#that first panel kinda wack but i actually love the rest
stellarstacey · 5 years
Escape Room
"This is stupid. Why Bobby thought this would be a good idea is beyond me!" Eddie grumbled.
"We've been here ten minutes and all you've done is complain." Buck shot back as he continued to search the small cell.
"That's because I'm stuck in a cage with you on a Saturday night when I would much rather be home with my son." Eddie huffed and Buck looked at him over his shoulder.
"Ouch..." Buck muttered and Eddie frowned.
"That came out wrong." Eddie back peddled but Buck waved him off.
"It's cool. I get it. I much rather hang out with Chris than you too." Buck smirked earning a small smile from Eddie.
"You know this would go a lot faster if you actually tried to help." Buck added and Eddie rolled his eyes.
"We've swept the cell three times and found nothing. I'm sure it's the others that have to bust us out." Eddie stated as he glanced around the small cell.
"Maybe or maybe its a team effort. Come on, one more try?" Buck pleaded as he fluttered his eyelashes.
Eddie sighed and nodded. He looked around again seeing nothing and leaned against the bars in frustration when he heard a click. He turned around and twisted one of the bars, which cause a tile to pop up from the floor. Buck jumped in surprise and pulled out a key.
"Way to go, Eddie!" Buck clapped his hands in excitement as he unlocked the cell door.
They were now in a very dark corridor.
"Yeah, not loving this." Buck muttered and Eddie smirked.
"Afraid of the dark, Buckley?" Eddie teased.
"Shut up..." Buck mumbled as he trailed behind Eddie.
Eddie could practically feel Buck's body heat by how close Buck was trailing behind him.
"Dude, man up!" Eddie chuckled and Buck sighed.
They walked another few steps when a loud bang against the wall made Buck jump and grab Eddie's arm in a death grip.
"This is not good for my heart condition." Buck whispered into Eddie's ear as he continued to grip his arm as they walked down the corridor.
"You don't have a heart condition." Eddie muttered .
"I will after this." Buck hissed as they came to a door with multiple locks and two flash lights. Eddie tried one.
"UV lights." Eddie muttered as he brought it up to a wall to see numbers appear.
"Here take this one and scout the walls for more numbers while I try to find which lock corresponds to this series of numbers." Eddie ordered falling back into his military training.
"Alone?" Buck shifted nervously looking down the corridor.
Eddie raised an eyebrow at him.
"Yes, Buck alone." Eddie sighed as he started working on the locks.
Buck frowned as he walked back down the corridor. He called out some numbers and other info to Eddie when he found them. Soon they were down to one lock. The banging on the wall returned and Buck fled back to Eddie.
"Fuck that!" Buck cried out as he hid behind Eddie.
"Seriously!" Eddie laughed as Buck peeked over Eddie's shoulder.
"I got the last combo before getting scared within an inch of my life. 4927." Buck told him and Eddie entered the combo and pulled off the last padlock.
They opened the door and came to a room where there was a glass wall separating them from the rest of the team. Bobby gestured over to them but Eddie and Buck couldn't hear him.
"Sound proof glass? Damn the budget this place has is kinda mind blowing." Eddie muttered and Buck nodded.
There was a control panel on the left side of the room. Eddie went over to it and read the instructions. They had to coordinate with the other team certain buttons. Eddie had theirs and he was sure Bobby had his.
"We need a way to communicate with them. We need them to push certain buttons on their control panel." Eddie told Buck who nodded.
"Which one first?" Buck asked.
"Red triangle." Eddie said and Buck nodded going up to the glass and breathing on it.
The condensation made it so he could draw the triangle and write the word red backwards.
Bobby nodded with a thumbs up as Chim did the same for their buttons. Soon they had all of them pushed in the right order and the last door opened. They won. The employee was staring at them weirdly.
"That was so fun to watch but if you guys had checked under the control panels you would have found walkie-talkies." He laughed and Buck face palmed.
They took a group picture and exited the building. Hen and Chim were deep in conversation. Bobby was smiling. Buck walked over to Eddie's truck.
"That was fun, admit it." Buck bumped his shoulder against Eddie's.
"Yeah, alright it was fun. Especially watching you become a big kitten in that corridor." Eddie teased and Buck bit his lip.
"So I don't like dark, cramp and creepy places sue me." Buck muttered and Eddie laughed.
"Sueing is your thing remember." Eddie chuckled and Buck wacked him upside the head making Eddie laugh harder.
"You're a dick." Buck pouted and Eddie smiled.
"I'll make it up to you when we get home, kitten." Eddie murmured and Buck wrinkled his nose.
"Yes to the sex! No to the new pet name!" Buck grumbled as he got into the truck.
"Duly noted." Eddie smiled at his fiancé.
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