#that and mirror!spock's line reminds me of the romulan commander from balance of terror
favvn · 3 months
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Sometimes I wish that the episode Mirror, Mirror actually showed us how Mirror!Kirk reacted when beaming aboard the USS Enterprise because it's snippets like this that show that Mirror!Kirk has all of Kirk's skills and logic but none of the conscience to reign in his opportunism. He's hardly an emotional or barbaric loose-cannon. He's calculated, thoughtful (but not where other's lives or feelings are concerned unless they can give benefit to him), and disciplined.
In other words, yeah, Shatner chewed the scenery as always with Mirror!Kirk's outburst in the brig when it could've been acted with subtlety, and of course the Mirror landing party would have to be quickly seen as imposters so that the episode can focus on Kirk as The Good Guy, but the reality is that Mirror!Kirk could've played along just like Kirk did until he could arrange for a sneaky transport out.
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