#that and i'm going to be real i genuinely doubt nintendo is going to do that much for what the winning team will effect the next game
moogghost · 4 days
...so now that grandfest is over and the results were revealed am i allowed to say that some of y'all were such dicks to team present over their team choice for NO good reason ever since grandfest was revealed or am i going to get mauled for being right.
anyways congrats to the team past members who weren't assholes about their team choice and those team past members only every match against you guys made me feel like i was crawling in the trenches and it's very impressive 👍
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berryyummy · 2 years
Innocent Shy Boy Head Cannon
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Hi guys! I fell in love with Ethan after watching Scream 6. But It has a doubtful part. Ethan is GF, why did he take Mindy to the hospital? It would have been better to just leave her alone and join the family. It's nonsense! And I love him, but I can't stop thinking about what it would have been like if he had been a really sweet and innocent guy. So... Here's my hc! I'll add more as I think of them. I'm not good at English, let me know if there are any awkward expressions!
Elementary and middle school homeschooling. High school was hell for him. He came to New York with dreams of a great college life.
He lacks social skills. But he's cute and kind, so his flaws are covered. He's fun to watch.
He can be friends with girls, but just the thought of going on a date turns him into a squeaking robot.
He doesn't know how cute he is. If someone praises him for being cute or pretty, he will be embarrassed. He wants to be told he's handsome!
He's stronger than he looks,but he never gets a chance to show it. He often imagines lifting a girl's heavy load.
He has his first gay crush when he sees Chad, he readily accepts that he is bisexual. what? Chad is the real alpha male. It is the providence of nature that he is attracted to him.
Most of his clothes are too big or the sleeves and length are too short or too worn or have peculiar prints.
He can't do housework. He puts all his clothes through the washing machine without thinking about what he will wear tomorrow.
Fortunately, his roommate can share clothes with him! Chad is shorter than Ethan but has a wider torso. He gladly gives his dark long sleeves to Ethan. (Because it suited Ethan so well)
He can't even cook. The only cooking utensil he can use is a microwave. what he does best are peanut jelly sandwiches and cup noodles.
He genuinely enjoys hanging out with his friends, but meanwhile, he misses a lot in the internet world. Whenever he has free time, he sticks his nose into his smartphone and types at a breakneck speed.
He considers suggesting that Chad wear a Mario and Luigi costume to the house party. But it was dismissed as too gay and loser by his Twitter friends, so it's just a thought.
He obviously loves Nintendo. I'm sure he has all the Nintendo machines and game chips.
There are always snacks in his backpack. mostly Cheetos, Doritos, Pringles, Twix, Jelly Beans or Oreo cokie. Some days they're all in. Of course, he always has a tissue in his pocket to wipe his hands with!
He's the one sharing the snacks. He always reaches out with a snack bag to his friends without saying anything.
He is close to Chad > Anika > Tara > Sam > Quinn > Mindy. Quinn and Mindy uncomfortable him in different ways. Quinn embarrasses him and Mindy's suspicion hurts him.
"Will I die a virgin?" It came out of his mouth before he even thought about it. He considers taking a leave of absence.
On the night of the murder, he finishes his econ and returns to his dormitory to write reports and study for exams. He's worried about his roommate who doesn't come back until late at night, he texts, there's no reply. He assumes that Chad will be with Tara. So he just played some games on his laptop and went to bed.
Only the next morning he finds out what happened. Chad grabbed him by the collar before a voice could come out of his mouth. He's genuinely hurt, but the feelings fly out of his head when he hears that two of his friends have lost their lives.
He proves his alibi, but the charges are still there. He doesn't know what to do. He couldn't even properly commemorate the deaths of his friends, but he was accused of murder, And he's being chased by a crazy psycho killer
After being targeted by Ghost Face, he is unable to come to his senses. His sense of reality is gone and he is dazed and afraid. He looks around for comfort, but hides his feelings because his friends seem more fearful than him.
It's him who gets attacked by Ghostface on the train. Gf first stabs Ethan, who is an easy target, and then tries to stab Mindy, but Ethan is strong and resists for quite some time.
He was stabbed twice in the stomach but survived. He sees Mindy approaching him and bursts into tears he has been holding back. He cries loudly like a baby. Mindy soothes him until the 911, but to no avail, so she just covers his mouth.
The next day, he is still in the hospital, He listens to his friends that Ghostface's identity was Detectives Bailey and Quinn. He is so startled that his jaw drops.
Mindy apologizes to him for doubting him. Honestly at this point he doesn't care at all. He's just grateful that he and his friends survived. they all hug each other.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Wait I’m genuinely curious about the mechanisms of this - so I know about ao3 and copyright law, but what about zines? I think the earliest are from the 1970s but how have they, as a media form, survived for so long if they’re also technically breaking the law by profiting off an IP? I get a lot are for charity and companies would be reluctant to sue projects for charity but I’ve seen some being sold that aren’t?
And also what about authors who post early updates on patreon or have patreon exclusive fics? That surely has to break copyright law?
Possibly answering my own question but maybe it’s because companies don’t care about this but I also did live through Nintendo viciously taking down let’s plays because they thought it breached their copyright by disincentivising people from playing the games?
Companies can be really strict about their IPs, so I’m really curious as to how this is happening and how people are protecting their works.
Getting away with shit and shit being legal are two very different things. ;)
And, to be fair, shit being illegal and companies threatening you with legal action are also very different things.
The oldschool ones were not for charity. You could make a fair use argument, but most zines survive simply because rights holders don't bother to go after them. Small print runs of physical objects are often not seen as significant enough to bother with. Zine makers often argue that they're only charging because they need to cover the printer's bill. Some prices on old zines bear this out; others don't.
Plenty of zines did get shut down by rights holders, however, from big-for-sff-publishing names like Chelsea Quinn Yarbro to Hollywood types like George Lucas. The reasons ranged from "My historical figure vampire is super original and your random-ass zine is endangering my copyright" (Fuck you, CQY. I'm never reading a page of your crap!) to "I just don't like Luke/Leia for some reason but won't tell you why" (LOL). I hear Lucas went after horny zines in general too. I wasn't around for any of this, obviously, but there are writeups online, including on Fanlore.
I presume modern zines benefit from the greater awareness around fair use and around bad press from suppressing fanworks, but they could still be in danger from big rights holders. Being legal or illegal is less important than who has the money for lawyers. Sometimes, a fan can get a big corp to back off by brazening it out, but you have to tell them your legal name and go "Come at me, bro!" Who wants to do that?
Fic Patreons are not only on shaky legal ground, but Patreon does not allow that use of the site. It's a private company, not a public service, and it can pretty much do as it pleases. Here are the guidelines in part:
Restrictions We don’t allow creations and benefits that violate our terms or policies. You can learn more by visiting our Community Guidelines and Benefit Guidelines. A high level summary of those rules is that we don’t allow:
illegal creations or benefits;
creations or benefits that are abusive towards other people;
creations or benefits that use others’ intellectual property, unless you have written permission to use it, or your use is protected as fair use;
or creations or benefits with real people engaging in sexual acts.
If your fans include people under the age of 18, then please remind them that they need their parent’s or legal guardian’s permission to purchase an offering or membership subscription on Patreon, and that those under the age of 13 cannot use Patreon. We are not required to allow any particular person or group of persons to be a patron or otherwise access Patreon services.
Now, yes, they do make an exception for fair use, but I doubt they'll side with the majority of fanworks creators on their particular Patreon works counting as fair use. (Actually, they might be more lenient on RPF. That "real people" rule is about porn starring live actors, not about RPF.) They might rule in favor of the person selling their fic on there, but they very well might not, and even if you were willing to fight it out in court, you probably couldn't since Patreon would be denying you service on their site, not suing you. They can deny service to whomever they want any time they want.
I don't advocate tattling to Patreon simply because I don't think there's any social contract around respecting Patreon's wishes, nor are Patreons I don't back super visible and in my face. Patreon is built by people who get paid to do that; the extra ethical issues present on AO3 are not present here. I don't really approve, but I'm also not going to go out of my way to rat on people. However, I'm sure that fandom enemies of BNFs with Patreons do tattle. I'd advise anyone monetizing this way to have other contact info for their patrons in case they suddenly get kicked off.
Basically, people are flying under the radar, and then periodically, there's a big drama where a rights holder or hosting site destroys everything.
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amnesiacsleepy · 1 year
Alright so ive had time to think about it and I believe I finally realize why TotK's Sage system is so much more annoying to use than BotW's champion abilities (spoilers for TotK btw. i mean its been a month+ since release but yeah)
When you get a new champion ability in BotW, it's mapped to an appropriate button, or is the next best thing. Daruk's protection is a forcefield that is passively on the shield button, Revali's Gale is an updraft on the jump button, Urbosa's fury is a charge-attack upgrade in the attack button, and Mipha's Grace is a fully passive heal that functions like a fairy except it's a full heal.
All of these powers are set to their own button, making them intuitive to use. This even applies to the Master Cycle, which is a rune, which is a completely separate button, the L button.
In TotK, however, none of the abilities the sages have are passive. You have to run over to them, press A, and then you can use it (in Yunobo's case you have to press a AGAIN which really disrupts the flow of gameplay). The closest comparison I can make is Persona 4 using awful menuing and scrolling a bunch to Persona 5's use of unique buttons, except they did this backwards.
This doesn't even mention when you want to use one sage's ability, but end up using another one because they all go if fighting enemies even if you dont want them to. I genuinely have not used Riju's lightning strike since finishing the Lightning Temple despite how god damn strong it is.
None of this even touches on how much of a one-man army Link is, especially after grabbing a full set of attack up armor. The sages become borderline irrelevant (minus Tulin, he's AWESOME).
Even when you get a fucking mech that you can fuse thing on to like flamethrowers and rockets its still not worth losing the flurry rush and other faster and straight up better attacks you can do off the mech, which also takes battery power and you can still take damage on. And if you use it to get over gloom/lava then a hoverbike is just more convinient for how cheap and fast you can make them.
Something else I have a problem with is the Sage's Will system which essentially lets you deepen your connection with the sages for four per sage. This is supposed to mirror BotW's Champion's ballad quest, where you go around the map collection emblems for each champion and then getting a faster recharge tike for each, which I have my own problems with, but thats for another time.
Each sage bond you deepen increases their damage. That's it. It doesn't enchance their abilities at all, which is a real disappointment.
They could have made Sidon's water shield last longer/for three hits, to closer mirror Daruk's Protection. Riju's lightning could have become a fusion to your arrows, Tulin's gust could have blown farther, and Yunobo's could have created a bigger explosion or have him roll faster. But then, I guess the Sages would have had to become stronger themselves, which maybe that's future DLC? But we don't know now so I'm not giving the benefit if the doubt.
As for how to fix it, Sidon's could be just a bonus to your shield like Daruk was. Riju's could,as previously mentioned, been an arrow fuse with a cooldown.
As for Yunobo and Tulin, I'm not as sure. But instead if forcing them onto a button, why not just... make the buttons reprogramable like in OoT, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Wind Waker, the Oracle games, A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds, and MORE.
Why Nintendo did away with the reprogrammable buttons system is beyond me, but being able to put a specific rune/weapon/sage ability/throwable material/zonai devine/etc. would make things a lot more manageable.
The kicker is, there's already a SUPER watered-down version of it, with the rune, shield, weapon, and bow buttons. You cant swap what's on there in the sense you cant have multiple weapons or runes, but you CAN choose which one is used when you press the buttons.
But then we need to figure out which buttons would be reprogrammable, and I propose that first we swap the jump button to A like in so maby other games. Does it screw up muscle memory? For sure, but by doing this we can have Y, X, L, R, D-pad Up, D-pad Left, D-pad Right, and D-pad down as reprogrammable (you can manually put in whistle too I guess). This would free up a bunch of space for the player to put things, and allow for a bunch of freedom on what is put onto the reprogrammed buttons. To change them, you coukd just go into your menu and choose from there, whether its a weapon, a sage ability, or anything else mentioned above.
I'm not completely certain this would solve all the problems the game has, but I do think it would be a huge QoL. Maybe too big, they might have to make that system in a whole new Zelda game in like 15 years.
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spinnitegaming · 2 years
Digimon Story: Lost Evolution Playthrough Information
Hello, hello! I think it's time for a big explanation, huh?
Long story short, while I'm planning on only playing Dragon Quest IX for the blog while I have to wait for the Circle Pad rubber replacement for my New 3DS to arrive (information post for it will be posted shortly after this), I got tweet news that a certain Japanese-exclusive Nintendo DS game just got an English fan translation released to the public from a certain group called "Operation: Decoded". And to my shock, that game turned out to be one of the old games I wished I played as a teen, it's Digimon Story: Lost Evolution.
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Yes, I play Digimon games. Do you expect me to play only Pokemon games forever?
But on a serious note, along with watching a bit of Digimon anime like Digimon Adventure 02, Tamers, Frontiers, and Ghost Game, I played Digimon video games before excluding mobile games, mostly after I finished Pokemon games' main stories. Digimon World: DS, Digimon World: Dawn and Dusk, Digimon World Championship...
Before you ask, I know that Digimon World exists for the Playstation and despite the naming conventions, all of these games are not related to it in terms of gameplay. DS, Dawn, Dusk, and Lost Evolution are actually part of the Digimon Story series, which is actually their real title when it was released in Japan. I didn't know about this until I read more about them in Wikipedia and when I started playing Cyber Sleuth. Digimon World Championship, on the other hand, is separate from either World or Story series as it's only a glorified virtual pet on the Nintendo DS. But honestly, I had a lot of fun playing it despite I only train my Digimon by dragging them back and forth to each cage and that's the only thing you know about World Championship.
But back to Lost Evolution, as I said, it was the only Digimon Story game that wasn't released worldwide, probably because the last game before LS, Dawn and Dusk, got mixed reviews. Not sure how many were sold, but all I can say is that the other reason is how Jaiden Animations played Dawn for her video, and lack of Digimon knowledge aside, it wasn't very pretty to see her suffer. If you want to watch how she tried to survive Digimon World: Dawn, click here for her video. But does that deter me to play Lost Evolution after its fan translation is released? Absolutely not!
Just like Fantasy Life's playthrough, I will post playthrough logs throughout most of the game and will only post things outside of the main story, gameplay, and boss battles when something interesting is happening. And before you ask, I have a real DSi and I'm playing it through hardware. So sorry in advance, but you're still sticking with crappy photo camera photos.
The only difference is that I'm playing this blind for the first time. While I do have a bit of experience playing Dawn and Dusk including future games such as the Cyber Sleuth duology, I genuinely have no idea what the new features and gameplay found in Lost Evolution are. I don't know if GameFAQs have any guides posted about it, so whether they have it or not, I'm not gonna rely on it for the sake of getting through it fresh. Story-wise, I did see some spoilers on plot elements involving it when I was browsing through TV Tropes, WIkimon, and the Digimon Fandom Wiki. But honestly, with my attention span of a goldfish, I doubt I can be spoiled. I hope.
With that, it's time to start the game, but not before going over Dragon Quest IX next. See you in the next post!
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As I said the other day in reply to an ask... Here's a little check up on Seokjin and Jungkook which I have tried to keep brief and to the point... Because it was meant to just be a little check up (I'm trying to control my wordiness)...
Firstly, an interesting little thing... When I started doing these for each of them, I felt like I needed to ask permission. I usually do actually ask permission, but usually indirectly through their guides and guardians with my own acting as intermediaries... But this time, for some reason, I felt the need to ask directly. I saw this in different ways... For Seokjin, I saw him lying on a bed playing a Nintendo game and I stood outside the room and knocked on the door lightly to ask to come in, he nodded so I did. Then I sat on the rug on the floor and asked if I could check for any helpful advice for him and he nodded again, so I did. It was all at a distance and I felt the need to be very careful, cautious and respectful as I was being let in. His own energy felt very watchful and alert and I was very aware that if I overstepped I would be shut out of the room.
With Jungkook, it was different. I saw him in what looked like a white walled practice room, sitting leaning against a wall with head on his knees. He looked a little tired. I felt like I should come a lot closer than I did to Seokjin and I reached out to him slowly and spoke very gently, asking if it was OK for me to ask for advice. I didn't see him speak necessarily but I 'heard' him say it was OK (hard to explain, but it wasn't necessarily in audible words in any particular language... It was almost like he pushed the energy of 'Yes Ok' towards me). His energy was very open and attentive and almost eager. With Seokjin it was almost like I suggested doing a reading for someone who, while not opposed, wasn't really looking for it... Whereas with Kookie it was like I had suggested it to someone who had been almost hoping for someone to come along and ask...
Anyway... I've already failed at keeping this brief but this felt too interesting and significant not to mention. This was, I suppose, the imagery my subconscious conjured as a visual of my energy reaching out to theirs directly and how it was received...
Without further ado, what's going on with Seokjin and what do his guides want to say to him?
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The big impression I got from this reading is that Seokjin is being urged by his guides to take a leading role in pushing everyone towards their new objective. If you look at the oracle cards that came for him, he got Stone People: Vigilance from the Earth Magic deck and 'White Witch: be the light' and 'Lord: take charge with authority' from the Angels and Ancestors deck. I think these cards are the main advice cards here... They're telling him to play a major leadership role as the eldest. He's being asked to be vigilant of the others' moods and energy and to help guide them by being a positive 'light' in a difficult situation.
If I look at the tarot I can see that while he knows this and is trying, he's been pretty down himself so it's difficult. Still he's been putting up a valiant effort to seem positive and not give into cynicism in order to encourage his team. He's made a start at looking towards the future goal with passion and optimism and even though he's not entirely convinced of it genuinely himself yet... He's making sure to appear that he is.
Seokjin generally has a really healthy outlook and works his way through setbacks well so this seems about right to me. I think he listens to his guides really well... Whether consciously or not, he's definitely very connected to spiritual guides who try to keep him in a very positive, constructive state of mind. The main advice is that he'll need to be proactive and take the lead in pushing everyone forward right now because his role is being like 'sunlight'; of possessing a healing 'white witch' magic in the group. They need his particular brand of grounded earthy practicality and fun loving firey positivity and being that light will also help him push through his own doubts.
Now for Jungkook...
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If we look at the Oracle cards we got for him we see a focus on the earthly passings of the seasons with Autumn: Release the Old and Rest and Spring: Let your seeds grow. One card shows the sharp cunning crow, the other, a spry jumping bunny or hare (which is perfect for Kookie huh?). However, we also see a celestial focus with Milky-Way: Perspective which calls for him to see the bigger picture. The big message here is that he has to accept that unexpected things happen, change happens, and you have to let the past die and move on to new beginnings. Like how autumn turns to winter which turns to spring. There are new seeds to water and tend to right now, even if he wasn't able to reap the last harvest the way he wanted to. Try to see the bigger picture, let go of the past and move forward .
The tarot tells me he is well on his way with this already! We can see from the reversed ten of wands and reversed six of cups that he's already begun to cast off the burdens and regrets of the past that he was clinging to. The cards also show a dramatic progression. He starts off feeling like a powerless, emotionally immature child, losing passion and energy. So he turns to some spiritual wellspring. Through meditation and reflection he reached a kind of equilibrium which enabled him to work through this time of feeling dejected over the things that didn't work out... Knowledge that, despite what it may have seemed, his members were also experiencing similar emotions and regrets helped and made him feel less alone.
Now a new goal has been set (as we saw in Seokjin's reading) and Kookie has already made a real start on this in a physical sense which is helping to fire him up and get him out of the negative mindset he had been in for a little while.
Like Seokjin, what I tend to see with Jungkook is a lot of maturity and a healthy way of working through set backs. Jungkook also seems to have a strong connection to his guides, whether consciously or subconsciously, and they always help pull him back on track. I'd say with Kookie, a spiritual emphasis has come up for him before so I think he actually does consciously turn to spirituality for peace and clarity when things seen to go awry in his life and his connection to his guides will continue to get stronger as a result which is a brilliant thing!
All in all, these readings show a positive trajectory for them both. There's something new they've started working on that they've turned their focus to following the tour being postponed and they're trying to be positive and get fired up about it despite the circumstances. Let's all wish them, and the others, love and light and protection from all harm. 🙏 💜☀ ✨
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blastthatsadfm · 7 years
I just read your ask thing about Izaya and I'm super interested in what you had to say about Izaya in fanfiction! I'm not sure if you've written fanfic and if you have please point me to it, but if not do you have any how would you write him? Any ideas you're willing to share?
Oh, hey! That was really kind of you, to have an interest on that! First of all, no, I dont write fanfic. English is not my native language and I’m pretty awkward at it. =/
But I think you basically asked me if I had Izaya headcanons and how I would write him and here they go!
 - Izaya probably has read Russian literature, since he needed some use for that language other than to throw small provocations at Simon. He can probably talk really seriously about Russian Literature, the literary divergences that stems from it, the philosophy imbued on it. Its a heavy subject, full of contradictions and I can see Izaya having a fun time with it. Folks, Russian literature is The Real Shit, I know very little about it but its fun. (and depressing but ya know thats a whole other thing)
- I really, really love all of the potential that Izaya has with his little sisters, like??? It used to surprised me how little of it was explored on fandom and mostly on fanfics. I understand that everybody has their little headcanons about that, but I have no doubt those are siblings who deeply hurted each other and, yet, still profoundly love each other.
- Think about Orihara Twins sticking their noses on Shizuo/Izaya’s relationship. Think about them asking out loud Completely Innapropriate Questions, like “So did you guys had sex yet?? Kuru-nee and I were talking, right Kuru-nee?? And we got to the conclusion Shizuo-san definitely needs to get laid” and making Izaya Want To Jump from the window.
- LIke, my take is that he tries, but he cant mantain his composure At All in front of them and thats why I think they would have so much potential. I think this is why they lack scenes on canon; we inevitably learn too much about Izaya everytime the Orihara Siblings interact. Sad this isnt explored on fanfics, regardless of the plot.
- Its canon that he cares deeply about them and its canons he also cares about Shinra. And its not like this kind of thing isnt explored on fanfics, but??? Its always like “Izaya is so bitter and lonely, he’s trash hahahaha”, for once I would like to see or read some situation in which Shinra and Izaya would confront each other about the shitty friends they were for each other, and with the admission that Shinra is Absolute Trash too. And like, it doesnt have to be emotional. Just a step on their mutual character development.
- Guys I love Shinra but he is. He is Trash on Izaya’s level. Super weird this is never adressed too?? Narita himself indirectly addresses a bunch of times, but playing with the fact is Shinra’s relationship to Celty that makes him so likeable. But Shinra would be Just As Lonely if it wasnt for Celty (People werent on that hot pot because they were friends with thim, my buddy. LIke, how come??)
- And Izaya and Shinra would be, you know, rational about it?? And sarcastic little shits but they wouldnt get emotional over it. This is interesting too, their unspoken camaraderie.I really would like to read they being able to slowly rely on each other.
- People usually ignore the DRRR!! Characters background as, ya know, japanese people that live in Ikebukuro, and they forget they can talk about this?? Not talking about traditional aspects, of course. Just… 
- Is Izaya good at arcade games?? If Shizuo and Izaya are together, whos better at videogames and at getting prizes out of the claw crane machines?? (We see Chikage and his girlfriends having a scene close to one of those stores, at some point in the novels) Who get super competitive playing silly nintendo games?? (Both, its both of them). Which one of them reads mangas the most, and buys it every week?? Who are their favorite characters?? Do they have a favorite series, a favorite TV Show?? (We know Celty has fave tv shows, as an example) How come Ive never read a fanfic in which Kadota, Chikage, Shinra, Shizuo and Izaya embarass themselves at the Karaoke?? How would an Actual Date between Shizuo and Izaya be, in Ikebukuro?? Why must you people fail me like this??
- And since we’re at it, give me established domestic Shizaya; who does the laundry, who makes tea?? It doesnt have to be boring, with them it never is. Would they have a cat?? How would they name it?? Would they fight about having the cat and naming it?? The answer is yes. 
- I can see they slowly reaching a routine together, only just having small arguments over every step of the way and that’s where the potential for nice scenes lies, I think.
- Izaya has problems to go to sleep at the right time and Shizuo tries to find a way around fixing that. Shizuo is super shy when the Twins or Celty come to visit, Izaya teases him about it and tries to find a way to make him relax around others. There, we have little conflicts and ways to solve them! And it can be solved with snarky remarks, sarcastic answers, a little dose of sincerity and genuine care for the other, and look! We have a shizaya fanfic that its not a trainwreck.
- They really just need… good dialogue between them. Seriously, that’s all there is.
Second of all, I absolutely admit is very arrogant of me to criticize other people’s writing when I very much… Dont Write. I’m doing this right now since I got this ask, but as an artist I recognize the guts it takes to post your own work out there for the internet to see. Is very assholish of my part to just say I have a problem with it.
But well… I… do…. Its hard to say with which element I have a problem with cuz I honestly believe every plot can work, as long as well-written. 
But I think I have a prolem with the whole takes of either “Izaya is trash he sucks LMAO right??” or “Izaya has XXX disorder and his entire live is Pure Misery”.And when it comes to Shizuo is either “Hes brutal and hurtful and makes Izaya’s mental state worse, by never caring about him  or treating him right” which honestly  just fucking hurts. to read. Or he’s a uncaring friend or a uncaring boyfriend for plots sake in order to make Izaya hurt more like I’m tired, Canon!Shizuo is not an uncaring person, why cant I just have a fic in which they bake cookies with Akane or work out their issues or both!
But if it helps or makes any better I always make a point to leave comments and reviews to fics I like, I am a Good Citizen who leaves reviews! I just…. havent left reviews in a while because its been months Ive ever read any drrr fanfic. if you folks have recs, I’m really happy to hear about it. 
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