#that first taralin one is all over the place but i got where i wanted
camellia-thea · 1 year
2 and 5 for Dove and 6 and 17 for Taralin for the OC ask game :-)
ooh thank you love. some fun questions here. under a cut but it's not any longer than usual jhdgfjh.
warnings: death. violence. coercion? nothing descriptive tho.
dove dove dove dove------
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
dove stands 5'4 on a good night, and looks sickly. overtired, anemic, and bruised at her joints. she holds herself well enough, and has a polite air, but she doesn't look like much. a strong wind could probably knock her over-- except...
she's fast. weirdly fast for a kindred without celerity. quick reflexes, and a remarkable ability to disappear into the shadows. obfuscate and oblivion both help, in that department, but she was fine before she got those too.
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
dove has little holding her to human morals. she's only been kindred for a little over a year, but that's long enough. especially paired with how long she was ghouled. fifteen years of breaking and entering by night, working as pa by day, hacking, sabotaging, and general business espionage has left dove with a 'get shit done' attitude, and a want to look after herself.
but... now that she's free -- truly free, no blood bond, absent sire, and no connection to either sect -- she doesn't have... wants. she's safe, that was her big one. safe space, safe haven, safe. she's safe. she has financial security. she's fine, doesn't need money, and knows enough to get more if she needs it. she has her music, has her privacy, all she really wants is perhaps a mawla. someone willing to make trades.
she's willing to dip her toes back into the scene. maybe she'll make some... friends.
as typical for taralin, have some almost narrative things <3 one is... remarkably succinct. the other. less so.
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
taralin is oh-so-good at following orders. really, an ideal find for the morrigan. they lost their squeamishness quickly, in the realm of war. linger here, stab someone there, be a pretty face and a wicked tongue, it was all part of the job description, and really, you signed up for this, you should expect me to make use of your skill set, my vassal. except the blood on their hands stains and lingers. they ache and shudder with it, bile rising in their throat if they linger too long on the memories.
but that ends. in the realm of war, a dead body is a set piece more than a problem. that sort of... sensitivity, is scorned.
the first time they call an eldritch blast, they kill someone. they don't know his name. just know they were to... remove him.
there's a voice in their ear as they do, well done.
they don't want to, but they're in too deep already.
survival comes first now.
it's remarkable how quickly they throw away the morals instilled by their mothers. (they are bitter about it -- a better person would at least try. gods, they didn't even try. just gave up. turned to war and blood.)
but-- they sigh, no point dwelling. they just have to get through this.
they have to. whatever it takes.
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
taralin has seen-- so many horrors in their time. but one phrase lingers in their mind, rings so clearly years later.
"welcome to my service, vassal."
words set in stone. words spinning their fate.
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