD and every evil member of the original Organization XIII. Maybe it would have been different if the game bothered to set this up before the last fifteen minutes of the game– if they’d spent any time setting up that Xehanort’s motives for every single horrible thing he’s done for 10+ years were actually done with good intentions.
EDIT: Someone kindly reminded me that Xehanort’s motivations are brought up in the Secret Reports that I read when I played Birth By Sleep in 2016. Really says a lot about your plot when the main villain’s motivations are covered in missable secret reports in one game and then not talked about again until the last section of another. Knowing this doesn’t change my opinion about Xehanort’s fate in KH3 being total bullshit????
But that’s not what happens in KH3. Xehanort is as irredeemably fucking awful for most of 3 as he is in the rest of the series. One of his allies basically slaughters the entire group. He murders Kairi for no other reason than to “motivate” Sora to fight him. He tries to destroy every world in the universe so that HE can rule over them. He is ultimately responsible for Sora’s “death” at the end of the game.
And we’re supposed to be okay with the fact that he gets to return to his younger self and fade away with a smile on his face??? I don’t think so???
So, yeah– this comic is the result of my extreme dissatisfaction with Xehanort’s fate in KH3. And it doesn’t reflect how I think Xehanort should have been dealt with canonically. But I do think Xehanort deserved to meet a much unhappier end than what he got. There was no build-up to justify the means to his ends. Xehanort didn’t earn his “happy” ending. He deserved a similar end to Ansem SoD, Xemnas, and the original Organization XIII.
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maddrmatt · 5 years ago
Kairi’s Epic Journey: The Quest for Sora
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New to this fanfic? Click here to properly begin!
Chapter 1: When Everything Fell Apart
Destiny Islands
Crouching down, Kairi was practically crawling as she entered the Secret Place on the Play Island.  She remembered how easily it used to be when she was little.  But now that seemed like such a lifetime ago.
Soon, she emerged in the cave.  All around were the scribbles that she, Sora and Riku had doodled throughout the years.  As she walked toward the door to the world’s heart, she averted her eyes from glancing at a certain drawing.  Looking at that one would only bring her more pain.
Stopping right in front of the door, Kairi gazed on what she had added to it.  Though she had always been more of a writer, she did have a small talent for art.  After all, Naminè had to get it from somewhere and it definitely wasn’t from the other person who had a hand in bringing her into existence.
But what was now on the door was a far more ambitious piece of art than the various doodles on the walls.  It was an elaborate woodcut picture that had been partially painted in.  It almost resembled a stained-glass window made of wood.
A small whine was heard.  Kairi turned around and saw that Pluto had emerged into the cave.
“I’m going to finish this today, Pluto.  I want it to be ready when Sora comes back,” she said a little more half-heartedly than she meant to.  The dog just laid down and watched Kairi get to work.  
First, Kairi took out her Gummi Phone and opened up th-e music app. It still fascinated her how useful the device was especially the fact that she could get several of her favorite songs.  Selecting a song, one that she had listened to very often since starting this project, she pressed play and the set it on the ground next to the door as the piano introduction began.
(In-Universe Music: Don't Think Twice by Utada Hikaru playing on Kairi’s Gummi Phone)
She then reached over where she had left some painting supplies in the cave and took out a painter’s smock.  Once donning it, she assembled herself a palette of colors, selected a brush and began to work on the picture.
As she added the colors to her picture, tears began to run down her eyes and onto the palette wetting the paint.  But in spite of it, she carried on painting as she thought back to the day one month ago when things truly started to fall apart.
Land of Departure, One Month Ago
“Fire!” shouted Kairi as a ball of fire emerged from Destiny’s Embrace.  The fire soared across a field and incinerated a target.
“Well done, Kairi!  You’re getting a lot better at casting magic,” said Aqua who had been instructing her.
“Thanks Aqua.  It’s good to know that I’m improving.  But then again, everyone is,” said Kairi as she looked around at the others.
Riku, Ventus and Goofy were sparring.  Terra was teaching Roxas and Axel how to transform their Keyblades into Keyblade Gliders.  Xion was running and dodging through a gauntlet of various magical attacks conjured by Donald as Mickey oversaw them.  Nearby, Naminè was sketching while Chirithy watched all the action.
“Things are going to be different when the next big threat comes along.  We’ll have an unstoppable team.  Yen Sid even said that he was going to give Terra and Axel a Mark of Mastery exam in the near future,” said Aqua.
“That’s great!  Then you’ll both have finally achieved your dream,” said Kairi.
“Yes.  After all this time.  I just wish Master Eraqus had lived to see it,” said Aqua casting her gaze downward.
Kairi placed her hand on the Keyblade Master’s shoulder.  “He may not be here anymore.  But he’s still watching you from wherever he may be.  And I know he’d be proud of you as well as Terra and Ven.”
Aqua mustered a smile.  “Thanks, Kairi.”
“Anytime, Aqua,” said Kairi with a smile.
“So, I’ve been meaning to ask you this: how have you been doing lately?” asked Aqua.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’ve been quite busy these past few months. Whenever you’re not training, you seem to be doing a lot of research.  I’ve noticed you working through much of Master Eraqus’ old Keyblade lore as well as all of the notes on the Heartless and Nobodies that Jiminy wrote down.  Also, is it true that Chip and Dale are also teaching you how to take care of Gummi Ships?”
“Yes, I am Aqua.  And I’ve just been trying to learn a few extra useful skills.  There are more ways that I can help than just by fighting.  If trouble comes back, I want to be as useful as possible,” said Kairi.
Aqua felt a sudden feeling of pity toward the Princess of Heart.  ‘I can’t believe she still feels that she wasn’t useful during the Keyblade War way even after all these months.  Kairi, don’t you realize that if you hadn’t kept Sora alive, we would have lost completely?’
“And what about your…?” Aqua hesitated to finish her question.
Kairi looked into her eyes and knew what she was meaning.  “My scar?”
Aqua nodded in response.  Much to the dismay of everyone, when Kairi had been restored, they discovered that she had not come back unscathed.  
On her back, extending from her right shoulder to her left hip, was a long ugly slash mark that was unhealable by medicine or magic.  An unfortunate reminder of when Xehanort struck her down.
“It’s fine, Aqua.  It hasn’t hurt in months.  Why are you so curious right now?” asked Kairi.
“Just wanting to make sure you’re okay,” said Aqua with a gentle smile.
“I am and I appreciate your concern.  But right now, I just want to focus on training and honing all my skills.  Now I think my other spells could use some improvement.  I think my aim with the Thunder spells could be better.  I want to be in tiptop shape for when we go looking for Sora.”
The smile vanished from Aqua’s face.  “Kairi, there’s something I need to tell you.”
“Oh that reminds me.  There’s something I need to tell you all.  In fact, I better do it right now.  Hey everyone!  Come over here!” she called excitedly.  Everyone stopped what they were doing and immediately headed toward the two girls.
“What’s up, Kairi?” asked Ven.
“Yeah.  You seem pretty excited,” said Goofy.
“Oh I am.  And you’re going to be excited too.”
“Well, don’t keep us in suspense.  Out with it!” exclaimed Donald.
“Okay.  This morning, I felt something I hadn’t felt for so long.  It was Sora!  I felt him! We can find him!”
Surprisingly, the group’s reaction was not that of excitement.  Instead, they gazed at the Princess of Heart with skepticism.
“You felt him?” asked Roxas.
“Well, it was only for a few minutes.  But I know it was him!  He’s somewhere out there in the worlds and now we can set out to bring him home!”
“Kairi, are you sure you didn’t dream it?” asked Xion.
“No, I was awake.  It happened just before I left my house to come here.  Guys, why are being so doubtful?  Don’t you believe me?”
“No one’s calling you a lair, Kairi.  But it has been six months.  Why would you feel Sora’s presence now and only for a few minutes at that?  Maybe you only imagined it,” said Mickey.
“Yeah, Kairi.  I can’t even feel Sora anymore and I spent a long time in his heart,” said Ven.
“Well, I don’t think amount of time has anything to do with it since Roxas and I were in the same boat.  But we haven’t felt Sora either,” said Xion.
‘Yes but you guys never shared a paopu fruit with Sora and I think that makes a big difference,’ thought Kairi who was getting angrier by her friends’ doubts by the second.
“Maybe you only imagined it,” said Mickey.
Kairi couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “No, I didn’t.  Guys, it was real!  Why aren’t you taking this seriously?”
Aqua gave a heavy sigh as she walked up to Kairi and placed a hand on her shoulder.  “Kairi, this isn’t going to be easy to hear.  But some of us have been talking.”
“Talking?  Talking about what?” asked the Princess of Heart.
Terra chimed in, “Please understand that this was not an easy decision.  But many of us believe that maybe it’s time to suspend the search for Sora.”
Kairi gasped.  “Suspend?  You mean, give up?  We can’t!”
“Try to understand where we’re coming from, Kairi. Over the past six months, we’ve looked into anything about the Power of Waking for some way that could help us get Sora back.  We’ve looked through everything Master Yen Sid, Master Eraqus, Merlin and Ansem the Wise had, and we’ve found nothing,” said Aqua.
“Even I have no solution at all, Kairi, and I’ve been around a lot longer than anybody here,” chimed in Chirithy.
“I know.  I didn’t find anything either in all my research.  But just because we haven’t found a solution doesn’t mean there isn’t one.  There has to be something!” shouted Kairi as she pulled away from Aqua and turned to the rest of their group.  “You all can’t be seriously considering this, can you?”
The ones in the group who had yet to voice their opinion gave uncomfortable looks.  Kairi could see the conflict in their eyes.  That just made her madder.
Axel spoke up, “Kairi, you know I’m hardly the one to be rational.  But we can’t spend the rest of our lives looking for him.  Especially when we have no idea where to start.”
“And it’s not like we’re giving up completely, Kairi.  If something does come up, we’ll pursue it.  But for now, maybe it is best we stop actively looking and just move forward. It might actually help us adjust to the possibility that he might be…” began Mickey before being interrupted by the increasingly distraught Princess of Heart.
“He’s not gone forever!  I felt him!  He’s out there somewhere!  I know he is!” Kairi turned to Riku, Donald and Goofy.  “Riku, Donald, Goofy, you believe me, don’t you?  You don’t want to give up on Sora too?”
What she saw in the eyes of Sora’s closest friends were the same conflict that the others had shown.  After a few moments, Riku spoke up, “Kairi, you know I want Sora back just as much as you do.  But…”
“But what?”
“…they are making some very good points.”
Kairi felt like she had been stabbed in the back by the one she thought would always have her back.  She looked to Donald and Goofy who sadly nodded.
‘You promised!  When I got back, you promised we would find him!’
“Look, I’ll try to reach out to him!  I’ll see if I can detect where he is!” said Kairi desperately as she closed her eyes and tried to focus on Sora.
‘Come on, Sora!  Wherever you are, please let me know!  Please show me where we can find you!’  
She stayed that way for minutes.  But there was no response.  
Tears began to drip down her cheeks.  She felt a hand take her own.  Opening her eyes, she saw Mickey holding her hand.
“Kairi, maybe you’d better go take a rest.  We can discuss this later when you’ve calmed down,” he said.
Kairi wrenched her hand out of Mickey’s. “No offense, Your Majesty, but I think you’ve all made it perfectly clear there’s nothing to discuss since it appears that your minds are all made up on this. So, don’t count on me ever coming around here again!” she shouted as she started to run away from them.
“Kairi, wait!” shouted Xion.
“Don’t go!” shouted Naminè.
Kairi stopped in her tracks and whipped around, her face a portrait of hurt and rage.  “How could you all?  After all that Sora has done for you, you all just give up on him?”
She looked at Terra, Aqua and Ven.  “He didn’t even know you and still risked everything to undo the damage Xehanort did to you.”
She looked at Roxas, Naminè and Xion.  “He’s not only responsible for your existences but he also made it his mission to get you your own lives.”
She looked at Axel.  “He forgave you for what you put him through even when he had every right not to.”
She looked at Mickey.  “He did everything you ever asked of him even when you didn’t make him a Master when he clearly deserved to be one.”
She looked at Riku, Donald and Goofy. “He…”  But she couldn’t even form the words because she was thoroughly disgusted by Sora’s closest friends.
“Sora told me that his greatest power was his friends.  But right now, I see no one who deserves to be called that.”  And with that Kairi ran away.  
She never looked back.
Onto the next chapter!
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khtrashplatinumstars · 5 years ago
Ch. 11* ☆*~~~*☆
Location: Keyblade Graveyard
“Pain is being human Xemnas.”
“Really? It must take...incredible strength.”
To even hear this conversation over the rushing in her ears and the sound of her heartbeat was surprising. Lio was so focused on making certain that everyone landed safely, despite dropping everyone a good foot or two. She had gather the others by their links alone when by passing their battlefields along the way, landing where she had felt pieces of Xehanort disappearing. being parts of a Keyblade Weilder she could feel the small flickers of light within them disappearing, same as the rest of the Organization. If she was correct the younger time traveling one and the other, Ansem, were already dealt with, meaning that Xemnas disappearing was the final in the front lines for Xehanort’s army and judging by the fading feeling of his heart he too wasn’t long. All that was left was the old Master pawns in this fight.
A quick glance around the field, everyone was there and it didn’t seem that the sudden teleport nor drop seemed to throw them off too much. Wait, there were two missing, but she only felt one link snap.
“Wa, wait” She found it so hard to breathe her body felt like it was being ripped apart as she stumbled forward,nearly collapsing on top of Ventus, if Aqua and Terra hadn’t immediately reached out and helped her back to her feet.
“Are you all right?” Terra asked as she regained her footing.
Lio nodded, was no else feeling this suffocating magic?
“Luminary,” Xemnas called as those familiar pink eyes turned to him as his body begun to fade. “Olix wanted me to alert you that she is safe.”
Before Lio could respond the man was gone. Her gaze, along with everyone else on the battlefield turned to Xehanort high above them, twelve keys circling around him. The man’s voice was being drowned out by the rushing in her ears time and time again, only catching parts of his monologue, when she saw it. Something made her blood run cold.
 Kairi’s body.
She watched in horror as the girl was stuck down. Through silence she watched the others attack Xehanort,being fended off easily, by the Master. The only sound that pierced through the silence was a scream of pain and anger, it was only when she found herself above Xehanort’s shield her leg raised in a high arch, angry tears in her eyes did she realized the scream was from herself as she swung her heel down, shattering the shield. Quickly pivoting as she pulled back her right arm, swinging forward without her gauntlet protection, punching through the second barrier put up to protect himself, which seemed to catch the man off guard as Lio grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him forward.
“You’ve gone too far!” Lio hissed as she pulled him from his shield tossing him up.The Luminary flying after him refusing to give up her assault on the man.
The quick flow of strikes seemed to catch Xehanort off guard, use to go against a fighter who used a Keyblade and not Lio’s assault of punches and kicks. Even if he got to far away, she’d summon that annoying staff,transforming it to fulfill whatever need to get him back in range for her close combat.
“Enough!” Xehanort barked, as he swung pushing the woman away from himself, who jumped back her guard, refusing to drop as she glared at the man. “This is futile, Young Luminary. Even you are aware, that a Luminary can’t not use their weapon against a Keyblade Wielder.”
Lio huffed, he was right, Luminary’s were meant to protect their Keyblade Wielders, no matter the path one would take, “That may be true, but you’re not one of mine and you lost that title when you started this!” 
This time Xehanort was prepared for the Luminary to rush him, as he fainted with his blade, only to create a barrier. Lio hardly having enough time to stop herself landing against the barrier in a crouch, which triggered off an explosion sending the Luminary flying. This giving the old Master the time he needed.
“Kingdom Heart! I call upon your true form. Open now and show me the World to come!” He called as the X-Blade summoned darkness within the sky, illuminated only by the glowing heart that had taken the sun’s place.
“Stop!” Lio screamed her hand going to the X-Blade’s hilt. A surge of magic exploding around the two who refused to release the weapon.
“Foolish girl, you’re too late to stop it. Look at yourself.” Xehanort chuckled watching the woman struggle to keep herself together, cracks appearing in her skin, spread completely up her visible arm, and now creeping up her face, giving the same glow as Kingdom Hearts in the sky above them. “Eris was too foolish to have never told you that a Luminary is connected to Kingdom Hearts, you’re being torn apart from the inside out from the strength. She was always so busy trying to protect you from the outside world, from me. Going so far as to even put you in hiding and for what? To watch you fail, again.”
The brought Lio out of her rage,“What?” That split moment had the woman engulfed in light as she let out a gasp.
“Eraqus filled your head with such silly ideas, you alone should know that this is the only way.”
Lio swallowed a scream as wave after wave of magic flashed through her body further tearing it apart. “Don’t...don’t you dare speak ill of them!” 
“A foolish teacher and a foolish student.”
Another wave of magic flashed through the woman, as she struggled to hold onto the X-Blade before her. She didn’t want to believe Xehonart, but still she never figured how she ended up back in Stella Umbra.
“I suggest,” Xehanort chuckled, noting his opening, drawing back the X-Blade, before swinging down, “You take a seat.”
“Lio!” A cry came from the field below as Lio hurled to the ground.
 Aqua quickly casted a spell of ice, sending Ventus up toward the Luminary’s unconscious body hurling towards the ground, as Terra racing underneath the two. Ventus managed to grabbed a hold of Lio, the spell slowing their fall enough for Terra to leap grabbing the both of them before they could hit the ground.
“Lio.” Terra called, setting Ventus down as the other rushed over to them. “Lio, please wake up.”
The Luminary’s skin cracked like a broken vase, the light  of Kingdom Hearts spelling through the cracks, as hollowed pink eyes stared at Kingdom Hearts withing the sky. Her body gave a twitch as she gave a labored inhale, rapidly blinking her eyes as she panted heavily her body coming out of shock. Moving to stand as she collapsed surging with magic again and again, as she tried to get up and ignore the sensation of herself being torn apart but also keep herself together at the same time as she pulsed again and again.
“We have to go.” Lio whispered, her body flashing a bright light as more cracks appeared on her arms as she flinched at the magic running through her. “We have to go after him.”
“You’re not in any shape to do anything.” Axel stated watching Lio cling to Terra as she tried to get her feet underneath her.
Lio flinched closing her eyes tightly as she felt another surge of magic go through her, only relaxing and opening her eyes when she felt Terra squeeze her close to his chest, his heart racing against her open palm on his chest, a placid look to his face trying to hide his fear at her current condition. She knew the situation was bad, already having lost Kairi and Olix. Her eyes scanning the group trying to come up with some kind of plan to either get them out of there.
No! This was the final fight there was no backing down now. They had to make a stand here and now, Xehanort would not win.
That’s when she realized that the light surging through her was the same magic that her Keyblade Wielders used. Digging her heels into the ground, she stepped back from Terra, giving him a reassuring smile as she swayed a little. Placing a hand to her heart as she gathered the tether around her, ignoring the jolts of magic rushing through her. 
“Just because I’m down doesn’t mean you are.” She called, flashing a brighter light. Watching as everyone around her began to glow, her eyes locking with Sora’s, “He won’t win.”
Lio watched as everyone lined up before her, raising their Keyblades toward the heart within the sky. Watching as their combined powers pierced through Xehanort,as he was pressed through the sky. The battle field quickly becoming engulfed in darkness, as she quickly summoned her staff, collecting everyone as the field suddenly filled with light.
“Everyone all right!” Lio called, the ground was no longer underneath their feet, and she found herself in the middle of two tiers of their group. Their new battlefield was a sea of stars and despite the fact that she knew it was silent all around her she still heard the rush of what she could only believe to be Kingdom Hearts in the back of her mind. A quick check of tethers and she found all accounted for but one was flickering and bouncing around within the others. That’s when she noticed the missing brunette.
The woman shocked everyone as she suddenly released a massive halo around their group, only to find 13 figures surrounding them.
“Guards up everyone.” Aqua called, “These must be Xehanort’s XIII.”
“Lio, do you know where Sora is?” Riku called parrying one of the first attacks from their enemy's new form.
“His tether’s still intake.” Lio called without looking towards the silver haired youth as she shot a blast towards Roxas, who was parrying one of the XIII away from Xion, at the same time summoning a shield appearing behind Axel,who was covering Ventus. “I can’t pinpoint him at the moment, there’s a bit of interference but he’ll be safe wherever he is.”
“Are you sure?” Mickey inquired, noticing the Luminary’s skin was getting worse along with her pant.
“What about you?” Xion asked, watching the Luminary’s back, noticing the cracks along the shaft of Lio’s staff, the weapon no longer held in hand but being more of a beacon to keep the others drawn towards her.
“I’ll be fine,” Lio replied, a glance to her staff above her head, she figured that this form had held on long enough. It honestly should have shattered years ago, but the influx of power suddenly pumped into the owner was the tipping point. The woman hoped it won’t shatter just yet, sending another wave of magic forcing the XIII back, yet at the same time placed sparks of light within the others.
The Luminary watched as her Keyblade Wielders around her attacked and defended one another. The power of Kingdom Hearts filtering through her out into seven around her, mindful of being sure not to push to much on anyone at any time, yet also casting spells to fend off those of the XIII that might have gotten to for comfort, all while still attempting to pinpoint Sora and guide him back to where they currently were while he searched for whatever piece he needed. Not to mention the pain of trying to keep herself together. She absolutely refused to lose anyone else in this fight.
A flash of memory of her dragging Sora and Kairi back crossed her mind. She had hardly been able to reach out to them that time, only managing to snag their tethers before yanking them back to herself. A counter to the Spell of Awakening that Yen Sid had so carelessly supplied Sora with, and the youth had used it and ended in the afterworld! She in herself was almost stuck there when reaching out to them, wondering just how exactly it was that she survived, by all accounts it should have cut her life in half if not more.
“There you are!” Lio called suddenly, pulling up a shield around Sora and Riku as Sora reappeared, “Did you find it?”
Sora held the final piece up towards Lio, “That makes six.”
Lio gave a small cheer, only to watch as they were suddenly circled by the XIII. Casting a spell as she dragged everyone back towards her, creating a barrier around the barrier Aqua and the others had created, as the dark creatures stuck again and again.
“Uh, Ms. Luminary, we’ve got a problem.”Axel called, as the XIII made it through the first barrier and was now working on the second. Turning only to find Lio hunched over flashing a bright light again and again almost like a heartbeat that was getting faster.
“Lio,” Aqua gasped over her shoulder, not wishing to turn her eyes away from the enemy before her.
“Are you all right?” Terra called refusing to drop his guard if the creatures got through the barrier he was on the first lines to try and push them back.
Lio gasped time and time again,it was getting too hard to breath, each flash of light was temporarily blinding her again and again. Through unfocused eyes she watched as parts of the barrier surrounding them begun to shatter, she tried to keep them sealed in time, but with the XIII moving fast enough and working together, she herself trying to repair along with trying not to overload anyone with magic she found herself worried. She could hopefully get off another blast, it would maybe give the others enough time to escape, maybe she could teleport them away? No, with the amount of power going through her as well as her previous attempts at teleporting she was worried that someone would end up hurt or elsewhere, where she could put innocent lives in danger.
She would just have to leave this up to everyone else, they did wonderfully without her so far. She would trust them to end this fight. Crossing her arms at the wrist before her, she dragged in as much power as possible, ignoring the sounds of her body shattering, spilling further light as she hissed, “Be still!”
The XIII attacking the barrier froze as Lio  rose her arms, the cracks along the arms seeming to travel up her entire body at this point, bursting forth with light. A second spell surrounded the Keyblade Wielders around her individuality as she shined brightly. A circle of bright light surrounded everyone before exploding outwards sending the XIII flying managing to destroy most of them. The deafening silence suddenly filled with a resounding explosion.
The move being the tipping point as Lio immediately dropped into a comatose state. Unconsciously aware of all her Wielders but two being sent away, before she lost all their tethers.
‘Are you going to stay asleep?’
Lio huffed at the voice, it sounded so familiar, yet at the same time the inflection wasn’t one that she was used to hearing the voice in. Almost as if it was whispering to her.
‘They still need you.’
Lio managed to open her eyes at this, the overwhelming pressure of the magic of Kingdom Hearts was no longer effecting her and the cracks within her skin had disappeared along with the suffocating magic. She went looking for the voice but instead found herself surrounded by eight keyholes. Looking through each one, finding one of her Wielders in each one. She tried reaching out to them, but found a barrier within the way, no matter how many times she tried to grab them.
 Yet the voice calling to her didn’t belong to any of them. She found herself floating before a Keyhole of a familiar setting of the Keyblade Graveyard, finding two of her Wielders there instead of one. 
‘You’ve had them wait long enough.’
Lio turned as she heard the voice again, only to gasp as she felt a strong hand suddenly push into her back, forcing her through. She tried to turn at the last moment, yet only caught sight of a hooded figure, a soft smile was her farewell before the doorway closed to her.
Lio gave a grunt as she landed rather harshly, watching as the two she had seen turned towards her, “Looks like you found her, Starshine.” 
“Lio!” Sora and Kairi called rushing towards her, moving to hug her only to find that Kairi had passed through her.
“What, what’s happening?” Kairi gasped looking toward Sora and then Lio tears in her eyes.
“No, no don’t worry.” Lio smiled wanting to stop the panic, “You’re both fine, right now we’re still piecing everything together. We’ve got one more fight to go through, it will be a big one, but I’m sure that you’re aware of that.” She replied, holding out a hand towards Sora. “The others are on their way, but as of right now this last fight is yours Sora, will you be all right going in there alone?”
Sora smiled brightly, “As long as I got my friends I’m never alone.” He replied as Kairi took his hand. 
Lio gave a laugh, “That’s right, be safe. We’ll join you as soon as we can. You two look after each other.”
Sora nodded as he held Kairi’s hand tighter.
Lio rested a hand to his head, as the boy glew bright, she watched as the other Wielder's appeared behind the duo before her, “Let’s end this.” She called as Sora and Kairi disappeared.
The Luminary looked up from where Sora and Kairi disappeared before her, finding the others racing towards her, clearly confused as to how they ended up back in the Graveyard of all places.
“Are you all right?” Terra asked, still not able to relax even when she assured him that she was.
“Are you feeling better?” Aqua inquired, noting that even though Kingdom Hearts was full, Lio no longer seemed affected by its power at least the cracks in her skin has disappeared and she appeared while again.
Axel blinked as he looked around, “What? Where are Sora and Kairi? They were just here.” 
Riku turned to the others as Lio motioned them towards herself as she moved towards the edge of the plateau they were standing on, “They were here right?”
Lio nodded, seeming to reassure Riku.
“As long as they’re together they’ll be all right.” Riku replied, as Lio gave a smile looking up towards Kingdom Hearts.
“But Kairi.” Xion muttered, only to look up and find Lio’s hand on her shoulder, something that Olix would do,they both did have a lot of the same quirks, that had brought back reassurance almost immediately. 
“Are you okay?” Ventus asked.
Everyone turned at the strange question, only to find Lio tears in her eyes, yet a bright smile on her face.
“Yes, we should follow Sora’s heart, the battle’s over.” She explained as her feet left the ground.
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drawingdullahan · 6 years ago
(Kingdom Hearts) Roxas x Xion 2F?
Im so sorry this took so long sdhgdb!!!
I ended up writing more than i did for the last one lol, and it took a little bit to gather ideas. I hope its good, even if it seems a little rushed. If you’d like to stay tuned i might be continuing this as a more drawn out au cause i had a lot of fun thinking about a medieval setting for kh
Anyways heres the story!
The Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness had classed for what seemed like forever at this point. Ever since on had come into existence, the other had as well. The Kingdom of Light could be described as pure, vivid, happy, and full of hope, while the Kingdom of Darkness spent every day plotting on how to eradicate the Kingdom of Light, taking their land and fortunes as their own.
The Kingdom of Light was ruled by the mighty King Eraqus while the Kingdom of Darkness was ruled by King Xehanort, but in each of their passing’s new King’s had to be chosen. For Eraqus, he chose one of his loyal Knights, Micky Mouse, to be the next king. For Xehanort, rule fell to his eldest son, Ansem.
Ever since Ansem had taken over he had been putting all of Xehanort’s old plans into action. Xehanort had been a man of speculation mostly, and for the first time the Kingdom of Light actually received a declaration of war.
Darkness thought they had an advantage over light though. While Light had their masters of the sword, effectively called The Keys in reference to the fact that they were the keys to victory, Darkness had their own more secretive group of warriors called The XIII led by the younger brother of Ansem, General Xemnas.
And the newest member of The XIII was Roxas, a poor orphaned boy from just inside the border. He was quiet, and followed orders efficiently, which was just what the order wanted. A true prodigy when it came to mastering the way of the sword.
“When’s our next mission into the Light?” Roxas asked, sitting up in his bed in the barracks.
“Who knows? They’ve been sending the Dusks. I guess they think that Rookie knights can handle it for now,” Axel, whom he shared a room with, responded.
Axel was Roxas’s only friend out of the XIII. He was the only one he could talk to and not feel like a puppet around. Even though he was pretty sure that’s all he was to Xemnas anyways. That’s all the entirety of the XIII was.
“Hey guys,” Demyx bust into their room, “Saix has a mission for y’all.”
“So why are we in this dense part of the forest?” Axel asked as they stepped over fallen branches and roots. Funnily enough that question reflected Roxas’s own thoughts.
“Who knows…?” was how he responded.
“We’re facing off against one of the Keys who will be patrolling here…” a quieter voice rang out from someone who was following them. Demyx hadn’t said anything about them, just told them that they were joining. Then again Roxas couldn’t remember a time when Demyx was helpful. That was the first time they had even spoken; Axel had tried to start up conversation a few times already.
“And who’s this supposed to be anyways?” he gestured to the small dragoon that was following them in full armor. They were shorter than Roxas and their trademark lance was at least twice their size. The dragoon armor covered their face with an armored helmet with horns to resemble the dragons that they were rumored to have taken down.
“Beats me… probably a new member,” Roxas shrugged and led them to the site that they were supposed to be waiting at.
Sure enough, the Keys’ own dragoon, Ventus, was on patrol. The three easily took advantage of him and dragged him back to the capital of Darkness. That was when the official induction for the new member took place.
Xemnas had introduced the dragoon as Xion; a skilled lancer who would become a member of XIII effective immediately and seeing as Roxas’s room was the only one with open vacancies, she would join him and Axel there.
“You know you don’t have to wear that armor all the time,” Axel sighed and looked over to the girl who was leaning on the wall, still in a full suit of armor. She hadn’t even taken the helmet off, it was probably hot under all that metal.
“At least take the helmet off,” Roxas input. He was starting to talk more than he used to, thanks to Axel of course. He figured a conversation or two with the new girl wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Her gauntlets reached up and took her helmet off, revealing the face of a girl around Roxas’s age. Her features were soft… but her eyes said something different. They looked like they had seen war and expected it at every moment. All Xion knew right now was combat. It reminded Roxas of himself when he had first joined. And it was a reminder that its all the XIII wanted of its members.
“There we go, why don’t you chill and I dunno, chat with us?” Roxas was glad that Axel could talk for now. He would talk more, but getting someone else to talk was a different story.
After a while they actually started to chat, and little by little Xion began opening up more. She didn’t always wear her armor around when it wasn’t needed, and she would even start up conversations about her interests on her own.
She was a lot brighter of a person than the XIII made her out to be, and Roxas was glad for that. Now he had two best friends in the XIII rather than just one. And this time it was someone closer to his age than Axel. He felt a connection at that.
Currently they were all sitting in the room as usual, and almost a year had passed. Roxas was getting tired of the XIII’s war games, and he was wondering if there was even a point. The longer he stayed the more the motivations of his own kingdom seemed skewed and stupid.
He asked Xion one night while Axel was on patrol.
“What if we left, Xion,” he looked over at her. She was dressed in her armor from a battle earlier on in the day. The look on her face told him that she wasn’t expecting that comment.
“You mean… defect to the Light?” she asked. Roxas had a hard time discerning whether or not she thought that was a good idea. He trusted her though, he knew that she wouldn’t rat him out. As close as they were, he hoped that she shared the same idea.
“Yeah, I’m just tired of us being treated like soulless puppets I guess…” they were pretty harsh when they talked to Xion. He hated having to keep quiet while it happened. After all, acting out against Xemnas was just asking to be killed. It was like a prison- no, they were living in hell.
“Me, you, and Axel… we could leave?” he saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes. One that he hoped could stay longer than it did before fading away.
“Yeah! The Darkness doesn’t deserve us after how they treat us. I think… the light is where we truly belong,” he nodded and held out a hand. He felt her take it and he smiled.
“It’ll be a tough road, but I know that we can make it. They won’t keep us trapped here anymore,” he said with determination.
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transmascmothman · 6 years ago
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finally finished this after 1000 years
some profile stuff under the cut
name: fae
role: keyblade master
homeworld: twilight town
positive traits: empathetic | determined | intuitive | resourceful
negative traits: brutally honest | stubborn | impulsive | neurotic
often lost in thought and just a little oblivious, they’re usually quiet due to being hyperaware of their surroundings; they worry easily, which sometimes leads to them acting impulsively in order to prevent anything bad from happening; they have a habit of being blunt but they never mean it in a rude way
Taken in by Yen Sid at a young age, they trained their abilities along with two of his other apprentices.
Occasionally, they would travel to the Land of Departure to spar with Terra, Aqua, and Ventus.
After having recently passed the mark of mastery, Yen Sid sends Fae to investigate strange activity in Radiant Garden along with Oswald, another recently appointed keyblade master (and Mickey’s brother). While trying to sneak into Ansem’s castle, they meet two young boys - Isa and Lea. They agree to let them tag along. While exploring the deepest depths of the castle, they find an amnesiac girl being held captive. After repeated visits, the trio make a promise to break her out no matter the cost. However - on the day of the fated jailbreak - the girl is nowhere to be found. Determined to find out what happened to their friend, Isa and Lea become Ansem’s apprentices while Fae joins the castle guard. In secret, Fae gives Oswald access to the castle to help investigate. For years their search reaches dead end after dead end until Ansem himself goes missing. Things continue to fall apart after the trio become nobodies and consequently recruited into Organization XIII. Oswald reports back to Yen Sid about Fae’s fate.
10 year gap b/w BBS & KH1 + CoM:
While Saix and Xefa grow closer during their continued search for their lost friend, Axel drifts apart after losing hope of finding her. Meanwhile, Xefa begins doubting Xemnas’ insistence on nobodies lacking hearts and isn’t entirely jazzed about summoning Kingdom Hearts either. After a series of unfortunate miscommunications, Xefa escapes the cult organization and eventually ends up hiding in Twilight Town, where they’re found by DiZ/Ansem. After quickly being replaced by Roxas as the organization’s 13th member, Xefa keeps to themselves watching things unfold in the “haunted” mansion in the outskirts of town.
358/2 Days:
During a routine mission in Twilight Town, Xefa saves Roxas from an unexpectedly strong heartless. Shocked to find another keyblade wielder (especially one wearing the orgxiii coat), Roxas asks them to help him on missions, since his usual partner is currently unable to use their keyblade. Despite being told to keep hidden, Xefa regularly sneaks out to help Roxas & Xion. This goes on for about a month before they’re forced back into hiding after a certain organization member becomes suspicious of outside “help”. In order to keep themselves busy, they oversee Namine’s work on restoring the memories of a boy they know only as Sora. Time passes by and one day Xefa finds out about DiZ placing Roxas inside a virtual Twilight Town. Soon after, they realize they suddenly can’t remember the identity of the second keyblade wielder that was with him.
After Sora awakens and begins travelling from world to world, Xefa decides to try to interfere with the organization’s plans to the best of their ability. Meanwhile, Oswald works with the team in Hollow Bastion in their efforts to restore Radiant Garden. Eventually Xefa gets caught by Saix, where they’re consequently imprisoned in the castle that never was. Escape is easy, and after running into Sora and the gang, they get into a fight with Xemnas. Which nearly ends in the worst way possible had Saix not interfered at the last second. Instead they’re dealt a slightly worse but still just as shitty fate. Xefa gets norted.
Being possessed becomes a little easier after being reunited with Saix, however awkward that reunion may have been. As per usual, it doesn’t last long. After having been informed about Yen Sid’s former apprentice, Sora and Riku keep an eye out for any appearances made by them. Which doesn’t take long. Xefa is sent by Xehanort to dispose of the two, hoping to trap them in a comatose state before they can finish their mark of mastery. However, Xefa is eventually defeated by Sora, where they wake up recompleted as Fae in Radiant Garden where they’re reunited with Oswald and the apprentices.
After learning more about the situation at hand, Fae decides to help train Lea and Kairi with Merlin and the fairies. After completing said training, they meet up with Sora and the gang (now including Aqua and Ven). But before the big fight at the keyblade graveyard, Fae and Lea go for ice cream in Twilight Town where they’re unexpectedly greeted by Saix. After that it’s just a gauntlet of Rough Shit until Saix fades and Isa becomes recompleted. Which spurs Fae to return to Radiant Garden instead of joining the rest in the big endgame fight. They know they aren’t a part of the 7 guardians of light, so despite everyone’s protests they insist that Isa needs them more. And despite everything, it turns out okay (at no small cost however). Back as a trio, Fae, Isa and Lea hope to continue their search for their missing friend.
their playlist is here !!
uses they/them pronouns
xefa is pronounced zee-fuh
first design is pre-BBS, middle design is during BBS-KH2, third design is during KH3
their keyblade is called Betelgeuse and has the ability to transform into a large bow+arrow called Orion’s Wish
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hclianthi · 6 years ago
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So I wanna write out a drabble on it to flesh it out properly, but while I’m 100% keeping Kairi’s death as part of the narrative bc it’s important, I’m taking a very canon divergent approach to it for this blog’s canon. If she’s gotta die, she’s gonna die with some heckin gravitas and not like some unconscious doll bc Nomura hates women.
Kairi wasn’t kidnapped by Xemnas. The attempt was made because as a Princess and being of pure Light, she poses a great threat to vessels of pure Darkness, but because she’s smart enough to know not to just dangle there yelling for Sora, Kairi was active in her own rescue. She retaliates with weaponized Light, leaving an opening for Sora and the resulting tag team strike, while not enough to harm him too severely, managed to send him (ever smugly) on his way.
She was the third party member in the face-off with Young Xehanort, Xemnas, and Ansem SOD (Mickey can go fight with his own trio idc). She had run ahead to meet with Riku after the fight with Saix and Xion, with Sora dealing with whatever Gauntlet round/preparation left to take care of, before the three of them face the three Norts together. They all have separate combo moves together and a big trinity finisher yall can fight me. 
Her death still comes post-battle, after YX, Xemnas and Ansem SOD were defeated. But at this point, Xehanort had yet to reveal himself as the overseer of the battle, and for the briefest moments they thought they were allowed the chance to relish in a hard earned victory. Exchanged smiles, sighs of relief, an outstretched hand, because they made it through. They were almost there, and they were determined to make it to the end of this together. But Xehanort had been watching the entire fight of course, and both seeing the threat of Kairi’s light and recognizing the extent it would push the Hero, he made his move. With their guard down Kairi was impaled on No Name, a strike straight through her heart, and only when it was called back to him did she shatter into light, with her friends calling after her as she broke into oblivion.
Even in death, Kairi lent her strength to Sora and Riku in the final confrontation because they are the Destiny Trio, tied together no matter what and not even death is breaking her desire to protect and support them.
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romijuli · 6 years ago
Wait, hang on, I wanna talk about the Nort Fort again.
I’m not sure whether what’s happening here is more of a testament to Sora as a wonderful character or Nomura’s ability to (sometimes) get things right, but MAN. I’m so glad that the Nort Cohort wasn’t just a gauntlet of assholes. I like that every single one ends in a scene that makes you feel something.
I don’t...really ship namiku, but it makes sense for Repliku in particular, so that cutscene was pretty sweet. I....can’t talk too much about Xigbar, because holy shit. Holy shit. I brought that plot point into existence by missing him.
GOD, THE NOBODIES. The fight with Luxord is one of my favorites, because there’s something really neat about hearing him CONGRATULATE you when you find him. I felt kinda bland about Luxord before playing, but I really enjoy his fair-play attitude and I REALLY enjoy Sora offering to play a game with him once he’s human again.
Larxene is best Nobody. I’ve heard less-than-great things about the mobile game’s portrayal of her (as I have with many things about the mobile game, lmao) but MAN, her presence in this game was Excellent. Marluxia too!
Saix and Xion was one of the most emotional set of fights/cutscenes for me, to the point that when I saw Xion’s model in the group of Norts before the labyrinth in my bf’s playthrough, I actually cringed. God. Poor Axel. Poor EVERYONE.
Similarly, Terranort. OOF. I knew Terra was the fucking guardian but nooooooo I was told I was wron- the guardian heartless was in bbs. That wasn’t the evidence I initially thought of but ITS FINE. Anyway. Bless Terra. (And Eraqus, who I ship with Nort Prime now, tHANKS) Also, goddamn, Vanitas is Excellent and I’m really gonna miss him (please retcon a plot twist into existence thanks)
Babynort infuriates me. In a good way. Most of the villains do.
GOD. MASTER NORT. My bf thought that boss fight was underwhelming but I really enjoyed it. (Plus, from a narrative sense: Ansem SOD and Xemnas were both non-human, so their more monstrous forms make sense. Nort Prime is but a man.) But the amount of RESPECT he shows when he’s been defeated is magnificent. Also!!! Eraqus!!! Apologizing to his students (acknowledging Terra as a responsible person!!!!) and treating Master Nort like a friend! What a wonderful ending for this arc in this series about friendship.
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wingedsam · 7 years ago
Replaying KH
Getting ready for the release of KH3 by playing through 1 and 2 [and watching all the explanation videos I can find to explain the stuff that happens in the other games] and it's been interesting so far. This is also the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Final Mix whatever for the ps4.
I played right up to the final Ansem gauntlet at the end of 1... then watched someone do the last bit of the game because fuck a 7 part boss what is wrong with you Square? I'd forgotten how meh the controls were in the first game, took some getting used to on a replay, but I did get all of the trinities and puppies, and beat the Phil, Pegasus, and Hercules cups to get the keyhole and keychain from the Colusseum. Also got all the summons. It was fun.
Now I'm on KH2 and the controls are smoother. Some of the voice acting has gotten sort of mediocre, but I'm still having a good time. I didn't get too far when I played it back in the day [I overplayed and gave myself motion sickness then never picked it back up], but I'm ready to play through this time. I never noticed, also, that the game got bigger, but emptier. The levels feel bigger, but there's so little in them and you get railroaded much more than in the first game.
Sure in KH 1 you had to go world by world, but once you got to a world you were pretty free to explore the space while doing the story. Meanwhile in having made KH2 bigger they needed to have shoehorned prompts at the paths you weren't supposed to go down yet to tell you "no this isn't the way to [blank]" or "c'mon, we gotta do [plot thing] over by [place]!". It just feels like the level layouts weren't as well planned. It's not a huge deal, but still something I hope we don't see in KH3. I don't mind a level with a linear story, but you can lead a player through a level organically without "whoops don't go this way yet, go over there" hand holding. Hey maybe i'll do a breakdown or something about it that could be cool.
Also even with my limited first playthrough I noticed cutscenes had been added to this version that weren't in the original, probably to help pad things out a bit for people who hadn't played the offshoots and handheld titles to help with the story. And damn, the picture resolution drop on the cutscene before the 1000 heartless fight was noticeable. [Maybe could also do a breakdown of my current understanding of the game, that might also be fun]
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