#that combined with her years investigating corrupt nobles and those twisting the law to abuse
silversiren1101 · 1 year
💎💎💎 - what you decide to do with this is up to you? :)
[I adore Valerius you know. He's one of my favorites. Unfortunate, Mino has Opinions. Please don't interpret her opinion as my own because I love your boy, also unreliable narrator yada yada yada]
Minovae's lip curls in clear distaste, and her expression turns hard. "He's a corruption of everything I believe in and stand for. I've built my entire career as a Hellknight investigating scum like him and dismantling the loopholes they abuse to gain and keep power."
Her tail thumps the floor, feeding off of her growing emotions.
"His case could be my life's work, honestly. With his age, I could spend years and years tracking the wrongs he's committed across Golarion. Their rippling effects outward. Just how many innocent people have been harmed because of his... 'law'. It's revolting, and I shudder knowing that he's out there, like a festering Worldwound all in and of himself straight to the Pallid Princess's dining hall."
She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself, anger having taking to her words as a growl.
"Knowing his patron now, though, it all makes sense, doesn't it? This is all just a game for him, all for his enjoyment. I once thought him honorable and dutiful for the sake of actual law, but now I see the ulterior motive. When you worship a monster of a 'goddess' like that, everything is just a next hit for you, moments defined as flitting from pleasure to pleasure. He's cruel. He doesn't care who he hurts and kills. It's nothing to him. The fact that I once trusted him at all, that I thought him honorable and like a brother in justice before finding everything out... let's just say I would be honored to hold the headsman's axe."
Her words are delivered with all finality of said execution.
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