#that could potentially be related to the banging on the side of the cabin but there's not enough info to draw a good connection
neutronian · 2 years
mike and mikey getting looped back around to where they started feels like a security measure from over, right? like, tiers 1-2 have people patrolling the place to deter intruders and people without appropriate clearance, but tier 3 takes it to another level. if you went to someplace without authorisation, no you didn’t. no more “oh i was simply out on a stroll“ excuses.
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starrose17 · 4 years
Wincest fic idea, Battlestar Galactica!AU
Ah yes, my fall back fantasy no matter what fandom I’m in, the Battlestar Galactica 2004 AU, now for wincest! No matter what fandom I’m in I ALWAYS resort to a BSG!AU. Cos there is so much angsty love and darkness and hope potential, and in this one Sam is a sleeper Cylon agent (taking on mostly Boomers role in the series), and he’s gonna have to be an adopted brother for this to work as Dean is human.
So yeah, read below because I always LOVE the love and angst in this fantasy, its not exactly a fic...though it feels like i’ve written one already, this got quite long ^^;
Dean and Sam are both Viper pilots on the Galactica, but it was never Sam’s first choice.  He was raised on the Galatica after he was adopted as a baby, along with his adoptive brother Dean and his father, Admiral John Winchester, who runs the ship. He was trained as a pilot next to Dean, but left after a huge argument to pursue his education on the ground.  In fact two separate arguments, one very public one with his father on the bridge of the ship, the other privately with Dean, for they had been sleeping together for years and leaving Dad meant leaving Dean, but still Sam turned away, shouting at Dean for being Dad’s “perfect little solider”,  and Dean was furious and hurt, but so was Sam.  
Two years later the Galactica is due for retirement and for the ceremony Dean plucks up the courage to turn up at Sam’s place on Caprica asking for Sam to come back to fly in the ceremony flyby, for old times sake, that it wouldn't be the same to say goodbye to the ship that raised them both without him there. Neither of them mention they haven’t spoken to each other at all these two years.  Neither of them mention their “relationship” before, especially as Sam’s girlfriend Jess was in the room.
Reluctantly, Sam agrees, but makes a point of telling Dean not to tell their dad he was coming.
So Sam heads up to the ship and gets geared up, the other pilots that he knows from before shocked he is there, some greeting him happily like an old friend, others hating him for turning “on the old man”, as the Admiral was often called. 
Still Sam gets in a Viper with his brother flying formation beside him, and Dean cannot stop grinning, seeing his little brother back in uniform, back in a viper, because no matter how much he says he hates it Sammy was always the best pilot out of everyone.  Except Dean, of course.  So Sam does the flyby as he agreed, and sees their father through the large dome window on the ship giving his speech to the crew, memories and regrets and still anger running through him.
“You didn’t tell me you’d made CAG.” Sam says quietly when they’re alone in Dean’s room after the flyby, a cabin not shared with the other pilots as he was now in command of them.
“You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.”
An awkward small smile come on Sam’s lips, “I guess there’s alot we haven’t spoken about in quite a while.”
So they talk, and talk, and get closer and closer as the barriers come down and the forgiveness starts to set in, and when Dean quietly whispers that he’s missed Sam so much, so much, Sam finds himself kissing his brother for the first time in two years, and Dean is pushing him down onto his bunk and getting his hands up underneath that uniform and suddenly everything is as it should be as though nothing had ever changed.
Until the cylons suddenly attack.
So picture the series going on, and Sam finds himself blacking out and waking up in strange places, though he never tells Dean.  He also doesn’t exactly reconcile with his Dad, but when he finally finds out Sam is stuck aboard with them all as they FLT their way through space trying to avoid the cylons, the Admiral does give his son the biggest hug, simply relieved to know he is here on board and alive, unlike all the millions of people dead.  
Including Jess. 
Dean and Sam get closer and basically live together in Dean’s cabin, and despite the strange blackouts, which he doesn't want to worry his brother about, Sam is beginning to find himself happy.  He plays cards with his brother and the other pilots, just like they did once before, gets drunk with them, gets in the vipers to battle against the cylons when they make their moves, with Dean constantly at his side, protecting him, protecting each other. He mourns those they loose, getting tired and upset and angry with the universe for what it was doing to their slowly diminishing race, but at least he had Dean.  The blackouts get worse, and the latest one he found himself sitting alone in the locker room, dripping head to toe in water, and doesn’t know why.
But then the opportunity to blow up a base ships emerges, using a stolen reader from a captured cyclon raider, enabling one ship to fly into the baseship thinking it’s one of their own and then plant a nuclear warhead there, and Dean and Sam volunteer.
Once on the hanger deck of the baseship they rock, paper, scissor who gets to go outside to plant the bomb, and Sam goes, with Dean staying on the shuttle ready to escape at a moments notice. Sam places the bomb, all set and ready to detonate on a countdown, when he turns around and sees down the large passageway what looks like a small army of cylons walking towards him, but....but this can’t be...he shakes his head, he’s dreaming, a nightmare like those that have always plagued him, and he blinks and blinks again because no, no, and he backs away as dozens of identical cyclons looking just like himself walk towards him, telling him not to be scared, that’s it’s alright, come with them.
In terror and utter denial confusion Sam races back onto the shuttle, they fly off, the bomb explodes and the  baseship is destroyed, and back on Galactica everyone is greeting them as heroes, clapping and cheering. Their father walks towards them, shaking Dean’s hand and pulling him into a hug, he goes to offer his hand to Sam, another hopeful brief moment of bonding between them, when with a genuine sweet smile Sam offers his hand back and two loud bangs echo around the room, for Sam’s holding a gun, and has just shot his own father twice in the chest, and suddenly everything is chaos. Dean is on the floor with his dad, hands over the blood pouring from the two holes in his chest, alternating between staring in horror at his dad and horror at his brother, who suddenly seems to snap out of a trance as others are piling on him, grabbing him and holding him, and as he sees what he’s done and the look on Deans face, he screams, and screams, and at the same time a massive explosion rips through one side of the ship, where the bombs that Sam had planted inside the water tanks explode, which explains why he was dripping wet.
So now Sam is in handcuffs and in an interrogation room being tortured, being told he is a sleeper cylon agent and to tell them everything he knows, and where the other bomb is that has been counted as missing but wasn’t one of the ones that blew up the water tanks. Sam’s mental state is a mess, he doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t know what happened, he’s a cylon? Flashes of his identical twins marching towards him flash across his mind, No, NO!! No he can’t... Dean....and they’re punching him cutting him and drowning him in buckets of water as they hold his head underneath as he squirms and flails against the lack of oxygen.
“Why don’t you just turn off your pain?  You’re a robot, why suffer like this?” one his torturers asks, and Sam just lowers his head, tired of answering he doesn’t know to every question, and terrified for the state of his father because no one will tell him, and Dean...oh god Dean what must he be thinking....so he asks for Dean, over and over again no matter how much they hurt him, no matter how many tears of agony runs down his face, and eventually one of them tells him that Dean doesn’t want to see him, Dean is having his own crisis.
Dean has stayed in his cabin, pacing up and down, cursing, being told to get out of the medical bay as his father went in for surgery. How could Sam have been a cylon all this time and Dean not have realised?! How could Sam, his baby brother, and who he loved more than anyone could possible love another person, be a cylon? The destroyer of their race? How could he have...touched him, loved him, fucked him, it was making him feel sick and furious and a fool for being led on. Their father was alive if in a critical condition, and now they had a water shortage issue and now his brother was a fucking cylon wtf!!!  At this stage he’s too blinded by anger and humiliation and shock to realise of course he still loves him completely, but he’s gonna realise that too late.
Eventually, they have to get Dean in to talk to Sam, because as far as they’re concerned Sam is refusing to cooperate and maybe seeing his “brother”, for they all knew Sam had been adopted and now certainly knew they weren't related with Sam being a cylon, would perhaps spark of bit of so called “human” compassion.  And Dean doesn't want to, god he doesn't want to go in there, but he does for the sake of the lives the last bomb may take, so he enters the room. Sam’s face lights up like fireworks in the sky at the sight of him, Dean sitting down at the table between them, refusing to look at Sam
“Where’s the other bomb Sam?” he asks quietly to the table, and Sam just looks at him, just looks, and despite the blood on his face and torn clothing and hair still dripping from being half drowned, he smiles, smiles because he hasn’t seen his brother in he didn’t know how long.
“How’s dad? Is he okay they won’t tell m-”
“He’s not your dad.” Dean will reply, just as quietly, “Where’s the bomb?”
And Sam’s heart is breaking, and he tries to reach for his brother but the chain cuffing him to the edge of the table prevents him.
“I don’t know Dean.”
Dean bits his lip in a held back anger, taking a shaking breath to calm his frayed and betrayed nerves, “If you have any shred of love left for me in that...whatever it is that makes up your brain, then don’t make me sit here any longer than I have to and tell me where the last bomb is. Tell me everything you know about the cylons so I can get out of here.”
Sam is silent for a moment, so sad and terrified for his own life and seeing Dean treat him this way, not even looking at him... 
“If you were told, right now,” Sam began, so softly, “that you were really a cylon, Dean.  Would you suddenly know all their secrets?  Would you know everything about them? I don’t know anything. Please.......tell them to stop hurting me.”
It’s then Dean finally looks up at him, and for a split moment a look of utter shock and terrible caring pain crosses his face at the image before him, cos there’s blood everywhere, even on the walls, and Sam is shaking, his face and body is cut and bruised, his hair lanky and his breathing is laboured. Dean opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn’t know what, and suddenly he shaking his head and standing up, turning to the door.
“I can’t do this.” he mutters, ignoring Sam’s cry of his name behind him as the doors slams closed.
Getting nothing out of him it’s decided to throw him out the airlock, he has no rights he’s the fucking enemy, not even alive, and now Sam is genuinely terrified and still shaking, still handcuffed, barely able to stand from his injuries as he stands there all alone as the others watch the through the glass window in the control room.
“Any last words?” It’s was Bobby, the XO, the man he’s grown up with alongside his father and brother on this very ship.   This place was his home, these people were his family, he didn’t know anything about cylons he still couldn’t wrap his head around that he was one he just wanted to...to...go home! To go...to Dean.
Dean was his home.
So with a voice that barely sounded like his own he asks for Dean, to speak to him one last time, to see him, and the reply from Bobby is that he’s not here, and doesn’t want to be. So Sam stands there, looking up at the green light above the airlock, his heart beat thumping as it starts to flash amber, a warning, and the sirens start to sound.
Bobby can barely do this himself, John was still unconscious, it was his job he ran the ship now, but this was one of his boys...how could he be a cylon?
But he was, and the risk of keeping one on board, no matter who they’ve been  pretending to be its entire life,....it shot John, it killed countless people with those bombs....it had to go.
Sam’s last thought is of Dean, his name on his lips in a final terrifying whisper as the light goes red and the doors open, and Sam is sucked out into space.
The fleet jumps away, and it’s just Sam’s frozen body alone in space, until a cylon baseship FTL’s in, and suddenly a new Sam in a new body is gulping lungful's of new air as he fights his way out of that goopy liquid bolting upright, downloaded memories flooding in of Dean, dad, bombs and water and Dean and torture and Dean and fear and Dean and god he’s surrounded by others cylons, some he knows the faces of ones he’d fought and killed before, but it’s the ones that look like him, the ones with his face and his hair and his calming smiles that make him lose his mind, his terrified scream echoing down the empty baseship corridors.
He truly is a cylon.
Back in the fleet time has passed, the last bomb was discovered on a transport and deactivated, and the Pegasus has arrived, boasting of capturing their own cylon agent and keeping him prisoner on board.  They’ve got a lot out of him but still need more, and they specially request Dean.  Dean wonders why on earth they want him, he has been depressed and angry and moping ever since Sam, and no one really trusts him because of who Sam was, so he supposed this was a chance to prove himself if he could help in any way.
As they take him on board the officers are joking on how much they’ve tortured this one, making into a game, starving it, forcing themselves on it, after all its just a ‘toaster’ you can’t rape metal, laughing at how real and good it feels though.  Dean is turning his nose up and telling to shut up, feeling rather bad for this cylon already, they’d all seen how human these models are, perhaps they did feel pain.
They take him into the same cell as in the show, the empty white room with the large glass wall, and in the middle of the floor lays another Sam model, wearing nothing but a white bedshirt that barely covers his backside, and Dean stares.  
There are bruises everywhere, arms, neck…thighs…his wrists and ankles are red raw from constant restraints, he’s thin and broken and already shaking in absolute terror at the sight of the officers. His hair reaches half way down his back and its matted with blood and sweat and...something else that’s making it stick together. His once beautiful hazel eyes are wide and red and filled with agony and a wish for death.
Dean is so shocked he can’t even move, he can’t think of anything but his own Sam, he can’t see anyone but his own Sam, and he’s suddenly filled with rage.  But, he goes in with a tray of food that they give him, and promises Sam softly that he wont hurt him, hating how this Sam tries to curl in on himself as though waiting for a beating immediately.  Dean put the tray near him on the floor, and then backs away, sitting against the glass wall as the officers leave them alone.
“It’s not a trick,” Dean said quietly, hot tears threatening in his own eyes, “I’m not gonna take it away at the last second. It’s yours.  I’m just gonna sit here. You don’t have to say anything.  I’m just gonna be here with you.”
And slowly, very very slowly, a thin hand and a thin wrist edges its way cautiously forward, crawling its fingertips across the floor, taking a single slice of apple and quickly bringing it back to his mouth, taking small, tiny bites, as though wanting to savour it not knowing if he’d be allowed to take another. He won’t say a word.  They beat him if he speaks without them telling him to.
Everything the officers had been laughing at that they’d done to this Sam, it was all flying through Dean’s mind, picturing his own Sam, being raped, beaten, far worse than what had been done to him on the Galatica.  This Sam was broken, in every possible way, and he finds himself pouring his heart out to it.  At what had happened with his Sam, what that Sam meant to him, how this feeling of anger that had been consuming him he knew now was directed at himself, for not being there for Sam, for condoning him to death when his brother had been confused and desperate for help.  He was cylon, Dean accepted that now, and  now understood that that fact hadn’t changed a single thing about how he felt about him.  It was Sam, his brother the love of his life, and he’d abandoned him, let him be tortured and die, and Dean now sits there in floods of tears, his hands over his face, praying to all the Gods to forgive him for what he’d done.
As he sits there, he suddenly feels the weak grip of the broken Sam on his wrist, and he looks up.  This Sam was suddenly kneeling in front of him, his collarbones so pronounced through starvation, his face gaunt and hollow, and so beaten, but he was smiling, and suddenly he was shakily leaning over him, letting his weight cover Dean, hugging him, holding him, and Dean trembles and holds onto him, burying his head at his shoulder.
Even after everything this Sam had been through, he was still kind, still cared, and that is exactly what his Sam had always been.
God he loved him so much, and now he was gone.
The plot follows the series, so the broken Sam, with Dean’s help, eventually blows up the Pegasus killing himself as well, because no matter how much Dean helped him, telling him of what he could be of the good he could do, he couldn’t live with what they’d done to him and wouldn’t let them live to do the same to others.  It’s never traced back to Dean for helping, and life goes on, except Dean has a new sympathy. He’s not on the cylons side don’t get him wrong, he never would be, but perhaps there was a way of working together, to stop all this killing.  He questioned himself at the time, about letting all those people, all those humans die, but the empty look in his broken brothers eyes, no....no one would hurt any Sam ever again.
HIS Sam, the one in the the new body, is still refusing to act the cylon.  There’s no need to tell any of them any information as they got it all when he was downloaded, but that also meant they all knew about him and Dean.  But to Sam, he was human, not a cylon, no matter how many of his own face tried to talk to him, he would never be on the side of the cylons, NEVER, and he kept himself locked away in lonely corners of the ship, perhaps having no choice to accept what he was but not meaning he was going to betray everyone he loved, even if....even if they hated him...even if...if Dean...despised him...and that thought hurt more than anything else.
Eventually, a party of various cylons models comes aboard Galactica with the intention of a truce after battles that have exhausted both sides, and the last one to get off the raptor, was Sam. Dean’s Sam.  He’d managed to convince his fellow cylons that any truce would be done better with him there, he knew them, not just from a memory but knew them, and they knew him, they had to see not all cylons were going to kill them.
He had to get back on that ship.
Of course no one was expecting a Sam model to step off the ship, and as Sam cautiously gets off the raptor looking around at all these people he knew, he locks eyes with Dean, and Dean can’t breath, because he sees the recognition in Sam eyes. It was his Sam, and suddenly his heart is trying to beat out his chest and the world around them has stopped as it’s just the two of them in an empty hanger, and Sam smiles that gorgeous, sweet smile, and Dean feels whole again. 
John Winchester, alive and recovered, looks at his “son” with  very, very mixed feelings, and Sam doesn’t fight back when officers put him in handcuffs, although cannot help but feel a pang of pain when his dad says “Put that thing in the brig.” He had shot him after all, this was going to be a long recovery.
Dean visits Sam and apologises so much for not being there for him, and Sam is understanding, he was revealed to be a cylon after all, oh he’s still hurt, terribly hurt, and Dean just wants to hold him, and tells him all this time without him has been hell the things he’s seen he just wants this all to stop and he loves him he loves him so much and will he please, please stay, stay with me, please, when this is all over, and it will be....stay with me, and Sam smiles that damned beautiful smile again and Dean is kissing him through the bars, holding his hands against the bars, and knowing nothing ever again was going to separate them, nothing.
Except it’s soon discovered the “truce” is a lie, unknown to Sam, and there’s a battle on board and all the cylons get killed, expect of course for Sam safe in the brig. But alone in his cell some of the guards decide to take a leaf out of the Pegasus book for revenge on those that were killed and go in with their hands down their trousers and have the terrified Sam held down and bent over the desk before Dean suddenly walks in and fuck everyone is dead in seconds as he bashes their brains in against the walls. He takes Sam’s hand and they run, planning to go into hiding together until a cylon jumps out of nowhere, one that had escaped the main battle, and it’s just at the same time Sam and Dean see their dad coming towards them down the corridor.  The cylon goes to fire at him, but Sam jumps on him, wrestling the gun from it’s hand and shooting it through the head.
Having now saved his fathers life, he’s sort of welcomed back, but people still find it hard to trust him, and he has to do everything he can to prove he is on the human side.
When the cylon virus attacks the firewall system he tells his Dad and Dean and everyone on the bridge that he can help, that he can stop the virus, but they have to trust him.  Dean looks to his dad, yes, yes trust him, and John nods, and Sam immediately attaches a lead from a console by pushing it into his forearm,  and Dean STARES at him asking how he knows to do that, Sam just looks at him, slightly out of breath with adrenaline, “I don’t know.” But it works, he fights back the virus and it goes, and he saves the entire fleet.
From then on, it’s continuing the search for a new home, continuing the battles and attempts at peace with the cylons, and Dean never letting Sam out of his sight again. The first time they make love again for so long, the first time knowing Sam is cylon, Dean just clings to him, whispering that he doesn't care what Sam is, because whatever he is, he is Dean’s, and Dean belongs to him, and they will be together despite any protests, any upturned faces, they will fight them all to be together.
And Sam smiles once more, only ever smiling around Dean. They were together at last.
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evwuniverse · 4 years
AP Mystery Room Package ~ Pina Colada
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IMVU has brought to us another Mystery Package called Pina Colada. However, this is for AP members only. If your avatar is not AP, then you are unable to take part in this Mystery Room Package. As a lot of you have seen, the last Mystery Room Package was a little disappointing for me, the first one I bought. So, I ended up buying more than one. This time around, I was not disappointed and only had to get one. Very similar to the advertising of the other Mystery Room Package earlier this month you’ll find banners that look like this;
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and this;
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If you would like to read my first Mystery Room Package Post please click the link below to teleport to it. 
Mystery Room Package
Costs $15, and you receive a mystery room and 15,000 credits in virtual currency to use in world. I always like these deals because, in the end, you are only paying $1 USD per credit you obtain plus a bonus of a room. I think these are great if you do not mind having a preference and getting a themed room and a bunch of furniture if you are an interior designer such as myself. The marketing of the room wasn't marketed as long or as strong as the first Mystery Room Package. Honestly, I feel like it has something to do with the package being AP related, and IMVU's main consumer base is teens to late '20s. Instead, after the ads only being around for about an hour until disappearing, they started a sale on upgrades and credits. It took me forever to find this room package again to buy it because the advertising just disappeared. There are a specific number of these packages that can be given out when I bought mine there were 814 left. Below is a link so you can participate in this AP Mystery Package if you wish too.
Pina Colada Mystery Room Package Teleport
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This time around the room I obtained is called AP Cavern of Passion created by 1DLovin. Here is my review of this mystery room. Ahead of time, Mystery Room Packages are randomly picked rooms that are made by users for users. These rooms are made specifically for these packages, and they get creators to contribute to the making of rooms for the bundles during certain times of the year. As we have seen, this is the second Mystery Room Package for June. Right off the bat of entering this room, it is a very fantasy and mystical feeling. You are in a cavern surrounded by jewels and a ray of sunlight coming in shining on a small cabin on an island in the water. There is a ship on the other side of the environment that adds to the mystery of what this room has to offer.
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When rooms are AP, this typically means that there are either sexual poses, furniture, or photos in the scene. On the ship, there are two animated poses, and the rest are places to stand on the ship. As beautiful of touch as the vessel was, I feel like there were a lot of potentials that were lost. They could have made it more realistic and added a bedroom/captain's quarters to interact with, seeing as this room is considered AP. But instead, we got steering the ship animation with the wheel and animation in turning the direction of the ship. A ship that does not move, but nonetheless, the animations are there if you want to use this room in a role-playing scenario. Fantasy pirates?
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Taking ourselves away from the ship for a moment, there is a little cuddle raft in the water that turns side to side. There are a few cuddling/cuddle poses (two to be exact but better than none). Along with that, there are some sitting poses which one is shown as an example. One of my favorite parts of this cavern is the gazebo. It is a beautiful conversation starter, and I've already used the room with three friends so far. I have gotten so many compliments on it, which I was not expecting. The poses are limited and mainly sitting, and there is nothing quite AP about it. But the environment sparks creativity, which is helping me write so no complaints there. If you're looking for somewhere to swim and spend your time in the Summer months, then you will love that this cavern has a lot of swimming areas in the water. This was unexpected, but a nice touch.
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While we are on the topic of water, let's discuss the grotto with one cuddle/kissing pose and many standing and seated poses. As beautiful as this grotto is, I am disappointed again that there was so much potential for it. Yet, it lacks in animations and poses. That is okay, though if you are like me and have a ton of extra AP and standard poses, you can spice up these areas that seem to be lacking. The grotto itself is delightful to the eye, and I do enjoy it more than I thought I would. The placement of everything in the room was very thought out.
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This cavern is not as AP as it seems for an AP Mystery Room Package. Still, for a room in general, it is incredibly versatile and pleasant. I can see myself doing a lot with this specific room. I think what makes this more AP is the fact that the boating dock can be found past the cabin with no cuddle poses and two seating places with a fireplace. Has drinking pose where the avatar drinks an alcoholic beverage and then lays down in a cuddle state. I love it, but if this is the only thing making it AP, why not just make the Mystery Package for everyone? Oh well.
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All in all, the room I obtained from this package is impressive. Its far from being AP themed, but there is so much potential. It leaves a lot of room for the imagination, and the possibilities are endless. This gives me so many ideas to decorate and make the cavern the way I want with my extra pose and animation sets, furniture for the cabin, etc. With a little tender love and care, this could be the perfect AP cavern. As an entire room, the atmosphere is fantastic and fits my style. I am not disappointed in the overall aspect of this room. I try to take part in as much of these as possible so you know if you’re getting the best “bang for your buck.”
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ebaeschnbliah · 5 years
In Sherlock BBC - and also a little bit outside of it 
While writing on DISTRACTION & CONSEQUENCES and CABIN ON THE MEADOW, involving Phil with his ‘explosive’ car and the Hiker with the bashed-in head, I couldn’t fail to notice that Phil’s unmoving car is a SAAB … which is a Swedish brand. 
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According to the informations given during the promotion campaingn for the Escapre Room, TheGameIsNow, Sherlock lives currently in Sweden. Since these aren’t the only occasions where Scandinavian regions are mentioned in Sherlock BBC, the suspicion inevitably arose that those references could be of some importance. Reason enough to make another little list. :)
TBC below the cut ….
Short definition of Scandinavia
The term Scandinavia in local usage covers the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 
In English usage, Scandinavia also sometimes refers to the Scandinavian Peninsula, or to the broader region including Finland and Iceland.  x
A Scandal in Belgravia
As mentioned above, Phil’s immobile car, which ‘explodes’ and thus distracts the Hiker who, as a consequence, is killed by his own boomerang, is of the Swedish brand SAAB. 
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The Empty Hearse
Mr. Howard Shilcott, the ‘train guy (and mirror for Sherlock), possesses important informations about the Underground station at Sumatra Road, which once was built but then closed before it ever opened. He wears a ‘funny hat with earflaps’ made of Islandic sheep wool. That hat becomes an object of significance when Sherlock invites his brother to play deductions with him, just like in the old days.
MYCROFT: The earlier patches are extensively sun-bleached, so he’s worn it abroad – in Peru. SHERLOCK: Peru? MYCROFT: This is a chullo – the classic headgear of the Andes. It’s made of alpaca. SHERLOCK: No. MYCROFT: No? SHERLOCK: Icelandic sheep wool. Similar, but very distinctive if you know what you’re looking for. I’ve written a blog on the varying tensile strengths of different natural fibres.
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His Last Vow
The main villain of this episode is designed after Doyle’s British character Charles Augustus Milverton. For some reason, in this adaptation, name and origin of the man have been changed into Charles Augustus Magnussen, who is now from Denmark. The fact that he is ‘foreign’ is driven home explicitly right at the beginning of the episode by the dialogue as well as the accent of the man, who is played by Danish actor Lars Mikkelsen.
GARVIE: Do you think it right that a newspaper proprietor, a private individual and, in fact, a foreign national should have such regular access to our Prime Minister? MAGNUSSEN: I don’t think it’s wrong that a private individual should accept an invitation. However, you have my sincere apologies for being foreign.
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The Six Thatchers
Mr. Kingsley, a client, thinks that Sherlock’s deductions, once explained, are actually dead simple. Highly annoyed, Sherlock spontaneously invents a ludicrous story and tells the shocked man that his wife is actually Greta Bengtsdotter, Swedish by birth and the most dangerous spy in the world. She secretly works for none other than James Moriarty and uses her unsuspecting husband as cover to hide her true intentions which will finally precipitate in World War III. 
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The first location Mary visits on her hiatus is Norddal in Norway. That’s a small place (ca. 1660 inhabitants) deep inside the Storfjord. Here she picks up a fake passport hidden inside the stonewall of a coastal watchtower. Her new name, Gabrielle Ashdown, is taken from TPLOSH, where Holmes chooses the pseudonym ‘Mr. and Mrs. Ashdown’ for himself and Gabrielle Valladon, the woman who consulted him in the case of her missing husband but is actually Ilse von Hofmannsthal, a German spy who pretends to be Mrs. Valladon. 
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The Final Problem
One of the very last scenes of this episode shows a man dressed as Viking, including the (cliched) horned helmet. He lies motionless on the floor in the livingroom of 221b Baker Street (played by Paul Weller). John bends over him and examines his left eye. 
Vikings were highly skilled Norse seafarers who raided and pillaged (like pirates) with their infamous longboats (also well known as dragonboats). They acted as mercenaries but also as merchants, who traded goods across wide areas of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, European Russia and the North Atlantic islands. Some of them even reached the North-Eastern coast of North America. (X)
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That Viking is not the only character in this story who ‘wears horns’. Furthermore, cow horns are also connected to the eye-goddess Hathor, whose other, dangerous side is represented by lioness goddess Sekhmet.
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The way this Viking lays there … one leg sharply angled at the knee, the foot shoved beneath the other, outstretched leg and both arms straight beside his torso … it’s a bit odd and strangely reminds me of the ‘dancing men’ drawn on the blackboard in the shot displayed immediately before this one. It almost looks like the way this man lies there could have some meaning. 
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And something else comes to mind: the way John bends over the Viking stunningly resembles the scene from Magnussen’s office in HLV, when Sherlock got shot by Mary. One could even say, there are three potential ‘pirates’ gathered in Magnusson’s bedroom in that scene ... Sherlock, John and ‘Viking descendent’ Magnussen. Interesting ...
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The Game is Now - Escape Room Promotion
With the cliffhanger of The Final Problem in mind and still no official announcement regarding a fifth series on the horizon, one could come to the assumption that the ‘TheGameIsNow- EscapeRoom’ event serves as a sort of interlude and somehow resembles a ‘SherlockBBC-Hiatus’ (hopefully). Isn’t it interesting that here too, Scandinavia seems to play a role?
During the conversation with Mycroft, in the intercepted message Nr 1, Sherlock mentions that he currently is in Sweden. 
During the intercepted message Nr 2 a map of Scandinavia is shown in the background with informations regarding its natural recources: iron ore, copper, zinc, gold, IKEA and uranium. 
Additionally Mycroft confirms a second time where his brother might be found at the moment: ‘Missing, rumoured to be in Sweden’ is written below a picture of Sherlock, kept in black and white, but temporarily overlaid with pink and green  (Study in Pink and Green)
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Scandinavian canon reference regarding the ‘hiatus’
In Doyle’s original story The Empty House, Sherlock Holmes tells Dr. Watson after their reunion that, for some time during his hiatus, he had stayed in Norway under a fake identity. 
“You may have read of the remarkable explorations of a Norwegian named Sigerson, but I am sure that it never occurred to you that you were receiving news of your friend.” (ACD, The Empty House)
Using Sherlock’s own words from The Great Game, one could say that, by now, the story told in Sherlock BBC as well as the EscapeRoom event have a …  ‘distinctly Scandinavian feeling about it’.  :)
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Some Scandinavian side notes outside Sherlock BBC
Not Sherlock related. Should be taken with caution and humor: 
Radio Times, November 2018:  Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss reveale that Danish actor Claes Bang will be playing Dracula in their new series. ‘Hell has a new boss’ says the headline. Strictly speaking, the boss in Hell is generally considered to be the Devil (maybe also his grandma :) but surely not Dracula, who is after all just a human who desired immortal strength to protect and revenge the ones whom he loved. At least, that’s the story told in ….
Dracula Untold  (2014) -  some quotes:
"One day I will call on you to serve me in an immortal game of revenge … to unleash my wrath against the one who betrayed me."
“This is not a game!”
"Oh, what better way to endure eternity. For this, is the ultimate game. Light versus dark, hope versus despair. And all the world's fate hangs into the balance." 
Vlad Dracula meets his creator         Let the games begin
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“You want me to shake hands with you in Hell? I shall not disappoint you.“  (Sherlock at Jim Moriarty, TRF)
How Dracula BBC came into being
“It came about several years ago,” Gatiss said. “We were filming  — we’d just started the third series of Sherlock, where he comes back from the dead, and we had to break off after two days to go to the RTS Awards (March, 2013) and I had a picture on my phone of Benedict silhouetted against the door of Mrs Hudson’s room. I showed it to Ben Stephenson, who was then the Head of Drama [at the BBC], and I said, ‘Looks like Dracula’. And he said, ‘Do you want to do it?'”  (RadioTimes, April 2019)
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“We’re gonna go all Dane“
The same article from RadioTimes, contains an interview with Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. When asked about their upcomming mini-series ‘Dracula’, if there will be more ‘homegrown talents’ among the cast, the producers answered the question in their most familiar way - with lots of laughter and giggling - obviously taking much pleasure in the announcement of their new ‘informations’.
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“No, no ..., it’s strictly Dane from now on. We're only casting over Denmark. I don’t think Denmark’s being sufficiently represented and so we’re gonna go all Dane.”  
Strictly Danes …. well, well …. I’m more curious than ever ... and extremely exited!  :))))  
On Scandinavian name-giving tradition
It is a well known custom in Scandinavian regions to create personal names based on the given name of one’s father, grandfather or male ancestor by adding the ending -son/-sen/-søn or -dotter/-dottir/-dattir. This is called a patronymic (while the same method based on the mother’s name is called matronymic). A good example for this in Sherlock BBC is the character Charles Augustus Magnussen …. Magnus-sen = son of Magnus. 
This kind of Scandinavian name-giving tradition is based entirely on first names. Just assuming though, this method would also be applied to last names, then ... a female descendent of someone with the family name ‘Bang’ could be named ... ‘Bangsdotter’. :)))
A last funny detail:  the subtitles for Sherlock BBC, Series 4 (British Edition), display the name of the famous Swedish spy, Sherlock invents in TST, as Greta Bengsdotter. The correct spelling of the first name of Greta’s father (used here as patronymic) isn’t Beng though …. but Bengt.
Bengt (female, Bengta) is the Swedish equivalent of … Benedict.   :)))
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As I said above ... to be taken with caution and humor.  :)))))
Thanks @callie-ariane for the scripts.    Related post by @tendergingergirl
Mai 2019
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maggyme13 · 7 years
Old Lady Part 13
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
SO , last chapter... I know it could be better, but I kind of lost the interest in the story but wanted to end it for you guys no matter what :) I will probably rewrite it another time but I hope you still like it. SO have fun reading and please enjoy. See you another time :)
The Plan had worked and now you and Juice were sitting, on his Harley in front of the little cabin.
"So this is where I will hide for the next couple of days? Look cozy."
"I guess. Lets get you inside."
It had everything you need, a little kitchen, a bath (with warm water) a small living area and one bedroom.
"I know it looks quite old, but I swear there is everything you need. The fridge is full and there is a bathing tube you can use. As long as you stay inside you can do whatever you want. But I need to go with you-Sorry.” The young biker explained.
“There is a bathing tube? Nice. Do you know if the others will join us anytime soon?”
“Unless something happen here, no. Your brother, Hulk and the others are looking for your brother and asking some questions.”
“I will take a bath then head to bed.”
“Do that. I am going to set up my stuff and then start the alarming system.”
After an relaxing bath you got into the little bedroom and changed into an pair of boxers and an old shirt of your brothers.
Whats that smell? Bacon?
Slowly walking towards the kitchen you put your hair into a sloppy braid.
Entering the kitchen you saw Juice standing in front of the stove making breakfast.
Looks cute.
“Morning Juice. Slept well?”
“Yes. Thought you might want breakfast.”
“That was actual what woke me up. Didn´t know you can do that.”
“Yeah. I am probably one of the fewer that can cook. Don´t tell the others, they wouldn´t not shut up about it.”
“Sure. No Problem. If you cook sometime while we are here.”
“I can do that.”
He handed you a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast with a genuine smile on his face.
You thanked him with a nod.
Sitting down on the couch you started the TV and changed the channel to one with cartoons on  it.
“Hope its ok for you. I am used to look cartoons with my brother from time to time.”
“Sure. One could think you and Happy are related by blood.”
“We hear that a lot.”
While the both of you ate breakfast Juice did something with his laptop. He tipped in words and numbers, when he grabbed his prepaid and dialed a number.
“I found something within the files we got from Caruso- yeah- yeah- I will send you the address. We are fine. Yes those are cartoons in the background- exactly what I said- I will call as soon as I have more. Yes. Bye Tig.”
You weren´t  able to hear Tigs side of the conversation.
Finished with your plate, you stood up getting back into the little kitchen area.
“What did you find?”
Juice looked up at this question but his mouth stayed open.
“Ehm- I found an address that is interesting.”
“Do you think there is a possibility for him to be there?”
“ If not we will get new hints there.”
“I can´t wait fir that asshole to pay.”
“How did you find out what the smiles mean?” Juice asked all of the sudden.
“He got his first one for me. A few years after mom adopted me, the Tacoma charter was in some beef with a local gang. They found out about me and kidnapped me. Took them 3 days to find me and when they did, I was black and blue. I was scared like never before and when I was back home I crieed a lot and wasn´t the happy girl I was before. Happy didn´t know what to do. He told me the man that did that was dead, and tried to make me smile. I couldn´t do it even when I tried my best. One day  he asked if I had found my smile again. When I said no, he said he would find it and then protect it with his life. Some days later he came to me and showed me his first smiley. It did make me smile. He told me he always keeps his promises and that this ink stad for his promise to protect me and his family. It just went from there on. “
You couldn´t hinder a little smile when you remembered the old times with your brother.
“Damn. You really are all in with the club business.”
“Comes with the family. So tell me, how did you end up with them?”
“That will take a while.”
“I have time and nothing better to do.”
And so he started.
It was day 16 of your stay in the cabin, when it happened.
Your Brother and the others had found out that your ex seemed to work together with the Mayans MC and they were on his tail.
Like every morning Juice had made breakfast when you heard a strange noise.
When you made your way into the kitchen, you were able to see your ex standing there, with a gun pointing at your roombuddy.  Who in return had a gun pointed at your ex.
Knowing this has the potential to end bloody, you stepped forward.
“What are you doing here bastard?”
“I am looking for you.”
“Here I am, now fuck off.”
“Get back into your room.” Juice ordered you.
“No. Do you have any idea with whom you started it? This is an MC. My Brothers MC and they will hunt you down and gut you like the pig you are.”
“No such thing will happen.”
“I know it will happen. The only question is when. You now, there is a alarm system and my brother and his brothers are on their way here. And when they get here, you will suffer.”
You wasn´t afraid of your EX and you showed it.
“I would have dealt with you myself if you would have been a man, but because you like to play you will wish you would have. Know do us all a favor and get on your knees.”
“Or what?”
“I will make you.”
You started to laugh and pulled something from under the table.
“DO you really think there is just one loaded gun in this cabin and that juice got it? Pathetic”
You aimed the 9mm and pulled the trigger.
A loud BANG echoed through the forest and your ex fell to his knees, one of them being shattered now from a bulled.
In the progress he dropped his own gun and Juice jumped forward, securing the unwanted man.
Just seconds later the backdoor slammed open and soon the room was filled with bikers. Guns raised and ready to kill.
“He is all yours.” You told your brother with a cold look in your eyes.” But take your time.”
The smirks on your brothers face was enough  of an answer for you.
“Get him to the warehouse. I have a few questions I need to ask him- in private.” Happy ordered the others, who happy obliged.
When they had left, you were embraced in a rare hug.
“You alright? I feared the worst when we heard the gun.”
“I am fine. Juice had him under control. I just wanted to have a piece of that asshole for myself. I wanted to hurt him, so I shot him in his knee. I am glad this is over.”
“Juice will get you back to the clubhouse. I will have a chat with your ex and then we will celebrate.
“Thank you.”
You kissed your brother goodbye and got on the back of Juices bike.
A smile graced your lips thinking about your future without your ex.
I should stay here. Should be fun.
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
BMW Discovers Joint Ventures Aren’t Easy
On paper, joint development programs, and the sharing of components and manufacturing facilities, always seem like a good idea. But as BMW is finding out, getting them to work smoothly in practice is a whole different ballgame.
Take the tie-up with Toyota. Project G29/J29—the new Z4 roadster and Toyota Supra coupé—seems to be going to plan. Both cars were engineered by BMW and both are, for reasons of parity, to be built by Magna. But a proposed jointly developed small-car architecture has gone nowhere. A classic case of Not Invented Here? That, and a handful of contributing negative factors like unfortunate timing, changing strategic targets, and a clash of philosophies.
Meanwhile, the on-again, off-again BMW-McLaren deal is… off. Again. The idea was to wrap the next-gen McLaren Super Series in BMW bodywork, dress up the cabin accordingly, and develop bespoke cylinder heads for the V-8 engine part of the mild hybrid powertrain. Frank van Meel, head of BMW’s M division, reportedly spent more nights in Woking than in Munich over the summer, but as of now the Anglo-German Ferrari fighter has been parked.
How come? “It’s a great piece of kit,” acknowledged a senior BMW manager. “But we came to the conclusion that it is the wrong car for these fast moving times.” The thinking in Munich now is BMW will go it alone with a car that’s more highly advanced in terms of the electrification of its powertrain.
There is, however, another Anglo-German venture that seems on track. Project Jennifer is most probably the last V-8 engine BMW will share with JLR’s Range Rover division, but it will be going out with a bang. The most potent iteration of the 4.4-liter, twin-turbo engine, dubbed S63, is said to be good for 640 bhp and 590 lb-ft of torque.
At the other end of the scale, BMW has recently started talking to Chinese automaker Great Wall whose luxury division, Wey, put in a surprise appearance at last year’s Frankfurt Show. The topic of discussion is UKL1, the front drive architecture that underpins Mini. The idea is to jointly develop a new cost-effective small-car matrix for production in China and, in a subsequent step, perhaps also Europe.
Assembly would commence in 2022 when the next-generation Mini is due. The line-up is tipped to include the three- and five-door hatches, Clubman, Countryman, convertible, and the Mini EV. The projected annual output of the Mini EV, codenamed U2X, alone is close to 30,000 units.
In total, we’re talking approximately 375,000 vehicles. Add to that related front-wheel drive BMW models, which should account for over 450,000 units by 2022, plus at least 275,000 X1/X2 SUVs per year.
Those big volumes mean this is a big deal. But there are big questions, too. Can a credible common denominator be found for German engineering excellence and Chinese cost efficiency? Would such an agreement upset the cooperation between BMW and Brilliance? What damage may a tie-up with Great Wall do to the BMW brand image? Watch this space…
Perhaps the most interesting potential partnership involves Daimler. The two were reportedly contemplating combining R&D efforts on brand new, fully flexible and scalable, convergence vehicle architectures, one for small to mid-size cars, and one for mid-size to large cars, including SUVs. It’s not the first time the two rivals have considered joining forces: Back in 2008, they were working on an engine joint venture until top management on both sides had second thoughts.
This time things looked more promising until the July 2017 cartel scandal, in the wake of which Daimler filed a self-indictment to avoid penalty. Apparently, Stuttgart did so without consulting its allies, including BMW, which subsequently broke off all negotiations. As a result, the joint program is now in limbo, and it may in fact be called off for good.
Even though enthusiasm for the project seems to have vanished in Munich, the opportunities may be too tempting to ignore. Preliminary calculations potential cost savings over time of $9 billion to $12 billion—per partner. True, a certain percentage of this sum would have to be reinvested to warrant the mandatory interbrand differentiation.
But, says a senior exec familiar with the matter: “The money we are about to invest in battery electric vehicles and digitalization must be earned by conventional products. By teaming up with another OEM, this immense outlay could be split in half, which would make a huge difference to the bottom line.”
According to the Munich grapevine, production would initially be in two new factories masterminded by BMW and Daimler. If hurt pride and tarnished trust can be overcome, this super deal could be only six years away.
The post BMW Discovers Joint Ventures Aren’t Easy appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2znpdOB via IFTTT
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years
BMW Discovers Joint Ventures Aren’t Easy
On paper, joint development programs, and the sharing of components and manufacturing facilities, always seem like a good idea. But as BMW is finding out, getting them to work smoothly in practice is a whole different ballgame.
Take the tie-up with Toyota. Project G29/J29—the new Z4 roadster and Toyota Supra coupé—seems to be going to plan. Both cars were engineered by BMW and both are, for reasons of parity, to be built by Magna. But a proposed jointly developed small-car architecture has gone nowhere. A classic case of Not Invented Here? That, and a handful of contributing negative factors like unfortunate timing, changing strategic targets, and a clash of philosophies.
Meanwhile, the on-again, off-again BMW-McLaren deal is… off. Again. The idea was to wrap the next-gen McLaren Super Series in BMW bodywork, dress up the cabin accordingly, and develop bespoke cylinder heads for the V-8 engine part of the mild hybrid powertrain. Frank van Meel, head of BMW’s M division, reportedly spent more nights in Woking than in Munich over the summer, but as of now the Anglo-German Ferrari fighter has been parked.
How come? “It’s a great piece of kit,” acknowledged a senior BMW manager. “But we came to the conclusion that it is the wrong car for these fast moving times.” The thinking in Munich now is BMW will go it alone with a car that’s more highly advanced in terms of the electrification of its powertrain.
There is, however, another Anglo-German venture that seems on track. Project Jennifer is most probably the last V-8 engine BMW will share with JLR’s Range Rover division, but it will be going out with a bang. The most potent iteration of the 4.4-liter, twin-turbo engine, dubbed S63, is said to be good for 640 bhp and 590 lb-ft of torque.
At the other end of the scale, BMW has recently started talking to Chinese automaker Great Wall whose luxury division, Wey, put in a surprise appearance at last year’s Frankfurt Show. The topic of discussion is UKL1, the front drive architecture that underpins Mini. The idea is to jointly develop a new cost-effective small-car matrix for production in China and, in a subsequent step, perhaps also Europe.
Assembly would commence in 2022 when the next-generation Mini is due. The line-up is tipped to include the three- and five-door hatches, Clubman, Countryman, convertible, and the Mini EV. The projected annual output of the Mini EV, codenamed U2X, alone is close to 30,000 units.
In total, we’re talking approximately 375,000 vehicles. Add to that related front-wheel drive BMW models, which should account for over 450,000 units by 2022, plus at least 275,000 X1/X2 SUVs per year.
Those big volumes mean this is a big deal. But there are big questions, too. Can a credible common denominator be found for German engineering excellence and Chinese cost efficiency? Would such an agreement upset the cooperation between BMW and Brilliance? What damage may a tie-up with Great Wall do to the BMW brand image? Watch this space…
Perhaps the most interesting potential partnership involves Daimler. The two were reportedly contemplating combining R&D efforts on brand new, fully flexible and scalable, convergence vehicle architectures, one for small to mid-size cars, and one for mid-size to large cars, including SUVs. It’s not the first time the two rivals have considered joining forces: Back in 2008, they were working on an engine joint venture until top management on both sides had second thoughts.
This time things looked more promising until the July 2017 cartel scandal, in the wake of which Daimler filed a self-indictment to avoid penalty. Apparently, Stuttgart did so without consulting its allies, including BMW, which subsequently broke off all negotiations. As a result, the joint program is now in limbo, and it may in fact be called off for good.
Even though enthusiasm for the project seems to have vanished in Munich, the opportunities may be too tempting to ignore. Preliminary calculations potential cost savings over time of $9 billion to $12 billion—per partner. True, a certain percentage of this sum would have to be reinvested to warrant the mandatory interbrand differentiation.
But, says a senior exec familiar with the matter: “The money we are about to invest in battery electric vehicles and digitalization must be earned by conventional products. By teaming up with another OEM, this immense outlay could be split in half, which would make a huge difference to the bottom line.”
According to the Munich grapevine, production would initially be in two new factories masterminded by BMW and Daimler. If hurt pride and tarnished trust can be overcome, this super deal could be only six years away.
The post BMW Discovers Joint Ventures Aren’t Easy appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 http://ift.tt/2znpdOB via IFTTT
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jesusvasser · 7 years
BMW Discovers Joint Ventures Aren’t Easy
On paper, joint development programs, and the sharing of components and manufacturing facilities, always seem like a good idea. But as BMW is finding out, getting them to work smoothly in practice is a whole different ballgame.
Take the tie-up with Toyota. Project G29/J29—the new Z4 roadster and Toyota Supra coupé—seems to be going to plan. Both cars were engineered by BMW and both are, for reasons of parity, to be built by Magna. But a proposed jointly developed small-car architecture has gone nowhere. A classic case of Not Invented Here? That, and a handful of contributing negative factors like unfortunate timing, changing strategic targets, and a clash of philosophies.
Meanwhile, the on-again, off-again BMW-McLaren deal is… off. Again. The idea was to wrap the next-gen McLaren Super Series in BMW bodywork, dress up the cabin accordingly, and develop bespoke cylinder heads for the V-8 engine part of the mild hybrid powertrain. Frank van Meel, head of BMW’s M division, reportedly spent more nights in Woking than in Munich over the summer, but as of now the Anglo-German Ferrari fighter has been parked.
How come? “It’s a great piece of kit,” acknowledged a senior BMW manager. “But we came to the conclusion that it is the wrong car for these fast moving times.” The thinking in Munich now is BMW will go it alone with a car that’s more highly advanced in terms of the electrification of its powertrain.
There is, however, another Anglo-German venture that seems on track. Project Jennifer is most probably the last V-8 engine BMW will share with JLR’s Range Rover division, but it will be going out with a bang. The most potent iteration of the 4.4-liter, twin-turbo engine, dubbed S63, is said to be good for 640 bhp and 590 lb-ft of torque.
At the other end of the scale, BMW has recently started talking to Chinese automaker Great Wall whose luxury division, Wey, put in a surprise appearance at last year’s Frankfurt Show. The topic of discussion is UKL1, the front drive architecture that underpins Mini. The idea is to jointly develop a new cost-effective small-car matrix for production in China and, in a subsequent step, perhaps also Europe.
Assembly would commence in 2022 when the next-generation Mini is due. The line-up is tipped to include the three- and five-door hatches, Clubman, Countryman, convertible, and the Mini EV. The projected annual output of the Mini EV, codenamed U2X, alone is close to 30,000 units.
In total, we’re talking approximately 375,000 vehicles. Add to that related front-wheel drive BMW models, which should account for over 450,000 units by 2022, plus at least 275,000 X1/X2 SUVs per year.
Those big volumes mean this is a big deal. But there are big questions, too. Can a credible common denominator be found for German engineering excellence and Chinese cost efficiency? Would such an agreement upset the cooperation between BMW and Brilliance? What damage may a tie-up with Great Wall do to the BMW brand image? Watch this space…
Perhaps the most interesting potential partnership involves Daimler. The two were reportedly contemplating combining R&D efforts on brand new, fully flexible and scalable, convergence vehicle architectures, one for small to mid-size cars, and one for mid-size to large cars, including SUVs. It’s not the first time the two rivals have considered joining forces: Back in 2008, they were working on an engine joint venture until top management on both sides had second thoughts.
This time things looked more promising until the July 2017 cartel scandal, in the wake of which Daimler filed a self-indictment to avoid penalty. Apparently, Stuttgart did so without consulting its allies, including BMW, which subsequently broke off all negotiations. As a result, the joint program is now in limbo, and it may in fact be called off for good.
Even though enthusiasm for the project seems to have vanished in Munich, the opportunities may be too tempting to ignore. Preliminary calculations potential cost savings over time of $9 billion to $12 billion—per partner. True, a certain percentage of this sum would have to be reinvested to warrant the mandatory interbrand differentiation.
But, says a senior exec familiar with the matter: “The money we are about to invest in battery electric vehicles and digitalization must be earned by conventional products. By teaming up with another OEM, this immense outlay could be split in half, which would make a huge difference to the bottom line.”
According to the Munich grapevine, production would initially be in two new factories masterminded by BMW and Daimler. If hurt pride and tarnished trust can be overcome, this super deal could be only six years away.
The post BMW Discovers Joint Ventures Aren’t Easy appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2znpdOB via IFTTT
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photomaniacs · 7 years
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Tips for Shooting Mountaineering at High Altitudes http://ift.tt/2wDqGwh
I recently dipped my toe for the first time in the world of alpinism, also known as mountaineering. I took part in a course teaching basic alpinism skills, and at the same time shot photos of the course for Mountain Network, the agency that organized it. I’d prepared for this assignment by reading up on how to shoot photos in this unique environment. Some of the tips I’d found on the Internet came in handy, but I also learned some things I hadn’t read about before, which I thought I’d share here.
Be Fit as Hell
Climbing mountains is hard work. The approach to the actual (alpine) climb often involves steep and sustained mountain paths and rocky terrain. Climbing the actual mountain takes you onto dangerous glaciers and through deep snow for very long periods. Going up will make you feel the pain in your leg’s muscles, while the descent can wreak havoc on your knees.
That’s not all though, the physical impact of these athletic feats is amplified by the altitude and thin air, making every movement harder. The last thing you want is to be so preoccupied with moving across the terrain that you don’t have any mental or physical energy left to be creative and shoot some great photos. Capturing great photos in the mountains means you’ll often want to get out in front of your fellow climbers or lag behind a bit, both of which require some extra energy.
Tons of books have been written on the subject of training for alpinism, but I highly recommend Steve House’s Training for the New Alpinism. For me personally, going for frequent 10k runs, doing some high-intensity interval training, walking stairs, taking long hikes with a heavy backpack and doing squats and step-ups to train my knees have worked wonders, in addition to regular training at my local boulder gym.
In the end, you’ll want to make sure you’re just as fit as any of the climbers you’re photographing, but preferably in an ever better condition so you have a little bit to spare and can carry the extra equipment you’ll be needing.
Modern Day Camera Batteries Are Tough
Before going on this trip, I expected the worst for battery life while shooting in these conditions. I brought as many as four batteries for the single camera body I’d be using. Little did I know camera batteries have become extremely resilient. There wasn’t a single day my battery dropped below 50%, and I was shooting about 1,000 to 2,000 photos per day. Granted, conditions weren’t extremely cold during this trip, but this just goes to show there’s no need to stress out about batteries.
I would advise you to try out how your own body and battery fare in cold conditions before leaving all of your spares at home though. If you do decide to bring an extra battery, remember to wear it on your body to keep it warm. If you go on a multiple-day hike and stay in mountain huts, it could be a smart move to take fewer batteries and just opt for packing a charger instead. This’ll be different for each brand, but I feel that a charger is lighter to pack than 1-2 extra batteries.
Take a Simple Kit
This one perfectly relates to deciding to leave some spare batteries at home. In climbing, every ounce matters and can make your day every bit easier. Believe me, you really don’t want to be wearing both a normal pack and a camera bag. It can be quite useful in climbing to be able to see your feet when trying to navigate between crevasses. This means any gear you decide to bring should really fit in your backpack or be worn on you. For me personally, one body with a 50mm lens was all I used for this assignment. In hindsight, I would maybe have also packed the second body and a wider lens I left in my camera bag at our cabin, but going with the minimally viable kit is a good attitude in alpinism.
Light in the Mountains is Easy and Often Beautiful
One of the things I really loved about shooting alpinism is the light I got to work with. Climbing big mountains takes place throughout the day, with each part of the day presenting its own unique light. For our final big climb of the week, we left the mountain cabin at 4 AM in pitch dark. Naturally shooting photos is pretty much impossible at this time, although the headlamps each team member wears could allow for some unique photos to be shot. Sunrise then presents some absolutely stunning views, with a dramatic red glow being cast on the skyline.
Once the sun is properly up in the sky, things possibly get even better. In normal shooting environments, midday is a horrible time to shoot photos, with the sun casting hard to work with shadows on faces and the environment. Shooting in the mountains is a whole different game though. There’s this amazing ever present white reflector in the mountains: the thick layer of snow that graces many mountains and glaciers.
With light bouncing from every direction, people’s faces are wonderfully filled in and no harsh contrast or shadow is to be found. Whether you’re shooting against the sun, from high or from low, light will hardly ever be an issue. The only potential downside to this is that the light can sometimes be a tiny bit flat and lack direction, making it hard to capture somewhat moodier photos.
Keep Your Camera in Hand or Wear it Diagonally Around Your Body
In climbing, there tends to not be a whole lot of time to stop and change lenses or take a camera from your bag. Especially when roped in, team members are interdependent and the pace sometimes needs to be kept up in order to evade bad weather or make a summit. This means your camera should really be handy at all times.
On easy terrain, I tend to keep it in my hand with the strap wrapped around my hand for safety. When the going gets tough and we enter more dangerous terrain where a fall could occur, I put the strap diagonally around my body, with the top on my shoulder and the camera dangling on the other side of my body. This way, I can use both of my hands for climbing and I can still easily move the camera to my eye to grab a photo. In addition, unlike when putting the strap around your neck, the camera doesn’t dangle.
Another thing I’ve learned is that professional camera bodies can take a whole lot of abuse. I haven’t been careful at all with my camera, putting it down on rocky terrain, in snow and banging it into a rock wall multiple times. It’s great to not have to worry about my equipment and treat it like it’s porcelain.
Be an Experienced Climber or Bring a Buddy to Walk in a Separate Group
Probably the biggest challenge for me personally was both learning the skills of alpinism and capturing others doing so at the same time. I feel that my photos could’ve been better if I’d been able to navigate all terrain autonomously to get to the best vantage points. Alternatively, having an experienced climber or guide dedicated to walking with me in a rope team to get to these best angles could also have worked.
On a related note but on a slightly more concrete and smaller level, it can be a huge benefit to be faster than your team members when gearing up. Putting on a harness, putting on your shoes and crampons, selecting the proper amount of clothing layers to wear and tying a knot are actions you’ll repeat endlessly and can be practiced easily. If you manage to execute these things faster than your teammates, you’ll have some time left to shoot some photos. It also pays to pack your bag and gear in advance.
Make the Most of Every Moment
I already mentioned this briefly in one the previous tips, but should explain in a bit more detail. Climbing mountains basically comes down to sustained periods of hard work, either walking or climbing. There stretches offer limited opportunities for photos, both logistically and creatively. Very little tends to change in terms of landscape and not a whole lot of action other than walking occurs. It’s the tiny moments of changing gear, shows of exhaustion or exhilaration and difficult sections of climbing, that will offer you a chance to capture the action and lifestyle of climbing.
If you’re faster and fitter than the rest of your group, you’ll be able to make the most of the moments when the action occurs. It also helps to plan out the day in terms of climbing logistics, and then figure out which moments will be vital to capture in order to best tell the story of the day in photos. This way, you may identify the moments where you need to be a little bit ahead of the group or change gear a bit quicker so you have some spare time to shoot photos.
Please note that these are just some of the things I learned during my first experience with shooting alpinism. I imagine experienced outdoor photographers will have many more tips to share on the subject, and I do encourage them to share their knowledge in the comments! I certainly am looking forward to shooting more climbing and can hardly wait to get out there again.
About the author: Bram Berkien is an active lifestyle photographer based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. You can find more of his work on his website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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September 05, 2017 at 07:05PM
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