#that felt like a therapy session with the three dumbasses that live rent free in my mind
13leaguestories · 7 months
Since someone else brought it up...
Heyyy Rahim would you like a housewife (gn)? *flutters eyelashes coyly*
Rahim: No, I'd rather be the house husband. You go do all the hard work and I'll love you when you come home and do everything for you.
Chris: Um, there's no hey Chris or hey Zillah, how about you two. Why is it only Rahim?
Rahim: Maybe because I'm the only one who'll make a good house husband.
Zillah: That is true but the question was "would you LIKE a housewife" not would you BE a housewife. Me and Chris would love that shit.
Chris: Right! We'd love that shit.
Rahim: Um excuse me, writer. Wasn't this my question to answer?
Tee: Yea, you right, my bad.
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