#that different from american vas to me??? like its almost unnoticable
elftwink · 6 years
i actually feel like i dont realize how much of my vocab is canadian slang bc one. lots of it i dont have reason to write out. and two. dont talk irl to many people who arent canadian. so i just assume we’re all on the same page here and we aren’t because some of you don’t know what a double double is 
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celosia-starfall · 5 years
A Chance Encounter (Part 6 & 7)
Here’s the fourth part of the fanfic that I’m posting for the fifth day of the Hetalia Extravaganza by @weekofhetalia !!!
AU: Futuristic Fantasy
Pairing: Romano x Canada
Summary: In a world where magic and technology are at odds with each other, Lovino is a fire faery that has escaped from an American laboratory that had been holding him captive in order to experiment on him. After escaping, he managed to flee across the border into Canada, where Matthew finds him nearly unconscious in the cold and carries him home in order for Lovino to heal.
Chapter 6
Lovino was placing the dirty dishes in the sink when he heard the first soft strains of the tune. His eyes widened slightly as he felt a shiver run down his spine. He sat down the knife he'd been about to clean and made his way out to the greenhouse, feeling like he was being pulled by an unseen force. He quietly made his way over toward the blonde violinist, his wings unfurling as he walked. He could feel the faint magic spilling into the music causing the insects to dance through the air in recognition.
He stopped beside one of the trees surrounding the pond, his wings glimmering slightly from a sudden surge of energy he was sure was caused by the Canadian. Several fireflies made there way to lazily swirl around him, encouraging him to dance. He almost gave in. Almost. There was a small part of him that realized the music would stop if he joined.
Matthew's lips tugged upwards into a smile as he watched the butterflies and fireflies dancing around the moonlit pond. He hummed quietly, closing his eyes as he continued to play the tune. After a few more moments, Matthew took a deep breath, relaxing as his mind started to drift slightly, a familiar yet foreign set of words forming in his thoughts.
And then...he began to sing. "Toue rei zue kuroa ryou toue zue. Kuroa ryou zue toue ryou rei neu ryou zue. Va rei zue toue neu toue ryou toue kuroa. Ryou rei kuroa ryou zue rei va zue rei. Va nue va rei va nue va zue rei. Kuroa ryou kuroa neu toue rei kuroa ryou zue rei va. Rei va neu kuroa toue rei rei," he finished, drawing out the last note on the violin as it resonated throughout the greenhouse.
Blinking open his eyes, Matthew shook his head, snapping out of the trance-like state he had been in while playing. Dropping his hands to his sides, the violin and bow still in his grip, he stared at the moon's reflection for a moment before walking over to the bench and sitting down, returning the instrument to its case. Resting his arms against his knees, he watched as the butterflies and fireflies returned to their previous activities before the music began, several of the butterflies fluttering over to the Canadian and landing briefly on his fingers before returning to their sleeping spots.
Matthew let out a soft chuckle when one landed on his nose before fluttering off, causing a small smile to appear on the blonde's face as he tilted his head back, staring at the moon through the frosted glass roof of the greenhouse.
Lovino's skin was tingling slightly from the residual magic in the air. He watched the Canadian with awe, having realized just what it was that made the animals flock to him. He stepped out of the shadows of the trees, his wings shimmering faint pinks and golds in the moonlight. His voice was a bit respectful as he spoke. "That was beautiful." He moved to stand beside the bench Matthew was sitting on.
Matthew's eyes widened as he looked up at the Italian, his face flushing darkly. Covering his face with one of his hands, he looked down at his lap. "U-Umm, m-merci. I didn't know you were listening," he murmured, dropping his hands to his lap as he fiddled with the edge of his shirt. Swallowing, he said quietly, "I'm...glad you liked it..." The blonde glanced over at Lovino, smiling sheepishly.
Lovino tilted his head to the side. "I was right when I said you had a bit of magic earlier." He carefully sat on the bench beside the Canadian so as not to crumble his wings any. He rested his elbows on his knees. "You can't feel it though, can you? If you could, you wouldn't use it so carelessly…” His wings fluttered lightly of their own will. "I didn't change back on my own... You pulled my wings out with the magic. I don't think you meant to though." He rubbed the back of his neck lightly as he tried to find the right words to explain what he meant. "It's old magic. Not many people have it. You must have either a mage or fae somewhere in your family tree though. It's extremely strong for being unnoticeable."
Matthew glanced at the wings that were now visible on the Italian's back. He slowly shook his head. "I didn't even know I had magic...or that what I was doing was magic... I just...play music... The butterflies like it, and I've read that music helps plants grow...so I've just been doing this everyday for years..." He looked into Lovino's eyes, his gaze flickering over his wings briefly. "So I'm basically able to cause fae to reveal their true forms..." he trailed off in thought, his brows furrowing in concern. "Lovino...if magic is inherited, then...what would be the odds of my twin brother having the same or similar abilities?"
Lovino shrugged. "I'm not really sure if you only powers involve causing us to reveal ourselves." He murmured. "I could have probably fought the change of I had wanted to." He rolled his shoulders slightly. "You're right about your music making the plants grow though..." He pointed to a few blossoms that had opened in the tree branches above. "The butterflies and fireflies don't really seem to mind though. They were thoroughly celebrating you." He smirked. "Then again, if I lived on flower nectar, I probably would too. Your music opened enough blossoms for every one of the bees, fireflies, and butterflies around here to get drunk on nectar."  He watched a firefly move lazily through the air in large looping circles. “As for your twin, he could have abilities, or just be another human. Magic is strange like that. It selects some and ignores others."
Matthew chuckled softly, looking up at the blossoms that Lovino was referring to. A small smile appeared on his face as he rested his elbows on his knees. Pressing his palms against his eyes, he let out a relieved sigh. "Okay. That makes me feel a little better. He...works for one of the American labs across the border..." He chewed on his bottom lip. "Possibly the one that you were...being held at... But anyways...if he had abilities like mine, then...the people at the lab could end up using him to help locate and capture fae...or use him for their experiments... I don't know..." The Canadian let out a tired sigh, crossing his arms across his knees as he rested his forehead against his arms. "And my life just got a hell lot more complicated than I thought it was," he chuckled, closing his eyes.
Lovino shrugged, "Life sucks sometimes. Believe me, I know." He thought for a moment. "Does your twin look like you? Or is it just fraternal?" He couldn't shake the feeling that Matthew looked more familiar than he should have now that he studied the young man sitting beside him. "What's your last name, by the way..."
Leaning back against the bench, he stretched out his arms and legs in front of him. "We're identical twins...except that he has blue eyes and our hair is different. Dieu, that stupid cowlick of his..." He shook his head, his blonde curls bouncing slightly. Turning on the bench, he sat cross-legged, facing the Italian. "I go by my mother's maiden name of Williams, but...it technically should be Jones. That's the last name that Alfred uses, at least." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down with a light blush on his face. "But yeah...mine is Williams."
Lovino groaned softly as the image and name fell into place in his mind. "Medical Specialist Jones...." He tipped his head back and stared up at the moon. "If it helps any, your fratello was actually one of the nicer humans at the lab. He never did anything.... Unorthodox... and always treated any injuries we got from the other technicians..." He huffed softly. "I guess what they say about it being a small fucking world is true though, hm?"
Matthew sighed. "I guess that makes me feel a bit better but..." He shook his head, letting out a small laugh. "Yeah, I suppose that you're right though. A really small world." Matthew tilted his head to the side as he looked up at the Italian. He smiled as he placed his hand on the other's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "But...I'm really glad that we got to meet each other," he murmured as he dropped his hand to his lap. The Canadian watched the faery for a few moments, the dappled moonlight shining on them through the trees, before he turned his attention to the pond.
The Italian nodded and stared out across the moonlit pond as well. "Si. You're not half bad for a human, even if you're a mage." He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "This place you have here is nice..." He mumbled. "I don't think I'll be too irritated staying here a while."
Matthew laughed softly. "I'll take that as a compliment," he murmured, resting his arms on the back of the bench. Laying his head down on top of his arms, he closed his eyes with a quiet sigh. A small yawn escaped his lips as he nuzzled closer against his arms. "I'm...glad that you're staying... I hope you enjoy your time here..." he murmured, trailing off with another yawn.
Lovino smirked slightly. "You look like you're about to fall asleep. You should head to bed. I'll come inside in a few minutes." It had been a while since Lovino had just sat peacefully with nature and he wanted to have a moment to himself, no humans involved.
"I'm not...tired... It's just the warmth is...making me drowsy... But if you insist..." he murmured, covering his mouth as a much larger yawn escaped. Standing up, he patted the Italian's head. "G'Night, Lovi. Don't forget to put your wings away," he said quietly, walking back into the house with his violin in tow. Once he reached his bedroom, he collapsed on the bed, not bothering to close the door or turn off the light as he fell asleep almost immediately.
Lovino huffed softly at the comment on his wings. "Yeah, whatever. Buonanotte."
As soon as the Canadian was back in the house, the Italian stood up from the bench and walked over to the edge of the pond. It had been a while since he'd had a good chance to stretch his wings properly. Most humans thought it was strange that a fairy the size of a human could fly with just thin looking wings, but the fact was, most of Lovi's bones were hollow, like a bird's, when he was in his full fae form. He gave his wings a tentative flap to test their strength before beating them with a bit more force and hovering.
Immediately, the flock of fireflies in the area came swarming around him and he smirked as he understood what they wanted. The game of tag was on.
A little while later, a thoroughly exhausted Italian, sans wings, made his way inside. He sighed as he passed Matthew's room and saw the blonde sprawled across the bed. He stepped inside the Canadian's room and tugged a blanket over the man before flicking of the light and carefully closing the door. It wasn't long before he was snuggled in his own bed, snoring softly.
Chapter 7
Matthew groaned as the first light of morning shined through the cracks in the curtain and into his eyes. His head was pounding as he pulled the blanket up over his head, nestling deeper into the dark warmth. The Canadian quickly drifted back to sleep. It wasn't until a good three hours later at nearly ten o'clock that the blonde forced himself out of bed, making a small mental note of how he hadn't had a blanket on him when he fell asleep last night. He trudged down the hallway, rubbing his eyes as he entered the kitchen. Matthew grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit he had set out yesterday morning, leaning heavily against the counter as he took a bite of the obtained fruit.
Lovino had gotten up a little earlier and had been out in the greenhouse, enjoying his breakfast of fresh tomatoes. He had picked a few that might have gotten too ripe if left on the vine and was bringing them into the house. He tilted his head at the rather tired looking Canadian. "Morning, Matthew..." He couldn't help but wonder if the man wasn't a morning person.
Matthew blinked blearily, looking in the direction of the voice. It took a few seconds to focus on the person whom had spoken, and when Matthew recognized said person, a wide grin appeared on his face. "Good morning, Lovino," he murmured. "How are you?" he added with a grin, tilting his head to the side as he took another bite of his apple.
Lovino crossed his arms and frowned. "Apparently a lot better off than you." He marched over and pressed the back of his hand against the Canadian's forehead. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but humans aren't supposed to be as warm as you are, are they?"
Matthew stared at the Italian for a few moments before blinking and taking a step back. He winced slightly when the edge of the counter dug into his back. "I-I just have a headache. I'll be fine," he murmured, unable to prevent a small shiver from passing through his body. He tiredly rubbed at his eyes. "I should probably stop staying up so late," he murmured.
Lovino's frown deepened. He could tell the Canadian didn't feel well. "You should go back to sleep for a bit. Maybe that will help your headache." He huffed softly and pulled a kitchen knife out to start slicing the tomatoes he'd brought in.
Matthew looked at the Italian for a few more moments before stretching, his back popping quietly as he did so. He nodded at Lovino. "Alright...I guess..." he murmured, heading toward the hallway. He stopped at the doorway, looking back at the faery one more time before heading down the hallway.
Matthew paused briefly to turn the thermostat heater to ten degrees warmer before going to his room and laying down in his bed, snuggling under several thick blankets before drifting off to sleep again.
Lovino sighed. He had a small idea as to why the Canadian was sick. He couldn't help but somewhat remember the feeling of being wrapped in a warm coat when he hovered on the edge of consciousness as Matthew had brought him home. He put the tomatoes in a pot of water to boil for a bit. If Matthew was sick, the least he could do was make the blonde some soup.
Matthew shivered as he curled up tighter into a ball under the blankets. He hadn't managed to stay asleep for very long apparently. It was either because he was feeling too cold or he smelled something being cooked. Either way, the Canadian was unable to return to sleep, his thoughts drifting constantly in his state of semi-wakefulness. The blonde eventually became vaguely aware of another presence within the room with him. Blinking open his eyes, Matthew noticed that the Italian was there with him.
Lovino had just entered the room a moment before, a bowl of steaming soup in his hands. He sat it on the Canadian's nightstand and looked down slightly. "Sorry for waking you up..." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
Matthew shook his head, sitting up slightly. "You didn't wake me up," he murmured, a small smile on his face. Another shiver passed through his body as he pulled the blankets up closer around him. "That smells really good, by the way," he added quietly, nodding toward the bowl.
Lovino nodded. "Of course it smells good. It's tomato soup." He smirked a bit. "I thought it would help cure whatever's giving you a damn headache." He held up a spoon. "You feel up to eating?"
Matthew chuckled softly, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards into a slight grin. "I might be..." he murmured. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "And...it might be more than just a headache...." He scooted over slightly on the bed before patting the spot next to him. "Sit with me?"
Lovino huffed softly and sat on the edge of the bed. He picked the bowl of soup of the nightstand and offered it to the Canadian, making sure it wasn't actually hot enough to burn the blonde. "Glad to see you finally admitting it." He murmured. "I would offer to cure you, but knowing my luck, I'd just make you worse."
Matthew felt the heat rise to his cheeks that had nothing to do with his fever. "Y-Yeah, well I...I didn't want to worry you..." he murmured, taking the bowl from the Italian. "Merci." He held the warm bowl close to him, closing his eyes as the warmth began to seep into his body, some of the chill he had felt beginning to dissipate.
Lovino shrugged. "It's my fault you got sick, right? Making you feel better is the least I can do." He pulled his legs up on the bed and leaned back against the headboard.
Matthew smiled slightly. "Having you around makes me feel better," he murmured, mostly to himself as he stared into the soup. "It doesn't matter if it was your fault or not. It wasn't intentional," he added, stirring the soup with the spoon before leaning back against the headboard next to the Italian. He hummed quietly, eating the soup.
Lovino blushed slightly at the Canadian's words. He fell into his habit of playing with a small flame on his fingertips. He tilted his head slightly after a moment. "Is the soup good?"
Matthew paused mid-bite before continuing the spoon's path to his mouth. He turned his head to the side, nodding. "It's excellent. The best that I've had in...years at least." He smiled gently at the other before eating another spoonful.
Lovino smiled faintly. He enjoyed when others praised his cooking. "You'd better not be lying. Tell me the truth if it sucks." He continued to dance the tiny bit of flame around his fingertips as if it was a toy.
Matthew shook his head slightly, wincing a bit when his headache worsened from the movement. "I'm not lying. It's really, really good,"  he murmured, smiling at the Italian. After a few moments, his smile faded slightly as he raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying that you haven't tasted it?" he asked, before holding up a spoonful toward the brunette.
Lovino blushed brightly and crossed his arms over his chest defensively, the flame vanishing. He huffed slightly. "Of course I've tasted it. I'm just biased to my own damn cooking. It tasted good to me, but I know humans have strange taste in food sometimes."
Matthew blushed, lowering the spoonful back into the bowl. "Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you..." he murmured, swallowing thickly. He stirred the spoon around in the already three-quarters empty bowl. The Canadian stayed silent as he continued to eat, keeping his gaze averted from the Italian.
Lovino stared randomly around the room, his cheeks still a faint pink. After a few more moments, he tilted his head. "Do you want me to bring you any... medicine... For your cold?" He paused a moment trying to remember the proper word for what he was offering to go find. "It might help you some, right?" The fae had absolutely no idea how human medicine worked, but knew that it helped humans hel faster, much like being spells helped the fae.
Matthew shook his head slightly. "I don't like it," he murmured, staring into the remains of the soup. "I've tried to take it before, but I'm allergic to one of the ingredients or something. So I ended up worse than before I took the medicine." The Canadian frowned, remembering the incident. "Herbal remedies are healthier anyways. And they work better in my opinion, too, rather than the manufactured, synthetic shit that the government makes." He wrinkled up his nose before finishing off the soup and setting the empty bowl on his lap.
Lovino shrugged slightly. "Oh. That makes things a hell of a lot less complicated for me at least." He reached over to take the bowl. "I'll bring you some mint tea of something later then. That always seems to help mio fratellino."
Matthew nodded, picking up the bowl and handing it to the Italian, his face heating up as their fingers brushed together. He turned his head away as he coughed lightly, clearing his throat as he withdrew his hand. "That sounds really good. Merci, Lovi," he murmured, pulling the blankets up around his shoulders as his eyelids drooped slightly, a shiver running through his body.
Lovino stood up from the bed. "Yeah, whatever... Just get some more sleep. I'll come back later with the damn mint." He carried the bowl to the kitchen, pausing slightly in the blonde's bedroom door as he left the room to glance back at the sick Canadian.
A small smile appeared on the Canadian's face as he layed back down in bed. A long yawn escaped his lips. Curling up on his side, he pulled the multiple layers of blankets up over his shivering form. Almost as soon as his head hit the pillows, he fell into a deep sleep.
Lovino came back to the Canadian's room about an hour later. He held two ceramic mugs of steaming water with a few mint leaves floating in each. The scent of mint was surrounding him as he quietly made his way to the blonde's beside. He sat the mugs on the nightstand and gently pressed his hand to Matthew's forehead. He sighed as he realized that the man was still much too warm.
Matthew stretched his legs under the covers. Sniffing, he brought his hand up to his forehead, blinking his eyes open in confusion when his hand pressed against something else that was really warm. Another wave of shivers passed through his body as his eyes closed once again, pulling the warm object closer to his body. A small content sigh escaped his lips as he nuzzled closer to the warmth that the object produced.
Lovino blushed brightly as the Canadian snuggled his hand. He was half tempted to pull away, but sighed as he realized that Matthew was shivering. He huffed softly and sat down on the bed. He knew how horrible it was to feel cold. It was one of the most unpleasant sensations in his personal experience. He sighed softly and shifted so that he was laid out on the bed beside Matthew and let his body change just enough so that he had his natural fire faery's body temperature. The mugs of mint tea could cool for all he cared. He could easily heat them again later.
Matthew subconsciously let out a soft sigh when he felt the warmth. Letting go of Lovino's hand, he moved closer toward him. Draping an arm across the fae's torso, he unconsciously cuddled against him, resting his head against the Italian's chest. "Warm..." he mumbled in his sleep before letting out a deep shaky breath as his body began to relax, his shivers gradually dissipating.
Lovino felt his cheeks heat up quite a bit as he was snuggled like a body pillow. He wasn’t used to being touched affectionately in any way by anyone other than his overly clingy little brother. He let a faint smile ghost across his lips as Matthew relaxed, the way the Canadian mumbled softly reminding him a little of his brother back in Italy. The Italian sighed softly and decided he might as well enjoy a bit of a siesta while he had a good chance.
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