#that doesn't devolve into 'and then they put x on her then they put y on her'
persoc30 · 1 year
Kinktober Day 8 - Hogtie / Hobble Skirt
(Follows from here)
Nightingale sat perched on the side of her bed, tying up her hair for the night and watching Shining work. After locking the penultimate restraint on her doll she and Shining took a break to strip off most of her costume, leaving only the leotard. Now the sheets on their bed were pulled back and out of the way, and she watched as Shining laid a small leather sheet out over the lower middle of the bed.
“All done?” she asked, “Then bring it here, I’m dreadfully tired and ready for bed.” She finished, patting the bed next to her with an affected yawn.
“Of course Mistress.”
Shining quickly moved to the dolls side, lying limply right where they’d left it, cut off from the world under its layers. She effortlessly scooped it up into a princess carry, and the doll let out a noise at the shock of the sudden movement, before nuzzling into its superior’s grip with a satisfied, if muted, hum. Someone was enjoying her restraints. Shining herself was more and more eager for a few hours from now, when she and Liz would dispense with the role-play and she would come back in to join the two of them in bed.
In the meantime she gave the doll a quick kiss on the forehead of its hood, before turning and carrying it back to the bed where its owner waited. She delicately lowered it face down so its waist and legs were over the skirt she’d laid out in preparation.
Liz reached out and caressed the dolls head “Just one last thing and you’ll be perfect, we don’t want you going anywhere after all.” She giggled at her own joke and gestured for Shining to continue, not taking her eyes or hand off her new toy.
The maid pulled the sides of the hobble skirt up and wrapped it around the dolls legs, adding one final layer on top of the bodysuit and boots. A quick pull of a zipper and a tightly drawn belt at the waist and ankles and the hobble skirt was secure on their plaything. Shining was privately cheering at how simple the final piece was after all the lacing and buckling she’d done tonight, but the results should be more than worth the effort for all three of them.
Finally she rolled the doll over to face her mistress and stepped back for further instruction.
“Such a beautiful doll you’ve put together for me~”
“Thank you very much Mistress, it was a pleasure.”
“You’ve done very well maid, but as I said I’m tired, and I’m eager to enjoy my new pillow, so you’re dismissed for the night.”
“As you command, Mistress.” The maid gave one final deep bow and turned to depart.
With her faithful servant unceremoniously thrown out, at least until the game was over, Liz turned back to her plaything. She sat for a moment, just enjoying the rise and fall of its breath, before turning off her reading lamp and scooting into bed herself.
She pulled the covers over the two of them and slotted herself against her doll, wrapping her arms around the bulk of its jacket and draping one of her legs over its skirt. She thought about grinding up against it, working out some of the arousal it had so cruelly built up in her just by existing. But no she thought, carefully nuzzling into the crook of its neck so as not to damage the valuable doll with her horns, there’d be time for that later. Once Shining rejoined them. For now she just wanted to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
She sighed, sleepily but content. “I knew you’d make a good cuddle toy~” she whispered, knowing it wouldn’t hear. Nevertheless the doll worked a pleased moan of its own around its gag.
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 25
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you.
Words: 1356
(I swear I've used every Joe gif I could find...)
Four days in The Netherlands, and I've learned a few things.
One: You don't eat in front of your grandmother. Mostly you don't even try, but the few times you do start to eat something, she will make a comment - though I can't understand what she's saying, I can tell by her expression it probably isn't something nice - and you will quickly put down whatever you were bringing to your mouth. When I ask you about it, you just shrug and say something about old fashioned views.
Two: Your grandfather is very intelligent, even in a language he barely has a grasp on. Also, you get your love of reading from him. All the books in your grandparents' house (there are many) belong to him.
He also knows how to restore old books. He spends about an hour showing off his tools to me after I mention my love of old books. I'll have to show you my own equipment when we get home.
Three: Your grandparents really are like your parents, which makes your aunt and uncle more like your siblings. You try to involve me in your conversations but mostly, when you talk to them, you devolve into fits of giggles and can't get the words out to translate for me what's so funny.
I don’t mind, I'm just glad to see you happy.
I'm sorry to say it this way but luckily, we don't spend all our time with your family.
When I first arrive, you let me sleep for fourteen hours, and then you keep telling me to take it easy. You’re taking care of me, and I don't know why that surprises me. I just can't remember the last time someone bothered.
But with all that alone time we have together, you still don't tell me anything about Mitch.
You take me on a walk past your ‘old haunts’ and he never comes up. Not even when we walk past your high school! It's getting to a point where I just want to ask you about him, (Y/n), but then I'd have to tell you how I know he exists.
On the Saturday before Christmas, almost a week after I arrive, you take me to the old town square to meet up with Nadia.
Even though technically, I've only briefly met her once, she greets me like we're old friends and does her best to involve me in the conversation. She insists the three of us go ice skating on the rink that's set up in the middle of the square, and the two of you laugh at me when I fall flat on my ass.
“I’m glad you two are enjoying my pain,” I complain. Really, I'm not in pain at all.
“I'm sorry,” you say when you're through giggling, skating up to me. You offer me your hand. “Are you okay?”
I pull you down on top of me and Nadia devolves into even more laughter while you just stare at me with wide eyes, our faces inches from each other. This could be a scene from a movie, (Y/n). That's how perfect this moment is.
Still, no mention of Mitch. Even Nadia doesn't bring him up, and I was really hoping she would. I was thinking she might ask you if he's still bothering you in front of me, so I could jump in and ask what's going on. I guess not.
I'm beginning to suspect you must have told her not talk about him, but then we go over to her apartment - which is smaller than your little room in New York - for dinner the next night, and suddenly she says::
“Did you hear about Mitch?”
You tense.
I look between the two of you, acting confused.
“Mitch?” I ask.
“Some guy we went to high school with,” you say, waving me off. You look at Nadia. “Can we not talk about this right now?”
“He killed himself, (Y/n).”
Now, you're all ears. Your back straightens and your eyes become alert and you snap: “what?!” only I think you might say it in Dutch. The words sound basically the same.
Nadia begins to rant at you in Dutch, and I am clearly not a part of this conversation.
That bothers me.
I went through all this trouble for you, (Y/n). And you still won't tell me what's going on.
It wasn't easy to convince you I wanted to go on a walk by myself last night. But what could I do? You went to take a shower and you told me to answer your texts if it was Nadia. I guess you didn't think I'd bother to translate texts from a stranger.
But there were so many. Hundreds since the last time I checked, and you hadn't even responded once.
Some were nice, if taken out of context. He'd ask you how your day was going or what you were up to. He'd even ask about me: is your new boyfriend enjoying himself here?
But others… others were horrible. He threatened you. He told you if you didn't respond, he was going to find you, hurt you, hurt himself.
I knew something had to be done.
And I stand behind it. He was a danger to you.
But you don't look happy that he's gone. You don't look sad, either. Mostly, you look angry. Finally, after ten full minutes of Dutch conversation that I can't follow, you turn to me.
“Sorry, didn't mean to exclude you.”
Sometimes, you're a liar.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“Something very sad happened,” you tell me. Maybe you don't remember that Nadia said the part about Mitch killing himself in English. “I need a minute.”
You go onto the balcony and close the door behind you. Nadia's windows are covered by foil that blurs the outside world, so I can only see your silhouette. 
I look at Nadia, who sighs.
“Sorry, Joe. I probably ruined your entire evening, telling her that.”
“Who's Mitch?” I ask.
And she says: “he's - he was - a fucking stalker.” She pauses. “You don't seem surprised.”
Shit. I'm so eager for her to tell me more that I forgot to make myself look like that was news to me.
“I saw some texts yesterday. I… put the pieces together. I didn't think it could be that serious since (Y/n) hasn't mentioned it at all.”
“It's pretty serious,” Nadia says.
She tells me the story. In high school, Mitch was in the same grade as the both of you. He got bullied relentlessly, and nobody did anything about it.
“Except (Y/n),” Nadia says, looking out at the shape of you through the window. “She couldn't just stand by. She stood up for him all the time. Of course he developed a crush on her.”
“Of course,” I agree.
It seemed innocent at first. He'd follow you around at school, or sometimes he'd show up when you and Nadia were hanging out in town.
“It got worse, but (Y/n) didn't tell me that at first. It got to a point where, like, he'd show up at her house.”
I shake my head like I don't know what to say.
“He wrote her these long letters, saying he was in love with her and he couldn't live without her. Then this one night, somebody threw a brick through her bedroom window. Of course we knew it was him, but we couldn't prove it. The next time he showed up outside her house, I convinced (Y/n) to finally call the police. I told her to say he was threatening her so they'd actually respond. And, I mean, basically he was.”
“Where was her mom?”
“I don't know, with some boyfriend,” you say, slamming the backdoor closed. “Nadia, what the hell?”
“You wanna just lie to him and act like this didn't happen?”
“If I wanted to, I can't now,” you say, and turn to me. “What do you know?”
“That Mitch stalked you in high school, and you eventually called the police.”
“Right, well,” you say. “Obviously, it didn't end there.”
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darkicedragon · 1 year
[Hello, I do not have account with this thing I need for work. Pls can you make me a validated account?]
[Hi, do you have the same account for x, y, z, or a? Because we can then merge that validated account with this new account.]
N-no, I do not have any of those accounts. o.q -- Already so many of Priority task already... =-= -- Talking to New Team Leader and mentioned 'haha, there's some Third Task from yesterday that was put up late, and lots of Priority Task from today.'
And she's like, 'Oh, with the timeline the Third Task should really be finished first, even though Priority Task is Priority.'
'But, Third Task doesn't usually need to be actioned until about 2 weeks or longer?' (or never?)
'Yeah, but while it isn't the priority, they still need to be finished on the day. So it should have been done first and if you don't think you can finish the Third Task in time, email New Hire so he can do it. But we can ask Older Team Leader once she gets back what her thoughts on it are.' [Older team leader doesn't work Wednesdays]
'All right.'
Get back to desk and pretty much a few minutes later, Newer Team Leader asks me to do Third Task first, which I figured she was going to do so I'd already started working on Third Task.
And then it devolved into A Thing.
I don't like doing Third Task. =-= They're longer to finish and tick off and work my brain in a different way (which would help with more practice if I did them more, but I don't so it's just slow going). There's a couple of new factors that really slow Third Task today. Really slow. Even coworkers who are used to that sort of thing are completely stumped.
I look at what's left of Third Task after an hour of bashing away at it, look at the Priority task that has grown since I last looked at it, and calculate how long this would take me to do. Basically, naaaaaah. There's no chance of finishing any of this in good time, and I don't want to lump New Hire with this amount of work in his final hour, so I email New Team Leader and New Hire.
[Hey, early update about workload. There's still stuff left of Third Task and x amount of Priority task.]
[Okay, New Hire can pick up what's left after 4pm. You can continue on with Third Task and then go back to Priority Task.]
That's not what I was saying. I was giving you an early heads up since you said if I needed help, to email New Hire so that he can pick up stuff, and I want him to pick up some of the work early, so that he has to squeeze a huge amount of work in a short amount of time.
But fine. That's what you told me to do and I won't argue.
But also!! If that was going to be your response, then I may as well have just given my usual update 5 minutes I leave and just caught New Hire unawares I guess?? Since that would have given the exact same outcome?? -- Finally finish Third Task about 30 minutes before I leave. 8l Welp, there's only so much I can do.
I'm typing up workload update email and get a phonecall from New Team Leader.
'So how are you doing?' 'Fine.' 'How's the Priority Task?' 'Well, there's about the same as what I told you before.' '............................Oh.' 'Yeah.'
This was what I was trying to warn you about.
'Was this why you emailed at 3?'
(Like. I'm aware in hindsight that I never flat out stated 'I need help and would like these to be picked up before I go to make sure New Hire isn't suddenly dumped with a bunch of work right before he leaves in a timescale wise is really unfair to do by himself' but also 1) Not my job/place to tell Team Leader what needs to be done. 2) She's been known to get a bit snippy with people who try to just. Do stuff to help other people's workload, rather than running it by her first 3) Welp, this is her job so it's out of my hands how she runs it once I've left.)
But yeah. I was just stewing over because she wanted things done the Right Way in Order, the task that doesn't get actioned for at least a week is done! And what doesn't get done and ignored is the task that needs to be finished on the day.
Smart. o3ob
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pkdex-log · 18 days
Cubone Does Not Wear It's Mother's Skull
Many people believe Cubone wears itself mother's skull however I don't think this is true.
So this idea originates from the PokeDex which claims this. FireRed "It wears the skull of its dead mother on its head. When it becomes lonesome, it is said to cry loudly." SoulSilver "It always wears the skull of its dead mother, so no one has any idea what its hidden face looks like." X "It wears the skull of its dead mother on its head. When it becomes lonesome, it is said to cry loudly." Y "It always wears the skull of its dead mother, so no one has any idea what its hidden face looks like." Moon "The skull it wears on its head is that of its dead mother. According to some, it will evolve when it comes to terms with the pain of her death" Ultra Moon "It wears its mother’s skull on its head, so no one knows what its bare face looks like. However, it’s clear that it’s always crying." Let's Go "Wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody." Shield "This Pokémon wears the skull of its deceased mother. Sometimes Cubone's dreams make it cry, but each tear Cubone sheds makes it stronger."
However, I don't think this is reliable information. So one thing you notice is that when your Cubone hatches from it's egg, your Marowak doesn't disappear. They could implement such a thing into the game like how Nincada evolves, or Slowbro devolves. Adding on to this while it's not canon to the games Pokemon Origins does mostly tell the events of Red's story and the Cubone is running around with their mother before Team Rocket get to her.
So with that information I would note the hypothesis that the PokeDex is written by the trainers thus leading to inaccurate information at times and exaggerations. I think that the Cubone thing is a myth or urban legend in the Pokémon World, and that trainers put this urban legend into the Dex. This would also fall in line with casual people like in the Detective Pikachu Movie remarking about the Cubone thing.
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unlikecharlie · 6 years
Listen up motherfuckers.
I know at least half of you hate on Pepper because of sexism, misogyny, women-hatred whatever you wanna call it. And don't pretend like it's not true, because we all know it.
Now the other half of you always cite her behaviour towards Tony in what?Iron Man2? 3? I don't remember but regardless. What would you do if you were woken up in the middle of the night by one of your distressed and clearly disturbed boyfriend's murder bots that could end your life in a second?
Hmm that's what I thought. I know this may come as a surprise for many of you, but putting yourself first and wanting to ensure your own safety and peace of mind first is not a crime. Tony's deteriorating mental health and his obsession, hyper fixation w/e with building more and more and more suits were affecting her too, believe it or not.
Her reaction to pack up her bags and leave or to make Tony choose: the suits or her, wasn't to make him give up Iron Man because she needed to be the center of his life. It was meant to be a wake up call for him to get his shit together because he was endangering not only himself but those around him as well with the way his behaviour was devolving.
And given the fact that after all these years they're still together and not only that, but getting ready to get married and even possibly have a child together, I'd say Tony being Iron Man wasn't really the problem, wouldn't you?
Additionally, Pepper isn't Tony's shrink. She has her own problems and concerns and she is not equipped to help him. Support can be given, and I'm sure she gave him plenty even if we didn't see it, but other than that?
I'm saying all this because I used to say the same shit about her back when I disliked the ship, and always found reasons to invalidate it.
Unfortunately, the same thing happens with all female characters in this fandom: she doesn't have a personality, she's too serious, she's annoying, she's x, she's y etc. Always finding reasons to dislike them if not outright hate them, meanwhile the male characters are always perfect babies, uwu innocent.
If Pepper wanted to break up with Tony, it wasn't entirely her fault, Tony was to blame too. Maybe she could have handled the situation better, but she's only human. If we get to excuse Tony's behaviour and actions, she deserves the same treatment.
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