#that end argument with Axel wasn't planned
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grangerliam · 1 year ago
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"Glad to hear some things never change." He responded to her comment about her family handling their own. That was the motto when you lived in the rough side of town. You held your own, and you backed up your own. "All that big city law shit didn't take the hood out of you, good to see it. You're going to need it if you plan on sticking around this place."
He set himself right up for that one. Tension spread through him, his jaw tighten as he inhaled sharply, the door that should've remained shut was now wide open in front of them. And did he have anyone to blame by himself? He started this argument. He turned away from her, and started to place distance between them once again. Hoping that somehow that would help ease the nerves in his body that flared from that one statement. That one fucking statement. Turning back to her, "You say that like I had a fucking choice, Amelia!" He spit out, "I couldn't just up and leave, okay?" In an alternative universe he'd like to believe he could, but in the one he was living, there was no chance. "Allie just turned 10! Chris was 14, Vince was 16! Nic just hit 22 and was losing her whole Goddamn mind, Amelia!" He shouted, "Me leaving meant putting everything back on Nic! It meant not having extra shoulders to keep as much of the burden off the youngest three." He gave pause, his temper flaring higher and higher as he rehashed these facts, but not at her; no, at the life he was given. At the life his siblings were given.
"You weren't stuck here, Amelia! You had an opportunity and nothing holding you back! So I told you to go, because I didn't want it to cross your mind for a fucking second that you may not." Liam wasn't sure if she would, if he had asked her to stay, would she had stayed? But worse than that, thinking that answer was possibly yes pissed him off in a way he couldn't even contain. "You think I wouldn't have liked to have followed you? Of course I would've liked to follow you!" He yelled, "But that wasn't an option for me at the time. And the one thing I had everything set on was that you wouldn't return to this god damn town. That you'd do something great with yourself, and put the broken pieces back together."
The truth was that Liam wanted absolutely nothing but the best for her. He wanted her to land the education, the job, find someone who deserved her, live the life she deserved. That life was not in Sterling Lakes. He accepted what his life was, he had been handed a shitty end of the stick, and he did the best he could with it. Even if the thought of leaving now crossed his mind, there was now Axel. And he had also became so codependent on his family that he wouldn't know who he was without them. They were his line life, that didn't mean he had to suck anyone us under into that dysfunction. "You deserved to do all that shit. I had obligations to my family." He reminded her, "I did what I had to do. And I'd do it again." If it meant her going to school and making something of herself, even in spite of him. if it meant his family being able to survive just a little better, he would. He would do it all again, damned the emotional backlash it'd have.
Navigating the treacherous terrain of relationships felt like willingly stepping into a minefield for Amelia. The act of entrusting her heart, body, and soul to another person often resulted in a harrowing experience—her very essence torn from her, only to be callously crushed on the unforgiving ground. The aftermath of attempting to piece it back together merely left a haunting void, a gaping hole stitched together with the remnants of shattered trust. For Amelia, one-night stands became a refuge, a realm where she held the reins, avoiding the vulnerability of giving her heart to someone destined to let it slip away. Though her heart had weathered previous storms, with Liam, the damage cut deeper, leaving it barely tethered, clinging to existence by a fragile thread. The intensity of his love both incited and maddened her, a paradox she grappled with as she yearned for those tumultuous emotions over the daily numbness that plagued her.
“Do you really think that I want to be here? She wanted to add that it was him that she didn’t want to be around but also she wanted to be around him as much as she could. It was a very emotional conflicted emotion that she hadn’t exactly had time to process. “You pushed me out of this place so yes I remember how much you wanted me gone.” Of course she wanted to leave but she wanted him to come with her. They could have made something bigger for themselves: she knew it. In the charged exchange with Liam, emotions swirled in an intricate dance of conflict. The revelation of her conflicted desire to be around him and her therapist's imminent "field day" hinted at the layers of complexity beneath the surface. Reminding him of his role in pushing her away, she acknowledged the unspoken truth that her return was a reluctant necessity but carried an unspoken desire for a shared path with him. Despite having the power to summon law enforcement swiftly, she underscored the Roberts family's unwavering tradition of handling their issues independently. “It’s not a threat. I could have the cops here in a heartbeat but what would that accomplish? Nothing. Plus us Robert’s deal with shit on our own.”
The physical proximity Liam initiated accelerated her heartbeat, eyes strategically avoiding his gaze to shield herself from the intensity she feared. Unyielding in her assertion that he cared, she dismantled his attempt to conceal genuine concern. An eye roll dismissed the assumption that her return was solely for her brother's sake, unveiling the truth that it extended beyond familial obligations. The revelation that her brother was no longer entangled in the difficulties that once plagued him served as a stark contrast to Liam's enduring struggles. As her voice wavered with a mix of anger and sorrow, she confronted the painful truth, "You broke my fucking heart for your family, so you’re right, family is family." The shared roots in a tumultuous familial backdrop echoed, leaving a lingering sense of sorrow for the paths they both had trodden.
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the-fandom-crossroads · 6 years ago
☠: my muse visits your muse’s grave ( Going through the Proof of Existence room after hearing about those in Castle Oblivion being terminated. I am ready for the angst. OuO)
Ooc: This turned into a monster omg. I did quite a bit of research to make sure I did this right. Most funerary customs I looked up were a moot point because Demyx has no body to mourn. (eh nobody get it? eyyyy that is a horrible pun I’m sorry) I’m pretty sure I wrote Demyx going through all seven stages of grief. So keep an eye out for that.This is really sad and I hope it makes you sad as it made me. It’s all under a read more cause oh boy so big.
Demyx had been avoiding the room. Demyx would portal around half the castle just to avoid walking past the door. It had worked for the last two weeks. Just act normal and no one will notice that laziness has changed to depression. Nobody’s don’t get depressed. Nobody’s don’t miss their friends.
It was bullshit. Demyx missed Zexion and he couldn’t make it stop. The horrible feeling of losing someone else. The dreams of running and never getting to them in time. It was all back and he hated it. 
Hanging out with Xion and a sleeping Roxas helped. Xion was nice and she always brought seashells. Demyx loved giving her little facts about different types of shells.
But everything had been flipped on its head again. Axel was back, Axel was alive. Demyx didn’t mind that Roxas immediately went back to hanging out with Axel. They were best friends, Demyx could tell. Demyx wasn’t surprised that Xion followed. She always followed Roxas’ lead. He was certain they’d still hang out from time to time and talk about seashells.
But Axel was alive. And that had to mean something right? It had to mean the report that everyone died in castle oblivion was wrong. That maybe someone else survived too. Demyx couldn’t get the thought out of his head.
So here he was standing in front of the door to the Proof of Existence. He had to know. He had to see for himself. So why did he hesitate? 
Screw it! He was here and he was going to learn the truth. Demyx pushes the door open and steps into the Proof of Existence. 
A quick glance shows a balanced mix of blue and red markers. Demyx moves to check Axel’s first, intentionally not looking at the other half of the room. A shiver goes up his spine as he walks past his own marker. 
Demyx stops in front of Axel’s marker. The floor plate glows a bright blue, but the stand is destroyed. The back piece seems to have been snapped at the base and glass still covers the floor. 
If Axel had been injured like he said the floor plate would have been flickering between red and blue. That plus the decimated back piece. It made sense why Xigbar had assumed him dead with the others. There’s little you can do for a flickering nobody. They tend to be too close to fading.
Demyx sighed; he had held off long enough. Keeping his head down he stepped out of the row and moved forward one. He closed his eyes as he turned his body to face the no. VI marker.
“Please, just please be flickering.” If it was flickering maybe something could still be done. Axel had survived flickering. Hopefully, Zexion would too.
Demyx opened his eyes and gasped in horror. “No.” It was the only word that escaped his mouth as he fell to the floor, kneeling in front of the marker. It was totaled. None of the back piece remained and most of the floor piece had been ripped out. But that wasn’t what trapped Demyx’s attention. What little of the floor piece that remained was a bright bleeding red.
Demyx stared as the red began to blur with the gray around it. Emotions, feelings, things he had been holding in for the last few weeks came rushing to the surface. “No! Zexion! Why?! You were supposed to be careful! You were supposed to be the smart one! So why… why are you gone?!” 
Demyx curls in on himself. Castle Oblivion was supposed to be safe. It meant Zexion wouldn’t be going on dangerous recon missions anymore. It meant he would be able to work on his experiments more. It was supposed to be a good thing.
“Do you guys really have to move to Castle Oblivion Zexion? It’s like halfway across the universe.” Demyx unapologetically sat on one of Zexion’s lab tables. Demyx absentmindedly skimmed over some of the papers near him while swinging his legs back and forth.
“You know Superior ordered us to split our forces between the two castles. So yes we really have to go. Besides the distance is relative, you can always portal there.” Zexion would tell Demyx to leave when he started getting annoying, but sitting on a counter chatting was relatively harmless. He wasn’t interrupting any of their experiments.
 “But I’m going to be so busy! You know Saix is just going to toss all the recon missions on me when you’re gone.” Demyx tossed his arms up, never giving up a chance to complain about the blue-haired superior.
“And yet I get the feeling you will find ways to be lazy.” 
“Ha! You know it! Maybe I’ll use that time to visit you guys.” 
Vexen chose this moment to butt in. “No, no you will not no. IX. We are moving to Castle Oblivion to avoid distractions from our experiments.” Vexen was actually quite pleased with the arrangement fewer people meant fewer interruptions.
“But what about breaks? You guys need to take breathers from time to time.” 
Zexion sighed. “Don’t worry IX I’m certain V will find ways to force us to take breaks.” 
Demyx crossed his arms and pouted. “But I wanted to help with that.” 
Vexen rolled his eyes. “No. IX if you want to be helpful keep an eye on XIV while we’re gone.” 
“The new guy? Why do you want me to watch them?” 
“XIV is part of one of our more long-running experiments. I need to know if there are any issues with the new member while I am away.” 
Demyx shrugged. “If that’s what you need help with sure. I mean Axel’s going to be busy showing XIII around.” 
Zexion looked up from his papers. “Didn’t you hear? Axel has been assigned to keep an eye on Larxene and Marluxia.” 
Demyx didn’t talk to Zexion for long after that. Demyx got distracted running off to yell at Axel for not telling him he was on the Oblivion mission. That was the last full conversation Demyx had with Zexion. Most days he regrets that.
And now he was gone. Demyx brushed the few tears that had appeared in his eyes. 
“H-hey Zexion. I guess you really are gone. Sorry I didn’t come to visit sooner. I just wasn’t ready to admit you were gone.” Demyx sighs. 
“I’m sorry I don’t have anything with me. Marluxia’s flowers died a long time ago. But I doubt you’d want a Lei from them, he was an asshole.” Demyx gives a dry chuckle of a laugh wiping away a few more tears. “I doubt he had any Maile* plants anyway.”
Demyx somber’d up for a moment. He may not be able to follow any of the customs, but he could still give his respects. He knew Zexion hadn’t been religious. It would be foolish to wish him well in a next life he didn’t believe existed. So he would just say what was important for Zexion to hear right now.
“Zexion you were the youngest of us, but you were the smartest of us. You were witty, cunning, intelligent, fun, sarcastic. Given enough time I’m sure you would have solved every mystery in the universe. I mourn every day the fact that you didn’t get to be a somebody for long. I mourn your lost chance to experience emotions like the rest of us did. I-i mourn that you didn’t live to get your heart back. I mourn that you will n-never be in my life again. I mourn you. Hoaloha* Ienzo.”
Finding himself with nothing else to say. Demyx wiped away the rest of his tears and stood. Slowly he left the Proof of Existence. He doubted he’d ever find the strength to go back in there. Once had been draining enough for a nobody with no feelings. As he walked down the hallway he ran into the last person he wanted to see.
“Hey Demyx, I haven’t really seen you around since I got back.”
Because I’ve been avoiding you. Demyx looks at the ground refusing to make eye contact. “Hello VIII, I thought you were giving your report to Xemnas.”
“I just finished.” 
“Ah well, then I assume you’ll want to be getting to twilight town. Roxas and Xion should be finishing with their missions soon.”
“Hey man if I didn’t know any better I’d assume you’re trying to give me the cold shoulder. I wanted to talk to you before I go.”
“Oh yeah…” Demyx decides to rush through the conversation then maybe Axel would leave. “Roxas and Xion were fine while you were gone. Roxas ended up sleeping for a week or so at the end there, but it started on a mission with Xigbar so it’s on him. I did what I was told and kept an eye on them. Now if you’d excuse me.”
“Demyx why are you avoiding me?” Axel had easily noticed that Demyx was refusing to even look at him.
Demyx shouldn’t blame Axel. It wasn’t his fault he was the only one to survive the castle. Demyx shouldn’t blame him for surviving, but he couldn’t help it! 
“How did he die?” Demyx didn’t need to specify who Axel knew. Demyx was still looking down so he didn’t see as Axel’s eyes looked away.
“The keyblade wielder, he… he wiped everyone out.” Axel put a hand on Demyx’s shoulder. “Demyx I’m sorry.”
“Bullshit.” Demyx roughly pulled his arm out of Axel’s grip. He finally looked up at him, a glare secure on his face.
“Any tests with the keyblade wielder were to be conducted in the higher levels. Overlooked by no. XI Marluxia and no. XII Larxene. Superiors IV, V, and VI were to be conducting private experiments in the underground lower levels. They never should have been in contact with the keyblade wielder.”
Axel tensed. “How do you- Zexion. He told you about top-secret mission details.” So Zexion was one of the traitors.
“Nope.” Demyx gives a tired smirk. “Vexen did, he was really excited to brag about his new lab facilities.” 
At that moment Axel was scared of Demyx for the first time. The kid could wiggle his way into any conversation and make it seem like he was supposed to be there. Demyx could convince Vexen to talk about secret information with him in the room. The scariest part was it didn’t seem like Demyx even realized he was doing recon on the other members.
Axel shook his head. He’d have to word this carefully to convince Demyx. “You’re right the keyblade wielder wasn’t supposed to go to the lower floors. The first one didn’t.”
Demyx frowned, “what?”
“There were two of them Demyx. Apparently, the first one had a little friend. The second one didn’t arrive until the first was already working his way through Larxene and Marluxia. Lexeaus and” Axel looks away. “Zexion was overwhelmed by the second one. They didn’t have any backup.”
Demyx’s eyes narrowed. “Where were you?”
“After Marluxia and Larxene fell, I was the only one left upstairs. I was stuck trying to contain the first wielder. If I hadn’t stalled him as long as I did they would have been overwhelmed by two keyblade wielders.”
Demyx’s shoulders sagged as he listened to Axel’s tale. So Zexion had died fighting. Zexion had hated fighting. It wasn’t fair!
“Where are they?” Demyx’s voice comes out as a deep growl. Axel startles.
“You can’t be thinking of going after them. That’s suicide!”
“They killed members of our organization! We have to take them out!”
“Woah, woah, woah. Demyx you can’t just go hunt them down.”
“Why not!? They killed Zexion Axel! They killed him!” Demyx gets in Axel’s face as he yells at him. Specs of tears returning to the corners of Demyx’s green eyes.
“Demyx.” Why hadn’t Axel realized this? Why hadn’t he thought an event like this wouldn’t affect their most loyal member. “Demyx they’re gone. None of us know where they disappeared too.”
Demyx looks away. Quickly blinking away the tears and clearing his throat. “Doesn’t matter, I’ll just start searched world to world. They can’t hide forever.”
Axel had to stop him. Demyx was teetering over an edge and Axel wasn’t certain his mental state would survive the fall. A rogue Demyx was the last thing they needed.
“Demyx you can’t go after them.” Axel grabs Demyx by both shoulders and shakes him. “Do you hear me? You can’t go after those two.”
“Why not?” 
“Because you’re too-” Axel trails off, he’s not sure how to finish that sentence.
Demyx’s eyes glare again. “To what?” Demyx is pissed. “To EmoTIONALLY cOMpromISED?!” Demyx grabs both of Axel’s wrists his grip incredibly strong. “NEWSFLASH AXEL WE’RE NOBODY’S. WE DON’T GET EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED! BECAUSE WE DON’T FEEL THINGS!” Demyx was tired of feeling things he wasn’t supposed to feel. He was tired of hurting all the time.
“WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN FOR A SECOND!?” Demyx froze at Axel’s response. His hands slackened and he sagged in Axel’s grip. Axel took a deep breath, collecting himself.
He was surprised the fight left Demyx so easily. Was this part of Demyx new? Or had he always been this close to tipping over and no one had noticed? Axel groans, Zexion probably noticed.
“Demyx you can’t go after the wielders, because Xemnas hasn’t given you that mission.” Demyx seemed to listen to this logic. “You have to follow orders or they’ll label you a traitor.”
“Like Marluxia and Larxene.” Axel really didn’t like that. He really didn’t like that Demyx had figured out they were traitors. It meant he probably made the connections that they had been intentionally sent to Castle Oblivion to die to the keyblade wielder. It was too close to the reason the others had died.
“Yeah Demyx, like Marluxia and Larxene. Do you understand Demyx? Xemnas will give us orders to go after them. They took out our own after all. But you have to wait for him to give us the order.” Axel hated tricking Demyx like this, but he knew it was effective.
Demyx sighed in Axel’s arms, defeated. “You’re right. I should wait for Xemnas to give the order.”
Axel sighed in relief. “Good.” He finally let go of Demyx’s shoulders.
Demyx stepped back. “I guess I’ll see you later.”
Axel coughed awkwardly. “Yeah, I’ll see you later.” Demyx started to walk away. “Uh, Demyx?” Demyx paused. “If you uh want, you can come join us for ice cream sometime. Since you, you know, know about it.”
Demyx slightly turned and gave Axel a tiny smile. The first one Axel had seen on Demyx all conversation. It was weird seeing the guy without a smile.
“Thanks for the offer Axel, but I think I’ll pass. Ice cream is your thing with Roxas and Xion. I refuse to impose on that.” Demyx continued walking down the hallway. Once he turned the corner he summoned a door of darkness and portal’d to his room.
Demyx face planted onto his bed. He screamed his frustrations into his pillow. After a moment of muffled screaming, he came up for air. He just laid there on his side. Wishing the world would just stop.
Axel was right. Demyx would follow Xemnas’ orders. He wouldn’t engage with the keyblade wielders until ordered too. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t be the first one to find them and report back to Xemnas.
Demyx sat up on the bed. That was it! He could just check random worlds himself during his free time! And if Saix or Xemnas himself questioned it. Demyx could say he was just exploring and doing recon! Which technically he was!
If he wanted as much time as possible to search. He would have to finish his missions faster. Perhaps skip parts of the reports entirely.
“Well, Zexion you did always want me to find a way to get over my procrastination. Too bad hunting down your murderer is what did it.”
*Maile leaves are the most common type of funeral Lei. Different Lei’s have different meanings so I had Demyx mention the one used in funerals.
*hoaloha combined word meaning hello/goodbye friend. Hoa-friend, Aloha-hello/goodbye.
Also tossed Ienzo in there at the end, cause names have power. And it felt wrong for Demyx to call him Zexion in his final goodbye.
Author’s note: wow was that long! 2,600 words. Hope it’s a satisfying response. lol. I’m definitely posting this one as a one-shot on AO3 at some point. This thing doubled in length because Axel decided to show up and do a bunch of foreshadowing. I’m glad I was able to work in my headcanon that Demyx is avoiding Axel for most of days. In the manga, Demyx is always quite happy to talk to Xion or Roxas. But he rarely interacts with them when Axel’s around.
My favorite part of this was giving a reason for Demyx’s “laziness” in days. He wasn’t lazy he was just busy trying to hunt down Sora and Riku for killing Zexion. When really it had been Axel the whole time. Man, maybe I should write a part 2 post-DDD where Demyx learns Axel is the one who ended Zexion. It’s something to think about for later. Something to use with nort’d Demyx maybe?
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bumble-bee25 · 3 years ago
Oof sorry- I am the anon who asked about your headcannon on how you think Axel would've comforted Jesse if she/or/he started crying.
The details: Jesse was being overwhelmed by a bunch of stress on their shoulders from trying to make a plan for an upcoming event in beacon town, Axel showed up for a visit in advance to know when the event would be at, But Jesse told him that she/or/he wasn't sure if the event was ready and started to explain everything and the stress so Jesse ended up starting to sob.
So I wanna know how Axel would try to comfort Jesse, If this isn't too much..😅
So like, last minute I realized that it was suppose to be 'headcanons' but I hope you don't mine the short story. ^^'
But tbh this was so interesting to write! The gender of Jesse is up to the reader to decide, that's why I choose they/them pronouns. They can decided if it's Male!Jesse or Female!Jesse. Imma be honest, I wrote "He" and "Him" many times on accident since I'm used to writing Male!Jesse 😅
Also, I apologize if I'm not reponsing to these Asks fast, since my summer vacation is about to end and things are going on but don't worry it's nothing serious! I'm gonna try my best to answer your asks!
Axel understands how it feels like to deal with stress for a event, ever since becoming king of boomtown and leader after Magnus death, he couldn't help but feel stress out and overwhelmed by a few things but it's never this extreme.
He never seen Jesse like this before, He always saw Jesse as a strong person. Someone who doesn't let their issues weigh them down, someone who is always there when someone needs help, someone who is confident and Independentable. So, seeing them breaking down in the middle of their treasure hall was a rare sight to him.
When Jesse explained to him about their stress and the pressure they were going through, he felt his heart break. Beacontown is a huge town, bigger than Champion city, Redsonia and, Boomtown. It's no wonder why they're going through so much pressure. They do get lots of help from their intern, Radar, who helps them with their paperwork and such, but still it isn't enough. Jesse is the one who has to go to meetings, help citizens with their stuff, dissolve arguments, help build many structues, protect the citizens from any danger, and etc. They barely get any time to rest or enjoy mini vacations.
Axel was never the best to comfort someone when they're upset but he always tries. He wasn't gonna let Jesse cry here alone. He known Jesse for years, they always been there for him and he promises to do the same. He crouched down and patted their back softly, telling them some smoothing words that he could think off like:
"You're doing great, Jesse."
"It's gonna be awesome, you're awesome!"
"Everything is gonna be alright."
"You're the most coolest leader I've ever seen... but don't tell Olivia I said that.."
(He couldn't help but make a few jokes, which Jesse didn't mind since they made them chuckle.)
With Jesse's permission, Axel embraces them. They stayed there for a few minutes in slience. Axel softly smoothing their back while Jesse sobs slowly stop and their breathing goes back to normal. Once everything calmed down, Axel asked Jesse if he could help them with the event since they felt like it wasn't ready yet. Jesse immediately waved their hands around, nervously saying that it wasn't necessary but Axel completely insist.
Eventually, both of them (with Radar's help as well) were able to work and finalize the reminding things for the event. Jesse felt more confident and better for it and Axel couldn't feel even more prouder.
The day of the event came and it was absolutely perfect. Olivia, Lukas, and Petra were able to come and visit for the event, they claim that it was fantastic and it was very amusing to be a part of. The citizens of Beacontown enjoyed it as well, claiming that the event was fun and joyful. Jesse had a huge smile on their face during the whole thing, they felt the weight of their shoulders disappear.
At first, Jesse was embarrassed that Axel caught them crying but now they felt glad that he did. They were so grateful that Axel visited and help them, It made things so much better.
Axel came over and harshly nudged them on the side with his elbow, letting out a loud laugh while doing so. "See! Told you this was going to be cool!"
Jesse chuckled as they smiled up at their friend, they nudged him back. "Yeah... Thanks Axel. I appreciate it."
The stress of being the leader and hero of one of the most biggest town may probably never go away but Jesse knows for a fact that they has friends that are willing to help them and comfort them when they need it. Axel may be busy with his things and not able to visit much but he will always make sure that his friends know that he will always be glad to led a helping hand.
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